Tidings Dec 2018/Jan 2019

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Christmas on Christmas Island

Future Proofing Focus on staffing the future

Introducing: Penny’s book review RECIPE: FRIED WANTONS




26 Plantation Drive Bentley WA 6102 Phone: (08) 6250 0000 Fax: (08) 9470 2017

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Tidings Magazine is a bi-monthly publication produced and printed on behalf of the residents at SwanCare. Material deadline for advertising is the 7th of the month preceding each bi-monthly edition. To book advertising or for information regarding rates please contact SwanCare on 6250 0032. Please supply editorial contributions as a Word document electronically to tidings@swancare.com.au. Hard copies of articles can be handed to reception in the main Administration offices at Bentley Park and Australind Rise Any supporting photographs may be supplied electronically or as hard-copy prints.

Scenes from Bentley Park Art Group





SwanCare news

Reports straight from the village to you

Disclaimer In good faith SwanCare accepts articles, a small selection of advertisements, and other content for Tidings. However, the opinions and claims expressed in articles and advertising materials presented in Tidings are those of the authors and the advertisers respectively, and do not necessarily reflect the views of SwanCare, unless stated. No responsibility is accepted by SwanCare for the accuracy of information contained in the articles or advertisements. Cover image: SwanCare Physiotherapist Amit Kumar and SwanCare Kingia resident Nick Delgaso

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AUSTRALIND SNIPPETS What’s happening down south





A mixture of quick bites

It’s full steam ahead!

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RESIDENT STORY Art all-rounder Emilia Young

WHAT I KNOW The worst Christmas of all






Fried wantons

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OUT & ABOUT Photos from the Bentley Park Show


WHAT’S ON Events happening in your local area

Summer gardening


NOTE: Calendar of events is now available in the new monthly What’s On guide, which will be delivered to SwanCare residents. Call 6250 0032 for a copy.

Tidings Magazine



SwanCare News Board update

Well, what a year we’ve had. Since we turned that first sod back in September for the leisure precinct and care facility developments, things have been progressing with remarkable speed and diligence. Our builders, ADCO Constructions, are doing a superb job to keep operations on track with as little disruption as possible. That said, thank you to the SwanCare residents at Bentley Park who are so patiently bearing with the construction works and disruptions around the village. I am personally looking forward to celebrating the opening of the new facilities alongside each and every one of you. In the meantime, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. 2019 is shaping up to be a very exciting year indeed. Graham Francis

Free Christmas gift wrapping for Bentley Park residents!

Come down to the Auditorium on Monday 10th December, 10:30am-12pm.

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At the SwanCare AGM held during October, the Board said its farewells to two members in Doug Yorke and Julian Keys who both completed their maximum full terms of nine years. Both Doug and Julian were invaluable members of the board, and each made significant contributions to the strategic direction and governance protocols that have helped to shape the organisation and place it in the successful position that it now enjoys. Both Doug and Julian have been major contributors in ensuring SwanCare remains a leader in the provision of aged care and accommodation services. We wish them all the very best and whilst their presence at future Board meetings will be missed, they depart knowing that their legacy to SwanCare will live on for many years to come. The AGM also saw the popular reappointment of Etta Palumbo as chair for another year, who will once again be ably supported by Evan Nunn in the role of deputy. Both Etta and Evan have formed a great team and under their strategic leadership the organisation has continued to flourish, grow and prosper.

Nurturing senior-savvy doctors of the future SwanCare continues to work with Curtin Medical School on an intergenerational program to nurture senior-savvy doctors of the future. The Senior Citizen Partnership Program is in its second year of operation, with Curtin medical students partnering with SwanCare residents to build connections and a better understanding between the generations. A morning tea was recently held to celebrate the Program and welcome its newest participants. “Congratulations to all involved with this wonderful initiative,” SwanCare CEO Graham Francis said. “The smiles on the faces of our residents, staff and the students at the morning tea was priceless. “The positive energy and goodwill that was generated was certainly infectious, and I’m really proud that SwanCare has been able to support this great program.”

SwanCare staff service luncheon

Charity Golf Day a success

In October, SwanCare celebrated the milestones of our long-serving staff members. This year, 14 staff reached 10 years’ of service, two reached 20 years, two reached 25 years and one special lady hit an amazing 35 years of service. The combined years of service totals a breathtaking 265 years! Congratulations to all.

The 11th annual SwanCare Charity Golf Day was held in October with a fantastic $12,563.66 raised. Thank you to major sponsors ADCO Constructions, and all other supporters who donated prizes and came along on the day. The funds raised will be used to purchase equipment for SwanCare Waminda Care Facility.

New to the village? Are you new to the SwanCare Bentley Park Village? SwanCare residents are fortunate to be represented by the Village Residents Advisory Council (VRAC), the resident representative body that communicates issues affecting the resident community to SwanCare Management and Board. VRAC members roles include ensuring newcomers feel included in discussions that may affect their community. Part of the role is to welcome newcomers, so once you have had a chance to settle in to your new home, you are welcome to contact a VRAC member for a personalised tour of the Village. They will also answer any questions you may have. Below is a list of some of the council members and their contact details and availability for a tour. Please contact them to arrange:






Ellen Clair

Ph: 6250 0597

Monday afternoon

2.00pm – 3.30pm

Walking tour or SwanMobile

Jim Figgins

Ph: 6250 0470

Tuesday morning

10.00am – 12.00pm


Judy Mackintosh

Ph: 9472 0717

Wednesday afternoon

1.00pm – 3.00pm

Walking tour or car

John Jacobs

Ph: 6250 0504

Friday morning

10.00am – 12.00pm


The Council also holds informal ‘coffee mornings’ on the third Tuesday of each month at 9.30am in the Bentley Park Auditorium for residents to discuss issues important to them – all welcome.

Tidings Magazine


SwanCare News For as long as we both shall live You really get used to being together after being married for 72 years. SwanCare is pleased to have assisted Beryl and Ian Osborne to continue living together as they always have – in a double room at SwanCare Tandara – to the relief of the couple and their family. With the assistance of the SwanCare team, the Osbornes have now been relocated together just a few hundred metres from the unit they had shared for more than 24 years. Their son, Mr Alan Osborne, is thrilled his parents will continue to live together and feels fortunate for the support of the team at SwanCare. “When I would pick Dad up to visit Mum in hospital, he would have all his belongings packed ready to go home. It was a very difficult time and they really missed one another. We were concerned at the thought of not finding them a place together with the care they need, but we are delighted with the result,” Mr Osborne said.

CEO’s Coffee Club

Opt for emails and win

The CEO’s Coffee Club is a unique SwanCare event where residents climb aboard a bus driven by none other than SwanCare CEO Graham Francis.

Save paper and win by opting to receive your quarterly, monthly & fortnightly SwanCare statements via email. Each resident who supplies their email address on or before the 15th of December will go into a draw to win a $100 visa voucher that can be used in any store, just in time for Christmas.

The group then head off to a secret location (which is almost always a cafe in a lovely spot somewhere) where residents and staff share a casual morning tea and a chat. The next CEO Coffee Club morning will be on Friday, 25 January 2019. Please contact Karen on 6250 0010 to put your name down. Be quick, places are limited!

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Simply forward your preferred email address to accounts@swancare.com.au to update us and you’ll be in the running.

Village Happenings Bentley Park Show

Have A Go Day

From all reports and feedback the 2018 Bentley Park Show was very successful. If you would like to be a part of the 2019 Bentley Park Show Committee, we will be requiring a Treasurer and Secretary (minute taker) due to some longtime members retiring.

Thank you to the residents who came out to fly the SwanCare flag at the Have A Go Day in November. Have a Go Day is an activity/ information event for over 45’s and attracted a crowd of over 16,000 participants.

Please come along with your ideas – all positions only require basic skills and help is available. Our meetings are approx. one hour per month. AGM will be 9.30am February 13th 2019 in the Handcraft Room 2nd Floor Admin building. See page 19 for more photos. Maureen Grickage, Ph 6250 0580

Social dances Our last dance for 2018 was held on November 17th. We would like to thank everyone for their support this year. A huge thank you to Pam for guiding us through the line dances. Also thanks to Bev for our delicious suppers, to Frank, on the door, and to all the people who help in the kitchen after supper. The dances will resume next year. The date of the first dance will be Saturday 19th January. Thank you.

SwanCare held its first stand at the annual event at Burswood Park and plans to return in 2019. If you’re interested in promoting SwanCare please call 6250 0032 or email news@swancare.com.au

Thank you

Phyl Leavy

As the year comes to a close I would like to thank all volunteers who turn up every month (and those on call) and deliver the Tidings and What’s On Guide to all letter boxes. If anyone has spare delivery bags at home could they please be returned to either Ronnie or myself. I only have one spare left. Many thanks and Happy Christmas to all residents.

New website now live! A fresh new SwanCare website has arrived! Check it out at www.swancare.com.au

Sue and Ken Lewis.

Tidings Magazine


Village Happenings Swan Village Bowling Club The club recently lost a loyal member with the passing of Lloyd Jones. Lloyd was a member and the treasurer for many years. The club sends its sincere condolences to Lloyd’s family. By now most members know that bowling commences from the northern end of the rink. Registration remains at 1.00pm until we switch to night bowls. Registration will then be at 6.00pm on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Watch our notice board for the date when we change to night bowls, and for our next club outing in early 2019. The committee wishes all members and village residents a very Merry Christmas and a very happy and healthy New Year. Jim Leavy, President, 6250 0555

Fish n’ Chips luncheon Our October Fish n’ Chips provided us with a great way to celebrate the ‘Eagles’ winning the Premiership and what a great win for WA. ‘Fancy That’ entertained us and everyone was in good spirits. For our November luncheon we celebrated the Melbourne Cup by having our own ‘race’. We played ‘Pass the Parcel’ to the William Tell Overture. It was enjoyed by everyone and it certainly brought back some old memories. 7th Heaven delighted us once again with their wide selection of songs. Winners of our Luncheon draw were Don Reid and Pat Peters. Our Hamper Raffle was won by Jack Grayson & Beverley Howard. Congratulations to them all.

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Ceramic arts in focus Recently four members of the Pottery group attended the Ceramic Arts Association of WA POTober conference which showcased local, Australian and internationally recognised ceramics artists working at North Metropolitan TAFE, Perth. Potters demonstrating were Bela Kotai, Ian Dowling, Greg Crowe, Nana Bayer, Melanie Jayne Hearn, Robyn Varpins, Cher Shackleton, Stuart McKay, Elaine Bradly and Kasirajan Subbaiah. Nathan Bray also gave a talk on kilns. So much to see and do! Over the three days we watched throwing, slip casting, Nerikomi, sculpture, slump moulds, hump moulds, printing on clay, hand building and coil building demonstrations as well as being able to have small pieces fired in a small outdoor wood fire kiln. There was not only demos but we could ask the potters any questions as they worked and get hints on how to improve our pottery skills. We also were able to attend talks where they explained their pottery history and ideas behind their commissioned works. There was also a Showcase Gallery Exhibition of the potters mentioned above and other CAAWA member’s pots to view. Want to know how to make a pot? Come and see us on Mondays at 9am, follow the signs at Richard Cleaver Lodge.

Australind Snippets

Wow, it’s a hole-in-one! Congratulations to Rhonda Zanich who recently scored a magnificent hole-in-one at Bunbury Golf Course. Already four up after six holes Rhonda teed off on Hole #16. This is not her favourite hole with a bunker on each side of the green, so accuracy is a must!

Well done, Rhonda.

“The five iron hit the ball sweetly bouncing before the green then rolling towards the flag in the middle of the green,” Rhonda said. “All of a sudden the ball rattled around the base of the flag then dropped in. My match play opponent and I both screamed with excitement and we found it hard to concentrate for the rest of the game. “I was presented with a Hole in One badge, a magnum of red wine and my ball was mounted as a trophy and I will have my name printed on an honour board in our newly renovated clubhouse at Bunbury Golf Club.” Rhonda and her husband Brian have been residents of SwanCare Australind Rise since December 2012, having moved from Margaret River. Rhonda plays golf regularly through the week at competition level as well as for enjoyment but also has a busy schedule outside of her golfing passion. She and her friend and co-cook, Janice Harewood, produce a range of delicious preserves from locally grown seasonal produce, she manages the Australind Rise social club financials, and has cultivated a thriving vegetable and orchard garden in the village where she can be found on most days. But Brian and their family are her highest priority. Rhonda has been playing golf for 22 years and this was her first Hole in One. She plays off a 24 handicap. SwanCare and Australind Rise residents marked the occasion by presenting Rhonda with a bottle of Chandon Moët at a Friday sundowner, which was thoroughly enjoyed.

Tidings Magazine


Noticeboard Kingia/Tandara/Waminda Auxiliary There is no meeting in December or January - February 26th will be the next one. The committee would like to thank all members for their attendance during the year and we wish one and all a very happy Christmas and a healthy year in 2019.

Volunteers needed Is there anyone out there with 30 minutes to an hour at the most, free to help deliver books to housebound readers in Waminda? If interested please pop in and see Penny between the hours of 9am-12pm Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays.

Phyl Leavy, President. 6250 0555

Thanking you, Penny, Bentley Park Librarian

International Volunteers Day

Battery recycling

This year for International Volunteers Day SwanCare will be hosting a Brunch & Bubbly event on Wednesday 5th December to acknowledge and thank our wonderful volunteers.

Thank you to all who have been recycling batteries and other items. Batteries and fluorescent light globes should not go in the rubbish bin as they contain materials which will pollute the Earth. Spectacles and hearing aids are tested and re-used for people who cannot afford new ones.

The Villager of the Year Awards will also be announced at this event, as organsied by the Social Club.

New group Let’s learn more from God’s word together – inter-denominational. All residents are welcome to join us as we study the bible, worship and pray together. This group is not trying to take you from your current Church, it is simply allowing you an extra place to worship God. Best of all it’s close to home. After enjoy a cuppa on us. Where: The SwanCare Admin Building, 26 Plantation Drive, Handicraft Room on the second floor. When: Every Thursday at 10am.

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Allan Manning

Since I started collecting batteries for recycling in December 2011, I have taken many kilos to a recycling depot, including: • batteries (all except car batteries) • spectacles • mobile phones • hearing aids • printer ink cartridges • fluorescent light globes (not tubes) Recycling boxes for these items are located: • East of Adie Court in Richard Cleaver Lodge near the letter boxes. • Plantation Apartments foyer and the Administration Building foyer. • West of Adie Court in rubbish rooms next to the laundries. • Drummond Apartments foyer and Mavis Cleaver Court near the notice board. • Akora apartments. • Waminda near reception desk. My only reward for this is helping to protect the Earth for future generations. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Tidings Magazine


SwanCare Happenings Staff a focus With the impending opening of SwanCare’s fourth functioning care facility, SwanCare Ningana, recruiting the right people to support future residents is imperative. Existing SwanCare staff will soon be given the opportunity to express their interest in working at Ningana, followed by a wider recruitment drive to keep everyday operations at its best. “SwanCare has a strong reputation as one of the leading aged care organisations in Western Australia, for one reason – its people,” SwanCare People and Culture General Manager Fiona Millar said. “We want to recruit the right staff for the job – those with dedication and values that match who we are – a caring community here to support our residents.” At full capacity it is expected that more than 100 roles will be available in areas such as nursing, hospitality, maintenance and administration.

Project updates SwanCare Bentley Park continues to evolve as the leisure precinct and SwanCare Ningana take shape. Waminda Refurbishment All spaces are now reopened at Waminda and all activities operating within their final locations. While a number of works will continue, closures will not be necessary. The Waminda kitchen refurbishment will occur next year. Outside, the new garden space will complement the new Ranyard lounge and will be completed once reticulation is restored. Thank you to all staff, residents and families/ reps who have handled the noise and closure. A function will be held shortly to celebrate. Leisure Precinct Things are moving swiftly! The new multilevel carpark – situated where the maintenance shed once was – is on schedule. Footing has been poured and set and on its way skyward.

The fire ring main works are almost complete within the Phillips, Pugh and Lindsey sections. Thank you to all residents for handling the disruption. Reinstatement works to landscaping will now take place. Fire tanks and pumps at Banham car park are continuing with parking closed between 8am and 4pm Monday-Friday. Fire ring main works will continue along Adie Court and in to Bollig Gardens. SwanCare Ningana SwanCare Ningana is on schedule. The excavation for the basement is complete with concrete footings, slab and columns now being poured. Grocery Store/Hairdresser The grocery store and hairdresser is nearing completion – watch this space! For more information on developments, SwanCare residents can tune into SwanCare TV. Live construction works can also be viewed on Construction TV – see channel 102.

Tidings Magazine


Resident Story

An art all-rounder Get to know Emilia Young

Emelia’s poetry has featured in countless books

Among the new residents in the Bentley Park village is Emilia Young, who was born in Singapore, resided there for many years and has now ‘put down roots’ in Perth, where she began publishing her books. She migrated to Australia in 1997 and moved into the Village earlier this year. Emilia started her education aged five years, in the Chinese Academy of which her father was one of the Founders. She continued her education in the Arts stream and then began a 32-year career teaching High School English and Fine Arts in Singapore. She became Head of the Aesthetics Department, presenting candidates for overseas university examinations such as the UK’s GCE Examinations, and was appointed as External Examiner for GCE School Examinations, co-ordinated by Cambridge University. Emilia served in the Youth Festival Committees and Art Teachers Annual Exhibitions throughout her teaching career in Singapore. Some of her paintings are in private collections in the UK, Europe, USA, as well as Australia. In fact, her paintings of the four Uniting Churches in the City of Perth are on permanent display at the UCIC Office in Queen’s Building, William Street, Perth.

One of Emilia’s favourite artistic endeavours is poetry. A Poet Laureate and Life member of International Society of Poets, and conferred as Poet Fellow by Noble House UK, Emilia has poetry anthologies published by the International Library of Congress in the USA and International Who’s Who in Poetry yearbook, and a range of other titles around the world in poetry circles. Emilia has also published three books of poetry – and a website you may like to visit for more information. http://comax11.wixsite.com/emiliayoung Among other passions, Emilia includes travel - back to Singapore regularly to catch up with family and friends - but also around the world because she is curious about nature and different cultures. She told me that inspiration for writing poetry can arise at any time, concerning any subject, and occurs in profusion when she is travelling and enjoys something really spectacular, beautiful and/or different! She wrote the following words regarding her passion for travel: “To me, travelling is like achieving life’s lessons first hand without the confines of the classrooms or lecture halls. There are a lot of good peoples wherever we go. As we discover new places and meet new peoples, we discover the new ‘us’. In the short space of seven weeks, I was fortunate to have explored many quaint corners in the enchanting Mexico. I was also totally overwhelmed by the vastness and tranquillity in the prairie lands in North Dakota. I have had terrific interaction with the local people, sharing their culture as well as bringing to them swatches of the spaciousness and serene life in Australia, with ‘Ted Koala’ as my constant mascot. Travelling is not about the hotels, the houses and

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Emilia Young enjoys a range passions at Bentley Park

vehicles: it is about the peoples, the colours, the food shared and enjoyed, the cultures assimilated. It is about the specific moments at junctures of the sojourn that take my breath away whether at world’s wonders or mundane corners. It is about sharing the mighty love of God that teaches Faith, Hope and Peace to all men. Please enjoy my poetry in which I have sought to portray every pulsating moment at those sights that have made indelible marks in my mind’s memory.” Emilia also cherishes an active interest in sports, music, dance and the arts, watches the world games and staunchly supports the Australian Socceroos. However, cooking – especially Asian food – and entertaining friends through poetry recitals is also very high on her list of interests. She holds a deep-seated faith in God, as expressed here, which provides her with a specific perspective to her life: “In our innate attitudes, we find our weaknesses and our strengths, our hopes and our anxieties,” Emilia said. “The best service we do to men is to leave

our legacies of these views via poetry or prose, that the world may be enriched with humanity touched.” Girl Guides is also one of Emilia’s many interests, having become a first-class Girl Guide in Singapore in 1955, a Girl Guide Captain in the 1970’s, and Wolf Cub Akela and a member of the training team in the Boy Scout movement in the 1960’s. These days, Emilia is a member of the Burswood-Bentley Division Trefoil Guild WA Australia, and an active member of the Trefoil group in SwanCare. Overall Emilia loves living here at SwanCare, always looks forward to attending village events and is delighted to be making new friends. Story by Shirley Barnes

Tidings Magazine


What I know Contribution by Phyl Leavy

The worst Christmas of all From disaster to happiness In 1970 we lived in Geraldton with three small boys aged four, two and 10 months. Jim came home from work one day and said there was a position available on Christmas Island. It was for one year with a one year extension if wanted. I had never heard of the place but thought we could put up with anything for a year. Mid-December we left on a Phosphate carrier that had a few cabins for passengers (certainly no cruise liner) and took six days to get to the island. Most of the island is sheer cliff so there is no harbour or wharf area to tie up to, so ships tie up to buoys to unload all passengers and cargo by barge. The day we arrived was rough, so we were put in a cage which was lowered into a barge about one mile offshore on the leeward side of the island. “Just take what you need” was the instruction. How The Leavy’s son Peter investigates the Christmas Island crabs do you know what you need when you don’t know what is there!! For this reason I had done the Christmas shopping for the boys and this was left on board with the rest of the cargo. We were taken to our house that had emergency provisions - five of us, so five of everything. The following day Jim’s boss and his wife took us to the food store and the Chinese shops where we bought a few junky toys as it was only a couple of days before Christmas. We told the boys that Father Christmas thought we were still on the ship and left their toys there. It was nearly five weeks before we got our things off the ship. I can’t remember what we had for Christmas dinner but it was a very lonely day. After lunch we

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The rugged Christmas Island coastline

had a lie down until there was a knock on the door. Great excitement - someone had come to see us! Only thing wrong was they wanted the people next door. It was the most miserable Christmas I have had. We soon settled in to island life and it was a great place, especially with little ones. There were about 3,000 people in residence - mainly Malay and Chinese, a few Indian and about 300 Europeans mainly from Australia. The British Phosphate Company ran the island and the Australian Government had a Commissioner and staff, police, teachers and the post office. There was a hospital with two doctors, nurses from Australia, a dentist and they were all free to us. There were two schools - one run by teachers from WA and another staffed mainly from Singapore. There was a very active social club, golf club, swimming pool, and movies several times a week. We ended up staying for three years and would have stayed longer but couldn’t extend our time any further. The ship, Centaur, ran a regular service between Fremantle and Singapore and one Christmas day they passed in their passage, so Father Christmas went out from the island with a bag of coconuts for all the kids on board. I bet they all remember that! When it was time to return to Perth, would you believe the same weather that we had on arrival to the island held up our departure from mid-December until early February! We really enjoyed the time there after the first disastrous Christmas and have many happy memories.

Tidings Magazine



Fried Wantons

By Emilia Clarke



• Wanton pastry purchased from Chinese gourmet shop, one packet 250 gm

1. Stir fry minced meat with chopped garlic and parsley, set aside to cool

• Lean prime minced beef or pork 300 grams

2. Fill each square piece of pastry with a teaspoon of the stir fry minced meat

• 2 cloves garlic, chopped finely

3. Break an egg using the egg white to seal top of wanton, pinching the opening

• 1 stalk Chinese parsley, shredded finely • 1 free range-egg

4. Optional, coat wanton with the whipped egg yolk

• 2 tablespoons, coconut oil or olive oil

5. Set aside in freezer for at least an hour

Dipping sauce • Chilli sauce garlic, Ayam brand recommended • Sweet soy (kecap manis), ABC brand recommended

6. Heat deep frying pan with the oil on a medium heat 7. Gently put batches of wanton into pan 8. After 2 to 3 seconds when wanton skin turns crispy, turn 9. Do this with each wanton until colour of wanton skin turns light golden brown 10. Drain oil on kitchen paper 11. Transfer to plate, serve warm with dipping sauce aside

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Live Well

Summer Gardening

By Garden Interest Group, Bentley Park December and January are months for ensuring survival of your plants over the summer. Mulch, mulch, mulch to keep plants roots cool and prevent evaporation. Chunky mulch is best as it allows the water to penetrate, shades and doesn’t compress.

Often drooping plants will perk up once the sun is off them.

Only water, by hand not a fixed sprinkler, in the morning or evening when absolutely necessary (if we have an over 40C day or the reticulation goes off line) to minimise water use.

Water your indoor and outdoor pots deeply by dunking occasionally in a bucket until bubbles stop rising to the surface and drain before bringing back inside. Don’t forget to protect yourself by wearing a hat, use sunscreen and avoid working in your garden in the hottest times between 11am and 3pm.

Vegetables Vegetables to plant now include beans, beetroot, carrots, cucumber, lettuce, melon, onion, peas, pumpkin, radish, silver beet, sweet corn and zucchini. Hand pollinate pumpkins and zucchini if fruit is not setting by dusting pollen from the smaller male flowers into the centre of the female flowers. Prune side shoots of tomatoes and stake tall varieties. Thin out carrot, beetroot, lettuce and parsnip seedlings.

Other jobs to do Lift ranunculus and anemones, cut off dead flower heads and hang stems with swollen roots attached to dry under cover. Dust lightly with copper fungicide to prevent mould. Dead head roses. Trim climbers such as jasmine, honeysuckle, wisteria and hardenbergia if they are spreading too far. Plant dahlia tubers and gladioli corms.

Tidings Magazine


Letters to the Editor Making the move New SwanCare residents Cecil and Trish Cahill are glad they made the move to SwanCare - their only regret is that they didn’t do it sooner.

You feel they’re taking rather long, And do your best to push them on, For still you’re neither here nor neither there.

Prior to making the moving to Bentley Park, the Cahill’s tried out the village by experiencing a five-day trial stay in a short-stay villa. Cecil, who said prior to the trial stay was only about “10% convinced” he was ready for a retirement village, was won over by the friendly Bentley Park community and hasn’t looked back. Cecil said - “The village is turning out to be even better than expected. On moving date, a neighbour arrived with tea in case we were exhausted. We are both delighted with the move even if we have left it a bit late”.

But now you’ve really got the blues,

Thank you to Cecil for sharing and his poem describing his moving (literally) experience.

We now can raise a double chin,


The heavy moving finished after all.

The driver comes up with the news. The van hoists broken, he awaits a spare. All work has reached a sudden halt, You’re paying though it’s not your fault. And still you’re neither here nor neither there. Stress 1 and 2. Moving Out, Moving In.

And shout aloud, we’re in, we’re in!!!! It’s left to us to come to grips,

As you prepare to change address,

With endless in between road trips

Expect to suffer bouts of stress.

With boxes filled with what we can’t recall.

Unless of course you are a man who doesn’t care. No hope to take it in your stride, Your plans to manage a downsize, Remember you are neither here nor neither there. You move some boxes in your car, (The new place isn’t very far) The need to save on costs you’re now aware. Which means some stuff is packed away, And won’t be found for many a day,

I once remember having heard, That moving’s like a giant ice berg. Nine tenths of which is hidden out of view. Now we are left to ponder hard, What items we must now discard, Amongst them stuff most likely nearly new.. I wonder why we felt surprise, At coping with a real downsize It’s been a talking point for many years.

Because you’re neither here nor neither there.

You always think it’s far away,

Removal van is at your door,

And now you must front up and face your fears.

Then suddenly there comes the day,

Their hourly rate you can’t ignore. So cupboards empty, only filled with air.

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Cecil Cahill, Akora.

Bentley Park Show

Tidings Magazine


Letter from the Library Letter from the Library

Book review

Hello all, this is my first ‘letter from the library’ column where I’ll provide updates about the Bentley Park Library and share a book review.

I have just finished reading the book “The Sealwoman’s Gift” by Sally Magnusson who is part Scottish and part Icelandic.

Wednesday 19th December will be the last day the residents can borrow library books, collect requested items and return items that will become overdue during the two and half weeks that the library will be closed. The library will reopen on the 7th January 2019. Books can be renewed when you make your last visit before the Christmas break. Residents will be allowed extra books/DVDs etc to cover for that period. Please note, requests for other books/DVDs etc from the Victoria Park Library must be submitted as soon as possible. Wishing all Bentley Park Library patrons a wonderful Christmas and a healthy New Year and many thanks for your support of the library. A massive thank you to the volunteers that help me in keeping the library running smoothly. Without you all, it would be impossible. Best wishes, Penny, Bentley Park Librarian

Jumbled Christmas Cake Can you work the jumbled Christmas cake ingredients? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


20 SwanCare

I thoroughly enjoyed it. The Sealwoman’s Gift is about the eternal power of storytelling to help us to survive. It is set in 1627 when Barbary pirates raided the coast of Iceland and abducted some 400 of its people, including 250 from a tiny island off the mainland. Among the captives sold into slavery in Algiers were the island pastor, his wife and their three children. Although the raid itself is well documented, little is known what happened to the women and children. Sally Magnusson gives a voice to Asta, the parson’s wife, who is enslaved in an alien Arab culture, and there she learns to accept her loss of both her freedom and her children with the one thing she has brought from home; the stories in her head of sagas & folk tales, which help her and others to survive separations; agonies of captivity and accept other ways of life, cultures and loving. Penny

10. NGREIG 11. MUGTNE 12. NANIOMCN Jumbled Christmas Cake Answers on page 23 13. IXMED LEPE 14. LAST 15. RECIHRES 16. LNAVIAIL Can you help create 17. TSEDA 18. RAMCE FO ATRATR the next quiz? 19. ASDO Call 6250 0032 or email 20. NECSEES FO news@swancare.com.au if you can help. MLONE

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What’s On: Local Area Vic Park Summer Street Party Vic Park Summer Street Party is back for another year with a packed program of music, activities, stalls and attractions to suit all ages. Where: East Victoria Park, Albany Highway between Sussex and Dane Streets When: Sunday, 9th December 2018 from 12pm–8pm

Lego challenge free play at the Victoria Park Library Are you hosting the grandkids this school holidays and looking for things to do? Kids aged five–12 years old are invited to come along to a Lego Free Play event to explore their creativity and make new friends. When: Saturday, 27 January 2019, 2:30pm - 3:30pm Cost: Free

Prime Movers If you would like to improve your health and fitness Prime Movers is the place to go. With a membership of over 5,000 men and women, Prime Movers provide exercise for the active older adult.

Contact: Book online at www.victoriapark.wa.gov.au or call 9373 5500.

Curtin Stadium Active Seniors

Over 70 classes are held each week in the metro area conducted by accredited volunteer instructors. George Burnett Leisure Centre Manning Road, Karawara • Monday & Thursdays, 9.30-10.30am (instructor – Pauline, ph. 9365 2281) Leisureplex Cnr High & Riley Roads, Riverton • Tuesdays, 9am -10am & 10.15am – 11.15am (instructor – Meryl, ph. 9316 1534) • Fridays, 9.15am – 10.15am (instructor – Marie, ph. 0447 343 671) Cost: Annual membership is $15, class fees are $3, and visitors are welcome $4 per class. Contact: Visit www.primemovers-exercise. com.au or call 9386 2049 for more details.

22 SwanCare

Curtin Stadium Active Senivors (CSAS) is a supervised group program for people over the age of 50. The program incorporates weight training, balance activities and health education guided by trainers. Sessions run for 60 minutes and consist of your individualised exercise program followed by a group warm down. Open seven days a week. Where: Curtin Stadium, Building 111, Curtin University Bentley Campus Cost: Initial consultation – $75, single class – $8.50, 10 class pass – $82. Contact: ww.stadium.curtin.edu.au or call 9266 7870.

Seniors' circuit Victoria Park Low-impact class designed for over 50s or those commencing an exercise program for the first time. Where: Leisurelife Centre, Cnr Kent & Gloucester Streets, East Victoria Park When: Six classes are run per week: Mondays 9:00am and 10:00am, Wednesdays & Fridays 8:30am and 9:30am Cost: Class cost is $7.30 per session.

Where: The Digital Hub is located at 1 Harper Street, Victoria Park (old TAB building). When: Bookings are taken on the hour (9am, 10am, etc.) for a one-hour duration. Contact: Call 9329 4238.

Movies under the stars Enjoy a movie under the stars on a comfortable bean bag at Burswood Outdoor Cinema. Up-coming movies: • Johnny English Strikes Again, 4th Dec

Wreath making with Louise Snook Learn with two-time national art award winner Louise Snook. Christmas is just around the corner so de-stress and take a moment away from the shops to enjoy making a wreath in time for the festive holidays. When: Thursday, 6th December, 2018, 5:00pm to 6:45pm Where: Riverton Library - 67 Riley Road - Cnr High Road, Riverton Cost: Free

The Digital Hub The Victoria Park Digital Hub provides free computer courses and online training for the local community, not-for-profit organisations and businesses. Residents can participate in friendly, interactive training sessions to learn how to access and explore the online world.

• A Star is Born, 5th & 14th December • Bohemian Rhapsody, 7th & 19th Dec All starting at 7.45pm. Visit www.communitycinemas.com.au or call Ken on 0403 560 684.

Answers to the jumbled Christmas Cake (page 20) 1. Flour 2. Raisins 3. Currants 4. Eggs 5. Almonds 6. Sugar 7. Sultanas 8. Butter 9. Mixed spice 10. Ginger 11. Nutmeg 12. Cinnamon 13. Mixed peel 14. Salt 15. Cherries 16. Vanilla 17. Dates 18. Cream of tartar 19. Soda 20. Essence of lemon

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