Tidings December / January 2020

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Garden interests This season's helpful tips

A Gentleman and a Scholar Charlie Joseph


Updates from the Boardroom

What does 2020 have in store?




26 Plantation Dr Bentley WA 6102 Phone: (08) 6250 0000 Fax: (08) 9470 2017 www.swancare.com.au twitter.com/swancare

Blueberry banana bread - See Page 22

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Tidings Magazine is a bi-monthly publication produced and printed on behalf of the residents at SwanCare. Material deadline for advertising is the 7th of the month preceding each bimonthly edition. To book advertising or for information regarding rates please contact SwanCare on 6250 0032. Please supply editorial contributions as a Word document electronically to tidings@swancare.com.au. Hard copies of articles can be handed to reception in the Administration offices at Bentley Park and Australind Rise. Any supporting photographs may be supplied electronically or as hard-copy prints.

Girl Guides - See Page 16


CEO’S COLUMN Board update







Reports straight from SwanCare to you

Disclaimer In good faith SwanCare accepts articles, a small selection of advertisements, and other content for Tidings. However, the opinions and claims expressed in articles and advertising materials presented in Tidings are those of the authors and the advertisers respectively, and do not necessarily reflect the views of SwanCare, unless stated. No responsibility is accepted by SwanCare for the accuracy of information contained in the articles or advertisements. Cover image: SwanCare resident Charlie Joseph

2 SwanCare


General notices

Bentley Park Show Winners, events and more


Summer gardening - See Page 23

Bentley Park Show 'SwanCare Award Winner' Frances Williams - See Page 9

16 17


PENNY'S BOOK REVIEW 'Marked for Revenge'







Charlie Joseph

Nancy Keir

Lesley Foster Sudoku

22 23 24 25 26

Out and about - See Page 25

RECIPE Blueberry Banana Bread

GARDENS INTEREST GROUP The season’s gardening tips

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Travelling with vision impairment

OUT & ABOUT Photos from across the village

WHAT'S ON Events happening in the local area

Tidings Magazine


SwanCare News Board update

CEO’S COLUMN Many of you will know that SwanCare has a strong reputation for providing some of the best residential aged care services available. As the recent Royal Commission into Aged Care progressed, SwanCare was quietly going about the job of looking after its people while winning national awards and rolling out new innovations to make lives better. From my perspective, the Royal Commission is a little like the Hawke-Keating Government’s recession, it was the inquiry we had to have. What I hope is that the Royal Commission will provide the pathway to implement positive changes to the sector. There is no doubt that there are issues that must be resolved, and we continue to battle with diminishing funding, whilst seeking to provide continually higher levels of quality complex care. Hopefully the real issues can be addressed - and quickly. In the meantime, the headlines that have dominated the press of late inevitably effect the industry as a whole, an industry as diverse as it is large. SwanCare is an organisation made up of committed, dedicated and compassionate individuals who genuinely care and respect the wonderful residents that they support, day in, day out, seven days a week, 365 days per year. I am proud of what we do and our efforts, and at every opportunity will be sharing this with others. I hope, if given the chance, you will share this same positivity too. Graham Francis, SwanCare CEO

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SwanCare is proud to announce that the Board is being led by two passionate and highly skilled women. The Board AGM held in October saw Etta Palumbo reappointed as Chairman of the SwanCare Board and Kim Hocking appointed Deputy Chair. In addition we have: • Directors: Robin Watts, Julie Brunner, Evan Nunn, John Bardwell, Judd Dyer, Dean Lavers, Rob Wilton • Audit, Finance & Risk Committee Chair: Judd Dyer • Business Development Committee Chair: John Bardwell

Celebrating 250 years on the job

SwanCare is celebrating a group of staff members who this year reached significant service milestones - to a total of 250 combined years on the job. The Staff Service Awards luncheon was held on the 25th October where 17 long-term staff were thanked for their 35, 30, 25, 20 and 10 year milestone service lengths at SwanCare including maintenance, nursing, hospitality and administration staff members. SwanCare CEO Graham Francis knows that staff really are what has made SwanCare a strong local organisation since 1961. “I’m extremely proud that SwanCare has been able to cultivate such a great group of individuals that want to come to work and contribute every day,” Graham said. “Congratulations to them all.”

SwanCare operations update The Board and Senior Executives gathered for a full day's planning to consider the strategic direction that SwanCare will follow for the next few years. The industry is facing an increasing prospect of closer government oversight, combined with a powerful demographic shift. Our ageing, but longer-living population underpins a greater need for a cohesive and comprehensive future framework for both individuals and operators. From our perspective, the overriding challenge is to maintain quality and efficiency in operations against this uncertain backdrop. With uncertain revenue patterns, rising compliance and operating costs, and an increasingly informed and developing resident base; managing and planning for these challenging times won’t be an easy task. The pressures on senior living have never been so intense. It was therefore refreshing to observe and receive the validation that the next cycle of strategic direction for SwanCare will be less focussed on building and construction, and will maintain a strong and committed focus to our residents, their support, their care and their overall enrichment. This same level of focus will also be devoted to our own people, meaning our staff, whom will be tasked with delivering the quality care and support to our many residents, both current and future. In these times, it is critical that we focus on each and every element of operational efficiency, customer service, quality care and financing to find those things that might make a difference. It is our commitment that we will, through these endeavours, provide a caring community where every person has the freedom and choice to live the life they desire. The SwanCare Executive Team

Rainbows of colour make residents smile Wednesday is the new Saturday at SwanCare Kingia, with staff donning a rainbow of colours to brighten the day for residents. Nursing staff at Kingia have started Rainbow Shirt Wednesday, where the staff come to work wearing bright and bold shirts instead of their usual uniforms.

SwanCare staff letting their rainbow shirts shine

When Registered Nurse Vicci Donovan started out wearing shirts with loud patterns, such as the ever-popular pink flamingos, it was such a hit with residents that she thought they should make it a regular occurrence – every Wednesday in fact.

“When we started wearing them we had so many compliments from residents, and I saw it gave them something to chat about and improved their frame of mind,” Vicci said. “I always look forward to seeing which one they are going to wear, and honestly it brightens my day,” said Joan Stubbs-Mills, a resident at SwanCare Kingia.

Tidings Magazine


SwanCare News SwanCare wins national award We did it! SwanCare has won the national aged care award for advancing the skills of future doctors and nurses, announced at the Aged & Community Services Australia (ACSA) summit in Melbourne in October. SwanCare won ACSA’s 2019 National Aged Care Award for Innovation in Service or Design, reflecting two initiatives developed by SwanCare in partnership with Curtin Medical School and The University of Notre Dame Australia. The win beat various innovative aged care projects based in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria. Congratulations to all involved.

Charity Golf Day SwanCare have great pleasure in announcing a total of $13,705.00 was raised at the SwanCare Charity Golf Day 2019. Proceeds from the day will be used to purchase equipment for our Care Centres. This brings our grand total to in excess of $150,000 raised over the past 12 years. We sincerely thank our major sponsor, ADCO Constructions, as well as City Toyota for their 10th year of sponsoring the HoleIn-One competition, ETS - Electrical Testing Services, Lockton, and Thompson Surveying Consultants. Thank you also to those who generously contributed to our prize pool. Congratulations to all teams who participated on the day and made it the success that it was.

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Letters Week On 14-20 October, SwanCare held a week of letter-sharing to celebrate staff. SwanCare staff, residents, and family members put pen to paper, writing staff members letters of thanks and appreciation. Each morning of Letters Week, managers hand-delivered these special cards to our team members. For a workforce of less than 400 people, more than 800 postcards had been sent by Wednesday and a total of 1,300 postcards had been exchanged by the end of the week. Reflecting on the week, SwanCare Manager of People and Culture, Fiona Miller said, “There was a festive atmosphere around SwanCare the entire week. In addition to the postcards, family members sent in letters to staff. When people received a letter, you could see they were not expecting it and got excited. “It was wonderful to see.”

Finishing touches on Leisure Precinct We’re on the final stretch to the opening of the Leisure Precinct with SwanCare Ningana just around the corner. Work is well underway on preparing the new Leisure Centre. We will be slowly bringing buildings online as the furniture is delivered and the areas are fully prepared. We are planning on an opening party for residents in the upcoming weeks so that everyone can see the final product!

Leisure Centre encompassing 'The Club', swimming pool, gym and reading room

We appreciate your patience while we finish things off. We understand everyone is keen to access the facilities as soon as possible, so please keep your eye out for further information as we will be notifying residents about the buildings as soon as we can.

Indoor swimming pool area

Technology centre on its way SwanCare Bentley Park will soon be the home of a new centre that will provide a hands-on opportunity for seniors to explore and learn about the latest assistive technology products currently available. Funding has been granted to SwanCare by the Australian Government Department of Health to develop the centre, which will be presented as a demonstration house within a refurbished home. The centre, called the HALO (Home Assisted Living Options) Technology Hub, will be staffed by a full time technology education officer, and will be open to West Australians over the age of 65 years. Products may include any form of technology that is proven to help around the home and beyond, including reading aids, sensors, robotics, personal alarms and wearables, intuitive beds and voice recognition software. The HALO Technology Hub is anticipated to open in early 2020 and will be located within the new Leisure Precinct.

Tidings Magazine


Noticeboard ‘Tis the Season

Service fee calendar Unfortunately, some of the residents in the village were provided with the wrong service fees calendar dates. We apologise for the error.

Merry Christmas to all of our residents, families, staff and supporters. Wishing you all the joys of the season and happiness throughout the coming year. Please note the SwanCare Administration Office will not be open on December 20 and public holidays, and will be closing early at 1:30pm on Christmas Eve (24/12) and New Year’s Eve (31/12). SwanCare Administration

Free Christmas Wrapping To celebrate the festive season, SwanCare staff will be on hand to wrap your presents for you! We also have some supplies for SwanCare residents to make their own crafty Christmas cards. Meet us at down at the Pavilion (at the end of new Bowling Green) on Thursday, December 19 between 10am – 12.30pm. We hope to see you there.

Our next direct debit date is the 2nd of December 2019 and 14 days from then will be the next direct debit date (16th December), and so forth.

Battery recycling Did you know that batteries and fluorescent light globes should not go in the rubbish bin as they contain materials which will pollute the Earth? You can recycle batteries (all except car batteries), spectacles, mobile phones, hearing aids, printer ink cartridges and fluorescent light globes (not tubes) at these locations across the SwanCare Bentley Park site at: • East of Adie Court in Richard Cleaver Lodge near the letter boxes. • Plantation Apartments foyer and the Administration building foyer. • West of Adie Court in rubbish rooms next to the laundries. • Drummond Apartments foyer and Mavis Cleaver Court near the notice board. • Akora Apartments. • SwanCare Waminda near the reception desk.

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Village News

2019 Bentley Park Show Thank you to everyone who participated in making a successful 2019 Show.

residents, it is so great to have you show your work.

To Graham Francis our CEO, Karen Parker and Ronnie Deans who put up with my endless queries, to Maintenance, Office staff, I.T., Cleaners and all the other unsung heroes of SwanCare staff who go beyond ‘just doing their jobs’, THANK YOU.

Maureen Grickage Bentley Park Show Coordinator 2019 Ph: 6250 0580

Thank you particularly to everyone who helped out in the kitchen providing delicious Devonshire teas. Also, lunches for everyone who was working on the day. This doesn’t just happen, it takes a lot of work from dedicated helpers. So thank you Jan Stone and Sue Lewis and your merry band of assistants. Sadly we are saying farewell to Jan and Sue who have worked on the Show Committee for the last four years, which is quite a stint! Thank you for all your hard work. We also say goodbye to Shirley Barnes who helped us out this year with the publicity area for the show, thank you for a job so well done Shirley. So that leaves us with three vacancies for the Bentley Park Show Committee for 2020. Please think about joining us for next year. We have one meeting a month on the second Wednesday at 9.30am, starting 12th February 2020. The meetings usually last one hour. The weekend of the Show is very busy but it is truly worth the effort. Please contact me if you’re interested. THANK YOU all the Stewards, Helpers, Judges, Friends, and Relatives who came along and assisted to get the Show off the ground and presented so very well. Last, but by no means least, to all the entrants without you it would be a very boring Show. With a particular thank you to Waminda

Award Winners 2019 Bentley Park Show SwanCare Award Victoria Park Award Committee Award Over 90 Year Award

Frances Williams Noelene Barnes Susan Lewis Joan White

Section Winners Art Arts / Crafts Recycling Cooking Crochet Floral Art / Pot Plants Jams / Preserves Knitting Needlework Quilting / Patchwork Photography Veg /Fruit Pottery Hobby Ceramics Woodwork

Malcolm McCoul Susan Lewis Jill Parsons Phyl Leavy R. Hollier, T. Kampem, F. Williams Fran Williams Joan White Sylvia Walton S. Walton, A. Henderson Marion Pitcher Robin Hollier Harry Webster Noelene Barnes Kathleen Hudson Jim Leavy

Sponsored Awards Viewer’s Art Choice Best Garden 2019 Garden Runner Up

Robin Hollier Harry Webster Maureen Wymalen

Tidings Magazine


Village News Swan Village Bowling Club Construction of the Leisure Precinct is now complete and the bowling rink and surrounds look great. The club has finally moved back to the outdoor rink with a new premises and a resurfaced green. With summer now upon us, Bowling has moved to our summertime schedule of starting at 6.oopm on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Both long-time and new residents are most welcome to join us for a pleasant evening of bowls. Jim Leavy, President

Kingia/Tandara/Waminda Auxilliary The October meeting was followed by a fashion parade by Kimbo’s fashions (see page 25 for photos). Four members volunteered as models and did a wonderful job. The November meeting is on 26th and followed by the AGM. This will be over by the time you read this so let’s hope we have a few new faces on the committee to take us through 2020. There is no meeting in December or January, so from the present committee we wish all members and visitors a very happy and healthy Christmas and we hope to see you all back again in the new year. Phyl Leavy, President

Plantation Apartments Turn 12 Season’s greetings from the Village Residents’ Advisory Council

SwanCare's Administration team joined in the fun

Residents from Plantation Apartments enjoyed an afternoon tea to celebrate their 12th birthday. The day started with glorious sun shining, the table was presented with sandwiches and cream sponge cakes with a 3.00pm start to the celebrations. Everyone was seated and enjoying themselves when suddenly the heavens opened and we were forced to retreat to the passage ways. New apartment owners were welcomed and with nine weeks to Christmas, good wishes were shared. Everyone had a great time at our party.

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The VRAC has had a busy year, with a lot of focus naturally falling on to the new developments. We also needed to change the operating procedures for the Council, which took a little while to complete. We have been discussing how the Council can be more active in our main role of communication between residents and administration. We would welcome any ideas from residents which would improve the development of our community. Also, there are also ongoing vacancies on the Council, so consider joining us for next year! We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. From your VRAC: Shirley Barnes, Ellen Clair, Jenny Dawson, Jim Figgins, Judith Mackintosh, Barry Williams

Fish n Chips on Stratton We had a wonderful concert in October with Flashback Duo filling in for Brett Nosworthy. John & Wayne from the 'Perfect Storm Duo' didn't disappoint us in November. Their choice of music was enjoyed by everyone. Our concert on Friday 6th December will be our final concert for the year and our entertainers will be Blue Diamond.

Cost is $15.00 which includes drinks, (red & white wine, beer, soft drink & juice) nibbles, and fish and chips served with a fresh garden salad. One hour of entertainment is followed by a delicious afternoon tea. Bookings can be made on the day for the following month or by phoning Lesley and leaving a message on her answering machine. Lesley will return your call ASAP. Phone No. 6250 0590.

Our first concert for 2020 will be on Friday 7th February 2020. We have an exciting new group called 'Bling' to entertain us. They are a group of three ladies who sing in harmony.

The Committee would like to thank you all for supporting us throughout 2019 and wish you all a Very Happy Christmas & New Year.

Come along and enjoy this very popular event which is held on the 1st Friday of each month.

Fish n Chips on Stratton Committee

See you in the Auditorium in February, 2020

Residents enjoying the luncheon

Tidings Magazine


Village News What's in a name?

been an inspiration even when we drive him to distraction! In April 2018 we decided to have a Christmas Concert. So we had a goal, something to work towards. The Choir was working well, we had Baritones and Altos and Sopranos. Sadly at this time we lost one of our Baritones, Bob went to the Big Choir in the sky. So imagine our surprise when Frank walked in with his long white hair and beard looking for all the world like Bob.

The SwanCare Allsorts Choir

It started as an idea three years ago. I like to sing - not very well - but it’s only me listening. Talking to others in the village I realised there are many just like me who like to sing. I twittered on about starting a choir for about 12 months, until one day, I put a notice in ‘Whats On’ and three people turned up! Not a very good start to what I hoped would be a Choir. It was decided to put another notice in the paper and on the noticeboard. That was much better, we got five people! This was not working the way I had thought it would. So I rang Bernard Carney who is the Musical Director of Vic Park, overseeing lots of choirs and concerts and he really knows what it is all about. He said stop having meetings and just SING! Simple really when you think about it! The next gathering (not meeting) in the old Stratton Centre we had 12 to 15 people. Wow, this might just work! But best of all we had Laurie Hudson. Laurie just got on the piano and played and we all had a great old sing-a-long. It was a start. A choir is not a sing-a-long and everyone agreed we wanted to be a CHOIR. So we would need a musical director or somebody who knew what they were doing. I had the enthusiasm but that’s about as far as it goes. One of our group was a very quietly spoken gentleman with a beautiful voice (one of the few of us who could sing) and of a military bearing, with lots of experience with bands and choirs! I could hardly believe it. He was prepared to take us on! The down side was we lost him as a singer but we needed his direction more, so Harry became our director/conductor. He may have had some misgivings, still has I think, but has 12 SwanCare

Frank is our Aussie larrikin Baritone, you can’t get much more Aussie than Frank, who has a lovely deep voice but insists on trying to out sing the Sopranos. Then there is Con who like lots of others was tone deaf and had never sung. But now sings with the best of them, and makes us laugh. We have a 90ish Soprano who can sing higher than any of us, can’t you Doreen? We have all improved, thanks to Harry for giving us the confidence to ‘have a go.’ I would like to mention everyone personally but this would be an epic of War and Peace proportions. I am so proud to know everyone in this Choir. Our struggles are shared and everyone is a friend just because we like to sing. We started off as a group of oldies who thought they might like to sing, and now we are a choir! We have even done a ‘gig’ at another retirement village - we will go anywhere when they offer us food! We also ‘flash mobbed’ the SwanCare stand at Carousel Shopping Centre and sang very impromptu which was great fun. Although we have eight male voices we can always use more, so gents come and have a go. Age is no barrier. We will be ready for our Christmas Concert this year. Come and listen, you may be pleasantly surprised. At the least you can enjoy afternoon tea. We had 25 people in the Choir and were trying to think of a name for it. Something different, something that would convey who we are. I was at a meeting for something or other and someone asked how the Choir was going. I said "Yes, really well". They then asked who was in the Choir? Allsorts I said… and there it was The SwanCare Allsorts Choir was born. Just because we like to SING. Maureen Grickage, Chief Gopher

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Australind Snippets Bee-llissima! The humble honey bee is vital for human survival, for without bees our gardens would be bare and our plates empty. Peter Gooch, SwanCare Australind Rise Resident, is no stranger to this concept and enjoys the benefits of being the resident bee keeper. Peter has had a 35-year history beekeeping, bringing a hive with him from his previous home in Port Hedland, to a home in Dawesville, and now residing at SwanCare Australind Rise.

The first batch of honey is on sale now

“I started beekeeping in Port Hedland when a local teacher asked if he could put a beehive in my yard. A year later he retired and moved back to Perth, so he asked me if I wanted two hives. That was the start of beekeeping for me,” Peter said. “Bees are just amazing, I really enjoy watching them at work.” Peter has shared his passion with wife of 50 years, Sandra, plus their four children, eight grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

The hive produces up to 18kg of honey per week

Peter and his bees are currently producing pure raw honey that is not heat treated, which in simple terms means that it retains all the nutrients and antioxidants that you cannot find in shop bought honey. “I have a Flow Hive so I can simply extract the honey and filter it, which can be up to 18kg of honey per week in spring when the flowers are in bloom!” Peter said. “At Australind Rise we have several fruit trees and a vegie patch so bees are of great help pollinating the plants, and we also have the benefit of their honey and honeycomb. I would like to take this opportunity to thank SwanCare and the SwanCare Australind Rise residents for allowing me to have the hive.” Peter will be selling the honey in the Australind Rise kitchen at about half the cost elsewhere. All proceeds will go to The Cancer Council WA and the SwanCare Australind Rise Social Club. Collecting honey from the hive

14 SwanCare

Doing our bit By Margaret Robinson The residents of SwanCare Australind Rise take the impact of waste on our environment very seriously. Even before the recent introduction of the three bin kerbside collection system by our local shire, our residents were well ahead in ways of minimising our footprint on the environment through reducing the volume of household rubbish going to landfill. With a portion of land currently available to cultivate on our site, we’ve got right behind our savvy resident gardeners in establishing a thriving community garden and orchard, producing an array of fresh handpicked fruit and vegetables that are generously shared with neighbours. And what better way to manage waste within the village than to set up worm farms and compost bins to receive all the kitchen scraps and other compostable material, thus creating a ready source of nutrients for the veggie garden to complete the cycle towards grow-your-own self-sufficiency.

Feeding time at the worm farm

printer to produce prosthetic hands for those in need. The key to success of our onsite waste management system is convenience. The closeness of the collection points to the homes supports the effort in making responsible waste management decisions every day.

Our 'resident worms' are obviously enjoying village life. Their numbers have multiplied several times since their arrival nearly two years ago, thanks to their carer, Kevin, our maintenance supervisor and resident of Australind Rise.

Education and opportunities provided through our collaborative relationship with the Regional Waste Management Authority, involving three local shires including our own Shire of Harvey, have allowed our community to see the bigger picture in the positive results of our efforts.

Residents have also thrown their full support around non-compostable recycling. Batteries and printer cartridges are collected by a volunteer resident and sent off for recycling. A collection point for e-waste is located within the village disposal of electronic items such as computer components and printers. Aerosol containers, another enemy of landfill, also have their own collection bin for appropriate disposal. Plastic caps from bottles and jars are saved and passed onto an organization that shreds and processes the material into filaments, which are then fed through a 3D

We are very excited about our ‘green’ village and continue to look for ways for us to play our part in helping to protect our planet. It's the only one we've got!

Tidings Magazine


Passions & Pastimes

Burswood/Bentley Trefoil Girl Guides

Burswood/Bentley Trefoil Girl Guides Group

The Burswood/Bentley Trefoil Girl Guides are a group of women who live within SwanCare Bentley Park and in the surrounding areas who are passionate about the community they have created. The Girl Guides started in 1910 in the United Kingdom and came to Western Australia in 1915. Girl Guides start from five years of age and up, where girls can learn life skills such as making friends, planning and attending group activities, and challenges to learn new life skills – essentially helping them to become wellrounded people. Nancy Brazier is one of the founding members of this particular group and has been with Girl Guides for 55 years. Similarly, Lorraine Pittaway (Current President) has just celebrated her 40 year anniversary with Girl Guides. These are just two examples of the dedicated Girl Guides that are within this joyful group.

16 SwanCare

“All of the group members are valuable,” Nancy said. “They have all contributed to assisting girls in the Girl Guides association over the many years that they have been involved.” In September the Burswood/Bentley Trefoil went to The Esther Cafe in Kalamunda, visiting the café and recycle boutique. The Esther Foundation is a charity which helps young ladies get back on their feet after trauma in a safe and structured environment. “We have been raising money for The Esther Foundation and it was great to see how they look after the girls. Once they fulfil their program, they are free to go out in the community and start to re-build their life again. It was just brilliant to raise money for such a great cause,” said Lorraine. The Girl Guides members are looking forward to a big gathering that is coming to the Pan Pacific Hotel, Perth in September 2020, where

girls from all over the world will be attending.

The guides really have friends all over the world.

“We are hoping for about 200 people to join us at the Pan Pacific Hotel next September. Each Guild in Australia has something they are preparing for the day, our Guild is in charge of the trading table,” Lorraine said.

“We have had many come over to stay in Perth over the years - you learn so much by mixing with people from other nationalities. When I think about it, Girl Guides has enriched my life so much and given me experiences that I never would have had without it,” Nancy said.

Lorraine recalls a time where four of the Burswood/Bentley Trefoil group went to a Canberra gathering. “We had such fun and after the gathering we hired a car and travelled from Canberra to Adelaide. Every time we hit a town for the night, if there was a Guild in that town, the local Guild would invite us for a meal or accommodation. Once you wear a guide uniform, you are a sister to every other guide in the world,” Lorraine said. The Girl Guides have houses all over the world, including England, Switzerland, Mexico, India, and Africa. In fact, Girl Guides 18-30 years of age can work there for six months at a time. What a fantastic experience for them!

The Burswood/Bentley Trefoil Guides welcome any persons who have joined Girl Guides in the past, or would like a new challenge in their life. Did you know: Girl Guides shake hands with their left hand! This is the hand nearest to your heart and signifies trust and friendship. Side note about picture, left: The three pictures in the middle of the table cloth: WA trefoil advisor, Marg Cobb (prior resident), Nancy Brazier (current resident).

Penny’s Book Review 'Marked for Revenge' by Emelie Schepp This book is the second part of a three-part series set in Norrkiping, Sweden, and this review follows the review I did of the first book ‘Marked for Life’ in the last edition of Tidings. Again ‘Marked for Revenge’ did not disappoint as it continues the secret life of high profile public prosecutor, Jana Berzelius. When a Thai girl overdoses smuggling drugs the trail points to Danillo, the one criminal that Jana Berzelius most wants to destroy, so her own sordid childhood can be erased. She must secretly hunt him down and destroy him first without the police knowing. Meanwhile the police are zeroing in on the elusive head of the Swedish narcotics trade, who goes by the name of ‘Old Man.’ This all comes to a dramatic head and you will be hanging out to read the third and final book ‘Slowly We Die’ which may take a while to hit the library shelves. Author Emilie Schepp was born in 1979 and grew up in Motala, Sweden.

Tidings Magazine


Resident Story

A gentleman and a scholar Charlie Joseph was born in Malacca, Malaysia - on 2nd April 1942 – as the eldest child in a Malaysian family of seven children, which followed its family heritage seriously under his mother’s influence, including ‘arranged marriages’ to maintain the traditions. However, these family structures have gradually been broken down in Charlie’s generation, particularly in that he and his siblings migrated from Asia over the years and the others married partners from a variety of countries, including Australia. Charlie was a teacher in Singapore and Australia, as well as an Executive Officer Training in Singapore Telecoms. Education, Communication and Management practices have played a prominent part in Charlie’s pathway through life and he travelled fairly extensively to gain the education which he really wanted. These included a Bachelor of Arts degree from Oklahoma City University, as well as a Certificate from the Governor of Oklahoma as an “Honorary Citizen of the State of Oklahoma”, a Master of Arts in Communication Management from the University of South Australia, and a Graduate Diploma in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) from Wollongong University, NSW, as well as a “Pride of Workmanship Award” from the Granville Rotary Club, NSW. These enabled him to teach the English language in High Schools and to migrants. He also has a Certificate of Proficiency in English from Singapore TAFE, and in Workplace Management and Assessment from NSW TAFE and the Rotary Club of Granville, NSW to acknowledge his dedication and expertise in teaching. In 1975, Jessie, who was an Assistant Nurse in a Nursing Home and Charlie, were married in Malaysia (Malacca). They had two sons Francoise, the eldest, was a Staff Specialist in Rehabilitation Medicine but in 2019

18 SwanCare

unfortunately passed away at a very young age. Andrew, their other son, is a Nurse Consultant in Cardiology in Sydney and is married to Paula, a nurse in the Emergency Section there. Jessie and Charlie have five grandchildren (three boys and two girls) of whom they are very proud. Jessie and Charlie migrated to Australia in 1997 from Singapore, because they decided that the quality of life, future education for their children and the possibility of good jobs was much better here. They now have a close family circle of brothers, sisters, cousins, nephews, aunts and in-laws in WA and in Sydney, NSW. Charlie was a member of the Fellowship of Australia Writers Group in Sydney and has written several articles and poems which have been published in Kaleidoscope, Spring Anthology 2005 and Creative Writing for the Media. I enjoyed the titles he gave them, as well as the stories themselves, e.g. ’Singapore Thieves Market’ and ‘Dishonour in Suburbia’. I was indeed touched by the poem ‘A Touch of Evil Magic’ - a tribute to the 88 Australians who died in the Kuta Beach bombing in Bali in 2002 (shown right). Charlie has written another 100 articles and short stories which are currently waiting to be published. When Charlie and Jessie decided they would like to retire, they found Sydney was very expensive and there were waiting lists of five years or more for a possible entrance into any of the retirement villages. They therefore contacted family members in Perth and requested that they check the possibilities here. SwanCare Bentley Park was recommended, they decided to move here in 2017 and have never regretted that decision, partly because of the many friends they have made. Now Jessie looks after the home, while Charlie has taken up art and is a member of the new Village Choir (which includes dancing for Charlie and some of his friends).

Charlie Joseph in the SwanCare Bentley Park Art Room

They are also strong advocates of Bentley Park.


Shirley Barnes

It was an angel of death that crept in Caught by surprise with death inviting, A family gathering I was witnessing Parents, sibling’s relatives and friends akin.

NB - Charlie would like to start a writing club! Please express your interest to Charlie via SwanCare Reception.

Not the kind of event I wanted to compliment. There was moaning, weeping and screaming insane, Many lived to tell the tale, yet still maimed Scores still missing with unfilled coffins waiting. In death, all strangers, ministers and even the PM came It was carnage of death and destruction in vain It was a plastic bomb that caused the pain The sorrow no family or nation should attain So rest in peace innocent souls that left in pain. Charlie Joseph (This is a tribute to the 88 Australians that died in vain due to terrorist bombing in Bali at Kuta Beach, Indonesia on 12th October 2002).

Resident Story

Nancy Keir By Bruce May Nancy Keir and her husband, Doug, moved into Pugh Place, Bentley Park some years ago. The move was occasioned by Doug’s deteriorating health, having acquired brain injury from a motorcycle accident as a young man. Both Doug and Nancy were keen on growing roses, and transplanted some of their special roses from their former home in Kewdale. Shortly after their arrival at Bentley Park, the State Government announced the establishment of the Boronia Pre-release Centre for Women next to our village, and Nancy became involved in the consultative group that worked with the Department of Corrections ensuring that all of the concerns of the Bentley Park residents were met before the construction went ahead. After the construction was completed, Nancy continued her liaison with the Centre, and often spoke fondly of ‘the girls’ with whom she came into contact. Sometime after Doug’s death, Nancy developed dementia, which eventually led to her moving into SwanCare Waminda. In the final stages, Nancy moved into high care at SwanCare Kingia. The Keir family have nothing but high praise for the care received by both Doug and Nancy at the Bentley Park care facilities. Nancy died on the evening of 28th October 2019. Valé Nancy Keir.

FOUND: Sentimental Picture The photo shown was found by a resident on the road in Graham Crescent. There’s a personal message written on the back of the photo, so we think the owner may want this photo back. If you believe this photo is yours please see SwanCare Administration reception or call Karen Parker on 6250 0010.

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Volunteers Corner

Versatile volunteer: chipping in Lesley Foster is a quiet but motivated SwanCare Bentley Park Volunteer and Resident. The year of 2013 was a big one for her deciding to move out of her 1940’s home and into SwanCare, and also deciding to retire from her 35 year career in the Retail Dental industry. Living in Kensington most of her life, the transition to Bentley was easy for her once she made the initial decision. Lesley is the kind of person that doesn’t like limelight, but loves to help! Most of her volunteering started off with staying back to help pack up events. “The first 12 months I didn’t do anything as I just wanted to ease into retired life slowly, but when I decided to help it was through the Friday Fish and Chips in 2015” said Lesley. Lesley loves to get out of the house and meet new people, making volunteering a natural decision for her. She currently volunteers through Fish and Chip Fridays, the Gardening Group, Auxiliary, and Carpet Bowls.


“Volunteering is great for those people who like to keep active, so even if it’s just delivering pamphlets that helps you get outdoors!” said Lesley. Lesley also enjoys babysitting her grandchildren for her son, of whom she is very proud, with his work role that enables him to travel around the country. In terms of Volunteering Lesley would love to keep volunteering while she is able. We hope to see Lesley volunteering for many years to come. Thank you so much Lesley, we appreciate all that you and the other volunteers do on a daily basis! If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer please get into contact with Karen Parker on 6250 0010 or email karen.parker@swancare.com.au

Lesley Foster

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Tidings Magazine



Blueberry Banana Bread Prep: 15 mins | Cook: 60 mins | Serves: 9



• • • • • • • • •

1. Preheat oven to 220ºC (200ºC fan forced). Spray a 20 x 10cm loaf tin with oil; line base and sides with non-stick baking paper. 2. Reserve one whole banana for presentation and mash remaining 3 bananas in a large bowl (1½ cups mashed). 3. Add sugar, milk and eggs and mix with a fork until well combined. 4. Sift flours and cinnamon on top of banana mixture, returning husks from the sieve to the bowl. Mix ingredients together until just combined, taking care not to over-mix, then gently fold through blueberries. 5. Spoon mixture into prepared loaf tin and smooth the surface. Slice remaining banana thinly and overlap slices through the centre of the loaf. 6. Bake for 35-40 minutes then cover with foil and bake for a further 20 minutes. Centre of loaf will remain moist but not wet when tested with a skewer. Allow to cool in tin for 5 minutes then turn onto a wire rack. 7. Cut into 1 cm slices and toast before serving, if desired.

Olive or canola oil spray 4 ripe bananas, peeled 1/4 cup sugar 1/2 cup low-fat milk 2 eggs 1 cup self-raising flour 1 cup wholemeal self-raising flour 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1 cup frozen blueberries

Adapted with permission from LiveLighter. LiveLighter® State of Western Australia 2019 www.livelighter.com.au

22 SwanCare

Gardens Interest Group

Summer gardening In December and January watering is best done early in the morning, or evening. Pots can be dunked occasionally in a bucket until bubbles stop rising and drain before bringing inside. Vegetables to plant now include beans, beetroot, carrots, cucumber, lettuce, melon, onion, peas, pumpkin, radish, silver beet, sweet corn and zucchini. Prune side shoots of tomatoes and stake tall varieties. Thin out carrot, beetroot and lettuce seedlings. Lift ranunculus and anemones, cut off dead flower heads and hang stems with swollen roots attached to dry under cover. Dust lightly with copper fungicide to prevent mould. De-head roses, trim climbers such as jasmine, wisteria and hardenbergia if they are spreading too far. Dahlia and gladioli can be planted. If it is too hot outside here are some ideas from our group for indoor Christmas table decorations.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all at the Bentley Park Gardens Interest Group!

Tidings Magazine


Letters to the Editor

To the Editor, I was born in the Chinese Year of the Rat! Rats love to collect 'stuff', in my case, information. Did you know? • 990am radio, (Vision Australia) have volunteers that read the daily newspapers from 7am. • Vision Australia is located at 3 Rosslyn St West Leederville, opposite the West Leederville train station. They have a shop with visual aids for sale and/or can obtain a Lotterywest grant to apply for funds for more costly visual aids for you. Their new number is 6246 4505. • Vision impaired and blind people can apply to Visability 61 Kitchener Road Victoria Park, and obtain a free travel pass for public transport, with unrestricted times. TRANSWA travel is included in this pass and any person travelling with the card holder, also travels free. • Public Transport Authority have an 1800 800 022 number for passenger assistance. The passenger requiring assistance needs to ring PTA on the above number an hour before travel. It includes any train station, but Perth train station in particular. Staff will meet you at your advised train carriage and take you to your next train carriage. They have wheelchairs and can be included if required. Maria Thanks for your contribution, Maria, some great tips there for our residents who might need a little bit of help getting around. I hope you don’t mind that we edited down some of your tips, we simply ran out of room! We hope to include the other handy tips and hints in the next edition of Tidings, stay tuned. Ed.

Swan Grocery Store New phone number: 9470 6021 OPEN 8AM-4PM MONDAY-FRIDAY 8AM-2PM SATURDAY (closed Sundays and Public Holidays)

Tien and Phoung welcome you! • Home deliveries available across Bentley Park (minimum $15). • Range of freshly prepared salads, fruit and vegetables. • Everyday products at a great price.

24 SwanCare

Out & About

Photos from some of the many activities on offer at Bentley Park

SwanCare Charity Golf Day 2019 Winners TEC 41 - Wood Recruitment

SwanCare Charity Golf Day 2019 Australind Rise Residents Team

Dancing at SwanCare Kingia

Kimbo's Fashion

Kimbo's Fashion

SwanCare Waminda Residents Outing to Perth Zoo

SwanCare Staff Service Awards (left to right): Susie Wilson, 30 years, Enrolled Nurse – George Palmer, 35 years, Maintenance Supervisor – Debra Mitchell, 20 years, Housekeeping Attendant - Barbara McGarraghy, 25 years, Enrolled Nurse

SwanCare Waminda Residents Outing to Perth Zoo

SwanCare Staff Service Awards

Tidings Magazine


What’s On: Local Area City Christmas Lights Tour Peddle Perth have created a map stopping at 18 of the best installations all around the Perth CBD & Northbridge. This is a must-see for locals, see all of the Christmas lights tours in 45 minutes, children and adults can request songs of their choosing. Bookings Essential! Where: Perth CBD

Brass on the Grass Pack a picnic (or purchase food there) and listen to the soothing sounds of ‘Wonderful With Wine’, ‘The Australian Girls’ Choir’ and ‘The City of Perth Band’. Kids zone, Santa appearance and raffles available on the evening.

When: Throughout December 2019, departing on the hour from 7-10pm Cost: $50 per cart (2 person limit) Contact: 0411 448 724

Where: Victoria Gardens – Royal Street, Perth When: Wednesday, 11 December, 5-8pm Cost: Free entry

Make Your Own Christmas Crafts A hands-on workshop to make your own zero waste Christmas gifts! Choose to make either Beeswax wraps, or natural skin care products (including a coffee body scrub!). BYO fabric for Beeswax wraps. A light supper will be provided. Where: Piney Lakes Environmental Education Centre, Winthrop When: Wednesday, 4 December, 6-7.30pm Cost: $7 Contact: Registrations essential. Book online at www.melvillecity.com.au, email kellie.fowler@melville.wa.gov.au or phone 9364 0666

i14 Perth 2020 Worlds The Perth Dinghy Sailing Club in conjunction with the International 14 Association of Western Australia will be hosting the CST Composites International 14 World Sailing Championships from 29 December 2019 – 10 January 2020. It is anticipated to be one of the biggest high-performance skiff sailing regattas that Perth has seen. Where: Perth Dinghy Sailing Club When: • World Teams Events - 29 Dec 19 to 31 Dec 19 • World Individual – 2 Jan 20 to 10 Jan 20 More info: www.i14worlds2020.com

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Lotterywest Christmas Symphony The West Australian Symphony Orchestra, Lotterywest and the City of Perth are bringing the Christmas spirit once again. The night has a complete program of Christmas classics from ballet, opera and the big screen. Where: Langley Park, Perth

Christmas Nativity Share in the story of Jesus at Christmas brought to life on stage! A fantastic evening watching over 100 performers, live animals and Christmas carols in the stunning surrounds of the Supreme Court Gardens. Where: Supreme Court Gardens

Cost: Free

When: Friday 20 December & Saturday 21 December 2019. Gates open at 4pm, Preshow entertainment 6.30pm, Main show 7.30-8.30pm

Perth Makers Market - Christmas in the City

The Nutcracker Ballet

When: Saturday 14 December, from 5pm, show at 7pm

Get into the Christmas spirit by shopping amongst the Christmas decorations and talents of the local handmade community including a visit from Santa! With candles, jewellery, delicious food, textiles, ceramics and so much more there is something for everyone at Perth Makers Market Where: Yagan Square, Cnr Wellington Street & William St Perth When: Saturday 7 December, 10am - 4pm

Cost: Free

Charlesworth Ballet Institute (CBI), presents the delightful Christmas ballet, The Nutcracker. This traditional Christmas ballet, performed by Perth’s most gifted young dancers, tells the tale of Clara and her beloved Nutcracker Doll that magically comes to life. Where: Crown Theatre When: Friday 20 December – 6.30pm & Saturday 21 December – 11.30am & 3.30pm

Cost: Free

Cost: from $48 per person

Alinta Energy Christmas Pageant

Victoria Park Farmers Market

Join in the fun and Christmas cheer viewing the annual premier Christmas pageant. This year there will be a surprise new float and a special guest making an appearance! Where: St Georges Terrace, Perth When: Saturday 7 December, 7.30pm - 9.30pm

Bookings: www.crownperth.com.au

Come down to the Victoria Park Farmers Market and enjoy hot coffee, delicious breakfast, fresh produce, baked goods, doggy treats & lots of local pop up stalls! There is live musical entertainment to enjoy while you have breakfast with family & friends. Where: John MacMillan Park When: Sunday 8 December, 8-12 noon

Tidings Magazine


swancare.com.au 26 Plantation Drive Bentley WA 6102 | Phone: (08) 6250 0000 | Fax: (08) 9470 2017

We welcome contributions to the Tidings. Please post or email to: Mailing Address: 26 Plantation Drive Bentley WA 6102 Email: news@swancare.com.au

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