Tidings Feb13

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February 2013 bentley park resident newsletter

Across My Desk CEO’s Report Another year bites the dust and we now focus our attention to 2013. I trust that all of you had a great festive season, and like me have had a good rest and are full of enthusiasm and excitement about 2013 and what this will bring to SwanCare Group. All of you know that during 2012, as an organisation, we worked extremely hard to lay down strong and sustainable foundations that I believe has set us up for a very bright, secure and successful long term future. Therefore, it is for this reason I am very positive about 2013, and beyond, and feel that these will be great years for all of those who are part of the wonderful SwanCare Group Community.

Three Key Pillars for success To kick the year off, I would like to remind our residents of the three key platforms that the Board has identified as our major strategic initiatives, and which will continue to be the focus of our efforts and hardwork for the next 5 years as we set about to deliver on the goals and objectives of the 2012-2016 Strategic Plan. 1. Sustainability – we want to ensure that SwanCare Group has appropriate and sufficient resources (dollars, infrastructure and people) to meet all of its future demands and service requirements.

Security Number If the Resident Support Services number is unavailable residents are reminded the mobile contact number for Security is:

0413 388 650

2. Services – we need to ensure that our models of service delivery are flexible, adaptable, contemporary and able to meet the (discerning) client demands as we look to a changing nature of Aged Care and the arrival of the Baby Boomers into our retirement living market. 3. People – we must have the right calibre of committed people, that are appropriately trained and skilled to ensure we deliver on the abovementioned strategies.

A quick look back at the last six months …. And a quick look forward to what is ahead As we continue to strive to meet the objectives of our strategic plan, we naturally have a number of projects and tasks that require to be completed, all of which are aimed at delivering some aspect of compliance with one of the key pillars, either sustainability, service delivery or people. In point form these are some of things that we have achieved in the last six months, and a sneak peak at some of the tasks that we will be endeavouring to complete in the next six month period. • Debt reduction continues to remain a focus and we are working extremely hard on achieving above target sales outcomes and where applicable continuing to focus on bond admission into our care facilities. As a reminder to residents, and as an incentive to helping achieve our sales targets, we have permanently established the $1,000.00 spotter’s fee bonus for any resident that kindly provides a successful referral to our sales and admissions team. For full details of this scheme and how

Bentley Park Social Club Sunday Afternoon Concert - 10th February

it can work for you please contact either Harry Pearson or Natalie Hodi at SwanCare Group Administration. • One of the more significant developments that occurred late last THE S P A C E year and one that will have a substantial positive @carlisle outcome in helping to not only drive down debt, but also provide a positive cash injection to kick start future development work at Bentley was the approval from the Town of Victoria Park to allow us to change the use of The Space@Carlisle from strictly retirement living to general residential. This change of use will enable us to sell Carlisle to the general public, hence providing much greater sales opportunities. It will mean, however, that once the complex is sold, SwanCare Group will no longer have any connection with this Carlisle site. • In terms of Service Delivery, we have achieved wonderful results with the activation and roll-out of our Community Aged Care Packages. Our target was to achieve a total of 10 packages operational by the end of December, and I am pleased to say we ended the year with 11 packages active. Our goal over the period leading up to June 30 is to have the remaining 9 packages taken up, a target which I am confident can be achieved. We have had nothing but glowing feedback from those residents that have been able to avail themselves of this service. For more information about this service and support, and to determine whether you might be eligible to receive this service, please contact Heather or Leasa from Resident Support Services, and they will be only too happy to sit down Continued Page 3

Inside this issue > Bentley Park News - pg 4-5 Residents Advisory Council - pg 8 Bentley Park Social Club - pg 9 Club News - pg 10-11

Public Notices

Catholic Services 26 Plantation Drive Bentley WA 6102 Phone: (08) 6250 0000 Fax: (08) 9470 2017 www.swancare.com.au Find SwanCare Group on Facebook www.twitter.com/swancare

1st & 3rd Tuesday of every month in the Stratton Centre commencing at 11am.

Rowethorpe Uniting Church Rowethorpe Uniting Church Weekly Sunday Services are conducted in the Rowethorpe Chapel 10:00am with visiting Ministers. Contact Pam Hind – 9470 4139.

Podiatry Services Based at the Medical Centre in Graham Crescent. Rebates are claimable from private health insurers. Please call for our opening hours or to make a booking. Messagebank: 6468 0038

The Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park We would love to see you at our Sunday Service of praise and song. We are from all denominations and would love to welcome you into the Christian Fellowship. We meet at the JP Stratton Centre every Sunday 9.30am. The fourth Sunday of each month is our Prayer & Praise service, led by members of our group. All enquiries B. Bennett – 9472 6857. For transport phone Ken Sinclair – 9361 0131. The Christian Fellowship (Get Together) Meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at the Stratton Centre at 10:30am. We meet for coffee, tea & tidbits. We find plenty of things we enjoy sharing & discussing. Ring Betty Bennett – 9472 6857

bentley park resident newsletter

Tidings Newsletter is a monthly publication produced and printed on behalf of the residents at Bentley Park, a SwanCare Group community.

Material deadline for advertising is the 20th of the month preceding each monthly edition.

To book display or lineage advertising or for information regarding rates please contact SwanCare Group on 6250 0000.

Please supply editorial contribution as a Word document electronically to tidings@swancare.com.au. Any supporting photographs may be supplied electronically or as hardcopy prints.

Prepaid Funerals. Simple. We all know planning ahead is a good idea. And so too is a prepaid funeral plan. You can cover the costs of the funeral at today’s prices, you can plan the type of funeral that you want, and your family will not have to make difficult decisions at a time of loss. Simplicity Funerals, making prepaid funerals simple. For more information on a prepaid funeral, or to receive an obligation-free private consultation, please complete and return the coupon to: Prepaid Funeral Information, Reply Paid 195 Osborne Park WA 6917

Contributions for Tidings If you have something for Tidings please email it to: tidings@swancare.com.au

Hard copies of articles can still be handed to Reception in the main Administration office at 26 Plantation Drive.

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Material deadline is the 20th of the preceding month.

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CEO’s Report with you and explain the wonderful benefits of this Community Care service that we are now able to offer to our residents. • Another aspect of service delivery that we are looking to enhance over the next few months is at Spritz Café. Over the Christmas period we have been examining a new style of menu and food options that we are proposing to deliver to our Spritz patrons. The focus will be to provide a greater and more diverse range of fresh food options together with other new taste experiences designed to provide a much more uplifting atmosphere and café style experience.

 At our beautiful South West community of Australind Rise, we are very pleased with the recently completed community centre. The building has really lifted the overall appearance of the complex, and has provided a great venue for resident recreation and leisure activities.

Chairperson - Shirley Barnes Deputy Chair/Secretary - Nancy Brazier Treasurer - Laurie Hudson Opportunity Shop Convener - Beryl Luckman Committee Members – Betty Briggs, Cath Hudson, and Mary Manning. The first function, as per last year, will be an Australia Day BBQ which, at the time of writing, has been met with enthusiastic support from our village residents. Let’s hope that January 26th, 2013 it is not as hot as last year. I would like to offer my best wishes to the committee for 2013, and wish them great success.

Some of the key milestones achieved thus far this year, and planned for the next few months are:-

 ILU external elevators. Whilst the installation of these elevators has not progressed as smoothly as we would have liked, nevertheless, the end product is certainly achieving its intended outcome. We are committed to continuing with this program of rolling out the elevators to those affected units, and will be steadily working through the installation process on a staged basis over the next few years.  We have recently completed a ground floor make-over to Tandara and the outcome has seen a wonderful transformation to the foyer and overall presentation of the main entry into Tandara.  The lighting and shade over the central BBQ area will be very useful in the ensuing months when residents venture out for evening BBQs and some scheduled community group social activities.  The letter-box renewal program is also nearing completion in the Bollig, Pugh, Phillips, Wootliff and Lindsay Rise locations.  In the next few months the Mavis Cleaver Court building will be receiving a ground floor upgrade and make-over to the entry foyer.

At the AGM I had the pleasure of announcing your new committee for 2013 which is as follows:-

Bentley Park Social Club

• We are working very hard to ensure that our building infrastructure is well maintained and kept up-to-date, and in this regard we have achieved some significant milestones, and over the next 6 months will be continuing with this infrastructure makeover.

 Waminda refurbishment and facelift. Four floors have now been completed, and we only have one more to go. The final floor will be completed next financial year.

maintained, and I must say, they have done an exceptional job. The entire committee of the Bentley Park Social Club have completed a very successful year, and should be extremely proud of their accomplishments.

Bentley Park Social Club – a wonderful first year On the 18th of January I attended the inaugural AGM of the Bentley Park Social Club. The committee have just completed their first year of operation, and I would have to say that the year has been a resounding success for the newly formed committee. We have always had a very vibrant social club at Bentley Park and this new committee were keen to ensure that the quality of events and diversity of activities was

And finally just to finish off, I watched a wonderful movie over the break entitled The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, which coincidentally is going to be the movie which will be shown at our first ever outdoor cinema night. It is a very heart-warming and uplifting story, but for me the highlight is a memorable quote, which I feel is very appropriate and full of optimism, it goes something like this ….. “Everything will be all right in the end; if it’s not alright … then it is not the end !!!” See you around the village. Regards, Graham Francis, Chief Executive Officer

WANTED e e Volunteer Bus Drivers

We are looking for additional volunteer bus drivers to drive the Village buses from time to time. You will need to have a minimum of an MR type licence and to take the annual village bus driving test. There is no cost involved to applicants. If you would like further information or wish to register please contact Karen Parker Volunteer Coordinator on 6250 0010.

Call Karen Parker on 6250 0010


Bentley Park News If you are enrolled to vote, Voting is Compulsory The WA State General Election is being held on Saturday 9th March 2013. SwanCare Group Auditorium, 26 Plantation Drive, Bentley is an official ‘polling place’.

Polling places are open from 8:00am until 6:00pm on polling day, Saturday, 9 March 2013. If you know that you will not be able to vote at a polling place on a polling day, contact the Electoral Commission for early voting options. Phone Election Line on 13 63 06 or (08) 9214 0400. A ‘Mobile Polling Booth’ will visit Waminda, Kingia and Tandara prior to voting day – check noticeboards in Care Centres for further information. Residents/resident families are encouraged to ensure that voting details are up to date.

SwanCare Group Community Garden Administration has been working with the VRAC to implement some community garden beds. The first beds will be located on the edge of McGrath Park. Programmed Property Services has kindly agreed to sponsor these beds and it is hoped that if they are successful we will be able to implement more within the village. If you would like more information or to put your name down for a possible allotment in the first garden beds, please contact Tom Brazier on 6250 0496.

Failure to Vote Voting at State general elections, by-election and referenda is compulsory. Section 156 of the Electoral Act clearly establishes that it is every elector’s duty to vote at any election for the region or district

Allotments and Rules • Allotments will be 0.8m high, 1.8m long and 0.8m wide. • Allotments will be half filled with sand and good garden top soil. Any additional manure, compost, etc will be supplied by the allottee. • Allotments will be awarded by a lottery system. The number of allotments will depend on the popularity of the community garden. • Allotments will be in groups of 5 to 6 where possible. • A small Committee of 3 will be formed and be responsible for the good conduct of the community garden. • The Committee will work in cooperation with an officer appointed by SwanCare Group.

for which they are enrolled. If you do not vote at the State election you may receive a penalty notice in the mail several weeks after polling day. The notice will seek an explanation of your apparent failure to vote. Electors who fail to vote at the State election

The Neighbour Watch delegates meet once a month, always on the second Wednesday. If anyone would like to join us we would be pleased to see you, as we need people from all sections of the village. Remember the Security phone number is 6250 0020. Tony Ryder, Coordinator

Reminders from Resident Support Services

The SwanCare Group Community Garden will be for residents of the village to enjoy the pastime and exercise of gardening, specifically vegetables.

Any changes need to be made prior to 6pm on Thursday 14th February 2013.

Bentley Park - Rowethorpe

• Allottees will be expected to keep their gardens neat and tidy and to participate in any activities to the best of their ability. • Any gardens not being used to their full extent and/or not being kept in a reasonable manner may result in the allotment being reallocated.

• Please only press your EMERGENCY CALL BUTTON or phone for EMERGENCY SERVICES if you require URGENT ASSISTANCE. Examples of non-urgent calls received by Emergency Services have included: - resident lost house keys - resident wanted furniture moved You should phone Administration during office hours or Security Services After Hours for these type of situations. • During the hot weather you may not feel like eating however it is important to make sure you still eat regularly. Skipping a meal can cause you to weaken, which increases your falls risk. • Drink ample fresh cool water to keep yourself hydrated. • Stay indoors during extreme weather. • When it cools down of a night time, don’t leave unsecure windows & doors open to let the breeze in. It’s important to maintain your own security. • If you have a fall, report it to Resident Support Services or Security Services – even if a minor fall, we want to know about it. • If your husband/wife/partner passes away, please have someone notify Administration.

and do not provide a valid and sufficient reason for such failure, shall be guilty of an offence and fined accordingly. The penalty for first time offenders is $20, and this increases to $50 if an elector has previously paid a penalty or been convicted of this offence. If you do not have a valid excuse, you can pay the penalty and that will


end the matter.

Joining Our Community Our community extends a warm welcome to Mr David Monck, Mr John Doust, Mrs Marjorie Doust, Mrs Rita Morris, Mrs Maria Gomes, Mrs Thelma Chilton, Mr Terance Banks, Mrs Valerie Banks, Mrs Sandy De Villiers, Mr Robert Hogermeer, Mrs Ellen Clair, Mr Samuel Anderson, Mrs Judith Scheele.

• SwanMobile drivers very generously volunteer their time to provide the SwanMobile service to residents. There are times when the driver may be a little late in picking you up but this is usually due to circumstances beyond their control. PLEASE DO NOT ABUSE SWANMOBILE DRIVERS – if you are reported for abusing a driver, Management have the right to refuse you access to the service in the future.

Kingia/Tandara High Care Auxiliary Welcome to 2013. Hope to see you all at our first meeting for the year on Tuesday 26th February at 1.30pm in the Auditorium. The committee and I are putting together a schedule for the coming year which will present a mixture of interesting speakers, along with fashion parades from some of our regular fashion houses plus a new one which comes highly recommended.

Waminda’s International Lunches

Bentley Park Diners

Staff at Waminda have established a routine which is proving to be quite a lot of fun and helps us to better understand the different cultures which make up our team. Every second Friday we have what has come to be known as “International Lunch Day.” Staff on duty that day bring something to share with their colleagues during lunch, typically food from their country of origin.

Our first outing for 2013 will be to the Bentley Hotel, Albany Highway, Bentley on Tuesday 12th – 19th February 2013.

If you haven’t been out with the Diner’s there will be 43 friendly villagers to welcome you. The bus picks up from 5.30 p.m. and returns after the meal. Please book early so I can arrange driver and bus lists.

We are also hoping to include one or two of our “very best” speakers who have visited us in previous years. We will as always have guests from Kingia/ Tandara & Waminda who will be keeping us updated on the special needs of our fellow residents in those areas. We have raffles, lucky numbers etc as part of our fund raising activities, along with an annual membership fee of $5 per year (due for renewal in March for existing members). Afternoon tea is served at a cost of $1. Our outings for the year are in the capable hand of our events co-ordinator, Lorraine who has a wonderful agenda for the year as usual. So we hope you will come along on the last Tuesday of the month and join us in our enjoyable events & at the same time know that you are helping our not so fortunate residents. Hope to see you on 26th!! Carol Greenaway, President Kingia/Tandara Auxiliary Your committee: Pat Wells, Vice President. Carolyn Wellstead, Secretary. Frankie Comstive, Treasurer. Lorraine Pittaway, Events Co-ordinator.

Stratton Luncheon/Concert

The menu gives you many choices. We will pre book your meal from their menu and on showing your senior card you will receive 20% discount. You can find the menu by going onto the web for Bentley Hotel or contact me for a copy of it. When you book your seat on the bus just tell me what you have chosen.

Please contact Lorraine on 6250 0425 13 Wootliff Way. Above, from left foreground are Rejoyce Kaseke, Siu Tha Dim, Karen Huntley, Hammed King, Anna Irankunda, Mary Aye, Criselda Cleofe, Thurmi Park, Vimi Kaur and Sumina Ghimire Dahal. Out of picture but present were Lynne Cole, Carole Boyd, Mary Sarota, Giovanni Nobile, Sarah Ford, Christine Bruce and Pauline Bremner.

Home Made Ant Bait Tip • 3 cups of water • 1 cup sugar • 4 level teaspoons boric acid.

Stage 4 – Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday

Half fill a small screw –topped jar with cotton wool. Saturate with bait. Seal lid with adhesive tape. Pierce three or four small holes in the lid to allow access by ants.

Bollig, Phillips, Pugh Wootliff Areas - Monday, Wednesday & Saturday.

TIP: Some ants prefer mint jelly or peanut butter baits.

Retic Start Times

Graham, Hawthorne, & Talbot Areas – Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday. All stations commence approximately 10:00pm but individual start times for stations can be obtained on request. These days/times may change due to mainline breakages & computer malfunction.

You’re about to discover the secret to a happy retirement.

Shirley & Peter Brunt host a Luncheon and Concert at the Stratton Centre on the 1st Friday of each month from 11:30 – 2:30pm. This includes a Fish & Chip luncheon, wine, beer and soft drinks, a 1hr concert by quality performers and afternoon tea or coffee and cakes. The cost is $10 all inclusive. To obtain a ticket ring Shirley on 9355 4767. Please be early as it books out very quickly.

Christina St, Australind • australindrise.com.au

SAleS informAtion 0432 130 050






Spritz Café Weekdays 9.30am - 2pm • Coffee / Cappuccino / Tea • Sandwiches / Foccacias • Hot Meals & Fresh Salads • Selection of Cakes & Muffins • Soft Drinks / Juices / Milk Drinks

What’s On

Groups are requested to make advanced bookings Phone: 6250 0163













Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.30am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131)

Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.30am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131) Social Club 2.00pm AUD - Free Sunday Concert

Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.30am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131)

Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.30am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131)


Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS General Balance Group 9.00am RSC Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Undercroft Bowling Club 1.00pm RCL Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Handicraft/Beading 1.00pm HR Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Hydrotherapy 1.30pm MSHP Hydrotherapy 2.30pm MSHP Swan Bowling Club 6.15pm OBC

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS General Balance Group 9.00am RSC Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Undercroft Bowling Club 1:00pm RCL Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Handicraft/Beading 1.00pm HR Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Hydrotherapy 1.30pm MSHP Hydrotherapy 2.30pm MSHP Patchwork Group 6.30pm HR Swan Bowling Club 6.15pm OBC

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Undercroft Bowling Club 1.00pm RCL Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Handicraft/Beading 1.00pm HR Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Swan Bowling Club 6.15pm OBC

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS General Balance Group 9.00am RSC Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Undercroft Bowling Club 1.00pm RCL Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Handicraft/Beading 1.00pm HR Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Hydrotherapy 1.30pm MSHP Hydrotherapy 2.30pm MSHP Swan Bowling Club 6.15pm OBC Patchwork Group 6.30pm HR

Art Group Computer Club Exercise Club Snooker Club Rummycub InTai Chi Darts Club

Art Group Computer Club Exercise Club Snooker Club Rummycub Tai Chi Diner’s Club Darts Club

Art Group Computer Club Exercise Club Snooker Club Rummycub Indoor Bowls Tai Chi Diner’s Club Darts Club

Art Group Computer Club Exercise Club Snooker Club Rummycub Indoor Bowls Tai Chi Darts Club

9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 5.00pm AUD 6.30pm JPS

9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 5.00pm AUD 5:30pm Outing 6.30pm JPS

9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.30pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 5:30pm Outing 6.30pm JPS

9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.30pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 6.30pm JPS


Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Op Shop Open 8.30am - 12pm Computer Club 9.15am ABL2 Undercroft Bowls 9.00am RCL Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Rummycub 1.00pm JPS Indoor Bowls 1.00pm AUD Swan Bowling Club 6.15pm OBC Canasta 6.30pm JPS


Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Op Shop Open 8.30am - 12pm Computer Club 9.15am ABL2 Stretch Balance Group 9.30am RPG Fellowship Coffee Morning 10.30am JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Pony Canasta 1.00pm JPS Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Indoor Bowls 1.00pm AUD Swan Bowling Club 6.15pm OBC Canasta 6.30pm JPS


Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Op Shop Open 8.30am - 12pm Computer Club 9.15am ABL2 Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Pony Canasta 1.00pm JPS Indoor Bowls 1.00pm AUD Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Swan Bowling Club 6.15pm OBC Canasta 6.30pm JPS


Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Op Shop Open 8.30am - 12pm Computer Club 9.15am ABL2 Stretch Balance Group 9.30am RPG Fellowship Coffee Morning 10.30am JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Pony Canasta 1.00pm JPS Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Indoor Bowls 1.00pm AUD Canasta 6.30pm JPS Swan Bowling Club 6.15pm OBC






Library Open Art Group Computer Club Exercise Class Writers Group Balance Group Snooker Club Mahjong Club Darts Club

9.15am - 12.15pm 9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 9.30am CR 11.00am RAC 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 6.30pm SCR

Op Shop open Exercise Class Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club

8.30am-12pm 9.30am JPS 1.00pm RCL 6.15pm OBC

Bentley Park Calendar of Events

February My events to note:

kingia arcade 7

Low-impact Exercise Computer Club Exercise Class Stretch Balance Group Undercroft Bowling Club Snooker Club Scrabble Club Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy Computer Club Bingo


Low-impact Exercise Computer Club Exercise Class Stretch Balance Class Undercroft Bowling Club Snooker Club Scrabble Club Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy Computer Club Bingo


Low-impact Exercise Computer Club Exercise Class Stretch Balance Class Undercroft Bowling Club Snooker Club Scrabble Club Computer Club Bingo


Exercise Class Snooker Club Scrabble Club Bingo

9.00am RSC 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 10.00am JPS 1.00pm RCL 1.00pm SCR 1.30pm JPS 1.30pm MSHP 2.30pm MSHP 2.00pm ABL2 7.00pm AUD

9.00am RSC 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 10.00am JPS 1:00pm RCL 1.00pm SCR 1.30pm JPS 1.30pm MSHP 2.30pm MSHP 2.00pm ABL2 7.00pm AUD

9.00am RSC 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 10.00am JPS 1.00pm RCL 1.00pm SCR 1.30pm JPS 2.00pm ABL2 7.00pm AUD


Library Open Art Group Computer Club Exercise Class Balance Group Snooker Club Mahjong Club Darts Club


Library Open Art Group Computer Club Exercise Class Balance Group Snooker Club Mahjong Club Darts Club


Library Open Computer Club Art Group Exercise Class Snooker Club Mahjong Club Darts Club

9.15am - 12.15pm 9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 11.00am RAC 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 6.30pm SCR

9.15am - 12.15pm 9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 11.00am RAC 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 6.30pm JPS

9.15am - 12.15pm 9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 6.30pm JPS


Op Shop open Exercise Class Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club


Op Shop open Exercise Class Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club

8.30am-12pm 9.30am JPS 1.00pm RCL 6.15pm OBC

8.30am-12pm 9.30am JPS 1.00pm RCL 6.15pm OBC

If your club would like a diary date inserted into the Tidings monthly calendar, email the details to: tidings@swancare.com.au


Exercise Class Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club

9.30am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.30pm JPS 7.00pm AUD

ABL2 Administration Building Level2 9.30am 1.15pm 6.15pm



Adie Court


Art Room (Admin Building)

AUD Auditorium CC

Cultural Centre


Coffee Lounge (2nd Floor Administration)


Committee Room (Admin)


Handicraft Room (Administration Building)


JP Stratton Centre


Kingia Concourse


Leisure Centre


Millstream Gardens

MSHP Multiple Schlerosis Hydrotherapy Pool (bus pick-up at Bentley Park)

February 2013

OBC Outdoor Bowling Club PGS Pottery Group Studio RAC Rowethorpe-Activity Centre RCL

Richard Cleaver Lodge

RPG Rowethorpe-Physio Gym RSC Rowethorpe-Sutton Centre SCR Snooker Club Room

7 7

Open 7 Days Friendly service & professional advice. Phone and speak to one of our helpful staff today. We look forward to being of service to you. Our friendly team: (left to right) Michelle, Linda, Sue, Alex, Joanne, Doris, John, Melanie, Gill, Cheryl, Sian, & Regina

Script Collection


(from our “Script Boxes” Monday to Friday)

Administration Building

11am & 3pm

Drummond Way Apartments 11am & 3pm Grocery Store

11am & 3pm

Mavis Cleaver Court

11am & 3pm

Medical Centre

10am, 11am, 1pm & 3pm

Plantation Apartments

11am & 3pm

Richard Cleaver Lodge

11am & 3pm

Monday to Friday

3.30pm - 5.30pm


2.00pm - 3.30pm


by arrangement (if urgent)

Open Hours Monday to Saturday

8.00am - 6.30pm

Sunday & Public Holidays

9.00am - 5.00pm

Saturday and Sunday orders can be placed by phone









10% SENIORS’ DISCOUNT Excludes prescriptions, Darrell Lea Confectionery specials & already discounted lines.

Webster Packing (even for customers not living in Waminda Care Centre)

NDSS Sub Agency Darrell Lea Confectionery Fax Services Giftware Laminating Services Photocopying Photo Developing Selfcare Cards Vitamins

16 A & B Chapman Rd, St James WA 6102 Phone: 9361 6101

Residents Advisory Council


In discussions with various residents in the village, I quite often am told of situations that have arisen but the person concerned did not follow the matter up – usually, the phrase is “I did not want to make a fuss”.

get back to you, on a confidential basis if you so desire. So, please, do contact any of the councillors listed below if you have any concerns.

This is where the Residents’ Advisory Council can play a part – we can be the friendly go-between to get answers to queries or problems, rather than the resident having to formally approach management. No matter how small the incident or worry, if we do not know the answer, we will make enquiries and

A reminder that our Coffee Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month at 9.30am in the Auditorium, followed by morning tea. We particularly urge new residents to attend, as this is a good way to find out what issues are being discussed in the village.

Carolyn Wellstead


6250 0505

Cath Devereaux


6250 0407

Tom Brazier


6250 0496

Shirley Barnes


6250 0558

Ken Sinclair


9361 0131

John Jacobs


6250 0504

Carolyn Wellstead, Chairwoman Village Residents Advisory Council

Bentley Park Social Club

Bentley Park Show

The Committee hopes that you all had a safe and happy holiday season, and that 2013 treats you well.

The 2012 Show again proved a success for all the residents of the Village, as well as financially. From accrued funds we have donated an amount of $2620.00 to the village for our Care Centres the following:Air Mattress....................................$1800.00 Blood Pressure Machine...................$180.00 Nebulizer...........................................$140.00 Hair Dryer..........................................$140.00 Many of the residents of the Care Centres have been involved with the Show during the past years and it is gratifying to know they will benefit form our efforts today. Apologies to Marie Stephens whose name was not listed as a member of the Committee last month. The Annual General Meeting of the Bentley Park Show Committee will be held on Wenesday 13th February 2013 in the Handicraft Room 2nd floor of the Administration Building at 9:30am. If you would like to be involved with the Show please give me a telephone call and I will be happy to give you further information. Happy New Year to all! Beryl Davis, Show Co-ordinator 2012 Ph: 9355 4795

We were pleased to welcome the Town of Victoria Park Brass Band for the Carols Night once more in December, and also the Gumnut Stompers for New Year’s Eve. The latter provided a wealth of musical memories and fun, which were intermixed with a few games and quizzes, resulting in one table in particular being the outright, overall winners for the night. Auld Lang Syne finished off 2012, so we could all look forward to an interesting 2013. We thank those who attended the AGM, which resulted in the existing Committee Members being returned for another year, and I thank them for their commitment and diligence. The new Committee is: Shirley Barnes, Nancy Brazier, Laurie Hudson, Mary Manning, Kath Hudson, Betty Briggs, with Beryl Luckman an Honorary Member, as Manager of the Op Shop. With the assistance of a ‘pool’ of volunteers, we look forward to providing you all with a varied programme for the coming year. (If you are interested in assisting with the major events, please contact Administration or

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myself, so your name may be added to the volunteers’ list which means that there is provision for holidays and other eventualities). We begin 2013 with the Australia Day event, which is again a Sausage Sizzle, with the long range weather forecast indicating less heat than last year, which will be a bonus and at this point, all tickets have been taken up. This will be followed by a free Concert on the 10th February in the Auditorium, and the full schedule will be posted on noticeboards very soon, with a mix of previous and new entertainers for you.

Op Shop The Op Shop staff has returned from a welldeserved break and is ready and willing for a new year of providing a varied array of clothing, bric a brac and furniture for the residents. Please visit and check out the array.

Recycling The recycling of newspapers continues to flourish through the efforts of a great band of workers, with another truckload being ready to roll very soon. Your commitment to providing the papers for recycling continues at a great pace, but please leave ‘the glossies’ in your recycling bin – they must be separated out because they are not taken by the dealers and create problems for those tying up the bundles. Cans also were sent away just before Christmas, and with the hot weather we have had, they are building up again at a good rate, to provide further funds for the Village. We thank you for your past support and look forward to seeing you this year, at the various events. Shirley Barnes President, Bentley Park Social Club

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Club News


The Writing Group

We meet Tuesdays at 5pm in the Auditorium. For more information please contact Tom Brazier on 6250 0496.


Following the retirement of much respected long-time coordinator, Reg Gooch, and the decline in numbers of participants in recent times, the Writing Group URGENTLY needs more members if it is to continue.


We meet in the Administration Building, 2nd floor, Handicraft Room on Monday’s at 1.00pm (except Public Holidays). Wendy Paull, Coordinator, Ph: 9470 1966

POTTERY GROUP First a note for your diaries. Our important AGM will be held at 9.30 am February 11th. so. we look forward to seeing everyone there. Annual fees are due at the meeting. The pottery would welcome new members to join us on Mondays between 9am and 11am. We are situated in Allen Court next-door to Kingia. Ann Morris/Secretary

Our AGM will be next month, see notice board, and we hope to have a good turn up with suggestions for the year`s programme. Our club times are Tuesday and Friday mornings from 9 - 11 am in the art room on the second floor of the Administration Building. New members are always welcome. New members are always welcome. Sheila Barley, Secretary.

The Snooker Players Association

Canasta Canasta is held every Wednesday night from 6:30pm to 9:00pm. Bus pick up appox 6:15pm. $1.00 to play and $1.00 for lucky numbers. Supper is provided. New members are welcome, we will teach you if you can’t play. Enquiries please contact: Maureen Thompson

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Once again it is the beginning of a new year and we wish you all a happy and healthy 2013 with some good painting!

The Snooker Players Association is situated on the second (Social) floor of the Administration Building. Playing sessions are held Monday to Friday from 1–3pm. New members are welcome and we would especially welcome ‘recently-moved-in’ residents. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t played for many years, as the ‘old touch’ will soon come back! If you decide to join, the membership fee is only $5 per year and you pay 20c for each frame played. Think about it, come along, or give me a ring. Peter Brunt, President Ph: 9355 4767

B e nt le y Pa r k

B i n g o C lu b ! Thursday Nights in our Auditorium. Eyes Down 7.00pm Come along on Thursday’s from 6:30pm and join the fun! $2 PER BOOK, Flyers a $1 each, Raffle - Lucky Numbers – Break Opens – Lucky door Prize. NEW PLAYERS ALWAYS WELCOME. Our bus will pick you up from anywhere in Bentley Park, Cooinda or Rowethorpe, commencing at 6:15pm. Just call Laurie on 6250 0477. Company is good and we will bus you home by 9:30pm. Hope to see you there. Good Luck! Carol Greenaway, Licence Holder Ph: 0459 540 921

It is possible you may have an interest in WRITING (from maybe as little as 100 words describing events or episodes in your life), or in READING (perhaps to discuss your favourite book/author/genre)? If so call 6250 0538, Brian Dale for more details. Our NEW meeting arrangements are that we meet MONTHLY on the FIRST FRIDAY of the month, 9.30am, Committee Room, Admin 2nd Floor. Why not come along and see whether we have more than 50 Shades of Grey (hair!)? Brian Dale

Theatre Go-ers Club Another successful year last year and Beryl Davis has arranged for 2012 surplus funds of $715 from the Theatre Go-Ers to be donated to the Village. It will be used to tune the five pianos in our care centres. Thanks to Beryl and all theatre goers who made it possible not forgetting our bus drivers, Laurie, Lorraine, Don, Tony and Austin. The Friday March 15th visit is to KADS in Kalamunda to see the stage version of the ‘39 Steps’ by John Buchan adapted by Patrick Barlow. “Mix an Hitchcock masterpiece with a juicy spy novel & you have the 39 Steps.” Three films have been made, one by Alfred Hitchcock, and the stage version ran for over five years at the Criterion Theatre in Piccadilly Circus. We leave the village by bus at 6.45pm prompt and will go direct to the KADS Theatre. Tickets are $21 each (cash with order) and due to high demand will go on sale at 8.15am on Monday 18th February at the Stratton Centre. Port/ Sherry/Juice on arrival & return bus travel included. Tea/Coffee will be available for purchase at the interval. A new resident Joan Fenton has kindly offered to help with the Theatre Group. Please make her welcome. Austin Gillanders, Co-ordinator Ph: 0412 786 669 bptgers@gmail.com

Bentley Park Indoor Bowls Indoor Bowls is played on a Wednesday in the Auditorium commencing at 1pm. New members are always welcome. Beryl Moule, Ph: 9355 1810.


Undercroft Bowling Club


Bowls has started again and it is great! The weather is very sticky but our members are turning up in good numbers.

Tuesday Wednesday

9 – 11am 9.15–11.15am


9 – 11am 2 – 4pm


9 – 11am

The AGM was held on Monday January 21 after this issue of Tidings had gone to press. Details in the next issue of “Tidings”. Can you help? We need help from anyone with a computer background, not necessarily an expert, who is prepared to spend a couple of hours a week and facilitate one of our sessions. All we need is someone who has experience with Hotmail and Gmail and a basic knowledge of MS Word and MS Excel. It’s not hard, just helping those who have limited computer experience. If this is you, please contact President Ken Thurtell on ph 0409296105, or John on ph 6250 0505. We still are the cheapest and friendliest internet access around, so make the most of what we have to offer.

We have a match coming up against Swan Club at the end of February which should be challenging and enjoyable. Please put your name on the board if interested. Casino outing on Feb 5th Tuesday. We have our first Committee meeting on Feb 4th to organise our year of events. Hope everyone has a Happy Healthy 2013.

Birthdays for February: Dave Newlan and Sheila Barley.(Old age is always 15yrs older than you are!) Both are active Aquarians.

Sayings: 1. I move more slowly now, not because I’m in no hurry, but because I’m reluctant to leave. 2. Don’t marry a tennis player, love means nothing to them. 3. Volunteers are not paid,not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless!!!

We are located on the 2nd floor of the Administration building in an air-conditioned room so it is never hot or cold, the membership is only $10 per annum and each 2 hour session only $2. There is an experienced facilitator available at each session to help those who want it. We also run a special class for beginners.

Gloria Burrows, Bill Lee, Frank Fraser and Mary Gent.

J C Wellstead, Secretary Ph: 6250 0505

Birthdays for December:

SCRABBLE CLUB Held every Thursday in the Stratton Centre at 1.30pm. New members welcome. Pam Urquhart

Ladies of the Night

Patchwork Group Meetings are held at 6.30pm on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each calendar month in the Handicraft Room at Administration Building

Gill Godsmark, Secretary

Birthdays for November:

Ann Tap, Betty Briggs, Beryl Davis, Mary Johnstone, and Peggy Grayson.

Jokes: (1) Two silkworms had a race. They ended up in a tie !!! (2) Did you know that 6 out of 7 dwarves is not happy !!! Gill Godsmark, Secretary

Mahjong Club

SWAN VILLAGE BOWLING CLUB The Christmas Raffle was a great success. It was drawn on 15th December and the winners were 1st Prize – Marjorie Cobb 2nd Prize – J Schorer 3rd Prize – D Sanders 4th Prize – Mrs Ripp 5th Prize – S Cullen 6th Prize – N Denton 7th Prize – P Rowe Thanks to all who supported our raffle and all ticket sellers. All prizes have been delivered to the lucky winners. Bowls have continued over the holiday period, some players even turned up on the over 40 degree days. How keen can you get?? The calendar has already started to get serious with a welcome to the New Year morning tea on the 10th January. As usual Hazel Lancaster and her ladies put on a great show. On the 31st January there is a luncheon at the Ravenswood Hotel and this is already booked out. The bus leaves the normal stops at 10:30am. There will be a morning tea at the Leisure Centre on the 14th February at 10:00am. Cost $2. There will no charge for those who bring refreshments. A door prize will conclude the morning.

Inter Club Match with Undercroft Bowling Club This will be held on the 20th February, playing commences at 6:30pm at the Undercroft Bowling Club. The night will begin at 5:00pm with a Sausage Sizzle. Cost $5.00 a head. Non players are very welcome. Nominations will be called for very soon. A Happy Hour will follow the conclusion of play.

The Mahjong Club meets every Friday Afternoon from 1pm to 4pm in the JP Stratton Centre EXCEPT the 1st Friday of the month we meet in the Administration on the 2nd floor.

Enjoy your bowls Tom Brazier, Vice President


Last game for the year will be 21st December 2012 and recommencing 4th January 2013.New players always welcome & we will teach new players the rules of the game.

Now at the JP Stratton Centre every Wednesday from 1:00 until 3:45pm. New players wanted – will teach. Come and have a cuppa and a game for 50 cents.

Darts are on Tuesday and Friday at 6.30pm. Don Mabbott, President

Maureen Thompson, Ph: 9472 7967

Plantation Drive, Bentley Park. All patch workers and quilters welcome. For more information phone: Marion Pitcher - Ph: 9362 1702 or Jean Buchanan-Hughes - Ph: 9362 5903

Pony Canasta For more information contact Marie Stephens Ph: 947 25097 or Joan Mellowship Ph: 9361 4106



Community Noticeboard

The Bentley Park Thank You To all the members of the “Tidings” team who deliver it to you each month:

SwanMobile Availability Bookings: 6250 0023 MONDAY – FRIDAY

9am - 4pm


9am - 12 noon

Girl Guides Association Western Australia Inc For more information please contact Nancy Brazier on 6250 0496 or email tomnanb@bentleyparkestate.com.au

Joyce Alexander Marjory Cobb Beryl Davis Val Fraser Mary Gent Austin Gillanders Carol Greenaway Patricia Hall Merle Hannan Eileen Palmer Mary Perreau Alma Ralph Patricia Wells

Relief Team: Emma Chant Ken Fogarty Gina Howell Lorraine Johnson I am sure the residents appreciate the delivery each month (except January) to their letterboxes. My thanks to you for all your assistance over many years. Happy New Year to you all.

Community Cookbook

On Sa le Now!

Over 180 recipes

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Available from Admin, Kingia/Tandara & Waminda Reception All proceeds to the Kingia/Tandara Auxiliary

Beryl Davis, Co-ordinator

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