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October 2011 bentley park resident newsletter

Across My Desk CEO’s Report Welcome to October, with the cold and chill of winter now behind us, and the ugg boots packed away for another year I trust that you are now looking forward to welcoming a bit of warmth and sunshine back into your life. I know I am.

Apart from being AFL finals month …. September is also Strategic Planning Month. September is the month when the organisational hierarchy undertakes its Strategic Planning and puts aside some quality time to reflect and consider how we might be able to conduct our business better so that we can improve the services that we provide to our residents. This is a very important part of the organisation’s annual cycle and it is vitally important that the future planning is well thought out and structured. This year’s planning day was held on the 23rd of September, and was a very full day with lots of information to consider, and lots of exciting and challenging developments ahead on the horizon. We also were very fortunate to have available excellent feedback from our recently completed staff and resident surveys, which provided extremely valuable input towards the forward planning projections for the Board and Executive Management to take into account.

planning process provides a “blue print” plan for the direction that our organisation will take over the ensuing years, and it sets the tone for our key focus areas. The five key focus areas which the Board and Executive Management will be focussing the organisations efforts upon are: 1. Ensuring that our debt is managed down to acceptable levels within the next two years. 2. Ensuring that our current infrastructure will be suitable to meet the needs of contemporary Aged Care and Independently Living standards. 3. Ensuring that our methods of Service Delivery and the Services to our residents meet the needs of a discerning and changing ageing population base. 4. Ensuring that the organisation is well positioned to optimise the benefits of the Productivity Commission reform recommendations. 5. Ensuring that our workforce is appropriately skilled, equipped and empowered to meet the changing requirements and increased demands that will emerge. Underpinning these five key focus areas there are a raft of objectives and action plans to be undertaken, and when complied succinctly, will form the basis of the Strategic Plan. There is still quite a bit of work to be done to bring together all of these ideas and thoughts, and this work is being done at the present moment, with a view to having a draft Strategic Plan for the next five years ready for the October Board meeting. I will, however, be speaking at this month’s Residents Meeting, where I will be able to provide for you some forward insight into the Strategic Plan outcomes.

The Planning Day focuses on the key mission, vision and strategic objectives that SwanCare Group aspire to achieve over the next five to ten year period. This

Security Number If the Resident Support Services number is unavailable residents are reminded the mobile contact number for Security is:

0413 388 650

Significant Award to one of our Board-members Professor Robin Watts, from Curtin University and also a SwanCare Group Board member was awarded the ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ at the recent 2011 Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Awards. This is a most prestigious and well regarded award that recognises individual contributions and achievements for nurses and midwives acknowledging their distinguished service to the profession over their career span. Prof Robin Watts joined the SwanCare Group Board in March 2011 and we are extremely proud of her achievement. Congratulations and well done Robin.

Productivity Commission Reform One of the major discussion points at our Strategic Planning day was the major reforms that are being proposed by the Productivity Commission’s review into Aged Care. Entitled, “Caring for Older Australians“ the report sets about proposing a unique opportunity for fundamental change and reform to our sector. I was recently privileged to hear a presentation from the Minister for Ageing, Mr Mark Butler. Mr Butler is an Aged Care Minister that truly understands our sector, having worked in it himself for many years prior to entering the world of politics. Mr Butler, like all of us, knows that to survive and be sustainable our sector requires some serious reform and government driven change. This review provides that unique opportunity, but Mr Butler was quick to admit that the Government, with so many competing interests at the moment, has not given a tick to the reform agenda, however, he was equally as quick to point out, they haven’t ruled any of the recommendations out either. Continued Page 3

Bentley Park Events Office Stratton Luncheon Concert - October 7 Auditorium Concert - October 9

Inside this issue > SwanCare Group Charity Golf Day - pg 3 Bentley Park Events Office - pg 4 Bentley Park News - pg 5 John Curtin Weekend - pg 8 Community Noticeboard - pg 12

Church Notices The Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 26 Plantation Drive Bentley WA 6102 Phone: (08) 6250 0000 Fax: (08) 9470 2017 www.swancare.com.au Find SwanCare Group on Facebook www.twitter.com/swancare

We would love to see you at our Sunday Service of praise and song. We are from all denominations and would love to welcome you into the Christian Fellowship. We meet at the JP Stratton Centre every Sunday 9am. The fourth Sunday of each month is our Prayer & Praise service, led by members of our group. All enquiries B. Bennett – 9472 6857. For Transport phone Ken Sinclair – 9361 0131.

Catholic Services 1st & 3rd Tuesday of every month in the Stratton Centre commencing at 11am.

Rowethorpe Uniting Church Rowethorpe Uniting Church Weekly Sunday Services are conducted in the Rowethorpe Chapel 10:00am with visiting Ministers. Contact Mary Perreau – 9355 5381.

The Christian Fellowship (Get Together) Meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month at the Stratton Centre at 10:30am. We meet for coffee, tea & tidbits. We find plenty of things we enjoy sharing & discussing. Ring Betty Bennett – 9472 6857

bentley park resident newsletter

Tidings Newsletter is a monthly publication produced and printed on behalf of the residents at Bentley Park, a SwanCare Group community.

Material deadline for advertising is the 20th of the month preceding each monthly edition.

To book display or lineage advertising or for information regarding rates please contact SwanCare Group on 6250 0000.

Please supply editorial contribution as a Word document electronically to tidings@swancare.com.au. Any supporting photographs may be supplied electronically or as hardcopy prints.

Prepaid Funerals. Simple. We all know planning ahead is a good idea. And so too is a prepaid funeral plan. You can cover the costs of the funeral at today’s prices, you can plan the type of funeral that you want, and your family will not have to make difficult decisions at a time of loss. Simplicity Funerals, making prepaid funerals simple. For more information on a prepaid funeral, or to receive an obligation-free private consultation, please complete and return the coupon to: Prepaid Funeral Information, Reply Paid 195 Osborne Park WA 6917

Contributions for Tidings


9300 0888

If you have something for Tidings please email it to: tidings@swancare.com.au


9390 3000


9534 9488

Osborne Park

9443 1666


9434 5844

Australian owned. All areas 1300 556 222.

Hard copies of articles can still be handed to Reception in the main Administration office at 26 Plantation Drive.


Name: ____________________________________________________ Phone:____________________________

Material deadline is the 20th of the preceding month.

Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ *Your details will be held by InvoCare Aust. Pty Ltd trading as Simplicity Funerals. Our privacy policy may be viewed at www.invocare.com.au


CEO’s Report


So as an industry it is incumbent upon us all to ensure that aged Care reform is front and centre when it comes time to frame the all-important budget for 2012. Our lobbying must be consistent and the message strong, and it must cut across all sides of politics.

SwanCare Group Charity Golf Day 2011 We have great pleasure in announcing that a total of $12,494.04 was raised at the SwanCare Group Charity Golf Day. This takes the grand total raised to just short of $40,000 over 4 years.

Resident Support Services We all know the wonderfully fantastic job that Maxene and Leasa do in helping our Independent Living Residents. They work above and beyond the normal call of duty and will never shy away from a difficult task or challenging issue. They endure so much and deal with so many, often very confronting personal issues, that I sometimes wonder how they can do what they do. Theirs is not a job for the feint hearted and it takes very special people to do the job that they do, and we are very blessed to have two of the absolute best in Maxene and Leasa. It is therefore quite amazing that sometimes I get asked by residents why is it that Maxene and Leasa seem to always visit residents together – and not separately. The inference being that if they visited resident’s separately then they could get twice the amount of work done. The answer is quite simple and is governed by basic OSH and Safety principles. It is a safety requirement, and our operational practices decree that they should always work together. Over the many years of providing this resident support service there has been a multitude of incidents that they have encountered with residents that have demanded dual assistance. There is no doubt in my mind that serious and life threatening incidences have been avoided by having both of our RSS ladies present at the initial point of contact.











We take this opportunity to thank our major sponsor, BGC Construction, whose very generous sponsorship enables us to host the Charity Golf Day each year. Congratulations to Total Project Management, winners of the 2011 SwanCare Group Charity Golf competition, followed closely by Programmed Property Services and Thompson Surveying Consultants in third. Proceeds from the SwanCare Group Charity Golf Day 2011 will be used to provide ‘BBQ areas’ in the village and also contribute to the purchase of two ‘drop-down’ electric beds for Kingia. Thank you to the “Hole Sponsors”:

VRAC Elections During October, the all-important elections for your Village Residents Advisory Council are held. The Bentley Park Residents Advisory Council is the “voice of the people”. It is the primary means of ensuring that important residents’ issues are conveyed to and actioned with SwanCare Group Management and the Board. For any prospective residents that may be contemplating putting your name forward to be a member of this Council I can assure you that it is a fulfilling and rewarding experience, and I would encourage you to “give it a go”. For others, not wanting to be at the coal face, that is fine also, but I would encourage you to get behind those brave candidates that have nominated and give them your full support by voting at the forthcoming elections. And finally …. This month’s pearl of wisdom is “To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research”. Have great month. Regards, Graham Francis, Chief Executive Officer

…..and thank you to everyone that made donations and contributed to the prize pool: Australian Medical Association

Classic Meats

Ms M. De Ronchi

Ascot Farriers

Cooch Creative


BGC Construction (Golf Box)


St James Newstart Pharmacy

Brownes Dairy

Food for Me, Vic Park

SureLine Care Services




ch2 (Clifford Hallam Healthcare)


City Toyota

Mrs Bishop


Bentley Park Events Office Events Past

Tickets at the all inclusive price of $18 will go on sale from 8.30am on Tuesday October 11th at the Auditorium Kiosk and afterwards at Admin. Counter – please book your tables and seats early so as not to miss out.

We had two great entertainment items during September, attended and enjoyed by our audiences. On Friday September 2nd the Stratton Lunch Time Concert was performed by the versatile song and dance man Adam Penn, great songs performed in great style, a really enjoyable hour. These luncheon/concerts are proving very popular, not only do patrons get a good meal of Fish & Chips, a drink or two and afternoon tea, they get an hours entertainment by a variety of quality performers, all for the ticket cost of $10. The Sunday Auditorium Concert was held on September 11th, when we had a top class show of good music (and some good humour items) performed by the 25 strong “Cambridge Musicians” band. Comments at the performance, “best ever” – “ must have them again soon”, were well deserved and much appreciated. The audience number was pleasingly the best we’ve had for some time.

We will of course be running our usual Melbourne Cup Sweep, with its great prizes, tickets will be available throughout October – see details on notice boards.

Opportunity Shop The Op. Shop continues to trade well and a good balance has accrued in the account, we will shortly be making donations to several village activities. We have had such a lot of good quality items donated recently (mainly clothing) that we have arranged to have a special $1 sale to clear stock, there are certainly bargains to be had – please call in.

Newspaper Recycling

Future Programme Items The Stratton Lunchtime Concert will be on Friday October 7th when the entertainment will be a return performance by the popular singer and fine guitarist Bernard Carney (he replaces Justin and Katherine Freind who unfortunately had to cancel.) A few tickets still available, ring Shirley on 93554767 if you’d like one, but be quick – they are selling fast!

This too is doing well of late, about 1 tonne of papers coming in each week – your support in putting papers out for collection by our volunteers is much appreciated. That’s about all for this month, thank you for your support. Peter Brunt, Co-ordinator

After the October Stratton concert we have two more to finish the year : On Friday November 4th, entertainment by vocalist Brett Nosworthy, and on the second Friday in December - 9th, we are putting on a special pre-xmas show of Christmas songs and carols, which Adam Penn will sing to us and with us.

Rehab & Healthcare Equipment

This is the first time we have had a Stratton event in December and it resulted from a request from several of our regulars – we were pleased to oblige. As well as the usual meal, drinks, etc, we will provide some seasonal Christmas fare and the venue will be decorated to suit.

Recline & Lift Chairs Custom Made in WA From $1890

The Auditorium Concert will be on Sunday October 9th when the performer will be the talented Bill Blaine singing his usual range of popular numbers and of course, a few Country and Western items. Tickets at the door $5. Show starts at 2pm, bus picks up from 1.30pm. See you there!! It is also time to prepare for the Melbourne Cup Luncheon on Tuesday 1st November, arrangements are well advanced and details are now posted on notice boards. As usual we will have the race shown on the large screen TV and a three course meal will be served with accompanying variety of wines, beer and soft drinks.


Entertainment will be by our regular people, the “Heel and Toe” band.

HI LO Homecare Electric Adjustable Bed Avail in Single & King Single From $2800

Metro Mobility 1236 Albany Highway Cannington www.metromobility.com.au


9258 8733

hard job well done, keeping systems working and for handling emergency & after hours calls promptly”

Bentley Park News Swanmobile The Swanmobile is a terrific service run by volunteers for all village residents. Recently there have been issues with the vehicle not being charged enough to complete the afternoon travel. We have had the Swanmobile serviced and the batteries were replaced. The company who we purchased the vehicle from has advised that this current vehicle is getting twice the amount of usage than the previous vehicle which lasted 5-6 yrs. He also advised that our Swanmobile has the highest amp usage in WA and it is only 12 months old! To conserve battery use and wear and tear on the vehicle we will be working with residents and drivers to ensure the Swanmobile is being used efficiently.

Compliments I received a letter recently from a resident praising the maintenance staff for their prompt assistance and as she quoted “I truly appreciate having someone around that I can rely on to assist me when I need it”. This resident thought that we should acknowledge the staff in our newsletter. Other comments I have received from residents; “Maintenance are to be highly praised” “Maintenance men are great” “Thank you to our maintenance staff for a

SwanCare management and staff would also like to thank our maintenance staff for all their hard work and ability to deal with all maintenance requests as quickly and efficiently as possible and we do appreciate the complimentary feedback from our residents. Well done guys, keep up the good work. Mike Sullivan, Manager Building and Facilities

Buses Earlier in the year the cost of bus trips was reviewed and new costs were implemented. These were to ensure that the cost of operating the bus per trip was covered. Feedback from residents has been that the cost increase was too great and as such the costs are currently being reviewed again – there will be updated prices in the next issue of Tidings. While these costs are set by Administration, bus trip organisers may increase the cost per person to cover things such as morning tea, drivers meals and administrative costs such as printing of flyers, etc. If you would like to know what the cost per person covers please speak to the trip organiser direct for a breakdown.

Bentley Park - Rowethorpe Neighbourhood Watch is a Community Programme that aims to prevent crime and protect the safety, security and quality of life for everyone in our Community. If there is ever a need to report any suspicious activity, unusual disturbances, intrusions - contact Resident Support/ Security immediately. For problems within our Village, particularly Village property, please notify Administration and our Security on 6250 0020 at any time – day or night. They will then take the appropriate action. Tony Ryder, Co-ordinator Ph: 6250 0510

Residents Joining Our Bentley Park Community Our community extends a warm welcome to Ms Leete, Mr Barnes, Mr & Mrs Harrison, Mr & Mrs Warnes and Mrs Campbell. Bentley Park resident Tony Ryder is happy to answer any questions that new residents have regarding living in the village. Please feel free to call Tony on 6250 0510.

Ad Fr m ee iss ion !



Sections • Art • Arts and Crafts • China Painting • Christmas Decorations • Cooking • Crochet • Floral Art • Hobby Ceramics • Jams and Preserves • Knitting • Needlework • Photography • Poster Competition • Pottery • Quilting / Patchwork • Vegetables and Fruit • Woodwork


Saturday 22 and Sunday 23rd October nd

Open 9:30am to 4pm

Opening of Show

Sunday___________________________ 9:30am - 2:30pm Prize Money Collection 2.30pm Trophy Collection 3:30pm Raffle Draw 4pm

Auditorium 26 Plantation Drive Bentley Entries close Friday 14th October Deliver your exhibits to the Auditorium at the following times: Art Entries only: Thursday, 20th October - 9:30am to 11:00am All Other Sections: Friday, 21st October - 9:30am 12:00 noon

Exhibit Collection Prize Money Collection

Displays Kingia - Sheep Shearing Tandara - “Cat” Collage Waminda - Art, Handicraft

Demonstration Quilting & Patchwork

Exhibitor’s names do not appear on Judging Sheets. Prize money - 9:30am to 2:30pm and after 4:00pm on Sunday 23rd October Exhibit Collection 4pm Sunday. Please collect - exhibit envelope must be presented. Enquiries: Beryl Davis - Show Co-ordinator, Phone: 9355 4795






Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.00am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131)

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS General Balance Group 9.00am RSC Undercroft Bowls 9.30am RCL Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Handicraft/Beading 1.00pm HR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Hydrotherapy 1.30pm MSHP Hydrotherapy 2.30pm MSHP

October 2011



Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.00am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131)

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS General Balance Group 9.00am RSC Undercroft Bowls 9.30am RCL Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Handicraft/Beading 1.00pm HR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Hydrotherapy 1.30pm MSHP Hydrotherapy 2.30pm MSHP

Art Group Computer Club Exercise Club Catholic Services Snooker Club Rummycub Indoor Bowls Tai Chi Darts Club




Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.00am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131) Social Club Concert 2.00pm AUD

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS General Balance Group 9.00am RSC Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Undercroft Bowls 9.30am RCL Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Handicraft 1.00pm HR Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Hydrotherapy 1.30pm MSHP Hydrotherapy 2.30pm MSHP Patchwork Group 6.30pm HR

Art Group Computer Club Exercise Club Snooker Club Rummycub Indoor Bowls Tai Chi Diner’s Club Outing Darts Club







Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.00am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131) Bentley Park Show 9.30am - 4.00pm

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS General Balance Group 9.00am RSC Undercroft Bowls 9.30am RCL Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Handicraft 1.00pm HR Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Hydrotherapy 1.30pm MSHP Hydrotherapy 2.30pm MSHP

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS General Balance Group 9.00am RSC Undercroft Bowls 9.30am RCL Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Handicraft 1.00pm HR Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Hydrotherapy 1.30pm MSHP Hydrotherapy 2.30pm MSHP Patchwork Group 6.30pm HR


Spritz Café


Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.00am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131)



Why not take the Swanmobile?

• Coffee / Cappuccino / Tea • Sandwiches / Foccacias • Hot Meals & Fresh Salads • Selection of Cakes & Muffins • Soft Drinks / Juices / Milk Drin 5

9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 11.00am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.30pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 6.30pm JPS

Library Open Table Tennis Art Group Computer Club Exercise Class Snooker Club Rummycub Indoor Bowls Tai Chi Darts Club Canasta

9.15am - 12.15pm 9.00am SCR 9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.30pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 6.30pm JPS 7.00pm JPS

12 9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.30pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 5.45pm 6.30pm JPS

Art Group 9.00am ABL2 Computer Club 9.00am ABL2 Residents Coffee Morning 9.30am JPS Exercise Club 9.30am JPS Catholic Services 11.00am JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Rummycub 1.00pm JPS Indoor Bowls 1.30pm AUD Tai Chi 5.00pm AUD Diner’s Club Outing 5.45pm Darts Club 6.30pm JPS

Art Group Computer Club Exercise Club Snooker Club Rummycub Auxiliary Meeting AGM Indoor Bowls Tai Chi Darts Club

Weekdays 9.30am - 2pm

9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.30pm AUD 1.30pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 6.30pm JPS

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Art Group 9.00am ABL2 Table Tennis 9.00am SCR Op Shop Open 8.30am - 12pm Computer Club 9.00am ABL2 Undercroft Bowls 9.30am RCL Stretch Balance Group 9.30am RPG Bentley Show Committee 9.30am HR Neighbourhood Watch Meeting 9.30am CL Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Pony Canasta 1.00pm JPS Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Indoor Bowls 1.30pm AUD Canasta 7.00pm JPS


Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Art Group 9.00am ABL2 Table Tennis 9.00am SCR Op Shop Open 8.30am - 12pm Computer Club 9.00am ABL2 Undercroft Bowls 9.30am RCL Stretch Balance Group 9.30am RPG Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Pony Canasta 1.00pm JPS Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Indoor Bowls 1.30pm AUD Canasta 7.00pm JPS


Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Table Tennis 9.00am SCR Art Group 9.00am ABL2 Op Shop Open 8.30am - 12pm Computer Club 9.00am ABL2 Undercroft Bowls 9.30am RCL Stretch Balance Group 9.30am RPG Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Pony Canasta 1.00pm JPS Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Indoor Bowls 1.30pm AUD Canasta 7.00pm JPS



SATURDAY 1 Op Shop open Exercise Class Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club

8.30am-12pm 9.30am JPS 9.30am RCL 1.15pm OBC

Bentley Park Calendar of Events

October My events to note:


kingia arcade

6 Pottery Group Low-impact Exercise Computer Club Exercise Class Writers Group Stretch Balance Group Snooker Club Scrabble Club Hydrotherapy Computer Club Bingo

9.00am PGS 9.00am RSC 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 9.30am HR 10.00am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.30pm JPS 1.30pm MSHP 2.00pm ABL2 7.00pm AUD

13 Pottery Group Low-impact Exercise Computer Club Exercise Class Stretch Balance Class Scrabble Club Hydrotherapy Snooker Club Hydrotherapy Computer Club Bingo


Pottery Group Low-impact Exercise Computer Club Exercise Class Writers Group Stretch Balance Class Scrabble Club Hydrotherapy Snooker Club Hydrotherapy Computer Club Bingo


Pottery Group Low-impact Exercise Computer Club Exercise Class Stretch Balance Class Scrabble Club Hydrotherapy Snooker Club Hydrotherapy Computer Club Bingo

9.00am PGS 9.00am RSC 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 10.00am JPS 1.30pm JPS 1.30pm MSHP 2.00pm SCR 2.30pm MSHP 2.00pm ABL2 7.00pm AUD

9.00am PGS 9.00am RSC 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 9.30am HR 10.00am JPS 1.30pm JPS 1.30pm MSHP 2.00pm SCR 2.30pm MSHP 2.00pm ABL2 7.00pm AUD

9.00am PGS 9.00am RSC 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 10.00am JPS 1.30pm JPS 1.30pm MSHP 2.00pm SCR 2.30pm MSHP 2.00pm ABL2 7.00pm AUD



Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Art Group 9.00am ABL2 Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Balance Group 11.00am RAC Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Mahjong Club 1.00pm JPS Darts Club 6.30pm SCR Theatre Group Outing 7.00pm

Op Shop open Exercise Class Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club



Library Open Art Group Exercise Class Balance Group Snooker Club Mahjong Club Darts Club

9.15am - 12.15pm 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 11.00am RAC 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 6.30pm JPS

Op Shop open Exercise Class Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club

8.30am-12pm 9.30am JPS 9.30am RCL 1.15pm OBC

8.30am-12pm 9.30am JPS 9.30am RCL 1.15pm OBC

If your club would like a diary date inserted into the Tidings monthly calendar, email the details to: tidings@swancare.com.au


Library Open Art Group Exercise Class Balance Group Snooker Club Mahjong Club Darts Club


9.15am - 12.15pm 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 11.00am RAC 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 6.30pm JPS

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday Administration Office Closed


Op Shop open Exercise Class Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club Bentley Park Show


Op Shop open Exercise Class Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club

ABL2 Administration Building Level2 8.30am-12pm 9.30am JPS 9.30am RCL 1.15pm OBC 9.30am - 4.00pm

8.30am-12pm 9.30am JPS 9.30am RCL 1.15pm OBC


Adie Court


Art Room (Admin Building)

AUD Auditorium CC

Cultural Centre


Coffee Lounge (2nd Floor Administration)


Committee Room (Admin)


Handicraft Room (Administration Building)


JP Stratton Centre


Kingia Concourse


Leisure Centre


Millstream Gardens

MSHP Multiple Schlerosis Hydrotherapy Pool (bus pick-up at Bentley Park) OBC Outdoor Bowling Club PGS Pottery Group Studio RAC Rowethorpe-Activity Centre RCL

Richard Cleaver Lodge

RPG Rowethorpe-Physio Gym RSC Rowethorpe-Sutton Centre SCR Snooker Club Room

7 7

John Curtin Weekend ‘Richard Cleaver Lodge Painting Project’ John Curtin Weekend (JCW) is Curtin Volunteers largest community project. During September and October approximately 500 volunteers, (in groups of up to 20) travel to 40 rural towns and metropolitan sites to work with the locals on their community projects. On Saturday 17th September 2011, SwanCare Group, Bentley Park had the pleasure of hosting a group of 15 Curtin students who volunteered for a “Painting Project at Richard Cleaver Lodge”. Painting commenced on the 1st floor (Adie Court entrance), where the walls received a fresh coat of white paint and although there was no change to the wall colour, it gave a much cleaner, fresher appearance. To enhance the main entrance, we introduced a ‘feature wall’ where a bright “Symphony Red” colour was applied to one of the walls. Teamwork was at its best and after a short break for morning tea, the 1st floor had received its first coat of paint; while it dried we moved down to the ground floor to repeat the process. This time ‘Blue Oar’ was chosen for the feature wall to blend in with the existing furnishings and the white walls received a new coat of paint. Work then continued up on the first floor, where the walls received a second coat of paint. By lunch time the two floors had been transformed. The afternoon saw a second coat of paint being applied on the ground floor, a final coat of red to the 1st floor and then the clean-up process began. The students worked extremely well together and because of this the whole project ran very smoothly, with little fuss and major outcome! We take this opportunity to say “THANK YOU” to the JCW Curtin Students for volunteering for this project and also a very big ‘thank you’ to the ‘A Team’ (Admin staff volunteers). For the ‘A Team’ it was an absolute pleasure working alongside such a fabulous group of students. They were not only hard working, keen, enthusiastic, polite, friendly and so much more but a lot of FUN! We also wish to acknowledge and thank Programmed Property Services who very generously donated all of the paint, painting equipment and supplies for the project.

Residents Advisory Council - Brian Dale At the time of going to press, a summary of our September meeting featuring Guest Speaker, Leanne LeBrun, Manager Care Admissions, was unavailable due to publication timing deadlines. The meeting notes will be distributed in the flyer for the October meeting which will be addressed by the Chief Executive, Graham Francis.

VRAC Elections 2011 Nominations are sought for the three positions on the Council vacated by retiring Councillors. Nomination Forms have been distributed and are available from Ronnie in Admin. Nomination deadline is Friday 14 October. Nominees will be introduced at the Coffee Meeting on Tuesday 18 October and Voting Slips distributed on Wednesday 19 October, (if more than 3 candidates). Voting closes on Thursday 10 November and the new Council will be introduced at the Coffee Meeting on Tuesday 15 November. Please feel free to contact any member of the Council on any Village issue of concern: Brian Dale, Chairman, ph 6250 0538 dale@interlink.com.au Carolyn Wellstead, Vice Chair, ph 6250 0505 jocar@bentleyparkestate.com.au Cath Devereaux, ph 6250 0407 Gill Godsmark, ph 9472 7481 Ken Sinclair, ph 9361 0131 Carol Greenaway, ph 0459 540 921 We meet on the third Tuesday of every month (except December) at 9.30 am in the Auditorium. All Village and Care Centre Residents are invited to attend and participate in the meeting. Brian Dale, Residents Advisory Council

Bentley Park Diners

Finally, thank you to the residents and visitors who throughout the course of the day, offered encouragement and thanks for “a job well done”. It really was lovely to see the students feeling very proud of their achievements and hearing first hand that their efforts were truly appreciated.

Our outing for October will be at the Lynwood

“Thank you to the students for putting life back into the place” – Resident, RCL


“Thank you for all the effort you’ve put into the ‘cheering up’ of RCL” – Resident, RCL

We can take a maximum of 43 each night; you

Tavern as requested from the evaluation forms. Outings will be on the 11th & 18th October 2011. There is a 3 course meal for $14.20 (at time of booking) and many more dishes on the

don’t need a partner as there will be 43 friendly village residents to welcome you. Please book early so I can arrange bus lists &


drivers. Contact Lorraine on 6250 0425.

Open 7 Days Friendly service & professional advice. Phone and speak to one of our helpful staff today. We look forward to being of service to you. Our friendly team: (left to right) Michelle, Linda, Sue, Alex, Joanne, Doris, John, Melanie, Gill, Cheryl, Sian, & Regina

Script Collection


(from our “Script Boxes” Monday to Friday)

Administration Building

11am & 3pm

Drummond Way Apartments 11am & 3pm Grocery Store

11am & 3pm

Mavis Cleaver Court

11am & 3pm

Medical Centre

10am, 11am, 1pm & 3pm

Plantation Apartments

11am & 3pm

Richard Cleaver Lodge

11am & 3pm

Monday to Friday

3.30pm - 5.30pm


2.00pm - 3.30pm


by arrangement (if urgent)

Open Hours Monday to Saturday

8.00am - 6.30pm

Sunday & Public Holidays

9.00am - 5.00pm

Saturday and Sunday orders can be placed by phone









10% SENIORS’ DISCOUNT Excludes prescriptions, Darrell Lea Confectionery specials & already discounted lines.

Webster Packing (even for customers not living in Waminda Care Centre)

NDSS Sub Agency Darrell Lea Confectionery Fax Services Giftware Laminating Services Photocopying Photo Developing Selfcare Cards Vitamins

16 A & B Chapman Rd, St James WA 6102 Phone: 9361 6101

Rowethorpe Retirement Village Celebrating 50th Anniversary Rowethorpe Retirement Village is celebrating its 50th Anniversary with a week-long programme of events, commencing with a THANKSGIVING SERVICE at 2:00pm on 9th October 2011. The service will be held in the Sutton Community Centre at Rowethorpe, and will include a Sermon by the Moderator-Elect, Rev Ron Larkin, and the Perth Wesley Choir will also participate. Afternoon tea is to be served after the Service. Everyone is invited.

Theatre Go-ers Club As usual our last outing in September was a great night out to the Tivoli. I’m sure all enjoyed it. We are off to the Garrick Theatre on the 7th October at Guildford to see “Last of the Red Hot Lovers”. It has a twist at the end!! Our last outing for the year is to K.A.D.S. at Kalamunda to see a pantomime “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” based on the story by the Brothers Grimm on Friday 18th November. Tickets $23.00 each. Bookings open at the

J.B. Stratton Centre on Monday 3rd October at 9:00am. This is a Chicken & Chip night before the show. All residents of the Village are welcome to join the Theatre Go-Er’s Club. No joining fees, just give me a ring for further information. Until next month. Beryl Davis, Ph: 9355 4795


Club News

TAI CHI We meet Tuesdays at 5pm in the Auditorium. For more information please contact Tom Brazier on 6250 0496.

ART GROUP If you would like to join our informal group, please come to the Art Studio on the 2nd floor of the Administration Building on Tuesday or Friday mornings between 9am

B e nt le y Pa r k

B i n g o C lu b ! Bingo continues to be well supported with numbers averaging approximately 40-60 each week. The colder evenings kept a few away and our holiday cruising, players have now returned to us! We missed you all but we are glad you are all returned refreshed & ready for the festive season which is fast approaching. We have begun organising our Monster Xmas Raffle with all proceeds going to the Kingia/ Tandara High Care Auxiliary. Donations are pouring in of both goods and funds to purchase the Festive Food when the time is required. Tickets will go on sale early October and will be priced at $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. Tickets will be sold at various outlets in the Village from October and will be drawn the 15th December, winners will be notified. 1 bumper prize and 4 placed prizes. Buy your tickets & get your family presents all in one. On our normal Thursdays we have reorganised our raffle prizes – instead of just one big prize we now have 3-6 prizes & a pick of the table for the winners. The Lucky Numbers is very popular too at a $1.00 each – Maximum 70 numbers. There is also a door prize of $5.00 worth break opens plus 3x2 free games book valued they must be used within a month of being won. We close for 15th December 2011, restarting 19th January 2012. Carol Greenaway, Licence Holder Ph: 0459 540 921

Handicraft We welcome our newer members to our group. All villagers are welcome. Meet and enjoy new and old friends on Mondays, between 1.00pm and 3.00pm (except Public Holidays.)

Beading Group Beading will be on every Monday with Handicraft. 1pm -3pm Special days with guest demonstrations will be held and notification will be in future tidings and posted on craft room door so please check. Bring along ideas and beads. Wires and some beads findings are available. Come and join us in a cuppa and see if you can add to our ideas. $2 for raffle and cuppa. Further inquiries Mary Manning 6250 0461. Hope to see you there. Mary Manning, 6250 0461

Canasta Wednesday Nights 7.00pm to 9.00pm in the JP Stratton Centre. 50 cents a night. All Bentley Park residents are welcome to join us, new players are always welcome. We are happy to teach you, so come along and give it a try! Bus pick-up and return. Beryl Davis, 9355 4795


Audrey Thurtell, Secretary

SWAN BOWLING CLUB The Annual General Meeting was held on 16th September. There were 36 members in attendance and the meeting oversaw the election of a new committee. Warm thanks to the outgoing members and especially Tom Brazier, the outgoing President, for the time and effort they have

Ladies of the Night

given in keeping the club active. The meeting acknowledged the special efforts of Ted

Patchwork Group

Morrow for looking after the lawns and of

Meetings are held at 6.30pm on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each calendar month in the Handicraft Room at Administration Building Plantation Drive, Bentley Park.

she has been overseeing afternoon teas as

All patch workers and quilters welcome. For more information phone: Marion Pitcher - 9362 1702 or Jean Buchanan-Hughes - 9362 5903

Undercroft Bowling Club September was a good month of Bowls and Friendship.

Elwyn Hope for her work in the kitchen where one of the many activities in which she is involved. We hope they enjoy the small gifts as a token of thanks. Committee President:

Hazel Lancaster

Vice President:

Ern Cole


Barry Williams


Lloyd Jones

Social Convenor: Fran Williams Committee Memebers: Maureen Waller,

We had our International Fun Day on Saturday 17th.- where teams play for their Couple of Birth. We had 6 teams, the Emus. Galahs, and the Roos from Australia, the other teams Springboks (South Africa), Sporrans (Scotland) and the Cockneys (England). The Trophy was won by the Roos. Well Done!! Our lunch followed with great sweets made by some of our ladies.

Call in and join us for a ‘cuppa’. Wendy Paull, Coordinator, Ph: 9470 1966

and 12 noon.

The lists will be on our Notice Board for our game with the Administration Staff on the 20th. October and also for the end of the year Dinner in November at the Pines Restaurant. Birthdays for October:- Elsie Sandbrook, Bob Thorp and Mike Post. LUCKY LIBRANS!!! Bye for now. Gill Godsmark. Secretary.


Life is like a mirror - you get best results when you smile at it!!!

Gwen Worrel, Tom Brazier, Terry Nangle, Tini Kampen. The club is looking forward to a continuation of social events and to kick this off, members and friends are invited to a free morning tea between 10:00am and 12:00 noon on Thursday 6th October. Bring along your thinking caps as we would appreciate your ideas on events and activities that you would like to see happening in the Swan Bowling Club. Please bring along to offer ideas, meet the new committee or just enjoy the morning tea with friends. Place your name on the board or contact either Hazel Lancaster on 6250 0498 or Barry Williams on 6250 0562 to let us know you will be coming. Good Bowling Hazel Lancaster, President

Club News

The Writing Group


9 – 11am Reg Gooch 9.15–11.15am Phillip Matthews


9 – 11am 2 – 4pm

Ken Thurtell John Wellstead

Friday* 9 – 11am Tony Ryder *by appointment (Beginner’s Class) Reserve Tutor: David Newlan Our Computer room is situated on the second floor Administration. We welcome villagers of Bentley Park and Rowethorpe, if you are a beginner or require further tuition come and visit us, for further information at the days above. Please note Wednesday times have altered as shown. K Thurtell, President Ph: 9362- 6169

Camera Club The next course will be held later in 2011. Watch out for details in the Tidings and on notice boards nearer the time. Ken Thurtell, President - Ph: 9362 6169

Kingia/Tandara High Care Auxiliary Annual General Meeting & Election of Office Bearers. The AGM will be held in the Auditorium, Tuesday, October 25, at 1.30 p.m. sharp. Everyone is welcome, particularly new residents. This is the time for you to choose your Executive Committee for the next year, so do come along with your nominations. For personal reasons, I will not be seeking reelection. I hope you are all busily knitting, sewing, preserving, painting, potting, whatever, for our fete to be held on 7th November. Items required at Auditorium by 8 a.m. for 9 a.m. opening. Thank you. Ethel Sloan, President - Ph: 9362 2242


Held every Thursday in the Stratton Centre 1.30 - 4pm. All welcome. Pam Urquhart

We are a group of friends who write for our own pleasure. We meet to share our work and our ideas, and to offer suggestions to fellow members in a non-critical way that helps to improve their work. Most members write about their memories from years ago, and some write parts of their life stories. Some interesting discussions are had following the reading of the work.

Table Tennis Club We play in the Snooker Room Level Two in the Administration Building on WEDNESDAY MORNINGS at 9.00am onwards. All equipment supplied – everyone welcome. Cost is $20 per annum. Pres/Tres: Andrew Chisholm 9470 1352 Sec: Trisha Power 6250 0542

We meet each fortnight on Thursday mornings at 9.30 am in the Handicraft Room on the second floor of the Administration Building. One or two new members would be welcome; there are no fees, all you need to do is to bring a piece of your writing to read. Anyone interested would be welcome to come and listen to the readings before deciding to join us.

Bentley Park Indoor Bowls

The meetings for October will be on Thursdays 13th, and 27th at 09.30 am.

Our special outing this year to be held at “Serpentine on the Dam Café” in late November or early December. The same conditions apply regarding payment as last year.

Reg Gooch, Ph: 94726132

The Snooker Players Association The Snooker Players Association is situated on the second (Social) floor of the Administration Building. Playing sessions are held Monday to Friday from 1–3pm. New members are welcome and we would especially welcome ‘recently-moved-in’ residents. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t played for many years, as the ‘old touch’ will soon come back! If you decide to join, the membership fee is only $5 per year and you pay 20c for each frame played. Think about it, come along, or give me a ring.

The Annual General Meeting was held on 20th September with Pat Aspland returned as President and Jack Aspland as Treasurer/ Secretary.

Break up date is to be 7th December and resumption on 10th January 2012. Bowls as usual every Tuesday and Wednesday until 7th December. HAPPINESS is good health and bad memory. See you there. Jack Aspland, Secretary Ph: 6250 0460

Rummycub Held every Tuesday from 1pm to 4pm in the Stratton Centre. All Welcome.

Peter Brunt, President Ph: 9355 4767

Mahjong Club POTTERY GROUP We meet every Monday morning between 9 and 11 am. Please feel free to pay us a visit, see what we are doing and be inspired to join us! We are in Allen Cr. next door to Kingia. Ann Morris, Secretary

BRIDGE PLAYERS Come and join us at the JP Stratton Centre on Monday afternoon at 1pm.

The Mahjong Club meets every Friday Afternoon from 1pm to 4pm in the JP Stratton Centre EXCEPT the 1st Friday of the month we meet in the Leisure Centre. New players always welcome and we will teach new players the rules of the game. Shirley Walton, 9362 2342

Pony Canasta Now at the JP Stratton Centre every Wednesday from 1:00 until 3:45pm. New players wanted – will teach. Come and have a cuppa and a game for 50 cents.

DARTS CLUB NEWS Darts are on Tuesday and Friday at 6.30pm. Don Mabbott, President

For more information contact Marie Stephens Ph: 947 25097 or Joan Mellowship Ph: 9361 4106.



Community Noticeboard Swanmobile availability Bookings: 6250 0023 With the Swanmobile being very busy these days please ensure you book in advance, especially if you are attending appointments.


9am - 12 noon 1pm - 4pm


9.30am - 12 noon 1pm - 4pm


9am - 12 noon

Carolyn Wellstead, 6250 0505, Co-ordinator

Removal of unwanted goods

Ex-Servicemen / Women

Please note that any unwanted/broken down fridges need to be degassed by a qualified Refrigeration Mechanic before they can be passed on to rubbish. If we are asked to do this the charges by the mechanics can be up to $150.00 to reclaim the gas.

Additions are requested for names of exservicemen/women living or deceased, who served this country in any war, who were residents in Victoria Park at the time of their enlistment, for insertion on a Memorial in Fred Bell Parade (off Hillview Terrace). Further information can be obtained from Jack Matthews on 9361 9793 or Jacqui Liddiard on 9361 8802.

We are also receiving a lot of requests to remove unwanted/old TV’s which are filling up our dump bin and therefore requiring more frequent pickups by our contracted waste disposal company. This is sustainable in the short term but waste removal costs will have an impact in the near future if we can`t reduce the volume of disposable material. It is in everyone’s best interest to negotiate with the supplier of the new appliance to have them take your old items away as part of the deal whenever possible.

Girl Guides Association Western Australia Inc For more information please contact Nancy Brazier on 6250 0496 or email tomnanb@bentleyparkestate.com.au

A Synergy of Service



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