NEWSLETTER Summer 2020 www.swan.org.uk
EXMOUTH YOUTH ‘THINK BIG’ ABOUT CAREERS IN ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING AND REGENERATION A group of 70 young people from the Exmouth estate graduated from the first part of Swan’s ‘Think Big’ project at a special ceremony held at Exmouth Community Centre before the current restrictions on social gatherings came into force. Think Big, which is facilitated by Open City and Newark Youth London, encourages young people to consider careers in architecture, planning and regeneration. The first stage of the project saw two groups of young people, aged 8-13 and 14-18 years old, take part in free workshops on the design, architecture and creativity that go into creating buildings that
people want to live in. The young people had the opportunity to make their own model buildings. The best three
COMMUNITY CONSULTATION KICKS OFF! We were delighted to welcome over 120 residents from the estate to the first in a series of consultation events to gather their views on the planned development of the area fronting Commercial Road, before the current restrictions on social gatherings came into force. Residents viewed a series of consultation boards outlining the vison behind the scheme, which Exmouth Estate | Newsletter - Spring 2020
models will be transformed into professional architectural models. Story continued on page 2
! Coronavirus COVID-19
is set to create approximately 250 new homes alongside community facilities such as new shops and green spaces as well as environmental improvements. Story continued on page 2
We know that this is a worrying and uncertain time for everyone. We want to reassure you that we will continue to do all we can to support you and your family over the coming weeks and months. Read about Swan’s response to the Coronavirus COVID-19 at swan.org.uk 1
The group visited the architecturally renowned, Grade II listed Barbican Complex - which is a Brutalist development of 2,000 flats alongside a multi-disciplinary arts centre - to inspire them to ‘Think Big’ in terms of the projects that they would design. London-based architects, Levitt Bernstein, delivered one of the sessions, helping the young people to consider the various elements, such as
shape, texture and space, that go into designing a building or housing development scheme. Further stages of the project will see young people work alongside design professionals to create a portfolio of work, which for young people aged 14-18 years of age can be used for their GCSE, A’ level or equivalent qualifications, course work. The Think Big scheme will also provide young people with work experience and apprenticeship opportunities.
Great creativity was shown by colouring competition winners Zahra Begum and Nayeem Uddin whose drawings included ideas such as a play park and new shops.
chance to give their opinion on what they would like to see included in the masterplan that is being developed for the area. Young people from the Exmouth Estate also got involved by entering a drawing competition to win an Amazon voucher and have their picture displayed on the project shop in Brayford Square, by illustrating their ideas for the development. The winners were Zahra in first place and Nayeem as the runner up. Project Director, Jeremy Arnold, said: “It was fantastic to have so many residents turn out for the consultation events and to hear their ideas for the masterplan. From feedback received and conversations had at the exhibition, there is a general agreement that improved lighting and outdoor space as well as a better variety of retail should be part of the masterplan. I’m keen to continue to hear from as many residents as possible to Exmouth Estate | Newsletter - Spring 2020
Continued from page 1
Pictured: Nayeem with Project Director, Jeremy Arnold at the event that before the current restrictions on social gatherings came into force.
ensure that the final plan meets their needs now and for the future and would encourage you to get in touch via our webpage at swan.org.uk.” A detailed plan for the development is being devised by the architect for the scheme, Levitt Bernstein. This plan will be based on feedback from a series of consultation activities that will take place in 2020. The consultation methods will include working with the Exmouth Residents’ Steering Group (ERSG), which is made up of
representatives from the estate, to develop the plan. Read more about how we are consulting with residents on page 3.
Although we had lots of future public events planned, these are postponed for now. We look forward to meeting up with you face to face when Government advice allows this. For now, we will keep in touch by post and online at swan.org.uk. 2
redevelopment thearea area fronting Commercial on the redevelopmentof of the fronting Commercial Road
Planned activities: These events will take place using alternative methods until current Coronavirus (COVID-19) Government advice allows us to meet face-to-face. June 2020 ERSG webinar on landscape, trees and sustainable design ERSG webinar to discuss building footprints, heights and massing July 2020 Virtual Public Consultation (online and post) ERSG webinar to discuss building materials August 2020 ERSG webinar on the masterplan and proposals update
Given current Government health guidance, we will not currently be holding any public gatherings. Instead, ERSG meetings and Public Consultation events will be undertaken using a range of alternative methods, including online meetings and webinars with opportunities for questions and discussion, return post, emails, phone calls, and via our website. The ERSG has already been consulted on this and we will keep asking you, the Exmouth community, for suggestions on how we can best gather feedback on the proposals.
September 2020 Virtual Public Consultation (online and post) ERSG webinar to discuss the final Masterplan October 2020 ERSG webinar on how residents’ feedback has informed the final proposals We want everyone to have a say. Stay informed at swan.org.uk
Swan Housing Association (Swan) is planning to redevelop an area of the Exmouth Estate fronting Commercial Road. The vision is to create approximately 250 new homes alongside community facilities such as new shops and green spaces as well as environmental improvements, to make Exmouth a better place to live and work. We’re in the process of creating a detailed masterplan for the development. To help us make sure that this best meets the needs of the community, we’re consulting with estate residents and local people. We are working with the Exmouth Residents’ Steering
Group (ERSG) - a group of residents that will help with the ideas for the planning process - as part of this phase. As well as running consultation events, we have previoulsy held door knocking sessions to gather your views. We will continue to consult with you on the redevelopment using the alternative methods outlined above. Please do get in touch with us at swan.org.uk Exmouth Steering Group meetings are chaired by an Independent Resident Liaison Advisor. The timeline below shows what topics the ERSG has been discussing. You can read the minutes of all ERSG meetings at swan.org.uk
Progress so far
Autumn Winter 2019
Winter 2019
January 2020
First round of community engagement
Independent Representative Liaison Advisor chosen by the ERSG
ERSG meeting held to discuss landscaping
ERSG formed
February 2020
ERSG meeting to discuss non-residential uses/ site access/ car parking
March 2020
ERSG meeting to discuss access and car parking
Consultation event Exmouth Estate | Newsletter - Spring 2020
MAKING YOUR COMMUNITY CLEANER, SAFER AND STRONGER... Additional security patrols to tackle anti-social behaviour We want to make Exmouth a great place for everyone to live, which is why we have invested in a security company to patrol the estate to tackle the increasing anti-social behaviour (ASB).
which can result in legal action, and an end to your tenancy agreement. Swan operate a zero tolerance approach to drug mis-use and ASB on all of our estates.
ASB, such as drinking and groups of youths loitering in the streets, while carried out by a minority of individuals, creates a nuisance for the estate, leaves vulnerable members of the community feeling less safe, and is an offence for which you can be prosecuted. The patrol officers have already issued a significant number of warnings, as well as passing on intelligence to the police that may help to prosecute offenders. The patrols will continue to work hard to stop ASB and make the estate a safe, community space for everyone to live.
Fly tipping! There is currently an issue with bulk rubbish being dumped on the grounds of the estate. Please be reminded that all refuse must be disposed of using Council facilities; it must not be abandoned on the estate. Fly tipping is unsightly and can attract vermin. We are aware that some of the bulk rubbish that is being dumped may not be from residents. Please help us to catch those involved so that the Local Authority can take action against them. You can do this by reporting any incidents that you witness to ASB@swan.org.uk. Please provide a date, time and location as we can use this information to provide CCTV footage for use in potential prosecutions.
Stop illegal smoking!
We are aware that mis-use of drugs is a problem in some areas on the estate. We’re asking for your help to identify specific addresses or public spaces where this is happening, so that we can take remedial action. Any information received will remain strictly anonymous. Illegal drug use is a serious offence for which you can be prosecuted. Using cannabis or any other banned substances in a Swan managed property is also a breach of your tenancy /lease
The Neighbourhoood Officer Olive Abraham oabraham@swan.org.uk 01277 315047
ASB Officer Vedia Hannan vhannan@swan.org.uk 01277 844731
Coronavirus COVID-19 In line with Government advice, we have currently closed all of our offices to visitors. You can access information about our services on www.swan.org.uk and speak to us via Live Chat there too.
Exmouth Estate | Newsletter - Spring 2020