Ground breaking at Cambridge Road to launch ‘360 Barking’
Housing for Barking and Dagenham
360 Barking – The exciting new development at the heart of Barking Town Centre, will revitalise a site which has been vacant since 2004 as well as make a major contribution to the next phase of the regeneration of Barking Town Centre.
Swan Housing Group, The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham and The Mayor of London, recently celebrated works beginning on the Borough’s exciting new development ‘360 Barking’.
for the pubic to view in the coming months.
To mark the occasion Council members and representatives from The Mayor of London’s Office were invited to visit the site, followed by a viewing of a ‘Great things from Barking and Dagenham’ timeline produced by Swan Housing at the Barking Enterprise Centre.
“360 is another exciting landmark for the borough, providing a range of much-needed housing for local people, with affordable studios and accommodation for artists and people working in the creative industries. These eye-catching buildings help us to make good on our promise to boost the town centre economy, and specifically to support the fast growing local creative industries. It’s another reason for the arts community to choose Barking not Berlin!”
The timeline, which was given to the Leader of the Council, will be displayed outside Barking Town Hall www.swan.org.uk
Leader of Barking and Dagenham Council, Cllr Darren Rodwell, commented:
The development which is expected to be completed by Spring 2019, will deliver 291 energy efficient homes, 96 of which will be affordable, with priority for residents of The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. The ground floor of the towers will provide much needed leisure and creative space, which will be manged by The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. For more information about the properties visit the sales site www.360barking.co.uk
This newsletter was printed in Dec 2016
construction UPDATE
We will provide updates through this newsletter during the construction period.
As you will be aware, site clearance has already begun on the site and we are planning to begin piling operations in January 2017. It is anticipated that construction will begin in Spring 2017 and that the first homes will be completed by Winter 2018.
NU living, which is Swan Housing Association’s in-house contractor, is a member of the ‘considerate contractor scheme’ and would like to reassure our neighbours that we will work to keep disturbance to a minimum.
The project will be phased, with completion of the whole scheme expected in Spring 2019.
If you have any questions about the construction timeline or development plans, you can talk to our Project Manager Juliette Bartlett using these details:
“NEW CREATIVE AND LEISURE SPACE FOR THE BOROUGH” Speaking at the launch event for the scheme, Geoff Pearce, Swan’s Executive Director Regeneration and Development said:
“We are confident that 360 will contribute to the exciting regeneration happening across Barking, by providing modern, stylish new homes with at least 96 shared ownership properties as well as new creative and leisure space for the Borough.”
CONTACT US Is there something you would like to see in this newsletter? If so, please let us know by contacting Juliette, whose details are below. Juliette Bartlett Senior Project Manager, Swan Housing Association Tel: 01277 844 227 jbartlett@swan.org.uk