Equality Diveristy & Inclusion Annual Report | 2019-2020

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Innovation, Aspiration and Best Practice

Equality Scheme 2018-2022 OBJECTIVE 2: Be innovative, aspirational and meet best practice •  Understand where our strengths lie and help others by sharing our knowledge and expertise •  Identify where we have areas of improvement and develop ways forward to address these

During 2019/20 we:

Housing Diversity Network Accreditation •  Retained our Housing Diversity Network (HDN) accreditation for excellence in equality and diversity following our three-yearly re-accreditation assessment, with eight distinctions for good practice (an increase from the five distinctions we were awarded in 2016);

London Diversity Group •  Continued to attend the London Diversity Group, which is supported by HDN, to share knowledge and expertise;

Stonewall Workplace Index and HouseProud Pledge •  Continued to deliver the work plan that was developed in 2018/19 by using the Stonewall Workplace Index to assess our progress on LGBT equality and identify opportunities to do more, and signed up to the HouseProud pledge as a pledge pioneer (see next page);

Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) •  Continued to deliver the work plan that was developed in 2018/19 by using the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) online toolkit to assess our response to domestic abuse and identify opportunities to do more. Having amended our Health and Wellbeing Policy to support members of staff who may be experiencing domestic abuse, we are now fully meeting the commitments we made by signing up to the ‘Make a Stand’ pledge, launched in June 2018 by DAHA in partnership with the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and Women’s Aid, to show our commitment to people experiencing domestic abuse. For further information please see the domestic abuse page on our website.


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