1 minute read


(indicative CGI only at this stage)

Purfleet Centre Regeneration Limited (PCRL) - a joint venture with Swan and Urban Catalyst Limited - in partnership with Thurrock Council, is regenerating Purfleet-on-Thames by delivering an exciting mixed-use regeneration scheme that will provide up to 2,850 new homes, comprising a mix of one, two, three and four bedroom homes, including a proportion of affordable housing.


The scheme, which will be completed by 2034, also includes a new town centre and improved transport connections.

The project will bring a new film and TV production studios together with waterfront retail and leisure, a new primary school, integrated medical centre, amenity spaces, environmental improvements and 1km of river frontage contributing to Purfleet-on-Thames’s position as a new riverside destination and the creative heart of the Thames Gateway.

Work recently started on site on Phase 1A which as the first phase will bring 61 new homes along with a children's play area, orchard walk and reinstated access to Hollow Woods.


Location: Purfleet-on-Thames, Essex

Tenure mix: Up to 2,850 homes with a mix of private sale, market rent, and affordable tenures, subject to viability review

Construction method: Homes will be constructed by Swan’s in-house developer, NU living, with the potential to be delivered using a range of traditional construction methods and modular construction technologies

Development partners: PCRL (a joint venture company with lead partners Swan and Urban Catalyst Limited), Thurrock Council.

Main consultants: Architects: KSS, aLL Design, AHMM, dRMM Landscape Architect: Exterior Architecture Engineer: Waterman Commercial Consultant: 4orty AM Planning: Savills

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