The Communicator

Page 12


The Big Say: Tell us what you think for a chance to win an iPad!

All of our residents and service users are important to us and we really value everyone’s opinion. We are currently looking at how we involve our residents and would like to know what you think we do well and how you think we could improve.

Here’s a list of how we currently involve residents, both formally and informally:

SwanFest Our annual residents’ day. This is a fun and informal family event which enables Swan staff to meet with residents and service users and to talk to them about the services we offer.

Essex and London Resident Consultative Committee (RCC) Members of the two regional committees are drawn from local residents associations and groups. They meet regularly and act as a consultative body that represents residents and guides Swan staff when they are updating and developing new policies. They also regularly challenge Swan’s performance.

Resident Scrutiny Panel The Scrutiny Panel takes an in depth look at two service areas each year. They report directly to Swan’s Operations Committee and recommend ways they think services could be improved. Swan Operations Committee This Committee includes four residents and two independent members as well as one Board Member. They consider service delivery performance for all operational areas. Resident training This training is designed to provide residents and service users with the skills they need to get involved (or enhance the skills they already have).

Axis Partnership Working Panel This group meet and discuss the performance of Swan’s Repairs Partnership with Axis.

Resident Inspectors Resident Inspectors visit our estates to carry out inspections and are supported by the Estate Services Team.

Do you think that this is enough or if there are other and, potentially, better ways that we could involve and represent you, your family, friends and neighbours in the way we develop policies and procedures?


To let us know what you think and be entered into a prize draw to win an iPad, just answer our questions right and return them to Resident Involvement and Community Development Team, Swan Housing Association, FREEPOST, ANG10361, Billericay, CM12 9ZZ or email your response to or call 01277 844242*

Name_____________________________________________ Address__________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Did you know about how you could be involved? n Yes

n No

What other ways to get involved and give feedback would you like us to offer?

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ How would you like to tell us your views (eg online, phone, email, open days, Residents Associations, any of the above)? n Online survey n Email

n Telephone n Letter

n Open Days

n Residents’ Associations



If you would like more information on this and ways you can get involved you can call the Resident Involvement and Community Development Team on 01277 844242 or email

*The winner of the iPad will be chosen on Friday 26 October. All data collected is for the purposes of this survey only and will not be shared with any third parties.

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