Laindon Place Newsletter Issue 2 : September 2018
Health Centre car park closes as works begin on your new Laindon Place We are delighted to announce that we are another step closer to delivering your Laindon Place. Part of the first phase of the regeneration is on the site of the existing car park adjacent to the Health Centre. You may have seen the notices placed around the site, explaining that the Health Centre car park closed from 23 July. This area is being cleared so it can be hoarded, secured and prepared for works to begin! Visitors to the Centre will still be able to park their cars in the car park at the back of the shopping centre, as well as the two smaller car parks. Signs have been put up to clearly show where you can continue to park for free for up to three hours. We are working closely with GP’s and the Practice Manager at the Health Centre to ensure current arrangements remain in place, to allow staff to park freely at the centre without charge. We will also be creating wheelchair parking bays close to the entrance of the Health Centre. Ambulances will still be able to pick up and drop off there, whilst existing staff parking underneath the centre will be unaffected.
Geoff Pearce, Executive Director of Regeneration and Development at Swan said: “We are committed to delivering Laindon Place and are delighted to be starting on the regeneration! These parking changes are yet another milestone for the Laindon Place project and Swan look forward to commencing work to bring about a much needed regeneration of Laindon that meets the aspirations of the local community.”
Fun in the Sun at Laindon Fair Over 150 Laindon residents enjoyed the sunshine when they came along to the Laindon Summer Fair in August. The event was well supported by local community groups and the Emergency Services. Children were able to have their pictures taken with fire fighters and a fire engine and could dress up as a Police Officers and sit in a police car! Ivor and Honor Goodsite also came along to meet the children and spread their message about safety on and around building sites. Thanks to everyone who came along and took part.
This newsletter was printed in September 2018
Laindon Place to be delivered one year sooner We are thrilled to be bringing forward the regeneration of the Laindon Centre so that you will be able enjoy the benefits of the new high street with new shops, large food store and medical centre, as well as improved and greener public realm even sooner. To enable Swan to ensure the centre can be demolished to make way for Laindon Place, Swan have now served notices on the existing retailers. This means that Swan now expect the Shopping Centre to be vacant by February 2019 allowing for full demolition to take place shortly afterwards. Swan have taken this decision as the existing Centre is unable to meet either the residents’ or retailers’ needs and because you have made it clear that the Laindon Place regeneration cannot come soon enough. Now that these notices have been served we will be able to enter into negotiations with existing tenants who wish to return to Laindon Place and also with prospective new tenants.
Temporary use facilities planned for the centre
Swan have always been committed to ensuring that key services continue to be provided throughout the regeneration of the Laindon Shopping Centre. Temporary retail units will need to be provided to allow key services to continue on site before the first of the new shops open in Summer 2020. We are in discussions with several existing key tenants about coming back in temporary retail and hope to have agreements with these tenants shortly. The local LIDL food-store will remain open to residents throughout the construction period.
We have been delighted to receive over 50 enquiries from individuals and businesses interested in leasing the new retail units in Phase One. Initial discussions with some of those who have expressed an interest in the new units will now be progressed, along with discussions with those existing retailers who are interested in returning to Laindon Place.
For more information visit
Get in touch! If you have any questions about the vision for Laindon Place and the regeneration plans call:
0300 303 2500
and ask to speak to the Laindon Regeneration team For Commercial and Residential enquiries call:
0800 819 9390
This newsletter was printed in September 2018