2018/2019 Residents' Annual Report

Page 1


somewhere to feel at home







Customer satisfaction at a glance

Our repair service

Page 07

Page 17


New this year

A variety of ways to give feedback

Coming up in 19/20

Page 10

Resident Feedback

Changing Lives, Creating Opportunities

Resident led improvement


CREATING OPPORTUNITIES Our three-year resident involvement strategy Page 21


High quality services

How did we do?

Page 13

Page 27

Somewhere to feel at home

Welcome to our Residents’ Annual Report Welcome to our Residents’ Annual Report in this, Swan’s 25th Anniversary Year. Since we formed in 1994, we have grown to owning and managing over 11,000 properties in East London and Essex. From the moment that it was created we have focused on making Swan “somewhere to feel at home” for as many people as we can. That includes building highquality new homes, maintaining our homes to a high standard, providing excellent housing services and investing in residents

through our dedicated Resident Involvement and Community Development team. I am proud of the team who deliver services to our residents and of how focused they are on creating communities in which people can thrive. This report doesn’t just tell you how well we have performed in the last year, it also tells you how we are working to make our services even better based on your feedback. Please do keep working with us in the coming year to help us make you feel even more at home.

John Synnuck CEO




Introduction to Swan’s Service A note from Sandra Fawcett, Swan’s Executive Director - Operations... “At Swan we are committed to delivering excellent customer services and listening to residents so we can work together to improve what we do: The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) is responsible for regulating social housing providers like Swan, to make sure that they are well managed and financially secure. We must comply with the Economic and Consumer Standards set by the RSH. These standards are: Consumer Standards Home Tenancy Neighbourhood & Community Tenant Involvement & Empowerment Economic Standards

financial viability is maintained. Swan has a compliant rating for both Governance (G1) and Financial Viability (V2). Swan’s Board is responsible for ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. Key performance information is considered by Swan’s Board and Committees to ensure we are meeting the standards. We work with residents to set our Service Standards and ensure these are monitored throughout the year. This year we have updated our reporting to make it even easier for residents to understand where our data comes from, how we listen to you as residents, how we are looking after both you and your home and how we create opportunities for residents, so that they and the communities that they live in can thrive. We welcome residents’ feedback so please do get in touch with our teams with any questions you have.”

Governance & Financial Viability Value for Money Rent We must ensure effective governance arrangements are in place and that we manage our resources to ensure our

Sandra Fawcett, Executive Director of Operations

Somewhere to feel at home


Swan at a glance... Key info

G1 V2 Compliant Housing Association

Governance Rating

Viability Rating

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the year ended 31 March 2019 (ÂŁk)

Turnover 81,128 Operating costs (58,829) Operating surplus 22,299 Surplus on sale properties 3,096 Interest payable (15,405) Surplus (deficit) ordinary activities 9,761 before tax

Homes Owned and Managed





General needs

Supported Housing

NHS and Keyworker

Leasehold and Shared Ownership

New Homes Let 2018/19



General needs

Mutual exchange

The average rent per week for our general needs homes is ÂŁ117.79

Resident Profile


Head of Household - BAME


Head of Household - female


Head of Household - disabled


Head of Household - 60+


Lets made to BAME household


“At Swan we take a robust approach to sourcing a wide range of feedback from our residents. Our main source of customer feedback is through the Social Tenants and Residents Survey or “STAR Survey”. This is a national framework for collecting customer satisfaction in social housing and enables us to compare our performance against other landlords. To ensure our data on customer satisfaction is meaningful, our STAR Surveys are carried out: • Regularly - a range of surveys are carried out four times a year • Independently - surveys are carried out by TLF who are a leading specialist in customer research In addition to the STAR Survey you may also have been asked to complete a survey if you have contacted us about lettings, complaints or Anti-Social Behaviour. By carrying out monthly surveys to test our key services we can quickly adapt what we do by using the feedback we receive from you.

As Customer Services Director, Andrea’s team are responsible for the collection and analysis of your feedback to ensure we are delivering the right service for our customers.

As well as carrying out surveys we use the feedback we receive from your complaints to review the services we provide. Last year we invited the Housing Quality Network (HQN) to carry out an independent assessment of our complaints process. They provide expert advice to social landlords and tested our processes against best practice within the housing sector. We were pleased that they found our approach to dealing with your complaints to be customer focused, with feedback and complaints viewed as important throughout Swan. We always welcome your feedback so do get in touch with the Neighbourhoods, RICD, and Estates teams with any questions.”

Andrea O’Callaghan Customer Services Director

Somewhere to feel at home

In 2019 Swan retained its Customer Service Excellence accreditation for the 10th year in a row, achieving Compliance Plus in one area. The CSE Assessor was: ‘impressed with the clear and well-defined strategy that guides the scope and direction of the Association, the depth and effectiveness of its engagement with tenants and residents, the determination to provide high-quality services, the knowledge and customer focus of staff, the excellent partnership working and the benefits that these bring to the wider communities.’



Customer satisfaction at a glance Case study Every year we have a STAR survey, where residents are asked what they think about our services. We listen to what you say and use your feedback to make changes to the way we work.

Approval Ratings



Listen to views and act upon them (Target 68%)

Quality of home (Target 85%)

The STAR feedback told us that when you phone us, it’s not always easy to find the information you need. Sometimes you have to talk to lots of different teams. You told us: “The staff do not always have the answers to questions and you have to wait for a call back that may never come” Mrs B. Tower Hamlets



With overall service provided (Target 85%)

With how we deal with repairs (Target 76%)



Neighbourhood as a place to live (Target 84%)

Rent provides Value for Money (Target 81%)

“Sometimes there is poor communications, last year I had problem with Housing Benefit and it took me 3 months to get it sorted out” Mr E. Basildon So, now when you telephone Swan, you will talk to one of our dedicated Customer Service officers: Tina, Rosie, Vicky and Sarah-Jayne. They have been specially trained to have a broad knowledge of lots of different aspects of our services and will be able to give you the right answer, first time, more of the time!

Somewhere to feel at home


Financial Performance At Swan we are committed to ensuring Value for Money for our residents. The way we operate as a business and our funding arrangements are structured to maximise the amount of “surplus”, or income we generate from our development programme and our day-to-day activity, so we can continue to invest in services for our residents and new homes to help as many people as possible feel at home with Swan. To make sure we are providing Value for Money we compare our costs per property to other landlords.



RSH (Sector)** Mar-18





New social housing units




New non-social housing units




Headline social housing cost per unit




Operating margin social housing lettings






Return on capital employed 3.0%

** RSH sector figures use median values as there are extreme outliers in the Global data - the median for each metric is the middle value in the dataset

How do we spend your rent? The rent that you pay for your Swan home is set each year in line with the Regulator of Social Housing’s Rent Standard. From April 2016 rents have reduced by 1% each year in line with the Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016. Rent breakdown (per £1 on average)

Service charge breakdown (per £1 on average)

How your rent is spent:

How your service charge is spent:



Interest paid on Bank Loans


Communal Cleaning and Gardening


Housing Management


Communal Repairs


Repairs and Maintenance


Health and Safety


Resident Involvement




Security and CCTV




Overheads £0.15


“At Swan we know the importance of listening to our residents and giving you opportunities to shape our services. We have worked hard to develop a variety of different ways for residents to give us their feedback: • STAR survey • Repairs textback • Scrutiny Panel • Residents Consultative Committees • The Big Say We know that not everyone can attend a resident meeting, so we try to offer a wide range of ways for residents to give us feedback.

There are opportunities to give us feedback through our ‘My Say’ email panel, the new Count Me In digital platform and through text surveys which allow residents to engage at a time that suits them. We also try to have engagement events that take place near where our residents live. We currently work with four Residents’ Associations alongside our two Resident Consultative Committees. If you’re interested in getting to know your local neighbours and want to have an impact in your local community, why not sign up and attend these meetings?

Caroline Richardson Head of Resident Involvement and Community Development

Scrutiny Panel The Scrutiny Panel are tasked with helping ensure that Swan delivers the best possible services to residents. Twice a year the Panel reviews performance data to identify trends and any areas that require improvement and further action. Each year they are tasked with delivering two scrutiny reviews. These reviews are used to develop action plans for improvement and are then monitored by the Panel to ensure they are completed. During 2018/19 the Panel carried out reviews on: Customer Satisfaction with ASB and the Swan website.

If there isn’t a Residents’ Association in your area but you’re keen to see one set up, have a conversation with a member of our Resident Involvement Team who will be happy to help! We also have opportunities for residents to get involved in scrutinising performance through both our Scrutiny Panel and positions on our Operations Committee. These two groups take a more involved view of engagement, looking at things like the strategic delivery of the organisation and reviewing performance and delivery in certain areas.”

Somewhere to feel at home


Residents Consultative Committee We have two RCC’s (Essex and London) that meet on a monthly basis. They are made up of resident representatives from Resident Associations across Swan. They are tasked with reviewing Swan’s performance, agreeing policies and community grants and reviewing reports from the Assistant Director of Neighbourhoods and the Head of Supported Housing and Innovation. During 2018/19 the RCC’s reviewed the Tenancy Policy, Landlord

The Big Say... Our “Big Say” consultation ran between Summer and December 2018, to gather resident views on what is important to them in how we communicate and offer opportunities for engagement. We received 401 responses which helped us to review and shape our communication methods. We discovered that, although digital communication is growing as a preference, a number of residents still read The Communicator (HOME) magazine and want it to be maintained. Residents also said that they wanted to engage with our services via text and email, so we have set up an email consultation panel called ‘My Say’ as well as establishing the ‘Count Me In’ platform that allows residents to take part in surveys online.

Gas Safety Policy, Allocations Policy, Tenancy Fraud Policy, Domestic Abuse Policy, Complaints and Customer Care Policy and endorsed the Safeguarding Policy. They also helped to shape the new Count Me in, Involvement and Communities Strategy and took part in consultation around the new look Home magazine, introduced in Spring 2019.


Resident Members of Operations Committee Four Swan Residents sit on our Operations Committee which is a committe of Swan’s Board. The Committee is tasked with monitoring service delivery at a strategic level. In 2018/19 the Committee examined in detail our key performance indicators, our approach to supporting residents on Welfare Reform and updates from the Residents’ Scrutiny Panel. The Committee receive regular updates on the Axis Partnership and how we are delivering our repairs and maintenance services, progress against contractual and regulatory requirements for care and support, progress on our Equality and Diversity scheme and updates on the action plans we have on Housing and Support and Social Value and Engagement Strategies.

progress of Hera’s service improvement programme, Swan’s digital transformation programme and the impact of planned and cyclical maintenance programmes on customer satisfaction. The Committee has reviewed Swan’s customer satisfaction results and how we compare to others, our annual lettings plan and outcomes from our service improvement work as well as approving the annual rent setting process.

Committee members also receive updates on Swan’s community development projects, the impact of Universal Credit, the

What are we going to improve? Your satisfaction with ‘how we listen to your views and act upon them’ has remained at just under 65% for the last two years. To address this we have reviewed our approach to how we engage with you and we have:

• Developed a range of new innovative ways for residents to engage from the comfort of their own home. • Signed up to the National Housing Federation’s initiative ‘Together with Tenants’ which will see the launch of a ‘Charter’ to ensure residents

have sufficient say and scrutiny over their landlord. • Launched our ‘Summer Conversations’ which brings our team out to some of our larger estates to meet with local residents and hear how we can support them.

Somewhere to feel at home


Count Me in! We know that we need to make it easy for everyone to have their say, that’s why we have introduced our Count Me in Strategy. Count Me in is our new Resident Involvement and Community Development Strategy aimed at ensuring that residents continue to be at the heart of everything we do at Swan. The new strategy has been developed in partnership with residents through consultation at Swanfest, the Big Say and RCC meetings. We have listened to residents’ feedback and made our strategy much easier and clearer to understand.

The strategy now focuses around four key themes: 1. Somewhere to feel at home – aimed at how we can make our communities stronger and work better 2. Championing our residents’ voice – listening to your views and being able to show the impact that this has 3. Fulfilling your potential - the employment and training that we can help you to achieve 4. Giving something back volunteering opportunities for residents and staff that make a real impact for our communities.

The strategy is a three-year commitment and has been signed off by our RCCs and Swan’s Board. As part of the strategy we will be looking to develop our digital engagement offer, meaning that residents will be able to pick the subjects that they want to engage on and give us their feedback at a time that is convenient for them. We will be looking to continue our commitment to local resident involvement, but will be revitalising this to make sure that it stays fresh and relevant to local people.


As Swan celebrates its 25th Anniversary, providing high-quality services to all our customers remains a central aim of our corporate strategy. Welfare Reform: our programme of Welfare Reform support delivered by our team of specialist Welfare Benefit and Welfare Reform officers has now been running for three years. As a result of this investment, our dedicated team have completed over 5,000 home visits since 2016 and have secured our customers £1,622,440 in benefits including £490,984 in Discretionary Housing payments. Whilst this approach is clearly reflected in our low arrears levels, critically it supports our customers to feel at home and enables them to focus on other important areas of their life. Anti-Social Behaviour: we take a preventive approach and ensure all our new tenants are aware of their responsibilities from the start of their tenancy. Our performance is up overall as we have improved our focus on complex cases and changed the way we deal with these following a review and recommendations from our Resident Scrutiny Panel. Tenancy Fraud: last year we investigated 178 reports of potential fraud and recovered 25 homes. While a number of reports come from concerned residents, we also use specialist software and work in partnership with local councils to tackle fraud and keep our homes for those with the legal right to live in them.

New for this year In Basilidon we successfully carried out a pilot of our new ‘Onboarding Team’. This is a new approach that has seen us place more focus on improving the moving home experience for new tenants. Some early feedback has been very positive.‘Extremely happy with all the help from the Onboarding Team.” Mr W “Really happy with everything, no issues” Miss S We will also review our Customer Service Standards to ensure they remain relevant and fit for purpose.

Somewhere to feel at home



Equality, Diversity and Inclusion All our staff undertake Equality, Diversity and Inclusion training to ensure they understand our customer groups. We carried out an equality analysis of how we involve you and work in your communities to ensure we understand your needs and are able to adapt our involvement opportunities and initiatives to be as inclusive as we can.

Warm in winter In 2017, we developed and announced a new five-year “Warm in Winter” campaign, which we piloted in Tower Hamlets. The aim is to make sure older residents who live alone are safe and warm in their home. In 2018 we offered to visit all Swan residents living alone in Basildon aged 75 or over, who might benefit from additional support / services and to identify any wellbeing or safeguarding issues. Staff volunteers visited and spoke in-depth to older residents to provide advice and

guidance on keeping warm, benefit entitlements and access to services. Positive feedback was received from residents, any repairs identified were reported to Axis on the day and, if support needs were evident, referrals for support were made to appropriate organisations. One resident said, “I feel lucky to have been chosen for this.” Another said, “It’s great that Swan are doing such a positive thing, looking after their tenants.”

Somewhere to feel at home


New for 2019/2020 Looking forward, we are currently enhancing our customer service offer. We are well placed to respond the proposals in the Government’s Social Housing Green Paper. New for 2019/20 is: A new customer relationship management (CRM) system to record when you contact us and ensure we respond on target. New mobile technology to allow our teams to work in an agile way and bring our services out of our offices and into our neighbourhoods. This will allow us to do tasks such as completing applications online and check rent accounts with you, in your home. Live chat so you can contact our teams digitally during staffed hours to ask any questions you may have.

Complaints Last year we received 265 complaints, 66% of these related to repairs and 79% were upheld. Our average time to respond to a complaint was 5.5 days and 97% were resolved at stage one. Satisfaction with how we handled complaints was 91% and 86% of complainants were happy with the outcome.


We know that the quality of your home is your key priority so we continue to focus on Service Improvement initiatives to help us look after your home This year we celebrated the 10th Anniversary of our Repairs Partnership with Axis Europe, a contract which was shortlisted in the national UK Housing Awards 2019 for good practice in the sector. We compare our performance where we can against other social landlords. Performance relating to repairs is generally in the top quartile. However, focusing on resident feedback we are working harder to deal with complex repairs that cannot be fixed on a first visit and we’re increasing and speeding up communication to keep residents informed about the progress of their repair.

97.8% 95% Repairs completed to target (Target 99.0%)

Repairs completed at first visit (Target 96.5%)





Repair appointments made and kept (Target 98.0%)

Average days to complete a repair (Target 6)

Average cost of repair

Satisfaction with most recent repair (Target 90.0%)

Somewhere to feel at home

Our Service Standards These Service Standards set out the level of service residents can expect to receive from us. They cover a range of areas including repairs, response times, complaints and rent payments.



How we looked after your home 2018/19 We invested £2.6m in planned work (including kitchens, bathrooms, windows, boilers, roofs, electrical works) and spent £225K on adaptations (major and minor) to help our residents to continue to feel “at home” in their home despite changing circumstances with their health and mobility. Health and Safety are of paramount importance to Swan and we are committed to ensuring that we deliver all legislative, regulatory and best practice requirements. We finished the year with 100% compliance for Landlord Gas Safety Records. Fire: We carry out Fire Risk Assessments (“FRA”) on an annual basis to all properties where there are shared communal areas. We also increase this frequency if work is being carried out to common parts of a property and if any changes or incidents have occurred, to ensure that any repairs and installations have not altered the fire integrity of the building. In 2018, we were required to complete 704 Fire Risk Assessments. The majority were the standard annual review of an existing FRA, the rest were FRAs for new build properties. At the end of 2018 all FRAs had been completed on target i.e. within 12 months since the previous FRA was carried out and we had also provided FRAs for newly constructed properties where required. Managing our services better Last year we experienced some issues carrying out some plumbing/heating repairs due to a shortage of engineers. We have worked with Axis to address this and the issues you have raised relating to our repairs services. This is a key focus for us in the coming year. Communication: We have changed how we manage

£2.6m spent on planned works


on adaptations to help residents still feel at home your calls to provide you with a quicker response. Speed: Axis have introduced new FLS scheduler software that automatically allocates work in the most efficient way, enabling more repairs to be carried out on time.

How we will improve in 2019/20 We will increase availability for Saturday repairs. We will carry out gas servicing throughout the summer to increase capacity in colder months. We will develop a suite of ‘key messages’ to help you understand our responsibilities and yours.

Somewhere to feel at home


2019 Swan / Axis celebrate 10 years working in partnership Statistics for 10 years of working in partnership:

30,000 Completed around 30,000 repairs




Completed 768 planned improvements, such as new bathrooms and kitchen.

Saved more than ÂŁ3 million by working smarter.

Axis and their staff have volunteered 3,400 hours of their time to projects that benefit Swan residents.


The results are in... measuring the outcomes of our three-year Resident Involvement strategy: Our three-year strategy on Resident Involvement and Community Development (“RICD”) has completed this year and our evaluation shows that the RICD team has, during the life of the strategy from 2016 to 2019, achieved the following:

£110,162 Successfully secured £110,162 of external funding to support Community Development delivery exceeding the target set in the strategy by £30,162. Supported 160 individuals to complete our digital skills programmes.

Secured £300,000 from the Big Lottery Fund for a partnership project with the Bromley-by-Bow Centre, Tower Hamlets Homes and St Andrews Health Partnership called East Exchange.


Provided our Employment and Training programmes to 586 individuals with 130 of those moving into either employment or further education at the end of their courses.

Worked with over 5,498 individuals in total who have benefitted from the projects that we have delivered.


Life changing projects

Delivered 84 projects aimed at improving the life chances of our customers.

Somewhere to feel at home


Community spotlight... Beechwood Village Trust We have established the Beechwood Village Community Trust with Basildon Borough Council to support the communities of Beechwood and Craylands in Basildon. The Trust has been established to: “Improve the social wellbeing of the community of the region formerly known as Craylands, including that part which has been subject to regeneration

and renamed Beechwood Village.” During 2018, the Trust set up its grants programme and made its first award of £5k to SportInspired to deliver a sports programme on the estate aimed at training local people to becoming coaches. This grant helped to set up a local boxing club which now has over 30 people attending. The Beechwood Village Community

Trust has also awarded £10k of funds to the Count Me In project, aimed at identifying local residents’ talents and helping them to establish projects that improve the local area.


Opportunities for Communities Our new Count Me In Strategy aims to help make our communities stronger. We are committed to helping our residents tackle the issues that have the greatest impact on them as well as understanding their priorities. We do this in a variety of ways including, attending Resident Associations, carrying out consultations, reviewing statistical information and working with local groups to develop projects that can meet local needs. We know that employment and training continues to be something that is important to residents, especially taking into account external factors such as Welfare Reform and Universal Credit. This year we have established a new post of “Employment and Training Manager” (see page 26) which will help develop opportunities for our residents by working with our partners and contractors to make positions available to local people, and also with Swan itself. We know that we are a sizeable employer with lots of opportunities that could be made accessible for residents. We also want to offer a training programme that helps people back into education as well as supporting them into employment.

A snapshot of opportunities created in 2018/19: 24 residents from Tower Hamlets completed Childcare Level 1 and 2 programmes delivered with Learning Curve and are now qualified to work in a childcare setting. We hope to work with them in future to set up a social enterprise childcare project.

50 people have completed the Transfer and Achieve programme with more than three quarters of students securing work, work placements or enrolled in training. Open to all residents in Tower Hamlets, funded by JP Morgan and delivered in partnership with Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing Association and Jobcentre Plus, this bespoke programme builds employability, skills and confidence and helps students overcome their individual barriers to employment.

The Swan team have developed a varied programme of activities designed to meet the aspirations and needs of local residents at The Reach Community Hub. These include martial arts, sewing, study clubs, women’s conversation and chat and free private tuition for young people. The Reach is also used for Residents’ Board meetings and is available to hire.

Somewhere to feel at home



The Construction Skills programme in partnership with New City College saw eight residents gain the basic skills they need to start a career in construction and ensured they gained practical experience on our Blackwall Reach Phase 1B construction site. After achieving a Level 3 Certificate in Construction Skills the students are all now receiving further support including advice on accessing apprenticeships and local jobs. Tevin, who recently graduated said: “I am so grateful that I had the chance to do this course. I highly recommend it if you are interested in any construction skill - I wasn’t expecting to get an apprenticeship when I started but the course has opened doors for me and allowed me to start a career in the construction industry.” Jules Pipe, Deputy Mayor of London for Planning, Regeneration and Skills, said: “It’s great news that local residents in Tower Hamlets are seeing the real benefits of partnership working and gaining the skills that they need to get on in work and life through The Reach Community Hub. Construction skills are particularly important right now, and initiatives like this chime well with what we at City Hall are developing through the Mayor’s Construction Academy - getting more people trained and into jobs in construction.”

Somewhere to feel at home


Abdullah Hossain Employment and Training Manager

Employment and Training

Abdullah, Swan’s new Employment and Training Manager is dedicated to helping more residents (like those pictured above at Blackwall Reach) access skills and employment training. “Supporting our residents to fulfil their potential has been highly rewarding and I am really excited to continue working with our communities and local partners to make a difference.”

Volunteering We offer our staff the opportunity to work in Swan’s communities to really make a difference. Our Resident Involvement and Community Development Team, Property Compliance and Axis teams spent two days at Dobsons House, one of our sheltered housing schemes, building raised beds, transforming a drying area into a secret garden and planting up fresh vegetables and plants for residents to enjoy. A great day was had by all.

Satisfied with overall service (Target 85%).

71% Satisfied with repairs service (Target 76%).



Satisfied with quality of home (Target 85%).

Same as last year


Below target

How did we do?

Above target


Somewhere to feel at home





Repairs completed at first visit (Target 95%).

Repair appointments made and

People satisfied with their last

kept (Target 97%).

repair (Target 90%).


100% Properties with a valid gas safety certificate (Target 100%).

Average cost of a repair



Average number of days taken to re-let an empty home (Target 15 days).

Satisfaction with our letting service (Target 85%).

91% People satisfied with the complaints procedure (Target 76%).




Stage 1 complaints responded to within six working days (Target 98%).

Number of complaints received.

Number of compliments received.

Same as last year

Below target

Above target


Somewhere to feel at home


100.6% % of rent collected (Target 100%).

1.83% Current arrears as a % of rent due (Target 2.6%).



Number of reports of ASB received.

People satisfied with how their report of ASB was dealt with. (Target 80%).

somewhere to feel at home

Essex regional office Pilgrim House Billericay Essex CM12 9XY

NU living Tramway House 3 Tramway Avenue Stratford E15 4PN

Hera Management Services Limited Tramway House 3 Tramway Avenue Stratford E15 4PN

London regional office 9 Webber Path Poplar London E14 0FZ

Tel: 0800 819 9390

Tel: 0345 683 8812





Our main offices are open Monday - Thursday 9.00am - 5.15pm Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm Tel: 0300 303 2500 swan.org.uk @swanhousing Repairs: 0800 783 2768 or 020 3597 2067 from a mobile (24 hrs a day)

In your language Please call 0300 303 2500 if you would like someone to explain any of these articles to you.

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