1 minute read
We want everyone to feel safe and happy in their home and we believe everyone should be able to enjoy their home without being disturbed by those living nearby.
You are responsible for the behaviour of people living in or visiting your home (including children). Please be tolerant and mindful of your neighbours, especially in areas of high density living such as a block of flats. Please take care not to do anything that may cause a nuisance, annoyance, distress or alarm to others.
The most common complaints of anti-social behaviour we receive are about noise nuisance and we ask that you keep noise to a minimum, especially between 10pm and 7am. To reduce the likelihood of someone making a complaint about you, we ask you to avoid the following:
• Playing loud music or having your television or radio too loud
• Arguing or shouting
• Slamming doors
• Allowing your dog to bark continuously
• Allowing children to make excessive noise
We recognise that some behaviour may have an impact on others however would not be classed anti-social behaviour. Examples of this include, daily living noise, children playing in their homes or nearby at reasonable times, cooking smells and parking disputes. We would encourage neighbours to resolve minor disputes between themselves and where necessary, we will provide the support of an independent mediator.
We take all incidents of anti-social behaviour seriously and will act to resolve any issues. If you need to report anti-social behaviour during office hours, please contact your Neighbourhood team.
Call 0300 303 2500 or email
ASB@swan.org.uk to report incidents of ASB.
To report an incident outside of office hours, please call 0800 075 6699.
You can also download the Noise App via the App Store or Google Play, to record and report noise nuisance - www.thenoiseapp.com.
View our Hate Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) policy www.swan.org.uk/ASB-hate-crime.