Watts Grove Resident Newsletter Issue 1, January 2017
New Homes for Watts Grove We have been working hard to bring together a scheme for new housing on the vacant site in between Watts Grove and Gale Street. We wanted to update local residents on the progress we have made and provide the most recent images of the designs, which we will be putting forward to the London Borough of Tower Hamlets this year. Our plans are for 65 homes on the site, made of a mixture of 1, 2 & 3 bedroom units to accommodate the many different needs of the people in the area. The indicative ground floor plan (right) shows how we are bringing together a variety of unit sizes Caption across the site.
Arial view of the site
The tenure mix of the scheme is yet to be confirmed but we are hoping to provide a high percentage of units for shared ownership purchase enabling more home ownership within the Bow area. The bottom image to the right shows a view of the development from Gale Street. This provides an understanding of how the site will open up an access route from Gale Street through to Watts Grove along the south of the site. This will strengthen the connection residents of the wider area will have with Furze Green and allow more families easier access to enjoy the space.
Ground floor plan of the proposed scheme
We believe that our proposal is mindful of the surrounding properties, whilst still providing a modern scheme that will bring a large number of affordable homes to the Borough.
3D image of the proposal from Gale Street
Modular Housing The new homes being built at Watts Grove will make use of precision offsite construction techniques. This will mean that large sections of the building will be constructed offsite and brought in to be dropped into place.
end of the build. The process is much less noisy than traditional methods. The other benefits of offsite construction include a large reduction in waste and also a higher quality end product. Swan will be using a sustainable timber offsite construction method. This means that the building will have a much smaller environmental impact than a concrete structure. As the process moves along we’ll bring you more information about the construction of the homes.
An example of the modular units coming to site
One of the reasons Swan are doing this is so that the construction process has less of an impact on local residents as opposed to traditional construction. The process is much quicker than traditional construction methods, which will reduce disruption. There are considerably less trades used on site which should significantly reduce construction related traffic, particularly towards the
Production of the modular units
Consultation update Swan are due to submit a planning application for this scheme in January 2017. You will be able to view the application in full on the Tower Hamlets planning website once it is submitted. We are very keen to hear views and opinions from as many local residents as possible so please contact us with your comments or concerns that you may have. The Project Managers to the left are available to contact Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.
Sean Kelly
Richard Pearce
Project Manager
Senior Project Manager
01277 844233
01277 314271
Facebook.com/swanhousing Twitter.com/swanhousing or @swanhousing