Clyne in Bloom is celebrated every year during May when the award winning rhododendrons and azaleas of Clyne Gardens are in full bloom and at their most magnificent.
at Clyne Gardens, Blackpill May 1 - 31
Guided Tours
Bird and Wildlife Tours
Band Concerts
Children’s Activities
Rare Plant Sale
Whether this is your first visit, or you have been to Clyne before, a guided tour is a fantastic way to explore the gardens and experience all they have to offer. With over 20 hectares containing 2000 different plant specimens there is plenty to see!
Take a walk on the wild side and discover the wonderful variety of bird and wildlife that live in Clyne Gardens. An experienced guide will take you to all the best spots to catch a glimpse of the gardens’ inhabitants.
Spend a lazy Sunday afternoon relaxing in the beautiful surroundings of the gardens while being entertained by some of Swansea’s finest bands.
Let your child’s imagination run wild at the art workshops and after all the excitement they can relax and listen to a story under the branches of the Magical Story Tree.
This is always a very popular event and is a great day out. Whether you are a devoted horticulturalist or simply appreciate plants you will be sure to find something a bit unusual to add to your
Programme of Events Wednesdays Bird and Wildlife Walks (meet at the main entrance) £1.50 for adults, 50p for children 10am-12pm. Guided Tours of the Gardens (meet at the main entrance) £1.50 for adults, 50p for children 2pm-4pm Saturdays Guided Tours of the Gardens (meet at the main entrance) £1.50 for adults, 50p for children 2pm-4pm
garden. There are plenty of fun children’s activities to keep younger members of the family occupied and a band concert will provide the perfect ambience.
26747-11 DesignPrint 01792 586555
Clyne in Bloom
Throughout the month there is a range of events and activities for the whole family to enjoy. Clyne Gardens have been awarded Green Flag status, in recognition of their high environmental and horticultural standards.
How to get there... Sundays Clyne Rare Plant Sale Third Sunday in May 10am-5pm Band Concerts (FREE) 3pm-5pm Children’s Activities (FREE) Including Storytime and Children’s Art Workshops, 3pm-5pm
By car: From the city centre head west along Oystermouth Road (A4067), turn right at the Woodman public house and right into the car park. There is limited parking. By bus: There is a bus stop opposite the Woodman public house. From Swansea Quadrant bus station take service 2, 2A, 2B, 3, 3A, 14, 14A or 37. Coaches and group visits are welcome by prior arrangement. For further information contact Steve Hopkins 01792 205327 or visit To receive free e-mail updates visit If you require this brochure in a different format please contact Marketing Services on 01792 635478. All details correct at time of going to print.
Dethlir Gerddi Clun yn eu Blodau bob blwyddyn ym mis Mai pan fydd rhododendronau ac asaleâu nodedig Gerddi Clun yn eu gogoniant llawn.
Gerddi Clun yn eu Blodau Yn gerddi Clun, Blackpill Mai 1 – 31
Drwy gydol y mis, mae amrywiaeth o ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau i'r teulu cyfan eu mwynhau. Mae Gerddi Clun wedi cael eu dyfarnu’n Safle Baner Werdd oherwydd eu safonau amgylcheddol a garddwriaethol uchel. Teithiau Tywys
Teithiau Adar a Bywyd Gwyllt
Cyngherddau Bandiau
Gweithgareddau i Blant
Gwerthiannau Planhigion Prin
Os ydych yn ymweld am y tro cyntaf neu wedi ymweld â Chlun o'r blaen, mae taith dywys yn ffordd wych o archwilio'r gerddi a phrofi'r hyn sydd ganddynt i'w gynnig - a chyda mwy nag 20 hectar yn cynnwys 2000 o blanhigion gwahanol, mae digon i'w weld!
Dewch am dro i ddarganfod yr amrywiaeth eang o adar a bywyd gwyllt sy'n byw yng Ngerddi Clun. Bydd tywysydd profiadol yn eich tywys i'r mannau gorau i weld trigolion y gerddi.
Dewch i dreulio prynhawn dydd Sul hamddenol yn nhiroedd hyfryd y gerddi a chael eich diddanu gan rai o fandiau gorau Abertawe.
Rhowch rwydd hynt i ddychymyg eich plentyn yn y gweithdai celf i blant ac ar ôl yr holl gyffro, gallant ymlacio a gwrando ar stori o dan ganghennau'r Goeden Straeon Hud.
Mae hyn bob amser yn ddigwyddiad poblogaidd ac mae'n ddiwrnod gwych i'r teulu cyfan. Os ydych yn arddwr brwd neu’n gwerthfawrogi planhigion, byddwch siwr o ffeindio
Rhaglen Ddigwyddiadau Dydd Mercher Teithiau Cerdded Adar a Bywyd Gwyllt (cyfarfod ger y brif fynedfa) £1.50 i oedolion, 50c i blant 10am-12pm. Teithiau Tywys o'r Gerddi (cyfarfod ger y brif fynedfa) £1.50 i oedolion, 50c i blant 2pm – 4pm. Dydd Sadwrn Teithiau Tywys o'r Gerddi (cyfarfod ger y brif fynedfa) £1.50 i oedolion, 50c i blant 2pm – 4pm.
rhywbeth gwahanol ar gyfer eich gardd. Mae digon o weithgareddau hwyl i blant i gadw aelodau iau'r teulu'n hapus a bydd cyngerdd band yn gerddoriaeth gefndir hyfryd.
Sut i gyrraedd yno... Dydd Sul Gwerthiannau Planhigion Prin Clun ar drydydd dydd Sul mis Mai, 10am-5pm. Cyngherddau Bandiau (AM DDIM) 3pm-5pm. Gweithgareddau i Blant Amser Stori a Gweithdy Celf i blant (AM DDIM) 3pm-5pm.
Yn y car: O ganol y ddinas, ewch i gyfeiriad y gorllewin ar hyd Heol Ystumllwynarth (A4067), trowch i’r dde ger tafarn y Woodman ac i’r dde i mewn i’r maes parcio. Mae lleoedd parcio’n gyfyngedig. Ar y bws: Mae safle bws gyferbyn â thafarn y Woodman. Ewch ar wasanaethau 2, 2A, 2B, 3, 3A, 14, 14A and 37 o orsaf fysus y Cwadrant Abertawe. Mae croeso i goetsis ac ymweliadau grŵp os trefnir ymlaen llaw. Am fwy o wybodaeth, ffoniwch Steve Hopkins 01792 205327 Neu ewch i I gael y newyddion diweddaraf drwy e-bost am ddim ewch i Os oes angen y llyfryn hwn arnoch mewn fformat arall, cysylltwch a’r Gwasanaethau Marchnata ar 01792 635478. Mae’r holl fanylion yn gywir wrth fynd i’r wasg. 50%