Museum AmgueddfaAbertawe Swansea
Exhibitions & Events Arddangosfeydd a digwyddiadau
Victoria Keeble
Emma Coyle
Patti Mckenna, Community Artist / Artist Cymunedol
Home from Home? Seeking Sanctuary in Swansea
Cartref oddi Cartref? Ceisio Noddfa yn Abertawe
16 June - 31 August
16 Mehefin - 31 Awst
Gallery 1 Everybody needs a safe home, but many people across the world have been forced to leave home because of violence or persecution. Some of these people come to Swansea.
Oriel 1 Mae angen cartref diogel ar bawb, ond gorfodwyd llawer o bobl ledled y byd i adael eu cartrefi oherwydd trais neu erledigaeth. Mae rhai o’r bobl hyn yn dod i Abertawe.
This powerful new temporary exhibition explores their stories, their fears and their hopes for the future as they attempt to rebuild their lives in Swansea.
Mae’r arddangosfa newydd a grymus hon yn archwilio eu hanesion, eu hofnau a’u gobeithion am y dyfodol wrth iddynt geisio ailadeiladu eu bywydau yn Abertawe.
The exhibition is a collaboration between Swansea Museum, Swansea City of Sanctuary, Swansea Bay Asylum Seekers Support Group, Asylum Voices and Displaced People in Action.
Trefnwyd yr arddangosfa ar y cyd gan Amgueddfa Abertawe, Abertawe Dinas Noddfa, Grwˆp Cefnogi Ceiswyr Lloches Bae Abertawe, Asylum Voices ac Alltudion ar Waith.
There will be a series of workshops connected to the exhibition. Visit the website for details.
Cynhelir cyfres o weithdai mewn cysylltiad â’r arddangosfa. Ewch i’r wefan am fanylion.
Sandfields, Past and Present
Sandfields, Ddoe a Heddiw
16 June - 31 August
16 Mehefin - 31 Awst
Long Gallery The vibrant seafront area of Sandfields is brought to life in this new exhibition. Follow the development of the Sandfields area from the earliest days of Swansea as a seafaring town, through the turbulence of the War Years and in to the present day.
Yr Oriel Hir Mae’r arddangosfa newydd hon yn cynnig cipolwg ar ardal liwgar Sandfields ar lan y môr. Mae’n olrhain datblygiad ardal Sandfields o’r dyddiau cynnar pan oedd Abertawe’n dref forwrol, drwy helynt blynyddoedd y Rhyfel hyd heddiw.
There will be a series of lectures connected to this exhibition. Visit the website for details.
Cynhelir cyfres o ddarlithoedd mewn cysylltiad â’r arddangosfa hon. Ewch i’r wefan am fanylion.
Extended until January 2013
Wedi’i hestyn tan fis Ionawr 2013
Main Gallery Look back into the fiery furnace that was Swansea during the years when it provided the majority of the copper used throughout the world. This exhibition explores the contrasting fortunes that the Copper industry brought to Swansea. Learn about the owners of great copper firms like Vivian & Sons as well as their workers, who faced highly dangerous and debilitating working conditions.
Prif Oriel Trem yn ôl ar dirwedd danllyd Abertawe yn y blynyddoedd pan ddarparai’r rhan fwyaf o’r copr a ddefnyddid ledled y byd. Mae’r arddangosfa hon yn archwilio tynghedau amrywiol y rhai a fu’n gysylltiedig â’r diwydiant copr yn Abertawe. Gallwch ddysgu am berchnogion cwmnïau copr mawr megis Vivian & Sons, yn ogystal â’u gweithwyr a oedd yn wynebu amodau gweithio peryglus a llafurus.
Mandy Wilkinson
Andy Rouse
Tros Gynnal Plant Charity Art Exhibition
Arddangosfa Gelf Elusennol Tros Gynnal Plant
6 - 30 September
6 - 30 Medi
Gallery 1 Artists from all over Wales have donated art work to help benefit the Tros Gynnal Plant children’s rights charity. The exhibition showcases some of the most innovative art found in Wales today including paintings, drawings and prints, textiles, photographs, ceramics, sculpture, jewellery and glass. The art work goes to Auction in November with all proceeds going to the charity.
Oriel 1 Mae artistiaid o bob rhan o Gymru wedi rhoi gwaith celf er lles elusen hawliau plant Tros Gynnal Plant. Mae’r arddangosfa’n cynnwys enghreifftiau o’r gwaith celf mwyaf blaengar yn Nghymru heddiw, gan gynnwys paentiadau, lluniadau a phrintiadau, tecstilau, ffotograffau, gwaith cerameg, cerflunwaith, gemwaith a gwydr.
There will be a series of artist led workshops connected to the exhibition. Visit the website for details.
Cynhelir ocsiwn i werthu’r gwaith celf ym mis Tachwedd gyda’r holl elw’n mynd i’r elusen. Bydd cyfres o weithdai o dan arweiniad artistiaid yn gysylltiedig â’r arddangosfa. Ewch i’r wefan am fanylion.
Griffith John
Griffith John
6 October - 18 November
6 Hydref - 18 Tachwedd
Gallery 1 This new temporary exhibition traces the remarkable life of the famous Swansea Missionary Griffith John who went to China in 1855 and stayed for over fifty years. He travelled the country extensively, where he was a widely popular figure, and set up schools, hospitals and colleges. Amongst the highlights on display will be a number of Chinese banners which John donated to the Museum.
Oriel 1 Mae’r arddangosfa dros dro newydd hon yn olrhain bywyd nodedig Griffith John, y cenhadwr enwog o Abertawe a aeth i Tsieina ym 1855 gan aros am fwy na 50 mlynedd. Ac yntau’n gymeriad poblogaidd iawn, bu’n teithio’n helaeth yn y wlad lle sefydlodd ysgolion, ysbytai a cholegau. Ymhlith uchafbwyntiau’r arddangosfa bydd sawl baner Tsieineaidd a roddwyd i’r Amgueddfa gan John.
There will be a range of workshops connected to the exhibition. Visit the website for details.
Cynhelir amrywiaeth o weithdai mewn cysylltiad â’r arddangosfa. Ewch i’r wefan am fanylion.
Pan-Wales Sport Exhibition 24 November 2012 - 4 January 2013 Gallery 1 This exciting touring exhibition brings together sports items collected by museums across Wales in the last 60 years. Objects range from the uniform worn by a Swansea born team member at the 1958 Empire and Commonwealth Games in Cardiff to souvenirs of recent football and rugby matches.
Arddangosfa Chwaraeon Cymru Gyfan 24 Tachwedd 2012 - 4 Ionawr 2013 Oriel 1 Mae’r arddangosfa deithiol gyffrous hon yn cynnwys eitemau chwaraeon a gasglwyd gan amgueddfeydd ledled Cymru yn ystod y 60 mlynedd diwethaf. Mae’r gwrthrychau’n amrywio o’r cit a gafodd ei wisgo gan frodor o Abertawe pan yn aelod o dîm Gemau’r Ymerodraeth a’r Gymanwlad yng Nghaerdydd i eitemau cofiadwy gemau pêldroed a rygbi diweddar.
National Archaeology Day
Diwrnod Archaeoleg Cenedlaethol
14 July, 10am - 4pm
14 Gorffennaf, 10am - 4pm
Classic Motorcycle Show
Sioe Beiciau Modur Clasurol
22 July, 10am - 4pm
22 Gorffennaf, 10am - 4pm
Dylan Thomas Square
Sgwâr Dylan Thomas
Summer Craft Fair 18 - 19 August, 10am - 4pm
Ffair Grefftau’r Haf 18 a 19 Awst, 10am - 4pm
Local History Book Fair
Ffair Lyfrau Hanes Lleol
27 October, 10am - 4pm
27 Hydref, 10am - 4pm
Christmas Craft Fair
Ffair Grefftau’r Nadolig
1 & 2 December, 10am - 4pm
1 a 2 Rhagfyr, 10am - 4pm ¥
For more information please visit or contact Swansea Museum on 01792 653763 Am fwy o wybodaeth, ewch i neu ffoniwch Amgueddfa Abertawe ar 01792 653763 swanseamuseum
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