Tyˆ AGORED Rhifyn 1 2014 Y cylchgrawn ar gyfer Tenantiaid a Les-ddeiliaid y Cyngor
Open HOUSE The Magazine for Council Tenants and Leaseholders
Issue 1 2014
Return Address: Address: Return City and County of of Swansea, Swansea, City and County Civic Centre, Oystermouth Road, Swansea, Swansea, SA1 SA1 3SN 3SN Civic Centre, Oystermouth Road, Cyfeiriad dychwelyd: dychwelyd: Cyfeiriad Dinas aa Sir Sir Abertawe, Abertawe, Canolfan Canolfan Ddinesig, Ddinesig, Dinas Heol Ystumllwynarth, Ystumllwynarth, Abertawe, Abertawe, SA1 SA1 3SN 3SN Heol
Os hoffech gael yr wybodaeth hon mewn fformat arall e.e. print bras, Braille, disg neu ddull arall, cysylltwch â'r Gwasanaethau Cwsmeriaid Tai 01792 635045 neu ewch i’n gwefan www.abertawe.gov.uk/housing neu e-bostiwch tai@abertawe.gov.uk
Mae budd-daliadau’n newid – erthygl arbennig
Golwg ar eich byd ffotograffau darllenwyr yn eisiau; gweler tu dalen 21
Window on your world – readers photos wanted see page 21 If you require this information in a different format eg large print, Braille, disc or other, please contact Housing Customer Services 01792 635045 or visit our website www.swansea.gov.uk/housing or email housing@swansea.gov.uk
Benefits are changing - special
Open HOUSE The Magazine for Council Tenants and Leaseholders
Issue 1 2014
Window on your world – readers photos wanted see page 21 If you require this information in a different format eg large print, Braille, disc or other, please contact Housing Customer Services 01792 635045 or visit our website www.swansea.gov.uk/housing or email housing@swansea.gov.uk
Benefits are changing - special
Croeso i
Y tu mewn Tyˆ AGORED
MAE BUDD-DALIADAU'N NEWID Tudalennau ..................................3 - 17
ERTHYGLAU Uned Cefnogi Tenantiaid ..................18 Ydych chi'n colli cyfle? .......................21 Golwg ar eich Byd .............................21 Grantiau Tyfu'n Lleol .........................22 Mynd i'r afael â sbwriel....................22 Enillwyr y Gystadleuaeth Arddio .....24 Cymunedau'n Gyntaf ......................26 Bod yn graff am ynni ........................28 Ôl-fyfyrio............................................30
CYSYLLTIADAU LLEOL Cysylltiadau lleol ..............................32
CYNGOR A MATERION CYFFREDINOL Llais y Tenantiaid...............................36 Newyddion Tai Lloches.....................39 Dangosyddion perfformiad..............40 Ein galluogi ni i'ch helpu chi..............41 Y diweddaraf am atgyweiriadau.....42 Meddwl am adeiladu dreif?.............44 Cyfarpar nwy ....................................45 Man cymunedol Llanyrnewydd .......46 Sbwriel a thipio'n anghyfreithlon .....47 Gwelliannau i geginau ac ystafelloedd ymolchi .............................................48 Gwiriadau diogelwch tân yn y cartref am ddim ..................................................49 Carped rhad i'ch cartref ...................50 CYD Cymru.........................................51 PTL .....................................................52 Ailgylchu............................................54 Safon Abertawe................................56 MAE'R HOLL WYBODAETH YN TŶ AGORED YN GYWIR WRTH FYND I'R WASG.
Os hoffech gael yr wybodaeth hon mewn fformat arall e.e. print bras, Braille, disg neu ddull arall, cysylltwch â'r Gwasanaethau Cwsmeriaid Tai 01792 635045 neu ewch i’n gwefan www.abertawe.gov.uk/housing E-bostiwch tai@abertawe.gov.uk
Croeso i rifyn diweddaraf Tyˆ Agored, y cylchgrawn i denantiaid a lesddeiliaid y cyngor. Fel yn y rhifyn diwethaf, rydym wedi clustnodi rhan helaeth o'r cylchgrawn ar gyfer cyngor a gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol am y newidiadau i fudd-daliadau i'ch helpu i sicrhau bod eich rhent wedi'i dalu ac nad ydych yn peryglu eich cartref neu'n mynd i drafferthion ariannol. Mae hefyd yn cynnwys gwybodaeth am HomeSwapper, Undeb Credyd Abertawe, a gweithio a hawlio budd-daliadau. Hyd yn oed os nad yw'r diwygiad lles yn effeithio arnoch ar hyn o bryd, mae'n werth treulio peth amser yn darllen yr adran hon rhag ofn y bydd eich amgylchiadau'n newid yn y dyfodol. Mae llawer o erthyglau diddorol eraill gan gynnwys newyddion am y cynllun ystafelloedd ymolchi a cheginau newydd, teils carped wedi'u hailgylchu a sut i ddefnyddio'r Pasbort i Hamdden i gadw'n heini. Os ydych am ychwanegu ychydig o liw at nosweithiau tywyll y gaeaf, beth am gael golwg ar luniau o ymgeiswyr buddugol y gystadleuaeth arddio? Fe welwch yr holl erthyglau rheolaidd hefyd. Tynnwyd y llun sydd ar ein clawr blaen yng nghanol coedwig heddychlon Cwm Penllergaer. Os ydych yn ffotograffydd brwd, darllenwch yr erthygl newydd 'Cip ar eich Byd' sy'n eich gwahodd i anfon eich lluniau i Dyˆ Agored i rannu eich hoff leoedd a digwyddiadau yn eich cymuned. Os oes gennych unrhyw sylwadau am y cylchgrawn hwn, cysylltwch â ni trwy ddefnyddio'r manylion cyswllt a ddarperir ar dudalen 29. Anne Webber, Golygydd
Cysylltiadau Defnyddiol Golygydd – Anne Webber .............................. Y Ganolfan Gyswllt Atgyweirio........................ Atgyweiriadau Brys y tu allan i Oriau Swyddfa ........ Uned Cefnogi Cymdogaethau 24 awr ............ Canolfan Gyswllt yr Amgylchedd.................... Ymholiadau Budd-dal Tai................................
635045 635100 521500 648507 635600 635353
Rhifau Swyddfeydd Tai Rhanbarthol Swyddfa Dai Ranbarthol Eastside .................. Swyddfa Dai Ranbarthol Treforys a'r Clâs........ Swyddfa Dai Ranbarthol Sgeti ........................ Swyddfa Dai Ranbarthol Townhill a Mayhill ....... Swyddfa Dai Ranbarthol Blaenymaes ............ Swyddfa Dai Ranbarthol Gorseinon................ Swyddfa Dai Ranbarthol Penlan ..................... Swyddfa Dai Ranbarthol Canol y Dref ............ Swyddfa Dai Ranbarthol West Cross.............. Mae pob rhif ffôn yn Abertawe (01792)
791251 601720 516810 513900 534060 897700 582704 650486 402500
www.abertawe.gov.uk/housing tai@abertawe.gov.uk
791251 601720 516810 513900 534060 897700 582704 650486 402500 635045 635100 521500 648507 635600 635353
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk All telephone numbers are Swansea based (01792) Eastside District Housing Office........................... Morriston & Clase District Housing Office.............. Sketty District Housing Office............................... Townhill & Mayhill District Housing Office.............. Blaenymaes District Housing Office.................... Gorseinon District Housing Office ....................... Penlan District Housing Office............................. Town Centre District Housing Office.................... West Cross District Housing Office......................
District Housing Office Numbers Editor – Anne Webber ......................................... Repairs Contact Centre........................................ Out of Hours Emergency Repairs........................ 24 hour Neighbourhood Support Unit............... Environment Contact Centre ............................... Housing Benefit Queries......................................
Useful Contacts As with the last edition, we’ve dedicated a large part of the magazine to some useful advice and information on the benefit changes to help you to make sure that your rent is paid and you don’t put your home at risk or run into trouble with your finances. It also includes information about Homeswapper, Swansea Credit Union, and working and claiming benefits. Even if you are not currently affected by the changes, it’s worth taking the time to read through this section just in case your circumstances change in the future. There are loads of other interesting articles including news on the new bathrooms and kitchens scheme, recycled carpet tiles and staying fit with Passport to Leisure and if you need something to brighten the dark winter days, then take a look at the photos of the winning gardening competition entries. You’ll also find all the regular features. Our front cover photograph is taken in the peaceful Penllegare Valley Woods. If you’re a keen photographer, take a look at the new feature ‘Window on your World’ which invites you to send your photos to Open House to share your favourite places and events in your community. If you have any comments about this magazine, please contact us by using the contact details on page 29. Anne Webber, Editor
Welcome to the latest edition of Open House, the magazine for council tenants and leaseholders.
Open HOUSE Inside What’s
welcome to
Tyˆ Agored: Rhifyn 1 2014
Open House: Issue 1 2014
If you require this information in a different format eg large print, Braille, disc or other, please contact Housing Customer Services 01792 635045 or visit our website www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk or email
Window on your world Issue 1 2014
ALL INFORMATION IN OPENHOUSE IS CORRECT AT TIME OF GOING TO PRESS. If you require this information in a different format eg large print, Braille, disc or other, please contact Housing Customer Services 01792 635045 or visit the housing services website www.swansea.gov.uk/housing or email housing@swansea.gov.uk PTL .....................................................52 Recycling ...........................................54 The Swansea Standard ....................56 Tenants Voice ....................................36 Sheltered Housing News..................39 Performance Indicators ....................40 Letting us in to help you ....................41 Repairs round up ..............................42 Thinking of building a driveway? .....44 Gas appliances.................................45 Llan yr Newydd Community Space..46 Rubbish & Flytipping .........................47 Kitchen & Bathroom improvements 48 Free home fire safety checks ...........49 Low cost flooring for your home ......50 CYD Cymru.........................................51
GENERAL ADVICE & ISSUES Local Links .........................................32
LOCAL LINKS Gardening Competition winners......24 Communities First .............................26 Be energy smart ...............................28 Looking Back.....................................30 Tenancy Support Unit ........................18 Are you missing out?.........................21 Window on your World .....................21 Grow Local Grants ............................22 Littering crackdown ..........................22
FEATURES Pages............................................3 - 17
BENEFITS ARE CHANGING Benefits are changing - special – readers photos wanted see page 21
The Magazine for Council Tenants and Leaseholders
You will have read and heard a lot recently about changes to the benefit system. You may be affected and/or know someone who is… In the last special edition of Open House, we included information on the Government’s changes to the benefit system and how you might be affected. Since then, further changes have been introduced, such as a limit on the total amount of benefit you can receive (the benefit cap). In the following pages, there’s some useful advice and information on the benefit changes to help you to make sure that your rent is paid and you don’t put your home at risk or run into trouble with your finances.
Contents Are you looking to move home ..................4 Home swapping event ...............................5 Swansea Housing website .........................6 Changes to Housing Benefit - under
There’s information about ‘Homeswapper’, how to apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP), the benefits of joining Swansea’s Credit Union, working and claiming benefits and a number of useful contacts. Even if you are not currently affected by the changes, it’s worth taking the time to read through this section just in case your circumstances change in the future.
occupancy ...................................................6 Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) .....7 Swansea Credit Union ................................8 Help with moving from benefits into work..10 Workways ...................................................11 Have your circumstances changed? ........12 New direct debits.......................................12 Useful contacts ..........................................13
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
If you need help or advice contact: I the Council’s Rents Team on 01792 534094 / 601720. I Your local District Housing Office (telephone numbers are on the inside cover of the magazine). I Seek independent advice from the Community Housing Cymru Money Advisors on 0300 3031073, text ‘change’ to 80018 or visit www.yourbenefitsarechanging.co.uk Open House: Issue 1 2014
Are you looking to move home? Homeswapper or the Swansea Housing website may be able to help. Homeswapper is a free on-line service for Council and Housing Association tenants who want to move. It may be a much quicker way to move than applying for a transfer. If you are affected by changes to the benefit rules and would like to move to a smaller home, Homeswapper can help you find a swap with someone who needs a bigger home. You can swap your flat or house (often referred to as a ‘mutual exchange’) with another tenant of a Council or Housing Association. If you have recently become a tenant and have an introductory tenancy you will have to wait 12 months until you become a secure tenant before moving home.
Registering is simple and easy, follow these steps…
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
I’ve only been on Homeswapper a week and we have already swapped with someone. Thank you Homeswapper!
Log on to www.homeswapper.co.uk Add your personal information, details about your current home, details about the home you want. Upload some photos. The most successful swaps are the ones with the most information about the property. Homeswapper will automatically match you to possible home swaps. You will then get an email or SMS text with details of those matches - it’s that simple! Once you have found a match, you will need permission from your local District Housing Office to go ahead with the swap.
If you don’t have access to a computer, you can visit your local District Housing Office where a member of staff will help you register. Internet access is also free in Swansea’s libraries. 1178 of our tenants have already registered and 48 under occupied households in Swansea have already moved with Homeswapper. You could be next!
Open House: Issue 1 2014
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Here are some comments from tenants who have moved through Homeswapper "Have swapped homes with an amazing young family, I would like to wish them all the best for the future in their new home and am looking forward to my own future in the cottage. And many thanks to Homeswapper for making it possible." D. T. 4/5/13 "I swapped from Sketty to West Cross last month! Thank you Homeswapper, I’m near my mum now who is very poorly so this move has been a dream come true.” J. J. 18/4/13 "We are swapping for a 4 bedroom house due to an expanding family." K. D. 16/4/13 "We swapped a 2 bed flat for a 2 bed house." A. R. 5/4/13 "We are moving closer to my partner’s family and my sons friends so will be much happier thank you Homeswapper." J. B. 30/3/13
Home swapping event A home swapping event, organised by Swansea Council in partnership with Coastal Housing Association, Gwalia Housing Association and Family Housing Association took place in Swansea on Thursday 26th September 2013. This was the first event of this kind in Swansea which offered tenants who are under or over occupying their home an opportunity to meet each other to try and identify any potential home swaps not only with the Council but with the Housing Associations too. Tenants looking to swap for a smaller or larger home were able to advertise their property at the event, as well as getting advice on budgeting. Tenants who attended the event were also able to register their home with the mutual exchange service ‘Homeswapper’ - the online service that helps tenants to find suitable properties and automatically match their requirements with other tenants on its database. The event was a great success and plans are being drawn up for a similar one soon.
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Open House: Issue 1 2014
Swansea Housing Website The Swansea Housing website aims to help those who are looking for housing in Swansea to make choices about the options available to them. It provides information about Council Housing, Housing Associations, private renting and other affordable housing.
Your one stop shop for rented accommodation in Swansea Council Housing, Housing Associations, Private Rented and Affordable Housing ...all on one easy to use website! Loads of Advice Contact Information Waiting Times Calculator Properties Advertised
It also features a waiting time calculator to help people who have applied for or are thinking of applying for housing via the Council's Housing Register (or to another social landlord) to decide whether social housing is right for them. It includes details of: I The location of all social housing properties I The number of lettings in various areas of the city I The number of applicants waiting to be housed I Whether an offer is likely The Swansea Housing website also advertises private, Council and Housing Association properties that are immediately available to rent. You can visit the site at:
Changes to Housing Benefit underoccupancy The Housing Benefit rules were changed in April 2013 and if you are deemed to have ‘spare’ bedrooms, your Housing Benefit would have been reduced. However, there are a number of exemptions to the changes. If you are in one of the groups below you may be entitled to a ‘spare’ bedroom and not have your Housing Benefit reduced.
Rooms for carers I
Bedrooms for live-in carers are not affected. If you need a regular overnight carer, a bedroom is allowed. You might be required to provide medical evidence to support this.
Open House: Issue 1 2014
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Disabled children I
Councils have discretion over whether disabled children are eligible for their own bedrooms.
Pensioners The new rules will only apply to working age claimants. I People over the qualifying age for state pension credit or with a partner over that age will be exempt. I Current mixed aged couples will continue to be exempt. I
Supported accommodation I
People who receive care, support or supervision from their landlord and certain people in supported accommodation will be exempt.
Parents of students I
If a student’s main residency is their parents’ home, then their bedroom will not be considered as spare and the parents will be exempt.
Bereaved families I
Where under-occupancy arises due to a death, a year’s grace is allowed so that the bereaved family have some time to come to terms with their loss and are able to make the right decisions about their finances and size of home.
Foster Carers I
Approved foster carers, whether or not they have a child placed with them or are between placements, will be exempt and allowed an extra room, as long as they have fostered a child within the last 12 months or become a registered foster carer within the last 12 months.
Armed forces personnel I
Parents with adult children in the Armed Forces who live at home between operational duty will be exempt.
If you think you fall into any of these groups, the person claiming Housing Benefit should contact the Benefit Section (see page 14 for contact details) for advice and further information.
Are you getting some Housing Benefit? Do you still need extra help with paying your rent? The Discretionary Housing Payments Scheme may be able to help. Recent changes to the Housing Benefit rules or changes in your personal circumstances might mean that you are facing a shortfall between your Housing Benefit and your rent, which you cannot meet from your income. The Discretionary Housing Payments Scheme (DHP) is available to help meet this shortfall for people who already get some Housing Benefit. DHP is not a benefit payment and cannot be guaranteed, but you may be able to receive some extra help towards your rent. It is also usually paid for a specified period of time and is not a long term solution to meet any Housing Benefit shortfall. To check if you might be able to get some extra help, please complete an application form which you can get from your Rents Officer (see page 13 for contact details) or the Housing Benefits Section in the Civic Centre. You can also ring the advice line on: 01792 635885 or visit the webpage: www.swansea.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=1685 www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Open House: Issue 1 2014
Tenants of Swansea Council can now join Swansea Credit Union (LASA) for free Swansea Credit Union, also known as LASA - Loans and Savings Abertawe, is a not for profit co-operative for people living or working within Swansea. Anyone, regardless of their employment or financial status can apply to become a member of the credit union. LASA Credit Union is regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
As a member of the Credit Union you: ■
Can save money with them
May be able to get an affordable low cost loan, even if you are on a low income or in receipt of benefits
Could buy cheaper electrical goods through the Co-operative Electrical
Could pay your rent and other bills through your account
To get an account you will need to complete an application form and provide some ID. Forms are available at your local District Housing Office, from the Council’s Rents Team on 01792 534094 or email rentsteam@swansea.gov.uk or the LASA Credit Union office.
Office opening hours:
Monday to Friday 10am to 2pm
139 Walter Road, Swansea, SA1 5RQ
01792 643632
Open House: Issue 1 2014
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Do you need to borrow money? Many people are finding that their income is being stretched that little bit further and sometimes an unexpected bill crops up that you may need to borrow money to pay. There are many places you can borrow money but some will end up costing you more than you may expect – read the story of Mrs Rush and Mrs Wise for some advice.
Mrs Rush
Mrs Wise
Dear Diary I need to borrow £300 to pay for a new washing machine. I’ve seen an advert for easy loans in the paper.
Dear Diary I need to borrow £300 to pay for a new carpet. I’ve seen an advert for LASA Credit Union.
Week 1 I’ve borrowed £300 from a door step lender*. They were very nice and I can repay it at £10.50 per week over 52 weeks.
I’ve borrowed £300 from LASA Credit Union. They were very nice and I want to repay it at £10.50 per week.
Week 10 I am not really missing the £10.50 per week so I think I’ll repay it alright.
I am not really missing the £10.50 per week so I think I’ll repay it alright.
Week 26 I’m just half way to paying it off.
I’ve only got 5 weeks left until I have paid it off!
Week 32 Another 20 weeks to go! I’m still able to cope with the repayments but it’s dragging on too long. I wish it was paid off!
The loan was paid off last week so I’ve decided to keep paying £10.50 per week in the credit union to build up my savings.
Week 52 Debt free at last. They charged me 272.2% APR* – The £300 loan cost me £246 in interest (£546 in total). No wonder it took so long to repay. The £10.50 was just about manageable but now I need to borrow more money for a carpet. I can borrow another £300, for the same cost as before, but it will mean another year of debt, paying £10.50 per week. £246 interest! *info taken from a door step lenders website 23.04.13
Debt free, and I’ve now got over £220 in my account! They charged me 26.8% APR - The £300 loan only cost me £22.46 in interest (£322.46 in total). No wonder I paid it off so quickly. I need a new washing machine. I could use my savings or I may take out another loan with LASA. With my savings, I can now borrow £300 at 12.7% APR. I’ll pay £10.36 per week and be debtfree in just over 6 months. £10.81 interest!
For info contact: Loans And Savings Abertawe (LASA): 01792 643632
www.lasacreditunion.org.uk Registered with the Financial Services Authority Firm Number: 213520 www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Open House: Issue 1 2014
Help with moving from benefits to work There are various schemes that can support you to look for work or to help you to move towards being able to start work. Your Jobcentre advisor will be able to advise on what help is available. The calculations below are for illustration only and will depend on your specific circumstances, but even if you are unable to work as many hours as in the examples, working a small number could help you financially. For instance, a lone parent on Income Support or Jobseekers Allowance can keep up to £25 per week in wages before their benefits start to be affected. If you could work 4 hours per week at minimum wage you will earn £24.76 per week and your Income Support or Jobseekers Allowance will not be affected. If you do start work you will need to inform the Department of Works and Pensions to let them know how many hours you are working and how much you will earn. You can ring them on 0845 6003 016. If you would like a calculation or advice on how much Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction you would be entitled to if you started work, you can ring the Council’s Benefit Advice Team on 01792 635885.
Here are 2 examples to show you how working has helped these people Lone parent on Income Support or Jobseekers Allowance Example Michelle has been in receipt of Income Support for the last 5 years. She has two daughters aged 4 & 10. Michelle is affected by the changes to the Housing Benefit rules since April and now has to pay £12.39 per week towards her rent. Michelle is thinking of starting work for 16 hours per week but is concerned about being able to afford her rent and Council Tax when she is working. At the moment Michelle receives £71.70 per week in Income Support, £114.00 per week in Child Tax Credit, £76.11 towards her rent and £13.57 towards her Council Tax. Totalling £275.38 per week in benefits. If Michelle started work for 16 hours per week on minimum wage, her Income Support would stop but she would receive wages of £99.04 per week plus Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit of £189 per week, £71.61 towards her rent and £8.33 towards her Council Tax. Totalling £367.98 per week in income. This would give Michelle an extra £92.60 per week that she could use to pay the £12.39 towards her rent and still be left with money for other things.
10 Open House: Issue 1 2014
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Employment Support Allowance Example Sam is 38 years old and has been in receipt of Employment Support Allowance with a work component for the last 18 months. He receives £200.30 per fortnight. Since April, Sam has been struggling to pay all his bills as well as trying to pay £10.96 per week towards his rent as he has been affected by the changes in the Housing Benefit rules. Four weeks ago Sam started work for 10 hours per week and he earns £70 per week. Under the permitted work rules for Employment Support Allowance, Sam gets to keep all of the £70 per week wages and his benefits are not reduced. Sam now uses this extra money to pay the shortfall in his rent and towards his other bills. For details on Permitted work rules contact your Jobcentre advisor or the Department Works and Pensions on 0845 6003 016 or visit www.gov.uk/employment-support-allowance/eligibility
Workways helps Jamie bag a job at the Co-operative The EU-backed South West Workways project supports people to find local jobs. After eighteen months of unemployment, 27 year old Jamie found work at the Co-operative supermarket thanks to the help of Workways. After signing up to Workways, Jamie met with a mentor from the project and his hunt for employment began to progress more rapidly. Workways helped Jamie to look for job vacancies, sent him on an Interview Techniques course and introduced him to Swansea Council for Voluntary Service with whom he volunteered on a youth project. Before long, Jamie secured a temporary job as a retail assistant at the Co-operative. Jamie knuckled down in his new role and after only a couple of weeks his new employer was impressed enough to offer him a permanent job. After eighteen months out of work, Jamie was delighted to have finally found employment and said “Having work has made such a difference. I’m a lot happier as I’m not sitting at home all day. It’s also helped financially with my house and kids.” South West Workways is backed by the European Social Fund through the Welsh Government. The project tackles the barriers that prevent individuals from finding employment by providing support with job searching, CVs, application forms, interview skills, telephone techniques, access to volunteering and opportunities to gain qualifications. Participants are also matched with local businesses, helping them gain the vital experience needed to find long term employment. For more information about Workways, call 01792 637112 or visit www.workways.co.uk www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Open House: Issue 1 2014
Have your circumstances changed? Don’t forget to tell the Council’s Benefit Section If you are receiving Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction you must tell the Council's Benefit Section straight away if there is a change in circumstances which might affect the amount of benefit you receive. Changes in your circumstances could be a change in income, change in number of people living in your home, starting work etc. The Benefit Section may need to ask for evidence of the change but in the first instance there are a number of ways you can give them the information. 01792 635353 benefits@swansea.gov.uk
using the ‘Change of Circumstances’ form: http://www.swansea.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=35165 If the change in your circumstances means that you would be entitled to more benefit, then you must tell them within 1 month of the change occurring. If you do not do this, any extra benefit you are due will only be paid from the time you told them. For more information, visit the webpage: http://www.swansea.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=1657
Have you changed your contact details? Please also let them know if you have changed any of your contact details such as telephone/mobile number or email address as this will help them keep in touch with you more easily. Please also let your local District Housing Office know - their contact details are on the inside cover of Open House.
New Direct Debits for paying your rent To give tenants more flexibility when paying your rent by Direct Debit, the council now offers two payment dates each month and also weekly Direct Debits. Direct Debit is the easiest and most convenient method of paying your rent. By choosing to pay by Direct Debit, you'll never need to worry about missing a payment, writing a cheque or queuing at the Council's cash offices or Post Offices. You can also pay off any arrears by Direct Debit. To make it even easier to pay by Direct Debit, the Council now offers two payment dates each month - the 15th (or nearest working day after this date) and the last working day of each month - as well as weekly Direct Debits. To pay your rent by Direct Debit, complete the Direct Debit form - choose the date that is most convenient for you to pay, fill in your bank details and remember to include your rent reference number. Your rent payments will be debited from your bank account automatically on the due date (or next working day if the due date happens to be on a weekend or bank holiday). For more information on your rent contact the Rents Team on 01792 534094 or email rentsteam@swansea.gov.uk.
12 Open House: Issue 1 2014
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Useful Contacts Find out how this may affect you, and what help is available. 0300 3031073 www.yourbenefitsarechanging.co.uk
Financial advice 1. Council Rents Team 01792 534094 or 01792 601720 rentsteam@swansea.gov.uk The Rents Team can assist with all aspects of your rent account. If you find yourself struggling with your rent, please contact the Rents Team as soon as possible, they are there to help and will always try to assist where possible. They work closely with other services who can give the best possible advice on matters such as debt management, welfare benefits, money advice and tenancy support. If you do get in rent arrears, the Rents Team will always try to make an affordable agreement with you to help you clear your debt and will endeavour to help tenants maintain their tenancies. You can also contact: Paula Montez, Financial Inclusion Officer, Rents Team 01792 534098 or 07920 560244 For information on: I Benefit Entitlement I Managing your Budget
Debt Counselling
2. Your local District Housing Office See inside magazine cover for telephone numbers. 3. The Money Advice Service is an independent service, set up by the Government to help people make the most of their money. They give free, unbiased money advice to everyone across the UK - online, over the phone and face to face. 0300 500 5000 To make an appointment with an advisor 0300 330 0520 www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Open House: Issue 1 2014 13
Benefits Advice 4. Housing Benefit Take Up Team The Council’s Housing Benefit Take Up Team provide advice on eligibility for Housing Benefit, Council Tax/Council Tax Reduction as well as general advice on other welfare benefits. 01792 635885 or visit The Contact Centre, Civic Centre, Swansea newclaims4benefits@swansea.gov.uk 5. Turn2us Turn2us helps people in financial need gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and other financial help – online, by phone and face to face through our partner organisations. 8am - 8pm Monday to Friday 0808 802 2000 www.turn2us.org.uk 6. Department of Work and Pensions Check Your Benefit Entitlement via the DWP website: www.gov.uk/benefits-adviser 7. Age UK If you are 50+ Age UK can provide a benefit check 0800 169 6565 www.ageuk.entitledto.co.uk
Debt advice 8. National Debt Helpline Wales 0800 107 1340 www.stepchange.org/HousingDebtHelplineWales.aspx 9. Stepchange (Formerly Consumer Credit Counselling Service - CCCS) 0800 138 1111 www.stepchange.org
Household bills 10. Welsh Water Contact Welsh Water if you are struggling to pay your water bill, there are a number of options that may make paying your bill easier. Dwr Cymru Welsh Water free helpline: 0800 0520145.
14 Open House: Issue 1 2014
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
11. Welsh Water Assist This scheme helps low income households with large families or a medical condition which means more water is used. Your bill will be capped. www.dwrcymru.com/en/My-Account/Help-Paying-My-Bill/Welsh-Water-Assist.aspx www.dwrcymru.com 0800 052 0145
Energy efficiency 12. Sian Walkey, Energy Efficiency Officer in Swansea Council 01792 635318 13. Energy Saving Trust 0800 512 012 www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/wales 14. The Corner Shop - Llansamlet Community Recycling Site www.swansea.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=52134
General Advice 15. Shelter Cymru works to prevent homelessness, improve housing conditions, and ensure a safe, suitable and affordable home for all. 0845 075 5005 www.sheltercymru.org.uk 16. Welsh Tenants Federation is a rights based organisation for Welsh tenants. 01685 723922 www.welshtenants.org.uk 17. Citizens Advice Bureau Swansea Office, Llys Glas, Pleasant Street, Swansea. SA1 5DS 08444 77 20 20 volunteering@swanseabaycab.org.uk www.swanseaneathporttalbotcab.org.uk National website: www.adviceguide.org.uk/wales.htm 18. Civil Legal Advice (CLA) provide free help or legal advice if you are eligible for legal aid over the phone or online for problems with debt, if your home is at risk, housing, employment, education and welfare benefits. 0845 345 4345 www.claonlineadvice.justice.gov.uk
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Open House: Issue 1 2014 15
Rent Payment Methods Forms are available on-line or you can request them from the Rents Team on 601720 / 534094 or email request to Rentsteam@swansea.gov.uk You will need a Payment swipe card, ask the Rents Team or phone them on 601720 / 534094. Payments made on a Thurs or Friday using your card will not show until the following week. Payzone - You can use your Payment swipe card to pay at any retailer that displays the payzone logo. For a list of retailers please visit www.payzone.co.uk. Or ask the Rents Team where your nearest payzone retailer is. By contacting your Rent Officer
Via Internet
Over the phone
At your local Housing Office
You can pay using Debit, Switch, Solo, Maestro or Credit Card by ringing 601720 / 534094 or your local DHO during Office Hours. Please visit the Council’s website www.swansea.gov.uk Click “Do It Online” & “Pay for it”. If you have any difficulties, please call on 601720 / 534094 for assistance. If you know your rent reference number, you can phone our automated service English 0845 3052199 - Welsh 0845 8350123 at any time. (If you do not know your rent reference please call 601720 / 534094). At the following District Housing Offices Townhill, Sketty, West Cross, Blaenymaes, Penlan, Town Centre, Morriston, Eastside. Payments can also be made at the Civic Centre, Oystermouth Road. You can pay your rent direct from your benefits via the Swansea Credit Union - Swansea Council will pay your CU membership fee. For more information contact 01792 643632 or email query@lasacreditunion.org.uk
16 Open House: Issue 1 2014
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Support Services Making a new Housing Benefit Claim
To make a new claim for Housing Benefit contact the Take Up Team 635885 Email newclaims4benefits@swansea.gov.uk
Housing Benefit
To discuss your claim with a Housing Benefit Officer please ring 635885 or email benefits@swansea.gov.uk
Financial Inclusion Officer
If you are having difficulty with your Rent contact Paula Montez, Tel 01792 534098 or 07920 560244 Email rentsteam@swansea.gov.uk
TSU Tenancy Support Unit
The Tenancy Support Unit is provided by the City & County of Swansea; they can offer a support worker to help with financial problems or any other support issues with your tenancy. Please contact the Rents Team or the Tenancy Support Unit on 774360 if you feel you need support. Swansea Citizens Advice Llys Glas, Pleasant St, Swansea, SA1 1PE. Tel 0844 477 2020 www.adviceguide.org.uk/wales.htm If you are threatened with homelessness they will offer you free advice and assistance. Tel 01792 469400 Housing Advice helpline 0845 800 4444 www.sheltercymru.org.uk
Housing Options
Debt Advice
Money advice and debt advice - Also free advice given if your tenancy is at risk. Call at 17 High St, Swansea, SA1 1LF. Tel 01792 533100 Email housingoptions@swansea.gov.uk National Housing Debt Helpline Wales Tel 0800 107 1340 www.housing-debt-helpline-wales.org/
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Open House: Issue 1 2014 17
Focus on... The Tenancy Support Unit
Enabling someone to keep their home means much more than putting a roof over their head. My name is Clare James and I am the manager of Housing’s Tenancy Support Unit. I manage a small team consisting of 2 Team Leaders, 14 full and part time Tenancy Support Workers, 4 full and part time Tenancy Support Assistants and 3 administrative staff. Our main aims and objectives are to help new and existing tenants to manage their tenancies and keep their homes. We also provide a range of other services to promote independence and well-being.
These include: G Budgeting, debt and managing your money G Assistance to claim the correct welfare benefits G Setting up a new home G Liaising with your landlord G Life skills and being independent at home G Staying safe at home G Finding a doctor, dentist and accessing other necessary services G Support to access employment, learning and education G Support with leading a healthy and active lifestyle G Support with managing relationships with others
Issues such as health problems, debt, drug and alcohol dependencies, domestic abuse, mental health issues, or even difficulties in completing forms all affect how a person can manage a tenancy. Additionally, we work with partner agencies who work with service users to provide them with specialist support services.
How can we help? If you or someone you know is struggling to manage their home or just needs a bit of support to get through a difficult time, then simply pick up the phone and make a referral to the Tenancy Support Team. 01792 774360 or 774320 or e-mail tsu@swansea.gov.uk. Alternatively you can speak to someone in your local District Housing Office. Support can be provided in your own home and tailored to your individual needs. The service is free and available to anyone living within the City & County of Swansea who is over the age of 16. We support council tenants, housing association tenants, home owners and those people who rent from a private landlord.
G Support in dealing with other agencies such as Social Services, Health, Police etc.
Did you know?
G Establishing social contacts & activities so you do not feel isolated within the local community.
The TSU supports over 700 people at any one time and works in partnership with the following agencies;
18 Open House: Issue 1 2014
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
G Action for Children G BAWSO (Black Association of Womens Step Out) G The British Red Cross G Caerlas G Cyrenians G Gofal G Gwalia Care & Support G Hafan Cymru G Sands Cymru G SYSHP (Swansea Young Single Homeless Project) The Tenancy Support Unit achieved the following financial outcomes with service users during the last financial year Total amount of one off grants received as a result of support
Total amount of rent arrears reduced as a result of support
Quotes from service users “My support worker was very helpful and I believe she went out of her way to help me and I am very grateful. I can’t thank her enough!” “With support I was able to remain independent and become more confident to move forward in a positive direction” “TSU have provided me with so much help. I feel more able now. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for their support” “Support has opened so many doors for me that were previously closed. I am bi-polar and suffer with agoraphobia and because of the support, help and understanding received, I have achieved what previously was impossible to sustain!”
Case Study - Jane (name changed for anonymity) Background
Total amount of backdated benefits received as a result of support
Total amount of debts and fines written off as a result of support
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
The TSU received 1765 referrals for support between 1/4/12 and 31/3/13
Jane aged 22 (mum of 3 young children) was referred for support after being assaulted by her partner. As a result there was an injunction
Open House: Issue 1 2014 19
against the partner, forbidding him to visit the area where Jane and their children live. She had never had the benefit of work experience as she left school because she was pregnant and was therefore lacking in basic life skills. What support did she need? Claiming the correct benefits were a major issue as all her income had stopped, leaving no money to feed her and the children. Housing Benefit had also stopped, putting her tenancy at risk. Jane was also suffering with depression and anxiety around going to court to give evidence against her partner. How did we help?
G We helped Jane to claim the correct benefits she was entitled to and now all benefits are in place. G We assisted Jane to sort out her Housing Benefit, liaised with the landlord and prevented her and the children from becoming homeless. G We supported Jane through the court process in relation to the partner being prosecuted and also helped her address her mental health issues. G Jane is now looking forward to a brighter future and wants to go to college to learn new skills in order to get a job and support her children. G Social Services are no longer concerned about the family and the support worker has helped Jane to develop some basic life skills to ensure she remains independent. Summary Without the intervention of support there was a possibility of the children being taken into care as Jane was not able to address the financial issues herself and her depression, lack of self confidence and self esteem were a major issue. The family could also have become homeless and this would have had further consequences for Jane and the children.
20 Open House: Issue 1 2014
TSU Family Intervention Partnership Project (FIP) The Family Intervention Partnership Project (FIP) which is one of The TSU ‘s flagship projects, recently won an award for partnership working. FIP works intensively with families in Swansea and has achieved some fantastic outcomes with both the parents and children. The project supports families who are at risk of homelessness and vulnerable. It helps families to address a number of issues such as debt, claiming benefits, accessing employment and education opportunities, coping with depression, anxiety and behavioural issues, assistance and advice is also given around parenting, setting boundaries etc. Preventing homelessness, reducing anti social behaviour and safeguarding children are the main aims of the project. Most families who have been supported by the project are:
G no longer at risk of eviction G no longer at risk of the children being taken into care G no longer at risk of dropping out of education. G no longer at risk of going further down the criminal justice route. The Key Workers have a highly supportive and creative approach yet adopt an assertive and persistent style of working. They are willing to find flexible solutions to complex problems and offer a holistic package of support to families. If you think that you may benefit from the Tenancy Support Scheme or the Family Intervention Project please contact the unit on Tel: 01792 774360 or 774320 or e-mail tsu@swansea.gov.uk
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Are You Missing Out? Many people change their mobile phone or provider on a regular basis and often these and other phone numbers change too. We are all probably very good at making sure our friends and families know, but we may not always let the services we use know of any changes. If you have recently changed your mobile phone number, landline number or your e-mail address please let us
know so that we can contact you quickly and easily when we need to. Please get in touch with your District Housing Office and let them know of any changes you will find their telephone numbers inside the cover of this magazine.
You can also e-mail us on housing@swansea.gov.uk. If you are a leaseholder, please contact the Leasehold Team on 01792 635223. When we are next in touch with you we will check your other contact details so that we can be sure our records are up to date.
Window on your World Calling all photographers - Readers’ photos wanted In future editions of Open House we would like to include a new feature called ‘Window on your World’ and invite you to send us photos which you have taken of local events, spectacular views and unusual sights in the Swansea area. We’d then like to share these with the readers of Open House so that we can all experience the sights and events around our city.
Please tell us where and when it was taken and any other interesting information about the photo. If it includes people we will need their permission to feature it in Open House. If you have taken the photo using a digital camera please e-mail a digital copy to housing@swansea.gov.uk All photos must be high resolution and at least 300dpi at A4 size. Images used on the web or Facebook are unfortunately not of a high quality to use for print. If you only have a
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
printed copy or do not have access to e-mail please post the photo to Housing Services, City & County of Swansea, Oystermouth Road, Swansea SA1 3SN FreePost RSCT-JJZHKLJZ. All photographs will be returned. Don’t forget to include your name, address and an up to date telephone number, mobile number or e-mail address so that we can contact you.
Open House: Issue 1 2014 21
Grow Local Swansea Council is offering a helping hand to local residents who want to cut out the expensive supermarket middle man and grow their own veg. The Council has launched an innovative Grow Local grants scheme that aims to provide a kickstart to local people's green-fingered ambitions to save money and eat more healthily. The scheme offers grants of between £250 and £5,000 to groups, organisations and schools who can use the cash for anything from seeds to greenhouses, sheds and tools. Sybil Crouch, Cabinet Member for Sustainability, said: "The Grow Local scheme is a brilliant way for local people to work together to make the most of their local environment. “The Grow Local scheme is designed to encourage our communities to grow their own
food by funding a range of community-based growing projects with the aim of improving access to fresh fruit and vegetables throughout the city, particularly among those on lower incomes." The money can be applied for by groups and used for a wide range of things, including communal sheds and greenhouses, equipment and tools, site improvements like fencing or water supply and even training for those who aren't sure where to start. Contact Adam Mason on 633813 or visit www.swansea.gov.uk/growlocal for more info.
Communities urged to join battle to tackle litter blight A COMMUNITY which showed the rest of the city how to keep their streets spic and span are urging others to follow suit. Residents of Lower Loughor decided to join forces with the Council earlier this year in a big community clean-up, starting in Parc Williams and then extending the effort to the foreshore and other areas of the village. Swansea Council’s new crackdown on littering and dog fouling is already yielding results but Eileen Bartlett, Secretary of the Friends of Parc Williams, said communities should play their part too. She said: “Lower Loughor has always been a close-knit community but the clean-up campaign has really made a big difference.
22 Open House: Issue 1 2014
“I think residents can see what a difference it’s been making and I’d definitely urge other communities in Swansea to set up their own groups so they can follow in our footsteps.” Swansea Council spends more than £2.5m a year clearing up litter, dog mess and flytipped rubbish and in September it introduced extra enforcement officers to make sure the public were doing their bit as well. Already more than 200 people have received £75 fixed penalty notices for dropping litter, including chewing gum and cigarette ends. www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
The tough new measures were introduced after residents told the Council they wanted more to be done about littering and dog fouling. Fran Williams, team leader for enforcement and litter at the Council, said: “This demonstrates we are determined to play our part in ending the blight of littering and dog fouling on our streets. “Lower Loughor is a brilliant example of how a community can see the problem and tackle it themselves. “But for litter louts our ambition is that they should feel there is no hiding place.”
How to help G DON’T drop litter otherwise you risk a £75 fixed penalty notice. G GET in touch with your local residents’ association, community group or community council to see if litter picking events have been organised. G CONTACT Keep Wales Tidy. They can support local groups and organisations that are planning litter picking events. G THE Council can provide litter picking kits to residents’ groups and organisations. To arrange for a kit call (01792) 841601. G TO REPORT littering go to www.swansea.gov.uk/reportit or use the ‘My Council’ app available on smart phone platforms.
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Open House: Issue 1 2014 23
The 14th Annual Tenants’ Gardening Competition, once again, received an impressive number of entrants. We introduced two new categories - Best Edible Garden and Best Wildflower Garden. In addition to this, the judges also selected an entrant who they felt deserved special recognition for their effort. This was the ‘Judges choice award’. Thank you to everyone who entered the competition. The judges were very impressed with the high standard of the gardens. We look forward to seeing you again this year! Entry forms are available from all District Housing Offices; www.swansea.gov.uk/housing or 01792 635025.
Here is a selection of the winners from the competition...
Overall Winner Mr Dent, Townhill, pictured here receiving his award from Councillor June Burtonshaw, the Cabinet Member for Place.
24 Open House: Issue 1 2014
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Best Edible Garden Mr Bennett, Winch Wen
Best Container
Best Wildflower Garden
Mr Bishop, Gowerton
Mr Russ, Townhill
Best Garden, Blaenymaes Ms Williams
Best Garden, Morriston
Best Garden, Gorseinon
Best Garden, West Cross
Mrs Box
Mrs Evans
Ms Hughes
Best Newcomer
Judges Choice Award
Ms Williams, Loughor
Ms Yandell, Loughor
Best Sheltered/Communal
Best Garden, Eastside
Best Garden, Penlan
Laugharne Court
Mr Scott
Mrs Young
 www.swansea.gov.uk/housing  housing@swansea.gov.uk
Open House: Issue 1 2014 25
Communities First There has never been a better time to get involved with Communities First. There are lots of reasons to take part; to find better ways to save money, learn something new, get your children involved in new activities, improve your health or just make new friends. So how do I get in touch with my local Communities First Team? It depends where you live, as not all areas fall within a Communities First Cluster area. Swansea has five ‘Cluster Areas’. The table shows which Communities First Cluster covers which area, and the contact details for the Cluster Teams. Just some examples of the projects that are running include: G Affordable Warmth – reduce your energy bills
26 Open House: Issue 1 2014
and reduce your carbon footprint G Change 2 Save – reduce your outgoings and maximise your income
High Scope Playgroup – play and learning for preschool children
G Grow it, Cook it, Eat it – get involved in community growing and G Welfare Benefits Uptake / enjoy affordable healthy Advice Sessions / food Budgeting / Saving – help and advice to manage G Healthy balance – diet, your money fitness and lifestyle advice and support, G Digital Skills – build your including cooking confidence and opportunity sessions to use the internet G Just Keep Learning – access to a range of learning and training sessions
G Food and Nutrition – get trained in Food and Nutrition and cooking sessions
G Employment Support – Job There are many other Shops, support, guidance projects, activities and ways and advice for finding work that you can get involved… G Local Legends – local Call your local Communities history project that brings First Team today and make people of all ages together the most of the community G Parent and Toddler and
on your doorstep.
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Swansea Communities First Cluster Areas Communities First Cluster
Communities within Cluster
Communities First Cluster Contact Details
West Cluster
Unit 6 Phoenix Centre Paradise Park Townhill SA1 6PH 01792 457025
Mayhill Waun Wen Brynmelyn Gors North West Cluster
Blaenymaes Portmead Penplas Part of Gendros Penlan
South Cluster
Sketty Park Part of Sandfields Part of Hafod
East Cluster
St Thomas Port Tennant Bonymaen Trallwn Part of Birchgrove
North East Cluster
Part of Morriston Clase Caemawr Graigfelen
The ARC 45 Broughton Avenue Portmead Swansea SA5 5JS 01792 586149 c/o Town Centre District Housing Office 64 Croft Street Dyfatty Swansea SA1 1QB 01792 452300 55 – 57 Caernarvon Way Bonymaen Swansea SA1 7HU 01792 464751 Daniel James Community School Block D 926A Llangyfelach Road Swansea SA5 7HR 01792 700670
You can also find out more or contact us from our webpages or Facebook: www.swansea.gov.uk/communitiesfirst www.facebook.com/swanseacommunitiesfirst Get in touch, get involved and get inspired www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Open House: Issue 1 2014 27
Be energy smart We are all aware of rising energy costs and as a result, people are struggling to pay their household bills. The City and County of Swansea has been looking at ways to help people save money by making small changes to their daily routine. We recently asked for two volunteers to trial having an energy monitor installed in their home. The monitor displays
how much energy is being used enabling the householder to keep track of their energy usage and budget more easily.
Two of our tenants had the monitors installed in their homes for a few weeks and here are their findings: Kevin lives in a 2 bedroom ground floor flat in West Cross. He noticed the monitor peaking when he used the washing machine and tumble dryer and was shocked by the amount of energy they use. As a result, Kevin has vowed to limit the amount he uses his tumble dryer. He also now tries to make sure electrical items are switched off by the wall and not left on stand by.
Lorna lives in a 1st floor flat in Three Crosses. By using the monitor she has been able to pinpoint the areas of high usage. Lorna commented on how much she noticed the monitor peaking during cooking times. She was also surprised at the reduction in her energy usage by simply swapping normal light bulbs for the energy saving ones. Lorna is so impressed with the monitor that she intends to continue using one.
As a result of taking part in the trial, our volunteers have the following tips for reducing energy usage within your own home: G Reduce the amount of time you spend in the shower G Cook food in larger batches and then freeze to use on another day G Shut curtains in the evenings and use draught excluders – these will help prevent losing heat through cold spots G Don’t leave electrical items on stand by – switch off at the plug G Don’t dry clothes on radiators as this prevents heat from circulating around the room – get a clothes horse instead
28 Open House: Issue 1 2014
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Energy Efficiency Tenants’ Consultative Panel Last year, tenants on the Tenants’ Consultative Panel were invited to attend a meeting to discuss energy efficiency. TPAS Cymru (Tenant Participation Advisory Service Cymru) attended to discuss ways in which you can switch energy suppliers to reduce costs. They also gave the group suggestions and advice regarding saving energy around the home. Swalec was present to offer information about their Smart Services plan. For more details on this, please visit their website: www.swalec.co.uk and search for smart services. British Gas also attended the meeting to discuss the
ongoing loft insulation scheme. If you haven’t benefitted from this and would like to, please contact Adele Templeton on 01792 635116 to discuss further and arrange an inspection. If you would like more
details on saving energy in your home you can contact the Energy Saving Trust on 0800 512 512. Alternatively, you can contact Sian Walkey, the Energy Efficiency Officer for the City and County of Swansea on 01792 635318.
Your comments about Open House Do you have any comments about this edition of Open House magazine or any of the articles you have read? If so, you can either write to: Housing Services, City and County of Swansea, Oystermouth Road, Swansea SA1 3SN Freepost RSCT-JJZH-KLJZ or housing@swansea.gov.uk or 01792 635045.
Thank you for your time. Please let us know if you are happy for your comments to be included in Open House magazine. www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Open House: Issue 1 2014 29
Looking Back Looking Back is a special feature focussing on tenants and their families who have lived in their current homes for more than 50 years. In this edition we are featuring Mrs Dorothy Rees of Heol Dewi Sant, in Penllergaer, who has been living in her home for almost 62 years.
Here are some of her memories.
Moving in Dorothy moved into the brand new house in Heol Dewi Sant, on Boxing Day 1952 with her husband and three children aged 5 years, 3 years and 11 months. Eventually a further two children came along and Dorothy and her husband brought up 5 children in their home. Like many of her generation Dorothy had previously lived in “rooms” in her parents home, so moving in to a newly built home of their own
was a very exciting experience. Dorothy recalls that “It was the first time that we had lived in a house with an indoor toilet and a bathroom with hot and cold water on tap so we were very impressed.” Until Dorothy could afford a washing machine she would hand wash clothes in the Belfast sink in the back kitchen or like many of her neighbours at the time, would hire a washing machine from the local electrical shop. Cooking took place in the kitchen on a “range style” open fire and side oven, where she baked her own bread and made cakes and fruit tarts. Dorothy remembers “I was always baking for the family and for the children to take to picnics and parties”. Dorothy and her husband tried to be as self sufficient as they could and grew their own
30 Open House: Issue 1 2014
vegetables, and had blackcurrant and gooseberry bushes and rhubarb in their back garden.
Community Spirit One of the first memories Dorothy has about moving to Heol Dewi Sant was the party held to celebrate the Queens Coronation in June 1953. Dorothy recalls: “Many of the houses were still being built on the estate and the roads were still rough with no tarmac, so we had to hold the “Street Party” in the nearby field. It didn’t stop our enjoyment, we had a lovely day and the children had plenty of room to run around and play.” Throughout the 1950’s and 60’s Penllergaer was a busy and thriving community with a chemist, GP surgery, butcher, cobbler and several shops. The churches and chapels and Church Hall were at centre of the community with a boys club, brownies, guides, cubs, scouts, and amateur dramatics group. Penllergaer had its own Carnival and Heol Dewi Sant would often enter a www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
float in the parade. When her Moving with the times children were growing up When Dorothy moved in to Dorothy remembers a great her home the council community spirit in Heol Dewi properties in Penllergaer Sant with the street came under Llwchwr Borough Council, and the organising bus trips to Port Eynon during “Stop Fortnight” Council Offices were based in Lime Street in when the nearby Steel Gorseinon. The offices Company of Wales Tin Plate were taken over by the works at Velindre and local collieries closed down for the Gorseinon Institute when the City & County summer holidays. Dorothy of Swansea took over the remembers “On the trips all management of the food and drink would be properties in April 1996. shared out between “Over the years there have neighbours so that no one been lots of changes in the would go without. We could house, in the 1980’s the lovely leave our doors open during coal “range” fire in the kitchen the day and we looked after each other if someone should where I did all my baking was replaced by a central heating fall ill. system. I was sad to see it go but the house was warmer so “At that time very few people I didn’t mind”. Double glazed had cars so people used the windows and doors were also regular bus services which installed throughout the house. linked Penllergaer with the In the back kitchen the Belfast towns of Neath, Llanelli and sink was removed and Swansea. People would also replaced by a modern sink use the train which ran directly unit. And the pantry which from Gorseinon to Swansea once contained a marble slab Bay and the Mumbles. to keep the food cool, now
houses Dorothys modern fridge freezer.
Still the family home After the death of her husband in 1982, Dorothy remained living in the family home and is now regularly visited by her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, many of whom still live in the area. Dorothy has many happy memories of living in Heol Dewi Sant and looks forward to many more happy years there.
If you have been living in your home for 50 years or more and would like to share your memories with Open House readers, why not get in touch with us on 01792 635037 or e-mail us at housing@swansea.gov.uk www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Open House: Issue 1 2014 31
LocalLinks Local Links provides information about activities taking place in your area. If you would like to contribute to future editions please call 01792 635045. Please note that we try to ensure that information in Local Links is accurate but we recommend that you check details with relevant venue/event provider.
BLAENYMAES Blaenymaes Multi Use Games Area, Broughton Ave, Blaenymaes. Facilities include Football pitches, childrens play area and Multi Use Games Area.
EASTSIDE Cefn Hengoed Leisure Centre, Caldicot Road, Winch Wen, SA1 7HX. 01792 798484. Facilities include a Fitness Suite and Sports Hall. Activities for Children include – Little Dribblers Football, WRU Rugby Skills and Gymnastics. Activities for Adults includeBeginners Group Cycling, Group Cycling, MMA fitness and Yoga. www.swansea.gov.uk/cefnhengoedlc cefnhengoed.lc@swansea.gov.uk
GORSEINON Penyrheol Leisure Centre, Pontardulais Road, Gorseinon SA4 4FG. 01792 897039. Facilities include a Swimming Pool, Squash Courts, Gym and Sports Hall. Activities for Children include – Zumba, Street Dance and Hip Hop, Young Footballers, Active football courses and childrens swimming lessons. Activities for Adults include Aqua Aerobics, Active Living Circuit, Ladies TRX express, Step and tone, Pilates, Zumba, Boot camp, 20/20/20, Kettlebell, Boxercise, 50 plus gentle exercise, Tabata, Yoga, Bokwa parent and child, Stamina swim, Flex and tone 80’s, Legs bums and tums, and Pregnancy yoga. www.swansea.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=1301 penyrheol.lc@swansea.gov.uk Pontardulais Community Leisure Centre, Pontardulais Comprehensive School. 01792 885560. Facilities include a Sports Hall, and Gymnasium. Activities for adults include Group cycling, Kettlebell, Yoga, Intervals circuits, Legs, bums and tums and MMA fitness. www.swansea.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=32476
MORRISTON Morriston Leisure Centre, Heol Maes Eglwys, Morriston SA6 6NN. 01792 797082. Facilities include a swimming pool, gymnasium and sports hall. Activities for children include- Young Footballers, Active football courses, Childrens swimming lessons and Trampolining for 6 years to 10 plus. Activities for adults include Adult fitness classes, Tabata, Older adults circuits, Pilates, Aqua aerobics, TRX, Kettlebell, Womens running club, Zumba, Tone & Zone, Boxercise, Boot camp and Pregnancy yoga. www.swansea.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=1294 morriston.lc@swansea.gov.uk
32 Open House: Issue 1 2014
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
PENLAN Penlan Leisure Centre, Heol Gwyrosydd, Penlan, SA5 7BU. 01792 588079. Facilities include a swimming pool, gymnasium and sports hall. Activities for children include Zumba street dance and Hip Hop, Young Footballers, Active football courses, Childrens swimming lessons. Activities for adults include Boot camp, Aerobics, Aqua aerobics, Pregnancy yoga, TRX express, Power yoga, Circuits, Legs, bums and tums, Kettlebell, TRX, Zumba, Pilates, Circuits, Tabata, Tone and zone, Bokwa, Group cycling, Step aerobics, Boxercise and Aqua aerobics for ladies only. www.swansea.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=1286 penlanlc@swansea.gov.uk
SKETTY/WEST CROSS/ GOWER Bishopston Sports Centre, The Glebe, Bishopston SA3 3JP. 01792 235040. Facilities Include a Gymnasium and Sports Hall. Activities for children include - Young Foot ballers, Active football courses, Trampolining for children from 6 years to 10 plus. Activities for adults include – Zumba, Kettlebell, Active Living, Beginers Retro Group cycling, Bokwa, Legs, tums and bums. www.swansea.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=10591 bishopston.sc@swansea.gov.uk Wales National Pool, Sketty Lane, SA2 8QQ. 07736 600126. Swansea Stingrays, swimming sessions for disabled children and adults. Every Sunday 9.30am to 10.30am. www.walesnationalpoolswansea.co.uk
TOWN CENTRE Pentrehafod Sports Hall and Swimming Pool, Pentrehafod Comprehensive School, Pentremawr Road, Hafod. SA1 2NN. 01792 588079 (daytime) and Sports Hall 455387 (evening) or Swimming Pool 641935 (evening). Facilities include Sports Hall, Swimming Pool and adiZone multi sports facility. Activities for children include Warriors Martial arts for children from 4 years upwards, football, badminton club for juniors and adults, junior swimming. Activities for adults include Ladies swimming, Public swim, Aqua aerobics, Adults only swim, Parent and toddler swim. www.swansea.gov.uk/pentrehafod_lc
TOWNHILL Paradise Park, The Phoenix Centre, Powys Ave, Townhill SA1 6PH. 01792 479800. Facilities include Floodlit All Weather Sports Pitch, Open Access Multi Use Games area. Open Access Play Ground, Basket ball. Gwent Boxing Club, Dyfed Ave, Townhill. SA1 6NF. 07979 577933 Facilities include, Fitness studio and sauna for over 16, Judo, Boxing, Karate and Weight Lifting.
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Open House: Issue 1 2014 33
Activities in your Local Library Homework Clubs! If you are aged 8- 13 years why not come along and join Swansea Libraries Homework Clubs ? The clubs run during TERM TIMES ONLY. Every club provides free internet access, photocopying and print offs, access to free on line resources such as Britannica Junior and Britannica student. All in friendly surroundings with help available from staff to find the information you need. Your DHO
Your Nearest Library
Date and Time of club
Contact details
Fforestfach Library
Wednesdays 3.30pm - 5pm
Mondays 3.50pm - 5.30pm
Fridays 3.30pm - 5pm
Mondays 3.30pm - 6pm
Tuesdays 3.30pm - 5pm
Fridays 3.30pm - 6.55pm
Wednesdays 3.30pm - 5pm
Mondays 3.30pm - 5pm
Wednesdays 3.30pm - 5pm
Fridays 3.30pm - 5pm.
Fridays 4pm - 5.30pm
Tuesdays to Fridays 4pm - 5.30pm
Eastside Gorseinon
St Thomas Library Pontardulais Library Gorseinon Library Gowerton Library
Morriston Library Clydach Library
Penlan Library Fforestfach Library
Sketty and Gower Townhill & Mayhill Town Centre
Killay Library Townhill Library Swansea Central Library
34 Open House: Issue 1 2014
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Activities for under 5’s in Swansea Libraries! Activities run during TERM TIMES ONLY. Babies, toddlers and their carers will be able to enjoy stories, songs, rhymes and a range of activities such as crafts and colouring, as well as having the opportunity to make friends and choose books to take home with them. Your DHO
Your Nearest Library
Date and Time of club
Contact details
Fforestfach Library
Fridays 2.15pm - 2.45pm
Mondays 2pm - 2.30pm
Mondays 2pm - 2.30pm
Tuesday 2.15 pm - 2.45 pm
Fridays 9.30am - 10.30am
Wednesdays 10.30am - 11pm
Wednesdays 2.15pm - 2.45pm
Mondays 11.45 am - 12.15pm
Fridays 2.15pm - 2.45pm
Mondays and Fridays 10.30am - 11am.
Tuesdays 10.30am - 11am
Fridays 9.15am - 9.45am
Fridays 10.30am - 11am
Wednesday 10am 10.30am and 2pm 2.30pm (Rhyme Time) Thursday (Story Time) 2pm - 2.30pm
Wednesday 11am 11.30pm and 2.30 - 3pm
Eastside Gorseinon
St Thomas Library Pontardulais Library Gorseinon Library Gowerton Library
Morriston Library Clydach Library
Penlan Library Fforestfach Library
Sketty and Gower
Killay Library Sketty Library Pennard Library
Townhill & Mayhill Town Centre
West Cross
Townhill Library Swansea Central Library
Oystermouth Library
Visit www.swansea.gov.uk/libraries for further details www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Open House: Issue 1 2014 35
On these pages you will find updates on tenant involvement issues raised by the local groups and the City and Countywide Groups. Local groups
City and Countywide Groups
Members of Clyne Court Residents Association met to discuss the preliminary work of a major programme of improvement which has started in Clyne Court, Sketty. Staff from the local District Housing Office together with a local ward member and a representative from the contractors carrying out the work, were present to discuss the future works in more detail.
The Estate Management and Caretakers Panel met to look at the Estate Management and Caretakers Survey in further detail. The feedback from the group was positive. Mel from Craig Cefn Parc said “I am pleased with the information and results I have seen today.”
The meeting also included an update from the new Communities First officers who recently came into post. They provided an outline of the new Communities First structure and some of the projects they will be working on in the near future.
The group also considered information and statistics relating to the performance of the Estate Caretakers in meeting their targets.
If you live in Clyne Court and would like to get involved with the group please contact Alison Winter on the telephone number on page 38.
The Building and Repairs Group discussed the Stock Condition Survey. Dave Meyrick, Principal Building Surveyor talked about the main findings of the survey which was followed by a question and answer session.
Mayhill and Townhill Community Housing Organisation - If you would like to get involved with this group please contact the Chairperson, Tony on 01792 561824.
36 Open House: Issue 1 2014
The group also received an update from the Housing Repairs Call Centre. Adele Templeton, Housing Partnership Manager, discussed the pilot kitchen and bathroom scheme in Loughor and showed the group the choice of kitchen units being installed as a part of the scheme. The Open House Feedback Group met to discuss the previous issue of Open House. The group gave feedback on the design, front www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
cover, layout and content which was extremely positive. The group felt that the magazine contained a good balance of articles and relevant issues ranging from welfare reform to the gardening competition. The Tenant Steering Group met and discussed the reasons for providing bilingual information to group members. Some tenants expressed concerns about the cost of providing bilingual information, but others agreed that it was important to promote the Welsh language. The group were also given an update on progress of the Local Participation Strategy and were pleased that all targets are being met. At one of the meetings of the Sheltered Reps Group, tenants were asked for their views on the Sheltered Housing Service. There was some debate amongst the group and valuable comments were received. Jim from Gloucester House said “I really enjoyed the meeting, there was an interesting discussion and everyone had the opportunity to have their say” The Sheltered Reps group is open to any resident living in the sheltered complexes. www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
If you would like to join this group or just receive information please contact Alison Winter on the Telephone number overleaf.
Tenants Consultative Panel Recruitment Drive. Any tenant or leaseholder can be a member of the Tenants Consultative Panel. As a member you will be asked your views on new service developments or changes to any policies and procedures. This may be undertaken through questionnaires, via email or text or attending meetings – it’s up to you If you would like to join the Tenants Consultative Panel please contact Alison Winter on the number overleaf.
Open House: Issue 1 2014 37
becoming more informed about things, my confidence grew and I started to talk for myself. Since I’ve been attending meetings I’ve met a lot of new people, some have become good friends, I have a lot more confidence in myself and I enjoy learning about the Housing Service.’
Getting a whole lot more out of being involved Paula McConnell and Heather Mitchell have been involved in tenant participation for many years, regularly attending meetings, giving feedback on all sorts of issues and gaining knowledge on a variety of topics. They would like to share their experiences and encourage others to get involved and ‘have their say’. Here’s Paula’s account of her experiences:
‘My name is Paula McConnell. I have been a council tenant for many years firstly living in the Town Centre area and more recently moving to Penlan. I first got involved about five years ago, when my friend and I enquired about setting up a local tenants association to deal with problems with antisocial behaviour on our local estate. Since then, I have joined the Tenants Consultative Panel, Estate Management and Caretakers Panel, Open House Feedback Group and the Tenant Steering Group. When I started attending meetings I was very shy and quiet and would never think to speak up and say how I felt about things. Most of the time I was happy to let other people do the talking for me but I found that as I was
Heather has also lived in Swansea all her life, mainly in the Townhill area. She started getting involved over 20 years ago with the Townhill and Mayhill Tenants and Residents Association. Over the past few years this has extended to the Tenant Consultative Panel, Buildings and Repairs Group, Tenant Steering Group and Open House Feedback Group. Heather commented: ‘I really enjoy attending meetings and giving something back to the community. I am often asked questions by other tenants on my estate. I’m happy to answer their questions but encourage them to get involved themselves.
I have also represented Swansea tenants at the annual Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) Cymru Conference in the past, where I attended workshops and seminars. I also enjoyed meeting tenants from other parts of Wales and felt that I learned a lot.’ Paula and Heather have both gained a lot from getting involved, which includes confidence boosting, greater knowledge about a variety of issues and the satisfaction that comes from ‘having their say’ about things that affect them in their communities. There are different ways to get involved which you can fit in around your family and lifestyle, and you can decide how much time you want to commit. If you are interested in learning more about participation opportunities contact the Participation Officer, Alison Winter.
If you would like to have your say and get involved you can contact Alison Winter, the Participation Officer on 01792 635043 or email alison.winter@swansea.gov.uk or text your comments along with your name and address to 07775 221453
38 Open House: Issue 1 2014
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Sheltered Housing News Fundraising at Ty Dewi Sant
Residents of Ty Dewi Sant have been collecting their loose change to raise money for the Ty Olwen Trust Fund. Mrs Joan Ford and Mrs Mona Parry presented a cheque on behalf of all the tenants at Ty Dewi Sant.
Royal Baby BBQ at St Clears, Penlan
To celebrate the birth of the royal baby some of the residents of St Clears Place, Penlan had a barbeque of sausages, burgers and other nice treats. One resident, Dorothy Williams, said it was a good day with good food, good company and a lovely way to celebrate the birth.
25th Anniversary of opening of Gloucester House Residents of Gloucester House in Swansea were in fine form as they celebrated 25 years since the opening of the complex back in 1988. His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales attended the official opening, which resident Pat Cullen clearly recalls. Pat said “Prince Charles was a very pleasant man, he made the opening very memorable. We had a chat about living here in Gloucester House and I joked they had done the garden up for his visit as it was a mess before and he replied that they would probably put it back the way it was once he was gone.” The celebrations included live entertainment and also a buffet lunch for all to enjoy. Eight of the original residents still living at the complex attended the event. www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Open House: Issue 1 2014 39
Performance Indicators How did we perform? Performance indicators are statistics that the Housing Service reports to tenants on a yearly basis. Here are results for the financial year 2012/2013 with the 2011/2012 results shown for comparison. Indicator
Average time taken to relet dwellings available for letting or awaiting minor repair (actual days including weekends)
77.7 days
84.0 days
Amount of rent arrears owed by then current tenants at the end of the financial year
Amount of rent arrears owed by former tenants at the end of the financial year
Number of applicants housed by the Local Authority
Number of Local Authority tenants transferred to other Local Authority homes
Number of street inspections carried out
Number of property inspections carried out
The average number of calendar days taken to deliver an adaptation for a Local Authority tenant where the Disabled Facilities Grant process is not used
251 days
263 days
The percentage of all potentially homeless households for whom homelessness was prevented for at least 6 months
Number of dwellings managed by the authority on 31st March 2013 Number of dwellings vacant on 31st March 2013
Rent arrears as % of total collectable
The number of Community Regeneration projects and community groups worked with assisted annually
If you have any comments on these Performance Indicators, please let us know using the contact details on page 29.
40 Open House: Issue 1 2014
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Letting us in to help you Allowing repairs operatives into your home The Housing Service is committed to making sure you live in a home which is safe. To help us, it’s very important to make sure you allow the Council to gain access and carry out repairs and improvements. We need to gain access to your property to carry out a range of different repairs and servicing checks. Those include electric checks, gas checks, minor repairs you have requested, major works to improve your property – such as new heating, new wiring, kitchen and bathroom work and much more. Sometimes an inspector or surveyor will need to call to assess the work required. When they are not able to gain access this can delay the work. When reporting a repair please provide us with all your contact details including your mobile phone number, if you have one, so we can call you to arrange a convenient time to visit.
Of course when operatives or technicians call, always check their identification. Council employees will have an identification card with their photo on. If you have any doubts ring your District Housing Office to check. Getting a repair completed to your home will ensure that the problem is dealt with quickly and doesn’t get worse. Leaks may cause damp for example and other small repairs may become dangerous if left. Electrical rewiring will ensure the electrics in your home are up to date and safe and new boilers are more efficient and hot water is much more accessible.
If you have concerns about letting people into your home because you are unsure what the For some work you report to the housing service, job entails, then ring your District Housing Office you will be given an appointment outlining what and they will contact the team concerned and time we will call. It is really important that you find out for you. are at home to let the technician in - if you are If you are working and it is difficult for you to be unable to be in then it is important that you in to allow the workmen in then ring your District contact the repairs service to let them know so Housing Office and they will try and make an that the technician can attend another job and alternative appointment that fits around your do yours at a time more convenient to you. work commitments. If you receive a call card from the Council, you Letting us in promptly can make a big difference need to ring the number provided and arrange to your home, making it safe and secure. Also for a time for them to call when you are in. You letting the Council in first time also makes may not have requested the work - it may be budgets go further. Please help us to help you. work the council has planned for your home.
Appointments for Gas Servicing All tenants will receive a card in the post informing them of a date and time which will be between 8am – 4pm. AM or PM appointments can be made by contacting the Heating Section directly on 511011 giving at least 24 hour notice of the request. Please ensure that there is credit on the meter and the gas fire is turned off before the gas service is carried out. If you require any advice or additional information please contact the Heating Section. The Gas Service programme is there to protect you. www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Open House: Issue 1 2014 41
Repairs Round Up Repairs & maintenance matters The repair and maintenance of your home is a top priority for you and for us! To make sure you know exactly how to report a repair, what steps you can take to keep your home in tip top condition and how you can contact us, we will include an article in every edition of Open House to keep you updated with all the latest news.
Customer survey results 2012/2013 Our Housing Repairs team conduct a telephone customer survey up to four times a year to collect feedback relating to all aspects of the repairs service. During the last 12 months we’ve spoken to over 800 of our customers and shown below is a quick snapshot of the results: How would you rate the way your call was dealt with by the Housing Repairs Call Centre?
2012/2013 Average %
Satisfied/Happy/Very Happy
Very Unhappy/Unhappy
How would you rate the work carried out by Corporate Building Services?
2012/2013 Average %
Satisfied/Happy/Very Happy
Very Unhappy/Unhappy
Receiving your feedback is extremely important as it not only helps to monitor the quality of the service but also helps to shape it for the future. All suggestions for improvements are taken on-board and where possible implemented. If you are contacted as part of the survey please take the time to give us as much information as possible.
42 Open House: Issue 1 2014
Just moved in? report any repairs as soon as possible… If you are a new tenant don’t forget to report any repairs as early in your new tenancy as possible. Within the first few weeks of signing the tenancy agreement for your new home we will order the majority of work that you report; some may need inspecting first and the work may not be completed straight away, but the important thing is to make sure its reported to us as soon as you notice the problem. Please keep this in mind, make a list and ring through to the Housing Repairs Call Centre on tel. 01792 635100 (Monday to Friday 8am – 5pm) or you can always report repairs online at www.swansea.gov.uk by clicking on the ‘report it’ button.
No electrics? quick check guide... If you suddenly lose the electricity supply to all or some of the rooms in your home there are a couple of easy checks you can carry out to get to the bottom of the problem and prevent having to call out an electrician….
G Is it only affecting certain rooms in the property? If so it may have been a light bulb or an appliance that caused the electrics to ‘trip’. Check your consumer unit (usually found in the kitchen or hallway) and if any of the trip switches are facing a different direction simply reset them. Try your appliances in turn, change any light bulbs that may have blown and this should highlight what caused the problem. Renewing the bulb or no longer using the faulty appliance will prevent the electrics continuing to trip. www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
G Is it affecting the whole property? If so it may be a power cut in the area. Check with your neighbours to see if they have also lost power and if so ring your energy supplier and they should be able to give you more information on how long the power cut will last. Please note that if it is a fault with one of your appliances then you would need to hire your own electrician to carry out any repairs to the item. However, if none of the above checks work or you are at all concerned about the safety of your home then please don’t hesitate to contact Housing Repairs on 01792 635100 to arrange for an electrician to call. If it is out of hours please ring 01792 521500.
Access for heating service appointments
01792 511011 and they will make every attempt to accommodate your request. Please also be aware that we still need to conduct an annual heating safety check even if you have had a new boiler installed within the last 12 months.
Contacting housing repairs Don’t forget that it’s easier than ever to report repairs at a time that suits you – day or night. As always if you feel your repair is an emergency then please ring us directly as soon as you can on 01792 635100 or if it is after 5pm please ring 01792 521500. If your repair is not an emergency then by all means ring the Housing Repairs Call Centre 635100 (Monday to Friday, 8am – 5pm) and speak to an agent.
Alternatively you can report the repair online at www.swansea.gov.uk by clicking on As landlord, the Council has a legal ‘Report It’ and select ‘Housing Repairs’ from responsibility to service your heating system the option list. If you subscribe to Sky or Virgin every year. With so many properties to service Media you can also report repairs via your set throughout Swansea the appointments are top box. Click the interactive button on your scheduled some time in advance and you will remote and select ‘DirectGov’ if you have Sky receive a card through the post to inform you or ‘Looking Local’ if you have Virgin Media. of the date. Just select ‘Quick Links’ and choose ‘Housing Repairs’ from the ‘Report It’ menu. All online If this date isn’t convenient and you need to requests are processed and responded to re-arrange or if you can only be in the within 2 working days. property at certain times please ring the heating section as soon as possible on
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Open House: Issue 1 2014 43
Thinking of building a driveway? Many properties within the City and County of Swansea were built at a time when only a small proportion of households owned a car; therefore very few homes were built with driveways or car parking provision. If you are thinking of building a driveway or hard standing area on your property: 1. You need to ask permission from your District Housing Office 2. If this is granted you would then need to arrange with the Council’s Streetworks Section for a “crossover” to be constructed, which will allow your car to cross the pavement to the driveway. By law (The Highways Act 1980), you need to apply for a crossover. It is illegal to tamper with, alter, or damage the pavements and kerbstones outside your property – ONLY the Highways Authority can install a crossover The following guidelines should help you through the procedures for applying for a crossover and driveway: STEP ONE Applying for a hard standing/ driveway
G Permission is required via the local District Housing Office before a hard standing can be built, and this must be constructed to certain specifications. G Unlike the crossover you can install this yourself or employ a builder of your choice providing you meet the correct specifications. G If permission is granted you can then go on to apply for permission for a crossover. STEP TWO Applying for permission for a crossover
G You can contact the Council’s Streetworks Section in 3 ways: 1. In writing – City and County of Swansea,
44 Open House: Issue 1 2014
Streetworks Section, Players Industrial Estate, Clydach, Swansea, SA6 5BJ 2. Or via email – highways@swansea.gov.uk 3. Freephone – 0800 132 081
G There is an application fee of £62 (correct as of March 2013) G An inspection will be arranged to advise if it is possible to proceed and discuss costs which will also include an installation fee, and in some cases, a planning fee. G Inspections usually take place 2 – 3 weeks after receipt of request and confirmation and an official quotation will follow G Work usually commences within 8 weeks of receipt of payment. G More details can be found through the above contacts or go to the Swansea Council website at www.swansea.gov.uk – click on ‘Transport and Streets’ – then click on ‘Highways, roads and pavements’ – then click on ‘Vehicular Crossing.’ District Housing Office telephone numbers can be found on the inside cover of this magazine. www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Sleeping in rooms with gas appliances We have recently become aware that, in some instances, tenants have been sleeping downstairs in their homes in rooms where gas appliances are situated. After seeking advice from Gas Safe, the gas safety regulators, we have been told that it is against gas safety regulations to knowingly allow a person to sleep in a room where there is a gas fire or gas boiler. If we become aware that a tenant is sleeping in a room with a gas appliance, the Gas Section of our Corporate Building and Property Services (CBPS) has no alternative than to isolate the system. This would leave the home with no heating and in some cases no hot water (unless the property has an immersion heater), until such time as we can rectify the situation. We need to take this action on the grounds of health and safety due to the potential for carbon monoxide poisoning which has obvious serious consequences. If you or a member of your family currently needs or will soon need to sleep in a room with a open flued gas appliance, or if you are unsure if the appliance is open flued, please get in touch with your District Housing Office as soon as possible for advice.
Debt Panic? Push the button! Debts can be sorted out more easily than you think. The Debt Panic Button will help you take control, and get proper, free support.
www.debtpanicswansea.org.uk Access the internet free at any library in Swansea
 www.swansea.gov.uk/housing  housing@swansea.gov.uk
Open House: Issue 1 2014 45
Llan Yr Newydd Community Space The City and County of Swansea have transformed an area of housing land in Llan Yr Newydd, Penclawdd into a community play space. The project, funded by The Big Lottery in partnership with Play Right has taken a year to complete. Play Right, the play association for Swansea and Neath Port Talbot, works to improve play, recreational and educational opportunities for all children and young people living in the area. With help from the local children and parents, the area was cleared of litter, brambles and debris and new natural play equipment, which was chosen by the children, was On the day of the launch at Llan yr Newydd, Penclawdd, residents, local Councillors and partnership organisations were invited to their very own ‘Party in the park’ with balloons, party food and an Easter egg hunt. One local community member stated that the park was ‘fantastic and that it was leaving a legacy for generations to come’. The community space is still in its infancy and it is hoped that with the help of Katie Harkness, Community Playworker and the local community, the park will develop further. If you would like to be part of the development, please contact Katie Harkness at Katie.harkness@swansea.gov.uk installed. It is now regularly used by the community and has made a big difference to children’s lives already. Play is an important part of every child’s life and is essential for social, emotional, intellectual and physical development. By having this new space, the children of the area not only have a safe place away from the main road to play but also have had the chance to be part of changing their community for the better.
46 Open House: Issue 1 2014
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Rubbish & Flytipping It is important that all tenants and residents on estates know the correct procedure for rubbish collection and recycling. This is of particular importance to those living in blocks of flats which do not have dedicated bin/ recycling areas.
Rubbish Collection Guide: G Please put your bags out for collection by 7am on the collection day. G Please place your bags on the kerbside or pavement (unless you have a disability and the Environment Section is aware of this) – the bags cannot be collected from walls, hedges, drives, communal grass areas or gardens. G Please ensure all sharp objects are wrapped carefully e.g. broken glass and please DO NOT dispose of any needles/ syringes in any of your refuse or recycling bags (these should NOT be placed in your household rubbish). Your local GP/ Pharmacy can give advice and assistance regarding needle disposal and sharps bins. G Please do not fill the refuse sack so it is too heavy (under 15kg). G Please ensure the bags are secure from the wind and animals.
The Council takes the health and safety of residents very seriously and we may have to take action against any residents who put their rubbish out before their collection date as it can cause, at the very least, an unsightly mess, and at the worst, a health and safety hazard. Rubbish put out on any day other than the day of collection is classified as flytipping and we will investigate the source of the flytipping which may result in a Fixed Penalty Notice being issued. A Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) can be issued for dog fouling, flytipping and general littering and ranges from £75 to £100 in fines. These fines are enforceable though the Court System. If you need any advice or help with your rubbish collection please call 01792 635600, where staff will be happy to assist.
PLEASE help us to keep your neighbourhood clean and tidy. www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Open House: Issue 1 2014 47
Kitchen and Bathroom Improvements As part of the programme of improving Council Housing up to the Welsh Housing Quality Standard, new kitchens and bathrooms are to be installed in properties that need them. Following an earlier pilot programme, the plans are to complete 180 properties by the end of March 2014 with an increasing number in the years to come.
Before the work commences, each kitchen is designed to suit the individual property which allows tenants to see what the installation will look like.
kitchen Ba
& Bathroom improvement sche me
t hroom improvem ent scheme
include Penlan plus areas of Waunarlwydd.
As part of the programme, tenants are given a choice of three kitchen ‘packages’ with options for cupboards, worktops and flooring. The new bathrooms include a new bath, w.c. and hand basin together with an overbath shower, shower rails, curtains and extractor fans. The photographs show one of each kitchen style.
The first phase of the scheme this year is concentrated in the Penlan area and next year, will
If you would like any further information about the scheme, please contact the Housing Partnership Team on 01792 635117.
Tenants are also able to provide their own tiles if they are not happy with the choices that are on offer.
48 Open House: Issue 1 2014
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
FREE home fire safety checks In order to reduce the incidence of accidental fires in homes within the area, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service has begun an ambitious programme of Home Fire Safety Checks (HFSCs). Firefighters and Community Fire Safety staff from the Service will visit homes to provide home fire safety advice and where appropriate will supply and install smoke alarms free of charge.
time to visit to offer advice on how to make your home safe. A home fire safety check takes about an hour to complete. Anyone living in Swansea can request a home fire safety visit.
These checks are an important part of the proactive role the Service is now adopting in its drive to reduce the deaths and injuries that are caused by accidental fires.
1. Fit a smoke alarm and check it regularly. 2. Make a fire action plan so that everyone in your house knows how to escape in the event of fire. 3. Take care when cooking with hot oil and think about using thermostatically controlled deep fat fryers. 4. Never leave lit candles unattended.
What is a home fire safety visit?
5. Ensure cigarettes are stubbed out and disposed of carefully.
If you request a visit the Fire Service will get in touch with you to arrange a suitable
6. Never smoke in bed.
Why request a visit? Are you e at the Fir h t e r a w a ndertake u e ic v r e S Blanket ic r t c le E E FRE cks twice e h c / g testin e – ring th a year? r e numbe freephon s. for detail
Top Ten Tips
If you are concerned that your home may be at risk of fire or know someone who you think needs help then please arrange a visit. To arrange a visit call FREE now 0800 169 1234 or go to www.mawwfire.gov.uk
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
7. Keep matches and lighters away from children. 8. Keep clothing away from heating appliances. 9. Take care in the kitchen! Accidents whilst cooking account for 59% of fires in the home. 10. Take special care when you are tired or when you've been drinking.
Open House: Issue 1 2014 49
Low Cost Flooring for your Home Are you struggling to afford carpeting for your home? Greenstream Flooring is a Welsh social enterprise company who offer discount carpet tiles for tenants, charities and businesses alike. They reclaim thousands of tons of carpet tiles from going to the landfill site every year – most of which is in very good or brand new condition which come in all sorts of colours and patterns. When laid, the carpet tiles can turn a cold and bare floor into a warm and cosy room for a fraction of the price of conventional carpeting. Spare tiles can also be purchased which are handy to keep for replacement in the future if any tiles become worn or damaged.
50 Open House: Issue 1 2014
It can cost as little as £50 to carpet an average 15 metre sq room (not including fitting). Based in Rhondda area, Greenstream Flooring deliver to Swansea on a regular basis for many tenants and businesses who have already
benefitted from their competitive prices. For more information call Greenstream Flooring on 01443 683123 or look at their website at www.findcarpettiles.co.uk
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
switch on to cheaper energy…
newidiwch ewidi h i ew ynni n rhatach . . .
Sign Sig n up today. today. Collectively we save more. C ollectively w e can sa ve mor e. You could save between £60 and £250 off the cost of your household energy bill. By coming together to buy our energy in Wales, we can negotiate better deals and pass on the savings to you! There’s no obligation to switch, we will tell you how much you can save before you decide.
Cofrestrwch C ofrestrwch heddiw. heddiw. Gy da’n gilydd gilydd gallwn arbed arbed mwy. mwy. Gyda’n Gallech arbed rhwng £60 a £250 oddi ar gost biliau ynni eich cartref Drwy ddod ynghyd i brynu ein hynni yng Nghymru, gallwn sicrhau gwell bargen a throsglwyddo’r arbedion i chi! Does dim rhaid i chi newid, byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i chi faint y gallwch ei arbed cyn i chi benderfynu.
www.cydcymru-energy.com www.cydcymru-energy.com www.cydcymru-egni.com www.cydcymru-egni.com
0800 093 5902 www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Open House: Issue 1 2014 51
Would you like discount at... ...Active Swansea Centres, restaurants, Taliesin, Grand Theatre, Plantasia, LC, Bike Shops, ‘H’ Sports, surf lessons and much, much more...?
Then get in touch with the PTL Officer on 01792 635473 PTL (Passport to Leisure) is a Swansea Council run scheme for residents on low income. It offers up to 60% discount on a wide range of council run sports and leisure venues as well as a selection of private partners.
Look how much you could save with a PTL card LC Waterpark
Gym Class at Penlan LC
Wales National Pool
Gower Surf Development lessons (Surf GSD)
£5 off lessons from April - September
52 Open House: Issue 1 2014
Check out the savings!
Schmoos Cycles
Grand Theatre
15% of recommended retail price
Selected discount off selected shows www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
So, are you eligible for a Passport to Leisure? Can you answer YES to any of these questions? Do you receive Housing Benefit? Do you receive Council Tax Benefit/ Council Tax Reduction? Do you receive Income Support? Do you receive Income Related Job Seekers Allowance? Do you receive Income Related Employment and Support Allowance? Do you receive Guaranteed Pension Credit? Do you receive Working Tax Credit and have a current NHS tax credit exemption card/certificate? Do you receive Child Tax Credit and have a current NHS tax credit exemption card/certificate? Are you in receipt of a HC2 certificate under the NHS Low Income Scheme? Are you an asylum seeker? Are you a foster parent? www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Yes? then apply today and start saving Pop along to one of the following venues: G Penlan, Morriston, Penyrheol, Cefn Hengoed, Bishopston Leisure Centres G Local library G Grand Theatre G Civic Centre
And take with you: G Proof that you’re receiving a PTL qualifying benefit G A separate proof of your City and County
of Swansea address (Council Tax/utility bill) G One recent passport size photo per
person G £2.00 per person
If you would like more details about the PTL scheme contact Sue Tully on 01792 635473 or visit www.ptlswansea.com to download and application form. Alternatively, pick up a brochure at your nearest leisure centre or library.
Open House: Issue 1 2014 53
Recycling What you need to know The Council want to make it as easy to recycle as possible, so we have supplied all households with the bags and bins you need to recycle most of your waste rather than throwing it into expensive landfill. Need more bags? Green and pink bags There is a RED STRIPE running down one of the bags in the middle of each roll. The crews should then automatically deliver a fresh supply of bags to you. Kitchen waste liners Attach the reorder tag from the pack to your bin on collection day. The crew should leave a pack by your bin. Kitchen waste bins and bags If your box has gone missing or has been damaged you can get a new one for free, see the list below. Garden waste bags Crews will return your garden bags to the kerbside. Writing your address on your bag will help the crew return them and a brick or stone should be put alongside to weigh them down after emptying. If you need replacement or additional bags they are available for 50p each. To help make sure you always have enough bags and boxes these are available in a number of places. Food bins, recycling bags and garden waste sacks are available from: G Civic Centre G District Housing Offices G Libraries G CH Hardware, Killay Food bins and bags can be found at: G Llansamlet & Clyne Household Waste Recycling Centres
G Gorseinon Development Trust, Bryngwyn Village G Swansea Tourist Information Centre G Crofty Post Office Recycling bags are stocked at: G Household Waste Recycling Centres G Mumbles Tourist Information Centre G Swansea Bus Station, Community Farm & the Environment Centre Also stocked at many: G Communities First Offices G Community Councils & Produce Markets G Local Post Offices & Convenience stores Look out for the pink & green “Recycling Bags Available Here” sticker in the window! Black bags These are delivered once a year to every home in Swansea. If you need more bags then they are also available to buy from the Contact Centre in the Civic Centre and District Housing Offices. You are also able to use shop-bought bags, but you must not put out any bag weighing more than 15 Kg. From the 7th April 2014 all households are being asked to put out no more than 3 black bags of waste for fortnightly collection. All households will be receiving a leaflet which contains information about the changes to black bag collections. The Council will also be running a series of roadshows over the next couple of months to offer advice and encourage residents to join ‘Keep it to 3’ campaign. If you require further information please contact 01792 635600 or visit www.swansea.gov.uk/recycling
For information on how, what and when to recycle, please go to the website www.swansea.gov.uk/recycling 54 Open House: Issue 1 2014
www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
“Place a food bag into your Kitchen Caddy, and scrape your food waste in after each meal”
Fruit and veg peelings Tea bags and coffee grounds Egg shells Mouldy cheese and dairyproducts
“Once the bag is full, tie it closed, and place it in the larger food bin kept outside”
Fish skins and bones Meat waste and bones Mouldy bread Plate scrapings
“Always Keep handle in the locked position, and place bin on kerbside every week on collection day”
Waste cooked food Food contaminated kitchen roll and serviettes.
The Corner Shop The Corner Shop was set up in November 2012 at the Household Waste Recycling Centre in Llansamlet. It is a unique shop as all of the stock is made up of unwanted new or nearly new items residents have taken to the various Household Waste Recycling Centres to dispose of. The Corner shop has become a huge hit with residents with hundreds of items being sold every week. Stock changes daily but everything from musical instruments to tables, toys, crockery and patio furniture and also some brand new items are available. This innovative recycling initiative is helping to reduce the amount of household waste sent to landfill and is providing residents with lots of bargains.
Then bring them to Swansea Councilʼs very own Corner shop at Llansamlet Household Waste Recycling Centre where they will be given a second lease of life by being sold to a new home. All items on sale in the shop were originally destined to be recycled or disposed of in landfill and are available for bargain prices, with many available for only £1! Money raised from sales will be spent on educational projects run by the Councilʼs Recycling Team to teach children about the benefits of recycling and sustainable waste management. Stock changes daily but everything from furniture, toys, crockery, ornaments, books, musical instruments and also many brand new items are often available.
Items are sold from £1 and all money raised goes toward children's educational projects being run by the Council's recycling team. The Corner Shop is open from Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm. www.swansea.gov.uk/housing housing@swansea.gov.uk
Come along and grab yourself a bargain.
Open House: Issue 1 2014 55
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Be friendly and treat customers with respect. Give your name to customers. Deal with issues promptly. Give clear advice and use plain language. Apologise if we get things wrong.
56 Open House: Issue 1 2014
 www.swansea.gov.uk/housing  housing@swansea.gov.uk