SBFLAG Project proposals at 18th April 2019

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The following projects met the Swansea Bay FLAG themes, but not criteria and are therefore supported in being submitted to core EMFF for approval by Welsh Government. a. Improvements at Porthcawl Harbour – The aim of this project is to improve the facilities at Porthcawl Harbour to allow commercial fishermen to land their catch safely by reducing the physical aspect of unloading boxes of fish to the quayside which can put huge physical demand on the skippers of each vessel. The proposal is to invest in a piece of powered machinery that will help transport the fishermen’s catch and to improve lighting on the pontoons whilst loading/unloading the boats. Progress update: The applicant has advised that designs are being made up for the storage of the equipment following approval from Welsh Government to get some designs produced ahead of the application submission. When the designs are completed, we will be able to provide indicative figures for the overall proposal. Listed building consent is required and can only be submitted upon completion of the designs. The application is ready to go and will be submitted once the designs are ready.

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Applicant: Bridgend Council (Porthcawl Harbour) EMFF Funding Rate: 100% Status: Pre-approval received. Project proceeding to full application. SBFLAG themes/objectives: Theme 1/Objective 5 Provision of support for trying out new processes or adding value to products to help small businesses/companies in the fishing industry to grow.

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Measure/Article: Union Priority 1 - Measure I.23: Article 43.1 and 3 (Fishing ports, landing sites, auction halls and shelters – investments improving fishing port and auction halls infrastructure or landing sites and shelters; investments to improve the safety of fishermen). Funding Requested: Estimated £12,000-£15,000 in total (equipment for fishermen and storage spaces).

b. Safe grounding to harbour wall /Improvements to the outside gate at Porthcawl Harbour - Adjustment works to timber baulks outside of the lock gate at Porthcawl Marina to ensure vessels can safely tie up and go around. Providing a safe area for vessels to tie up safely to wait for the gates, undertake basic maintenance or tie up in the event of an emergency resulting in them missing the last entry through the gate. Commercial/leisure fishermen that wish to fish during the night will not be restricted by gate operating times extending the window of opportunity to catch fish. BCBC Harbourmaster to procure and instruct selected contractors upon satisfying the necessary criteria. Status: Awaiting application. Progress update: When the above mentioned project has been submitted, attention will be focussed on submitting this project. • • • • •

Applicant: Bridgend Council (Porthcawl Harbour) EMFF Funding Rate: 100% Status: Waiting on applicant. To be submitted to Welsh Government for pre-approval. SBFLAG themes/objectives: Theme 1/Objective 5 Provision of support for trying out new processes or adding value to products to help small businesses/companies in the fishing industry to grow Measure/Article: Union Priority 1 - Measure I.23: Article 43.1 and 3 (Fishing ports, landing sites, auction halls and shelters – investments improving fishing port and auction halls infrastructure or landing sites and shelters; investments to improve the safety of fishermen). Funding Requested: £12,000

c. Mount 2 Large TV Screens for Public View in Mumbles - Mumbles Development Trust (MDT) SBFLAG electronic information display project. The objective of the project is to mount two large information TV screens for public view in Mumbles to provide multiple information primarily committed to promoting local seafood catches, what fish stocks are local, tidal information, the heritage of local inshore fishing, community activities and the work of FLAG internationally. Progress Update: The applicant reported he will be resubmitting application, new site for the 2nd screen, new partners getting involved. • • •

Applicant: Mumbles Development Trust EMFF Funding Rate: 75% SBFLAG Theme 3/Objective 10 - Sustainable and balanced development of the heritage and tourism aspects of the coastline.

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Measure/Article: Union Priority 1 - Measure I.23: Article 43.1 and 3 (Fishing ports, landing sites, auction halls and shelters – investments improving fishing port and auction halls infrastructure or landing sites and shelters; investments to improve the safety of fishermen). Funding Requested: £12,200 Status: In Progress




The following projects meet the Swansea Bay FLAG themes and objectives and are at various stages of development from development of the project idea to approval by the members of the SBFLAG or finally, implementation and delivery of the project. a. Mumbles Oyster Festival - This festival is a celebration of the heritage of the Mumbles Oyster and inshore fisheries of Mumbles, Gower and Swansea Bay. The event will take on a Saturday (date to be confirmed) in October 2019 in Mumbles and will include an Oyster Bar, Cooking Demonstrations, Local Produce Market, Educational Workshops and more. • • • •

Applicant: Mumbles Development Trust SBFLAG Theme5 /Objective11 - Support for the promotion of cultural heritage, aquaculture and maritime interests Funding Requested: £2000 Status: PIF approved. Waiting on Full Application.

b. Clearance of Rubbish from the River Tawe – the aim is to help keep the River Tawe and beach area clear of unwanted plastic debris and other rubbish. This will be a great benefit to the local environment and also to the residents of Swansea as well as wildlife. The members of the Swansea MVS and additional volunteers would ensure that the project is managed on a weekly basis and collection and disposal of the plastic waste regularly completed. Progress update: There is a project which has been developed in Pembrokeshire which fits the model that this project are looking to use. Therefore, the applicant awaits the roll out of this already developed model, re-scope this project idea and resubmit to FLAG. • • • • •

Status: In development. Applicant: MVS SBFLAG Theme 3/Objective 9 - Making the most of the local natural environment Funding Requested: tbc Status: in development

c. NEW Creation of a Native Oyster Habitat off Knab Rock - This project was first highlighted as an issue at Knab Rock by the local fishermen. They reported damaging their boats while landing their catch on the rocks that X:\EMFF 2014-2020 (Fisheries)\EMFF 2014-2020 (Fisheries) MASTER\15. Project Updates\SBFLAG Project Status 18.4.19.docx

had built up at the end of the slipway at Knab Rock and the surround area. Following investigations into this issue, the SBFLAG have gathered a number of experts together to discuss and agree the best solution for this, and the creation of an Oyster Habitat is one that is being discussed at the current time. When agreement as to the way forward has been reached, then an application will be made to the SBFLAG. • • • • •

Applicant: Swansea Council EMFF Funding Rate: 100% SBFLAG Theme 3/Objective 9: Making the most of the local natural environment Funding Requested: £ tbc Status: In Progress

c. NEW Oyster Pilot Study at Burry Inlet – Request for feasibility study on the native Oyster. Pilot study to see if it will thrive in the Burry inlet with a view to having a shellfish farm on the site if the pilot study proves to be successful. Project update: The applicant is working with one of our FLAG members to review the current project idea application and update it before resubmitting for approval. • • • •

Applicant: Private Company SBFLAG Theme 3/Objective 9: Making the most of the local natural environment Funding Requested: £2000 Status: Waiting update project idea application.

d. NEW Seafood Cookery Demonstrations at Swansea Market - The project proposal is to hold a number of seafood cookery demonstrations in Swansea Market during September 2019. The project will identify local chefs to give live cooking demonstrations allowing the audience an opportunity to smell, touch and taste as well as see the food prepared. The dishes to be cooked will be healthy and may include other local produce i.e. cockles and laverbread. Each demonstration will last for approximately 45 minutes and at the end the audience will be invited to experience a small taster of the cooked dish. The events will be filmed and photographs taken and published via social media and local media channels. Opportunity to smell, touch and taste as well as see the food prepared. • • • • •

Applicant: Swansea Council EMFF: EMFF Eligibility Guidance Notes - Section 35. SBFLAG Theme 3/Objective 9: Making the most of the local natural environment Funding Requested: £ TBC Status: In Development

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e. NEW Fish is the Dish 2020 - In 2014, the Swansea Bay FLAG delivered a successful project entitled ‘Fish is the Dish’. This project provided primary school children located within the SBFLAG area an opportunity, to take part in interactive lessons in seafood, to improve awareness of fish as a food, encourage them to eat more fish, understand different species and learn about fish dishes and its health benefits. This project proposes to build on the previous project’s success and deliver ‘Fish is the Dish 2020’ with two minor updates - the project will focus on 911 year-olds. The last project focused on 5 years of age. We will also be including the additional FLAG area of Burry Port which was not of the Swansea Bay FLAG in 2014. The project will focus on sustainability, reinforcing the message that most fishing activity is not damaging to the environment and that our fishermen are responsible, care about the future of the industry, that they understand the need to leave enough for tomorrow and are not the enemy as is often portrayed. The planned activity is to offer primary schools in the SBFLAG area i.e. Swansea, Neath Port Talbot, Bridgend and Burry Port, the opportunity for someone to visit one primary school class (30 pupils’ max.) and give an interactive local seafood lesson. To begin with, only schools that have received the pack and that have not yet delivered any of the lessons will be offered the opportunity. Depending on up-take, this opportunity could be widened out to all primary schools in the area. It is expected that around half of the 207 primary schools in the Swansea Bay FLAG area will take part in the project. The Education pack, which will be updated for ‘Fish is the Dish 2020’ will be a key resource for improving awareness of fish as food amongst primary school children, and encouraging children to eat more fish. It will be a set of cross-curricular lessons and resources designed to engage children with fish as a food, different species of fish, fish dishes and the health benefits of eating fish. The interactive local seafood lesson will give primary children the chance to learn more about and taste the seafood species commonly landed, harvested or sold in the Swansea Bay area. Wherever possible, the local seafood was sourced directly from local fisheries businesses (i.e. local fishermen, wholesalers and fishmongers. The project will also arrange visits, where able to Swansea Marina to meet with local fishermen and provide an opportunity to ask the local fishermen questions as well as a visit to a local seafood business. Delivery of the project will include visits to a number of primary schools in the Swansea Bay FLAG area by an independent, appropriately skilled consultant with the support of the SBLFAG co-ordinator and members. X:\EMFF 2014-2020 (Fisheries)\EMFF 2014-2020 (Fisheries) MASTER\15. Project Updates\SBFLAG Project Status 18.4.19.docx

Press releases about the project, the local fisheries involved and those involved in the project will be produced and circulated amongst local and national press. • • • •

Applicant: Swansea Council SBFLAG Theme 3/Objective 9: Making the most of the local natural environment Funding Requested: £15,000 Status: in development

f. NEW CROSESO Food, Drink & Seafood Festival 2020 – The Swansea Bay Fisheries Local Action Group are keen to explore ways of promoting local seafood amongst the four local authority areas covered by FLAG i.e. Swansea, Bridgend, Neath Port Talbot and Carmarthenshire. It is hoped that the festival in Swansea will lay the foundations for similar type events in the other FLAG areas. SBFLAG members have welcomed the opportunity to partner with the Council’s Events Team to incorporate a seafood element into the CROESO Food Festival. By partnering with the Events team, we will be able to share the costs by introducing the seafood element into the festival, as well as share all the advantages of an already established food festival. The plan is to hold the Seafood Section within the overall CROESO Food and Drink Festival, with the SBFLAG members working within the Seafood Section interacting with the locals, providing information on how to apply for funding, the strategies and key themes. It hoped to raise public awareness of the types of fish available, the different specifies, how to prepare and cook fish, the health benefits in the hope of creating better understanding of seafood and encourage the locals to eat more fish and seafood produce. The Seafood festival will also focus on sustainability, reinforcing the message that most fishing activity is not damaging to the environment and that our fishermen are responsible, care about the future of the industry, that they understand the need to leave enough for tomorrow and are not the enemy as is often portrayed. The event will take place on Saturday, 29th February 2020 in Swansea’s Indoor Market and will be linked with the Welsh theme in celebrating St David’s Day. The event would be widely promoted via the use of existing Events Team mailing list, Council resources i.e. website, social media, local businesses etc. • •

Applicant: Swansea Council SBFLAG Theme 3/Objective 9: Making the most of the local natural environment

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Funding Requested: £2,000 Status: Project idea approved. Full application to the completed and submitted.




Assessment of the Oyster Stock/Population - Carrying out some research on the site to assess how successful the oysters are at providing wider ecosystem services such as water cleaning and biodiversity gains. There are still questions outstanding how best to undertake restoration to have maximum impact on both environment and on commercial viably e.g. increasing survival. Status: Waiting on applicant. • • • •

Applicant: Swansea Council SBFLAG Theme 3/Objective 9: Making the most of the local natural environment SBFLAG: 100% Funding Requested: £4,999

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