Adroddiad Blynyddol Archifydd y Sir 2012-2013

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Annual Report of the County Archivist

Adroddiad Blynyddol Archifydd y Sir

2012-2013 A joint service for the Councils of the City and County of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot County Borough Gwasanaeth ar y cyd ar gyfer Cynghorau Dinas a Sir Abertawe a Bwrdeistref Sirol Castell-nedd Port Talbot

Gwasanaeth Archifau Gorllewin Morgannwg Mae Gwasanaeth Archifau Gorllewin Morgannwg yn casglu dogfennau, mapiau, ffotograffau, recordiadau ffilm a sain sy'n ymwneud â phob agwedd ar hanes Gorllewin Morgannwg.Mae’n wasanaeth ar y cyd ar gyfer Cynghorau Dinas a Sir Abertawe a Bwrdeistref Sirol Castell-nedd Port Talbot. Ein cenhadaeth yw cadw a datblygu ein casgliadau o archifau, diogelu ein treftadaeth ddogfennol a chaniatáu ymchwil er mwyn datblygu ein casgliad. Rydym yn ymroddedig i ddarparu gwybodaeth a’r cyfle i gyflwyno’r archifau i bawb.

Gwasanaeth Archifau Gorllewin Morgannwg Canolfan Ddinesig Heol Ystumllwynarth Abertawe SA1 3SN

Clawr: Cadlong llyngesol anhysbys o’r Oes Fictoria yn ymweld ag Abertawe, 1909

01792 636589


Cysylltu pobl â hanes

Ar 12 Tachwedd 2012, ymwelodd Huw Lewis, Gweinidog Llywodraeth Cymru dros Dai, Adfywio a Threftadaeth, (llun canol) ag Archifau Gorllewin Morgannwg yng nghwmni Julie James AC dros Orllewin Abertawe. Wrth i Wasanaeth Archifau Gorllewin Morgannwg fynd i'w drydydd degawd ar adeg heriol, mae'n llesol ystyried y golwg tymor hir ar faint mae'r gwasanaeth wedi ehangu a datblygu dros yr un mlynedd ar hugain ers ei sefydlu, o ran ei ddaliadau, ansawdd ei gyfleusterau ac amrywiaeth ei waith allgymorth. Mae'r cyhoeddiad hwn yn edrych ar rai o'n cyflawniadau dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf ac yn amlinellu ein cynlluniau ar gyfer mynd â'r rhain yn eu blaenau. Gobeithio, mae hefyd yn dangos ein parodrwydd i groesawu newid ac arloesedd wrth gynnal ein gwerthoedd craidd fel a fynegir yn ein datganiad o genhadaeth ar glawr mewnol yr adroddiad hwn. Dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, bu symud graddol yn ffocws ein gwaith i ni fynd ati i gynnwys y gymuned leol yn fwy, a llawer o

hyn ar ffurf cymryd rhan mewn prosiectau mwy o faint a llawer ohono wedi'i ariannu trwy grantiau her Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae datblygiadau eraill o'n syniadau ein hunain ac maent yn cael eu hariannu o'n cyllideb graidd. Dechreuodd ein gwasanaeth ysgolion yn 2010 ac mae hyn wedi ehangu'n raddol i gynnwys nifer o fodiwlau a gynigir i ysgolion cynradd yn Abertawe a Chastell-nedd Port Talbot. Yn ystod y flwyddyn, rydym wedi cyflwyno tri phwnc newydd i'w defnyddio yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 2, wedi creu adnodd addysgu i'w ddefnyddio yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen, ac wedi gweithio gydag Amgueddfa Glowyr De Cymru i greu adnodd sy'n seiliedig ar fywyd glöwr yn Ne Cymru ac wedi prynu pum iPad i'w defnyddio yn y dosbarth (y tri phrosiect diwethaf gydag arian grant Llywodraeth Cymru trwy CyMAL). Rydym hefyd wedi

Adroddiad Blynyddol Archifydd y Sir 2012-2013


ymgysylltu ag ysgolion yn fwy uniongyrchol trwy ddefnyddio Twitter a chydag athrawon trwy adnoddau ar-lein newydd. Caiff cam arwyddocaol ei gymryd yn 2013/14 pan fyddwn yn estyn y gwasanaeth i ysgolion uwchradd yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 3 ac rydym wedi bod yn gweithio gydag Ysgol Cefn Hengoed yn Abertawe i beilota hyn. I ddechrau, byddwn yn cynnig modiwlau ar y Chwyldro Diwydiannol a'r Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf, gyda'r opsiwn o uwchraddio'n modiwl ar Abertawe yn y cyfnod Tuduraidd i Gyfnod Allweddol 3. Bydd ein gwaith gyda'r modiwl Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf yn ymgysylltu ag arddangosfa deithiol rydym yn ei chynllunio ar gyfer 2014, gan mlynedd ers dechrau'r rhyfel. Rydym wedi cynyddu nifer y gwirfoddolwyr sydd gennym ac amrywiaeth eu gwaith. Mae gwirfoddolwyr wedi bod yn gweithio ar fynegeio recordiadau hanes llafar, trefnu a rhestru casgliadau bach amrywiol o luniau a chynlluniau datblygu adeiladau. Mae swyddogion wedi bod yn casglu cyfeiriadau mewn llyfrau cofnodion ysgolion at y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf ac at glefydau ymhlith plant Fictoraidd, er mwyn helpu i ddatblygu ein hadnoddau i ysgolion. Rydym yn parhau i ddatblygu ein rhaglen gwirfoddolwyr er mwyn gwella ein cynllun gwaith a'n gwobrau i wirfoddolwyr.

Yn rhy aml mae pobl yn meddwl am archifau fel eitemau o ddiddordeb diwylliannol sy'n werthfawr i'r hanesydd yn unig. Fodd bynnag, gallant yn aml fod o gymorth i awdurdodau lleol a sefydliadau eraill mewn amrywiaeth o ffyrdd ymarferol. Yn ddiweddar, cafodd tŵr cloc Neuadd y Ddinas yn Abertawe ei orchuddio â sgaffaldiau yn ystod gwaith adnewyddu. Roedd hyn ond yn bosibl trwy gyfeirio at gyfres o gynlluniau adeilad gwreiddiol yn dyddio'n ôl i'r 1930au a oedd wedi'u hadneuo yn yr archifau.

Mae archifau a ariennir yn gyhoeddus yng Nghymru'n dod ynghyd dan fantell Cyngor Archifau a Chofnodion Cymru (ARCW). Mae ARCW yn gweithredu fel canolbwynt ar gyfer prosiectau ar y cyd a fydd yn fuddiol i ddefnyddwyr archifau ledled Cymru, sy'n chwilio am arian allanol o amrywiaeth o ffynonellau. Mae Gwasanaeth Archifau Gorllewin Morgannwg yn parhau i chwarae rôl weithredol yn y sefydliad, ac Archifau Gwent sydd â'r gadeiryddiaeth ar hyn o bryd. Dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, mae ARCW wedi bod yn datblygu prosiect sylweddol i ddigideiddio mapiau degwm Cymru, o'r enw Cynefin: Olrhain Ymdeimlad Cymru o Le. Cyflwynwyd y cais rownd 2 (aeth trwy rownd 1 yn 2011) i Gronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri ym mis Mawrth a disgwylir y canlyniad ddiwedd mis Mehefin. Fel rhan o'r prosiect cyffredinol, rhagwelir chwe phrosiect lleol bach ar draws Cymru. Mae un o'r rhain, Archwilio Coetir Hynafol Gŵyr, yn waith ar y cyd rhwng Gwasanaeth Archifau Gorllewin Morgannwg, Dinas a Sir Abertawe, Prifysgol Fetropolitan Abertawe, dwy ysgol o Gŵyr a sawl grŵp amgylcheddol Gŵyr, gan gynnwys Cymdeithas Gŵyr. Os bydd yn llwyddiannus, bydd y gwirfoddolwyr prosiect yn defnyddio mapiau degwm Gŵyr fel sylfaen ar gyfer arolygon ecolegol i asesu iechyd ei choetir hynafol. 2 Adroddiad Blynyddol Archifydd y Sir 2012-2013

Fe wnaeth y lleoliad gwaith fy helpu i ddatblygu fy sgiliau, dysgu am y byd gwaith ac am hanes Abertawe. (Akshet Khanna, disgybl yn Ysgol yr Olchfa, Abertawe )

Yn ogystal 창 gweithio gyda gwirfoddolwyr, rydym wedi parhau i ddarparu sesiynau hyfforddiant a phrofiad gwaith i ddisgyblion ysgol a myfyrwyr prifysgol er mwyn gwella'u gwybodaeth a'u sgiliau. Ar hyn o bryd, rydym yn cefnogi Prifysgol Abertawe ar nifer o fentrau i gynyddu cyflogadwyedd myfyrwyr, gan gynnwys cymryd rhan yn eu rhaglen Sgiliau Treftadaeth Allweddol.

Rydym wedi parhau i weithio ar wella'r cyfleuster archifau yng Nghastell-nedd, gan weithio gyda Chyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot a Chymdeithas Hynafiaethwyr Castell-nedd. Mae'r ystafell chwilio archifau wedi'i hailgynllunio a'i hailwampio'n rhannol ac mae boeler gwres canolog newydd wedi'i osod. Mae gwaith allanol wedi'i wneud ar y gwaith carreg ac mae mwy yn yr arfaeth, a hefyd rhagor o fesurau i sefydlogi'r ystafell gadarn. 2013 yw can mlynedd ers marw Alfred Russel Wallace, y naturiaethwr Prydeinig nodedig a ddatblygodd ddamcaniaeth esblygiad gyda Darwin. Ef a ddyluniodd Sefydliad y Mecanyddion Castell-nedd, lle rydym ni a Chymdeithas Hynafiaethwyr Castell-nedd, yn y cyfnod pan oedd yn byw yn y dref yn y 1840au. Mae diwrnod agored wedi'i gynllunio gan Gymdeithas Hynafiaethwyr Castell-nedd i hysbysebu'r adeilad a'i gysylltiad 창 Wallace yn yr haf. Ar ran Dinas a Sir Abertawe, mae'r Gwasanaeth Archifau'n rheoli cofrestru ymgeiswyr i'w rhoi ar gofrestr y rhyddfreinwyr etifeddol. Yn 2011, derbyniodd y cyngor ei ryddfreiniwraig etifeddol gyntaf ac mae'n bleser dweud mai menywod oedd pob un o'r un ymgeisydd llwyddiannus ar ddeg ar gyfer rhyddid etifeddol Abertawe yn 2012/13. Cyflwynwyd eu tystysgrifau i wyth ohonynt gan y Dirprwy Arglwydd Faer yng Nghanolfan Ddinesig Abertawe ym mis Hydref 2012. Y Cyng. June Stanton, Dirprwy Arglwydd Faer Abertawe, yn cyflwyno tystysgrifau rhyddid etifeddol i wyth ymgeisydd diweddar yn y Ganolfan Ddinesig ar 1 Hydref 2012.

Adroddiad Blynyddol Archifydd y Sir 2012-2013


Denu cynulleidfaoedd newydd

Mae'r gwasanaeth wedi creu arddangosfa deithiol newydd sy'n cynnwys Mynachlog Nedd, y mae rhan ohoni i'w gweld yma yn adfeilion y fynachlog mewn diwrnod agored wedi'i drefnu gan Cadw ar 29 Gorffennaf 2012. Mae'r gwasanaeth archifau'n ymroddedig, trwy ei raglen allgymorth egnïol, i ddenu cymaint o bobl ag y bo modd gydag archifau a chyda'n hanes a rennir, pa un a ydynt yn dewis defnyddio'r gwasanaeth ar y safle wedyn ai peidio. Rydym yn creu arddangosfeydd teithiol ar hanes lleol, yn cyhoeddi ac yn gwerthu llyfrau, yn darparu gwasanaeth i ysgolion, yn cyflwyno sgyrsiau ac yn cymryd rhan mewn digwyddiadau cymunedol trwy gydol y flwyddyn. Mae rhywfaint o'n gwaith allgymorth fel partner prosiect mewn prosiectau mwy o faint ac mae'n werth sôn yma am ein rôl gefnogol yn y prosiect Cymunedau Cysylltiedig a noddir gan Brifysgol Abertawe. Ochr yn ochr â phartneriaid prosiect eraill, rydym wedi bod yn cynorthwyo grwpiau treftadaeth lleol wrth ddatblygu syniadau ar gyfer ariannu cynigion a fyddai'n cynnwys Archifau Gorllewin Morgannwg naill ai fel adnodd neu fel ceidwad cynnyrch y prosiect. Isod, mae dwy o'r ffyrdd mwy diddorol ac anarferol rydym wedi cyfathrebu â chynulleidfa ehangach yn ystod y flwyddyn. Pan ofynnwyd i ni gyfrannu at ymgyrch Byddwch yn rhan ohono! i ddathlu Gemau Olympaidd Llundain 2012, penderfynodd y gwasanaeth greu ffilm YouTube fer ar thema taith gyfnewid y ffagl a aeth trwy dde Cymru ar 26 a 27 Mai. Cyn Gemau Olympaidd Llundain 1908, nid oedd y fath daith gyfnewid ffagl ond, pe bai un, sut byddai'r llwybr trwy Abertawe wedi edrych? Gan ddefnyddio lluniau yn yr archifau, lluniodd Andrew Dulley, Archifydd Sirol Cynorthwyol, gasgliad o olygfeydd ar hyd llwybr taith gyfnewid y ffagl. Roedd y canlyniad terfynol yn debyg i ffilm ddistaw o'r cyfnod Edwardaidd gyda chyfeiliant cerddorol. 4

Adroddiad Blynyddol Archifydd y Sir 2012-2013

Blaengar. Cost effeithiol. Denodd sylw'r wasg a chysylltiadau cyhoeddus a barn llawer o bobl! Gwaith marchnata ardderchog yma cystal y byddaf yn ei ddefnyddio fel enghraifft o sut mae marchnata ar gyllideb yn fy nghyfres o ddarlithiau! (Sylw beirniad, Gwobrau Arloesedd Marchnata Llyfrgelloedd Cymru 2013)

Denodd y ffilm lawer o ddiddordeb ar-lein yn fuan ac, erbyn i'r gemau ddechrau, roedd wedi'i gwylio ar YouTube dros 2,300 o droeon mewn 43 o wledydd, o Albania i Seland Newydd. Enillodd y wobr gyntaf yn y categori archifau Gwobrau Arloesedd Marchnata Llyfrgelloedd Cymru ddechrau 2013.

Y llynedd, fe wnaethom greu arddangosfa gydag arian Llywodraeth Cymru o'r enw Ffoaduriaid Iddewig yn Ne Cymru 1933-1945 a'i lansio yn Abertawe fel rhan o ddathliad Diwrnod Coffáu'r Holocost ar gyfer 2012. Eleni, roedd yr arddangosfa yng Nghynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, y Senedd, yn ystod Diwrnod Coffáu'r Holocost 2013. Yn ystod y flwyddyn, crëwyd pecyn i athrawon yn seiliedig ar yr arddangosfa gyda rhagor o arian Llywodraeth Cymru ac mae wedi'i gynnig am ddim i ysgolion uwchradd ar draws de Cymru. Mae tua deg ysgol ar hugain yn ardaloedd awdurdod lleol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, Caerdydd, Sir Gâr, Merthyr Tudful, Sir Fynwy, Castell-nedd Port Talbot, Rhondda Cynon Taf, Abertawe a Bro Morgannwg bellach wedi derbyn yr adnodd addysgu, sy'n cynnwys cyfweliad wedi'i recordio ag Ellen Davies, preswylydd yn Abertawe a oroesodd yr Holocost. Cynhaliwyd yr arddangosfa ‘Ffoaduriaid Iddewig yn Ne Cymru 1933-1945’ yn y Senedd ym mis Ionawr 2013 i gyd-ddigwydd â Diwrnod Coffáu'r Holocost yn y DU. Mewn derbyniad a gynhaliwyd gan yr AC Julie Morgan ar 24 Ionawr 2013, mae'r archifydd David Morris i'w weld yma'n siarad am ein gwaith gydag ysgolion. Ymhlith y gwesteion roedd llawer o aelodau o'r gymuned Iddewig yn ne Cymru.

Adroddiad Blynyddol Archifydd y Sir 2012-2013



Mae disgyblion yn dangos ymwybyddiaeth o'r gwahaniaeth rhwng y presennol a'r gorffennol yn eu bywydau eu hunain a bywydau pobl eraill. Maent yn dangos eu dealltwriaeth ddatblygol o gronoleg trwy ddefnyddio termau pob dydd am dreigl amser a thrwy roi rhywfaint o ddigwyddiadau a gwrthrychau mewn trefn. Maent yn gwybod ac yn adrodd am ddigwyddiadau o straeon am y gorffennol. Maent yn dechrau adnabod eitemau o'r gorffennol, holi a dod o hyd i atebion i gwestiynau syml gan ddefnyddio ffynonellau. Maent yn adnabod ac yn grwpio eitemau o wybodaeth i fynegi eu hymwybyddiaeth o'r gorffennol. (Targed cyrhaeddiad lefel 1, o ‘Hanes yng Nghwricwlwm Cenedlaethol Cymru’) Yn ystod y flwyddyn, mae Gwasanaeth Archifau Gorllewin Morgannwg wedi cynnal prosiect cyffrous a ariannwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i ddatblygu adnoddau i'r Cyfnod Sylfaen mewn ysgolion, i ddisgyblion 3-7 oed. Creodd yr archifydd Katie Millien CD-ROM sy'n cynnwys cronfa ddelweddau o luniau hanesyddol lleol i'w lawrlwytho a'u defnyddio gan athrawon yn yr ystafell ddosbarth. Mae'r adnodd yn seiliedig ar y pedwar pwnc canlynol: Tai a Chartrefi; Trafnidiaeth a Theithiau; Swyddi a Gweithleoedd; Gwyliau, Difyrion a Dathliadau Mae pob adnodd â thema'n cynnwys nodiadau athrawon, amserlenni a syniadau am weithgareddau yn ogystal â disgrifiad o'r ddelwedd. Er mwyn rhoi prawf ar ei gwaith, ymwelodd Katie â saith ysgol yn Abertawe a Chastell-nedd Port Talbot, gan weithio gyda 10 dosbarth a 265 o blant rhwng 5 a 7 oed. Anfonwyd y CDs at yr holl ysgolion babanod a chynradd yn Abertawe a Chastell-nedd a chawsant eu rhoi ar y llwybrau dysgu ar-lein i athrawon a staff addysg y ddau awdurdod. Fel rhan o'r prosiect, fe wnaeth hi hefyd greu CD y gellid ei ddefnyddio mewn ysgolion eraill ar draws Cymru, gan ddefnyddio delweddau a anfonwyd gan swyddfeydd cofnodion awdurdodau lleol eraill Cymru. Bydd yr holl wasanaethau archifau awdurdodau lleol eraill yng Nghymru'n cael copi o hyn. Bu'n bleser pur gweithio gyda chi, mae'r plant a gymerodd ran wedi edrych ar yr amserlen a thrafod y gorffennol. Gweithiodd defnyddio'r amserlen â lluniau'n dda. Fe wnaeth eu helpu i roi gwrthrychau a phobl mewn cyfnodau gwahanol. Mae'r adnoddau wedi'u trefnu'n ofalus, ac yn fantais fawr i athrawon a dysgwyr. (Ysgol Fabanod Crynallt)


Adroddiad Blynyddol Archifydd y Sir 2012-2013

Mae'r graff ar y chwith yn dangos y dosbarthiad côd post ein darllenwyr cofrestredig (y rhai â thocyn darllenydd Archifau Cymru gennym) fel ar 31 Mawrth 2013. Mae llawer o ymchwilwyr yn ymweld yn achlysurol heb fod angen tocyn am nad ydynt yn defnyddio dogfennau gwreiddiol. Mae hyn yn arbennig o wir ym mannau gwasanaethau Castell-nedd Port Talbot a ddefnyddir yn bennaf gan haneswyr teulu o ardal awdurdod lleol Castell-nedd Port Talbot. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am ddefnydd cyhoeddus o'n gwasanaeth yn dod o ddadansoddi ffurflen monitro amrywiaeth ddienw a roddir bob tro mae ymchwilydd yn gwneud cais am docyn darllenydd. Roedd 56.5% o'n darllenwyr a gofrestrodd am docyn yn 2012/13 yn ddynion ac roedd 43.5% yn fenywod. Y grŵp oedran mwyaf a gofrestrodd am docyn darllenydd yn 2012/13 oedd 55-64 oed (29%), gyda'r nesaf mewn trefn: 65-74 (18%), 45-54 (16%), 35-44 (15%), 22-34 (13%), 75+ (7%) and 14-21 (2%). O'i gymharu â ffigur y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, bu gostyngiad sylweddol yn ffigur canran y grŵp oedran ifancaf, 14-21 oed, o 9% i 2%. Mewn cwestiwn am hunaniaeth genedlaethol a oedd yn caniatáu ticio mwy nag un blwch, nododd 52% eu bod yn Gymry, 26% eu bod yn Brydeinwyr, 19% eu bod yn Saeson, 0% yn Albanwyr a 3% fel arall, a oedd yn cynnwys Gwyddelod a dinasyddion tramor. Ar wahân i Saesneg, nododd 4% Gymraeg fel prif iaith a llai nag 1% iaith arall. Dywedodd 53% nad oeddent yn gallu deall unrhyw Gymraeg, roedd 34% yn gallu deall peth a 13% yn gallu deall yr iaith. 1% yn unig oedd o gefndir nad oedd yn wyn. Roedd 8% o'n darllenwyr cofrestru yn 2012/13 yn ystyried bod ganddynt ryw ffurf ar anabledd. Yr Uwch-archifydd Rosemary Davies yn cyflwyno sesiynau i ddechreuwyr mewn digwyddiad ‘Syrffwyr Arian’ hanes teulu i bobl hŷn a gynhaliwyd yn y DVLA yn Nhreforys ar 4 Mai 2012

Adroddiad Blynyddol Archifydd y Sir 2012-2013


Adeiladu a diogelu ein casgliadau

Yr aelod staff Rebecca Shields yn nôl cyfrol oedd newydd gael ei rhoi mewn blwch o silffoedd yr ystafell ddiogel. Prif rôl y gwasanaeth archifau yw diogelu ein treftadaeth ddogfennol er budd cenedlaethau'r dyfodol, gan dderbyn rhoddion ac adneuon archifau ychwanegol a chynnal a datblygu'r mynediad gorau i'r casgliadau yn ei ofal. Cedwir yr archifau mewn ystafelloedd diogel a reolir yn amgylcheddol yng Nghanolfan Ddinesig Abertawe ac yn ystod y flwyddyn, rydym wedi adnewyddu cyfarpar aerdymheru'r ystafell ddiogel, a oedd tua phymtheng mlwydd oed ac yn dechrau camweithio ambell waith oherwydd rhai rhannau allweddol yn cyrraedd diwedd eu hoes. Mae'r cyfarpar newydd wedi'i osod i ailgylchu mwy o'r aer yn y system, gan fod ein hinsawdd laith y tu mas i'r adeilad yn her barhaol. Rydym yn gwella'r broses o gadw'r holl gyfrolau rhydd ar silffoedd yr ystafell ddiogel trwy raglen i roi pob un mewn blwch pwrpasol heb asid. Wrth wneud hyn, rydym yn gweithio yn yr uned gadwraeth yn Archifau Morgannwg yng Nghaerdydd, lle mae'r cyfarpar a'r profiad angenrheidiol. Yn ogystal â lleihau'r difrod i rwymiadau cyfrolau trwy gael eu cadw ar silffoedd, bydd yn atal llwch rhag cronni ar ben y cyfrolau. Rydym yn gweithio gyda Chyngor Archifau a Chofnodion Cymru i ddod o hyd i ateb Cymru gyfan i'r broblem ynglŷn â'r ffordd orau o gadw deunydd digidol sydd mewn perygl o ddarfod a dirywio'n dechnegol.


Gwaith cadwraeth a wnaed yn 2012-2013 • • •

cyfrolau cyfrolau mewn blychau cynlluniau

Adroddiad Blynyddol Archifydd y Sir 2012-2013

Ein perfformiad yn 2012/13 Nifer yr ymweliadau ag Archifau Gorllewin Morgannwg yn ystod 2012/13 oedd 9,526. Mae'r ffigur hwn yn cynrychioli gostyngiad 3% o ffigur 2011/12 ac mae oherwydd gostyngiad 10% yn yr ymwelwyr unigol â'r archifau yn Abertawe. I'r gwrthwyneb, mae ffigurau ymwelwyr yng Nghastell-nedd yn dangos cynnydd 12% iach, fel y mae'r categorïau defnydd eraill.

Cyfanswm aelodau'r cyhoedd yn ymweld â'r gwasanaeth archifau yn ystod 2012-2013: 9,526 gan gynnwys:


Abertawe 5,937 Castell-nedd 2,441 Port Talbot 472 Ymweliadau grŵp 676

177 313

Bob blwyddyn, cyflwynir ffigurau ar gyfer defnyddio'r gwasanaeth i CIPFA, Sefydliad Siartredig Cyllid Cyhoeddus a Chyfrifeg. Mae'r ffigurau, a gyhoeddir yn flynyddol gan CIPFA, yn ymwneud â'r defnydd o archifau awdurdodau lleol yn ystod y flwyddyn flaenorol, sef 2011/12. Yn seiliedig ar nifer yr ymweliadau unigol i ddefnyddio’r archifau, mae dadansoddiad ystadegau diweddaraf CIPFA yn dangos bod Gwasanaeth Archifau Gorllewin Morgannwg yn 19eg ar restr prysurdeb gwasanaethau archifau awdurdodau lleol yn y DU yn ystod y flwyddyn honno (i lawr o 17eg y llynedd). Yng Nghymru, roedd Gorllewin Morgannwg unwaith eto ymhell ar y blaen o ran ymweliadau darllenydd unigol yn ystod 2011/12, gyda ffigurau 59% yn uwch nag Archifau Gwynedd, y gwasanaeth prysuraf nesaf. Gyda 9,262 o ymweliadau yn 2011/12, roedd Gorllewin Morgannwg yn cyfrif am 25% o'r 36,946 o ymweliadau unigol ag archifau awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru yn ystod y flwyddyn honno.

1,281 1,471 1,531 2,147 2,948 10,447 10,997 26,976

o sesiynau i ddechreuwyr hanes teulu un i un o docynnau darllenydd wedi'u rhoi o lythyrau ac e-byst wedi'u hateb o bobl yn mynd i ddigwyddiadau dysgu oddi ar y safle o ddisgyblion ysgol yn ein sesiynau o oedolion a phlant mewn digwyddiadau dysgu o alwadau ffôn wedi'u hateb o ddogfennau wedi'u rhoi yn ein hystafelloedd chwilio o bobl yn defnyddio archifau ar y safle ac oddi ar y safle o drawiadau ar ein gwefan

Yn ystod mis Hydref a mis Tachwedd 2012, cymerodd y gwasanaeth archifau ran unwaith eto yn Arolwg Cenedlaethol Defnyddwyr Archifau Prydain Grŵp Ansawdd Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus. Mae archifau ar draws y DU wedi bod yn ceisio adborth gan eu defnyddwyr ers 1996 a chynhelir yr arolygon hyn bob deunaw mis yn fras. Mae lefelau boddhad cwsmeriaid wedi cynyddu o'r lefel uchel a gyflawnwyd yn yr arolwg diwethaf ym mis Mehefin 2011, gyda sgôr 100% i Abertawe a Chastell-nedd ar ganfyddiad cyffredinol ymweliad y cwsmer.

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Canran yr ymatebwyr a roddodd sgôr 'da' neu 'da iawn' i'r gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth cyn ymweld (ffôn) Gwybodaeth cyn ymweld (deunyddiau print) Gwefan Oriau agor Mynediad ffisegol i'r adeilad ac ynddo Cyfleusterau ymwelwyr Catalogau ac arweiniadau (gan gynnwys arweiniadau ar-lein) Cyflwyno dogfennau Cyfleusterau gwylio microffilm a microfiche Gwasanaethau copïo Cyfleusterau cyfrifiaduron ar y safle Ansawdd a phriodoldeb cyngor y staff Cymwynasgarwch a chyfeillgarwch y staff Y gwasanaeth archifau'n gyffredinol

Sgôr Abertawe 100% 95%

Sgôr Castellnedd 96% 96%

91% 89% 100% 100% 100%

96% 80% 78% 91% 93%

98% 88%

92% 90%

98% 98% 98% 100% 100%

100% 97% 100% 97% 100%

Newidiadau staff Ym mis Mai 2012, ymunodd Lorna Crook â'r staff fel Goruchwyliwr Canolfan Hanes Teulu rhan-amser. Mae Lorna'n hanesydd teulu brwd ei hun ac mae ganddi brofiad gwaith blaenorol gyda Chyngor Abertawe. Mae hi wedi llunio erthygl ar gyfer yr adroddiad hwn sydd i'w weld isod. Mae Lorna wedi bod yn rhannu'r swydd ag Elizabeth Belcham, a fydd yn ymddeol eleni. Mae Elizabeth wedi bod yn gymorth amhrisiadwy i haneswyr teulu yn Abertawe ers dros ugain mlynedd, yn Archifau Gorllewin Morgannwg a Swyddfa Gofrestru Abertawe, ac mae llawer o'n hymchwilwyr rheolaidd yn ei hadnabod. Rydym i gyd yn dymuno ymddeoliad hir a hapus iddi. Yr Archifydd dan Hyfforddiant ar gyfer 2012/13 yw Catrin James. Mae gan Catrin radd BA mewn Celfyddyd Gain o Athrofa Prifysgol Cymru, Caerdydd (Prifysgol Fetropolitan Caerdydd erbyn hyn). Yn ystod mis Gorffennaf, mis Awst a mis Medi 2012, daeth Mike Richards i'r gwasanaeth fel rhan o'i hyfforddeiaeth ar y Prosiect Diogelu Treftadaeth Cymunedau Lleol (CLOCH) a ariennir gan y loteri, a arweinir gan Archifau Morgannwg ac sy'n ceisio cyflogi dynion di-waith lleol dan 30 oed i'r sector treftadaeth. Mae Mike bellach wedi cael swydd barhaol gyda Llyfrgelloedd Abertawe. Mae gwirfoddolwyr yn ystod y flwyddyn wedi cynnwys Stephanie Basford-Morris, Howard Batey, Sarah Chapman, John Curtis, Steffan Dennis, Christine Febbraro, Ashley Jenkins, Vivien Lake, Kirsty Matthews, Susan McGuire a Heledd Williams.


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Diolchiadau Mae un o'n partneriaethau mwyaf hirsefydlog gyda Chymdeithas Hynafiaethwyr Castell-nedd. Fel arfer, hoffwn ddiolch i rota'r gymdeithas o wirfoddolwyr, na fyddem yn gallu darparu gwasanaeth yng Nghastell-nedd hebddynt: Christine Davies, Robert Davies, Clive Evans, Martin Griffiths, Philip Havard, Josie Henrywood, Annette Jones, John Marston, Olive Newton, Hywel Rogers, Gloria Rowles a Janet Watkins. Eleni, fel yn y gorffennol, mae Ymddiriedolaeth Ethel a Gwynne Morgan wedi rhoi cyfraniad hael i waith y gwasanaeth, yr ydym yn ddiolchgar iawn amdano. Hefyd, hoffwn achub ar y cyfle hwn i ddiolch i gadeirydd ac aelodau Pwyllgor Archifau Gorllewin Morgannwg am eu diddordeb ac am gefnogi gwaith y gwasanaeth yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf. ……………………………………………... Kim Collis Archifydd Sirol Gorllewin Morgannwg 2013 ……………………………………………...

Mae’r adroddiad hwn wedi’i argraffu ar bapur 100% ailgylchedig ac yn cael ei ddosbarthu i restr bostio ddethol. Mae’n cael ei gyhoeddi yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg ar-lein yn

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West Glamorgan Archives Committee As at 31 March 2013 Chairman HM Lord Lieutenant of West Glamorgan D. Byron Lewis Esq. CStJ, FCA Vice-Chairmen: City and County of Swansea Councillor R. V. Smith County Borough of Neath Port Talbot Councillor D. W. Davies Representing the City and County of Swansea Councillor J. A. Raynor Councillor K. E. Marsh Councillor C. Thomas JP Councillor P. Meara BA, MSc, DPhil, FRSA Representing the County Borough of Neath Port Talbot Councillor J. Dudley Councillor M. L. James Councillor D. Lewis BSc, Dip Ed Councillor A. Wingrave Representing the Diocese of Swansea and Brecon The Venerable R. J. Williams MA, B Ed, BD, Archdeacon of Gower Representing the Diocese of Llandaff The Reverend Canon S. J. Ryan SBStJ, MA, FRGS, Rector of Neath Representing Swansea University Dr L. Miskell FRHistS Representing the Neath Antiquarian Society Mrs J. L. Watkins City and County of Swansea Head of Culture and Tourism I. Davies MSc Neath Port Talbot County Borough Director of Finance and Corporate Services H. Jenkins IPFA


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West Glamorgan Archive Service STAFF As at 31 March 2013 West Glamorgan Archives Civic Centre, Oystermouth Road, Swansea Tel. (01792) 636589

Fax (01792) 637130

Email: Website: County Archivist.................................Kim Collis MA, DAS Assistant County Archivist ...............Andrew Dulley MA, MSc (Econ) Senior Archivist..................................Rosemary Davies BA, DPAA Archivist..............................................David Morris PhD, MSc (Econ) Archivist..............................................Katie Millien BA, MSc (Econ) Archive Trainee ..................................Catrin James BA Production Assistant .........................Anne-Marie Gay MA Family History Centre Supervisor.....Elizabeth Belcham MA .............................................................Lorna Crook Archives Reception Assistant...........Rebecca Shields BA Office Manager ...................................Don Rodgers MA

Neath Antiquarian Society Archives Neath Mechanics Institute, 4 Church Place, Neath Tel. (01639) 620139 Archivist..............................................Michael Phelps BA, DAA Supervisor ..........................................Liza Osborne

Records Management Service (City and County of Swansea) Records Officer ..................................Andrew Brown MSc (Econ) Records Assistant..............................Linda Jones

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The Chidzoys: a Swansea-West Country connection

Among the photographs acquired by the Archive Service during the last year is one which shows members of the Chidzoy family standing outside their business premises Park Street, Swansea around 1910. Presumably circulated by the Chidzoys as an advertisement for their business, the photograph shows several generations of a confident and successful family. Their surname is such a distinctive and unusual one that we decided to find out where the family originated and how they came to live in South Wales. Although the surname sounds on first acquaintance as though it may have originated overseas, initial web-based research showed that the major concentration of people with this surname and its spelling variations is in north Somerset, and suggested the name derives from a village near Bridgwater which is nowadays spelled Chedzoy. The Chidzoy family which migrated to Swansea can be traced back to the Somerset villages of Enmore, North Curry and North Petherton. On the 1851 census, Anthony Chedzoy, aged 18, was recorded as a lodger and agricultural labourer in the village of North Petherton. He went on to marry Jane Vile in the July quarter of 1857 in Bridgwater registration district, where the surname was recorded as Chedgey. The 1861 census shows the couple (there spelt Chidgey) with three children, Alfred, Joseph and William. Alfred ‘Chedgey’ was the first child born to the couple on 23 December 1857. By the time of the 1871 census, the 13 year-old Alfred had five siblings, all of whom lived with their mother, who was a widow.


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The young Alfred Chedgey moved from Somerset to Swansea at some stage between 1871 and 1878, where he married Kate Elizabeth Exall, who was born in llfracombe in Devon. The wedding announcement printed in the Cambrian on 2 August 1878 reads, ”July 28, At parish Church, Swansea, Alfred Chidzoy to Kate Elizabeth, daughter of Mr Henry Excell, Swansea.” In the 1881 census return for 1 Florence Street, Neath, Alfred Chidzoy (sic) is described as an insurance agent and the entry shows their first child Alf[red] H is one year old. We do not know how Alfred made the move from insurance agent to greengrocer but various trade directories between 1889 and 1895 show Alfred Chidzoy as a greengrocer at 1405 Neath Road in Hafod, Swansea. By the time of the 1901 census, the family had moved into the town centre to 7 Wassail Place, where they employed a general domestic servant and had eight children. Alfred’s three eldest children are shown helping out with the business: Alfred junior’s and Priscilla’s occupations are given as ‘greengrocer’s assistant’ and Frederick’s is ‘driver of a horse and wagon/cart’. The five youngest children are of school age: William is 13; Edith, 9; Lilly 6; Ernest, 3 and Alice, 1. Living with the family is Kate’s mother, Elizabeth Exall. By the 1911 census some of the Chidzoy children were married and were setting up their own fruit and vegetable businesses. Alfred junior remained at Wassail Square with his wife Ruth and four children (Alfred Henry, 6; Elsie May, 4; Hargrave, 2 and Ernest Graham, 4 months). Frederick had moved to Llanelli and is shown living at Tyfran Gwendraeth with his wife Susannah and daughter Mildred. The trade directory of 1913-14 has an entry for Chidzoy & Sons, listing premises at 6-7 Wassail Square, and also Frederick’s stall at Llanelli Market. Both businesses proudly advertise their phone numbers: embracing modern technology must have given them an edge over their competitors, enabling them to make deliveries at short notice to larger houses able to afford a phone of their own. Although the 1911 census is the most recent available to us, there is a wealth of other records that show the family as the twentieth century unfolds. If the trade directories imply that the family was doing well, probate records prove it. Alfred Chidzoy senior died on 9 April 1929: his religious leanings are shown in a brief obituary in the Berean Christadelphian News of 1929 (available online). Baptised about 50 years previously, Brother A. H. Chidzoy of St Helens Ecclesia Swansea was said to have taken an active part in the work of the Truth in South Wales. The probate index shows that he left a grand total of £12,924, which was at the time a substantial sum. Coincidentally, on the same page of the probate index is an Anthony John Chidzoy, who died on 8 April 1929 at Castle Green, Taunton, only a few miles from Enmore where Alfred was born. His estate of £2,619 19s 3d was left to Alfred Henry Chidzoy, suggesting he was another family member, possibly a brother of Alfred senior. Historic telephone directories available online are a further source of information: 1941 listings show how the family had further expanded their business: A. Chidzoy and Sons Ltd, Fruit Merchants are registered not only at Waterloo Street, Swansea and in Llanelli Market, but also in Station Road, Port Talbot. On 24 December 1946, Kate Beatrice Chidzoy, widow, John Warlow Exall Chidzoy, wholesale fruit and potato merchant, and Beatrice Mary Gittins renewed their lease of premises in Station Road, Aberavon, from the Great Western Railway Company. Residential numbers are given for Alfred Henry Chidzoy at Winchester House, Sketty Road, while J. W. Chidzoy junior is living at Quantock, Baglan Road, Port Talbot and William J Chidzoy is at Kinfauns, Pen-y-Cae, Port Talbot. 4 November 1943 saw the death of Ruth Chidzoy, the wife of Alfred Henry Chidzoy of 60 Sketty Road, Swansea. Ruth left £296 12s 11d to her widower Alfred Henry. By 1956 the business had spread to Neath: W. J. Chidzoy is listed in the telephone directory as a fruit merchant of Bethany Square Port Talbot, 3 Queen Street Neath and 46 High Street Swansea. It also lists a D. Chidzoy at 60 College House, Llanelli: This is believed to be Douglas Frederick Chidzoy, the grandson of Alfred Chidzoy by his son Frederick, who is still Adroddiad Blynyddol Archifydd y Sir 2012-2013


listed as a fruit merchant in Llanelli Market. Hargrave Chidzoy (Alfred Henry's third child) was living at 14 Maple Crescent, Uplands, Swansea. Other family members listed include John Warlow Exall Chidzoy (known as Wally, who carried his grandmother’s maiden name Exall) living at Penscynor Court, Cilfrew, Neath, and Mrs Kate Beatrice Chidzoy; née Merriman, wife of the William J Chidzoy referred to above. Various family members can be found in the 1975 telephone directory: however, by this date there are no Chidzoy fruit and vegetable businesses listed. So starting from a single photograph it is possible, through searching records available in the Family History Centre, archive searchroom and online, to find out a good deal about the people in the image and how they came to be in Swansea. Devon and Somerset have had a long association with South Wales and, like people before and after him, Alfred Chidzoy made the journey across the Bristol Channel to discover the opportunities for improving his life which industrial South Wales had to offer. Here he made his fortune and fathered a family who became an integral part of the local business community. ……………………………………………... Lorna Crook Family History Centre Supervisor West Glamorgan Archive Service ……………………………………………...

Archives Records held at West Glamorgan Archives, Swansea: Photograph of Chidzoy Fruit Stores, Swansea (P/PR/10/4/3) and Chidzoy banana delivery van in Swansea (P/PR/10/4/2), both undated Lease of premises in Station Road Port Talbot to K. B. and J. W. E. Chidzoy and B. M. Gittins, 1946 (RISW/GWR 21)


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Briton Ferry: a lost artist’s viewpoint rediscovered

“Britonferry Ferry”: a pencil sketch from the Delamotte sketch book held in the archives 2012 saw the death of a much respected local historian, Bernard Morris. Over a period of fifteen years, the Archive Service published three books by this author and also several articles in the annual reports of the County Archivist. As a small tribute to him, we are reproducing here an excerpt from the last of those three books to be published, ‘George Orleans Delamotte: A South Wales Sketch Book’. The paragraphs below are typical of Bernard Morris’ later writings, a carefully considered analysis of a topographical drawing which draws almost effortlessly upon the knowledge built up from a lifetime’s study of the local area. “Britonferry Ferry” The scene is observed from an elevated and walled viewpoint, looking south over the ferry and the estuary of the River Neath. Despite the vast changes which have taken place, the view seawards from this location is still recognisable as that in Delamotte’s sketch. He shows the river curving seawards through the low-lying dunes and marshes which fringed the coast from Ogmore to Oystermouth. In mid-stream is the ferry-boat, with its human and animal passengers neatly depicted. On the shore to its left is the distinctive rock outcrop forming the tidal islet shown in other sketches in the album, with Rock House adjacent to it. On the opposite, west, bank is a small steep-sided and well-wooded hill, shown before quarrying cut deeply into its sides. Archaeological excavations in 1991 prior to the construction of the M4 bridge revealed traces of occupation of the summit during the ‘Dark Ages’, around 500 A.D. Elsewhere such steep and prominent features are associated with local centres of power during that obscure period and this site – known as ‘Hen Gastell’ – may well have been amongst them. It is fortunate that Delamotte recorded it so clearly in its undamaged state. Now the M4 bridge rests on its truncated top.

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The viewpoint is intriguing. Thomas Baxter’s 1818 watercolour of the same scene appears to have been drawn from the terrace in front of Vernon house (until 1754 known as Briton Ferry House), which also had a stone parapet wall. However, Delamotte’s viewpoint is much higher than Baxter’s and also rather further from the ferry. The stone parapet wall, and the smartlydressed figures, suggest a deliberately-contrived lookout point on a walk high above the mansion, in the area known now as Shelone Wood. In Delamotte’s time this was thickly wooded, and footpaths still lead around its top through ancient oakwoods. From only one location can the view south be matched to this sketch, at the north end of Shelone Wood hill where a three-sided spur projects to form a small promontory. Curving around its edge can be found still the lowest courses of a wall of native sandstone laid in white lime mortar, likely to be the remains of that same wall drawn by Delamotte nearly two centuries ago. The high woodland paths with the contrived viewpoint overlooking the river echo on a modest scale other, more famous, romantic walks, such as that at Piercefield above the Wye, in an area certainly known to both our artist and his patrons. The artist produced an oil painting from this sketch.

Near Briton Ferry With no title or other written information on it and no particular features depicted, this is the sort of pleasant rural scene which seemed likely to defy attempts to identify its location. The foreground trees are skilfully drawn, and their general inclination towards the left suggests a prevailing wind from the right. In the valley below them are level fields, divided by post and rail fences rather than hedges or stone walls. Two groups of buildings are shown, one almost hidden near the centre of the valley, and the other on rising ground on its further edge. One of these is a neatly-drawn thatched cottage, with two floors and a frontage formed symmetrically round the main doorway. It has two chimneys, one on each end wall. It is a typical small house of a type likely to have been built in the later part of the eighteenth century or early in 18

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the next. Beside it is another building, perhaps an outbuilding, though its central chimney, and the absence of visible evidence for an upper floor, suggests that it is another house or cottage, older than its neighbour and maybe its predecessor. Behind these buildings well-wooded slopes rise steeply. So much for the detail, but where is the subject of the view? The internal evidence of the sketch alone does not help very much. The answer comes from George Delamotte’s series of fine watercolour ‘character’ portraits of men and women from the ‘lower orders’, prepared for his patron, John Rolls of Vernon House, Briton Ferry, mostly in the years just before 1820. One of these is entitled “Rees – the cowman at Briton Ferry”. Rees is shown with a cow and holding his milking bucket, standing in open countryside. If the background looks familiar it is because it has been taken from the untitled pencil sketch shown here, or more precisely, from the left hand half of it. There is no mistaking the main elements: the valley between the hills, the slender tree leaning to the left, the level fields in the valley divided by post and rail fences, and the two groups of buildings. The thatched one has lost its neighbour, but the other features match too well for doubt. Rees was “cowman at Briton Ferry”, so this narrows the search for the location of the scene. The hill immediately north of the site of Vernon House still has some open fields on its top today, as well as the extensive ancient woodland of Shelone Wood. Houses old and new now cover its eastern slope as well as the flat land between it and the hills across the valley. Through that valley runs the road to Neath (the A474) and the Swansea to Paddington railway line. Despite these man-made changes, some work with maps combined with on-site exploration, leaves little room to doubt that Delamotte’s sketch was made looking south-east from near the top of Shelone Hill, and that the rural valley he depicts is the now built-up heart of Briton Ferry. ‘George Orleans Delamotte: A South Wales Sketch Book c.1816-1835’ remains in print and is available for sale in the Archive Service bookshop price £28 or by post through our website. Later this year, a memorial volume to Bernard Morris featuring a selection of his articles written over a period of more than fifty years will be published. The Archive Service is helping to fund and contributing to the preparation of this publication.

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Cwmgelli House, Treboeth and its families

Cwmgelli House c.1950 (reproduced courtesy of Mrs Brianna Moore) Cwmgelli House (SS654969) occupied a prominent position in Treboeth between the presentday Pineway and Cwmgelli Drive and close to Heol Gerrig and Llangyfelach Road. The site represented one of the oldest inhabited in this part of Clase Lower, one of the eight administrative districts of the parish of Llangyfelach created during Tudor times. Early History The property also fell within the fee or manor of Trewyddfa abutting, in part, its north-western boundary which ran along what became Llangyfelach Road. The fee comprised customary or copyhold lands which came under the ultimate ownership of the lord of Gower, all copyholders and tenants holding their lands at the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor. In the 1650 survey of Gower, instigated by Oliver Cromwell, Thomas Williams was named as copyholder ‘in iure vxoris for a tenemt called Cwm y Gelly’ and paying an annual customary rent of 4s 6d. Williams also held in the right of his wife ‘Tir y doynau’, paying 9d. customary rent. In the 1764 survey, when the Duke of Beaufort was lord of Gower, members of the ‘prolific and important’ Franklen family were in possession of Cwmgelli with Mary Franklen, an infant, named as the copyholder and John Franklen as tenant, paying an annual rent of 5s. 3d. It should be noted however that, although representations of properties appear on Lewis Thomas’s 1761 map of the fee of Trewyddfa, not one is situated in the precise location of Cwmgelli House.


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Cwmgelli House c.1880 (reproduced courtesy of the Ordnance Survey) Farming and Coal In 1773 Cwmgelli was acquired by Thomas Lott of Lower Forest in the parish of Llansamlet, becoming the main residence of that significant Swansea family. Lott had acquired the property as well as ‘Tyr Dynau’ in December that year from John Plant, a gentleman of Swansea. Lott was subsequently admitted to both these ‘customary farms’ on 30 December 1773. Although Lott was the copyhold owner of Cwmgelli, the tenants of the land in the 1770s and 1780s (as named in the 1774, 1776 and 1788 land tax assessments for Clase Lower) comprised representatives of two of the most powerful families in the district, namely Gryffydd Price of Penllergare (1774 and 1776) and John Morris I of Clasemont (1788). These tenancies were reflective of the farm’s rich mineral resources which are further underlined by the tithe apportionment of 1838, giving the farm’s area as 88 acres 3 roods 11 perches and showing its occupation by the Swansea Coal Company. There are also subsequent multiple references to ‘Cwmgelly’ in the various censuses from 1841, which denote individual cottages headed and occupied by working non-agricultural households, mainly coal miners. The 1841 and 1861 censuses however name the main property as ‘Cwmgelly Farm’ and ‘Cwmgelly Farmhouse’, respectively headed by a farmer in 1841 and a farmer’s labourer in 1861. It is not surprising that the land was strongly associated with coal, as Treboeth and its common represented one Adroddiad Blynyddol Archifydd y Sir 2012-2013


of the oldest coal-mining sites in the Swansea district, with a map of 1736 and plan of 1768 showing coal pits there (the latter stating that they were sunk in 1758). Single-storey cottages and workers’ settlements also emerged in the area from the early eighteenth century. The Lott Family The Lott family had been long established in the Swansea district and was one which, over time, rose in social and economic status. Thomas Lott (1735-1808) of Cwmgelli was previously of Lower Fforest and had acquired Ynystawe House in 1792/93 from Michael Southcote (?1746-93) of Llangynog, Carmarthenshire. Along with Fforest, Ynystawe in earlier times had been the ancestral home of the Popkin family, Southcote himself being the son-in-law to Thomas Popkin of Brincoch and Elizabeth his wife. Thomas Lott seems to have been the son of Rowland Lott (d. 1748) and Jane (d. 1752) and the brother of Ann (d. 1810) and Samuel (d. before 1752). On 3 January 1763 Thomas married Martha Williams with whom he had at least four children - Thomas (d. 1803); Martha (17631843); Joan? and William (1771-1806). Martha, his wife, died before 1779, Thomas subsequently marrying Margaret (1722-1809). Lott seems to have been the person mentioned as a beneficiary of the will of the industrialist Robert Morris (d. 1768) who owned a house on the Strand wherein his servant ‘Thomas Lott now dwells’. Lott was also a trustee of the Swansea Harbour Trust, established in 1791, a shareholder of the Mumbles Railway and proprietor of Thomas Lott & Deal Trade Company which was a local firm of timber merchants in The Strand, Swansea. The Martin Family Thomas and Martha’s eldest daughter, Martha (1763-1844), married Edward Martin (1762/631818) on 23 January 1788. Martin was a colliery engineer and mining surveyor from Cumberland who inter alia had been the Duke of Beaufort’s chief mining agent in Wales. The couple made Ynystawe House their primary residence. On Thomas Lott’s death in February 1808, Martha inherited Cwmgelli and ‘all several messuages, tenements, farms and lands in the parishes of Llangyfelach, Llansamlet and Ilston’. Although not named in Lott’s will of 6 February 1808, the lands in Llangyfelach parish would have included Tir Deunaw which was in close proximity to Cwmgelli. On the 1838 tithe apportionment Edward and Martha Martin’s second son, William (1801-79), was named as owner of Cwmgelli as well as one of two Tir Deunaw holdings, Tir yr Heol Ddu and Cwmrhydyceirw. Edward Rice Daniel Cwmgelli became the home of Edward Rice Daniel (1829-1905) and his family in the 1860s. An alderman and JP, Daniel, who was born in the parish of Aberavon, was to become one of the major industrialists in the Swansea district. Along with his illustrious brother-in-law, Sir John Jones Jenkins (1835-1915), who was raised to the peerage as Baron Glantawe in 1906, he owned the Cwmfelin Tinplate Company and Cefn Gyfelach Colliery Company. Daniel, who was High Sheriff of Glamorgan in 1891, was to become synonymous with the socio-economic as well as the cultural and urban development of Treboeth and occupies a prominent burial place close to the mortuary chapel in Cwmgelli Cemetery, which opened in 1895. His wife Elizabeth (née Joseph) (1828-1922) is buried in the same grave. In 1892 Cwmgelli House was described in a newspaper report as being ‘pleasantly situated in its own grounds’. Later Years After Elizabeth Daniel’s death the house was occupied by different families - in 1923/24 (Thomas) and 1924/25 (Edwards). By the early 1930s, the house and farmland came into the 22

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ownership of David John Martin Williams. He and his family lived in part of the house, converting the remainder of the property into separate apartments with the land containing an orchard, lawn, coach house, cowshed and other outbuildings. Among those resident in the house in 1935 were the Lewis and Richards families later followed by the Bancrofts from 1938 to the 1950s. David Williams and his wife remained resident in the property until c.1961, when it was sold. A small garden nursery operated on the site for a few years with the house continuing to be in multiple occupation. Four families lived there in 1963 and 1965 and two in 1971 and 1987/88, the last occasion the house was shown as being inhabited in the electoral registers. After a short period of non-occupation, the house was demolished in c.1989, the land having previously been sold for prospective housing development. The latter however has not materialised and the site remains undeveloped. Sources This very brief account of Cwmgelli House has drawn upon a number of primary and secondary sources. The main primary material are the lordship of Gower surveys of 1650 and 1764, the land tax assessments for Clase Lower (1774, 1776 and 1788), the Ynystawe estate MSS (D/D SB) held at the West Glamorgan Archive Service, the Llangyfelach tithe map and apportionment (1838), census enumerators’ returns (1841-1911) and electoral registers (192289). The main secondary works are: Jeff Childs, ‘Landownership Changes in a Glamorganshire Parish, 1750-1850. The Case of Llangyfelach’ in Morgannwg XXXVIII, 1994, pp. 42-87; Gerald Gabb, Jubilee Swansea II: the town and its people in the 1890s (Swansea, 1999); Stephen Hughes, Copperopolis: Landscapes of the Early Industrial Period in Swansea (Aberystwyth, 2000) and W. H. Jones, History of the Port of Swansea (Carmarthen, 1922; facsimile edition, Swansea 1995). Acknowledgements I am most grateful to the following people for providing information on Cwmgelli House: Mr Neil McGregor; Mrs Myra McGregor, Mrs Brianna Moore; Mr Joe Stephens (of Tasmania) and his correspondents and Dr Peter Williams of the Treboeth History Society. ……………………………………………... Jeff Childs South West Wales Industrial Archaeology Society ……………………………………………... The above article is reprinted from the Bulletin of the South West Wales Industrial Archaeology Society, no.115 (October 2012) with their kind permission. The author is currently preparing a volume for publication by the Archive Service entitled ‘Farms and Families of Llangyfelach’. For more information on the Society’s activities and to read selected extracts from past Bulletins, see their website

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Appendix 1: Depositors and Donors The Archive Service is grateful to the following individuals and organisations who have placed local and historical records in its care during the period 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013. R Aston; R Austin; Mrs A Bastian; Mrs H Brayley; Revd P Brooks; J Burge; S Button; Mrs B Cardy; Ms S Caws; D Cobley; Ms C Daniel; Mrs G Davies; J Davies; M Davies; Ms S Davies; S Dennis; D Dow; Ms F Edwards; K Edwards; A Evans; Mrs E Ewens; Miss M Falck; K Fifield; Mrs G Garmey; D George; P Goodall; Ms J Griffiths; Mrs K Griffiths; Mrs P Grove; D Harris; M Hill; Ms M Hopkin; Miss E Howell; Ms M Howells; S Howells; Y Parch. B Hughes; N Hughes; O Hughes; W Hyett; Mrs G James; Miss E Jeffreys; H Jenkins; Ms S Jenkins; J Jewell; W Johns; Ms A Jones; Ms D Jones; Mrs E Jones; J Jones; P Jones; Revd A Knight; R Lanchbury; J Lawrence; R Leonard; Revd B Lodwick; J Mainwaring; A Mason; G Mead; A Melville; D Michael; J Mitchell; B Morgan; Dr P Morgan; V Morgan; Mr L Morris; M Norman; Ms A Norton; Mrs S Parrish; R Porch; C Reed; N Rees; Ms S Rewbridge; Ms L Ribton; Mrs R Ridge; A Robins; Ms C Rogers; Mrs J Sabine; P Sillick; J Skidmore; J Skinner; R Smith; B Sterio; Mrs M Stray; D Taylor; Mrs D Thomas; Ms M Thomas; R Thomas; L Toft; R Tomos; Mrs A Tribe; Mrs M Walker; R Walters; Ms D Wan Heddon; E Williams; J Williams; Dr P Williams; Ms T Williams; Revd T Williams Abertawe Bro-Morgannwg Local Health Board; Bishopston Community Council; Charity Commission; Cilybebyll Community Council; Communities First; Côr Meibion Aberafan; Cwmbwrla Primary School; Dinas Noddfa Welsh Baptist Church; Ebeneser Welsh Independent Church, Gorseinon; Forestry Commission; Gorseinon Parish; Gower Society; Gowerton Parish; Isle of Wight Library Service; Killay Parish; Loughor Parish; Penllergare Trust; Rectorial Benefice of Central Swansea; Sketty Parish; Skewen and District Historical Society; Soroptimist International Swansea; Strick and Bellingham, Solicitors; Swansea Canal Society; Swansea Drugs Project Ltd; Swansea Rugby Club; Tonner, Johns, Ratti solicitors; Treboeth History Society; Women’s Archive of Wales; Ystalyfera Heritage Society


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Appendix 2: Accessions of Archives, 2012-2013 The archives listed below have been received by gift, deposit, transfer or purchase during the period 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013. Not all items are available for consultation immediately and certain items are held on restricted access. PUBLIC RECORDS SHRIEVALTY Warrant and declaration of appointment of William T Hopkins as High Sheriff of West Glamorgan, and order of ceremony, 3 April 2012 (HS/W 39/1-2) HOSPITALS AND HEALTH Cefn Coed Hospital, Swansea: deeds, 1696-1959 (D/D H/CC 45/1-91) Hill House Hospital, Swansea: registers including admission and discharge registers, hospital opening programme, and register of staff, 1929-1990s (D/D H/HH 1/1-4/3) OTHER PUBLIC RECORDS Swansea Prison: nominal register, calendars of prisoners, procedural manuals, minutes, staff registers, plans, and other records relating to Swansea Prison, 1906-1987 (D/D PRO/HMP)

RECORDS OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND PREDECESSOR AUTHORITIES UNITARY AUTHORITIES Neath Port Talbot County Borough Register of electors, 2013 (CB/NPT RE) City and County of Swansea Register of electors, 2013 (C/C S RE ) Consultant's report on the Hafod, Morfa and White Rock copper works sites (15 reports scanned to CD), 2003-2004 (CC/S E Dev 9/1-2) Council tax valuation lists, 1993-1998 (TR 8)

COUNTY COUNCILS Glamorgan County Council: West Glamorgan Valuation Court minute book, 1950-1956 (GCC/LV 1) West Glamorgan County Council: statement of accounts, 1986-1994 (WGCC/FIN)

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COUNTY BOROUGH/DISTRICT COUNCILS Swansea County Borough/City Council: register of completion certificates for houses built in Swansea, 1936-1940 (BE 37/1/4); rating valuation lists, c.1934-1990 (TR 4); public footpaths and rights of way in the County Borough of Swansea, 1924 (B/S 237) Gower Rural District Council: rating valuation lists, 1956-1982 (TR 5) Llwchwr Urban District Council: rating valuation lists, c.1935-1985 (TR 6) Pontardawe Rural District Council: rating valuation lists, 1955-1991 (TR 7)

CIVIL PARISH/COMMUNITY COUNCILS Bishopston Community Council: minutes, 2011-2012 (P/103/5/20) Cilybebyll Community Council: minutes and accounts, 1999-2007 (P/73/3/11-12 and P/73/4/7) Nicholaston Civil Parish: minute book, 1900-1982 (P/113/2)

EDUCATION RECORDS Banwen School: school log books, admission registers, attendance registers, photographs, miscellaneous, 1896-2007 (E/W 2/1/3-5; E/W 2/2/1-7; E/W 2/3/1-7; E/W 2/4/1-7) Bishop Gore School magazines, c.1930s-1970s (E/BG Sec 22/1-49) Ysgol Gymraeg Castell-nedd: photographs, correspondence and other papers relating to the setting up of the school, 1948-1994 (E/N 31/1/1-5/2) Cwmbwrla Primary School: log books; admission registers; pupil transfer forms; visitors book; Medical Inspector records; photographs; other records, 1875-2012 (E/S 5/1-9) Gowerton Girls' Grammar School: photograph of pupils, July 1955 (E/Gow G Sec 19) Photograph of Gowerton Intermediate School, 1940s-1970s (E/Gow Sec 53/1) Hafod School Old Boys Association Menu, 1936; Hafod School Laundry Class exercise book, 1920, belonging to Daisey James (D/D Z 887/1-2) Manselton Primary School: Infants’ School log books, 1902-1992 (E/S 12/1/2-3) Pontardulais Secondary Modern School: log books and photographs, c.1940s-1972 (E/Pont S Sec 1/2-7, 3/1-9) Records relating to Swansea Girls' High School (Llwyn-y-Bryn) (E/Ll B Sec 12/15 and 29) Swansea University student year photographs, c.1930s (D/D UCS 13-14) Copy photographs of Port Eynon School, 1920; Bishopston School, 1917; group of children (named on reverse of photograph) opposite Will Jones Farm at Bishopston, Gower, 1963, 1917-1964 (E/W 3/2/1; E/W 34/2/1 26

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ECCLESIASTICAL PARISH RECORDS Gorseinon: parish magazines, 2009-2011 (P/305/CW/238-241) Gowerton: photographs of the church building, windows, architectural features, furniture, fixtures and fittings, and plate, taken for the church inventory, 1980s (P/306/CW/74) Killay: photographs of former vicar of Killay the Rev. Chancellor Hywel Hughes, 1939-1987 (P/307/CW/30); Parish magazines, 1985-1993 (P/307/CW/31-36) Loughor: annual reports and PCC minutes, 2010-2011 (P/112/CW/151-153) Penmaen: church accounts, service registers, altered tithe apportionment, deeds, receipts and correspondence, registers; accounts; records relating to church properties; annual accounts and Penmaen School, 1809-1990 (P/116/CW/33-44) Pennard: PCC minutes, visitors' book, Gower parish magazine and other administrative records, 20th-21st centuries (P/117/CW/113-131); churchwardens' records, Finance Committee minutes and accounts and papers relating to the Millennium Window in Pennard Church, late 20th century (P/117/CW/132-138) Sketty: parish magazines, records relating to the Mission to Seamen, and parish boundary map, c.1900-2000s (P/316/CW/) Skewen: service registers for St Mary's Church and Llandarcy Mission Church, 1959-1974 Rectorial Benefice of Central Swansea: marriage registers from Swansea St Mary and Christ Church, 1994-2012 (P/123/CW/1344 and P/317/CW/66) Swansea, Christ Church: parish magazines and parish log book recording happenings in the parish, 1919-1996 (P/317/CW/67-78) Swansea, St Mary: accounts, administrative papers, parish magazines, annual reports and orders of service, 1925-2011 (P/123/CW)

NONCONFORMIST RECORDS Baptist Dinas Noddfa Welsh Baptist Church, Landore: membership records, church registers, deacons' minutes, burials, accounts and photographs, 1855-2012 (D/D W/Bap 35/1-9) Calvinistic Methodist Libanus, Gorseinon: group photograph, c.1950s (D/D CM 25/2) Welsh Independent New Siloh, Landore: building lease, 1885 (D/D Ind 21/3) Ebeneser, Gorseinon: annual reports, 2010-2011 (D/D Ind 25/116-117) Soar, Blaendulais: annual report, 2011 (D/D Ind 25/190/7) Adroddiad Blynyddol Archifydd y Sir 2012-2013


SOCIETIES, ASSOCIATIONS AND THE ARTS Côr Meibion Aberafan (Aberavon Male Voice Choir): records, including programmes, photographs and newspaper cuttings, 1967-2011 (D/D CMA 1/1-3/43) Gower Society: photographs, newsletters, programmes, financial statements; AGM minutes and agendas, newspaper cuttings, slides; committee minutes, policy statments., 2000-2012 (D 56) Records relating to the King George VI Memorial Club, Taibach Old Gorian Society (Oxford University): minute book, 1936-1949 (D/D Z 900/1) Penllergare Trust: Minutes and reports relating to the management of the Penllergare site, 2000-2007 (D/D PT) Skewen and District Historical Society: minutes, 2008-2012 (D/D SHS 1/11-12) Swansea Drugs Project Ltd.: annual reports, petty cash ledgers, accounts, some publications published by the project., 1990s-2010s (D/D SDP 1/1-4/3) Swansea Rugby Club: copies of photographs belonging to the club, 1879-2001 (D/D RC/S 1617); records relating to Swansea Rugby Club, 1920s-1960s (D/D Z 610/3-5) West Glamorgan Youth Theatre: photographs and programmes 1970s-1990s (CC/S Ed 2/40) Soroptimist International, Swansea: minute books, 1980s-2000s (D/D SIS 1/1-3/1) Elim Chapel, Craigcefnparc, Dramatic Society minutes, 20th cent. (D/D Z 903/1) Craig Cefn Parc Co-operative Society: minutes, mid 20th century (D/D Z 903/2) Women's Gas Federation magazines, 1965-1967 (D/D WGF 7-8) Programme for Neath Opera Group in The Merry Wives of Windsor at the Adelina Patti Theatre, Craig-y-Nos, 1968; Rhaglen Cymanfa Ganu Genedlaethol: Yr Urdd Eisteddfod at Gwaun-cae-gurwen, 1937, 1937-1968 (D/D Z 906/1-2) Gower Pageant brochure, 1924; The Eisteddfod Valse composed by C. Tamlin-Ruthin, 1891, 1891-1924 (D/D An 13/1-2)

WOMEN’S ARCHIVE OF WALES MEWN Swansea: minutes, reports and publications, 1996-2000 (WAW 37) Scrap book and typescript relating to the Skewen War Comforts Fund, 1940-1952 (WAW 38)

ESTATE AND LEGAL PAPERS Sales catalogues, 1858-1914 (D/D Z 883/1-19)


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Legal documents relating to a plot of land in Brynaeron, Dunvant, Swansea, 1914-1921 (D/D Z 889/1-3) Epitome of title to part of the former Calvert Richard Jones estate, 1885 (D/D Z 888/1) Pre-registration title deeds of property in Knoll Avenue, Uplands, Swansea, 1908-2000 (D/D Z 890/1) Grant regarding supply of electricity for premises known as Caederwen, 1932 (D/D Z 893/1) Strick and Bellingham, solicitors: miscellaneous papers including sale catalogues, probate, deeds, 20th century; records from the Richardson (Pantygwydr) estate, Swansea, 19th century; deeds and probate records, 20th century; pre-registration title deeds of 194 Oxford Street, Swansea, 19th and 20th centuries (D/D SB)

BUSINESS, MARITIME AND RAILWAY RECORDS Account book for the reconstruction of the Loughor Railway Viaduct, 1908 (D/D Z 884/1) William Jones, Grocer, Ynysmeudwy: receipts, c.1900 (D/D Z 565/12) Official Opening of the King's Dock, Swansea: programme, 23 November 1909 (D/D Z 901/1) Family and business papers of D. Llewellyn Williams, shoemaker, Crythan Road, Neath, 20th century (D/D Z 899/1)

PUBLISHED AND UNPUBLISHED WORKS ON LOCAL HISTORY William Gammon: the man, the boat, the legend, 1980s (D/D Z 879/1) Casualties of World War One: Former Employees of the Mond, Clydach, Swansea by W.H. Hyett, September 2012 (D/D Z 628/6) Llysenwau Cwmtawe, a poem about Swansea Valley nicknames, 20th century (D/D Z 892/1) Brief history of Llangyfelach and sale particulars 1899 for properties in Oystermouth and Cadoxton-juxta-Neath, n.d. (D/D An 17/1-4) A History of Waunarlwydd by William Johns, n.d. (D/D Z 904/1) Ynyspenllwch Forge and Iron Works; and The Clydach Nickel Refinery, 2009-2012 (D/D Z 602/11/1-2) History of William Dillwyn Llewelyn of Penllergare by Malcolm J. Hill c.2012 (searchroom library)

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PERSONAL PAPERS Programme for the Queen's visit to Margam Country Park (with autograph signature of Sam Warburton, captain of Wales Rugby Team), 26 April 2012 (D/D Z 168/8) Photographs, notes and studies relating to Trebanos, 1900-1960s; photographs, booklets and other records relating to Pontardawe, 1890-1949, 1890-1960s; newsletters, publications, photographs, press-cuttings and notes relating to Pontardawe and district, 1887-1996; folders, compiled by the depositor, of historical information, ephemera, photographs and newspaper cuttings relating to the Pontardawe area, 19th-20th cent. (D/D Z 80) Newspaper cuttings relating to local fairs, 1920s-1930s (D/D Z 878/1) Davies family papers, n.d. (D/D Z 576/144) Photographs and letters of Daisy M Ackerman of Swansea, 1915-1950s (D/D Z 881/1-11) Midwife training case book of Mair Eluned Rees; midwife’s register of cases of Mair Eluned Rees; 2 nurses’ registration cards; 4 nursing certificates; 5 mining engineering certificates; Clydach Building Society subscription book; 7 photographs; 2 family trees for the Rees and George families, 1930s-2000s (D/D Z 885/1-3) Family history notes on the Gwynn(e) family of Gower, Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire, 1750-1837, 2010 (D/D Z 709/16) Bundle of personal papers, including photographs of Gorseinon, pamphlets relating to David Rhys Grenfell, Welcome Home Fund, Gorseinon and District Distress Fund and Llwchwr Urban District Council year book, 1910-1953 (D/D Z 886/1-16) Photographs of Belgrave Gardens and the Mumbles Train, c.1950; rugby programmes, 1930s1970s (D/D Z 744/4-10) Photograph of procession in Castle Street, Swansea; ephemera relating to local businesses, c.1900 (D/D Z 727/16-20) David Rees Collection: photograph albums, loose photographs, slides and watercolour paintings of local views in the Port Talbot area; printed books and local historical journals relating to the Port Talbot area; files of notes and unpublished monographs relating to the Port Talbot area originally by Leslie Evans; ephemera (orders of service, programmes etc.) relating to events in the Port Talbot area., 20th century A guide to physical exercises used by the military, 1916 (D/D Z 727/15) Enlistment notice and passport photograph of Arthur Evans, Gorseinon, 1944-1960 (D/D Z 894/1-3) Records relating to Cyril Archibald Aston, his service in the Second World War and his experiences as a POW (captured at Dunkirk), 1940s (D/D Z 891/1-3) Printed thankyou card to tinplate works employees of Mr Richard Baldwin Thomas given in celebration of the golden wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Richard Baldwin Thomas on 18 July 1909. Lists all tinplate works owned by Richard Baldwin Thomas, 1909 (D/D Z 895/1) Commemorative programmes and brochures, 1913-1973, (D/D Z 368/43-49) 30

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Taylor Family Collection: photographs and other records, 19th-20th centuries (D/D TAY) Family records of the Button family of Dryslyn Road, West Cross, Swansea, including Second World War service records, 19th-20th cent. (D/D Z 907) Collection of documents relating to the Swansea Valley including chapel ephemera and school photographs, 1904-c.1960s (D/D Z 885)

REMINISCENCE AND ORAL HISTORY Interviews regarding Swansea City Football Club recorded by Mal Pope for BBC Radio Wales, 16 April 2012 (T 28/14) Oral history recordings of interviews conducted by Mrs Elizabeth Jones of Rhydyfro with Pontardawe residents, 1979-1981 (T 30/1-3) Tales of Kilvey Hill: discovering my Welsh heritage by D. Wan Heddon, 2012 (D/D Z 896/1-2) Swansea Canal Society: oral history recordings of Swansea Valley residents' memories of the Pontardawe, Clydach and Ystalyfera areas, 1980s-1990s (D/D Z 80) DVDs containing interview regarding Twin Radio (Gorseinon's Legend); interview with warrant officer Howell Evans, Pontarddulais regarding Second World War Lancaster bomber raids; and the Royal Welsh Regiment parade at Swansea, 2012 (D/D Z 756/6-8)

PICTORIAL AND FILM Video of the ceremony to confer the honorary freedom of Swansea on Alan Williams MP, 5 December 1989 (P/VID 4/1-3) Postcards of St. Paul's Church, Sketty, c.1910 (P/PR) Photographs of Pontardawe industry and of John Emlyn Francis of Pontardawe, 20th century (D/D Z 80) Aerial views of Paxton Street, Swansea, c.1976 (P/PR) Copy photograph showing the level crossing, Skewen, c.1920s (P/PR) Mumbles railway calendar created by John Lawrence using photographs taken by him in 1959, 1992 (D/D Z 880/1) National Screen and Sound Archive of Wales: recording of ‘Hiawatha’ performed by pupils of Swansea schools, 1964 Drawing of Mumbles lighthouse by E. Duncan, n.d. (D/D Z 882/1) Forestry Commission: aerial photographs, 1970s-1990s Photograph of Singleton Park showing Mr Graham Vivian, the Prince and Princess of Wales, James Harries (head gardener to Lord Swansea), Mr Hussey Vivian (Lord Swansea) and Lady Vivian and a gardener, n.d. Adroddiad Blynyddol Archifydd y Sir 2012-2013


Photographs and slides of Pontardawe, Ystalyfera, Gorseinon, 1930-1996 (D/D Z 80) Photographs showing the Mumbles Railway, passengers and people along the promenade, Swansea, c. 1910 (P/PR) Photograph of excavation work for building West Glamorgan County Hall, c.1980 Photographs - life at work and home of a steelworker; interior of the Dyffryn Steelworks (Richard Thomas and Baldwin), Morriston; a bowls match, and other items relating to the steel industry, mid 20th century (D/D THS 1/1-4/3) Photographs showing Nelson Terrace, and Mr A Melville as a boy, c.1940 Postcards of Swansea Harbour Trust building, Pennard Castle and Pantteg Chapel,Ystalyfera c.1910; photograph of Aberavon Town Station after closure in 1962 Postcard showing Swansea Hospital, and St Helen's Road with trams, c.1904 (P/PR) Postcard views of Swansea and Gower, n.d. Copy of photograph of staff garden party at Penllergare House, 1911 (P/PR) Photographs of Brynsyfi House, Swansea, 1908-1913 (D/D Z 902/1) Photograph of Chidzoy's Fruit Stores, Park Street, Swansea, c.1910 (P/PR) Postcards showing general view of Swansea, Swansea Library, and a soldier in First World War uniform, early 20th century Photographs showing Mulberry Harbour, 1944 (including metal roadway designed by Rees & Kirby, civil engineers of Morriston); Swansea University section of Home Guard, 1940s; Blitz damage in Swansea, 1940s; VJ Day celebrations, Brynmill, 1945; Anne Tribe as a child in gas masks and in a siren suit, 1940s; ration book and identity card, 1940s (D/D Z 905) Postcard of an unidentified ironclad warship visitng Swansea Docks, 1909 Postcard of Swansea from Townhill, early 20th century; postcard of Wind Street, Swansea, c.1900 CD-ROMs containing scanned copies of the Will Hughes collection of photographic glass negatives (views of Ystalyfera) and of the ‘Tick Tock’ watch factory (D/D YHS 1/1-2)

MAPS AND PLANS Plan of Tirdonkin Merthyr Collieries Six Foot Seam, early 20th century (D/D PT 39) Swansea Harbour: plans of dock buildings, 20th cent. Plan and section of Ilston Church and brief history by L.A, Toft, 1990s (D/D Z 602/10/3-4)


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Gwasanaeth Archifau Gorllewin Morgannwg Mae Gwasanaeth Archifau Gorllewin Morgannwg yn casglu dogfennau, mapiau, ffotograffau, recordiadau ffilm a sain sy'n ymwneud â phob agwedd ar hanes Gorllewin Morgannwg.Mae’n wasanaeth ar y cyd ar gyfer Cynghorau Dinas a Sir Abertawe a Bwrdeistref Sirol Castell-nedd Port Talbot. Ein cenhadaeth yw cadw a datblygu ein casgliadau o archifau, diogelu ein treftadaeth ddogfennol a chaniatáu ymchwil er mwyn datblygu ein casgliad. Rydym yn ymroddedig i ddarparu gwybodaeth a’r cyfle i gyflwyno’r archifau i bawb.

Gwasanaeth Archifau Gorllewin Morgannwg Canolfan Ddinesig Heol Ystumllwynarth Abertawe SA1 3SN

Clawr: Cadlong llyngesol anhysbys o’r Oes Fictoria yn ymweld ag Abertawe, 1909

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A joint service for the Councils of the City and County of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot County Borough Gwasanaeth ar y cyd ar gyfer Cynghorau Dinas a Sir Abertawe a Bwrdeistref Sirol Castell-nedd Port Talbot

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