Applying for Council Housing

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Applying for Council Housing

To discuss anything in this leaflet, or to receive this information in an alternative format, please contact Housing Options on 01792 533100 or e-mail us: I dderbyn yr wybodaeth hon mewn fformat wahanol, ffoniwch Opsiynau Tai ar 01792 533100 neu anfonwch e-bost atom: Pour discuter les contients de cette brochure, ou pour recevoir des renseignements en formate alternative, veuillez contacter Housing Options au 01792 533100. Żeby dyskutować nad czymś w tym (to) *leaflet*, albo otrzymywać tę informację w alternatywnym formacie, sprawiać przyjemność (proszę) kontakt (kontaktować się z; kontaktowy) Rozmieszczający (rozmieszczenie) Wybory na 01792 533100.

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City and County of Swansea

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Applying for Council Housing

Applying for Council Housing There is a shortage of available properties and a large demand for accommodation - this means that council and housing association properties are allocated to people most in need. This guide provides you with the basic information you need to apply for housing and answers some frequently asked questions.

1. What is Council Housing? The Council own and manage approximately 13,000 homes. We have homes across the whole of Swansea, including houses, flats, maisonettes and bungalows. We also have sheltered complexes, which are specifically for people over 60 years of age.

2. How long will I have to wait? The waiting time for a Council property depends on a number of things. All applications are awarded housing points, depending on your level of need. For example, we will look in detail at whether you have an existing home, or whether its size is suitable for you, or whether you need to live in a particular area. Applications are then placed on the housing needs register for all areas you select. The time it takes for the Council to offer you accommodation depends on the number of properties we have in the area you want to go to, the number of people on the Housing needs Register, and the number of housing need points awarded to you. You may receive a maximum of 3 offers of accommodation, and your application may be cancelled if you refuse these offers.

City and County of Swansea


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Applying for Council Housing

3. Who can apply for council housing? Anyone over the age of 16 can apply for Council Housing. However we may not be able to accept some people on the housing needs register. An adviser at Housing Options will be able to let you know the groups of people who are not able to join our housing needs register.

4. How do I apply to appear on the Housing Needs Register? If you are an applicant (eg Housing Association tenant/private rented tenant/living with your parents), a Housing Options Advisor can assist you by taking an application over the telephone. This process takes approximately 10/15 minutes. Following this your application will be referred to an Assessment Officer who will complete an assessment in accordance with the Housing Allocations Policy.

5. I am a Council Tenant and would like to apply for a transfer If you are a Council tenant and would like a transfer you should contact your local District Housing Office to discuss your options.


City and County of Swansea

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Applying for Council Housing

6. I have medical conditions that are affected by my current housing circumstances If you have a medical condition that is made worse by your current housing circumstances you should discuss this with Housing Options. We will send you a medical assessment form if appropriate. You will need to ask your GP or other medical professional to complete and sign the form before you sign and return the form to Housing Options. Please be aware that you may be charged by your GP for this service. If you require wheelchair accommodation or special adaptations your application will be referred to the ADAPT project. The ADAPT project is a partnership project the Council operates with local housing associations. It ensures that all available homes that are wheelchair accessible or have special adaptations are allocated to disabled persons who are most in need of those particular properties.

7. What information should I provide? You should submit the following information with your application: ●

Proof of income e.g. wage slip, bank statement, benefit award letter

Proof of household members e.g. child benefit, proof of access

Proof of identity / address e.g. 2 pieces of correspondence with your name and address on

Completed medical form if appropriate

Supporting letters if appropriate

City and County of Swansea


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Applying for Council Housing

8. What size and type of property will I be entitled to? You will be registered for the size of home that meets your needs. The following gives an indication of the size of home you may be entitled to: ● Parents with children over the age of 16 are entitled to flats only ● Single people or couples without children or with access only to children are entitled to flats only ● Couples or single people with children under the age of 16 are entitled to a house or flat ● Children of the same sex can share a bedroom until one reaches 16 years of age ● Children of the opposite sex can share a bedroom until one reaches 7 years of age ● Couples or single people over the age of 60 will be entitled to older persons accommodation including sheltered complexes and bungalows An adviser at Housing Options will be able to tell you the exact size of home that you will be entitled to.

9. What if I owe money from a previous or current tenancy? If you owe money from a previous or current Council or Housing Association tenancy we will decide whether you are eligible to be placed on the Housing Needs Register. If you do have former rent arrears with the Council you should contact the Rents team on  01792 534094, to set up an agreement to repay the arrears. You must agree to repay the debt, and make necessary arrangements before we can consider you for an offer of a home. If you owe a large amount of rent you may not be considered for accommodation. 6

City and County of Swansea

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Applying for Council Housing

10. What if I don’t have a connection with the City & County of Swansea? You will usually need a connection with the area in order to receive housing needs points. A connection can include: ●

Residence for the last 6 months or 3 out of the last 5 years

Employment within the City and County of Swansea

Close relatives living in the area for 5 years or more

If you do not have a local connection you will still be allowed to be registered on the Housing Needs Register but you may lose any housing needs points you may be entitled to.

11. What if I own a property or have income or savings? If you are able to secure a mortgage on a suitable property in Swansea we may reduce your housing need points. It is very important that you tell us about any income, savings or assets you may have. If you accept a property from us and have not told us about money you have, you will lose your home. If you are a home owner, you are not permitted to generate an income from your property e.g. rental income whilst you are a council tenant.

City and County of Swansea


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Applying for Council Housing

12. What happens after I have applied? If we have all the information we need, your application will usually be assessed within 6 weeks. We may ask you to send supporting information or other evidence. We may need to visit your accommodation to confirm your circumstances. You will be awarded housing need points depending on your housing circumstances. The Housing Allocations Policy determines the type of circumstances where we can award points e.g. overcrowding, medical circumstances etc. You will be registered for accommodation in the areas of your choice. We will contact you to advise you: whether you are eligible for our housing needs register, your housing need points and the type of property that you have been registered for, including the areas you have chosen. You will be contacted by the appropriate District Housing Office if they are able to offer you permanent accommodation.

13. Can I have a furnished tenancy? Yes. The Council furnished tenancy scheme can provide you with a furnished home. The furniture pack includes all the essentials including a cooker, beds, wardrobes, tables and chairs and kitchen equipment. We can also provide a baby pack including high chairs, safety gates and cots. There is a charge for the furniture and baby packs which will be added to your weekly rent. If you are in receipt of income support or other benefits and are entitled to Housing Benefit, you may qualify for some or all of your furniture to be paid for. If you are moving into council accommodation and would like a furniture pack, please speak your housing officer before you sign for the tenancy. If you are moving into private rented accommodation, it may be unfurnished, part-furnished or fully furnished. Below are some numbers where you may be able to get help with furniture: Enfys Organisation RESaREC British Heart Foundation 8

 0845 009 4646  01792 653553  0844 248 9120

City and County of Swansea

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Applying for Council Housing

14. I do not have a home or am at risk of losing my home - how will my application be dealt with? You should see an adviser at Housing Options urgently. Our priority will be to do everything we can to help you keep your home. If the Council decides that you are homeless and that we have a legal duty to provide you with suitable accommodation, you will be registered on the housing needs register. You will be required to select as many areas as possible. This may include areas that you would not normally have chosen. You will receive one ‘suitable’ offer of accommodation only. If you refuse this offer our duty will end, and your housing need points may be reduced.

15. Can I be ‘nominated’ to a housing association? Housing Associations are required to allocate a percentage of their available accommodation to people from the Council’s housing needs register. You will be considered for a ‘nomination’ to a Housing Association unless you ask not to be considered on the housing application form. When we receive a request for nominations from a Housing Association we nominate people from the top of the housing needs register. As the Council only receives some of the available homes from Housing Associations, you should always apply to Housing Associations directly. This will increase your chances of being offered a property. You can find contact details for Housing Associations in the information leaflet - Your Housing Options.

City and County of Swansea


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Applying for Council Housing

16. Can I find out my position on the housing needs register? Once your application has been assessed you will be placed on our Housing Needs Register with housing need points for the type of accommodation that you need and for the areas that you have chosen. An advisor at Housing Options will provide you with your approximate position on the waiting list and will be able to advise you whether you are for example, within the top 10 or between 20th – 30th and so on. We only provide an approximate position on the Housing Needs Register as positions can change on a daily basis as new applications are assessed and / or people are housed or cancelled. Generally there is a shortage of available properties and a large demand for accommodation. Some areas are particularly popular, resulting in a high demand and longer waiting times. Certain areas have a low number of council properties, again resulting in longer waiting times. You need to consider all of this when applying and selecting your areas. In all cases, Council and Housing Association properties will go to those people most in need, and we cannot offer Council or Housing Association accommodation, to everyone who applies. Your advisor will be as realistic as possible with you and provide you with other housing options including how we can help you stay where you are and renting from a private landlord. Further information is available in our information leaflet Your Housing Options.


City and County of Swansea

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Applying for Council Housing

For more information You can telephone to discuss your circumstances or to make an appointment. You can also call in to Housing Options to see one of our advisers.  01792 533100 Housing Options, 17 High Street, Swansea, SA1 1LF. 

We are open ●

10.00 - 4.30 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

10.00 - 4.00 Friday

Hearing loop and translation service available.

City and County of Swansea


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