Income Support & Income-based JSA (April 2014-15) 1) CHECK CAPITAL
Upper Limit: £16,000 . Ignore any capital under £6,000 OR £10,000 (over pensionable age or in care). Tariff income applies to capital in between. Some capital may be disregarded..
2) APPLICABLE AMOUNT A. Personal Allowances: Single (no children): aged 16 to 24 ......................................... £57.35 aged 25 and over .................................... £72.40
Lone Parent:
A. Earnings: Gross earnings less: work expenses, income tax, National Insurance and half of pension contributions
Claimant’s earnings -under 16 hours ...................... Partner’s earnings - under 24 hours ........................ less earnings disregard: Standard amount - single................... £ 5 Standard amount - couple ................. £10 Higher Amount - lone parent or on Disability or Carer’s Premiums or in specified jobs...... £20 Childminding ..................... 2/3 of earnings
aged 16 or 17 ......................................... £57.35 aged 18 and over .................................... £72.40
Net Earnings
B. Benefits: List all benefits except:
Couples: if one or both aged 16 or 17 ................... varies both aged 18 and over ............................ £113.70
B. Premiums:
• Attendance Allowance, DLA Care or Mobility (and equivalents in Ind Inj / War Dis Ben)
• Re-Settlement Benefit, Christmas Bonus • Any dependant increases to non-means tested benefits for non-family members.
Any (or all!) of these that qualify: Carer’s - per qualifying adult ....................... £34.20 Severe Disability - per qualifying adult ........ £61.10 Enhanced Disability, adult 1 ... £15.55 .... £22.351
• Child Tax Credit, Guardians’ Allowance • Child Benefit: all if CTC is in payment. • First £10 of War Pensions, Widowed Parents’ Allowance
Only one of these:
Disability ................................ £31.85 £45.402 3 Pensioner ............................. . ............... £112.803
........................................................................... ...........................................................................
EDP (adult) cannot be paid with Pensioner Premium 2 Couple rates whether one or both partners qualifies 3 Couple rate only if the claimant is under and partner over women’s pension age. Better off partner claiming Pension Credit
C. Tariff income from capital: £1 per £250 between:
D. Housing Costs- if
any (for rent see HB):
Mortgage interest: NB: no waiting period if over 60: Interest on certain other loans Leaseholders: service charges/ground rent
• £ 6,000 and £16,000 - most claimants • £10,000 and £16,000 - if in res./nursing care; or partner over women’s state pension age
D. Other income: Ignore all payments: in kind, fostering, s17 & s24, loan protection, all voluntary./ charitable payments
New claims from 5/1/09: First 13 weeks: no interest. Ceiling: £200,000
Claims before 5/1/09: Ceiling limit varies with date of claim; lower £100,000 ceiling from 10/04/95
less any Non-Dependant Deductions £91.15 if £406 or over £44.55 if £188 to £244.99 £83.05 if £326 to £405.99 £32.45 if £128 to £187.99 £72.95 if £245 to £325.99 £ 14.10 if under £128 £ 0.00 if on IS or JSA(IB) and under £128
Ignore all child maintenance Occupational or works pension .......................... Training Allowance ............................................. Student grants or loans (after specified disregards and £10 pw of loans).............................................. Income from tenants: • boarders (less £20 + half remainder) .................. • sub-tenants (less £20 ) ...................................... Any other assessable income:
equals Net Housing Costs
Applicable Amount
Total Income
(from step 3)
Income Support/JSAdue before any deductions for arrears, sanctions, SF loans etc
Total Income
Welfare Rights♦Hawliau Llês
Social Inclusion Unit ♦ Uned Cynhwysiad Cymdeithasol
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (April 2014 – 2015) 1) CHECK CAPITAL
Upper Limit: £16,000 . Ignore any capital under £6,000 OR £10,000 (in care or over pension age). Tariff income applies to capital in between. Some capital may be disregarded..
3) INCOME A. Earnings: Gross earnings less: work expenses, income tax, National Insurance and half of pension contributions
Claimant’s earnings -under 16 hours ...................... Partner’s earnings - under 24 hours ........................
A. Personal Allowances: Single (no children): aged 16 to 24 ......................... £57.35 / £72.401 aged 25 and over..................................... £72.40 1
higher rate applies in main phase
less earnings disregard:
Lower Permitted Work level ............... £20.00 Higher Permitted Work level .............. £101.00
Lone Parent:
aged 16 or 17 ......................................... £57.35 aged 18 and over..................................... £72.40
Net Earnings
B. Benefits: List all benefits (inc Contributory ESA) except: • Attendance Allowance, DLA Care or Mobility (and
Couples: if one or both aged 16 or 17 .................... varies both aged 18 and over............................. £113.70
benefits for non-family members.
B. Premiums & Components: Premiums:
equivalents in Ind Inj / War Dis Benefits)
• Re-Settlement Benefit, Christmas Bonus • Any dependant increases to non-means tested
Carer’s - per qualifying adult ....................... £34.20 Enhanced Disability, adult 3 ... £15.55 .... £22.352 Severe Disability - per qualifying adult ........ £61.10 Pensioner4 - no component ...... …………..£112.80 Pensioner4 - with WRAC .......... £47.20 .... £84.052 Pensioner4 - with Support .......... £40.200. . £77.052 2
Couple rates whether one or both partners qualifies EDP (adult) cannot be paid with Pensioner Premium. NB: In ESA, the EDP applies to all claimants in Support Component, as well as those on DLA Care (highest rate) 4 Pensioner Premium: amount when added to component and personal allowance always equals the PC appropriate amount.
• Child Tax Credit, Guardians’ Allowance • Child Benefit: all if CTC is in payment. First £10 of War Pensions, Widowed Parents’ Allowance
........................................................................... ........................................................................... ...........................................................................
Components: Work Related Activity 5 ........... £28.75 .... no couple rate Support Component ............... £35.75 .... no couple rate 5
Work Related Activity Component may only be paid if claimant does not comply with conditionality attached.
C. Tariff income from capital: £1 per £250 between: • £ 6,000 and £16,000 • £10,000 and £16,000 - if in res./nursing care or partner over women’s state pension age
D. Other income: Ignore all payments: in kind, fostering, s17 & s24, loan protection, all voluntary/charitable payments
Ignore all child maintenance
C. Housing Costs- if
any (for rent see HB):
Mortgage interest: NB: no waiting period if over 60: Interest on certain other loans Leaseholders: service charges/ground rent New claims from 5/1/09: First 13 weeks: no interest. Ceiling: £200,000
Claims before 5/1/09: Ceiling limit varies with date of claim; lower £100,000 ceiling from 10/04/95.
less any Non-Dependant Deductions £91.15if £406 or over £44.55 if £188 to £244.99 £83.05 if £326 to £405.99 £32.45 if £128 to £187.99 £72.95 if £245 to £325.99 £ 14.15if under £128 £ 0.00 if on IS or JSA(IB) and under 25
equals Net Housing Costs equals less equals
Applicable Amount
Total Income
Occupational or works pension .......................... Training Allowance ............................................. Student grants or loans (after specified disregards and £10 pw of loans).............................................. Income from tenants: • boarders (less £20 + half remainder) ................... • sub-tenants (less £20) ....................................... Any other assessable income: ........................................................................... ...........................................................................
Total Income
(from step 3)
Income-related ESA due
(before any deductions for sanctions to WRAC, arrears, fines, SF loans etc)
Welfare Rights♦Hawliau Llês
Social Inclusion Unit ♦Uned Cynhwysiad Cymdeithasol
Pension Credit 1)
(if claimant aged 60*or over. May also get Savings Credit. There is no capital limit for Pension Credit but tariff income applies for capital over £10,000 )
(April 2014 – 2015) £
2) INCOME A. Earnings: Gross earnings less: work expenses, income tax, National Insurance and half of pension contributions
A. Standard Minimum Guarantee
Claimant’s earnings..................................
Single: Current women’s state pension age + ..... £148.35
Partner’s earnings ...................................
(includes any Statutory Sick Pay or Stat. Maternity/ Paternity/Adoption Pay)
If one partner pensionable age ................ £226.50 (PC claimant must be women’s state penion age
less earnings disregard: Standard amount - single ......................... £ 5 Standard Amount - couple ........................ £10 Higher Amount - lone parent or Carer’s Premium or in specified jobs or previously entitled ......... £20
B. plus additional amounts for: Carer’s - per qualifying adult ....................... £34.20 Severe Disability - per qualifying adult ........ £61.10
Childminding ...................... 2/3 of earnings any Housing Costs (for rent see HB):
Mortgage interest (no restrictions for over women’s
B. Benefits:
pensionable age)
Interest on certain other loans Leaseholders: service charges/ground rent
List all benefits – except:
• AA, DLA Care or Mobility, CAA / ESDA, War Disablement Mobility Supplement • Christmas Bonus, Social Fund payment, • Child Ben., Guardians, All. and Child Tax Credit, • Housing & Council Tax Benefit, • Any dependant increases to non-means tested benefits for non-family members. • First £10 of War Widow/ers and War Disablement Pensions, Widowed Parents Allowance
less any Non-Dependant Deductions Deductions according to non-dependant’s income. Check for exemptions for certain householders and non-deps. £91.15 if £406 or over £44.55 if £188 to £244.99 £83.05 if £326 to £405.99 £32.45 if £128 to £187.99 £72.95 if £244 to £325.99 £ 14.15 if under £14.15 £ 0.00 if on IS or JSA(IB) and under 25
equals C. Housing Costs A+B+C equals
Appropriate Amount
less Total
Net Earnings
(from step 2)
C. Tariff income from capital:
(if claimant or partner aged 65 or over. May also get Guarantee Credit. If so apply stage A only.
D. Other income: Ignore all: child maintenance, s.17, s.24 and fostering payments, student grants and loans, cash in lieu of coal, voluntary and charitable payments.
A. Maximum Savings Credit Total Income
(from Stage 2)
Occupational Pension ..............................
less any: Contributory ESAIB or JSA, WTC, SDA, spousal maintenance, maternity allowance equals qualifying
Training Allowance ...................................
income for Savings Credit
Income from tenants: boarders (less £20 + half remainder) ..... sub-tenants (less first £20)
less threshold (£120.35 single, £192.00couple) equals
£1 per £500 (or part of £500) of capital above £10,000. NB: There is no upper capital limit for PC
take 60% of the difference
Any other Income:
x 0.6
equals A. maximum Savings Credit (NB: up to maximum of £16.80 single / £20.70 couple)
................................................................. .................................................................
B. Reduction (only if income exceeds GC levels) Total Income (from stage 2) equals
less Appropriate Amounts (from stage 1) equals any difference take 40% of any difference equals B.
any reduction to maximum SC A less B =
Savings Credit
x 0.4
Total Income
Welfare Rights ♦ Hawliau Llês
Social Inclusion Unit ♦ Uned Cynhwysiad Cymdeithasol CITY AND COUNTY OF SWANSEA DINAS A SIR ABERTAWE
Pension Credit
(April 2014 – 2015)
*The age at which Pension Credit can be claimed from is changing in line with the state pension age for women, this chart gives the birthday dates for claims made this financial year: Period within which birthday falls: 06/04/52—05/06/52 06/05/52—05/06/52 06/06/52—05/07/52 06/06/52—05/08/52 06/08/52—05/09/52 06/09/52—05/10/52 06/10/52—05/11/52 06/11/52—05/12/52 06/12/52—05/01/53 06/01/53—05/02/53 06/02/53—05/03/53 06/03/53—05/04/53
Date can claim Pension Credit: 06/05/2014 06/07/2014 06/09/2014 06/11/2014 06/01/2015 06/03/2015 06/05/2015 06/07/2015 06/09/2015 06/11/2015 06/01/2016 06/03/2016
Housing Benefit3) INCOME (April 2014 – 2015)
(NB: If on IS, Income-based JSA/ESA or PC (Guarantee Credit) then Full HB applies regardless of savings/income. Go straight to Box 5)
Must be under £16,000 - unless getting PC (Guarantee Credit) when no limit applies. Ignore capital under £6,000 or £10,000 for those aged above women’s pension age. Tariff income applies between £6,000/£10,000 and £16,000.
A. Net Earnings: equals gross earnings less Income Tax, National Insurance and half of any pension contributions
Claimant’s earnings ............................................ Earnings of any partner ...................................... less Earnings
A: Personal Allowances:
Higher permitted work
Single (no children):
£101 if receiving ESA(income-based/contributory), IB, SDA
per week aged 18 to 24 (£71.00 on main phase ESA) ..... . £57.35 aged 25 and over .................................... . £72.40 aged above women’s pension age - 65....£148.35 aged 65+ ……………………………………£165.1
first part of earnings ...................................... £5 for single people, £10 for couples, £20 for lone parents or ESA with component/Disability/Carers Premium or certain jobs £25 for lone parents not on IS
plus £17.10 for some workers ....................... if you or partner are either aged 25 and work 30 hrs + or work 16 hrs + and Fam, Dis or H.Pens Premium applies
Lone Parent:
two thirds of income from childminding ......... up to £175 / £300 Child Care Costs ..............
aged 16 or 17 (£71.70 on main phase ESA) ..... £57.35 aged 18 and over .................................... £72.40
if qualifies and using eligible childcare(1 or 2+ children)
Couples: both under 18 (£113.70 on main phase ESA) .... £86.85 at least one aged 18 or over ................... £113.70 aged above women’s pension age - 64.....£226.50 aged 65+ ……………………………………£247.20
equals Earnings
B. Benefits: List all benefits except:
• Attendance Allowance, DLA Care or Mobility, CAA /
Dependent child / young person :
ESDA, War Disablement Mobility Supplement
up to age 20 ............................................ £66.33
• Re-Settlement Benefit, Christmas Bonus • Child Benefit • Guardians’ Allowance, any dependant increases to non
if in relevant education, approved training or 20 wk run on
B. Premiums:
-means tested benefits for non-family members.
• first £10 of War Pensions plus any local disregard • first £15 of Widowed Mother’s/Parent’s Allowance
Any (or all!) of these that qualify: Carer’s - per qualifying adult ....................... Disabled Child - per qualifying child............ Enhanced Disability , adult 2 ... £15.55.... Enhanced Disability, child- per qual. child . Family - one per family .............................. Severe Disability - per qualifying adult ........ 2
£34.20 £59.50 £22.353 £24.08 £17.45 £61.10
C: Tariff Income from capital £1 per £250 (or part) on capital over £6,000 – or £1 per £500 over £10,000 if aged over above women’s pension age
EDP (adult) cannot count above women’s pension age
Only one of these:
addition for lone parents.......... £ 4.754 .. n/a Disability ................................. £31.85.... £45.40 ESA Work Related Activity ...... £28.75.... no cple rate ESA Support ........................... £35.75.... no cple rate 3 4
for HB
D: Other Income Adult Maintenance-disregard first £15; Ignore all child Occupational Pension ........................................ Training Allowance ............................................. Student Grants and Loans..................................
applies whether only one or both partners qualifies if continuous claim as lone parent since 5/4/98
after specified disregards and £10 pw of loans
Applicable Amount
Rent from boarders - less £20 + half remainder Rent from sub-tenants - less £20.00 Any other income ............................................... equals
Weekly Rent
Total Income
over 52 weeks and after any rent restrictions
less any Ineligible
Service Charges/ bedroom
Total Income (from 3) equals Eligible Rent for HB i.e. the maximum HB payable for that property
Or Local
Housing Allowance (private landlord, claim
Applicable Amount (from 2) equals
from 7/4/08
less any Non-Dependant Deductions Deductions according to non-dependant’s income. Check for exemptions for certain householders and non-deps.
£91.15 if £406 or over £44.55 if £188 to £244.99 £83.05 if £326 to £405.99 £32.45 if £128 to £187.99 £72.95 if £245 to £325.99 £14.15 if under £128 £0.00 if on PC or IS/JSA(IB)/ESA (IR) and under 25
less any Reduction
from Full HB (from Stage 4)
Housing Benefit due
Take 65% of this difference - i.e. multiply by 0.65 equals
x 0.65
Reduction from Full HB Welfare Rights♦Hawliau Llês
Social Inclusion Unit ♦ Uned Cynhwysiad Cymdeithasol CITY AND COUNTY OF SWANSEA DINAS A SIR ABERTAWE
Council Tax Reduction Scheme
(April 2014/15)
(NB: If on IS, Income-based JSA/ESA or PC (Guarantee Credit) then Full CTB applies regardless of savings/income. Go straight to Box 5)
Must be under £16,000 - unless getting PC (Guarantee Credit) when no limit applies. Ignore capital under £6,000 or £10,000 for those aged above women’s pension age Tariff income applies between £6,000 / £10,000 and £16,000.
A. Net Earnings: equals gross earnings less Income Tax, National Insurance and half of any pension contributions
Claimant’s earnings ............................................
Earnings of any partner ....................................... less Earnings
A: Personal Allowances:
Higher permitted work
Single (no children):
per week aged 18 to 24 …………………. ….£57.35/ £72.40 aged 25 and over..................................... . £72.40 aged above women’s pension age - 65 ..£148.35 aged 65+ ……………………………………£165.15
£ 101 if receiving ESA(income-based/contributory), IB, SDA
first part of earnings ....................................... £5 for single people, £10 for couples, £20 for lone parents or ESA with component/Disability/Carers Premium or certain jobs £25 for lone parents not on Income Support
plus £17.10 for some workers .......................
Lone Parent:
if you or partner are either aged 25 and work 30 hrs + or work 16 hrs + and Fam, Dis or H.Pens Premium applies
aged 16 & 17(£71.70 on main phase ESA) ....... .. £57.35 aged 18 and over………………………….…£72.40
two thirds of income from childminding ......... up to £175 / £300 Child Care Costs ..............
if qualifies and using eligible childcare(1 or 2+ children)
at least one aged 18 or over .................... £113.70 aged above women’s pension age - 65….£226.50 aged 65+……………………………………..£247.20
equals Earnings
for CTB
B. Benefits: List all benefits except:
Dependent child / young person1:
• Attendance Allowance, DLA Care or Mobility, CAA /
child under 16/ YP under 20 .................... £66.33
• Re-Settlement Benefit, Christmas Bonus • Child Benefit • Guardians’ Allowance, any dependant increases to non
ESDA, War Disablement Mobility Supplement
if in relevant education, approved training or 20 wk run on
B. Premiums:
-means tested benefits for non-family members.
Any (or all!) of these that qualify: Carer’s - per qualifying adult ....................... Disabled Child - per qualifying child ............ Enhanced Disability , adult 2 ... £15.55 .... Enhanced Disability, child- per qual. child .. Family - one per family ............................... Severe Disability - per qualifying adult ........ 2
£34.20 £59.50 £22.352 £24.08 £17.45 £61.10
addition for lone parents ......... Disability ................................ ESA Work Related Activity ..... ESA Support ...........................
£ 4.754 ... n/a £31.85 .... £45.40 £28.75 .... no cple rate £35.75 .... no cple rate
C: Tariff Income from capital
EDP (adult) cannot count above women’s pension age
Only one of these:
• first £10 of War Pensions plus any local disregard • First £15 of Widowed Mother’s/Parent’s Allowance
£1 per £250 (or part) on capital over £6,000 – or £1 per £500 over £10,000 if aged over women’s pension age .
D: Other Income Adult Maintenance-disregard first £15; Ignore all child Occupational Pension ......................................... Training Allowance .............................................. Student Grants and Loans ..................................
applies whether only one or both partners qualifies if continuous claim as lone parent since 5/4/98
(after specified disregards and £10 pw of loans)
Rent from boarders - less £20 + half remainder Rent from sub-tenants - less £20.00 Any other income ................................................
Applicable Amount
Total Income
annual council tax - after any discount Divide by 366 & multiply by 7 equals less any
4.REDUCTION FROM FULL CTB Total Income (from 3)
weekly council tax less
Non-Dependant Deductions
Applicable Amount (from 2)
Deductions according to non-dependant’s income. Check for exemptions for certain householders and non-deps.
£11.30 if £406 or over, £7.50 if £188 to £325.99 £9.45 if £326 to £405.99 £3.75 if under £188 or benefits £0.00 if on PC; IS/JSA(IB)/ESA(IR) + under 25
less any Reduction
from Full CTB (from Stage 4)
Council Tax Benefit
Take 20% of this difference - i.e. multiply by 0.2
Reduction from Full CTB Welfare Rights♦ Hawliau Llês Social Inclusion Unit ♦ Uned Cynhwysiad Cymdeithasol
x 0.2
Child Tax Credit
(April 2014- 2015)
(Do NOT use this sheet if also claiming Working Tax Credit. Use the combined WTC / CTC sheet instead.)
1. Maximum CTC
2. Relevant Income NB: Income is based on total annual income. Divide by 365, and multiply by 7 for weekly equivalent. Initial award based on income in April 2013/14, but can be revised for estimated income for 2014/15. Final award will use actual 2014/145 income. Ignore first £5,000 increase or £2,500 decrease over 2013/14.
A. Family element One amount per family ........ £10.50 (£545)
A. Gross Earnings: B. Individual elements
claimant’s taxable earnings / profit........... partner’s taxable earnings / profit.............
per child under 16 or young person under 20………………….. ....... £52.71 (£2,750)
(include any Statutory Sick Pay. Also include any Statutory Maternity/Paternity/ Adoption Pay over £100 a week)
plus any taxable expenses, car etc ..........
if in relevant education, approved training or in 20 wk run on
plus for disability .................... £59.43 (£3,500
per child/YP on any rate of DLA or registered blind
B. Other benefits:
plus for severe disability ........ £24.08 (£1,255)
Ignore all benefits except: Bereavement Allowance .......................... Carer’s Allowance .................................... Contribution-based JSA & ESA ............... Incapacity Benefit (but ignore short term lower rate
per child/YP on DLA Higher Care
max. CTC individual elements
You will receive the maximum Child Tax Credit if either: you receive a “specified benefit” - Income Support, Incomebased JSA or Pension Credit (either Guarantee or Savings Credit), OR • your income is below the CTC threshold of £305.13 pw / £16,010 a year, OR • you are in paid work and are entitled to some Working Tax Credit (NB: Do not use this calculation sheet if claiming with WTC. Use the combined Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit calculation sheet instead)
4. Child Tax Credit payable
or transitional long term rate from pre-April 1995 IVB)
Child additions (but not with SDA) ...........
C. Investment, pensions, property and foreign income (NB: there are no capital limits)
gross taxable interest from savings ......... (ignore tax free savings e.g. ISAs, Premium Bonds).
State Retirement Pension ........................ Wid. Pens. & Wid. Mothers / Parents All .. (ignore war disablement / war widows pensions)
taxable occupational pensions ................. taxable income from property .................. taxable property from abroad ...................
less equal Box
max Child Tax Credit (from 1)
disregard - £300 C income
D. Other Income less any reduction (from 3)
List any other taxable income. Ignore: Student loans and grants, maintenance payments, training premiums and top ups, social services payments) .
................................................................. equals
Child Tax Credit due
................................................................. ................................................................. equals
Relevant Income
(if any)
(from individual elements -
Relevant Income - from Stage 2 less
threshold £307.02 (£16,010 pa)
Welfare Rights♦Hawliau Llês
Social Inclusion Unit ♦ Uned Cynhwysiad Cymdeithasol CITY AND COUNTY OF SWANSEA DINAS A SIR ABERTAWE
Take 41% of this difference equals
CTC Reduction
x 0.41
Working & Child Tax Credits
(April 2014-2015)
(Do NOT use this sheet if claiming CTC only. Use the separate Child Tax Credit sheet instead)
1) Maximum tax credits A. Working Tax Credit:
Weekly (annual)
Basic element .......................... £37.24 (£1,940) Second adult / lone parent....... £38.15 (£1,990)
£ 2.
p Relevant Income
NB: Income is based on total annual income. Divide by 365, and multiply by 7 for weekly average. Initial award based on income in April 2013/14, but can be estimated for 2014/15 income. Final award will use actual 2014/15 income. Ignore first £5,000 of any increase & £2,500 decrease over 2014/15.
30 hours plus ........................... £15.33 (£ 800)
A. Gross Earnings:
Disabled worker ...................... £56.28 (£2,935)
Claimant’s taxable earnings / profit..........
per disabled worker
Partner’s taxable earnings / profit ............
Severe disability ..................... £24.08 (£1,255) if claimant or partner on DLA Highest Care
B. WTC – Childcare Element (if appl)
(include any Statutory Sick Pay. Also include any Statutory Maternity/Paternity/ Adoption Pay over £100 a week)
plus any taxable expenses, car etc .......... equals
Actual Childcare Costs up to maximum of: • •
£175 a week for one child £300 a week for two or more children
Take 70% of actual costs - i.e. x 0.7
B. Other benefits:Ignore all benefits except: Bereavement Allowance ..........................
xCarer’s 0.7 Allowance ....................................
equals max. WTC
C. Child Tax Credit: (i) Individual elements: (per child) Amount per child...................... £52.71 (£2,750)
Contribution-based JSA & ESA ............... Incapacity Benefit (but ignore short term lower rate or transitional long term rate from pre-April 1995 IVB) . Child additions (but not with SDA)..................
C. Investment, pensions, property and foreign income (NB: no capital limits) gross taxable interest from savings ......... (ignore tax free savings e.g.: ISAs, Premium Bonds).
plus for disability .................. £59.43 (£3,100) per child on any rate of DLA or registered blind
plus for severe disability ......... £24.08 (£1,255) per child on DLA Higher Care equals
max. Child Tax Elements
State Retirement Pension ........................ Wid. Pens. & Wid. Mothers / Parents All.. (ignore war disablement / war widows pensions)
taxable occupational pensions................. taxable income from property .................. taxable property from abroad...................
(ii) Family element: (per family) Amount per family ....................... £10.50 (£ 545)
less equal Box
max. Child Tax Credit
disregard - £300 C income
D. Other Income List any other taxable income. Ignore:
4) Tax Credits payable Any reduction (from stage 3) is applied to maximum WTC and/or CTC (excluding CTC family element). HMRC will first apply the reduction to WTC, then take any remainder from WTC childcare element and only then will CTC individual elements be affected.
Student loans and grants, maintenance payments, training premiums and top ups, social services payments) .
................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ equals
Relevant Income
Maximum Working Tax Credit From boxes A & B above
less WTC/CTC equals Working
Relevant Income - from Stage 2
Tax credit due
Maximum Child Tax Elements
(if any)
(from WTC & CTC individual elements.
threshold £123.13 (£6,420 pa) equals
Less remaining WTC/CTC Reduction Take 41% of this difference equals Child
Plus Family
Tax Elements equals
equals Child
Tax Credit
x 0.41
WTC/CTC Reduction Welfare Rights♦Hawliau Llês
Social Inclusion Unit ♦ Uned Cynhwysiad Cymdeithasol CITY AND COUNTY OF SWANSEA DINAS A SIR ABERTAWE
TAX CREDIT CALCULATION SHEET 2014—2015 STEP 1: Determine the number of days in the Relevant Period. You start off with one for the whole year, but this breaks into separate periods every time there is a change affecting your entitlement to any of the tax credit elements (eg you have a child, someone gets/loses DLA etc).
Box 1
STEP 2: Find the maximum tax credit in the Relevant Period WTC (exc. childcare)
Maximum WTC (exc childcare) in relevant period
Basic Element
£5.32* x Box 1
Second Adult Element
£5.45* x Box 1
Lone Parent Element
£5.45* x Box 1
30 Hour Element
(£ 800)
£2.20* x Box 1
Disability Element
£8.05* x Box 1 x No. of disabled workers
Severe Disability Element
£3.44* x Box 1 x No. of eligible adults
Maximum WTC (excluding Childcare)
WTC Childcare Element Actual Weekly childcare costs (average of last 4 complete weeks)
Actual weekly childcarecosts (average of last 4 weeks)
Actual childcare costs over relevant period: Weekly costs x 52 x Box 1 365
Actual allowable childcare costs in relevant period
If 1 Child
* x Box 1
* x Box 1
up to max of £175pw
If 2 or more children
£ up to max of £300 pw
x 70% (multiply by 0.7)
BOX 3 Max. WTC Childcare
Child Tax Credit
Calculation Element* 365
Family Element (£545)
x Days in rel. period
Maximum CTC (Family Element) in relevant period
(*rounded up to nearest penny)
£1.50* x Box 1
£ BOX 4
Maximum CTC Family Element
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Child Tax Credit
Maximum CTC (individual elements) in relevant period
Individual Element (£2,750)
£7.54* x Box 1 x No. of children
plus for disability (£3,100)
£8.50* x Box 1 x No of children
plus for severe disability (£1,255) £3.44* x Box 1 x No of children
Maximum CTC individual element (s)
Box 5
Maximum Child Tax Credit
Box 4 + Box 5 =
Box 6
Box 2 + Box 3 + Box 6
Box 7
STEP 3: Relevant Income: This is not income during any particular “relevant period”, but taxable income over the whole year. Any changes that are not ignored get averaged out. The starting point is your income in the previous tax year. However, if your income has decreased by not more than £2,500 or increased by not more than £5,000 - then use current year’s income instead. If in doubt add up for both years and compare. Determine Current Year Income Gross Earnings (partner and claimant
Round down to nearest penny
Benefits - Cb JSA, IB (STHR and LTR - but not if from pre Bereavement Benefits
Round down to nearest penny
Other Income - Pension income, Income from savings, other income (first £300 disregarded)
Round down to nearest penny
95 IVB), CA,
Current Year Income Total: BOX 8:
Determine previous year’s income Gross Earnings (partner and claimant
Round down to nearest penny
Benefits - Cb JSA, IB (STHR and LTR - but not if from pre Bereavement Benefits
Round down to nearest penny
Other Income - Pension income, Income from savings, other income (first £300 disregarded)
Round down to nearest penny
95 IVB), CA,
Previous Year Income Total: BOX 9:
Relevant Income: • • •
If current year income is less than previous year income, relevant income is current year income; HOWEVER, any decrease in income during the current year of less than £2,500 is ignored If current year income exceeds previous year income by more than £5,000, relevant income is current year income LESS £5,000 If current year income is more than your previous year income but not more than £5,000, relevant income is previous income.
RELEVANT INCOME (either Box 8 or 9) BOX 10 : Relevant annual income
£ Page 2 of 4
STEP 4: Determine relevant income for the relevant period. Relevant only to part year claims. Divide relevant income (Box 10) by 365 days and multiply by the number of days in the relevant period (Box 1) BOX 10 365
BOX 11: Relevant Income in RP
£ Round up to nearest penny
STEP 5: Find the threshold for the relevant period. Again only relevant to part year claims . The first threshold is £6,420 where a person is entitled to Working Tax Credit and £16,010 where they are entitled to Child Tax Credit only. The threshold needs to be divided by 365 days and multiplied by the number of days in the relevant period (Box 1).
ANNUAL THRESHOLD (£6,420 OR £16,010) 365
BOX 12: Threshold in RP:
STEP 6: Calculate actual tax credit entitlement for the relevant period: Entitlement where income is less than the threshold: If Income for the relevant period (Box 11) is less than or equal to the threshold for the relevant period (Box 12), then your maximum tax credits (Box 7) are payable and no further calculation is required. Entitlement where income exceeds the threshold: Applying the formula If income for the relevant period (Box 11) is greater than the threshold (Box 12), work out 41% of the excess.
Box 11: RP Relevant Income
BOX 12: RP Threshold minus
BOX 13: Difference Figure equals
BOX 13: Difference Figure
£ BOX 14: Reduction Figure
X 41% (multiply by 0.41)
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STEP 7: Tax Credit(s) payable. The total maximum amount of your tax credit payable is reduced by the reduction figure (Box 14). To calculate how much of Working Tax Credit or Child Tax Credit is payable, you must reduce the maximum tax credits in the order in the table below. If tax credit figure eg Box 2) is less than the reduction figure then the amount payable (eg in Box 15 will be nil. Reduce box 14 by the amount of the maximum tax credit (eg Box 2), and apply the remaining reduction figure to the next tax credit (eg Box 3). Continue until the remaining reduction is nil. Maximum Tax Credit
BOX 2 Working Tax Credit
BOX14: Reduction Figure
Tax Credit Payable
BOX 15: WTC payable (excluding childcare element)
£ BOX 3: WTC Childcare Element
£ equals
Any remaining reduction
BOX 16: WTC Childcare
BOX 5: Individual Child Tax elements
Any remaining reduction
£ BOX 4: Family Element (only included if there is some payment of Child Tax Credit Elements
BOX 4: Family Element BOX 19: Total TC due
Total Tax Credits
(Boxes 4 + 15 + 16 + 17 )
TO CHECK CALCULATION: If you take the total tax credit payable (Box 19) away from the maximum tax credit (Box 7), you should get the original Reduction Figure (Box 14). PAYMENTS OF TAX CREDIT Working Tax Credit Payment of Working Tax Credit is paid into the Bank / Building Society / Post office account of the person who is working. Childcare Element and Child Tax Credit Payment will be made to the main carer (person responsible for the child(ren) into a Bank/ Building Society Account or Post Office Card Account either weekly or four weekly depending on what has been requested on the claim form
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