Clase Primary School

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Clase Primary School Prospectus 2011

Croeso, welcome to Clase Primary School. I hope our ‘Getting to know our school’ will tell you something about our facilities, our curriculum and generally help you get to know “who’s who”. I hope too that you will learn something about our school ethos, because we are dedicated to providing a warm, welcoming, reassuring and caring atmosphere for your children. Clase Primary School is situated three miles north of the city of Swansea and 1 mile from Morriston. The school was originally built in 1954/5 as separate infant and junior schools. These schools were amalgamated in September 1998 to form the new Clase Primary School. The school is pleasantly situated in its own grounds and is located in a large housing estate. We cater for children from 3-11 years.

The school also has Specialist Teaching Facilities (STFs) which are made up of four classes catering for children aged between 3 – 11 years of age. There are two STFs for children with autism and two STFs for children with Moderate learning difficulties such as sensory impairments, co-ordination difficulties, speech and language difficulties, Autistic Spectrum Disorder etc. We are an inclusive school and welcome all pupils to our school.

Headteacher: Mrs.Sharon Hope Chairperson of the Governors: Mr. A. Gabriel.

Clase Primary School Rheidol Avenue Clase Swansea City and County of Swansea SA6 7JX Tel: 01792 781747

Clase Primary

About Our school

Governing Body’s Statement Of Curriculum Aims Our main aim is to establish a happy stimulating environment where young children can develop socially, intellectually, physically and enjoy being responsible members of our school community. Every pupil is treated as an individual, and the school day is structured to cope with all stages of development so that all pupils can learn according to their needs, ability and maturity and therefore, discover satisfaction and pleasure in school life and learning. It is of fundamental importance that children acquire the basic skills of learning and in so doing develop qualities of independence, confidence and an awareness of our social values and needs of other people. Our chairman of Governors Mr.Alan Gabriel


• to develop an awareness and pride in their culture and environment.

We aspire for all our children to become confident, secure, caring individuals who achieve personal success. They are given every opportunity to achieve their full potential, develop a love of learning, acquire skills to become life long learners and the ability to make informed choices.

• to foster strong links with parents and others in the community so that learning becomes a shared experience.

School Motto Reaching High, Learning Together, Having Fun.

Mission At Clase Primary Governors and staff aim to:• provide a warm welcoming secure environment for all children • encourage, value and extend every child’s contribution to the school • recognise and celebrate success in everyone • provide a broad, balanced, carefully planned curriculum • build strong collaborative partnerships with families and the local community • encourage self respect, a respect for others and the environment in which we live and work. • provide effective teaching and learning to support children to aspire to be the best they can be and to encourage a sense of achievement.


Clase Primary

About Our school

Specialist Teaching FacilFoundation Phase Teacher KS1 Mrs Kay Bray

Our School Head teacher Mrs Sharon Hope

Learning assistants Mrs Linda Thomas Mrs Cath Cook

Senior Leadership Team Deputy Headteacher Miss Amanda Jones

Year 1 and 2 Mrs Pamela Roberts

Mrs Pamela Roberts Mr Stuart Colston Mrs Patricia Mitchell Miss Victoria Riseley

Learning Assistants Mrs Melanie Daniel Mrs Michelle Packington Mrs K.Farell and Mrs L. Comley also work in this class for some of the time

SENCo – Mrs Ceri Davies Foundation Phase Nursery – Mrs Elizabeth Clements (Unfortunately not in school at the moment) Nursery – Mrs Rachel Wheel Learning Assistants Mrs Christine James Ms Amanda Smith Reception Victoria Riseley Learning Assistants Mrs Linda Comley Mrs Maria Morris Mrs Cathrine Roberts

Teacher KS1 Mrs Sian Howells Learning Assistants Louise Lewis Donna Abbott Claire Davies Specialist Teaching Facilities Key Stage 2

Year 2/3 Mr David Bishop

Teacher Mrs Pauline Kyriakedes

Year 2/3 support teacher Miss Rhian Manchipp

Learning Assistants Mrs Audrey Jones Miss Suzanna Ward Mrs Veronica Gallivan Ms Claire Riches Mrs Patricia Haughton

Learning Assistant Mrs June Wallace Year 4/5 Ms Amanda Jones Learning assistant Mr Daniel Jones Miss Joanna Ward Mr Craig Thomas Year 5/6 Mr Stuart Colston Learning Assistants Miss Esther Morgan Mr Daniel Jones Support Teacher Mrs Patricia Mitchell

Teacher Mrs Ceri Davies Learning Assistants Jane Gimblett Yasmin Buller Lesley Charalambou Symon Ahearne Maria Morris Kay Farrell Lianne Thomas Office Manager Tracy Thomas Site Manager John Davies


Clase Primary

About Our school

The morning session is 8.55 am - 11.25 am

Admission Arrangements 2010/ 2011 Children can enter our Nursery on a part-time basis following their third birthday, providing there is a vacancy. All the Nursery and Reception staff work closely together to create a safe, warm, welcoming and caring environment, where your child will feel secure and happy. You and your child will be invited to visit us before starting Nursery to meet our Nursery Staff. We have developed a ‘Welcome to our nursery’ booklet which will provide you with more useful information.

In the reception class the children start school in a staggered way at the beginning of the year. Gradually we extend their time in school, firstly to include lunch only and then full day. Faith in Families staff also offer a parent and toddler group in school. For more details please contact The Clase Caemawr Family Centre on 01792 773396.

School Hours The school day begins at 8:50 a.m. and finishes at 3:20 p.m.Within these times the school aims to provide twenty-three hours and twenty minutes of teaching time for foundation phase and twentythree hours and forty-five minutes for key stage two pupils For pupils aged 5 to 11 The morning session is 8.50 a.m. - 11.55 a.m. The afternoon sessions is 12.55 p.m. - 3.20 p.m. It is especially important that all children, including Nursery attend regularly and on time. Remember good attendance is essential if your child is to make good progress. When your child is unwell please let us know as soon as possible. If your child is just 10 minutes late a day that will be 50 minutes a week that he or she will miss of important learning opportunities. We encourage parents/carers to take holidays during he school holiday period. We will do anything we can to support you, so please do not hesitate to contact as if you are experiencing any domestic problems. The children who achieve 100% attendance in each half term and term are rewarded.


Clase Primary

About Our school

• Language, Literacy, and Communication Skills

School Organisation Full time pupils from year 1 – year 6 are currently organised into mixed ability classes according to age.

• Personal, Social, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity • Mathematical Development • Knowledge and Understanding of the World • Physical Development • Creative Development

Home School Agreement A copy of our home-school agreement is included in this pack.

School Curriculum Through careful planning we aim to offer a broad and balanced curriculum for all our pupils. We encourage children to reach high and learn and play together. As we learn and play we try to make sure that we have time for fun and laughter!

The Foundation Phase From September 2011 all children from 3-7 years will follow a Foundation Phase Curriculum. There are seven areas of learning in our Early Years’ curriculum:

• Welsh Language Development Foundation Phase is about enhancing the learning experiences that enable children to be creative, imaginative and to have fun whilst learning. Children will be given more opportunities to develop the world around them and to understand how things work through engaging in relevant practical activities which are fun and enjoyable and relevant to their development stages. We seek to foster an enquiring mind in order that children might increasingly accept responsibility for their own learning. We actively promote a range of school visits to encourage children to learn through first-hand experience.

The National Curriculum

We aim to give all our pupils equal access to broad, balanced, relevant learning activities that includes all aspects of the National Curriculum. We place a great deal of emphasis on the development of skills across the curriculum. The National Curriculum is made up of core and foundation subjects, with objectives set for learning and programmes of study stating essential teaching. The core subjects are Mathematics, English and Science. The foundation subjects are R.E, Geography, History, Information Technology, Design Technology, Welsh, Art, Music, and Physical Education. Personal and Social Education is a very important part of our curriculum. A range of teaching and learning approaches are used as appropriate and we recognise that learning is a continuous process and children acquire knowledge at varying speeds. Opportunities are provided to broaden experiences through visits to places of educational interest, linked with the class learning. We also encourage visitors from the locality and the community to foster links with our school. We have high aspirations of all our pupils and we recognise that children have differing skills and abilities, so helping prepare them for full and responsible lives.

At Key Stage 2, from 7-11 years, our children follow the national Curriculum.


Clase Primary

About Our school

Pastoral Care Arrangements If your child becomes ill in school we will make every effort to contact parents. First aid treatment is available for minor accidents and the emergency services are contacted, as well as parents, for cases of a more serious nature. If a pupil needs medicine during the school day parents are usually asked to return to the school to administer it. We would ask that your child does not bring sweets, confectionery or crisps to school for snack-time. However they are allowed to bring fruit for the morning break. Milk money for the junior children is collected on a Thursday

Supervisory Assistants look after the pupils during the lunch break. School meals are available and supervision is provided for those children who bring a packed lunch.

There is also a very active Friends of Clase group. Please ask if you are interested in joining them.

Apart from children who go home for lunch, no pupil is allowed to leave the school premises unless a written note is received by the Headteacher.

Parental Involvement Parents are very welcome to come in and spend time in the school assisting with some school activities. We are always looking for help in the Nursery library, wet area, to help with art and craft activities, the main school library or generally in the classroom. If you are interested please speak to our child’s classteacher.

Dinner money is collected on a Friday morning and it is advised that money should be placed in a named sealed envelope. It is requested that changes from dinners to sandwiches or visa versa is only done at the halfterm. Please do not include hot drinks/ soup or drinks in glass bottles/ containers. Parents are advised that children must have either a cup, straw or bottle with a sports style cap for their drink.


Clase Primary

About Our school

Anti Bullying

Promoting Positive Behaviour We aim to provide an environment where children are kind polite and caring and our consistent expectation of good behaviour and moral awareness will form the basis for the development of a sense of responsibility and self discipline. We encourage the children to use restorative questions and practice to resolve disputes and issues through respect. All staff are trained to use restorative practice. Many of our children choose to speak to Mr Symon Ahearne, our restorative practice link worker. We believe that any rules should be for the general well-being, happiness and safety of the children. If pupils persist in anti-social or disruptive behaviour parents will be informed and consulted and we will try to work together to find a solution. The Headteacher, in discussion with the Chairman of Governors, has the right to exclude any child.

The school has an Anti-Bullying Policy which is in line with Welsh Assembly Government guidelines. It is a fundamental aim that every child should feel safe, secure and happy at school. No child should feel threatened whether it be physically, verbally or emotionally. Where children are unable to solve their own problems because of difficult behaviour, taunting or aggressive action being directed at them they should ask one of the adults in school to help them with the situation. All requests for help will be dealt with sympathetically. The school uses restorative practice to encourage children to resolve problems . All children are encouraged to discuss any threats of bullying immediately with an adult. Should it be necessary, parents will be contacted and a course of action will be agreed with parents. The Headteacher, in discussion with the Chairman of Governors, has the right to exclude any child.

Charging And Remissions Policy The school’s policy is in line with the requirements of the Education Reform Act, 1988. Parental contributions may be requested to support activities organised by the school, e.g. theatre and museum visits etc. However, no child will be excluded from such activities simply on the basis of non-contribution, but at the same time visits/activities may be cancelled for the entire group/class if insufficient contributions to cover

Community Links At Clase Primary we enjoy excellent links between ourselves and community groups in the area. We work closely with all our partner primary schools. We believe that the partnership which exists between home, school, and the wider community is crucial to children’s learning. We encourage our classes to forge links with a local business or community service. We also have links with the health services who come in to work closely with the children. Children visit local industries and shops for educational visits. Some offer financial support to us as a school.


Clase Primary

About Our school

Sex Education Homework All classes at KS2 are given regular homework. We believe that the work of the school is greatly enhanced when parents share in their children’s learning. If you have any queries regarding your child’s homework, please do not hesitate to speak to the class teacher. We are always delighted to help. From time to time children in the Foundation Phase may bring activities home to share. We ask parents to support us with home learning by helping the child with his/ her scheme or library books. Children are able to take home reading books to read with parents on the understanding that books must be returned to school daily. At times relevant topic work will be sent home, or the children asked to do some simple research. We ask parents to encourage children in these activities. At Key stage 2 home learning is provided on a regular basis. The frequency will be determined according to the class/ year group.

Curriculum Documents Should you like to see any of our school policies, please call at the school office.

Sex and Relationship Education forms part of our Personal and Social Education and wide range of resources are available in school and school also accesses support from professional health carers. Parents will be advised when this subject will be taught to their child and parents can withdraw their child from all or part of the sex education provided. In addition any questions arising from the children will be treated sensitively and with due regard for the age and maturity of the child. The Governing Body has an agreed sex education policy which is available at the school for parents to see.

Inclusion We aim to be an Inclusive school where every child is treated and respected as an individual and encouraged to reach their full potential. The teacher responsible for SEN and Inclusion is Mrs Ceri Davies, who works closely with our Special Educational Needs support teacher, Mrs Pat Mitchell. Most children may at some time have additional educational needs: at one end of the spectrum there may be children with learning difficulties which require them to have a Statement of Special Educational Needs; at the other end of the spectrum there may be children who are More Able and/or Talented (MAT).

There are other children, who because of their home language or home situation, may also need extra support e.g. children for whom English is an Additional Language (EAL) or children who are Looked After by the Local Authority (LAC). Pupils with additional needs generally benefit from working within their class group, often with differentiated tasks or additional support. On certain occasions individual pupils or small groups of pupils may be withdrawn from the main class area to successfully complete their learning tasks, or to receive carefully planned access to support. Where children have a Statement of SEN reviews will happen annually to ensure that their needs continue to be met as appropriate. Any parent who requires a copy of the Special Educational Needs policy can request a copy from the school office. Mrs. Mitchell is an accredited teacher who is able to support children with dyslexia and speech and language.


Clase Primary

About Our school

Disabilities As a school we recognise the importance of understanding and respecting all people. Our school makes appropriate arrangements for the admission and access of disabled pupils. We ensure that disabled pupils are not treated less favourably than other pupils. We will seek to make reasonable adjustments. Our school access plan and our disability equality policy are available on request. If a pupil has a disability we will arrange a meeting prior to admission to discuss the child’s needs. The school would put an access plan into place to allow the pupil to access all areas of the curriculum. The school has 4 special needs teaching facilities on site. All pupils are welcomed and are treated equally by staff and pupils.

Welsh We want our children to understand and to be proud of their own culture, language and heritage. Welsh is taught as a second language with the emphasis on conversational fluency in preparation for further development in the secondary school. Planned use of the Welsh language ensures Welsh is used throughout the day.

An interest in Welsh culture is developed throughout the school through the learning of Welsh songs, poems and hymns. We benefit from very good support of Athrawes Fro.

Sport We aim to help children develop a positive attitude towards physical activity, encouraging enjoyment as well as a development of skills in planning, performing and evaluating their own work through a range of practical activities. Each class usually has two lessons of physical education each week. These include the use of indoor and outdoor games. In addition the school utilises the expertise of the trainers from the LA authority Dragon Sport. Children with special needs have access to a specially established playroom and outside play area. The school usually holds an annual sports day to which parents are invited. Pupils in Year 4,5, and 6 have opportunity to swim in the Penlan pool. Currently the school is involved in :-football, rugby, athletics, gymnastics, hockey, netball, cross country, rounders and short tennis. There are several training sessions during the lunch break or after school.

Religious Education An act of collective worship takes place daily. Pupils, teachers,

headteacher, clergy and friends of the school lead the worship. ‘Seren yr Wythnos’ (Star of the week) assemblies are held regularly to celebrate pupils’achievements. When classes are leading worship, their parents/carers are invited to join us. Vicar Robert and other members of the clergy team visit the school on a regular basis. There is a regular class assembly. If you wish your child to be withdrawn from religious education please speak to the head teacher so that alternative arrangements can be


Extra - Curricular Activities We are keen to provide a range of extra curricular activities. At present we are providing lunch time or after school clubs for clubs for Football, Reading, Art and Craft, Gymnastics, I. T, Music, Sign Language, Athletics, and Library. We also have a Breakfast Club in the school where children are provided with breakfast and social activities free of charge.


Clase Primary

About Our school

Children will wear pants and vests or shorts and tee shirts for P.E. activities.

All taxis have a separate controlled entrance to the school grounds.

School Uniform We believe that the wearing of school uniform contributes to a sense of belonging to the school community and helps develop a healthy sense of pride in the school. School uniform bearing the school logo, can be purchased from the school office shop. Order forms are available from the school office. We stock a complete range of clothing and accessories. PLEASE keep your child’s property safe by carefully labeling all belongings. The school uniform is a bright blue tracksuit or sweatshirt with the school logo. This is teamed with a yellow polo shirt or tee shirt. This is worn with grey/ black trousers or skirt as appropriate.

Jewellery The school rule is that no form of jewellery can be worn, mainly to avoid accidents and losses. The only exception will be a single pair of stud earrings. We would appreciate your co-operation in this area. No jewellery may be worn for P.E. lessons as a consequence of Health and safety requirements.

The gates will be unlocked for parents to collect their children from the nursery.

Equal Opportunity policy

Pupils who are late will need to enter through the automated gates and report to the office.

The school has an equal opportunity policy. A full copy is available to all parents on request. We do not discriminate against anyone, be they staff or pupil, on the grounds of their sex, race, colour, religion, nationality, ethnic or national origins. This is in line with the 1976 Race Relations Act and covers both direct and indirect discrimination. We promote the principles of fairness and justice for all through the education that we provide in our school. We ensure that all pupils have equal access to the full range of educational opportunities provided by the school. In every aspect school life, pupils are given equal opportunities; for example, no distinction is made between gender, race or religion. Our equal opportunities policy is available on request.

Keeping safe All gates are locked at 9.00 to ensure the safety of the children.

Concerns Even in an excellent school, there are times when you may want to discuss a sensitive issue with a member of staff or the Headteacher. We are happy to make ourselves available at any time but it is sensible to make an appointment unless you have time to wait. Remember, if anything is worrying you - it is not trivial. We all share ambitions and concerns for your child. In the unlikely event that your worries are not resolved, you may write to the Governing Body or the Local Authority.

Access to Information If you wish to read any documentation as stated in Schedule 2 of the Education (School Curriculum and Related Information) (Wales) Regulation 1991 and Welsh Office Circular 33/91 they are available in school.

Access to and from the school grounds is then through the main entrance. If you are walking please use the path.


Clase Primary

About Our school

School Terms and Holidays 2010/2011 If you wish to read any documentation as stated in Schedule 2 of the Education (School Curriculum and Related Information) (Wales) Regulation 1991 and Welsh Office Circular 33/91 they are available in school. Autumn Term 2010 Term 1 Wednesday Sept 1st – Friday 22nd October Half Term

Monday 25th October- Friday 29th October

Term 2

Monday 1st November - Friday December 17th

Spring Term 2011 Term 3 Tuesday Jan 4th – Friday 12th February Half Term

Monday 21st February – Friday 25th February

Term 4

Monday 28th February – Thursday 15th April

Summer Term 2011 Term 5 Monday 3rd May– Friday 27th May. Half Term

Monday 30th May – Friday 3rd June.

Term 6

Monday 6th June – Thursday 21st July


Clase Primary

Home School Agreement

Clase Primary School Home School Agreement 2011

ConďŹ dent Secure

Caring Success Learning 11

Clase Primary

Home School Agreement


Vision Statement We aspire for all our children to become confident, secure, caring individuals who achieve personal success. They are given every opportunity to achieve their full potential, develop a love of learning, acquire skills to become life long learners and the ability to make informed choices.


The school will do its best to:Provide a secure and happy learning environment. Make your child feel a valued member of the school community and encourage them to reach their full potential. Promote a broad and balanced curriculum with clear aims and objectives for all pupils which is meaningful and differentiated to meet the needs of individuals. Welcome parents / carers into the school and involve you in the life of the school. Inform you of your child’s progress at regular intervals i.e annual report and meetings with class teacher. Contact you immediately if we have any concerns regarding your child.

School (Continued)

Arrange a convenient time to meet with you and discuss any matter relating to your child.

As a parent / guardian I will do my best to:See that my child attends school regularly, on time and dressed in school uniform.

Inform you of all events, visits and meetings organised by the school.

I will ensure that my child adheres to the school jewellery policy.

Inform you of the work to be undertaken and of ways in which you can support your child at home.

Inform the school in writing of all absences.

The Pupils

Keep the school informed of any changes to contact details, e.g. address, telephone numbers.

As a pupil I promise that I will try to:Do my best to listen and to learn. Come to school regularly and wear school uniform whenever possible. Be friendly, truthful, polite and helpful to others. Let my teacher know if I have any worries. Do my homework and bring all things needed every day. Behave well, both in school and in the community remembering that I represent my family and my school wherever I am. Get on with others in school, to be sensitive and try to understand the needs of others.

Attend meetings to discuss my child’s development and progress. Make the school aware of any concerns or problems which may affect my child’s school life. Give my child every help and encouragement with homework, reading and other learning activities and comment in home school diary or home school link book. Support my child by reinforcing the aims of the school and encourage him / her to behave well and show respect for others.

Name of Pupil:

Ask my parents / carers for help with my school work if necessary.

Signed by the Pupil:

Take pride in myself, my school, keeping it safe, clean and tidy.

Signed by the Parent: Signed by the School:


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