Cwmglas Primary School

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Cwm Gl창s Primary School School Prospectus


Cwm Glâs Primary School School Prospectus

School Mission Statement

In partnership, we encourage all children to achieve personal excellence through working towards their full potential, so that they can make a positive contribution to the school and the wider community. Do we achieve our mission statement? “There is a very strong determination to provide all pupils with opportunities to succeed and to take their place in the wider world. All pupils are valued and treated equally.” Para. 131, Estyn Inspection Report

Headteacher: Mr. P.M. Osborne B.Ed. (Hons) M.A. Ed. Chair of Governors: Councillor J. Hague Cwm Glâs Primary School is a co-educational, county maintained primary school for pupils between the ages of 3 and 11. There are 273 pupils on roll (253.5 f.t.e.) (September 2010). The information in this prospectus is correct at the time of review – September 2010. Some adjustment/reorganisation may be necessary for the 2011/2012 academic years. This document has been amended and conforms to National Assembly for Wales Circular 14/01, ‘School Prospectuses - Guidance for Headteachers & Governing Bodies’.

Cwm Glâs Primary School Colwyn Avenue, Winchwen, Swansea SA1 7EN Tel: 01792 771693 Fax: 01792 796054 e- : :


Cwm Glâs Primary School School Prospectus



Headteacher's Letter of Introduction School Vision Statement Information About Admissions Transition School Organisation Staffing Parents and School/ Home School Agreement Care for your Child Security Arrangements A Summary of the School's Aims and Values Pupils' Thoughts Term Dates and Session Times Uniform Charging Policy Curriculum Special Educational Needs Letter from Alan Wells, Director of the Basic Skills Agency Equal Opportunities Access for Disabled Pupils Sex Education Religious Education and Collective Worship Welsh Language Homework Attendance Information Lunch Time Arrangements Extra-curricular Activities Support for Charities Assessment Information Progress in Setting and Meeting Targets The School's Sporting Aims and Provision for Sport Keeping in Touch Complaint Procedures And Finally‌

4 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 9 9 10 11 11 11 11 12 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 19 19

Appendix A Home-School Agreement Appendix B Term Dates Appendix C Form for the Administration of Prescribed Medicines Appendix D Attendance Information Appendix E Request for Leave of Absence for Annual Holiday Appendix F Assessment Information Appendix G Fair Processing Notice


Cwm Glâs Primary School School Prospectus

Headteacher's Letter of Introduction Dear Parents/Carers, We are pleased to welcome you and your child to Cwm Glâs Primary School and hope that the years spent here will be happy and successful. The information in this prospectus is intended to help introduce you and your child to the school. Every year we have many visitors to the school and frequently unsolicited comments are passed on the high quality of the learning environment and relationships within the school. The school is justifiably proud of its reputation for concern for the individual child, both in terms of welfare and educational provision. We work on the premise that every child is entitled to the highest quality educational experience that can be provided. The school was inspected by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate in February 2005, and was the first school in the City & County of Swansea to achieve ‘Grade 1 – good with outstanding features’ on each of the seven aspects of the inspection framework. This is an outstanding result, and evidence of good teaching. You can see a full version of our inspection report on our school web-site. We deliver a well-researched and organised curriculum with experienced staff trained to a high level. In addition to gaining literacy, numeracy, scientific, physical, artistic and technological skills, your child will build confidence, develop self-reliance, learn to make decisions and develop the ability to articulate feelings and ideas. We also attach great importance to the development of pupils' social skills and seek to enable them to build relationships with other children and adults and be sensitive to the feelings and needs of others. We are an ‘emotionally literate’ school: we give careful consideration to teaching pupils how to recognise, identify and handle the many emotions that they experience. We believe this helps us to get along with each other, and creates community members that are tolerant of each other. As parents, there are a number of things you can do to help: • do reassure your children about school: talk to them about their teacher, the activities they are doing, the friends they are making and the happy time they will have; • keep us informed of any significant details relating to your child's education. Tell us of any allergies, major health problems, or personal circumstances, which might be significant. This information will be regarded as confidential and will help us to care all the more effectively for your child; • do not hesitate to come and see us if there is a matter you wish to discuss or any anxiety you wish to share. Remember, however, that some things are better discussed away from your children, at a time when the teacher is free to talk to you. You may be certain that we will do our best to ensure that your child will never fail. The staff are highly skilled at assessing pupils' individual level of development and then supporting them in moving, at their own pace, towards their full potential. We work hard to ensure that all children feel good about themselves and acquire a high level of selfesteem. We believe that if you feel successful, you will be successful. We wish your child a happy introduction to the school and successful progress through his/her time with us. We strongly believe that your involvement in this process is crucial and we will provide frequent opportunities to keep you informed about the ways in which we are working with your child. We are keen to have parental involvement at all levels and if you have any spare time to come into the school and work with us, we will be very pleased to accommodate you. We already have an excellent team of volunteers who make a significant contribution to the success of the school, as well as an active Home School Association. However, there is always room for more helpers! You will be made very welcome. Yours sincerely,

Mr. P.M. Osborne Headteacher

BECTA IT Quality Mark 2007

BT Citizenship Award 2004

Eco Schools Award 2006, 2008 & 2009

Healthy Schools Award 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2010


Swansea Gold Recycling Award 2008

Eco-Flag 2010

Cwm Glâs Primary School School Prospectus

School Vision Statement Our vision at Cwm Glâs Primary School is to provide a school where the children, parents, staff, governors and community work together to offer a welcoming, caring, stimulating and safe environment in order to stimulate effective learning and instil a sense of pride in oneself, the school, the community and the country. We endeavour to celebrate our achievements together, as a school community, with each person being valued and respected. The children, their education and welfare are central to all decision-making at Cwm Glâs Primary School. Our vision is to provide a rich, varied, balanced and well-resourced curriculum which will stimulate the natural curiosity and enquiring mind of every child, regardless of ability, race or gender. We want each and every child to achieve his or her true potential. Our aim is that the lives of all who leave Cwm Glâs Primary School will have been enhanced by their experience with us, and that each child will leave equipped with the ability and eagerness to learn more and be ready to meet the challenges of adolescent and adult life.

Mr. P.M. Osborne Headteacher

Councillor J. Hague Chair of Governors

Have we achieved our school vision statement? “Cwm Glâs Primary School is a very good school with many outstanding features. Parents hold the school in very high regard and are very supportive of all aspects of provision. The school has made considerable progress over recent years.” Table of grades awarded 1. How well do learners achieve? Grade 1 – Good with outstanding features 2. How effective are teaching, training and assessment?

Grade 1 – Good with outstanding features

3. How well do the learning experiences meet the needs and interests of learners and the wider community?

Grade 1 – Good with outstanding features

4. How well are learners cared for, guided and supported?

Grade 1 – Good with outstanding features

5. How effective are leadership and strategic management?

Grade 1 – Good with outstanding features

6. How well do leaders and managers evaluate and improve quality and standards?

Grade 1 – Good with outstanding features

7. How efficient are leaders and managers in using resources?

Grade 1 – Good with outstanding features

Para. 10, Estyn Inspection Report


Cwm Glâs Primary School School Prospectus

primarily into mixed-ability groups but organisation is flexible, to reflect the wide range of activities that might A letter is sent to parents of children who attend the be undertaken. Junior children are organised into Nursery at Cwm Glâs Primary School during the Spring setting arrangements for maths and English lessons. Term. This asks parents, who wish their child to attend They work on the same content as their peers but will Cwm Glâs Primary School in the following September, to receive more assistance or practice if they require it. submit an application. Parents will then be informed, in There will be opportunities for children to work as writing, with regard to individuals, as a the success of the For the 2010/11 academic year the school is organised as member of a group, application. Parents follows. or as a whole class. who do not live within


the school’s defined catchment area will need to submit a ‘Preferred Placement Application Form’. Priority will be given to children who live within the catchment area.

Class Name


Year Group


Mrs. C. Kieft


During the Summer Term, an informal coffee morning will be held with parents of new entrants and the Headteacher, to discuss aspects of the school's organisation and answer any question parents might have.


Miss V. Bevan


p.m. YN Nursery

Mrs. K. Owens a.m. YN

Classes combine for morning assembly and sometimes for singing, Music, P.E., Games and Drama lessons and other learning activities as appropriate.


Mr. P.M. Osborne, Headteacher, has overall responsibility 4 Miss M. Rosser Y2 for school management, organisation and 5 Mrs. S. Griffiths Y3 finance. Mr. M. Thompson Mr. M. 6 Y3/Y4 Deputy Headteacher Thompson, Deputy Parents who wish to Headteacher, is the 7 Ms. S. Bowden STF (KS2) start their child at the teacher of Class 6. Mr. school at any other Thompson’s time of the year are managerial role is to 8 Mr. B. Hamer Y4 asked to contact the deputise in the Headteacher. absence of the 9 Mrs. L. David Y5 Headteacher, and is Curriculum CoTRANSITION 10 Mr. W. Jenkins Y6 ordinator (to oversee We work closely with and co-ordinate the our partner secondary curriculum and related school, Cefn Hengoed assessment, and the work of individual co-ordinators). Comprehensive School, to ensure a smooth transition Mr. Thompson is also curriculum coordinator for for pupils between the different phases of education. Geography. The Year 6 children visit the school for an induction day Mrs. K. Owens is the teacher of the Nursery when daily routines and procedures are explained to class. Mrs. Owens is a member of the Senior them, and to take part in some lessons. Meetings take Management Team responsible for The Foundation place between staff at both schools to discuss Phase, and is curriculum co-ordinator for English & arrangements for individual children. Ex-pupils visit the Literacy, and the school libraries. school, when appropriate, to speak with Year 6 children Mrs. C. Kieft is the teacher of the Reception about their experiences. Various sporting and learning Class (Class 1). Mrs. Kieft is co-ordinator for Welsh. activities are organised during the year to allow pupils Miss V. Bevan is the teacher of Class 2. Miss to visit the school in a relaxed atmosphere. Bevan oversees our Healthy Schools responsibilities. Mrs. J. Banfield is the teacher of Class 3. Mrs. SCHOOL ORGANISATION Banfield is the curriculum co-ordinator for History. The class organisation is reviewed before the start of Miss M. Rosser is the teacher of Class 4. Miss the new school year as pupil numbers are finalised. Rosser is curriculum co-ordinator for Maths. Sometimes it is necessary to organise classes into mixed Mrs. S. Griffiths is the teacher of Class 5. Mrs. year groups to keep class sizes to reasonable levels. Griffiths is the co-ordinator for Music and R.E. These arrangements vary as pupil numbers change, and Ms. S. Bowden is the teacher of Class 7, the is something that teachers are used to managing. S.T.F. (Specialist Teaching Facility) Unit for children with moderate to severe learning difficulties. Ms. Each teacher is responsible for a class, as well as one or Bowden is responsible for integration between the more curricular area. The classes are organised 3

Mrs. J. Banfield


Cwm Glâs Primary School School Prospectus

S.T.F. Unit and mainstream children, and is also SENCO capacity they feel comfortable. People in the community (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator). Ms. Bowden have many skills and talents which they can share with is a member of the Senior Management Team, and is us - cookery, art, craft, library assistants, listening to pupils read, ancillary tasks, sport. If there is any way in coordinator for Art & Display. which you feel that you can help, please see either the Mr. B. Hamer is the teacher of Class 8. Mr. Headteacher or any teacher. Hamer is a member of the Senior Management Team, and is Staff Development Officer. Mr. Hamer has When pupils see their parents showing an interest by responsibility for the day-to-day management of BSF. helping in the school there is He is the curriculum co-ordinator for enormous benefit to their attitude, Science. effort and attainment. In our Mrs. L. David is the teacher school inspection report the of Class 9. Mrs. David is the coenormous benefit of such ordinator for Personal and Social involvement was noted: Education (P.S.E.) and Emotional 'A significant number of Literacy (E.L.). parents regularly help in the Mr. Jenkins is the teacher day-to-day life of the school; of Class 10. Mr. Jenkins is a member they make an effective of the Senior Management Team contribution.' with responsibility for Global Links, The importance of parental interest and has curricular responsibility for School Buddies and involvement cannot be overInformation Technology, Design The Buddies are trained in stressed. It does pay dividends. Speak to Technology and Physical Education. mediating in minor playtime some of our helpers and see what they disputes, and especially in have to say about it. providing play activities. If you Parents and school


have a minor problem, talk it over with a Buddy. The Buddy scheme also received a British Telecom Citizenship Award in 2004.

The development of a close relationship between school and home demands more than close interest. It also needs We feel strongly that the responsibility the right mixture of space and trust. An for the education and general appreciation of, and confidence in, each development of the children should be other's role makes the school a shared by both school and home. With purposeful and happy place where an understanding of each other’s role BRITISH TELECOM children feel at ease, can work to reach and co-operation between parents and Citizenship their full potential and can gain Award 2004 teachers, the children have a maximum benefit from their schooling. tremendous advantage. A close link There is an active Home School between home and school, a partnership, is therefore Association that organises a regular programme of vital. social, educational and fund-raising events. Regular contact is kept through newsletters. Please make every With this in mind, a dialogue with all relevant parties effort to attend the Home School Association termly was undertaken in order that a 'Home School meetings – the activities are for the benefit of every Agreement' could be produced (see Appendix A). child, and all help will be welcomed. Parents and pupils are invited to adopt the principles and to show their commitment by signing a copy of the Care for your Child agreement. The Headteacher signs the copy on behalf The school has a policy regarding 'Behaviour, Discipline of the school. We try in and Bullying’ that can be viewed various ways to keep you on request. The policy has been informed of your child's created in the interests of progress. Teachers ensuring a safe, secure frequently make time for environment for all pupils. consultation with parents. Parents can do School reports are issued much to ensure that children annually and there are grow up with a positive 'Parents’ Evenings’ during framework of values – even the Autumn and Spring though this sometimes isn’t Terms. Regular newsletters easy! There are many places (Cwm Glâs News) keep you you can turn to for help – us as informed about what is a school, your G.P., other going on. parents, and even the internet. Here is some advice from a Parents, as well as other useful web-site: family members and friends Head Girl & Head Boy 2009/10 are encouraged to come to Rebecca Paige & Jake Nicholas school and help, in whatever The photograph shows our Head Boy Daniel & Head Girl Abigail of 2009/10 handing over their duties to Rebecca & Jake


Cwm Glâs Primary School School Prospectus

parents. Every school has a set of rules designed to make the day run as smoothly and happily as possible. We ask that the following specific rules are supported and encouraged by all parents/carers so that discipline is maintained. Our school rules are: 1. We always try to be polite, kind and helpful. 2. We always try to keep our school clean and tidy. 3. We always try to walk quietly inside the school building. 4. We always try to be good listeners. 5. We always try to remember that assembly is our special time of worship together. 6. We always try to respect other people's feelings and property. 7. We always try our best with our work and try to complete it in the given time. 8. We only wear a watch and/or one pair of stud earrings as jewellery to school.

Good standards of behaviour are expected from all children. We encourage them to adopt a caring attitude towards one another and to treat everyone involved in the school with courtesy. The class teacher normally deals with any behavioural problems in the first instance, but in cases of serious or persistent bad behaviour children will be referred to the Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher. Punishment will usually take the form of withdrawal of privileges, loss of ‘Golden Time’ (a school reward procedure), or the writing of a letter of apology. Any serious concerns will, as a matter of course, be brought to your attention and we may require you to attend the school to discuss your child's behaviour. We expect your support in working together to correct poor behaviour should it arise, as this often helps to 'nip it in the bud'. Our inspection noted the effectiveness of our work in this area when it stated that, “Classteachers provide good personal support to pupils in their classes and collectively, with the support of other members of staff, are committed to the care and well-being of all pupils.”

Wherever we are, whatever we are doing, we always try to remember that we are proud to be pupils of Cwm Glâs Primary School. Our behaviour policy encourages children to choose positive actions and as parents/carers you should occasionally receive telephone calls, certificates or letters from the school to say how well your child is doing. ’Positive Behaviour’ means that pupils are recognized for their efforts and given increasing responsibility. A child who misbehaves is given a choice of changing his/her behaviour or accepting clear sanctions. If an initial verbal warning does not work then parents will be informed and asked to help. Both school and home should work together to help the child find a way forward. Any behaviour which places other children at risk will lead to temporary exclusion until assurance is given that matters will improve. Bullying such as racism and sexism has zero tolerance here. At Cwm Glâs the school has adopted a 'Golden Time' approach to rewarding good behaviour. Golden Time is free choice of a wide range of activities: using the computer, art/craft activities, etc. Each week children have the right to thirty minutes of 'Golden Time'. During the week, each time a child breaks school rules they lose five minutes. During 'Golden Time' the children who lose 'Golden Time' have to sit patiently for the allocated time. This reinforces with children the importance of being good and doing the right thing. It works very well!

There are very high expectations of staff and of pupils, but parents have a profound impact on whether these expectations are met. Please give your child support in their daily school life: • If children arrive on time, suitably dressed for the weather, with any letters or absence notes and with their homework then the day should immediately get off to a good start. • At the end of the day we hope that pupils are collected on time, homework is done where your time allows, and opportunity is given for play and supportive family life. • In general, please show an interest in their school life, please attend meetings when you can and look through work when it is brought home. • Finally, never let a problem persist. Even if you only suspect a problem, get in touch with us immediately. We make time for concerned

On Friday of each week the school holds a Special Assembly where we celebrate together. This may be in the form of whole school successes (e.g. fund raising for charity), or group successes (e.g. sporting achievement) or individual success (e.g. improvement in behaviour, kindness, outstanding work or effort). This is an opportunity for the whole school community to


Cwm Glâs Primary School School Prospectus

reflect upon the many successes that are achieved and to reinforce our aim that positive issues will be acknowledged and rewarded.

Have we met our school aims?

Merit points are issued to children in recognition of extra special effort. This could be for: a particularly good piece of work; a kind deed; making an effort to improve; sustained effort.

“The school is very inclusive and offers equality of opportunity for all pupils irrespective of their gender or social or ethnic backgrounds. All pupils are encouraged to play a full part in every aspect of school life, including curricular and extra-curricular activities.” Para. 100, Estyn Inspection Report For safety reasons private motor vehicles (with the exception of staff or authorised vehicles) are prohibited from entering the school grounds.

At the end of each term the merit points allocated to each child are totalled, and converted into raffle tickets. The raffle tickets are entered into a draw, and children have an opportunity to win prizes based on their efforts in the above categories. In this way we positively reinforce that it is worth making an effort to do the right thing.

If your child becomes ill or has an accident while in school we would, of course, contact you immediately so that you may collect him/her. For this reason, at the beginning of every school year we ask you to update the information that we have to ensure that it is the most recent. If you should move address or change telephone numbers, please let us know in writing. This is also for safety reasons, and is in your child's interests.


No Cars in School Grounds!

At Cwm Glâs Primary School we aim to provide a stimulating and secure environment where: • all individuals are valued; • individuals needs are met; • everyone achieves their full potential; • co-operation and friendliness are encouraged; • effort and achievement are recognised and celebrated; • similarities and differences are tolerated; • moral and spiritual issues are explored; • learning is enjoyable and challenging; • practical activities which encourage enquiry are central to the curriculum; • partnership with parents and the wider community is welcomed.

Parental representatives on the Governing Body are: Mrs. C. Cana Mrs. S. Davies Mrs. R. Jones Mrs. M. Raven Ms. D. Lewis Fire drills and school evacuations, as a safety precaution, are regularly carried out in line with Fire Brigade guidelines.

We aim to provide a well-resourced, broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum, relevant to the needs of each child, so that children can learn:

Sight and hearing testing is carried out, usually around the age of 8.

• SECURITY ARRANGEMENTS Security arrangements for pupils, staff and school premises are a priority. In the interests of safety, the school has security locks fitted to all external doors. These prevent unauthorised access from outside, while allowing easy exit in an emergency. The school has implemented its own security procedure, which is brought to the attention of all pupils, parents and staff. Visitors, including parents, are requested to cooperate with this procedure, by: ♦ attending the school via the main entrance only; ♦ reporting to the main office upon arrival; ♦ entering the teaching areas only with the consent of the Headteacher.

• • •

to make mistakes in an atmosphere of trust and learn from them; how to make informed choices; to plan and evaluate their own work; to respect and care for themselves, for others, and for the environment;

and can become: • literate and numerate; • effective speakers and listeners; • active, independent and autonomous learners; • creative, independent and questioning; • caring and responsible members of the school community; • physically active and able to develop a healthy lifestyle;

The effectiveness of the school's security procedure was commented upon in the inspection report: “New locking procedures for entry into the school buildings provide effective security and are much appreciated by parents.”

and can develop the skills they need to prepare for future life in an increasingly technological world.


Cwm Glâs Primary School School Prospectus

And what do the pupils think of the school? Some of our pupils were asked for their thoughts on being a pupil at Cwm Glâs Primary School…

Yesterday two people came to school from ASDA and the people brought some healthy food for us to try. By Josh, age 7

In our class we go on trips. In our class we do displays. In our class we do plays for the school. In our class at the end of the day children bring in show and tell. In class after dinner we go up to the field to play rounders. In our class on Wednesdays we go down the Junior Hall to do P.E. In our class at circle time we share each others d feelings. In our merit chart, if you have three merits you can have a reward. By Laura, age 7

In our class we do the register. In our class we make things to go on displays. In our class we use the computer. In our class we have water bottles. In our class we have got a reward box. By Nicole, age 7

In our class we go on trips. We go in the reward box when we get three merits. We do some things and we put them on display. Every week we change the best handwriting of the week. We show some assemblies every time Mrs. Banfield asks Mr. Osborne. We go to the museum to find things out about the past. Sometimes we play rounders to keep our bodies slim. We do science work. It is good fun. We do things with Mrs. Murray and make headbands. By Shannon, age 7


Cwm Glâs Primary School School Prospectus

Parents are expected to provide their children with shorts, T-shirts, jogging bottoms, trainers/gym shoes, swimming costume etc. for PE, Drama and Games. Children may need football togs.

TERM DATES AND SESSION TIMES For details of the term dates please see Appendix B. Children are asked to be on the school premises no earlier than 8.40 a.m., and no later than 8.45 a.m. (unless attending Breakfast Club). We impress upon children the importance of punctuality and ask parents to support us by ensuring that their child is in school at an appropriate time; your child's learning is disrupted if they are late, and other children's learning is disrupted by latecomers disturbing the class. Session Times: Nursery Morning: 8.50 a.m. to 11.15 a.m. Afternoon: 12.50 p.m. to 2.55 p.m. Years Reception, 1 & 2 Morning: 8.50 a.m. to 12.00 noon Afternoon: 12.45 p.m. to 3.00 p.m. Juniors Morning: 8.50 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. Afternoon: 1.00 p.m. to 3.00 p.m. The total teaching hours per week, including religious education but excluding the statutory daily act of collective worship, registration and breaks is 23 hours 30 minutes in Infant and Junior classes.

Children are discouraged from wearing jewellery, other than a watch and stud earring, in school. They can be dangerous during practical lessons and at play times and cause upset when lost or damaged. Children may wear stud earrings only but these must be removed for safety reasons during PE, swimming, Drama and Games lessons.

CHARGING POLICY Children are provided with all equipment needed for use at school and each item is marked with the pupil's name. If items of school property are lost or deliberately damaged, parents will be asked to pay for replacement.


Parents will sometimes be asked to pay a voluntary financial contribution towards educational visits and field studies. No child will be refused participation in an educational activity because the parent is unable or unwilling to contribute. Regretfully, activities will have to be cancelled if insufficient money is raised to cover costs.


The school is firmly committed to the thematic approach, where curricular areas are integrated into a widely embracing theme. We believe that this method of organising our curriculum provides the most relevance for children and helps the cross-fertilisation of knowledge and skills. However, in order to ensure coverage of the National Curriculum, aspects of some subjects may be taught discreetly. Each class teacher works on a two-year cycle, covering six major themes during that period. Teachers closely liaise during the planning stage to ensure all aspects of the national and local curriculum are covered. Where possible and suitable, first hand experiences are incorporated into school activities to enrich children's education.

Parents have agreed that they would prefer a school uniform. Pupils who attend Cwm Glâs Primary School should be proud to belong to the school and should wish to be identified with us by wearing our distinctive school uniform. The uniform list is kept as brief as possible and with as much variation within the list as is reasonable, so as to avoid undue expenditure on the part of parents. An order form for uniform, listing current prices, is available from the school secretary.

Educational visits, field studies, use of the local environment and visiting artisans are all seen as experiences to complement and enrich our school curriculum and are regularly incorporated into class work.

Do we meet our curriculum aims? “The curriculum is broad, balanced and varied. It successfully engages the interests of pupils.” Para. 88, Estyn Inspection Report

The co-operation of parents in ensuring a full and correct maintenance of the uniform is requested. It is suggested that all items of school clothing be clearly marked with the pupil's name.


Cwm Glâs Primary School School Prospectus

SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS Children who have special educational needs are integrated into mainstream classes, with the Classteacher and SENCO jointly consulting on Individual Educational Programmes of education. Extra help is available, while staffing resources allow, for pupils who do not have a statement but are considered to require support. Learning Support Assistants provide support under the management and guidance of the Classteacher and SENCO. The school also has a Specialist Teaching Facility for those children identified as having specific learning difficulties. Every effort is made to provide for pupils who are more able and who need to 'challenged' further. The school has a policy for Special Educational needs, which can be viewed on request.

A visit to St. Fagan’s to see the Victorian School House

The school achieved the Basic Skills Agency’s Quality Mark for its literacy and numeracy teaching during 2003, 2006 & 2009. Please read the letter from Alan Wells, Director of the Basic Skills Agency, on the next page.

2010 BECTA IT Quality Mark 2007

BT Citizenship Award 2004

Eco Schools Award 2006, 2008 & 2009

Healthy Schools Award 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2010

Some of our other honours!


Swansea Gold Recycling Award 2008

Eco-Flag 2010

Investor In People 2010

Cwm Gl창s Primary School School Prospectus


Cwm Glâs Primary School School Prospectus


Do we succeed?

Cwm Glâs Primary School is committed to the provision of equal opportunities for all, irrespective of creed, colour, race, religion or gender. A copy of the Equal Opportunities Policy is available for viewing, on request.

“Pupils are very well cared for, guided and supported in a very secure and happy environment. The school has a very positive ethos and works hard to make pupils feel valued and included. This provision is an outstanding feature.” Para. 104, Estyn Inspection Report

ACCESS FOR DISABLED PUPILS External access to the building has been improved by the provision of a ramp to the main entrance. We have a new (April 2008) disabled toilet and shower facility suitable for pupils and visitors. As refurbishment takes place every effort is made to accommodate disabledfriendly adaptations (e.g. new front entrance). This situation will be reviewed on an annual basis and in consultation with the L.E.A.

given a prominent role in many school activities. Children also have an opportunity to learn about the culture and heritage, as well as the language of Wales, through such activities as St. David's Day celebrations. Our teaching of Welsh is supported by the team of peripatetic Welsh teachers', 'Athrawon Bro', who work alongside teachers and pupils in promoting the Welsh language.

SEX EDUCATION The Governing Body has agreed a formal policy of sex education throughout the school. For example, children learn from a very young age that there are differences between boys and girls, and frequently understand through personal experience that babies live in mummies tummy! In the Junior years in general, and in Years 5 and 6 in particular, sex education lessons incorporate developing the appropriate vocabulary for describing the human body, and help children to understand how babies are made. This is always handled sensitively, and children are encouraged to discuss any issues they might have with their parents. The policy for sex education can be viewed upon request.


HOMEWORK It is the policy of the school to give homework to all pupils at least once a week. Occasionally, your child may complete, at home, tasks started in school. A homework timetable is included:



Religious Education is a compulsory element within the curriculum and is taught in accordance with the Local Education Authority's agreed syllabus. It is taught, as far as possible, through the theme studied by the class, with the emphasis on Christianity while recognising other faiths. A collective act of worship is undertaken every day. Children whose parents do not wish them to attend collective worship can have alternative provision made for their preferred act of worship within the school. Regular contributions to the school assemblies are made from such diverse organisations and representatives as R.N.L.I., N.S.P.C.C., N.C.H., R.S.P.C.A., the community constable and various religious ministers. The school has policies for Religious Education and Collective Worship, which can be viewed on request.

Nur. & Rec. Year 1


Storybags Reading

10 mins

15 mins

Year 3


15 mins

Year 6


Weekly Activity


Year 5

Welsh is taught as a second language. The school follows teaching schemes and resources recommended by the local education authority, which mainly aim for oral proficiency. However, the National Curriculum requires certain levels of competence in writing and reading Welsh, which children will be expected to attain by Year 6. It is the school's aim to use the Welsh language in such a way as to ensure that children see, hear and use it as a natural part of school life. It is


Year 2

Year 4


Daily Activity




15 mins

30 mins

30 mins

Number Games/ spellings Number Games/ spellings Maths unfinished work, Topic spellings Maths unfinished work, Topic spellings Maths unfinished work, Topic spellings Maths unfinished work, Topic spellings

15 mins 10 mins 15 mins 10 mins or

30 mins

or & or

30 mins

or & or

45 mins

or & or or &

45 mins

Cwm Glâs Primary School School Prospectus

Children are encouraged to take reading books home time, please let us know in writing, in order for us to every night to read to someone at home. Parents are amend our records. asked to become involved with their child's learning by supervising and supporting all work done at home and Education Welfare Officers are employed by the by encouraging him/her to concentrate upon his/her Education Authority to act as liaison between parents homework. It is difficult, for example, to do good work and school. They are much more than attendance if there is a source of officers of the past distraction, such as a and are now more like television set switched on social workers in the same room. With attached to the proper concentration no education service. child will be overHowever, one of their burdened and there will tasks remains the be plenty of time for enforcement of rules fresh air and recreation. concerning school Homework helps the attendance. The cultivation of the good Education Welfare habits of private study Officer can also help an invaluable form of with information self-discipline, and is in concerning free school itself a preparation for meals and any other the later stages of matter affecting your education. Each child is child's welfare. Please issued with a 'Reading see Appendix D for Certificates and prizes are awarded to children who Record', and parents are the latest information maintain good attendance – 105 children received a asked to sign it before it available regarding certificate and prize for achieving at least 95% is brought to school. attendance. attendance during the Summer Term 2009! Mrs. Katie Miller is the Educational Welfare Officer attached to ATTENDANCE INFORMATION Cwm Glâs Primary School. The school enjoys a close If your child is due to attend a medical, doctor, dental working relationship with her. or optician appointment, please let us know in advance either by sending the appointment card or a written note to school. This will be recorded in the register as an authorised absence.

Parents are allowed to take up to ten days out of term time per school year for family holidays. Obviously, if at all possible, it would be better for your child not to miss school, as they may miss an important piece of work. However, if this is unavoidable, you are required to complete a form 'Request for leave of absence for annual holiday' (Appendix E), available from the School Secretary or downloadable from our web-site.

Children soon get behind in their work if they miss even odd days from school, so please do not keep them away unless they are unwell or there is some family crisis. If your child is absent due to ill health, we ask that you contact the school (by telephone if possible) on the first day of illness to say that your child is not expected. In this way, we can be sure that your child has not been involved in an accident on the way to school. At the same time, you can give us an indication of approximately how long your child will be away from school, and can let us know if you require homework for your child if he/she is well enough to do it. We still require a written note when your child returns to school, as this is kept with the register as a record of absences. If your child must take prescribed medicines in school, we require you to complete a form 'Request for the administration of prescribed medicine in school'. (Appendix C), available from the School Secretary or downloadable from our web-site. We will not administer any medicines without the authorisation of this form. This is for safety reasons and in your child's interests. Medicines that we administer must be those that can be taken by the child themselves (e.g. tablets or medicine). We will not administer ointments or suppositories. If circumstances relating to your child's health alter at any

19 children received a certificate & £10 gift voucher for achieving 100% attendance throughout the year 2009/10


Cwm Gl창s Primary School School Prospectus

about current extra-curricular activities.


Children are offered the opportunity to receive additional tuition for musical instruments, under the direction of the Peripatetic Music Teacher and the School's Music Coordinator. As time allows, teachers provide after-hours coaching for children in music and choir activities.

The school regularly holds concerts and shows. All children are encouraged to play a part in the productions. Strong involvement in extra-curricular sporting activities and competitions is a feature of the school. Occasionally, children may be required to stay behind after school for coaching in the various sports. The school has a Breakfast Club to provide a good start to the day. Breakfast Club starts at 8.05 a.m., and

School lunches are cooked on the premises. The variety of meals provided reflects a balanced, healthy diet and is good value for money. There is usually a choice of meals. Squash, milk or water is provided as a drink with the school lunch. Children may either have a cooked meal in school, bring packed lunches or go home. During lunchtime children are supervised by Lunchtime Supervisors. In addition, the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher is available if necessary. Dinner money should be placed in an envelope or purse, clearly marked with your child's name and class, and handed by your child to the Classteacher for safekeeping, at morning registration. Dinner money is collected on Monday. If your child is entitled to free school meals, Cefn Hengoed Comprehensive School issues the relevant forms.

children can start the day with some cereal or toast, with fruit juice or milk. They can take part in activities with friends. The Breakfast Club is free of charge under a Welsh Assembly initiative. Book fairs are held regularly in school. Commission is received by the school in the form of free books.

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Our school web-site contains up-to-date information


Cwm Glâs Primary School School Prospectus

children have a bright future and therefore encourage every child to work to their fullest potential and to experience success in some aspect of the school's life.

SUPPORT FOR CHARITIES Cwm Glâs Primary School regularly gets involved in all manner of fund-raising and competitive activities. We believe that by incorporating such aspects into the life of the school, we maintain a strong, positive perception of Cwm Glâs Primary School, not only from within, but from the community at large.

THE SCHOOL'S SPORTING AIMS AND PROVISION FOR SPORT. All classes have PE. and Games lessons. Parents are expected to support P.E. lessons by ensuring that suitable kit is brought to school on the correct days. Swimming lessons are provided at Cefn Hengoed Comprehensive School’s swimming pool, for all Junior pupils, who attend on alternate half -terms. The school policy and scheme of work for PE can be viewed on request.

ASSESSMENT INFORMATION Our most recently available assessment information is publishes as Appendix F. However, such basic information in the form of tables, derived from brief tests, which measure only a small part of total school life, may not be the best indicators of a successful, or even an unsuccessful school. It does not indicate the progress that your child has made since starting at Cwm Glâs Primary School. In our opinion, the best information concerning your child's attainment and achievement can be had from your child and your child's teacher and we would urge you to talk to both of them to find out how your child is doing. Should you wish to discuss the information in the table, please do not hesitate to contact the Headteacher.

The school makes full use of any opportunities for coaching from experienced sports people. A Sports Day is held annually during the Summer Term. The community is invited to join this event as a spectator or supervisor for team games. In order to promote co-operative and healthy play, the schoolyard has been marked with playtime games.

Your child will also be assessed on entry into Cwm Glâs Primary School. English and Maths tests are administered for all children from Reception-age onwards. Information gathered from these tests is used to determine progress of individuals and to inform the teaching of individuals, groups of pupils and the class.

KEEPING IN TOUCH As stated earlier, we welcome parental involvement at all levels. If you have any spare time to come into school and work with us, you will be made very welcome. When your child starts at Cwm Glâs Primary School there are a number of opportunities for the teacher and parent to get together to discuss ways in which children can be helped at home. This includes a series of sessions called Family Learning Group, which are run subject to demand.

PROGRESS IN SETTING AND MEETING TARGETS AGAINST END OF KEY STAGE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Targets for pupil attainments are incorporated into the annual School Development Plan, published during the Autumn Term. Progress in meeting these targets is published in the Governing Body's Annual Report to Parents in the Autumn Term of each year.

In the main entrance foyer, and inside the Nursery and Infants entrance foyer, there are notice boards to help keep parents informed. Regular newsletters are sent home by pupil post.

In the latest available assessment information (2008), the percentage of children achieving the key stage performance indicator (i.e. attaining at least level 4 in all the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum statutory tests of English, Maths and Science) was 84% against a national (all Wales 2007) percentage of 74%, (see Appendix F). However, we consider all 17

Cwm Glâs Primary School School Prospectus

You can contact us or find out information by: : (01792) 771693 : (01792) 796054 e- : During the autumn and spring terms you will be given the opportunity to discuss your child's progress with the Classteacher. A written report is provided in July. Parents and the wider community are invited to contribute to school life by: •

• • • •

talking to children about specific interests; demonstrating School Council particular talents; sharing skills; bringing objects to school for the children to see, handle and talk about; talking to the children about their job/way of life e.g. policeman, cook, mother, postman, exminer, etc.

All this helps enrich the curriculum and experiences that we offer children. If you have a message or quick question to ask please see your child’s teacher during lining-up time in the morning (8.45 a.m.), or pop in immediately after school. If you would like a longer time to talk with either the Classteacher or the Headteacher, a time can be arranged. Staff are very willing to talk with parents, but please, not when they are teaching. The school has a comprehensive list of policies regarding the curriculum and other aspects of the school's life. If you wish to see some aspect of the school’s documentation, please contact the Headteacher to make arrangements to view them.

Eco-Captains 2010/11


Cwm Glâs Primary School School Prospectus

And finally...


Cwm Glâs Primary School is a lively, busy and exciting school. We have very committed school staff who work terrifically hard to provide the very best. We hope you have found this information of value and we would welcome a visit from you to our school.

We expect all pupils, staff and parents to listen carefully and respectfully to each other. Minor complaints should be dealt with by the Classteacher. If you are not satisfied, contact the Headteacher. All serious complaints must be explained to the Headteacher so that an investigation can take place. This is best done in a calm, civilized manner. Parents who are unhappy about something should contact us at once. The Headteacher will always meet concerned parents in order to resolve difficulties. If you feel that your complaint has not been resolved you may wish to contact the Chair of Governors (or another member of the Governing Body). Names and telephone numbers of governors can be obtained from the school office. The school has a Complaints procedure – a copy of which is available upon request. If the problem is still unresolved you should inform the Director of Education, in writing. A further attempt will then be made to resolve the problem, if at all possible, before recourse to the official Complaints Procedures. Details of the Authority's Complaints Procedure are available at any school, Education Department of the Local Education Authority or Public library.

Please remember… …every child is different. They look different, behave differently, develop at different times and at different rates, learn at different times and in different ways. For their sake, don't compare them with other children. We are delighted to have your family with us. We hope you will all be happy in our school.

House Captains 2010/11


Cwm Gl창s Primary School School Prospectus

Appendix A Home School Agreement



Appendix B Term dates 2011/12 C.J. Watkins


01792 636551


Jain.Watkins@swansea.go CJW/RR

19th August 2008







Education Department/Adran Addysg

School Term & Holiday Dates 2011 / 2012 Mid Term Holidays Begins Ends


Term Begins

Term Ends

Term Begins

Term Ends

Autumn 2011

Friday 2nd September

Friday 21st October

Monday 24th October

Friday 28th October

Monday 1st November

Friday 23rd December

Spring 2012

Monday 9th January

Friday 10th February

Monday 13th February

Friday 17th February

Monday 20th February

Summer 2012

Monday 16th April

Friday 1st June

Monday 4th June

Friday 8th June

Monday 11th June





Bank Holidays 6th April 2012 9th April 2012 7th May 2012 4th June 2012 5th June 2012

76 Friday 30th March



Good Friday Easter Monday May Day Spring Bank Holiday Additional Bank Holiday

Yours sincerely, Jain Watkins (Ms) School and Governor Unit Education Directorate 22

Total Days per Term

55 Friday 20th July 64 195

Appendix B Term dates 2010/11 Miss L. Clarke TO:

01792 636848



16th March 2009 Dear Headteacher,

School Terms and Holiday Dates – Academic Year 2010/2011 The following School Terms and Holiday dates for the academic year 2010/2011 have now been approved.

Term Autumn 2010 Spring 2011 Summer 2011

Term Begins Wednesday st 1 September Monday rd 3 January Tuesday rd 3 May

Term Ends Friday nd 22 October Friday th 18 February Friday th 27 May

2010/2011 Mid Term Holidays Begins Ends Monday th 25 October Monday st 21 February Monday th 30 May

Friday th 29 October Friday th 25 February Friday rd 3 June

Term Begins Monday st 1 November Monday th 28 February Monday th 6 June

Term Ends Friday th 17 December Friday th 15 April Wednesday th 20 July

Total Days Per Term






Bank Holidays 22nd April 2011 - Good Friday 25th April 2011 - Easter Monday

2nd May 2011 - May Day Holiday 30th May 2011 – Spring Bank Holiday

WAG are not yet able to confirm the number of INSET/Staff preparation days Schools will be entitled to in the academic year 2010/2011, although it is anticipated that a decision will be made during the Summer Term 2009. Schools will of course be advised of their decision at the earliest opportunity. As you will be aware, Schools have flexibility to determine when their INSET/Staff preparation days are to be held but it is strongly recommended that schools designate Wednesday, 1st September 2010 as a school closure day. Secondary Schools are asked to ensure the School and Governor Unit is informed of any staggered year group re-starts so that correct information can be passed to parents when enquiries are received. Please inform your staff, parents and pupils accordingly. Yours sincerely,

Mrs. C. M. Davies, Deputy Unit Manager School and Governor Unit Education Directorate


Appendix C Form for the Administration of Prescribed Medicines This is available from the school office, and must be completed before any medicine is given. This form is also downloadable from our web-site


Appendix D - School Attendance Report

94.5 94 93.5 93 92.5 92 91.5 91 90.5 90 89.5 89 88.5

Cwm Glâs Swansea Wales benchmark group


Cwm Glas TREND


Swansea TREND

92.3 92.2 92.2 92

91.9 91.6 90.8

91.1 90.7





91.9 91.6

91.3 91






90.2 90.6 89.8 89.1

19 99 /0 0 20 00 /0 1 20 01 /0 2 20 02 /0 3 20 03 /0 4 20 04 /0 5 20 05 /0 6 20 06 /0 7 20 07 /0 8 20 08 /0 9 20 09 /1 0


NB. This is the latest available attendance data at publication date – 8th September 2009

Swansea Wales benchmark group


Cwm Glas TREND


Swansea TREND





1.9 1.7



1.3 1.1


0.9 0.6









0.4 -0.1








19 99 /0 0 20 00 /0 1 20 01 /0 2 20 02 /0 3 20 03 /0 4 20 04 /0 5 20 05 /0 6 20 06 /0 7 20 07 /0 8 20 08 /0 9 20 09 /1 0


Cwm Glâs




10 9

9.4 9 8.8

9 8.6


8.7 8.4 8.1

8 7.4

7.5 7




8.3 8.2











7.6 7.4

Cwm Gl창s






Wales benchmark group


Cwm Glas target Swansea trend


Cwm Glas trend

20 02 /0 3 20 03 /0 4 20 04 /0 5 20 05 /0 6 20 06 /0 7 20 07 /0 8 20 08 /0 9 20 09 /1 0 20 10 /1 1 20 11 /1 2 20 12 /1 3



Target Revised Target Target for total pupil absenteeism Date Target Revised Achieved Notes

2003/04 91%

92% Terrific! Exceeded ambitious target for the year, and school performance (92%) was considerably above the benchmark group for 2003 (90.6%). Target for 2004/05 of 91.5% revised to 92% (see TRENDLINE).

2004/05 91.5% 92%

26th January 2005 92.3% Excellent result again! Target exceeded, and school performance was substantially above benchmark group for 2004 (91.1%).

2005/06 92.5%

25th October 2006 91.6%











22nd April 2008

22nd April 2008

9th Sep 2008

9th Sep 2008

9th Sep 2008

91.3% 8.68%

92.5% 7.5%

93.4% 6.6%

93.4% 6.6%

Absenteeism target is below that of Wales benchmark group (8.68% v. 9%).

Fantastic result! Attendance rates 1.5% above benchmarking group; attendance target exceeded by 0.7%.

Fantastic result again! Attendance rates 2.4% above benchmarking group; attendance target exceeded by 1.7%.

Fantastic result again! Attendance rates 2.4% above benchmarking group; attendance target exceeded by 1.4%.


Appendix E Request for Leave of Absence for Annual Holiday This form is available from the school office, and must be completed and sent to school ten working days before your holiday. This form is also downloadable from our web-site


Appendix F National Curriculum Assessment Results Cwm Gl창s Primary School Key Stage 1 School 2010 & Wales 2009 Results All figures are percentages of pupils in Year 2

COMPARATIVE REPORT SUMMARY OF THE NATIONAL CURRICULUM ASSESSMENT RESULTS OF PUPILS IN THE SCHOOL (2010) AND NATIONALLY (2009) AT THE END OF KEY STAGE 1, AS A PERCENTAGE OF THOSE ELIGIBLE FOR ASSESSMENT. ENGLISH 100 Oracy 100 Reading 100 Writing 100 MATHEMATICS 100 Using and Applying Maths Number & Algebra Shape Space & Measures SCIENCE Scientific Enquiry Life Processes & Living Things Materials & their Properties Physical Processes

School National School National School National School National School National School National School National School National School National School National School National School National School National

N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Core Subject Indicator* School




D indicates pupil disapplied under sections 364 or 365 of the Education Act 1996 W indicates working towards level 1 (Teacher Assessment only) N indicates pupils not awarded a level for reasons other than disapplication * Percentage of pupils achieving Level 2 or above in English or Welsh (first language), Mathematics and Science in combination. Not exactly zero Indicates performance above national average


W 15 4 6 3 15 4 15 5 0 2 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2

1 12 13 18 10 12 15 35 16 18 11 18 16 18 12 18 10 9 8 9 12 9 7 21 8 15 9

2 56 63 50 63 53 55 35 67 47 65 53 64 56 65 68 66 50 65 50 65 53 64 50 67 76 66

3 18 20 26 24 21 27 15 12 35 22 29 17 26 21 15 21 41 25 41 21 38 28 29 24 9 23

4+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2+ 74 83 76 87 74 81 50 79 82 87 82 81 82 86 82 88 91 90 91 86 91 92 79 91 85 89

• • •

Number of children: 32 Number of children in STF Unit: 2 Figures in red exclusive of STF Unit

Cwm Glâs Primary School Key Stage 2 School 2010 & Wales 2009 Results All figures are percentages of pupils in Year 6


Summary of National Curriculum Assessment results of pupils in the school (2010) and nationally (2009) at the end of Key Stage 2 as a percentage of those eligible for assessment.

English Oracy Reading Writing

Cymraeg Oracy Reading Writing







































































1 0



1 0



1 0







0 0



0 0



0 0






























































































































































Core Subject Indicator* School

78.13 83



D indicates pupil disapplied under sections 113 to 116 of the Education Act 2002 NO1 National Curriculum Outcome 1 NO2 National Curriculum Outcome 2 NO3 National Curriculum Outcome 3 * Percentage of pupils achieving Level 4 or above in English or Welsh (first language), Mathematics and Science in combination. Not exactly zero N indicates pupils not awarded a level for reasons other than disapplication * Percentage of pupils achieving Level 4 or above in English or Welsh (first language), Mathematics and Science in combination. Not exactly zero Indicates performance above national average



Appendix G Fair Processing Notice



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