Design and access statement Colliers Way, Penlan

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Architectural Design Group Building Services


Executive Summary




Site Analysis


Context Analysis


Planning Policy Framework


Design Evolution


Response to five Objectives of Good Design Access Movement Character

Architectural Design Group

l Building Services




Community Safety

1.0 Executive Summary Site Analysis This design and access statement has been prepared for the full planning application for the

Physical and social context studies have been carried out in addition to a study of local

residential development of the land adjacent to Colliers Way, Penlan, Swansea, formerly known

vernacular architecture and landscape to inform layout and form.

as Milford Way. Planning Policy Analysis

Scope of the Application

National and local policy context studies have been carried to better understand the current and

The full application is for 18Nr Timber frame constructed dwellings with a mix of 8Nr 1bedroom

future developments proposed in Penderry. It is an area of large future development and great

apartments and 4Nr pairs of 2bedroom semi-detached dwellings, 4Nr pairs of 3bedroom semi-

potential. For this reason all planning recommendations and guidance for good design have

detached dwellings, and 2Nr pairs of 4bedroom semi-detached dwellings with associated hard

been consulted. The remainder of the report has been set out explaining how the scheme

and soft landscaping.

directly meets the DCFW’s 5 Objectives of Good Design.

Purpose of the Design & Access Statement

Design Evolution

The purpose of this design and access statement is to explain the scheme and the thinking behind

Different iterations of block layouts have been tested to arrive at the proposed scheme. This

it. This statement has been prepared to reflect the advice given by Swansea City Council and the

has been driven by the amenity to create positive green public spaces and passive surveillance

Design Commission for Wales (DCFW) that favours statements that are shorter, more focused


and proportionate to the complexity of the application.

Response to five Objectives of Good Design This document should be read in conjunction with the following associated documentation:


- Site Location Plan

The development will be served by an existing access point off Colliers Way, formerly known as

- Proposed Site Plan

Milford Way. This connects the site with existing schools, a medical centre, places of worship,

- Ground Investigation

playing fields, and on a greater scale, Penllergare Valley Woods. The routes around the

- Drawings of the proposed dwellings.

scheme are shared surfaces and opposite on Colliers Way, formerly known as Milford Way, bus stops encourage sustainable modes of public transport. A continuous pedestrian loop through

The Process

the site will be established.

This Design and Access Statement is set out in the following sections; Movement Colliers Way is very well connected with public transport routes towards Swansea and close to

To create a sensitive high quality housing scheme that enhances the ward of Penderry and fully

a junction of the M4 accessing Llanelli, Port Talbot and Cardiff. It is also in close proximity to

integrates to the existing fabric. The 0.7 ha site scheme proposes 18 Nr dwellings, all of which

local facilities. The proposed scheme aims to encourage a ‘walking neighbouringhood’ and

are to be affordable housing.

encouraging sustainable modes of transport.

Architectural Design Group

l Building Services




Project Vision

2.0 Introduction Character


Creating a neighbourhood cluster of housing with a focus on quality private gardens, promoting a central street layout and designing welcoming public green areas. The layout integrates into the suburb by continuing neighbourhood layouts sympathetic to those at the north border, through maintaining a strong street line, by providing new footpaths and providing adequate cycle and buggy stores.

The purpose of a Design & Access Statement (DAS) is to provide a clear and logical document to demonstrate and explain the various facets of design and access in relation to the application site, and outline planning policy relevant to the proposal. The DAS also acts as a method of demonstrating the details of a planning application in a way that can be read both by professionals and the public. The diagram on page 25, extracted from the Welsh Government guidance on preparing a DAS, illustrates the various considerations that need to be taken into

Community Safety The site’s layout has been designed to encourage passive surveillance through establishing a central street. The views over visitor and resident car parking and its shared surface road promote and maintain a sense of local community and have the highest awareness for their safety.

account when preparing such a document. The circular nature of the diagram represents the equal weightings that need to be given to each of the 5 Objectives of Good Design. In this respect, the statement is subdivided into six chapters, commencing with a brief overview of the proposal in this section. Chapters 2 and 3 include a description of the site and its features and provide a contextual analysis regarding the local character and surrounding land uses. Chapter 4 identifies the

Environmental Sustainability Both the apartments & semi-detached dwellings have generous amounts of carefully designed glazed areas, providing natural daylight and useful solar gain. This is designed to help keep the use of artificial lighting to a minimum, whilst making the most of the available views. Externally, we have developed a distinctly suburban scheme that integrates natural drainage systems and water capture to encourage native species of trees in public and private amenity spaces - all enhancing biodiversity.

relevant national and local planning policies, which provide the framework for appraising the proposed development. In chapter 5, the document examines the evolution in design stages of the proposed development. Following this, chapter 6 explores the relevant design and access facets associated with the scheme, addressing the requirements of each of the 5 Objectives of Good Design.

Proposal This Design and Access Statement (DAS) has been prepared on behalf of Swansea Council to accompany a full planning application for a residential development comprising 18 Nr units with associated access and landscaping works on land accessed off Colliers Way, formerly known as Milford Way, Penderry, Swansea.

The development is underpinned by a guiding vision, to create a residential development of high quality, which establishes a strong sense of place with its own local distinctiveness, comprising a mix of dwelling types that integrate with neighbouring buildings and contribute to

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l Building Services




the established character and appearance of the local area.

Full details of the proposed development will be provided in the five Objectives of Good Design section of the document.

3.0 Site Analysis The application site, highlighted in red on the satellite image, comprises of a plot of land off Colliers Way, formerly known as Milford Way and adjacent to the recently new plot ‘Colliers Way and Cwrt Trefor’ which lies in the administrative area of Swansea Council. The site is situated south-west of the existing settlement of Fforest-fach and 2.4 mile to the Nort-West of Swansea City Centre.

The site is currently vacant, general access can be attained as the site is open and bounded by a public footpath. The proposed site access point will be formed directly off the end of Colliers Way, formerly known as Milford Way.

The application site comprises of a rectangular shaped plot of land, which measures approximately 0.7 hectares. The site is an undeveloped brownfield site adjacent to a demolished retail building and its car parking facilities. The topography of the site slopes

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approximately 2 meters from East to West.

The application site has a clearly defined Northern boundary by the recently built residential developments wooden fences. The East and South boundaries are unmarked and as previously mentioned the West boundary is the public footpath along Colliers Way, formerly known as Milford Way. The site is very open and without structural boundaries, this encourages the view Image 4

on the horizon towards the River Loughor’s estuary.

Images below show the current conditions of the site;

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

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Site Plan

4.0 Context Analysis Character Appraisal / Physical Context The proposed site is located bordering the Penderry ward, which is within the administrative area of Swansea Council. The site occupies a prominent location on the routes between Cardiff and Carmarthen. In terms of the immediate context, the site lies in a contrasting location with open woodland approximately 1 mile to the north, whilst the south surrounding area is predominantly residential in character on route to Swansea city centre. Neighbouring residential properties are located to the North and South. Sites of Swansea’s ‘green wedge’ are nearby; an area of public open space lies directly to the West edge of the site, playing fields and common land lie to the East and the Penllergare Valley Woods to the North.

Local Facilities The site presents an exceptional opportunity for a well-connected neighbourhood. The application site lies approximately 1.2miles to the North–East of Fforest-fach town centre. A selection of shops, cafes and post offices are located within walking distance of the site on the junction of Mynydd Newydd Road and Pentregethin Road. The site is located to a number of schools including, Portmead Primary, Ysgol Gyfun Bryn Tawr, Blaenymaes Primary and Tirdeunaw Welsh Primary School.

Design Context The site lies predominately within a residential land use context. The neighbouring properties surrounding comprise of detached and semi-detached dwellings, which are mainly pitched roof and two storeys. The properties in the adjacent street (Colliers Way and Cwrt Trefor) comprise of different coloured render facades. They tend to have porches to front doors and a range of lean-tos. The dwellings benefit to off-street parking in the form of private driveways.

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A series of images are presented overleaf which indicate the design context of the adjacent street.

5.0 Planning Policy Framework Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that planning application decisions be made in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The statutory development plan for this is provided by Swansea Council’s Unitary Development Plan (UDP) which was formally adopted by the Council in 2008. The following planning policies and design guidance documents have been referred to in developing the project:

Policy HC3 seeks to ensure "that in areas where a demonstrable lack of affordable housing exists, the Council will seek to negotiate the inclusion of an appropriate element of affordable housing on sites which are suitable in locational/accessibility terms and where this is not ruled out by exceptional development costs".

Policy EV1 stipulates that “new development shall accord with elements of good design, "be appropriate to its local context", "not result in significant detrimental impact on the local amenity", "promote sustainable design and construction techniques", and "provide a safe environment by addressing issues of security and crime prevention".

The Code for Sustainable Homes

Design Quality Standards (DQR)

use of previously developed land over greenfield sites", and that "new development must

Secure By Design

have regard to the physical context of the site and its surroundings".

Swansea Council Unitary Development Plan (UDP) which was formally adopted in November

Policy EV2 seeks to ensure "the siting of new development should give preference to the

Policy EV3 requiring new development to provide "access to all", "satisfactory parking",

2008 and is currently the most up to date development plan for the area, sets out specific

"contribute to a high quality public realm" and "be accessible to pedestrians, cyclists and

policies for proposals relating to future development and the foundation for planning decisions

users of public transport".

within the local authority. 

Local Policies

Policy EV33 Stipulates "Planning permission will only be granted where development can be served by the public mains sewer or, where this system is inadequate,

Within the City & County of Swansea Unitary Development Plan there are a number of policies

satisfactory improvements can be provided prior to the development becoming

which can be applied to the proposed development at Colliers Way, Penderry, Swansea, the

operational. In exceptional circumstances where connection to the main sewer is not

most relevant of these include:

feasible, consideration will be given to the use of private drainage systems, provided the

criteria set out in Circular 10/99 are met. Private foul drainage systems will only be Policy HC2 allows for small scale residential development within the urban area provided

permitted within sewered areas where justified as a temporary expedient pending

other UDP policies are in compliance.

planned improvements to the mains system".

In particular, it requires that the site is suitably sized, and will not lead to overintensification or an unacceptable loss of residential amenity or adverse effect on an area’s character. It also requires there to be no harm to highway safety, or any adverse effect on infrastructure capacity.

Policy EV35 – Sewage Disposal. - Planning permission will only be granted where development can be served by the public main sewer or, where the system is adequate, satisfactory improvements can be provided sufficient improvements can be provided prior to the development becoming operation. All foul water drainage will be taken via

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new manholes into the Foul water Sewer

Policy EV35 Seeks to ensure that "Development that would have an adverse impact on the water environment due to:

Policy AS6 considers the "appropriate levels of parking for private cars" and to "provide facilities for the parking of cycles".

Additional surface water run off leading to a significant risk of flooding on site or an increase in flood risk elsewhere, and/or

Swansea Council LDP

A reduction in the quality of surface water run-off, will only be permitted where it can be demonstrated that appropriate alleviating measures can be implemented.

This site forms part of a larger area that was submitted for inclusion in the LDP, only part of which is owned by the HRA. The non HRA section of the site was previously occupied by the

Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) will be encouraged wherever they would be effective and practicable, so as to ensure that development does not increase run off, and potentially damage important landscape features and protected species and

demolished supermarket. This site is now being marketed for redevelopment. The HRA owned land sits at the rear of the site facing onto Colliers Way, formerly known as Milford Way and is approximately 1.31 HA.

habitats. Where SuDS are not provided then any conventional drainage system utilised must improve the status quo.

The site can be accessed off Colliers Way, formerly known as Milford Way and has been selected as part of pilot to test the feasibility and viability of direct fund Council house building.

Policy EV38 seek to ensure that "Development proposals on land where there is a risk

The development site lies within the Swansea North sub area, an area with a significant

from contamination or landfill gas will not be permitted unless it can be demonstrated to

projected housing need, and a significant need for affordable housing due to the demographics

the satisfaction of the Council, that measures can be taken to satisfactorily overcome any

in the area.

danger to life, health, property, controlled waters, or the natural and historic environment." 

Policy EV40 seeks to ensure that "Development proposals will not be permitted that would cause or result in significant harm to health, local amenity, natural heritage, the historic environment or landscape character because of significant levels of air, noise or light pollution".

Policy AS1 draws attention to the need for new developments associated with housing being "located in areas that are currently highly accessible by a range of transport modes", further reinforced by;

Policy AS2 through the provision of "suitable facilities for pedestrians and cyclists, allow for the safe, efficient and non-intrusive movement of vehicles, and comply with the

Architectural Design Group

l Building Services




principle of accessibility to all".

6.0 Design Evolution The vision has been to develop a scheme that most efficiently uses space to provide a With transport connections to Swansea and the commuting cities of Cardiff and Llanelli, multiple

neighbourhood cluster, for this reason it was clear that a more compact scheme with densities

education facilities, common green areas, great transport links and walking distance to local

matching the surrounding streets. This steered the scheme away from employing two long

amenities, which can offer residents a great quality of life. There are a number of future

tarmac stretches with turning heads towards a more centralised and one lane solution, making

upgrades nearby that are all granted or pending development, from playground spaces, cycling

sure to provide ample space for refuse collection and allowed breaking the hard surfaces with

reconnections, community gardening schemes and the re-establishment of a local supermarket.

communal visitor parking and landscaping on open public corners.

This scheme will continue to be refined and allow for flexibility for these future developments. Initially the site incorporated 4no. 2 and 3 bed dwellings, 2no. 4 bed dwellings and 8no. 1 bed The layout integrates the new development into the grain of the suburb, providing new

apartments, with associated soft and hard landscaping. The road layout being somewhat similar

footpaths. The scheme has maintained green public spaces to establish connections to nearby

to the adjacent street (Colliers Way & Cwrt Trefor).

areas pf green wedges: common green areas and its surrounding woods. A cost exercise was undertaken on the site layout, with it resulting in moving the new access

Opportunities and Constraints

road, along with the house types to the South-West to reduce the cost of the site by removing

The application site consist of an undeveloped plot of land with only one established boundaries

the proposed retaining wall that was required to the North-East of the site.

to the North, the remainder is an open brownfield site looking out onto the River Loughor Estuary toward the West and linking to common green areas to the East and South. The site

The layout of the dwellings / apartments were tested to produce a positive impact to the site

comprises of a sloped topography, sloping from East to West. The Urban Design Guide

regarding solar gain etc. The orientation of all the house types were rotated to allow the roofs to

ventures the remainder of the site will be redeveloped in a commercial or supermarket scheme,

be facing south-west as much as possible. Due to there being very little benefit for solar gain,

the proposal must therefore establish site boundaries and ensure they are distanced adequately

the orientation was changed to the current layouts. The roof pitches were also tested to produce

to minimise overlooking from future schemes.

positive impact for solar gain and aesthetic look, however due to cost implications, maintenance issues and no further benefit with solar gain, the ‘saddled’ roof was the best options all round.

By advantage of its immediate context and frontage along Colliers Way, the site facilitates an opportunity to integrate the land with the surrounding residential land-use context, which

The final scheme is presented overleaf (ref: AD016_TI_001). The scheme is underpinned by

bounds the North. To the West, an area of public open space lies directly opposite the site

the vision to create a residential development of high quality, which establishes a strong sense

which provides an opportunity to promote access to green and open spaces for recreation,

of place with its own local distinctiveness, comprising a mix of house types that integrate with

physical activity and healthy lifestyles.

neighbouring buildings and contribute to established character and appearance of the local area. The following chapter explores the proposed amendments to this scheme and provides a

Design Evolution

response to the Five Objectives of Good Design including an explanation of the relevant design

A number of options have been developed as part of the brief definition process. The options

and access facets.

explored varying of dwellings as well as different balance between open shared and private

Architectural Design Group

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amenity spaces.

Previous Site Plans testing different configurations

Proposed Site Plan


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Option 2


1 Bed Apartment Conceptual Option 1

2 Bed Dwelling Conceptual Option 1

Architectural Design Group

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2 Bed Dwelling Conceptual Option 2

Proposed Floor Plans & Elevations

4 Bed Dwelling 2 Bed Dwelling

3 Bed Dwelling

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1 Bed Apartment

7.0 Response to 5 Objectives of Good Design

and home access. Visitor parking is provided by informal on-street parking.

The proposed dwellings are designed in line with the principles of inclusive design and will be in accordance with Approved Document M of the Building Regulations stipulating access and use of buildings. The design provides footpaths leading into each individual dwelling, which will be suitably sized and laid out in smooth firm surfaces to provide sufficient access for all persons of all requirements. The proposal delivers ease of access through a variety of parking options in centralised and safe locations integrated into the grain of the scheme.

Home Access All houses will be designed with the mind-set of inclusive access and the UK’s ageing population in mind.

Approach / Entrance The approach to each dwelling is to be designed as level or gently sloping. All entrances are visualised to be illuminated, have level access over the threshold, suitable door widths having more than sufficient weather protection and a level external landing to all main entrance doors. All on-site parking will have sufficient width (2.6m x 4.8m) or the opportunity to widen accommodate those with reduced mobility as well as being ‘level’ with a hard surface.

Circulation House layouts have generous circulation and carefully considered room arrangements. This The 5 Objectives of Good Design as shown in the Welsh Government Technical Advice Note (TAN) 12: Design (March 16)

creates a simple and modern solution rather than being an afterthought. All rooms within dwellings are designed to accommodate generous amounts of furniture whilst allowing for the recommended manoeuvring space and wheelchair turning circles.

Access Site Access

Sanitary Accommodation

One of the key issues surrounding new forms of development is accessibility and how the

All dwellings, except first floor apartments have an entrance level accessible WC, which is in

proposed layout promotes access for all users. As discussed the site fronts Colliers Way, which

accordance with Approved Document M and all ground floor apartments have a ‘walk-in’

has clear links to the motor way via Mynydd Newydd Road. In order to minimise tarmac,

shower with appropriate space for a wheelchair-turning circle.

creating a straightforward access onto the residential site which branches off to the North and

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South, where it could be used to potentially link to future development. This allows car parking



The interior lighting design of all building types shall be energy efficient and in accordance with


the following standards and recommendations;

The proposal relates to a planning application for 18 no Swansea Standard Dwellings with a

 Statutory and Local Authority Regulations

mixture of 8Nr 1bedroom apartments and 4Nr pairs of 2bedroom semi-detached dwellings, 4Nr

 British Standards Institute

pairs of 3bedroom semi-detached dwellings, and 2Nr pairs of 4bedroom semi-detached

 CIBSE Codes for Interior Lighting

dwellings, with associated hard and soft landscaping.

 Building Regulations Approved Document L The proposal put forward a mixed residential development design to meet the needs of the local Future Flexibility

community by providing housing currently that is underprovided. The development will be built

In addition to consideration to the bathroom layouts, all stairs have been designed with

on site of 0.7 ha.

sufficient width to allow for the future installation of chair lifts and the flexibility of the layout and construction technique allow for the potential for a future lift installation.

Scale The scale of the development reflects a careful consideration of its surrounding context. All of


the buildings on the site are two storey to reflect the surrounding housing typology of Penderry

It is now a fundamental part of design standards to ensure that new developments are

adding a sense of human scale. The open spaces around the dwellings will create green

accessible as much as possible by several modes of transport. In this instance, the site lies in a

corridor linking views to surrounding undeveloped areas.

highly sustainable location with excellent links to the wider road network, firstly onto Mynydd Newydd Road which links up to the A483 towards Swansea and the M4 in close proximity.

Layout The homes have been orientated to endure the line of the street and take advantage of views

The site lies within close proximity to a number of essential services and facilities and benefits

toward the estuary. There is also a consideration of distance between dwellings to reduce

from convenient access to public transport modes. The nearest bus stop lies opposite the

overshadowing and overlooking from neighbouring properties with a minimum of 15m between

adjacent street entrance on Colliers Way, formerly known as Milford Way, another one is

each unit (gable to frontage) and 21m (front to front). This layout creates maximises the number

located less than a mile to the east of the site.

of south facing rooms and private green spaces. Once established, mature trees on the site will also have an impact on shading of the dwellings and site.

Gowerton and Swansea railway stations lie within 7 miles of the proposed site, which provide direct services top destinations further afield including Llanelli, Fishguard, Cardiff and

The proposal is underpinned by a vision to create a residential development of high quality,

Manchester Piccadilly. It is concluded that the proposal benefits from good movement links to

which provides a well-connected layout and maximises efficient use of the land. As shown in

and from the site, including public transport thereby reducing the need to travel by private cars

the previous site plan, the scheme creates a single ‘street’ cluster and is surrounded by homes


with a very similar scale and character the locality layout directly north.

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l Building Services



which encourages an attractive street-scene whilst taking away through traffic. Each dwelling is


The layout provides a meaningful sense of enclosure with clear routes in and out of the site,

designed to respond to contemporary living arrangements. The dwellings will benefit from

Appearance – Precedents

positive outlooks onto streets and gardens, which are generous is size, openness and suitably levels of privacy.

The layout of the development has been designed with appropriate private and semi-private open spaces and ensures that the required separation distances are achieved between each dwelling, meaning that no direct overlooking impacts are caused to the current and future occupants. The layout of the homes have been designed to provide wide frontages, allowing good levels of daylighting to all spaces. Textured Render – colour TBC

Cedral composite cladding

Appearance All units are semi-detached; this provides an opportunity for fascinating street scenes, rather

Roofing options

than individual detached buildings. These dwellings are broadly rectangular shape with pitched roofs, parking and garden plot arrangements.

The proposal incorporates a mix of housing types of simple, durable and well-detailed façade treatment and appearance. The proposed dwellings incorporate high quality materials to ensure clean and minimal detailing to sustain and enhance the local character, including render and timber facades, porches, lightweight interlocking tiled roof and anthracite grey uPVC windows and doors. The house frontages are deliberately broken up by allowing cars to park close to entrances for future wheelchair users. The proposal establishes a strong sense of place, which



integrates seamlessly with the character and appearance of the surrounding area and promotes Landscaping

quality, choice and variety of dwelling types.

The site is currently characterised as a largely open area with shrubs and hedgerows along some of the boundaries. As part of this scheme, the proposed development seeks to make good of the existing site features whilst providing for and promoting a positive contribution to the public land. The rear gardens are suitably sized in area and at least 10 metres in length, whilst the development also incorporates small pockets of common area planting which is well contained to the centre of the shared road.

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onto the existing area of public open space, directly adjacent to the North and West which


By benefit of the orientation and layout of the proposal, the development has a positive outlook

promotes ease of access etc. and encourages recreation, physical activity and healthy

accessed from the front. The proposal incorporates appropriate mixture of boundary treatments

lifestyles. The development will incorporate areas of hard surfacing, including patios, driveways,

to distinguish and ensure a clear definition between areas of public and private space and

footpaths and primary access routes, which will be laid out in high quality materials. The

promote a successful relationship with the character of the area. It is anticipated that a suitably

proposed development incorporates an appropriate mix of soft and hard landscaping which

designed scheme of street lighting will be an essential part of the development, ensuring that

provides an attractive and safe public space and contribute to the development’s strong sense

there are no dead zones created and dissuading any anti-social or criminal behaviour. Finally,

of place.

the proposal incorporates a mix of dwelling types, which inspires activity throughout the day and evening thereby lengthening the period of natural surveillance and it is concluded the scheme creates a development with safe and secure places.

Example of boundary treatment between neighbouring properties with a combination of high and low solid timber fencing. Enhanced privacy is provided to patio area and a lower boundary treatment beyond to encourage neighbour interaction.

Community Safety The proposed development has strong links to the residential clusters to the North and East. To the North are open green areas and sloping down away to the West, a positive of the site is the strong nature and the view to Swansea that it allows. This overlooking and surveillance is what the design intends to upkeep. The proposal incorporates dwellings with active frontages, which are designed with large areas of fenestration in the primary elements therefore ensuring eyes

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are orientated towards the streets and maximises natural surveillance. All dwellings are

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