Environmental events Feb - July 2012

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Events Environmental

Digwyddiadau Amgylcheddol Swansea • Abertawe

February - July 2012 Chwefror - Gorffennaf

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Introduction This is the first of two editions of the 2012 Environmental Events booklet and provides details of nearly 250 events taking place in and around Swansea from mid-February to the end of July. These events include guided walks and cycle rides through some of the UK’s most beautiful countryside, and a wide range of talks, workshops and training courses about wildlife and environmental issues. There are also lots of children’s activities in local nature reserves, in parks, on beaches and in other interesting places. Most of the events are FREE or at low cost so everyone can get involved. This booklet is compiled by the City and County of Swansea’s Nature Conservation Team with the support of Swansea Environmental Education Forum (SEEF) and funding from the Countryside Council for Wales. If you have relevant events for the second edition, which will cover the period from June to December 2012, then please contact the Nature Conservation Team (contact details below). Please note that information on events run by other organisations is published in good faith and the City and County of Swansea cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies. For further information on local organisations, please refer to the contact list at the back of the booklet. Additional events may also be listed on their websites.

City and County of Swansea Nature Conservation Team Tel: 01792 635777 Email: deb.hill@swansea.gov.uk Web: www.swansea.gov.uk/natureconservationteam


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Cyflwyniad Dyma'r un cyntaf o ddau rifyn o lyfryn Digwyddiadau Amgylcheddol 2012 ac mae'n cynnwys manylion am bron 250 o ddigwyddiadau a gynhelir yn Abertawe a'r cylch o ganol mis Chwefror i ddiwedd mis Gorffennaf. Mae'r digwyddiadau hyn yn cynnwys teithiau cerdded tywys, teithiau beicio drwy ardaloedd gwledig sydd ymhlith y rhai harddaf yn y DU ac amrywiaeth eang o sgyrsiau, gweithdai a chyrsiau hyfforddi am faterion bywyd gwyllt a'r amgylchedd. Mae llawer o weithgareddau i blant hefyd mewn gwarchodfeydd natur lleol, mewn parciau, ar draethau ac mewn lleoedd diddorol eraill. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r digwyddiadau AM DDIM neu'n rhad fel y gall pawb gymryd rhan. Cyhoeddir y llyfryn hwn gan Dîm Cadwraeth Natur Dinas a Sir Abertawe gyda chymorth Fforwm Addysg Amgylcheddol Abertawe ac arian gan Gyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru. Os ydych yn cynnal digwyddiadau perthnasol i'w cynnwys yn yr ail rifyn, ar gyfer y cyfnod rhwng Mehefin a Rhagfyr 2012, cysylltwch â'r Tîm Cadwraeth Natur (gweler y manylion cyswllt isod). Sylwer bod gwybodaeth am ddigwyddiadau a gynhelir gan sefydliadau eraill yn cael ei chyhoeddi'n ddidwyll ac ni fydd Dinas a Sir Abertawe'n derbyn cyfrifoldeb am unrhyw wallau. I gael mwy o wybodaeth am sefydliadau lleol, gweler y rhestr gyswllt ar ddiwedd y llyfryn. Mae'n bosib y rhestrir digwyddiadau ychwanegol ar eu gwefannau. Tîm Cadwraeth Natur Dinas a Sir Abertawe Ffôn: 01792 635777 E-bost: deb.hill@swansea.gov.uk Gwefan: www.abertawe.gov.uk/natureconservationteam


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Biodiversity in Swansea The City and County of Swansea’s natural environment is of outstanding quality and beauty. The diversity of landscapes and habitats includes upland moorland, coastal cliffs, sandy beaches, heathland, woodland, wetlands, river valleys, grasslands, sand dunes and estuaries. These habitats, together with the many historic parks and gardens, pockets of urban green-space and large areas of farmland, support a huge diversity of plant and animal species and make Swansea one of the most attractive and ecologically diverse counties in the UK. There are, however, many threats to Swansea’s wonderful biodiversity, such as lack of awareness, inappropriate management, recreational pressure, invasive species, pollution, climate change and development. To find out more about biodiversity in Swansea and what you can do to help, visit: www.biodiversitywales.org.uk or www.swansea.gov.uk/natureconservationteam

Countryside Connections This year sees the launch of Countryside Connections – an exciting new initiative that will enable people and communities across rural Swansea to get hands-on with the conservation and enhancement of Swansea’s rural environment. Swansea’s natural heritage needs protecting and looking after but it’s a big job! So, imagine if you and other local people had the skills and know-how to keep an eye on and look after the wildlife sites near where you live. Well, that’s what Countryside Connections is all about – connecting people to the countryside and helping them to appreciate, care for and enjoy it. The project will provide training and volunteering opportunities including countryside management, wardening, ecological monitoring, and crafts at a variety of rural sites. Countryside Connections is part-funded through the Rural Development Plan for Wales 2007-2013 which is funded by the Welsh Government and the European Union. If you’d like to know more on how to get involved contact Helen.Grey@swansea.gov.uk, or call 01792 636893.


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Bioamrywiaeth yn Abertawe Mae amgylchedd naturiol Dinas a Sir Abertawe o ansawdd a harddwch eithriadol. Mae'r tirweddau a'r cynefinoedd yn amrywio o weundiroedd uchel, clogwyni arfordirol, traethau tywod, rhostiroedd, coetiroedd, gwlyptiroedd, dyffrynnoedd afonydd, glaswelltiroedd, twyni tywod ac aberoedd. Mae'r cynefinoedd hyn, ynghyd 창'r parciau a gerddi hanesyddol niferus, pocedi o fannau gwyrdd yn y ddinas ac ardaloedd mawr o dir amaeth, yn cynnal amrywiaeth enfawr o rywogaethau planhigion ac anifeiliaid sy'n golygu bod Abertawe ymhlith siroedd mwyaf deniadol ac ecolegol amrywiol y DU. Fodd bynnag, mae llawer o elfennau'n bygwth bioamrywiaeth ryfeddol Abertawe, megis diffyg ymwybyddiaeth, rheolaeth amhriodol, pwysau gan weithgareddau hamdden, rhywogaethau ymledol, llygredd, newid yn yr hinsawdd a datblygu. I gael mwy o wybodaeth am fioamrywiaeth a'r hyn y gallwch ei wneud i helpu, ewch i: www.biodiversitywales.org.uk neu www.abertawe.gov.uk/natureconservationteam

Cysylltiadau Cefn Gwlad Eleni caiff Cysylltiadau Cefn Gwlad ei lansio - menter newydd gyffrous a fydd yn rhoi cyfle i bobl a chymunedau ar draws Abertawe wledig gymryd rhan yn y gwaith o gadw a gwella amgylchedd gwledig Abertawe. Mae angen amddiffyn treftadaeth naturiol Abertawe a gofalu amdani ond mae'r dasg yn enfawr! Felly, dychmygwch sefyllfa lle byddech chi a phobl leol eraill yn meddu ar y sgiliau a'r wybodaeth i gadw llygad ar safleoedd bywyd gwyllt yn eich cymdogaeth a gofalu amdanynt. Dyna hanfod Cysylltiadau Cefn Gwlad - cysylltu pobl 창 chefn gwlad a'u helpu i'w werthfawrogi, gofalu amdano a'i fwynhau. Bydd y prosiect yn darparu hyfforddiant a chyfleoedd gwirfoddoli, gan gynnwys rheoli cefn gwlad, gwaith warden, monitro ecolegol a chrefftau, mewn amrywiaeth o safleoedd gwledig. Ariennir Cysylltiadau Cefn Gwlad yn rhannol gan Gynllun Datblygu Gwledig Cymru 2007-2012 a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru a'r Undeb Ewropeaidd. Os hoffech chi wybod mwy am sut i gymryd rhan, e-bostiwch Helen.Grey@swansea.gov.uk neu ffoniwch l 01792 636893.


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Everyone Welcome Most events listed in this booklet are open to anyone. Please always be considerate to others and the environment – remember the countryside code and use sustainable travel where possible. Cancellations: The event leader will usually be at the start of an event even if it has been cancelled due to poor weather or other circumstances. To avoid unnecessary journeys, you may wish to call in advance. Disability: If you have a visual, hearing or mobility disability and need further details in order to join in some of these events, please contact the organiser for more information. Dogs: Dogs are not allowed at many events, especially countryside walks. Please call event leader to check. Car Parking: Not all walks or other events start from recognised car parks. Please be considerate when parking and take care not to obstruct gates, other vehicles, etc. Sustainable Travel: Many of the events in this booklet can be accessed using public transport or cycling. For bus routes and timetables please contact: Traveline Cymru at www.traveline-cymru.info or on 0871 200 2233 or visit the BayTrans website www.baytrans.org.uk

Croeso i Bawb Mae croeso i unrhyw un gymryd rhan yn y rhan fwyaf o'r digwyddiadau a restrir yma. Cofiwch fod yn ystyriol o bobl eraill a'r amgylchedd bob tro - cofiwch y côd cefn gwlad a defnyddiwch gludiant cynaliadwy lle bo modd. Canslo: Fel arfer bydd arweinydd y digwyddiad yn bresennol ar ddechrau digwyddiad, hyd yn oed os yw wedi cael ei ganslo oherwydd tywydd gwael neu amgylchiadau eraill. I osgoi teithiau diangen, mae'n syniad i chi ffonio ymlaen llaw. Anabledd: Os oes gennych nam ar eich golwg neu'ch clyw neu anabledd symudedd ac mae angen mwy o fanylion arnoch er mwyn cymryd rhan yn rhai o'r digwyddiadau hyn, cysylltwch â'r trefnydd am fwy o wybodaeth. Cw ˆn: Ni chaniateir cw ˆn mewn llawer o ddigwyddiadau, yn arbennig ar deithiau cerdded yng nghefn gwlad. Cysylltwch ag arweinydd y digwyddiad i gadarnhau hyn. Meysydd Parcio: Nid yw pob taith gerdded neu ddigwyddiadau eraill yn dechrau o faes parcio cydnabyddedig. Byddwch yn ystyriol wrth barcio a sicrhewch nad ydych yn rhwystro gatiau, cerbydau eraill etc. Cludiant Cynaliadwy: Gellir mynd i lawer o'r digwyddiadau sydd yn y daflen hon trwy ddefnyddio cludiant cyhoeddus neu feicio. I gael llwybrau ac amserlenni bysus, cysylltwch â Traveline Cymru trwy fynd i www.traveline-cymru.info neu ffoniwch 0871 200 2233 neu ewch i wefan BayTrans www.baytrans.org.uk


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Local Produce


Here are the basic details of eight regular local produce markets in Swansea. There are brief entries at relevant dates each month and details of any special events. Clydach Local Produce and Craft Market Last Saturday of month, 10am–1pm The Moose Hall, Beryl Street, Clydach Local produce and crafts including cakes, fruit and veg, cheese, honey, jams and chutney. For further information contact Helen Hinder, 07707 787791

Penclawdd Local Produce and Craft Market Third Saturday of month, 9.30am–12.30pm Penclawdd Community Centre, Penclawdd Local produce market including fresh Gower vegetables, fresh fish and meat, dairy products, crafts, etc. For further information contact Gorseinon Food and Craft Fayre Dave Williams, 01792 850162 Second Saturday of month, 9.30am–1pm Pennard Produce Market Usually second Sunday of Canolfan Gorseinon Centre, month, 9.30am–12.30pm Millers Drive, Gorseinon Pennard Community Locally produced food, Centre, Pennard arts and crafts. For further information contact Local vegetable produce, fresh fish and meat, and dairy products. Sian Day, 01792 893266 or Shirley Price, 01792 229123 For further information contact Mark Smith, 01792 232093 Llangennith Local Produce Market Pontarddulais Local Last Saturday of month, April to Produce Market September, 9.30am–1pm Second Wednesday of month, 9.30am–12.30pm Llangennith Hall, Llangennith, Gower Institute, St Teilo’s Street, Pontarddulais Market with vegetables, meat, produce and crafts for sale. Local fresh produce and crafts For further information contact and small cafe. Catherine Evans, 01792 386262 For further information contact Gail John, 01792 885890 Mumbles Local Produce Market Sketty Local Produce Second Saturday of month, and Craft Market 9am–1pm First Saturday of month, 9.30am–12.30pm The Dairy Car Park, Oystermouth Square, Mumbles Bishop Gore School canteen, De la Beche Road, Sketty Local produce market and a celebration of Welsh food. Fresh fruit, vegetables, cheese, For further information contact meats, and crafts for sale. Robin Bonham, 01792 405169 For further information contact Dave Williams, 01792 850162


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10.30am–12noon and 1–4pm, National Wetland Centre Wales, Llanelli CONTACT WWT, 01554 741087 DETAILS Drop in to make your very own bird box to take home and put in your garden. Receive expert one-to-one instruction to help you complete your box. Workshop cost is £5 per bird box. Usual admission fees also apply.


1–3pm, White Rock Car Park, Pentrechwyth Road, Bonymaen, Swansea CONTACT Lea Halborg, Nature Conservation Team, 01792 635749 DETAILS Drop in to make bird nest boxes to be put up on Kilvey Hill. All tools and materials provided. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear. Individuals, families and accompanied children are welcome. A Swansea Nature Network event to mark BTO National Nest Box Week.

FRI 17TH FEBRUARY BIRDS OF NORTHERN INDIA MEET 7.30pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Russell Evans, RSPB, 07977 258158 DETAILS Talk by Alan Rosney. Entry £1. Tea, coffee and biscuits available after the talk for 50p. Visitors are welcome.

SAT 18TH FEBRUARY PENCLAWDD LOCAL PRODUCE & CRAFT MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 18TH FEBRUARY FAMILY WORK DAY AT THE FARM MEET 10am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Alyson Williams or Kate Gibbs, 01792 578384 DETAILS Take part in the running of a small working Farm. Activities include animal care, organic gardening, healthy cooking, basic construction, farm maintenance and much more. Children under 8yrs must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Please wear suitable clothing. Fee £2 per person. Book in advance.


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SUN 19TH FEBRUARY BIRD BOX MAKING WORKSHOP Repeat activity. See details for Fri 17th February.

FRI 24TH FEBRUARY GOWER ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY TALK MEET 7.15pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Jeremy Douglas-Jones, Gower Ornithological Society, 01792 551331 DETAILS A talk on wildlife conservation by Paul Llewellyn.

SAT 25TH FEBRUARY CLYDACH LOCAL PRODUCE & CRAFT MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 25TH & SUN 26TH FEBRUARY URBAN PERMACULTURE COURSE MEET 10am, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Hannah Mitchell, Environment Centre, 01792 480200 DETAILS Learn how to apply the permaculture design system in an urban setting e.g. for garden design, sustainable energy systems, community design and even life plans. A weekend course run by Coedenfach. £40 fee for the two days includes tea and coffee, but not lunch. Booking essential.

SAT 25TH FEBRUARY CONSERVATION DAY AT THE FARM MEET 10am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Alyson Williams, Child and Youth Officer, 01792 578384 DETAILS Take part in seasonal conservation tasks at the Farm and neighbouring woodland and heathland sites: path clearance, fence repair, coppicing, species identification, fruit picking, bramble bashing, litter picks and much more. Includes light refreshments. For ages 8-16 years, fee £1 per person.

SAT 25TH FEBRUARY RAMBLE AND RUGBY MEET 11am, Joiners Arms, Three Crosses, Swansea CONTACT Peris, Swansea Outdoor Group, 07926 165768 DETAILS Admire the sights of north-east Gower on this 6 mile winter ramble from Three Crosses to the Blue Anchor and Wernbwll, getting back to the Poundffald or Joiners Arms in time to enjoy the England v Wales rugby match. Bring a packed lunch, your rugby jersey and money for a drink or two.

SAT 25TH FEBRUARY WALK TO THE WORM MEET 11.30am–4pm, call for further details CONTACT National Trust, 01792 390636 DETAILS Discover the wonders of Worms Head, the tidal island at the far end of Rhossili. Booking is essential. Cost is £4 adult, £2 child.

SUN 26TH FEBRUARY BIRDWATCHING AT WILDLIFE CENTRE MEET 10am–1pm, Blackpill Wildlife Centre, Blackpill, Swansea CONTACT Maggie Cornelius, RSPB, 01792 229244 DETAILS Join members of RSPB West Glamorgan group birdwatching across Swansea Bay SSSI. Open to members and public.


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MON 27TH FEBRUARY TO SUN 11TH MARCH FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT Swansea Fair Trade Forum has arranged a varied programme of local activities to mark the annual national campaign, including fair trade fashion show, a walk along the Swansea Bay Fair Trade Way, and a Fairtrade Evening at Tapestri Café Bar. Fair trade information and product stalls will be set up in local venues on the following days: Tue 28th February: Christwell Church, Manselton Road, Manselton, 10am–12noon and 6.30–8.30pm Wed 29th February: Oystermouth Library, Dunns Lane, Mumbles, 10.30am–4pm Fri 2nd March:

Pontarddulais Library, St Michael's Avenue, Pontarddulais, 10am–1pm and 2–4pm

Thu 8th March:

Townhill Library, Phoenix Centre, Powys Avenue, Townhill, 2–4pm

Fri 9th March:

Gorseinon Library, West Street, Gorseinon, 10am–4pm

Visit www.fairtradeswansea.org.uk or contact Jenny Edwards on 01792 480200 for a full programme and booking details.

MON 27TH FEBRUARY FAIRTRADE COFFEE MORNING MEET 10am–12.30pm, Oxfam shop, Union Street, Swansea CONTACT Clare Bennett, Oxfam, 01792 654287 DETAILS Kick off Fairtrade Fortnight with a visit to the Oxfam shop on Union Street for a cup of Fairtrade coffee.

TUE 28TH FEBRUARY ‘JOURNEY’ EXHIBITION AND DISCUSSION MEET 7pm, Oxfam Bookshop, Castle Street, Swansea CONTACT Phil Broadhurst, Oxfam, 01269 596933 DETAILS Swansea artist Josie Mackenzie will be exhibiting and discussing a textile piece she has created which traces the journey of tea from Sri Lanka to our kitchens. This will then be on display at the Oxfam Bookshop throughout Fairtrade Fortnight.

WED 29TH FEBRUARY LEAP YEAR WALK MEET 7.30pm, Joiners Arms, Bishopston CONTACT Wyn, Swansea Outdoor Group, 01792 470886 DETAILS Join the Swansea Outdoor Group for a 3 mile evening walk in Gower to mark the Leap Day, ending back at the Joiners Arms for a drink. Please bring a torch.


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March / Mawrth THU 1ST MARCH ST DAVID’S DAY AT THE FARM MEET 10am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Kate Gibbs, Volunteer and Training Officer, 01792 578384 DETAILS A fun-filled family day celebrating ‘Dydd Gwyl Dewi’. Activities will include Welsh cooking demonstrations and a chance to try your hand at traditional arts and crafts, to practice your Welsh language and maybe try folk dancing. Fee £2 per person.

FRI 2ND MARCH FUNKY FAIR TRADE FASHION SHOW MEET 6pm, National Waterfront Museum, Swansea CONTACT Angela Payne, YMCA Wales, 07919 626629 DETAILS Models will show off a range of fair trade clothing and accessories, set to an imaginative backdrop of graffiti art, with a live DJ and rap soundtrack. Opportunity of sampling and buying fair trade goodies. Proceeds to the Joshua Foundation. Tickets: £5.50 (adults), £3.50 (children) includes a cup of Fairtrade tea or coffee.

SAT 3RD MARCH ANIMAL HUSBANDRY COURSE MEET 10am–12.30pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Alyson Williams, Child and Youth Officer, 01792 578384 DETAILS Learn about a different animal each month and gain hands-on practical experience on how to handle and care for the animals. Handling of the animals and some written work are a requirement of the course. Suitable for 8–16 year olds. Course runs every month to September and can be joined at any time. Fee £2 per person per session.

SAT 3RD MARCH SWANSEA BAY FAIR TRADE WAY MEET 11am, Oxfam Bookshop, Castle Street, Swansea CONTACT Phil Broadhurst, Oxfam, 01269 596933 DETAILS A walk from the Oxfam Bookshop along the seafront to Red Cafe in Mumbles for a Fairtrade lunch. Bring along a flask of Fairtrade drink or stop at one of the Fairtrade cafes along the way. Energy-boosting Fairtrade bananas will be given to all walkers.


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SAT 3RD MARCH SKETTY LOCAL PRODUCE AND CRAFT MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 3RD MARCH NORDIC WALKING MEET 11am & 1.30pm, National Wetland Centre Wales, Llanelli CONTACT WWT, 01554 741087 DETAILS Trained walkers and complete beginners welcome. Poles can be provided. Usual admission fees apply.

SAT 3RD MARCH MAKE AND MEND: WELSH CUSHIONS MEET 1.30pm, National Waterfront Museum, Swansea CONTACT Miranda Berry, National Waterfront Museum, 01792 638950 DETAILS Monthly ‘upcycling’ workshop for adults. This month create your own cushion taking inspiration from the world-renowned Welsh textile industry. All abilities welcome. Costs £3.50 and advance booking required from 6th February.

SAT 3RD MARCH INTRODUCTION TO WILLOW WEAVING MEET 2pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT The Environment Centre, 01792 480200 DETAILS Learn the ancient art of willow weaving in this enjoyable and relaxing workshop. Make simple stars, butterflies, flowers, woven hearts, or even a small frame basket. Cost £10 per person, including all materials. Numbers limited, booking essential.

SUN 4TH MARCH MORNING WALK IN LLIW VALLEY MEET 10am, lower Lliw Valley reservoir car park, Felindre CONTACT Marlay John, RSPB, 01792 816250 DETAILS A morning walk around the Lliw Valley reservoirs. Beginners and new members welcome. Warm weatherproof clothing and boots may be necessary. Please leave dogs at home. Walks are undertaken at your own risk.


10am–12noon, Rosehill Quarry, Terrace Road, Mount Pleasant, Swansea CONTACT Jannie Cherry, Rosehill Quarry Group, 01792 477863 DETAILS Help maintain this beautiful open space and wildlife area with spectacular views over Swansea Bay.


6–7pm, National Wetland Centre Wales, Llanelli CONTACT WWT, 01554 741087 DETAILS Join us for a dusk walk around the Millennium Wetlands using bat detectors to find and identify different species of bats as part of March mammal month. Booking essential. £2 per person.


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FRI 9TH MARCH FAIRTRADE EVENING AT TAPESTRI MEET 7pm, Tapestri, Orchard Street, Swansea CONTACT Jenny Edwards, Swansea Fair Trade Forum, 01792 480200 DETAILS Enjoy a fairly-sourced buffet with fair trade ingredients, wine, juice, tea and coffee. Chance to meet a Fairtrade banana producer. Supported by Co-operative Membership. £5 each to be booked in advance and paid by 23rd February.

SAT 10TH MARCH GORSEINON FOOD AND CRAFT FAYRE Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 10TH MARCH MUMBLES LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 10TH MARCH FARM CLWB MEET 10am–12.30pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Alyson Williams, Child and Youth Officer, 01792 578384 DETAILS Become a young farmer for the day helping to feed the animals, muck out their pens and carry out other site tasks like organic gardening, basic construction, farm maintenance, composting and much more. Includes light refreshments. Fee £1 per person. Ages 8-16 years.

SAT 10TH MARCH KITES AND DIPPERS: NEW SPRING LIFE MEET 10am, Welfare Hall, Craig Cefn Parc CONTACT Vicky Rees, 01792 846443 DETAILS All about new life and a wild art competition. Open to members of the Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers RSPB Group, for children aged 8-18 years. Non-members welcome but please call first.

SUN 11TH MARCH PENNARD PRODUCE MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SUN 11TH MARCH SPRING WALK MEET 10–11.30am, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell CONTACT Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS A guided walk to look for the first signs of Spring and other magical discoveries at Bishop’s Wood.

SUN 11TH MARCH BIRDWATCHING AT WILDLIFE CENTRE Repeat event. See details for Sun 26th February.

TUE 13TH MARCH 100 YEARS OF THE WILDLIFE TRUST’S GOWER RESERVES MEET 7.30pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Jo Mullett, Wildlife Trust Local Group, 01792 635784 DETAILS Celebrate the centenary of Wildlife Trust’s nature reserves in Gower and the inspirational work of Charles Rothschild, pioneer of nature conservation in Britain. A talk by local group chairman and wildlife expert David Painter.

WED 14TH MARCH PONTARDDULAIS LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.


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WED 14TH MARCH GARDENERS’ QUESTION TIME MEET 7pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Jayne Vickrage, Swansea Organic Gardening Group, 01792 869098 DETAILS An informal evening in the format of the popular BBC radio programme with a panel of our own organic gardeners with a broad knowledge that covers permaculture practice and up-to-date organic techniques for plants and produce. £1 admission for non-members.

FRI 16TH MARCH RSPB SOCIAL AND QUIZ NIGHT MEET 7.30–9.30pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Maggie Cornelius, RSPB, 01792 229244 DETAILS An RSPB West Glamorgan Group event. Entry £2.00 (includes cheese and wine).

SAT 17TH MARCH PENCLAWDD LOCAL PRODUCE & CRAFT MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 17TH MARCH FAMILY WORK DAY AT THE FARM Regular event. See details for Sat 18th February.

SAT 17TH MARCH YOUNG MEMBERS’ BIRD WATCHING MEET 11am–12noon, National Wetland Centre Wales, Llanelli CONTACT WWT, 01554 741087 DETAILS For WWT young members only, and their families. Includes identifying birds by their calls and looking out for spring migrants. Each session will build on the skills and knowledge gained in previous sessions.

SAT 17TH MARCH OWL PELLET DISSECTING WORKSHOP MEET 1–3pm, National Wetland Centre Wales, Llanelli CONTACT WWT, 01554 741087 DETAILS Find out which mammals the local owls have been eating by examining their pellets and identifying tiny bones. Part of March mammal month. Usual admission fees apply.

TUE 20TH MARCH BEEKEEPING COURSE MEET 7–9pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Chris Jones, Animal and Conservation Officer, 01792 578384 DETAILS A 10 week course teaching everything you need to know about bees. Course costs £45 per person and includes practical sessions in the Farm’s apiary and harvesting your own honey at the end of the course. Booking essential.


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THU 22ND MARCH WORLD WATER DAY EVENT MEET 1.30pm, outside Swansea Central Library, Civic Centre. CONTACT Lea Halborg, Nature Conservation Team, 01792 635749 DETAILS Learn about the importance of our oceans while creating sea sculptures from natural materials on our shoreline. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear. All tools and materials provided. Ideal for families and accompanied children. A Communities and Nature event.

FRI 23RD MARCH AROUND TEALHAM MOOR TALK MEET 7.15pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Jeremy Douglas-Jones, Gower Ornithological Society, 01792 551331 DETAILS Talk by Robin Williams about Tealham Moor, Somerset.

SAT 24TH MARCH CONSERVATION DAY AT THE FARM Regular event. See details for Sat 25th February.


10am–1pm, Blackpill Wildlife Centre, Blackpill, Swansea CONTACT Jannie Cherry, Rosehill Quarry Group, 01792 477863 DETAILS Free family event where you can discover your local environment with a range of engaging activities and information. A collaborative event hosted by local voluntary groups such as RSPB, Coeden Fach Tree Nursery and Rosehill Quarry. Also in association with The Junction Cafe.

SUN 25TH MARCH SWANSEA CANAL MIDI CLEAN UP MEET 10am, Castle Hotel Car Park, High Street, Pontardawe CONTACT Jude Biss, Swansea Canal Society, 0844 2094548 DETAILS Help clean up the environment for a few hours in and along the Swansea Canal. Everyone welcome. All children must be accompanied by a responsible person. Registration forms need to be completed prior to getting down and dirty. Long sleeves/trousers, gloves and sensible footwear needed. Some waders will be available.

SUN 25TH MARCH WATER VOLE TALK MEET 2pm, National Wetland Centre Wales, Llanelli CONTACT WWT, 01554 741087 DETAILS Find out about our resident water voles, one of only two populations in the whole of Wales. Learn about how we manage the reserve to help them. Part of March mammal month. Usual admission fees apply.

SAT 31ST MARCH EASTER HOLIDAY FAMILY FUN MEET 9.30am–5pm, National Wetland Centre Wales, Llanelli CONTACT WWT, 01554 741087 DETAILS Family fun every day in the Easter holidays, including Easter egg hunts (until 8th April), pond dipping and craft activities. Normal admission fees apply.


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SAT 31ST MARCH KITES AND DIPPERS: ALL ABOUT BADGERS MEET 10am, Welfare Hall, Craig Cefn Parc CONTACT Vicky Rees, 01792 846443 DETAILS Learn all about the life of badgers and celebrate Kites and Dippers first birthday. Open to members of the Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers RSPB Group, for children aged 8–18 years. Non-members welcome but please call first.

SAT 31ST MARCH CLYDACH LOCAL PRODUCE AND CRAFT MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 31ST MARCH EARTH HOUR MEET 10am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Alyson Williams, Child and Youth Office, 01792 578384 DETAILS ‘Earth Hour’ is a worldwide day for saving energy. Come along to the Farm and get hints and tips on saving energy and exploring alternative ways of using energy such as cooking on an open fire rather than using gas, making windmills and rainwater harvest system, and composting. No entrance fee but donations gratefully appreciated.

SAT 31ST MARCH BOOK SWAP, STORYTELLING AND BOOK CRAFTS MEET 11am–4pm, National Waterfront Museum, Swansea CONTACT Miranda Berry, National Waterfront Museum, 01792 638950 DETAILS Offload unwanted books and find a different collection in exchange. All books should be in good, readable condition and a book for a book token system will be in place. In partnership with Oxfam Bookshop. Storytelling and bookmark craft workshop from 1pm to 3pm.


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April / Ebrill SUN 1ST APRIL ROSEHILL QUARRY TASK DAY Regular event. See details for Sun 4th March.

SUN 1ST APRIL BOOK SWAP, STORYTELLING AND BOOK CRAFTS Repeat event. See entry for 31st March.

SUN 1ST TO SUN 15TH APRIL WOOLLEN MILL ACTIVITIES MEET 11am–3pm, Gower Heritage Centre, Parkmill, Gower CONTACT Gower Heritage Centre, 01792 371206 DETAILS Learn all about the process of turning fleece into fabric. Have a go at spinning or carding fleece, join a felt-making class and see weaving demonstrations.

MON 2ND APRIL TO SAT 26TH MAY 30 YEARS OF THE GREEN MOVEMENT Free exhibition at the Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea, chronicling the history of the Green Movement and featuring rare posters and fliers from the past. Come along and see what memories they evoke. The Environment Centre is open 10am-4pm Monday to Friday, but please call ahead on 01792 480200 to check access availability as room may be in use.

TUE 3RD APRIL EASTER EGG HUNT MEET 10.30–11.30am, Cwmdonkin Park, Uplands, Swansea CONTACT Parks Development Team, 01792 635485 DETAILS Participants must be aged 5–11 years old. Book in advance at www.swansea.gov.uk/jpr as places are limited.

TUE 3RD APRIL PENMAEN BURROWS WALK MEET 2.45pm, car park by bus stop, Penmaen, Gower CONTACT Mike Scott, Gower AONB Team, 01792 635741 DETAILS An easy 1hr walk to Penmaen Burrows, with spectacular views over Three Cliffs Bay and Tor Bay. Please bring appropriate footwear and weatherproof clothing. Accessible by bus from Swansea (Gower Explorer 118).


10.30–11.30am, Discovery Centre, Brynmill Park, Swansea CONTACT Parks Development Team, 01792 635485 DETAILS Participants must be aged 5–11 years old. Book in advance at www.swansea.gov.uk/jpr as places are limited.

THU 5TH APRIL PETAL PICTURES IN THE PARK MEET 1.30–2.30pm, Ty'r Blodau, Singleton Park, Swansea CONTACT Parks Development Team, 01792 635485 DETAILS Participants must be aged 5–11 years old. Book in advance at www.swansea.gov.uk/jpr as places are limited.


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SAT 7TH APRIL SKETTY LOCAL PRODUCE AND CRAFT MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 7TH APRIL ANIMAL HUSBANDRY COURSE Regular event. See details for Sat 3rd March.

SAT 7TH APRIL THREE CLIFFS COASTAL FLOWERS WALK MEET 11am–1.30pm, NT car park, Southgate, Gower CONTACT National Trust, 01792 390636 DETAILS Enjoy the beautiful spring flowers and stroll along the cliffs from Southgate, taking in amazing views of Three Cliffs Bay. Booking essential. Cost is £3 adult, £1.50 child.

SAT 7TH APRIL EASTER TRAIL MEET 11am–3pm, NT car park, Southgate, Gower CONTACT National Trust, 01792 390636 DETAILS Hunt along the cliffs for clues to win an Easter egg. Booking not essential. Cost is £1.50 per child.

SAT 7TH APRIL MAKE AND MEND: VINTAGE PHOTOS & POSTCARDS MEET 1.30pm, National Waterfront Museum, Swansea CONTACT Miranda Berry, National Waterfront Museum, 01792 638950 DETAILS Monthly ‘upcycling’ workshop for adults. This month, using found vintage photos, photographic paraphernalia and old postcards, we will make gift tags, decoupage pieces or small wall hangings. All abilities welcome. Costs £3.50 and advance booking required from 5th March.

SAT 7TH APRIL KILVEY EASTER EGG HUNT MEET 2pm, Llanerch Road, Bonymaen, Swansea CONTACT Marian, Kilvey Community Woodland Volunteers, 07988 721613 DETAILS A family walk in the Kilvey Hill woodland with an Easter theme. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Wear suitable clothing and footwear.

TUE 10TH APRIL BUILD A BEETLE CASTLE MEET 10.30–11.30am, Cwmdonkin Park, Uplands, Swansea CONTACT Parks Development Team, 01792 635485 DETAILS Participants must be aged 5–11 years old. Book in advance at www.swansea.gov.uk/jpr as places are limited.


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TUE 10TH APRIL CLIMATE CHANGE AND WELSH BIRDS MEET 7.30pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Jo Mullett, Wildlife Trust Local Group, 01792 635784 DETAILS Find out the RSPB’s perspective on climate change and its likely future impact on bird species and populations in Wales. Talk by Peter Jones, RSPB Cymru.

WED 11TH APRIL PONTARDDULAIS LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

WED 11TH APRIL MUMBLES HILL MUTT STRUT MEET 10am, Castlemare car park, Bracelet Bay, Mumbles CONTACT Lea Halborg, Nature Conservation Team, 01792 635749 DETAILS Join us with your four-legged friend for a morning walk and talk around Mumbles Hill. Warm clothing and boots may be needed. Dogs will need to be kept on a lead. Organisers will be easily identifiable with reflective jackets. Pay and display car parking. A Swansea Nature Network event to mark National Pet Month.

WED 11TH APRIL ORGANIC PEST CONTROL MEET 7pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Jayne Vickrage, Swansea Organic Gardening Group, 01792 869098 DETAILS A talk on how to control garden pests organically. Everyone welcome.

THU 12TH APRIL SPRING POND INVESTIGATION MEET 1–4pm, Brynmill Park, Swansea CONTACT Steve Hopkins, 01792 205327 DETAILS Find out what is springing back to life in Brynmill Lake. A free event suitable for families and individuals.

SAT 14TH APRIL GORSEINON FOOD AND CRAFT FAYRE Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 14TH APRIL BIRDSONG RECOGNITION IN CLYNE WOODS MEET 9.30am, cyle track car park, Dunvant CONTACT Bob Tallack, Gower Ornithological Society, 01792 204031 DETAILS A walk through Clyne Woods to learn more about woodland birdsong. Weather dependent so phone if in doubt.


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SAT 14TH APRIL MUMBLES LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 14TH APRIL FARM CLWB Regular event. See details for Sat 10th March.

SAT 14TH APRIL NORTH GOWER EASTER EGGCASE HUNT AND STRANDLINE SURVEY MEET 10am, Cwm Ivy car park, Llanmadoc, Gower CONTACT Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal, 07879 837817 DETAILS Join marine biologist Judith Oakley and take part in an eggcase hunt for shark and ray eggcases along the strandline at Whiteford Point, North Gower. Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Be prepared for a 20 minute walk from car park to beach. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Free event but booking essential.

SAT 14TH TO SUN 15TH APRIL PRACTICAL WOODSMAN COURSE MEET Contact for time and location CONTACT Dryad Bushcraft, 01792 547213 DETAILS A two-day course designed for those with little or no previous Bushcraft experience, starting with an introduction to the safe use of the knife, saw and axe, and progressing through a range of skills based on wilderness survival. Course fee £190 adults, £160 concessions.

SUN 15TH APRIL PENNARD PRODUCE MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SUN 15TH APRIL MORNING WALK IN PONTARDAWE RIVERSIDE PARK NATURE RESERVE MEET 10am, Riverside Park Car Park, Pontardawe CONTACT Marlay John, RSPB, 01792 816250 DETAILS A morning walk along the canalside and woodland paths. Beginners and new members welcome. Warm weatherproof clothing and boots may be necessary. Please leave dogs at home. Walks are undertaken at your own risk.

SUN 15TH APRIL LANGLAND BEACH CLEAN AND LITTER SURVEY MEET 10.30am, car park by tennis courts, Langland, Gower CONTACT Lou Luddington, Marine Conservation Society, 07848 464 700 DETAILS Volunteers welcome to help clean Langland beach. This MSC Beachwatch event is free and will run for up to 2hrs depending on amount of litter present. Children must be accompanied by adults. All equipment will be provided.


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SAT 21ST APRIL PENCLAWDD LOCAL PRODUCE AND CRAFT MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 21ST APRIL CELEBRATING INTERNATIONAL GARLIC DAY MEET 10am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Alyson Williams or Kate Gibbs, 01792 578384 DETAILS Find out all about the wonders of garlic, from the health benefits to how to use it in cooking. If you are a garlic lover, then this is definitely the event for you. Suitable for the whole family (children under 8yrs must be accompanied by a responsible adult). Places must be booked in advance. Fee £2 per person.

SAT 21ST APRIL YOUNG MEMBERS BIRD WATCHING Repeat event. See entry for 17th March.

SUN 22ND APRIL CREATIVE JOURNALING IN THE WOODS MEET 10am–4pm, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell CONTACT Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS Discover your creative potential using words, paper, artist supplies, and natural materials we find in the woods. There will be creative activities designed to give you the space for self-reflection and expression in the natural environment. No previous artistic or literary skills needed. Only twelve places available so book early. Not suitable for young children.


6.30am, reserve car park between Jersey Marine and Llandarcy CONTACT Bob Tallack, Gower Ornithological Society, 01792 204031 DETAILS An evening walk through Pant-y-Sais Fen to learn more about birdsong. Weather dependent so phone if in doubt.

SAT 28TH APRIL CONSERVATION DAY AT THE FARM Regular event. See details for Sat 25th February.

SAT 28TH APRIL LLANGENNITH LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 28TH APRIL CLYDACH LOCAL PRODUCE AND CRAFT MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SUN 29TH APRIL PORT EYNON POINT TO COMMON CLIFF WALK MEET 10am, car park, Port Eynon (parking fees apply) CONTACT Jo Mullett, Wildlife Trust Local Group, 01792 635784 DETAILS A 6km walk to look at the Wildife Trust reserves (Sedgers Bank, Port Eynon Point, Overton Cliff, Overton Mere, Roydon’s Corner and Longhole Cliff) to see some of the rare plants and insects, and the management needed to conserve them. Approx 3hrs with some steep paths.


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10am–12noon, Clyne Gardens (Woodman Pub entrance), Blackpill, Swansea CONTACT Steve Hopkins, 01792 205327 DETAILS Enjoy Clyne Gardens in full bloom and look out for wildlife. Bring binoculars if you have them. £1.50 adult, 50p child.

SAT 5TH MAY SKETTY LOCAL PRODUCE AND CRAFT MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 5TH MAY ANIMAL HUSBANDRY COURSE Regular event. See details for Sat 3rd March.

SAT 5TH MAY NATIONAL LOW TIDE DAY SEASHORE SAFARI MEET 10.45am, outside National Trust shop, Rhossili, Gower CONTACT Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal, 07879 837817 DETAILS Celebrate National Low Tide Day and join marine biologist Judith Oakley on a ‘Seashore Safari’ adventure to discover the amazing hidden shore life of Gower. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear as you will get wet feet and the ground is uneven. No nets please. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Ages 3+. Lasts approx. 2½–3hrs. Parking charges may apply. Free event but booking essential. Be prepared for a 20 minute walk to the Causeway.

SAT 5TH MAY WILDERNESS GOURMET (FORAGING) COURSE MEET Contact for time and location CONTACT Dryad Bushcraft, 01792 547213 DETAILS A fantastic day out for all the family preparing a meal in the great outdoors using a mixture of seasonably available wild foods with food we bring with us. All food is cooked over wood fires and you will learn how to make the best use of materials and ingredients available. Course fee £90 adults, £60 concessions.


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11am–3pm, Bishop’s Wood Local Nature Reserve, Caswell, Gower CONTACT Forest School Swansea Neath Port Talbot, 01792 367118 DETAILS All the family can join in Forest School activities such as den building, building a campfire, arts and crafts. Lots of environmental games and activities and free for all.

SAT 5TH MAY MAKE AND MEND: JUBILEE MUGS AND TEA TOWELS MEET 1.30pm, National Waterfront Museum, Swansea CONTACT Miranda Berry, National Waterfront Museum, 01792 638950 DETAILS Monthly ‘upcycling’ workshop for adults. In this workshop we will be harnessing all things regal and quintessentially British by creating our own set of celebration mug and tea towel using ceramic/fabric paints. All abilities welcome. Costs £3.50 and advance booking required from 9th April.

SAT 6TH MAY DAWN CHORUS WALK MEET 4.30am, Cwm Ivy car park, Llanmadoc, Gower CONTACT National Trust, 01792 390636 DETAILS Listen to the countryside wake up, with experts on hand to identify the bird call. A magical experience. Booking essential. Cost is £3 adult, £1.50 child.

SUN 6TH MAY ROSEHILL QUARRY TASK DAY Regular event. See details for Sun 4th March.

TUE 8TH MAY MARINE MEGA FAUNA MEET 7.30pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Jo Mullett, Wildlife Trust Local Group, 01792 635784 DETAILS Learn more about the large marine mammals that frequent our shores and how your sightings could help local research protect them in the future, with Judith Oakley, local marine expert.

WED 9TH MAY PONTARDDULAIS LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.


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Repeat event. See details for Wed 2nd May.


MEET 7pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Jayne Vickrage, Swansea Organic Gardening Group, 01792 869098 DETAILS Join the local organic gardening group to exchange your spare plants and seeds. Everyone welcome.

SAT 12TH MAY KITES AND DIPPERS: DAWN CHORUS MEET 7am, Welfare Hall, Craig Cefn Parc CONTACT Vicky Rees, 01792 846443 DETAILS A guided walk up Mynydd Gelliwastad to listen to the dawn chorus followed by a light breakfast back at the Hall. Open to members of the Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers RSPB Group, for children aged 8-18 years. Non-members welcome but please call first.

SAT 12TH MAY GORSEINON FOOD AND CRAFT FAYRE Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 12TH MAY MUMBLES LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.


MEET 9.30am, Lower Lliw Reservoir car park, Felindre CONTACT Bob Tallack, Gower Ornithological Society, 01792 204031 DETAILS Walk around the Lower Lliw Reservoir and learn more about birdsong. Weather dependent so phone if in doubt.


Regular event. See details for Sat 10th March.


MEET 11am, National Waterfront Museum, Swansea CONTACT Miranda Berry, National Waterfront Museum, 01792 638950 DETAILS Free, easy walk and talk with local historian John Ashley taking in 300 years of the Swansea Bay waterfront. Wear sturdy footwear as conditions could be wet and slippery and the ground uneven. Taking part is at own risk. The walk will run in most weather conditions but if unsure please call the Museum. Booking is required.


MEET 2.15pm, Swansea council office car park, Penllergaer CONTACT Jennie Eyers, The Penllergare Trust, 01558 650416 DETAILS Guided walk around historic estate. Free but donations appreciated. Sturdy footwear required.


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SUN 13TH MAY PENNARD PRODUCE MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SUN 13TH MAY OXWICH BAY NATURE RESERVE WALK MEET 10am, Beach Car Park, Oxwich, Gower CONTACT Marlay John, RSPB, 01792 816250 DETAILS A morning walk around the sand dunes and marshes of Oxwich Bay Nature Reserve. Beginners and new members welcome. Warm weatherproof clothing and boots may be necessary. Please leave dogs at home. Walks are undertaken at your own risk.

SUN 13TH MAY LEARN TO MAKE A BASKET IN A DAY MEET 10am–4pm, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell CONTACT Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS Learn to make a simple willow basket in a day in a beautiful location in the woods. Only ten places available so book early. Not suitable for young children.

SUN 13TH MAY KILVEY HILL TASK DAY MEET Contact for further details CONTACT Marian, Kilvey Community Woodland Volunteers, 07988 721613 DETAILS Lend a hand with practical work in the Kilvey Hill Community Woodland. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Wear suitable clothing/footwear.

WED 16TH MAY BIRD AND WILDLIFE WALK Repeat event. See details for Wed 2nd May.

FRI 18TH MAY GREAT PLANT HUNT ON CADLE HEATH MEET 1pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach, Swansea CONTACT Lea Halborg, Nature Conservation Team, 01792 635749 DETAILS Learn about wild plants and how to identify them. Lots to discover and lots to see. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear. All equipment provided. A Swansea Nature Network event.

SAT 19TH MAY INTRODUCTION TO BUSHCRAFT COURSE MEET Contact for time and location CONTACT Dryad Bushcraft, 01792 547213 DETAILS One-day course introducing a range of basic bushcraft tools, techniques and skills. Suitable for anyone over 8 years. Course fee £90 adults, £60 concessions.

SAT 19TH MAY PENCLAWDD LOCAL PRODUCE AND CRAFT MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 19TH MAY INTERNATIONAL BIODIVERSITY DAY MEET 11am–4pm, National Waterfront Museum, Swansea CONTACT Miranda Berry, National Waterfront Museum, 01792 638950 DETAILS Learn about the amazing marine and coastal habitats and species we have on our doorstep in Swansea, how they help us and how you can help protect them. Celebrating International Day for Biodiversity with the National Waterfront Museum and Swansea Biodiversity Partnership.


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SAT 19TH MAY FAMILY WORK DAY AT THE FARM Regular event. See details for Sat 18th February.

SAT 19TH MAY YOUNG MEMBERS’ BIRD WATCHING Repeat event. See entry for 17th March.


Call for times. Bishop’s Wood Local Nature Reserve, Caswell, Gower CONTACT Forest School Swansea Neath Port Talbot, 01792 367118 DETAILS Introduction to Forest School course to OCN Level 1 for people who want to learn more about Forest School and who want to volunteer at sessions, supporting a Qualified Forest School Leader. Course fee is £200 but please enquire about subsidised places. Booking in advance is essential.

WED 20TH MAY RARE PLANT SALE MEET 10am–5pm, Clyne Gardens, Blackpill, Swansea CONTACT Steve Hopkins, 01792 205327 DETAILS An opportunity to pick up some interesting and rare plants during the annual Clyne in Bloom festival.

WED 23RD MAY BIRD AND WILDLIFE WALK Repeat event. See details for Wed 2nd May.

SAT 26TH MAY LLANGENNITH LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 26TH MAY CLYDACH LOCAL PRODUCE AND CRAFT MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 26TH MAY CONSERVATION DAY AT THE FARM Regular event. See details for Sat 25th February.

SAT 26TH MAY ENVIRONMENT CENTRE COMMUNITY OPEN DAY MEET 11am–3pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Jenny Edwards, The Environment Centre, 01792 480200 DETAILS Meet the people and projects within the Environment Centre. Experts will be on hand to discuss a wide range of environmental issues and there will be stalls, exhibitions and activities.

SAT 26TH MAY HIGH STREET, WIND STREET AND BACK STREETS MEET 11am, National Waterfront Museum, Swansea CONTACT Miranda Berry, National Waterfront Museum, 01792 638950 DETAILS A free, easy walk. Join local historian John Ashley for a fascinating and unexpected insight into the history of Swansea’s city centre. Wear sturdy footwear as conditions could be wet and slippery and the ground uneven. Taking part is at own risk. The walk will run in most weather conditions but if unsure please call the Museum. Booking is required.

WED 30TH MAY BIRD AND WILDLIFE WALK Repeat event. See details for Wed 2nd May.


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June / Mehefin JUNE TO DECEMBER PERMACULTURE DESIGN COURSE A 72 hour course run by Coeden Fach Community Tree Nursery over 6 weekends from June to December. Learn how to work with permaculture principles and tools. Course includes information on organic growing; forest gardening, trees and woodland management; introduction to sustainable building and renewable energy; water collection systems; creating a more sustainable lifestyle. Course fee is £350. For further details email coeden.fach@yahoo.co.uk or call 07778 591091.


MEET Down to Earth Project site, Murton, Gower CONTACT Down to Earth Project, 01792 346566 DETAILS A one-day training course for youth and community workers and teachers on games and fun experiences through the outdoors. Advance booking essential. Please enquire about course fees and for further details.

SAT 2ND JUNE SKETTY LOCAL PRODUCE AND CRAFT MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.


MEET 10am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Chris Jones, Animal and Conservation Officer, 01792 578384 DETAILS See how to shear our rare breed Llanwenog sheep and try your hand at wool-related crafts such as felting, carding, knitting and crocheting. Fee £2 per person.


Regular event. See details for Sat 3rd March.


MEET 1.30pm, National Waterfront Museum, Swansea CONTACT Miranda Berry, National Waterfront Museum, 01792 638950 DETAILS Monthly ‘upcycling’ workshop for adults. This month use our found vintage sparkly junk to create your own regal bling bling earrings and brooches. All abilities welcome. Costs £3.50. Advance booking from 7th May.


Regular event. See details for Sun 4th March.


MEET 10am–2pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Alyson Williams, Child and Youth Officer: 01792 578384 DETAILS A wide range of activities including adventure play, sports games, woodwork, junk arts and crafts, and much more. Children need to be registered with the Farm before they can take part in the playscheme, either in advance or on the first day. Ages 8–16 years. Under 8’s welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. Suitable clothing is advisable. Fee £1 per child.


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10.30–11.30am, Discovery Centre, Brynmill Park, Swansea CONTACT Parks Development Team, 01792 635485 DETAILS Participants must be aged 5–11 years old. Book in advance at www.swansea.gov.uk/jpr as places are limited.

SAT 9TH TO SUN 17TH JUNE WALES BIODIVERSITY WEEK Various local events have been organised as part of a Waleswide celebration of nature with wildlife-inspired activities to enthuse and engage people in protecting and conserving the natural environment on their doorstep. For more details contact Jo Mullett on 01792 635784 or visit www.biodiversitywales.org.uk

SAT 9TH TO SUN 24TH JUNE GOWER WALKING FESTIVAL Over 70 guided walks and events exploring the scenery, wildlife, history and geology of Gower. From gentle strolls to strenuous walks, and from canoeing to sampling local food, the programme offers something to suit all ages, abilities and interests. Most walks cost £3 (£1 for under 14s), though some specialist walks and activities may cost more. For full walk details and bookings visit www.gowerwalkingfestival.org or call Mumbles Tourist Information Centre on 01792 361302.

SAT 9TH JUNE DAWN CHORUS MEET 3.30am, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A gentle walk listening out for the beautiful song of some of our local resident and migrant birds. The early start will guarantee that we get to hear and potentially see a range of species with very little background noise. No dogs. Part of the Gower Walking Festival and Wales Biodiversity Week. There is a small charge for this event.


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SAT 9TH JUNE HIGHLIGHTS OF NORTH GOWER MEET 10am, outside church, Mill Lane, Llanrhidian, Gower CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 4½hr circular trip (7 mile) around the beautiful Llanrhidian coastline, taking in the sights and history of Weobley Castle, Landimore and the Loughor Estuary before heading inland to Ryers Down and Cefn Bryn. Dogs on short leads. Part of the Gower Walking Festival. There is a small charge for this event.

SAT 9TH JUNE KITES & DIPPERS: DEN BUILDING & MUD MONSTERS MEET 10am, Cwm Clydach Reserve car park, Craig Cefn Parc CONTACT Vicky Rees, 01792 846443 DETAILS Learn how to build shelters and make mud monsters. Open to members of the Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers RSPB Group, for children aged 8–18 years. Non-members welcome but please call first.

SAT 9TH JUNE FARM CLWB Regular event. See details for Sat 10th March.

SAT 9TH JUNE TORCHWOOD AT RHOSSILI MEET 11am, National Trust Shop, Rhossili, Gower CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 3hr walk along the raised beach past one of the locations for the BBC’s ‘Torchwood’, then on to Hillend and back along one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Bring a packed lunch. Dogs on short leads. Part of the Gower Walking Festival. There is a small charge for this event.


11am, White Rock car park, off B5444, Bonymaen, Swansea CONTACT Miranda Berry, National Waterfront Museum, 01792 638950 DETAILS Climb Kilvey Hill for unparalleled views of historic Swansea and Swansea Bay. Led by local historian John Ashley. Wear sturdy footwear as conditions could be wet and slippery and the ground uneven. Taking part is at own risk. The walk will run in most weather conditions but if unsure please call the Museum. Walk is free but booking is required.


2.45pm, top of steps in Bracelet Bay car park, Mumbles CONTACT Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal, 07879 837817 DETAILS Celebrate World Oceans Day and join marine biologist Judith Oakley on a ‘Seashore Safari’ adventure to discover the amazing hidden shore life of Gower. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear as you will get wet feet and the ground is uneven. No nets please. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Ages 3+. Lasts approx. 2½–3hrs. Parking charges may apply. Free event but booking essential.


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SAT 9TH JUNE MUMBLES LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 9TH JUNE THE INAUDIBLE WORLD OF BATS MEET 9.30pm, Clyne Valley Country Park car park, Blackpill CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS An evening walk up the Clyne Valley cycle path with Steve Lucas, Bat Conservation Trust’s Wales Officer. Bat detectors will be available for use. This walk is suitable for the visually impaired. No dogs. Part of the Gower Walking Festival and Wales Biodiversity Week. There is a small charge for this event.

SAT 9TH JUNE GORSEINON FOOD AND CRAFT FAYRE Regular event. For details see page 7.

SUN 10TH JUNE PENNARD PRODUCE MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.


10–11.30am, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell, Gower CONTACT Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS Come and discover the wonderful secrets of our native plants and trees at Bishop’s Wood.

SUN 10TH JUNE WORLD OCEANS DAY OCEAN VIGIL MEET 10.15am, outside the Coastguard Station, Mumbles CONTACT Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal, 07879 837817 DETAILS Celebrate World Oceans Day and join marine biologist Judith Oakley to help spot and record harbour porpoise, seals and seabirds. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear and bring binoculars. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Ages 3+. Lasts approx. 2½hrs. Parking charges may apply. Free event but booking essential.


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2pm, gatehouse entrance, Singleton Park, Mumbles Road, Swansea CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A gentle urban walk from Swansea seafront, uphill through Singleton Park to the Hillside wildlife corridor with its spectacular views of Swansea Bay. Then back down through Rosehill Quarry, Cwmdonkin Park and Brynmill Park. No dogs. Part of the Gower Walking Festival and Wales Biodiversity Week. There is a small charge for this event.


MEET 6pm, Pitton Farm car park at Mewslade, Gower CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A stunning 3–4hr walk along the coast from Mewslade to Rhossili village, with wonderful views and excellent photo opportunities, and hopefully seeing the sun setting at about 10pm. Dogs on short leads. Part of the Gower Walking Festival. There is a small charge for this event.


10am, gate opposite Lon Las Primary School, Llansamlet, Swansea CONTACT Lea Halborg, Nature Conservation Team, 01792 635749 DETAILS Help us carry out the essential task of pulling up Himalayan Balsam. Also a guided walk and talk about the biodiversity of the site. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear. All tools and materials provided. Ideal for families, and accompanied children are welcome. A Swansea Nature Network event and part of Wales Biodiversity Week.


MEET 6.30pm, near public conveniences, Port Eynon, Gower CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 2 mile walk visiting the Salt House, limestone quarrying at Port Eynon Point, Culver Hole cave and Port Eynon village. No dogs. Part of the Gower Walking Festival. There is a small charge for this event.


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MEET 11am, car park entrance, Oxwich Bay Hotel, Gower CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A leisurely 3½hr walk to appreciate the beauty of the wild flowers at Oxwich. The walk will cover 5 different habitats – sand dune, seashore, salt marsh, woodland and freshwater marsh – ensuring a good diversity of floral species. Bring a packed lunch. Dogs on short leads. Part of the Gower Walking Festival and Wales Biodiversity Week. There is a small charge for this event.


MEET 2pm, by coach parking, Bracelet Bay car park, Mumbles CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 2½hr walk, with excellent views over Swansea Bay and Mumbles, pointing out the work in progress to restore the threatened limestone grassland and to uncover remnants of WW2 defences. Dogs on short leads. Part of the Gower Walking Festival and Wales Biodiversity Week. There is a small charge for this event.


MEET 7.30pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Jo Mullett, Wildlife Trust Local Group, 01792 635784 DETAILS Discover how our old disused railway lines are now being used by wildlife as corridors and micro-habitats with Martin Jones, Wildlife Trust, Cwm Tawe Group.

WED 13TH JUNE PONTARDDULAIS LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.


MEET 10am, Cwm Ivy car park, Llanmadoc, Gower CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 4hr walk, past the flower-rich Cwm Ivy Tor, out through the dunes and onto the beach to Burry Holms. Bring a packed lunch. Dogs on short leads. Part of the Gower Walking Festival and Wales Biodiversity Week. There is a small charge for this event.


11am, parking area off B4436 between Bishopston and Kittle (near boarding kennels) CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 3hr walk to view the flora and fauna of Barlands Common taking in the Wildlife Trust reserve and some places where public access is not normally allowed. The paths are often uneven, overgrown and very muddy and you will need to be relatively agile to enjoy this walk. Bring a packed lunch. No dogs. Part of the Gower Walking Festival and Wales Biodiversity Week. There is a small charge for this event.


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WED 13TH JUNE CLYNE GARDENS: PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE MEET 11am, Woodman pub car park, Blackpill, Swansea CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 2hr botanical ramble through one of Swansea’s most spectacular landscapes with Head Gardener, Teifion Davies, visiting a former private chapel and the unforgettable Japanese Bridge. Dogs on short leads. Part of the Gower Walking Festival. There is a small charge for this event.


10.30am, Crymlyn Reserve Centre, Dinam Road, Port Tennant CONTACT Jamie Bevan, Countryside Council for Wales, 01792 326450 DETAILS Enjoy a gentle stroll around Crymlyn Bog National Nature Reserve to learn about its wildlife and history. Followed by an optional trek part-way up Kilvey Hill to take in the panoramic views of Crymlyn Bog and Swansea Bay (involves some steep paths). Bring suitable outdoor clothing and footwear. Light refreshments available.

FRI 15TH JUNE – EXPEDITIONS ON GOWER WITH COMMUNITY GROUPS MEET Down to Earth Project site, Murton, Gower CONTACT Down to Earth Project, 01792 346566 DETAILS A one-day training course for youth and community workers and teachers providing an introduction to taking groups of young people and adults onto Gower. Advance booking essential. Please enquire about course fees and for further details.

SAT 16TH JUNE PENCLAWDD LOCAL PRODUCE AND CRAFT MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 16TH JUNE FAMILY WORK DAY AT THE FARM Regular event. See details for Sat 18th February.

SAT 16TH TO SUN 24TH JUNE TEAM GREEN BRITAIN BIKE WEEK The UK’s celebration of cycling is supported locally with a varied programme of activities to encourage everyone to participate. For further details phone the Council’s Transportation Group on 01792 636377 or go to www.swansea.gov.uk/cycling


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SAT 16TH JUNE YOUNG MEMBERS’ POND EXPLORATION MEET 10–11am, National Wetland Centre Wales, Llanelli CONTACT WWT, 01554 741087 DETAILS For WWT young members only, and their families. Includes pond dipping to discover the creatures that live beneath the surface, and using different techniques to investigate them. Each session will build on the skills and knowledge gained in previous sessions.

SAT 16TH JUNE BIKEABILITY WALES CYCLING FUN DAY MEET 11am–3pm, Dunvant Rugby Club, Killay, Swansea CONTACT Mike Cherry, BikeAbility Wales, 07968 109145 DETAILS A cycling fun day for people of all abilities and ages. Try an amazing range of specialist and unusual cycles, such as tandems, recumbents and kick bikes.

SAT 16TH & SUN 17TH JUNE CORACLE FISHING DISPLAYS MEET 11am–3pm, Gower Heritage Centre, Parkmill, Gower CONTACT Gower Heritage Centre, 01792 371206 DETAILS See this traditional Welsh boat being put through its paces. Watch fishing displays and have a go yourself. Normal entry charges apply.


10.30am, gate near roundabout opposite school car park, Walters Road, Llansamlet CONTACT Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal, 07879 837817 DETAILS A 2hr circular walk for families, led by Judith Oakley, to discover the wildlife of Swansea Vale Nature Reserve, followed by a pond dip searching for freshwater mini-beasts. Equipment will be provided. Not suitable for dogs. Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Free event.

SUN 17TH JUNE INTRODUCTION TO BUSHCRAFT COURSE Regular event. See details for Sat 19th May.


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SUN 17TH JUNE PENLLERGARE WALK MEET 2pm, Swansea council office car park, Penllergaer CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 3hr walk around this ‘secret and magical place’, a beautiful hidden valley in an urban environment currently undergoing restoration as a woodland park and garden. Dogs on short leads. Part of the Gower Walking Festival and Wales Biodiversity Week. There is a small charge for this event.

MON 18TH JUNE WALK TO THE WORM MEET 9.45am, outside National Trust Shop, Rhossili, Gower CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS Discover the wonders of this tidal island with a National Trust warden. Enjoy spectacular views while finding out about its history and wildlife. Walkers may wish to wear gardening gloves and have a stick for the scramble over the causeway. Please note that going onto the far end of the Outer Head is not permitted at this time of year. Bring a packed lunch. Dogs on short leads. Part of the Gower Walking Festival. There is a small charge for this event.

MON 18TH JUNE SANDS OF TIME: THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF PENMAEN AND PENNARD BURROWS MEET 1.30pm, car park off A4118, Penmaen, Gower CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 4 mile walk around Penmaen and Pennard Burrows to see the remains of two castles, two churches, a Neolithic chambered tomb, a limekiln and more. Bring a snack. No dogs. Part of the Gower Walking Festival. There is a small charge for this event.

TUE 19TH JUNE WHITEFORD NATIONAL NATURE RESERVE MEET 10am, Cwm Ivy car park, Llanmadoc, Gower CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 4hr walk to explore the history and ecology of some of the best sand dunes in the UK and get an insight into how it is managed. Bring a packed lunch. Dogs on short leads. Part of the Gower Walking Festival. There is a small charge for this event.


10am–12noon, outside The Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Lea Halborg, Nature Conservation Team, 01792 635749 DETAILS Get on your bike and join us for a ride along the cycle path, stopping to talk about some of the wonderful wildlife, history and stories about Swansea Bay. Please ring and book as places are limited. A Swansea Nature Network event to mark Wales Biodiversity Week and National Bike Week.


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WED 20TH JUNE GOWER GAZING FROM CEFN DRUM MEET 10am, by little bridge, Upper Mill Road, Pontardulais CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 5 mile moorland walk around Cefn Drum, above Pontardulais, with fabulous panoramic views. Bring a packed lunch. Dogs on short leads. Part of the Gower Walking Festival. There is a small charge for this event.

WED 20TH JUNE OXWICH TO HORTON WALK MEET 1pm, car park attendant’s booth, Oxwich, Gower CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 4hr walk from Oxwich to Horton, passing though ancient woodland, up steps, to follow a raised beach plateau and then inland via ancient tracks. Led by enthusiastic conservation workers. Bring a packed lunch. Dogs on short leads. Part of the Gower Walking Festival. There is a small charge for this event.

THU 21ST TO SAT 23RD JUNE MOTH NIGHTS MEET 9.30pm–midnight, call for further details CONTACT National Trust, 01792 390636 DETAILS Discover the wonders of these beautiful nocturnal insects. Booking essential. Cost is £3 adult, £1.50 child.

THU 21ST JUNE GREEN LANES AND GREAT VIEWS MEET 10.30am, Pitton Cross caravan park, Rhossili, Gower CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 5 mile walk to Rhossili Down and back following green lanes, with lots of flora, fauna and stunning views. Bring a packed lunch. Dogs on short leads. Part of the Gower Walking Festival. There is a small charge for this event.

THU 21ST JUNE WILDLIFE OF OXWICH SHORE AND DUNES MEET 10.30am, car park attendant’s booth, Oxwich, Gower CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS Join Dr Michael Isaac to look at the plants growing in the sand dunes and then down to the shore to look at the animals and plants living there. Please wear suitable footwear. Maximum 15 participants. Bring a packed lunch. No dogs. Part of the Gower Walking Festival. There is a small charge for this event.


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FRI 22ND JUNE BLACKPOOL ILLUMINATIONS: A WALK TO PWLL DU MEET 11am, Southgate NT car park, Gower CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 4 mile walk along spectacular coastline and through ancient woodland to discover the landscape and history of the area. Bring a packed lunch to enjoy in Pwll Du Bay, once a haunt for smugglers. Dogs on short leads. Part of the Gower Walking Festival. There is a small charge for this event.


MEET 10am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Alyson Williams, Child and Youth Officer, 01792 578384 DETAILS Follows on from 2nd June. Using traditional techniques and home-grown materials, such as extracting dyes from home-grown vegetables and fruit to dye wool. Includes light refreshments. Fee £1 per person.


MEET 10.30am, St Teilo’s Church Hall, The Glebe, Bishopston CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A circular walk through Bishopston Woods, down to Pwll Du singing in stunning locations on the way. Some rocky terrain and a steep climb from beach but otherwise an easy walk. Boots recommended. No singing experience needed. Bring a packed lunch. No dogs. Part of Gower Walking Festival. There is a small charge for this event.


MEET 4pm, car park off Pentrechwyth Road, Swansea CONTACT Marian, Kilvey Community Woodland Volunteers, 07988 721613 DETAILS Family walk with storytelling. Dressing up optional and bring own refreshments. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Wear suitable clothing/footwear.


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SUN 24TH TO SAT 30TH JUNE ADAIN AVION A mobile art space created from the fuselage of a DC-9 airplane will be sited outside the National Waterfront Museum as part of London 2012 Cultural Olympiad. It will form the focal point for a programme of cultural, artistic, sporting and environmental activities. Visit www.adainavion.org for details.

TUE 26TH JUNE CWM IVY WALK MEET 11am, bus stop in middle of Llanmadoc, Gower CONTACT Mike Scott, Gower AONB Team, 01792 635741 DETAILS An easy 1½ hour walk to Whiteford and Cwm Ivy, with spectacular views over the salt marshes of North Gower. Please bring appropriate footwear and weather proof clothing. Accessible by bus from Swansea (Gower Explorer 115/118).

SAT 30TH JUNE LLANGENNITH LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 30TH JUNE CLYDACH LOCAL PRODUCE AND CRAFT MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.


Anytime between 11am and 3pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Alyson Williams, Child and Youth Officer, 01792 578384 DETAILS Take part in a range of family-friendly activities such as treasure hunts, biodiversity trails, pond dipping, seed planting and, of course, meeting our farm animals. Also visit the new café where you can buy a range of delicious seasonal meals or snacks. Fee £2 per person.

SAT 30TH JUNE CWM IVY WILDLIFE DAY MEET 1pm–midnight, Cwm Ivy car park, Llanmadoc, Gower CONTACT National Trust, 01792 390636 DETAILS Go wild with woodland crafts and Gower wildlife. Activities for all the family, continuing into the evening with moth traps and bat detectors. BBQ and refreshments available at the Trust’s newly refurbished Lodge basecamp. Booking essential. Nominal charge for activities, food and refreshments.

SAT 30TH JUNE SILKY WAVE SURVEY MEET Please call for details CONTACT Russel Hobson, Butterfly Conservation, 01792 642972 DETAILS Help the Wildlife Trust and Butterfly Conservation with this annual rare moth survey at Overton Mere, near Port Eynon. Survey is weather dependant so booking essential. Rough terrain so suitable clothing and footwear essential and not suitable for younger children.


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July / Gorffennaf SUN 1ST JULY ROSEHILL QUARRY TASK DAY Regular event. See details for Sun 4th March.

SAT 7TH JULY SKETTY LOCAL PRODUCE AND CRAFT MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 7TH JULY ANIMAL HUSBANDRY COURSE Regular event. See details for Sat 3rd March.

SAT 7TH JULY ART ON THE HILL MEET 11am, Bracelet Bay car park, Mumbles CONTACT Lea Halborg, Nature Conservation Team, 01792 635749 DETAILS Join in the fun getting creative, making environmental arts and crafts on Mumbles Hill. Ideal for families, and accompanied children are welcome. Please wear warm clothing. This site is a moderate walk with slopes. Organisers will be wearing reflective jackets. Pay and display car parking. A Swansea Nature Network event to mark Children’s Art Day.

SAT 7TH JULY MUMBLES PIER SEASHORE SAFARI MEET 2pm, outside entrance to Mumbles Pier, Mumbles CONTACT Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal, 07879 837817 DETAILS Join marine biologist Judith Oakley on a ‘Seashore Safari’ adventure to discover the amazing hidden shore life of Gower. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear as you will get wet feet and the ground is uneven. No nets please. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Ages 3+. Lasts approx. 3hrs. Parking charges may apply. Free event but booking essential.

SUN 8TH JULY PENNARD PRODUCE MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.


10am–12noon, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell, Gower CONTACT Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS Exchange stress for serenity with walking activities designed to deepen our awareness of the natural world around us and our connection to it.

SUN 8TH JULY LANGLAND BEACH CLEAN AND LITTER SURVEY MEET 10.30am, car park by tennis courts, Langland, Gower CONTACT Lou Luddington, Marine Conservation Society, 07848 464 700 DETAILS Volunteers welcome to help clean Langland beach. This MSC Beachwatch event is free and will run for up to 2hrs depending on amount of litter present. Children must be accompanied by adults. All equipment will be provided.


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10.30am, small site car park, off road to Cilhendre, Pontardawe (grid reference SN724024) CONTACT Jo Mullett, Wildlife Trust Local Group, 01792 635784 DETAILS Field trip to look at one of the best examples of upland oak woodland, with fine views. This is an undersurveyed Wildlife Trust Reserve so all biological data and observations will be recorded. Walk length 1–2hrs.


2.45pm, slipway on Oxwich beach (opp Oxwich Bay Hotel), Gower CONTACT Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal, 07879 837817 DETAILS Join marine biologist Judith Oakley on a ‘Seashore Safari’ adventure to discover the amazing hidden shore life of Gower. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear as you will get wet feet and the ground is uneven. No nets please. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Ages 3+. Lasts approx. 3hrs. Parking charges may apply. Free event but booking essential.

WED 11TH JULY PONTARDDULAIS LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 14TH JULY GORSEINON FOOD AND CRAFT FAYRE Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 14TH JULY MUMBLES LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 14TH JULY INTRODUCTION TO BUSHCRAFT COURSE Repeat event. See details for 17th June.

SAT 14TH JULY FARM CLWB Regular event. See details for Sat 10th March.


10.30am–4pm, Swansea Museum, Victoria Road, Swansea CONTACT Glamorgan–Gwent Archaeological Trust, 01792 655208 DETAILS A host of free activities organised by Glamorgan–Gwent Archaeological Trust and Swansea Museum including a heritage fair, talks, children’s activities, living history and medieval re-enactment.

MON 16TH TO FRI 20TH JULY WISE UP TO WASTE WEEK 2012 A week of interactive environmental events to raise awareness of the issues surrounding waste and to highlight the importance of the 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Swansea’s recycling team will be working in partnership with environmental organisations, community groups and educational establishments across Swansea with a variety of fun and informative activities suitable for all ages. Please check the website for updates: www.swansea.gov.uk/recycling or contact the Council Recycling Office on 01792 635600 or recycling@swansea.gov.uk


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SAT 21ST JULY PENCLAWDD LOCAL PRODUCE AND CRAFT MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 21ST JULY FAMILY WORK DAY AT THE FARM Regular event. See details for Sat 18th February.

SAT 21ST JULY YOUNG MEMBERS’ POND EXPLORATION Repeat event. See entry for 16th June.

SAT 21ST JULY PORT EYNON SEASHORE SAFARI MEET 12.45pm, outside the shops, Port Eynon, Gower CONTACT Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal, 07879 837817 DETAILS Join marine biologist Judith Oakley on a ‘Seashore Safari’ adventure to discover the amazing hidden shore life of Gower. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear as you will get wet feet and the ground is uneven. No nets please. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Ages 3+. Lasts approx. 3hrs. Parking charges may apply. Free event but booking essential.

SAT 21ST TO THU 26TH JULY SCULPTURE BY THE SEA FESTIVAL Free environmental art workshops for all ages and cultures in the community. Join a team of professional artists to create a display of temporary sculptures that inspire, inform and educate on beautiful beaches in Swansea and Gower. Please bring buckets and spades, hats and sunscreen. Drop in any time between 10am and 4pm each day at the following locations: Sat 21st July

Marina Beach (in front of observatory)

Sun 22nd July

Sandfields Beach (near pirate ship)

Mon 23rd July

Blackpill Beach (behind Lido)

Tue 24th July

Bracelet Bay, Mumbles

Wed 25th July

Caswell Beach, Gower

Thu 26th July

Oxwich Beach, Gower

For further details visit www.sculpturebythesea.co.uk or contact Sara Holden, 01792 367571.


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SAT 21ST JULY KILVEY HILL TASK DAY MEET Contact for further details CONTACT Marian, Kilvey Community Woodland Volunteers, 07988 721613 DETAILS Lend a hand with practical work in the Kilvey Hill Community Woodland. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Wear suitable clothing and footwear.

SUN 22ND JULY WORMS HEAD CAUSEWAY SEASHORE SAFARI MEET 1pm, outside the National Trust Shop, Rhossili CONTACT Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal, 07879 837817 DETAILS Join marine biologist Judith Oakley on a ‘Seashore Safari’ adventure to discover the amazing hidden shore life of Gower. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear as you will get wet feet and the ground is uneven. No nets please. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Ages 3+. Lasts approx. 3hrs. Parking charges may apply. Free event but booking essential. Be prepared for a 20min walk to the Causeway.


3.30–4.30pm, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell, Gower CONTACT Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS Explore the secret world of Caswell Bay’s Rockpools. Please wear suitable footwear for rough slippery rocks.

WED 25TH JULY BLACKPOOL ILLUMINATIONS: A WALK TO PWLL DU MEET 11am–3pm, Southgate NT car park, Gower CONTACT Huw Lloyd, Gower AONB Ranger, 07917 200209 DETAILS A moderate walk down to Pwll Du, and then up the Bishopston Valley, a spectacular walk. Please bring a packed lunch, appropriate footwear and weatherproof clothing. Accessible by bus from Swansea (Swansea Bus Route 14).


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SAT 28TH JULY LLANGENNITH LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 28TH JULY CLYDACH LOCAL PRODUCE AND CRAFT MARKET Regular event. For details see page 7.

SAT 28TH JULY HONEY HARMONY MEET 1.30–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Chris Jones, Animal and Conservation Officer, 01792 578384 DETAILS Whether you’re fascinated about bees or have a taste for honey, this afternoon event is for you. Help us extract the first honey of the season whilst picking up some interesting facts about bees. Bring your pocket money and buy the freshest honey in town. Fee £1 per person (honey not included).


11am–2pm, Crymlyn Reserve Centre, Dinam Road, Port Tennant CONTACT Jamie Bevan, Countryside Council for Wales, 01792 326450 DETAILS Celebrate International Bog Day at Crymlyn Bog National Nature Reserve. Activities include pond dipping, guided walks and environmental art. Bring suitable outdoor clothing and footwear. Children under sixteen must be accompanied by an adult.


11am–12noon, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell CONTACT Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS Explore the secret world of Caswell Bay’s Rockpools. Please wear suitable footwear for rough slippery rocks.


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Further Information CITY AND COUNTY OF SWANSEA Nature Conservation Team Deb Hill, 01792 635777 www.swansea.gov.uk/natureconservationteam Protecting and enhancing areas of ecological and landscape importance in Swansea for the benefit of people and wildlife. ■

Bishop’s Wood Nature Reserve and Countryside Centre Karen Jones, 01792 361703 www.swansea.gov.uk/bishopswood Popular Local Nature Reserve and countryside centre in Caswell.

Swansea Nature Network Project Lea Halborg, 01792 635749 Connecting people with nature in urban Swansea.

Countryside Connection Project Helen Grey, 01792 636893 Connecting people with nature in rural Swansea.

Community Parks Officers Arron Ring, 01792 635484 www.swansea.gov.uk/jpr Promoting the use of parks in Swansea and organising Junior Park Rangers. Cycling Officer Rob Wachowski, 01792 636353 www.swansea.gov.uk/cycling Promoting cycling in the Swansea area. Gower AONB Team Mike Scott, 01792 635741 www.swansea.gov.uk/aonb Supporting the conservation and enhancement of the Gower AONB. Recycling Team Trish Flint, 01792 635600 www.swansea.gov.uk/recycling Planning and implementing practical recycling schemes and raising awareness of waste minimisation and recycling. Specialist Parks Development Steve Hopkins, 01792 205327 www.swansea.gov.uk/parks Education work for both public and schools, working out of Ty’r Blodau in Singleton Park and the Discovery Centre at Brynmill. Sustainable Development Unit Tanya Nash, 01792 635198 www.swansea.gov.uk/sustainabledevelopment Promoting sustainable development in the Council’s activities and strategies.


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OTHER ORGANISATIONS AND GROUPS BikeAbility Wales Mike Cherry, 07968 109145 www.bikeabilitywales.org.uk Enabling people of all abilities to enjoy the pleasures and health benefits of cycling. Blackpill Wildlife Centre Maggie Cornelius, 01792 229244 Based in the lifeguard hut at Blackpill Lido on two Sundays each month from October to Easter. Coeden Fach Community Tree Nursery Witchhazel Wildwood, 07778 591091 www.coedenfach.wetpaint.com A project based in Bishopston offering training and practical experience of sustainable land management and providing native trees. Countryside Council for Wales Jamie Bevan, 01792 326450 www.ccw.gov.uk CCW champions the environment and landscapes of Wales and its coastal waters, for economic and social activity, leisure and learning. Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers RSPB Group Vicky Rees 01792 846443 www.kitesanddippers.org.uk A local group for children aged 8 to 18 years enthusiastic about wildlife. Cyclist Touring Club Martin Brain, 01792 536371 www.swanseacycling.co.uk The local CTC group organises rides every week as well as social events and holidays. Down to Earth Mark McKenna, 01792 346566 www.downtoearthproject.org.uk Centre for practical sustainability and natural building.

Environment Centre Jenny Edwards, 01792 480200 www.environmentcentre.org.uk A focus for environmental information, education and activity in south-west Wales. Forest School Swansea Neath Port Talbot Debbie Kearsley-Evans, 01792 367118 www.forestschoolsnpt.org.uk Raising awareness and appreciation of local woodlands and green spaces through recreational, educational and training activities. Glamorgan–Gwent Archaeological Trust Paul Huckfield, 01792 655208 www.ggat.org.uk Working to protect, record and interpret our archaeological and historical inheritance.


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Gower Heritage Centre Roy Church, 01792 371206 www.gowerheritagecentre.co.uk Visitor attraction with historic exhibits, craft workshops and a programme of events. Gower Ornithological Society Jeremy Douglas-Jones, 01792 551331 www.glamorganbirds.org.uk A society with a programme of talks and field trips for those interested in birds. Kilvey Community Woodland Volunteers Marian Francis, 07988 721613 An active group that organises a variety of activities to help manage the local woodlands. Mumbles Development Trust Robin Bonham, 01792 405169 www.mumblesdevelopmenttrust.org Working for the regeneration of Mumbles and supporting community self-help projects. National Trust Kim Boland or Veronica Shenston, 01792 390636 www.nationaltrust.org.uk Inspiring understanding and enjoyment of the historic and natural environment. Penllergare Trust Jennie Eyers, 01558 650416 www.penllergare.org Working to restore the historic Penllergare estate as a public park. Rosehill Quarry Group Jannie Cherry, 01792 477863 Volunteer group maintaining a wildlife area and recreational space for those living in and around Mount Pleasant and Townhill. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) Maggie Cornelius, 01792 229244 www.rspb.org.uk/groups/westglamorgan The local RSPB Members Group holds walks and talks open to all members of the public. Sculpture by the Sea Sara Holden, 01792 367571 www.sculpturebythesea.co.uk An environmental arts group based in Swansea which enables children and adults to engage with nature in a creative way.

Sustainable Swansea Delyth Higgins or Dai Power, 01792 480200 www.sustainableswansea.net Helping Swansea become a more sustainable place to live, work and visit. Sustrans Fraser Arnott, 07786 984063 www.sustrans.org.uk Aiming to reduce dependence on the car and encouraging more walking and cycling.


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Swansea and District Organic Gardening Group Jane Vickrage, 01792 869098 The group has regular meetings to promote and support organic gardening. Swansea Canal Society 0844 209 4548 (answerphone) swanseacanalsociety.com Promoting the regeneration, renewal and restoration of Swansea Canal through recreation, education and culture. Swansea Civic Society Philippa Watkins, 01792 203574 www.swanseacivicsociety.org.uk Encouraging a quality and sustainable built environment for Swansea. Swansea Community Farm Phil Budd, 01792 578384 www.swanseacommunityfarm.org.uk A small working farm for the benefit of the local community with opportunities for volunteers and activities for young people. Swansea Environmental Education Forum (SEEF) Anita Houten, 01792 469817 www.seeforum.org.uk A network of organisations and individuals providing education for sustainable development and global citizenship to all sectors in Swansea. Swansea Environmental Forum Jenny Edwards, 01792 480200 www.swanseaenvironmentalforum.net An association of organisations and individuals working together to promote and facilitate environmental sustainability in Swansea. Swansea Fair Trade Forum Jenny Edwards, 01792 480200 www.fairtradeswansea.org.uk A partnership of local organisations seeking to promote fair trade in Swansea. Swansea Outdoor Group Wyn Williams, 01792 470886 www.swanseaoutdoorgroup.org.uk Organises walking, cycling and other outdoor activities, affiliated to YHA. Swansea Ramblers Roger Jones, 01792 205051 www.swansearamblers.org.uk Local Ramblers group with a programme of regular walks throughout the year. Swansea Waste Forum Trish Flint, 01792 635600 www.swanseawasteforum.org Partnership that promotes and supports sustainable waste management in Swansea. Tawe Trekkers Doug Morgan, 07766 652837 www.tawetrekkers.org.uk Local 18–40s Ramblers group with a programme of walks throughout the year. Transition Swansea www.transitiontownswansea.ning.com A grassroots initiative aiming to help Swansea build resilience for climate change and peak oil. Wheelrights David Naylor, 01792 233755 www.wheelrights.org.uk Swansea Bay cycle campaign group helping to get people on bikes. Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales: West Glamorgan Group Jo Mullett, 01792 635784 www.welshwildlife.org Part of the largest UK voluntary organisation dedicated to conserving the full range of the UK’s habitats and species. WWT National Wetland Centre Wales Eleanor Keatley, 01554 741087 www.wwt.org.uk/visit-us/llanelli Spectacular birdlife and a variety of indoor and outdoor activities all year round.


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Published by

The Environmental Events Swansea booklet is part funded by the Countryside Council for Wales and the Rural Development Plan for Wales 2007-2013, which is funded by the Welsh Government and the European Union.

A PDF of the English and Welsh language versions will be available from: www.swansea.gov.uk/environmentalevents



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