Environmental events in Swansea 2016

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March–December • Mawrth–Rhagfyr 2016


Penllergare Valley Woods

Welcome to the 2016 Environmental Events Swansea booklet which provides details of almost 250 events taking place in and around Swansea from March to December. These include guided walks and cycle rides, a wide range of talks, workshops and training courses about wildlife and environmental issues, and lots of children’s activities in amazing natural settings. Most of the events are FREE or at low cost so everyone can get involved. There are several festivals or large events to enjoy too, such as the Wales Biodiversity Week and Bike Week in June, the Gower AONB 60th Anniversary Celebrations and the Sculpture by the Sea Festival in July, the Gower Cycling Festival in August and the annual Green Fayre in November. This booklet is produced by the City and County of Swansea’s Nature Conservation Team (contact details below) with funding from Natural Resources Wales. Please note that information on events run by other organisations is published in good faith and the City and County of Swansea cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies. For details of over 40 local organisations and projects, please refer to the contact list at the back of the booklet. Throughout the year, further information on projects and events will be posted on websites and social media. If you have relevant events that you wish to be included in the next edition or promoted online, please get in touch.

City and County of Swansea Nature Conservation Team Tel: 01792 635777 E-mail: deborah.hill@swansea.gov.uk Website: www.swansea.gov.uk/environmentalevents Love Your Countryside Festival

Front Cover: Seashore Safari with Judith Oakley Back Cover: Swansea Ramblers Walk



WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre

Fun in Bishop’s Wood

Croeso i lyfryn Digwyddiadau Amgylcheddol Abertawe 2016 sy’n nodi manylion dros 250 o ddigwyddiadau a gynhelir yn Abertawe ac o’i hamgylch rhwng mis Mawrth a mis Rhagfyr. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys teithiau cerdded tywys a theithiau ar feiciau, ystod eang o sgyrsiau, gweithdai a chyrsiau hyfforddi am faterion bywyd gwyllt ac amgylcheddol, a llawer o weithgareddau i blant mewn lleoliadau naturiol anhygoel. Mae’r rhan fwyaf o’r digwyddiadau AM DDIM neu’n rhad iawn fel y gall pawb gymryd rhan. Mae nifer o wyliau a digwyddiadau mawr i’w mwynhau hefyd gan gynnwys Wythnos Bioamrywiaeth Cymru ac Wythnos Feicio ym mis Mehefin, Dathliadau AHNE Gwˆyr yn 60 Oed a Gwˆyl Cerflunio Ar Lan y Môr ym mis Gorffennaf, Gwˆyl Feicio Gwˆyr ym mis Awst a’r Ffair Werdd flynyddol ym mis Tachwedd. Lluniwyd y llyfryn hwn gan Dîm Cadwraeth Natur Dinas a Sir Abertawe (manylion cyswllt isod) gydag arian gan Gyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Sylwer bod gwybodaeth am ddigwyddiadau a gynhelir gan sefydliadau eraill yn cael ei chyhoeddi’n ddidwyll ac ni fydd Dinas a Sir Abertawe’n derbyn cyfrifoldeb am unrhyw wallau. Am fanylion dros 40 o sefydliadau a phrosiectau lleol, gweler y rhestr gyswllt ar gefn y llyfryn hwn. Trwy gydol y flwyddyn bydd mwy o wybodaeth yn cael ei phostio ar wefannau a chyfryngau cymdeithasol. Os oes gennych unrhyw ddigwyddiadau perthnasol yr hoffech i ni eu cynnwys yn yr argraffiad nesaf, cysylltwch â ni.

Tîm Cadwraeth Natur Dinas a Sir Abertawe Ffôn: 01792 635777 E-bost: deborah.hill@swansea.gov.uk Gwefan: www.abertawe.gov.uk/digwyddiadauamgylcheddol Gwyl Caru Cefn Gwlad



Common Lizard

RSPB Wild About Wildlife

Swansea has a natural environment of outstanding quality and beauty with a great diversity of landscapes and habitats including upland moorland, coastal cliffs, sandy beaches, heathland, woodland, wetlands, river valleys, grasslands, sand dunes and estuaries. These habitats, together with the many parks and gardens, pockets of urban green-space and large areas of farmland, support a huge diversity of plant and animal species and make Swansea one of the most attractive and ecologically diverse counties in the UK. To find out more about biodiversity in Swansea and what you can do to help maintain and enhance it, visit www.biodiversitywales.org.uk.

Wild About Wildlife Join RSPB Cymru for some free family fun in Swansea this summer. There will be a range of activities available but you could spot some wonderful wildlife in a bug hunt, explore the underwater world with some pond dipping or discover the delights of RSPB’s nature treasure trails. All events will take place on weekends and in school holidays from 1st May to 31st August. Equipment will be provided but we advise that you dress appropriately for outdoor activities. If you would like more information please contact cymru@rspb.org.uk or if you would like some top tips on how you can give nature a home please visit www.rspb.org.uk.

Seashore Safaris To celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Gower AONB, a series of free marine-themed educational events will take place during the summer at various Gower beaches. So if you’d like to spot amazing seashore creatures like butterfish, rosy feather-stars or sea lemons, join a Seashore Safari adventure with marine biologist Judith Oakley. For full details, visit the Oakley Intertidal Facebook page.



Brimstone Butterfly


Mae gan Abertawe amgylchedd naturiol o safon a harddwch eithriadol, gydag amrywiaeth eang o dirweddau a chynefinoedd, gan gynnwys gweundir uchel, clogwyni’r arfordir, traethau tywod, rhostir, coetir, gwlypdiroedd, dyffrynnoedd afonydd, glaswelltiroedd, twyni tywod a morydau. Mae’r cynefinoedd hyn, ynghyd â’r llu o barciau a gerddi, mannau gwyrdd trefol ac ardaloedd helaeth o ffermdir, yn cynnal amrywiaeth aruthrol o rywogaethau planhigion ac anifeiliaid ac yn gwneud Abertawe’n un o siroedd mwyaf deniadol ac ecolegol amrywiol yn y DU. Am fwy o wybodaeth am fioamrywiaeth yn Abertawe a’r hyn y gallwch ei wneud i helpu i’w diogelu a’i gwella, ewch i www.biodiversitywales.org.uk.

Gwyllt am Fywyd Gwyllt Ymunwch ag RSPB Cymru yn Abertawe dros yr haf hwn am hwyl i’r teulu am ddim. Bydd amrywiaeth o wahanol weithgareddau ar gael ond gallech ganfod bywyd gwyllt hyfryd ar helfa chwilod, archwilio byd tanddwr gydag archwilio pyllau neu ddarganfod hyfrydwch lwybrau bywyd gwyllt yr RSPB. Bydd y digwyddiadau yn cael eu cynnal ar benwythnosau ac yn ystod gwyliau ysgol o 1 Mai tan 31 Awst. Bydd offer yn cael eu darparu ond rydym yn eich cynghori i wisgo’n addas ar gyfer gweithgareddau awyr agored. Os ydych am fwy o wybodaeth, e-bostiwch cymru@rspb.org.uk neu os ydych am gyngor ar sut i wneud cartref i natur ewch i www.rspb.org.uk.

Saffaris Glan Môr I ddathlu AHNE Gwˆyr yn 60 oed bydd cyfres o ddigwyddiadau addysgol â themâu morol a fydd yn cael eu cynnal dros yr haf ar draethau amrywiol Gwˆyr. Felly, os dymunwch weld creaduriaid rhyfeddol fel llyfrothod, lili’r môr neu fwsg y môr, ymunwch ag antur Saffari Glan Môr gyda’r biolegydd môr, Judith Oakely. Am fanylion llawn, ymwelwch â thudalen Facebook Oakley Intertidal.


EVERYONE WELCOME Most events listed in this booklet are open to anyone. Please be considerate to others and the environment. Remember the countryside code and use sustainable travel where possible. CANCELLATIONS The event leader will usually be at the start of an event even if it has been cancelled due to poor weather or other circumstances. To avoid unnecessary journeys, you may wish to contact in advance. DISABILITY If you have a visual, hearing or mobility disability and need further details in order to join in some of these events, please contact the organiser for more information. DOGS Dogs are not allowed at many events, especially countryside walks. Please contact event leader to check. CAR PARKING Not all walks or other events start from recognised car parks. Please be considerate when parking and take care not to obstruct gates, other vehicles, etc. SUSTAINABLE TRAVEL Many of the events in this booklet can be accessed using public transport or cycling. For bus routes and timetables please contact Traveline Cymru on 0871 200 2233 or at www.traveline-cymru.info or visit the BayTrans website www.baytrans.org.uk.

CROESO I BAWB Mae croeso i unrhyw un gymryd rhan yn y rhan fwyaf o’r digwyddiadau a restrir yma. Cofiwch fod yn ystyriol o bobl eraill a’r amgylchedd bob tro–cofiwch y côd cefn gwlad a defnyddiwch gludiant cynaliadwy lle bo modd. CANSLO Fel arfer bydd arweinydd y digwyddiad yn bresennol ar ddechrau digwyddiad, hyd yn oed os yw wedi cael ei ganslo oherwydd tywydd gwael neu amgylchiadau eraill. I osgoi teithiau diangen, mae’n syniad i chi ffonio ymlaen llaw. ANABLEDD Os oes gennych nam ar eich golwg neu’ch clyw neu anabledd symudedd ac mae angen mwy o fanylion arnoch er mwyn cymryd rhan yn rhai o’r digwyddiadau hyn, cysylltwch â’r trefnydd am fwy o wybodaeth. ˆ N Ni chaniateir cwˆn mewn llawer o ddigwyddiadau, yn arbennig CW ar deithiau cerdded yng nghefn gwlad. Cysylltwch ag arweinydd y digwyddiad i gadarnhau hyn. MEYSYDD PARCIO Nid yw pob taith gerdded neu ddigwyddiadau eraill yn dechrau o faes parcio cydnabyddedig. Byddwch yn ystyriol wrth barcio a sicrhewch nad ydych yn rhwystro gatiau, cerbydau eraill etc. CLUDIANT CYNALIADWY Gellir mynd i lawer o’r digwyddiadau sydd yn y daflen hon trwy ddefnyddio cludiant cyhoeddus neu feicio. I gael llwybrau ac amserlenni bysus, cysylltwch â Traveline Cymru trwy fynd i www.traveline-cymru.info neu ffoniwch 0871 200 2233 neu ewch i wefan BayTrans www.baytrans.org.uk. 6


Uplands Market

Here are the basic details and contact information for several regular local produce markets in Swansea. Llangennith Local Produce Market MEET CONTACT

First Saturday of each month, April to September, 9.30am–1pm, Llangennith Hall, Llangennith, Gower Jan Rimell, 01792 386685

Marina Market MEET CONTACT

Second Sunday of each month, 10am–3pm, Dylan Thomas Square, Swansea info@uplandsmarket.com

Mumbles Local Produce Market MEET CONTACT

Second Saturday of each month, 9am–1pm, The Dairy Car Park, Oystermouth Square, Mumbles Robin Bonham, 01792 405169

Penclawdd Local Produce and Craft Market MEET CONTACT

Third Saturday of each month, 9.30am–12.30pm, Penclawdd Community Centre, Penclawdd Dave Williams, 01792 850162

Pennard Produce Market MEET CONTACT

Second Sunday of each month, 9.30am–12.30pm, Pennard Community Hall, Pennard Lynda James, 01792 234316

Pontarddulais Local Produce Market MEET CONTACT

Second Wednesday of each month, 9.30am–12.30pm, The Institute, St Teilo’s Street, Pontarddulais Gail John, 01792 885890

Sketty Local Produce and Craft Market MEET CONTACT

First Saturday of each month, 9.30am–12.30pm, Bishop Gore School canteen, De la Beche Road, Sketty Sarah Thomas, 07967 814473

Uplands Local Produce and Craft Market MEET CONTACT

Last Saturday of each month, 9am–1pm, Gwydr Square, Uplands, Swansea info@uplandsmarket.com



Swansea Canal

Mon 29th February to Sun 13th March Fairtrade Fortnight Swansea Fair Trade Forum has arranged a varied programme of local events to mark the annual national campaign, including Fairtrade coffee mornings, a Fairtrade breakfast with the Lord Mayor, a Fairtrade Wine Tasting evening, a Fair Trade City walk and a family-fun event at the National Waterfront Museum. For the full programme visit www.fairtradeswansea.org.uk.

Wed 2nd March A Walk Along the Swansea Canal MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am, Coed Gwilym Park, Clydach Colin Warlow, Swansea Ramblers, 01792 701984 A 4–5hr easy 7.5-mile walk. Registered assistance dogs only.

Fri 4th March Swishing Party MEET CONTACT DETAILS

7.30pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea Hannah Mitchell, Environment Centre, 01792 480200 Swishing is a great way of changing your wardrobe contents without the cost of buying new, and it’s good for the environment. £5 entry includes Fairtrade refreshments. Drop off items from 6pm onwards. Bring at least one quality item to swap e.g. clothes, shoes, bags and accessories.

Sat 5th and Sun 6th March St.David’s Day Dragon Hunt Trail MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–3.15pm, Llys Nini Animal Centre, Penllergaer, Swansea Elanor Alun, Conservation Manager, 07432 548074 Join us as we search for the Llys Nini dragon, looking for telltale signs such as footprints and feeding sites. Suitable for dragon hunters of all ages.

Sat 5th March Fair Trade Walk up Kilvey Hill MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11.30am, Oxfam Books and Music Shop, Castle Street, Swansea Phil Broadhurst, Oxfam, 01792 654710 Celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight with a walk up Kilvey Hill to look down with pride on Swansea – a Fair Trade City and City of Sanctuary. Bring a picnic to enjoy at the top of the hill. Fairtrade bananas will be provided for all walkers and Oxfam will fill flasks with Fairtrade tea or coffee. 8

Swansea Ramblers

Sun 6th March Two Valleys Cycle Ride MEET CONTACT DETAILS

9.15am, Swansea Library or 10am, Asda, Morriston Dale Hall, CTC Swansea, 07771 847768 A 40-mile cycle ride along rivers and canals in two valleys. Follow the Swansea Valley cycle route to Ystradgynlais for lunch in the Loaf Café before a climb to Crynant, with an easy return down Neath Valley.

Sun 6th March Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–12noon, Rosehill Quarry, Terrace Road, Mount Pleasant, Swansea Bob Cotterill, Rosehill Quarry Group, bobcot60@btinternet.com Help maintain this beautiful open space and wildlife area with spectacular views over Swansea Bay.

Mon 7th March Killay to Gowerton Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10.30am, Railway Inn car park, Killay Richard Coombs, Swansea Ramblers, 01639 812632 A 2–3hr easy 4-mile walk.

Tue 8th March Park Wood to Pwlldu Bay Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am, Park Wood car park, Green Cwm, Parkmill Julia Robson, Swansea Ramblers, 01792 371428 A 5–6hr moderate 9-mile walk. Registered assistance dogs only.

Tue 8th March Western Australia’s Spring Flower Show MEET CONTACT DETAILS

7pm–8.30pm, Wallace Building, Swansea University Singleton Campus Rose Revera, Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales, 01656 724100 Join the Wildlife Trust local group for a talk from Emeritus Professor John Ryland of Swansea University about the orchids and other wildflowers of Australia. Members and non-members both welcome.

Wed 9th March Soil Fertility MEET CONTACT DETAILS

7pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea Jayne Vickrage, Swansea Organic Gardening Group, 01792 869098 Hear about organic ways of improving soil fertility with innovative means, including biochar, with Ed Revill. 9

Sat 12th March All About Hedgehogs MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am, Welfare Hall, Craig Cefn Parc Vicky Rees, Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers, 01792 846443 Find out about the life of a hedgehog and make a hedgehog house. Open to members of Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers RSPB Group, for children ages 8–18years. Non-members welcome but please call first.

Sat 12th and Sun 13th March Blacksmith Courses MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–4pm, venue to be confirmed Nigel Little, nigel.coedenfach@gmail.com Two one-day training courses offering a practical introduction to blacksmithing. Participants will leave with an item which they have crafted themselves. £75 per person, booking essential.

Sat 12th March Evidence-based Conservation Course MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–2pm, Woodland Centre, Penllergare Valley Woods Leigh Forman, Penllergare Trust, 01792 344224 This course is suitable for students or keen amateurs and will summarise the benefits of, and issues surrounding, an evidence-based approach to conservation management. Tea/coffee supplied and lunch may be bought from coffee shop. Cost: £25 per person.

Sat 12th March Whiteford Nature Reserve and Sands Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am, Britannia Inn, Llanmadoc Helen Gough, Swansea Ramblers, 07745 996063 A 3–4hr easy 5.5-mile walk.

Sun 13th March Birdwatching at Blackpill MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–1pm, Blackpill Wildlife Centre, Blackpill, Swansea Maggie Cornelius, RSPB, 01792 229244 Join members of RSPB West Glamorgan group birdwatching across Swansea Bay SSSI. Open to members and public.

Sun 13th March Fair Trade Fun Fair & Un Fair! MEET CONTACT DETAILS

12noon–4pm, National Waterfront Museum, Oystermouth Road, Swansea National Waterfront Museum, 029 2057 3600 Celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight with live music, stalls and games with a hidden twist. Organised with Oxfam Cymru and Swansea Fair Trade Forum.


Swansea Community Farm

Tue 15th March Seed Sowing Event MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–1pm, Coeden Fach Tree Nursery, Brandy Cove Road, Bishopston, SA3 3DT Kate Davies, 07831923244 or coeden.fach@yahoo.co.uk Help to sow tree seeds at Coeden Fach. Free event. Refreshments provided.

Wed 16th March Around Llangennith MEET CONTACT DETAILS

9.30am, Tankeylake grass verge above Llangennith, Gower Karen Gibbs, Swansea Ramblers, 07748 349264 A 5–6hr moderate 11.5-mile walk.

Fri 18th March Bat Walk at WWT MEET CONTACT DETAILS

6pm–8pm, WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, Llwynhendy, Llanelli, SA14 9SH WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, 01554 741087 Take bat detectors on a walk around our grounds and listen for bats. £5 per person. Includes hot drinks, biscuits and children’s crafts. Advance bookings only.

Fri 18th March RSPB Local Group Quiz / Social Evening MEET CONTACT DETAILS

7.30pm–9.30pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea John Roach RSPB, 01792 204290 Join members of RSPB West Glamorgan group for their annual social evening with a wildlife quiz.

Sat 19th March Earth Hour at the Farm MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–3pm and 6pm–9pm, Swansea Community Farm, 2 Pontarddulais Road, Fforestfach Alyson Williams, 01792 578384 Find out all about Earth Hour and take part in activities that save energy and help towards a greener future during the day. During the evening take part in an informal celebration of Earth Hour through music and a campfire (weather permitting). £2 per person per session.


Cae Tân Project

Pond Dipping at WWT

Sat 19th March Yellow Whitlow Grass Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–1pm, Port Eynon car park Nigel Ajax-Lewis, Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales, 01656 724100 Join the Wildlife Trust for a walk along the South Gower coast to look for yellow whitlow grass, the county flower of Glamorgan that can only be found on Gower in the whole of the UK.

Sat 19th March Rocks to Paper Lecture MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am, The Wallace Lecture Theatre, Singleton Campus, Swansea University Stephen Howe, South Wales Geologists Association, steve.howe@talktalk.net A lecture on geological mapping in the past, present and future by Rhian Hicks President of the South Wales Geologists Association. Preceded by the group’s AGM at 10.30am and refreshments from 10am.

Sun 20th March From Farm to Fork MEET CONTACT DETAILS

2pm–4pm, Cae Tân site, Ilston, Gower SA2 7LD Dawn Thomas, Gower Society Youth, 01792 392919 Discover the exciting Cae Tân Community Supported Agriculture to find out where your food comes from and take part in activities. Suitable for families.

Mon 21st March Fairwood Lake and Dunvant Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am, Railway Inn car park, Killay Karen Gibbs, Swansea Ramblers, 07748 349264 A 2–3hr moderate 5-mile walk. Registered assistance dogs only.

Tue 22nd March Cycle Maintenance Workshop MEET CONTACT DETAILS

6.30pm–8.30pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea Hannah Mitchell, Environment Centre, 01792 480200 Is your bike in need of a little TLC? Learn how to maintain and spruce up your bike, whether a complete novice or regular cyclist. £5 per person. In partnership with Schmoos Cycles.


Wed 23rd March Caswell to Swansea Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

9.30am, Quadrant Bus Station, Swansea Colin Warlow, Swansea Ramblers, 01792 701984 A 4–5hr moderate 7.5-mile linear walk. Registered assistance dogs only.

Wed 23rd March Evening Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

7.30pm, Mumbles Post Office Gary Bowen, Swansea Outdoor Group, 07974 574181 Join the Swansea Outdoor Group for a 4-mile, easy stroll, with the option of a drink afterwards.

Fri 25th March to Mon 11th April Easter Holiday Fun at WWT MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am, WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, Llwynhendy, Llanelli, SA14 9SH WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, 01554 741087 A full programme of nature-related activities suitable for everyone, including den building, pond dipping, minibeast hunt, flamingo talk, giant duck hunt and craft workshops. Normal admission applies.

Sat 26th March Winter Tree Identification Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–12noon, Gelli Hir Wood, Three Crosses (SS562924) Rose Revera, Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales, 01656 724100 Discover the trees of Gelli Hir Woods without their leaves and fruits. The Wildlife Trust will be looking for the signs that help you to identify trees during the winter months.

Sat 26th March to Sun 10th April Easter Fun at the Heritage Centre MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–5pm, Gower Heritage Centre, Parkmill, Gower Gower Heritage Centre, 01792 371206 Lots of fun activities to keep the children happy including the Mad Hatter’s tea party, egg and spoon races, duck races, animal handling and feeding sessions. Plus guided tours and puppet shows. Entry fees apply.

Sat 26th March Spring Festival at the Farm MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–3pm, Swansea Community Farm, 2 Pontarddulais Road, Fforestfach Alyson Williams, 01792 578384 Learn all about growing, new life and rebirth in farming and tradition. Activities include mask making, storytelling, Egg Olympics, Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Bonnet Parade and much more. Suggested donation for entry is £2 per adult, £1 per child.

Sat 26th March Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt at Rhossili MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–3pm, NT Rhossili Shop & Visitor Centre, Rhossili, Gower National Trust, 01792 390636 An Easter trail with lots of 50 Things fun. Hunt for clues to win a Cabdury’s Easter egg. £2 per child. Booking not required. Parking fees may apply. 13

Sat 26th March Easter Walk & Family Treasure Hunt MEET CONTACT DETAILS

2pm–4pm, Llanerch Road, Bonymaen Marian, Kilvey Community Woodland Volunteers, 07988 721613 Please bring own refreshments, dress for the weather and wear strong footwear. All welcome but children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Sun 27th March Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt at Pennard MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–3pm, NT car park, Pennard, Gower National Trust, 01792 390636 An Easter trail with lots of 50 Things fun. Hunt for clues to win a Cabdury’s Easter egg. £2 per child. Booking not required. Parking fees may apply.

Mon 28th March to Sun 3rd April Easter Bunny Hunt at Llys Nini MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–3.15pm, Llys Nini Animal Centre, Penllergaer, Swansea Elanor Alun, Conservation Manager, 07432 548074 The Easter Bunny has lost her eggs at Llys Nini! Can you help her find them?

Tue 29th March Easter Playscheme at the Farm MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–2.30pm, Swansea Community Farm, 2 Pontarddulais Road, Fforestfach Alyson Williams, 01792 578384 A wide range of activities including adventure play, sports games, woodwork, junk arts and crafts. Children must be registered with the Farm before taking part. For ages 8–16 years. Under 8’s welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. Suitable clothing is advisable. Fee: £1 per child. Children that stay all day need to bring a lunch box or money to buy food in the Farm café.

Tue 29th March Cycle Skills MEET CONTACT DETAILS

2pm–3pm, Dunvant Rugby Club, Dunvant BikeAbility Wales, 07584 044284 or 07968 109145 Cycling games, competitions, basic cycle maintenance and cycling skills training. For new riders, lots of fun and games to be had. £5 per child. Booking essential.

Wed 30th March The Three Ponds Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10.30am, Joiners Road, Three Crosses Huw Davies, 01792 411952 or Gary Evans, 07751 090755 Join Swansea Ramblers for a 4–5hr moderate 8-mile walk. Registered assistance dogs only.

Wed 30th March Mid-week Evening Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

7.30pm, The Woodman, Blackpill, Swansea Wyn Williams, Swansea Outdoor Group, 07434 567564 Join ‘Wandering Wyn’ and the Swansea Outdoor Group for a short, easy stroll with the option of a drink afterwards.



Buttercups at Llys Nini

Fri 1st April The Wildlife of Eastern Glamorgan MEET CONTACT DETAILS

7.30pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea Jeremy Douglas-Jones, Gower Ornithological Society, 01792 551331 An illustrated talk by Paul Denning on wildlife from the Heritage Coast to the northern uplands.

Sun 3rd April Craig-y-Nos Cycle Ride MEET CONTACT DETAILS

9.15am, Swansea Library or 10am, Asda, Morriston Peter Lewis, CTC Swansea, 07840 542048 Follow the Swansea Valley cycle route to Ystradgynlais and then roads to the Craig-y-Nos Country Park.

Sun 3rd April Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–12noon, Rosehill Quarry, Terrace Road, Mount Pleasant, Swansea Bob Cotterill, Rosehill Quarry Group, bobcot60@btinternet.com Help maintain this beautiful open space and wildlife area with spectacular views over Swansea Bay.

Mon 4th to Sat 9th April Bug Boxes MEET CONTACT DETAILS

12.30pm–3.30pm, National Waterfront Museum, Oystermouth Road, Swansea National Waterfront Museum, 029 2057 3600 Make a bug box complete with a magnifying lens to view the wonders of creepy crawlies.

Tue 5th April Cycle Skills MEET CONTACT DETAILS

2pm–3pm, Dunvant Rugby Club, Dunvant BikeAbility Wales, 07584 044284 or 07968 109145 Cycling games, competitions, basic cycle maintenance and cycling skills training. For new riders, lots of fun and games to be had. £5 per child. Booking essential.

Wed 6th April Cycle Training: Level 1 MEET CONTACT DETAILS

1pm–3pm, Dunvant Rugby Club, Dunvant BikeAbility Wales, 07584 044284 or 07968 109145 National Standards Road Safety Level 1 for children. Learn to control your bike in a traffic-free environment before moving on to Level 2 on the following day. Trainees must be able to ride a bike. £10 per person. Booking essential. 15

Thu 7th April Cycle Training: Level 2 MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–3pm, Dunvant Rugby Club, Dunvant Mike Cherry, BikeAbility Wales, 07968 109145 National Standards Road Safety Level 2 for children. Train on quieter residential roads and learn to deal with traffic for short journeys such as cycling to school or work. Trainees must have passed Level 1. £20 per person. Booking essential.

Sat 9th April Badger Watch MEET CONTACT DETAILS

Contact for time and location Vicky Rees, Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers, 01792 846443 Join members of Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers RSPB Group for this rare nature-watching opportunity. For children ages 8–18years. Non-members welcome but please call first.

Sat 9th and Sun 10th April Book Swap MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–4pm, National Waterfront Museum, Oystermouth Road, Swansea National Waterfront Museum, 029 2057 3600 Rummage through tables of books to find yourself a new gem. Organised with Oxfam Cymru.

Tue 12th April West Glamorgan Wild Woodlands MEET CONTACT DETAILS

7pm–8.30pm, Wallace Building, Swansea University Singleton Campus Rose Revera, Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales, 01656 724100 Join the Wildlife Trust Swansea Local Group for a talk from Wild Woodlands Officer, Tara Daniels, about her project to conserve the woodlands in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot. Members and non-members both welcome.

Wed 13th April Talking About Bees MEET CONTACT DETAILS

7pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea Jayne Vickrage, Swansea Organic Gardening Group, 01792 869098 Join the local organic gardening group and find out more about these fascinating creatures.

Fri 15th April BTO Garden Birdwatch Talk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

7.30pm–9.30pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea Russell Evans, RSPB, 07977 258158 A talk by Amanda Skull, organised by the RSPB West Glamorgan Group.

Sat 16th April Thrifty Kids: Egg Box Crafts MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10.30am–12.30pm, National Waterfront Museum, Oystermouth Road, Swansea National Waterfront Museum, 029 2057 3600 Recycle egg boxes into springtime creatures and flowers. 16

Sat 16th April Lazy Crafternoons: Plant Markers & Pretty Pots MEET CONTACT DETAILS

1.30pm, National Waterfront Museum, Oystermouth Road, Swansea National Waterfront Museum, 029 2057 3600 Upcycle plant pots and make useful plant markers to create yourself a mini indoor herb garden. Ideal for adults, £5pp, booking required.

Sun 17th April Pant-y-Sais Reserve Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

9.30am, reserve car park, Jersey Marine Russell Evans, RSPB, 07977 258158 A morning birdwatching walk organised by the RSPB West Glamorgan Local Group.

Sun 17th April Spring Walk in the Woods MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–11.30am, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell Karen Jones, 01792 361703 Guided walk through Bishop’s Wood listening for woodpeckers and cuckoos and seeing the glorious display of spring flowers. £1 per person.

Sun 17th April Kilvey Hill Task Day MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–1pm, location to be confirmed Marian, Kilvey Community Woodland Volunteers, 07988 721613 Lend a hand with practical work in the community woodland. Please bring own refreshments, dress for the weather and wear strong footwear. All welcome but children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Wed 20th April Spring Wildlife Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

2pm, Railway Inn car park, Killay Enid Owen, Clyne Valley Community Project, 07968 269114 All welcome to join members of the Clyne Valley Community Project for a walk through Clyne Valley led by british wildlife expert Dr Dan Forman. Please wear suitable outdoor clothing.

Thu 21st April Litter Pick at Overton Mere MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–1pm, car park, Port Eynon, Gower Rose Revera, Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales, 01656 724100 Help clear litter from the nature reserve and beach at Overton Mere.

Sat 23rd April Boats, Kites and Art on the Beach MEET CONTACT DETAILS

2pm–4pm, beside river on beach, Horton, Gower SA3 1LQ Dawn Thomas, Gower Society Youth, 01792 392919 Scour the strand line to find things to build into boats and sail on the river. Also kite flying and environmental art. Suitable for families.


Sat 23rd April Scratching the Surface Geological Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–4pm, free car park, Lower Lliw reservoir café (SN 64974 03375) Stephen Howe, South Wales Geologists Association, steve.howe@talktalk.net Guided walk approx. 5 miles along a trail on mostly easy, surfaced and level ground. Explore the geology of the area, how rocks influence the landscape and how the extraction of resources has changed the landscape. Bring a packed lunch.

Sun 24th April Secret Reservoir Cycle Ride MEET CONTACT DETAILS

9.15am, Swansea Library or 10am, Asda, Morriston John Cardy, CTC Swansea, 07711 175337 A 25-mile cycle ride to Goytre Valley by cycle track with a short woodland walk to the hidden reservoir.

Sun 24th to Fri 29th April Volunteer Week at St. Madoc MEET CONTACT DETAILS

St. Madoc Centre, Llanmadoc, Gower (times on booking) St. Madoc Centre, 01792 386291 or info@stmadoc.co.uk Help to revamp the site’s growing area. Bed and board for £50 or join us during the day. Organised with A Rocha UK. Open to all. Please book in advance.

Wed 27th April Evening Ranger Ramble MEET CONTACT DETAILS

6.30pm, Penllergare Valley Woods car park David Connick, 01792 344224 Join Estate Manager, David Connick, on his monthly walk and talk about the restoration project and the wildlife of Penllergare. Please wear sturdy footwear, be aware of uneven and slippery surfaces, dogs to be kept on a short lead. Please note that access for disabled people, wheelchairs and pushchairs around the estate is limited due to the steep nature of this historic picturesque site. Last approx. 2hrs. Donations welcomed.

Sat 30th April Dawn Chorus at WWT MEET CONTACT DETAILS

6am–8.30am, WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, Llwynhendy, Llanelli, SA14 9SH WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, 01554 741087 A guided walk to listen to the bird world wake up, followed by a full cooked breakfast. Adult £15, child £10. Advance bookings only.

Sat 30th April to Mon 2nd May Traditional May Day Trail MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–3.15pm, Llys Nini Animal Centre, Penllergaer, Swansea Elanor Alun, Conservation Manager, 07432 548074 Come and celebrate May Day at Llys Nini with a trail displaying the traditions of times gone by, including the maypole, the May Queen and King, and the battle of summer and winter.



Bishop’s Wood Local Nature Reserve

Sun 1st May Rosehill Quarry Task Day Repeat event. See details for Sun 3rd April.


2pm–4pm, Lower Green, Reynoldston SA3 1AB Dawn Thomas, Gower Society Youth, 01792 392919 There will be maypole dancing, Morris dancing, crowning of the May Queen and traditional games on the village green. Bring a picnic and all the family.

Sat 7th and Sun 8th May Cheese & Cider Weekend MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am, Gower Heritage Centre, Parkmill, Gower Gower Heritage Centre, 01792 371206 Local produce stalls, live music and a large selection of ciders and cheeses, including the range of traditionally made cider, pressed on a 120-year-old cider press and fermented in oak casks. Runs until late on Saturday and until 6pm on Sunday. Standard entry fees apply.

Sun 8th May Plants with a Purpose MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–11.30am, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell Karen Jones, 01792 361703 Discover the wonderful secrets of our native plants and trees at Bishop’s Wood. £1 per person.

Wed 11th May Plant Swap MEET CONTACT DETAILS

7pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea Jayne Vickrage, Swansea Organic Gardening Group, 01792 869098 Bring plants and seedlings for swapping.

Sat 14th May Bats, Moths and Birthday BBQ MEET CONTACT DETAILS

Contact for time and location Vicky Rees, Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers, 01792 846443 Celebrate Kites and Dippers 5th birthday with a BBQ followed by bat detecting. For children ages 8–18years. Non-members welcome but please call first.


Sat 14th and Sat 21st May Silk Painting Workshop: Nature Theme MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–1pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea Hannah Mitchell, Environment Centre, 01792 480200 Two-day workshop with Sara Holden, using nature and the seasons as inspiration, sketching objects such as leaves, flowers, pods, wildlife, etc. to create designs to be hand-painted using silk dyes. £35 per person, refreshments included.

Sat 14th May Spring Family Fun Day MEET CONTACT DETAILS

12noon–3pm, Coeden Fach Tree Nursery, Brandy Cove Road, Bishopston, SA3 3DT Kate Davies, 07831923244 or coeden.fach@yahoo.co.uk Free eco-activities for all the family including storytelling, pond dipping, caterpillar hunt, seed planting, nature bookmarks, campfire lunch, toasting marshmallows and more.

Sat 14th May Introducing Penllergare Guided Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

1.30pm, Penllergare Valley Woods car park Lee Turner, Penllergare Trust, 01792 344224 Learn more about the history, wildlife and restoration work in Penllergare Valley Woods. Lasts approx. 2½ hours. Please wear stout footwear and be prepared to walk two miles with stops. Donations welcome.

Sun 15th May Dawn Chorus Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

5.30am–7.30am, Gelli Hir Wood, Three Crosses (SS562924) Rose Revera, Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales, 01656 724100 Wake up with the birds at beautiful Gelli Hir. Bring along some breakfast to eat with a cup of tea made on the campfire, after exploring the woodland.

Sun 15th May Craig-y-Nos Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

9.30am, country park car park, Craig-y-Nos Russell Evans, RSPB, 07977 258158 A morning birdwatching walk organised by the RSPB West Glamorgan Local Group.

Sun 15th May Kilvey Hill Task Day Repeat event. See details for Sun 17th April.

Sun 15th May Spring Walk at Cwm Ivy MEET CONTACT DETAILS

12.30pm, Whiteford beach car park, Cwm Ivy, Gower National Trust, 01792 390636 Take in the spring highlights at Cwm Ivy with the opportunity to stop at Cwm Ivy Lodge bunkhouse for refreshments. £4 per adult and £2 per child. Booking essential. Parking fees apply.


Silk Painting

Wild About Wool

Tue 17th to Fri 20th May Spring Foal Watch on Cefn Bryn MEET CONTACT DETAILS

9.30am–4.30pm, The Gower Bunkhouse, Lower Hardingsdown Farm, Kennexton Jenni Nellist, The Gower Pony Experience, 07974 569407 Join a field study trip observing and discovering the behaviour of native Welsh ponies in their natural habitat. Cost per person: residential £320 or non-residential £200 includes vegetarian meals. Booking essential.

Sat 21st May Potting Shed Sale MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–3pm, Woodland Centre, Penllergare Valley Woods Jennie Eyers, Friends of Penllergare, 01570 422380 Everything for the garden – bedding plants, perennials, shrubs, herbs, vegetables, crafts – horticultural heaven in a woodland setting! All proceeds go to the future maintenance of Penllergare Valley Woods.

Wed 25th May Kick Sampling in the River Clyne MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am, Ynys Newydd car park, Derwen Fawr, Sketty Enid Owen, Clyne Valley Community Project, 07968 269114 Join members of Clyne Valley Community Project looking for watery wildlife in the Clyne River. Children and parents/carers particularly welcome on this half-term activity which will last for approximately 2hrs. Please wear suitable clothing and wellingtons.

Wed 25th May Evening Ranger Ramble MEET CONTACT DETAILS

6.30pm, Penllergare Valley Woods car park David Connick, 01792 344224 Join Estate Manager, David Connick, on his monthly walk and talk about the restoration project and the wildlife of Penllergare. See event entry for 27th April for more details.

Sat 28th May Wild About Wool MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–3pm, Swansea Community Farm, 2 Pontarddulais Road, Fforestfach Alyson Williams, 01792 578384 It’s shearing time down on the Farm. Come along and learn age-old techniques for using wool, such as spinning, weaving, felting, carding, knitting and crocheting. Fee £2 per person. 21

Sat 28th May to Sun 5th June Duckery Tours MEET CONTACT DETAILS

12noon, 2pm and 3pm, WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, Llwynhendy, Llanelli, SA14 9SH WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, 01554 741087 Take a special behind-the-scenes tour of the duckery and see new born chicks at various stages including chicks inside the eggs waiting to hatch out. Normal admission applies.

Sun 29th and Mon 30th May Gower Good Food Festival MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–5.30pm, Gower Heritage Centre, Parkmill, Gower Gower Heritage Centre, 01792 371206 Sample the wares of some of the very best local producers who will be showcasing their delicious homemade produce. Guided tours of the mill, craft workshops and animal feeding sessions also on offer. Standard entry fees apply.

Mon 30th May to Sun 5th June Enchanted Woodland Fairy Trail MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–3.15pm, Llys Nini Animal Centre, Penllergaer, Swansea Elanor Alun, Conservation Manager, 07432 548074 Welcome to the enchanted woodland! The fairies are out in force after their winter hibernation so if you walk quietly enough maybe you can spot one.

Tue 31st May and Wed 1st June Half Term Playscheme at the Farm MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–2.30pm, Swansea Community Farm, 2 Pontarddulais Road, Fforestfach Alyson Williams, 01792 578384 A wide range of activities including adventure play, sports games, woodwork, junk arts and crafts. Children must be registered with the Farm before taking part. For ages 8–16 years. Under 8’s welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. Suitable clothing is advisable. Fee is £1 per child. Children that stay all day need to bring a lunch box or money to buy food in the Farm café.

Tue 31st May Half Term Litter Pick at Penllergare MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am, Penllergare Valley Woods car park Leigh Forman, Penllergare Trust, 01792 344224 Help clean up Penllergare Valley Woods. A great way to get some fresh air and exercise and make a difference. Litter pickers and gloves provided, suitable for all ages. Lasts approx. 2hrs.

Tue 31st May Cycle Skills MEET CONTACT DETAILS

2pm–3pm, Dunvant Rugby Club, Dunvant BikeAbility Wales, 07584044284 or 07968 109145 Cycling games, competitions, basic cycle maintenance and cycling skills training. For new riders, lots of fun and games to be had. £5 per child. Booking essential.



Wales Biodiversity Week

Wed 1st June Volunteer Day at St. Madoc MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–4pm, St. Madoc Centre, Llanmadoc, Gower St. Madoc Centre, 01792 386291 or info@stmadoc.co.uk Help us with a variety of jobs at the beautiful site. Please book. Free with tea/coffee provided.

Wed 1st June Cycle Training: Level 1 Repeat event. See details for Wed 6th April.

Thu 2nd June Cycle Training: Level 2 Repeat event. See details for Thu 7th April.

Sat 4th to Sun 12th June Wales Biodiversity Week Various local events have been organised as part of a Wales-wide celebration of nature with wildlife-inspired activities to enthuse people and engage them in learning about nature and protecting the natural environment on their doorstep. For more details contact Nature Conservation Team on 01792 635777 or visit www.biodiversitywales.org.uk.

Sun 5th June Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–12noon, Rosehill Quarry, Terrace Road, Mount Pleasant, Swansea Bob Cotterill, Rosehill Quarry Group, bobcot60@btinternet.com Help maintain this beautiful open space and wildlife area with spectacular views over Swansea Bay.

Sun 5th June World Oceans Day Worms Head Seashore Safari MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11.30am, National Trust Shop, Rhossili, Gower Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal, 07879 837817 Join marine biologist Judith Oakley to discover the amazing hidden shore life of Gower. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear as you will get wet feet and the ground is uneven. Be prepared for a 20min walk to the causeway. No nets or dogs please. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Ages 3+. Free event but booking essential. Safaris last approx. 3hrs. Parking charges may apply


Bike Week

Coeden Fach Open Day

Tue 7th June Llanmadoc Hill & The Bulwark Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10.30am, small village green, past village shop, Llanmadoc, Gower Mike Scott, AONB Officer, 01792 635741 A 4-mile, moderate walk from Llanmadoc, climbing Llanmadoc Hill for wide views of Gower and the Loughor Estuary. Dogs on short leads please. Approx. 2 hours.

Wed 8th June Balsam Bash on the Clyne MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–12noon, Ynys Newydd car park, Derwen Fawr, Sketty Enid Owen, Clyne Valley Community Project, 07968 269114 Join Clyne Valley Community Project members to help remove the invasive Himalayan Balsam plant from the banks of the River Clyne. Please wear suitable clothing.

Fri 10th June Bat Walk at WWT MEET CONTACT DETAILS

9pm–10.30pm, WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, Llwynhendy, Llanelli, SA14 9SH WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, 01554 741087 Take bat detectors on a walk around our grounds and listen for bats. £5 per person. Includes hot drinks and biscuits. Advance bookings only.

Sat 11th to Sun 19th June Bike Week The UK’s celebration of cycling is supported locally with a varied programme of activities to encourage everyone to participate. For further details go to www.bikeweek.org.uk, visit www.wheelrights.org.uk/events or phone David Naylor on 01792 233755.

Sat 11th June A Trip to Crymlyn Bog MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–12noon, Crymlyn Bog Car Park, Dinam Road, Port Tennant, Swansea Peter Hatherley, Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales, 01656 662196 Join the Wildlife Trust Swansea Local Group for a tour of Crymlyn Bog, the largest lowland fen in Wales, with astounding wildlife including royal fern and the fen raft spider. Part of Wales Biodiversity Week. 24

Sun 12th June Route 43 to Sea: Community Fun Bike Ride MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am (registration from 10am), Clydach Heritage Centre, Coed Gwilym Park, Clydach Richie Saunders, Cwmtawe Cycle Group, 07891 508688 A great fun ride for all the family mainly on cycle paths from Clydach to Swansea Marina and back. Part of Bike Week.

Sat 18th June Thrifty Kids: Cool Book Creations MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10.30am–12.30pm, National Waterfront Museum, Oystermouth Road, Swansea National Waterfront Museum, 029 2057 3600 Create cool sculptures including a hedgehog or snail by folding pages of old books in different patterns.

Sat 18th June Coeden Fach Open Day MEET CONTACT DETAILS

12noon–3pm, Coeden Fach Tree Nursery, Brandy Cove Road, Bishopston, SA3 3DT Kate Davies, 07831923244 or coeden.fach@yahoo.co.uk Free event with storytelling, children’s activities, stalls, trees for sale and information about the project.

Sat 18th June Big Wild Sleep Out MEET CONTACT DETAILS

1pm, Cwm Clydach Reserve car park, Craig Cefn Parc Vicky Rees, Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers, 01792 846443 Build a shelter to spend the night in on the reserve. Open to members of Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers RSPB Group, for children ages 8–18years. Non-members welcome but please call first.

Sat 18th June Lazy Crafternoons: Beautiful Book Folding MEET CONTACT DETAILS

1.30pm, National Waterfront Museum, Oystermouth Road, Swansea National Waterfront Museum, 029 2057 3600 Choosing from a variety of different book folding templates, create a beautiful paper sculpture masterpiece. Ideal for adults, £5pp, booking required.

Sun 19th June Make a Basket in a Day MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–5pm, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell Karen Jones, 01792 361703 Learn to make a simple willow basket in a day in a beautiful location in the woods. Only eight places available so book early. Not suitable for young children. Cost £30.

Sun 19th June Dad’s Day in the Woods MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–2pm, NT Lodge Bunkhouse, Cwm Ivy, Gower National Trust, 01792 390636 Come along and celebrate Father’s Day in the woods with campfire cooking, bushcraft and green woodwork. £2 per child but dads go free! Booking advisable. Park in Whiteford beach car park (fees apply) and follow signs on foot. 25

Survival Skills

Minibeast Hunt

Sun 19th June Fathers Day Survival MEET CONTACT DETAILS

2pm–4pm, Mill Wood, Penrice, SA3 1LN Dawn Thomas, Gower Society Youth, 01792 392919 Join Gower Society Youth to see what your father can teach you about survival. Create a shelter, build a fire and maybe even cook something. Suitable for families, not just dads.

Thu 23rd June Bugs and Buggies MEET CONTACT DETAILS

1pm–2pm, WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, Llwynhendy, Llanelli, SA14 9SH WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, 01554 741087 Insect-themed activities for toddlers, including minibeast hunt, pond dipping and insect crafts. Normal admission applies.

Sat 25th June Dragonfly ID Workshop and Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

1pm–4pm, WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, Llwynhendy, Llanelli, SA14 9SH WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, 01554 741087 Learn how to identify common dragonflies and damselflies then put your skills into practice on a guided walk. Aimed at beginners. Adults £10, children £5.

Sun 26th June Fairies and Goblins Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

4pm–6pm, White Rock Arch, Pentrechwyth Marian, Kilvey Community Woodland Volunteers, 07988 721613 Enjoy a family walk in the woods with storytelling. Please bring own refreshments, dress for the weather and wear strong footwear. All welcome but children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Wed 29th June Evening Ranger Ramble MEET CONTACT DETAILS

6.30pm, Penllergare Valley Woods car park David Connick, 01792 344224 Join Estate Manager, David Connick, on his monthly walk and talk about the restoration project and the wildlife of Penllergare. See event entry for 27th April for more details.



Wild Art

Sun 3rd July Rosehill Quarry Task Day Repeat event. See details for Sun 5th June.

Sat 9th July Wild Art and Photography MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am, Cwm Clydach Reserve car park, Craig Cefn Parc Vicky Rees, Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers, 01792 846443 Learn how to sketch in the field and take wildlife photos. Open to members of Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers RSPB Group, for children ages 8–18years. Non-members welcome but please call first.

Sun 10th July Drawing and Sketching in the Woods MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–12noon, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell Karen Jones, 01792 361703 A chance to take a closer look at Bishop’s Wood and at some of the amazing details in nature. No previous artistic skills needed. Could get grubby, so old clothes advisable and suitable footwear needed for uneven ground. A small donation of £2 would be appreciated for materials.

Sun 10th July Kite Fest at St. Madoc MEET CONTACT DETAILS

3pm–6pm, St. Madoc Centre, Llanmadoc, Gower Mark Cutty, St. Madoc Centre, 07455 677711 The third Kite Fest at the centre will feature frisbee golf, kite making, dodge ball, drum circle, circus skills, refreshments and, of course, kite flying. Please bring your own kite if you have one but there will be some available to borrow or purchase.

Fri 15th July Langland Bay Nocturnal Seashore Safari MEET CONTACT DETAILS

9pm, outside the Langland Brasserie, Langland, Gower Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal, 07879 837817 Join marine biologist Judith Oakley on an exciting night-time adventure to discover the amazing hidden shore life of Gower. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear as you will get wet feet and the ground is uneven. Bring a torch or head-torch. No nets or dogs please. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Ages 3+. Free event but booking essential. Safaris last approx. 2hrs. Parking charges may apply. 27

Sat 16th and Sun 17th July AONB 60th Anniversary Celebrations Come and join the celebrations marking the 60th Anniversary of Gower’s Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty status, with two days of music and theatre, suitable for all the family. Event will be based in the NT car park at Rhossili. For further information contact National Trust on 01792 390636 or visit www.nationaltrust.org.uk/gower.

Sat 16th July Summer Farm Festival MEET CONTACT DETAILS

12noon–6pm, Swansea Community Farm, 2 Pontarddulais Road, Fforestfach Alyson Williams, 01792 578384 Celebrate summer with family-fun activities throughout the day, including entertainment and live music. Local stall holders will be selling their crafts throughout the day. Enjoy our delicious farm-reared pork cooked on the barbeque. Suggested donation for entry is £2 per adult, £1 per child.

Sun 17th July Middleton to Rhossili Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

9.30am, Middleton car park, Gower Russell Evans, RSPB, 07977 258158 A morning birdwatching walk organised by the RSPB West Glamorgan Local Group.

Sun 17th July Rock Pooling and Beach Fun MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10.30am–12.30pm, Port Eynon beach front SA3 1NN Look for the flags Dawn Thomas, Gower Society Youth, 01792 392919 Search the rock pools for animals, explore the Salt House and play games on the beach.

Sun 17th July Kilvey Hill Task Day Repeat event. See details for Sun 17th April.

Tue 19th July Llanrhidian and Weobley Castle Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10.45am, by St Illtyd’s Church, Llanrhidian, Gower Mike Scott, AONB Officer, 01792 635741 A 3-mile, moderate walk from Llanrhidian, following the coast path to Weobley Castle then returning across fields and through the tiny hamlet of Leason back to Llanrhidian. Approx. 2 hours.

Tue 19th July Rockpool Watch MEET CONTACT DETAILS

12noon–1pm, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell Karen Jones, 01792 361703 Explore the secret world of Caswell Bay’s rockpools. Please wear suitable footwear for rough slippery rocks. £1 per person.


WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre

Sculpture by the Sea

Thu 21st July to Sun 4th September Summer Holiday Fun at WWT MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am, WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, Llwynhendy, Llanelli, SA14 9SH WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, 01554 741087 A full programme of nature-related activities suitable for everyone, including minibeast hunt, canoe safari, bike trails, flamingo talk, pond dipping, craft workshops. Normal admission applies.

Sat 23rd July Honey Harmony MEET CONTACT DETAILS

1.30pm–3pm, Swansea Community Farm, 2 Pontarddulais Road, Fforestfach Alyson Williams, 01792 578384 Help extract the first honey of the season whilst picking up some interesting facts about bees. Bring your pocket money and buy the freshest honey in town. Fee: £1.50 per person (honey not included).

Sat 23rd July Reptile Ramble MEET CONTACT DETAILS

4pm–6pm, St. Madoc Centre, Llanmadoc, Gower St. Madoc Centre, 01792 386291 or info@stmadoc.co.uk St. Madoc is a great site for reptiles. See them up close and get an insight into their world. Free but please book before the day.

Mon 25th to Fri 29th July Sculpture by the Sea UK Festival Join a team of professional artists to create a display of temporary sculptures that inspire, inform and educate on beautiful beaches in Swansea and Gower. Learn new art skills and techniques in these environmental art workshops. • Mon 25th July, Caswell Beach • Tue 26th July, Oxwich Beach • Wed 27th July, Port Eynon Beach • Thu 28th July, Bracelet Bay Beach • Fri 29th July, Blackpill Beach (by Lido) Between 10am and 4pm each day. FREE drop-in workshop with all ages and cultures welcome. Please bring buckets and spades, hats and sunscreen. For festival updates contact Sara Holden, Managing Artist, 01792 367571 or visit www.sculpturebythesea.co.uk.


Mon 25th and Tue 26th July Summer Playscheme at the Farm MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–2.30pm, Swansea Community Farm, 2 Pontarddulais Road, Fforestfach Alyson Williams, 01792 578384 A wide range of activities including adventure play, sports games, woodwork, junk arts and crafts. Children must be registered with the Farm before taking part. For ages 8–16 years. Under 8’s welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. Suitable clothing is advisable. Fee is £1 per child. Children that stay all day need to bring a lunch box or money to buy food from the Farm café.

Mon 25th July Butterfly Day at St. Madoc MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–1pm, St. Madoc Centre, Llanmadoc, Gower St Madoc Centre, 01792 386291 or info@stmadoc.co.uk Learn to identify and survey butterflies in a beautiful sand dune habitat, including abundant species and hopefully some rarities. Free but please book before the day.

Mon 25th to Sun 31st July Teddy Bears Picnic at Llys Nini MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–3.15pm, Llys Nini Animal Centre, Penllergaer, Swansea Elanor Alun, Conservation Manager, 07432 548074 If you go down in the woods today… take along a picnic and a teddy! The teddy bears are frolicking in Llys Nini ready for a tea party, and everyone is invited.

Mon 25th July Tots on Tyres MEET CONTACT DETAILS

2pm–3pm, Dunvant Rugby Club, Dunvant BikeAbility Wales, 07584044284 or 07968 109145 Every Monday in summer holidays. Start them young and have some fun. Tots and toddlers bring your wheels and play with us. All types of wheels welcome. Children should be accompanied. £5 per child. Booking essential.

Tue 26th July to Tue 30th August 50 Things Tuesdays MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–2pm, NT Rhossili Shop & Visitor Centre, Rhossili, Gower National Trust, 01792 390636 Meet us at Rhossili, every Tuesday throughout the school holidays, for lots of 50 Things fun. Free and booking not required.

Tue 26th July Cycle Skills MEET CONTACT DETAILS

2pm–3pm, Dunvant Rugby Club, Dunvant BikeAbility Wales, 07584 044284 or 07968 109145 Every Tuesday in summer holidays. Cycling games, competitions, basic cycle maintenance and cycling skills training. For new riders, lots of fun and games to be had. £5 per child. Booking essential.


Tots on Tyres

Seashore Safari

Tue 26th July Minibeast Safari MEET CONTACT DETAILS

3pm–4pm, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell Karen Jones, 01792 361703 Creep through the woods and grasslands with Karen to look for our wonderful and varied minibeasts. £1 per person.

Wed 27th July Cycle Training: Level 1 MEET CONTACT DETAILS

1pm–3pm, Dunvant Rugby Club, Dunvant BikeAbility Wales, 07584044284 or 07968 109145 National Standards Road Safety Level 1 for children and adults. Learn to control your bike in a traffic-free environment before moving on to Level 2 on the following day. Trainees must be able to ride a bike. Booking essential.

Wed 27th July Evening Ranger Ramble MEET CONTACT DETAILS

6.30pm, Penllergare Valley Woods car park David Connick, 01792 344224 Join Estate Manager, David Connick, on his monthly walk and talk about the restoration project and the wildlife of Penllergare. See event entry for 27th April for more details.

Thu 28th July Cycle Training: Level 2 MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–3pm, Dunvant Rugby Club, Dunvant Mike Cherry, BikeAbility Wales, 07968 109145 National Standards Road Safety Level 2 for children and adults. Train on quieter residential roads and learn to deal with traffic for short journeys such as cycling to school or work. Trainees must have passed Level 1. Booking essential.

Sat 30th July Bracelet Bay Seashore Safari MEET CONTACT DETAILS

9am, top of steps in main car park, Bracelet Bay, Mumbles Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal, 07879 837817 Join marine biologist Judith Oakley to discover the amazing hidden shore life of Bracelet Bay, Mumbles. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear as you will get wet feet and the ground is uneven. No nets or dogs please. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Ages 3+. Free event but booking essential. Safaris last approx. 2½–3hrs. Parking charges may apply 31


Rockpool Watch

Treasure Trail

Each Mon and Tue in August (except Bank Holidays) Summer Playscheme at the Farm MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–2.30pm, Swansea Community Farm, 2 Pontarddulais Road, Fforestfach Alyson Williams, 01792 578384 A wide range of activities including adventure play, sports games, woodwork, junk arts and crafts. Children must be registered with the Farm before taking part. For ages 8–16 years. Under 8’s welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. Suitable clothing is advisable. Fee is £1 per child. Children that stay all day need to bring a lunch box or money to buy food from the Farm café.

Tue 2nd August Summer Litter Pick at Penllergare MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am, Penllergare Valley Woods car park Leigh Forman, Penllergare Trust, 01792 344224 Help clean up Penllergare Valley Woods. A great way to get some fresh air and exercise and make a difference. Litter pickers and gloves provided, suitable for all ages. Lasts approx. 2hrs.

Tue 2nd August Rockpool Watch Repeat event. See details for Sun 19th July.

Sat 6th August Introducing Penllergare Guided Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

1.30pm, Penllergare Valley Woods car park Lee Turner, Penllergare Trust, 01792 344224 Learn more about the history, wildlife and restoration work in Penllergare Valley Woods. Lasts approx. 2½ hours. Please wear stout footwear and be prepared to walk two miles with stops. Donations welcome.

Sat 6th August Oxwich Bay Seashore Safari MEET CONTACT DETAILS

1.45pm, top of slipway on beach, Oxwich, Gower Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal, 07879 837817 Join marine biologist Judith Oakley to discover the amazing hidden shore life of Gower. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear as you will get wet feet and the ground is uneven. No nets or dogs please. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Ages 3+. Free event but booking essential. Safaris last approx. 2½–3hrs. Parking charges may apply. 32

Sun 7th August The Gower Show Annual agricultural and countryside show with displays, crafts, livestock, rides and environmental activities. 9am to 6pm at Penrice Castle Park, Reynoldston, Gower. Entry is £10 adults, £5 seniors and children but discounted tickets are available online at www.gowershow.co.uk. For further information visit the website or email gowershow@live.co.uk.

Sun 7th August Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–12noon, Rosehill Quarry, Terrace Road, Mount Pleasant, Swansea Bob Cotterill, Rosehill Quarry Group, bobcot60@btinternet.com Help maintain this beautiful open space and wildlife area with spectacular views over Swansea Bay.

Mon 8th to Sun 14th August Treeple Trail at Llys Nini MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–3.15pm, Llys Nini Animal Centre, Penllergaer, Swansea Elanor Alun, Conservation Manager, 07432 548074 Can’t tell Old Man Willow from the Lady of the Woods? See trees in Llys Nini dressed up as people to reflect their inner selves, helping Tree ID novices of all ages to spot the differences between each.

Tue 9th August Oxwich Point Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10.45am, large car park, Oxwich, Gower Mike Scott, AONB Officer, 01792 635741 A stunning 4-mile walk around one of Gower’s most beautiful and dramatic headlands; through beautiful woodland and across open cliffs, using a section of the Gower Coast path. Taken at a gentle pace, approx. 4 hours, with plenty of opportunity to look around while we go. Lunch overlooking the sea below Slade. Dogs on short leads please.

Tue 9th August Treasure Trail and Games in the Woods MEET CONTACT DETAILS

3pm–4pm, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell Karen Jones, 01792 361703 A walk with a difference, with lots of fun and games. Suitable for all ages. You may get a bit grubby so wear old clothes. £1 per person.

Wed 10th August Country Games Day MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–5.30pm, Gower Heritage Centre, Parkmill, Gower Gower Heritage Centre, 01792 371206 Leave the games consoles at home and enjoy a range of traditional games from a gurning competition to the messy game of inky pinky. Guided tours of the mill, puppet shows and animal feeding sessions also on offer. Standard entry fees apply.


Sat 13th to Sat 20th August Gower Cycling Festival Eight days of led rides for all abilities in and beyond the beautiful Gower Peninsular. Highlights of earlier festivals are repeated but with some new rides and variations on previous ones. The 21 rides range from short and flat, suitable for families with young children, to challenging and hilly; and this year includes hitherto unvisited parts of the Gower and a new challenging ride high into the mountains to the east. Again there will be provision for campers and tents at the Dunvant RFC. A Festival Registration fee of £5, purchasable in advance, entitles holders to unlimited rides. For details visit www.gowercyclingfestival.org or phone David Naylor on 01792 233755.

Sat 13th August Wildlife Wander at St. Madoc MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–1pm, St. Madoc Centre, Llanmadoc, Gower St Madoc Centre, 01792 386291 or info@stmadoc.co.uk Explore a plethora of species with Conservation Rangers. Look for bloody cranesbill, skylark, black oil beetle, adder and many more. Strong footwear advised. Free but please book before the day.

Sun 14th August Bat and Moth Watch MEET CONTACT DETAILS

9pm–10.30pm, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell Karen Jones, 01792 361703 Watch the aerodynamic display of bats and discover the beauty of moths. £1 per person.

Mon 15th to Fri 19th August Fun with Bracken Volunteering Week MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–4pm, St. Madoc Centre, Llanmadoc, Gower St. Madoc Centre, 01792 386291 or info@stmadoc.co.uk Get outside in the summer sunshine and help local wildlife too by clearing bracken on designated plots, mostly in the dunes. Bring strong footwear and a packed lunch. All training and tools provided. We will find lots of wildlife and have time to appreciate the stunning views. Free but please book before the day.

Tue 16th August Rockpool Watch MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–12noon, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell Karen Jones, 01792 361703 Explore the secret world of Caswell Bay’s rockpools. Please wear suitable footwear for rough slippery rocks. £1 per person.

Wed 17th August Beach Fun Day MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–5.30pm, Gower Heritage Centre, Parkmill, Gower Gower Heritage Centre, 01792 371206 Enjoy all the fun of the beach, come rain or shine. With lots for the whole family to enjoy including traditional Punch & Judy puppet shows, sandcastle and limbo competitions and beach-themed crafts. 34

Sat 20th August Kilvey Family Barbecue MEET CONTACT DETAILS

4pm–8pm, location to be confirmed Marian, Kilvey Community Woodland Volunteers, 07988 721613 Join the Kilvey Community Woodland Volunteers for a family barbecue with music. Please bring own refreshments, dress for the weather and wear strong footwear. All welcome but children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Sat 20th August Night Time Woodland Adventure MEET CONTACT DETAILS

8pm–9.30pm, St. Madoc Centre, Llanmadoc, Gower St. Madoc Centre, 01792 386291 or info@stmadoc.co.uk Drumming, marshmallow toasting and looking for bats. Free but please book before the day.

Mon 22nd to Sun 28th August Detective Trail at Llys Nini MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–3.15pm, Llys Nini Animal Centre, Penllergaer, Swansea Elanor Alun, Conservation Manager, 07432 548074 Take a walk with a difference. A theft has occurred and you are the detective we need to help solve the clues, catch the thief and bring peace back to the woodland.

Tue 23rd August Rockpool Watch MEET CONTACT DETAILS

3.30pm–4.30pm, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell Karen Jones, 01792 361703 Explore the secret world of Caswell Bay’s rockpools. Please wear suitable footwear for rough slippery rocks. £1 per person.

Wed 24th August Cycle Training: Level 1 Repeat event. See details for Wed 27th July.

Thu 25th August Cycle Training: Level 2 Repeat event. See details for Thu 28th July.

Sat 27th August Swagger, Stagger, Strut Sponsored Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

8.45am, St.John’s Church, Gowerton Mark Cutty, St. Madoc Centre, 07455 677711 Join this 13-mile sponsored walk along the beautiful North Gower coastline in aid of St Madoc Centre. No charge, but all participants are asked to raise at least £20 each. Refreshments provided.

Sat 27th August Honey Harmony Repeat event. See details for Sat 23rd July.

Wed 31st August Evening Ranger Ramble MEET CONTACT DETAILS

6.30pm, Penllergare Valley Woods car park David Connick, 01792 344224 Join Estate Manager, David Connick, on his monthly walk and talk about the restoration project and the wildlife of Penllergare. See event entry for 27th April for more details. 35


Gower Wildlife Holiday

Sat 3rd to Fri 9th September Gower Wildlife Holiday MEET CONTACT DETAILS

St. Madoc Centre, Llanmadoc, Gower (times on booking) St. Madoc Centre, 01792 386291 or info@stmadoc.co.uk The week will include exploring St. Madoc’s 76 acres of sand dune, woodland and coastal grassland, watching wildlife and walks through the very varied habitats of this beautiful peninsula. Organised with A Rocha UK. All welcome, including locals not staying over: £300 full board / £175 meals only. Visit www.stmadoc.co.uk for further details. Please book in advance.

Sat 3rd September 50 Things Family Woodland Fun Day MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–4pm, NT Lodge Bunkhouse, Cwm Ivy, Gower National Trust, 01792 390636 Pop along to our Lodge Bunkhouse for some campfire cooking, den building, wild art and lots more. Refreshments available (nominal charge). Booking not required. Park in Whiteford beach car park (fees apply) and follow signs on foot.

Sun 4th September Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–12noon, Rosehill Quarry, Terrace Road, Mount Pleasant, Swansea Bob Cotterill, Rosehill Quarry Group, bobcot60@btinternet.com Help maintain this beautiful open space and wildlife area with spectacular views over Swansea Bay.

Sat 10th September Night Time Seaside Safari MEET CONTACT DETAILS

7pm, Bracelet Bay car park, Mumbles Vicky Rees, Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers, 01792 846443 Explore the rock pools and build beach sculptures. Open to members of Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers RSPB Group, for children ages 8-18years. Non-members welcome but please call first.

Sun 11th September Nocturnal Woodland Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

8.30pm–9.30pm, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre Karen Jones, 01792 361703 Explore the night-time world of Bishop’s Wood. Please wear warm clothing, suitable footwear and bring a torch. £1 per person. 36

Fri 16th September Beach Discovery Training MEET CONTACT DETAILS

9.30am, Caswell beach, Gower Forest School, SNPT 01792 367118 Gain valuable ecological knowledge and acquire techniques for bringing learning alive at the seaside. Costs £80, booking essential.

Fri 16th September High Tide Watch MEET CONTACT DETAILS

5.30pm, WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, Llwynhendy, Llanelli, SA14 9SH WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, 01554 741 087 Discover the amazing sights and sounds as the advancing tide pushes the birds closer to the hides. Our expert guide will be on hand to point out birds and help you to identify them. Followed by a delicious buffet. Adults £15, children £10. Booking essential.

Sat 17th to Sun 25th September Outstanding Week A programme of events to help people enjoy and be inspired by the UK’s Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) – some of our most beautiful and cherished landscapes. Why not take the opportunity to take a walk, take part in an activity or find out more about the Gower AONB. For more information visit landscapesforlifeevents.org.uk/ or contact the Gower AONB Team on 01792 635094.

Sat 17th September Blackpill Beach Clean MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am, beach near Lido, Blackpill, Swansea Robin Bonham, Mumbles Development Trust, 01792 405169 Annual event in conjunction with the Marine Conservation Society. Everyone welcome, equipment provided.

Sat 17th to Sun 18th September An Introduction to Camping MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am, Parc le Breos campsite car park, Parkmill, Gower SA3 2HA Dawn Thomas, Gower Society Youth, 01792 392919 Join Gower Society Youth and learn how to set up a tent and cook on an open fire. Enjoy camp craft and fun and games outdoors with other families. Camping costs £3 per person, booking required. Open to all who wish to camp with their families.

Sun 18th September Swansea Vale Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

9.30am, Swansea Vale Resource Centre, Fford Tregof, Swansea Russell Evans, RSPB, 07977 258158 A morning birdwatching walk organised by the RSPB West Glamorgan Local Group.


Sun 18th September National Beach Watch Day: Rhossili MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–2pm, beach at bottom of path, Rhossili, Gower National Trust, 01792 390636 An Help keep our beach clean and survey the rubbish we find, in partnership with the Marine Conservation Society. Families welcome. Gloves and bags provided. Please wear suitable clothing. Free and booking not required.

Sun 18th September Kilvey Hill Kite Flying MEET CONTACT DETAILS

2pm–5pm, Llanerch Road, Bonymaen or top of Morris Lane, St.Thomas Marian, Kilvey Community Woodland Volunteers, 07988 721613 Walk to the top of Kilvey Hill, from Bonymaen or St. Thomas, to fly kites. Please bring own refreshments and own kites, dress for the weather and wear strong footwear. All welcome but children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Tue 20th September Rhossili Down MEET CONTACT DETAILS

12.20pm, small village green by St. Mary’s Church, Rhossili, Gower Mike Scott, AONB Officer, 01792 635741 Celebrate “Outstanding Week” with a 5.5-mile, moderate walk from Rhossili, climbing Rhossili Down for wide views of Gower and Worms Head before returning along Rhossili Beach. Dogs on short leads please. Bring lunch to eat at the top of Rhossili Down. Approx. 3 hours.

Fri 23rd September Fungi Talk by Teifion Davies MEET CONTACT DETAILS

3pm, Vivian Hall, Blackpill, Swansea Enid Owen, Clyne Valley Community Project, 07968 269114 Learn more about fungi from local expert Teifion Davies of Clyne Gardens.

Fri 23rd September Bat Walk at WWT MEET CONTACT DETAILS

6.30pm–8.30pm, WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, Llwynhendy, Llanelli, SA14 9SH WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, 01554 741087 Take bat detectors on a walk around our grounds and listen for bats. £5 per person. Includes hot drinks, biscuits and children’s crafts. Advance bookings only.

Wed 28th September Evening Ranger Ramble MEET CONTACT DETAILS

5.30pm, Penllergare Valley Woods car park David Connick, 01792 344224 Join Estate Manager, David Connick, on his monthly walk and talk about the restoration project and the wildlife of Penllergare. See event entry for 27th April for more details.



Gower Ponies

Sat 1st October Autumn Wildlife Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am, Ynys Newydd car park, Derwen Fawr, Sketty Enid Owen, Clyne Valley Community Project, 07968 269114 Join members of Clyne Valley Community Project for a walk through Clyne Valley to spot the first signs of autumn. Please wear suitable outdoor clothing.

Sun 2nd October Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–12noon, Rosehill Quarry, Terrace Road, Mount Pleasant, Swansea Bob Cotterill, Rosehill Quarry Group, bobcot60@btinternet.com Help maintain this beautiful open space and wildlife area with spectacular views over Swansea Bay.

Sun 2nd October Walk the Worm MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10.30am, NT Rhossili Shop & Visitor Centre, Rhossili, Gower National Trust, 01792 390636 Discover the wonders of Worms Head, the tidal island at the far end of Rhossili, with an expert guide. £4 per adult and £2 per child. Booking essential. Parking fees may apply.

Mon 3rd October Environment Centre AGM MEET CONTACT DETAILS

7pm–9pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea, SA1 1RY Environment Centre, 01792 480200 Everyone is welcome to the Environment Centre’s AGM. Find out what this local environmental charity has been doing over the past year.

Tue 4th to Fri 7th October Autumn Pony Watch on Cefn Bryn MEET CONTACT DETAILS

9.30am–4.30pm, The Gower Bunkhouse, Lower Hardingsdown Farm, Kennexton Jenni Nellist, The Gower Pony Experience, 07974 569407 Join a field study trip observing and discovering the behaviour of native Welsh ponies in their natural habitat. Cost per person: residential £320 or non-residential £200 includes vegetarian meals. Booking essential.


Fri 7th October Working in the Outdoors with Children with Additional Learning Needs MEET CONTACT DETAILS

9.30am, Bishops Wood Countryside Centre, Gower Forest School, SNPT 01792 367118 Learn tried and tested approaches to ensure children are engaged and included. Understand how outdoor learning can support emotional learning and behaviour management. Costs £80, booking essential.

Sat 8th October Waterfall Walk in Waterfall Country MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am, Cwm Clydach Reserve car park, Craig Cefn Parc Vicky Rees, Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers, 01792 846443 Explore the Neath Valley waterfalls and look out for signs of Autumn. Open to members of Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers RSPB Group, for children ages 8–18years. Non-members welcome but please call first.

Sat 8th October Fungal Foray in Clyne Valley MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am, Ynys Newydd car park, Derwen Fawr, Sketty Enid Owen, Clyne Valley Community Project, 07968 269114 Join members of Clyne Valley Community Project, with Teifion Davies, on a hunt for fungi in Clyne Valley.

Sat 8th and Sun 9th October Big Apple Weekend MEET CONTACT DETAILS

Sat 10am–late and Sun 10am-5pm, Gower Heritage Centre, Parkmill, Gower Gower Heritage Centre, 01792 371206 Cider making demonstrations using apples from our own orchard and a 150-year-old working cider press. Sample various local ciders and freshly pressed apple juice. Plus local produce stalls and live music. Entry fees apply.

Sun 9th October Fungus Foray MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–12noon, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell Karen Jones, 01792 361703 Search for and identify the fungi of Bishop’s Wood. Please bring your own collecting baskets or tubs. £1 per person.

Sun 9th October Birdwatching at Blackpill MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–1pm, Blackpill Wildlife Centre, Blackpill, Swansea Maggie Cornelius, RSPB, 01792 229244 Join members of RSPB West Glamorgan group birdwatching across Swansea Bay SSSI. Open to members and public.

Sun 9th October Apple Day & Apple Pie Competition MEET CONTACT DETAILS

3pm–5pm, St. Madoc Centre, Llanmadoc, Gower St. Madoc Centre, 01792 386291 or info@stmadoc.co.uk Join our celebration of the humble apple at this free event. Enjoy apple chutneys, juices and enter our apple pie competition. Bring your pie 3pm–3.30pm. 40

Mon 10th October Swansea Environmental Forum AGM MEET CONTACT DETAILS

7pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea Sarah Kersey, Swansea Environmental Forum, 01792 480200 Everyone is welcome at the Swansea Environmental Forum’s AGM. Receive an update on the Forum’s work and discuss topical issues.

Wed 12th October AGM and Harvest Supper MEET CONTACT DETAILS

7pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea Jayne Vickrage, Swansea Organic Gardening Group, 01792 869098 Join the Swansea Organic Gardening Group for their AGM and seasonal supper. Everyone welcome.

Sat 15th October Introducing Penllergare Guided Walk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

1.30pm, Penllergare Valley Woods car park Lee Turner, Penllergare Trust, 01792 344224 Learn more about the history, wildlife and restoration work in Penllergare Valley Woods. Lasts approx. 2½ hours. Please wear stout footwear and be prepared to walk two miles with stops. Donations welcome.

Sat 15th October Clyne Gardens Treasure Hunt MEET CONTACT DETAILS

2pm–4pm, bottom entrance, Clyne Gardens, Blackpill, Swansea Dawn Thomas, Gower Society Youth, 01792 392919 Join Gower Society Youth as they search for the autumn colours of Clyne Gardens, make flying carpets and hunt for treasure. Suitable for families.

Sun 16th October Kilvey Hill Task Day MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–1pm, location to be confirmed Marian, Kilvey Community Woodland Volunteers, 07988 721613 Lend a hand with practical work in the community woodland. Please bring own refreshments, dress for the weather and wear strong footwear. All welcome but children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Fri 21st October Tales of the Riverbank Talk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

7.30pm–9.30pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea Russell Evans, RSPB, 07977 258158 A talk by Jenny Hibbert, organised by the RSPB West Glamorgan Group.

Sat 22nd October National Apple Day MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–3pm, Swansea Community Farm, 2 Pontardulais Road, Fforestfach Alyson Williams, 01792 578384 Help celebrate apples and orchards as part of National Apple Day. An opportunity to pick your own apples in our orchard and find out how to use up leftover apples. Fee £2 per person. 41

WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre

Swansea Community Farm

Sat 22nd to Sun 30th October Half Term Holiday Fun MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am, WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, Llwynhendy, Llanelli, SA14 9SH WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, 01554 741087 A programme of seasonal nature-related activities suitable for everyone, including minibeast hunting, guide in the hide and pond dipping. Normal admission applies.

Sun 23rd October Birdwatching at Blackpill MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–1pm, Blackpill Wildlife Centre, Blackpill, Swansea Maggie Cornelius, RSPB, 01792 229244 Join members of RSPB West Glamorgan group birdwatching across Swansea Bay SSSI. Open to members and public.

Mon 24th to Tue 25th October Half Term Playscheme at the Farm MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–2.30pm, Swansea Community Farm, 2 Pontarddulais Road, Fforestfach Alyson Williams, 01792 578384 A wide range of activities including adventure play, sports games, woodwork, junk arts and crafts. Children must be registered with the Farm before taking part. For ages 8–16 years. Under 8’s welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. Suitable clothing is advisable. Fee is £1 per child. Children that stay all day need to bring a lunch box or money to buy food from the Farm café.

Mon 24th to Sun 30th October Halloween Trail at Llys Nini MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–3.15pm, Llys Nini Animal Centre, Penllergaer, Swansea Elanor Alun, Conservation Manager, 07432 548074 The Wicked Witch of Llys Nini has stolen the Halloween candy. Help find her before it’s too late. Enjoy this puzzle trail through the woods, suitable for the whole family.

Tue 25th October Half Term Litter Pick at Penllergare MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am, Penllergare Valley Woods car park Leigh Forman, Penllergare Trust, 01792 344224 Help clean up Penllergare Valley Woods. A great way to get some fresh air and exercise and make a difference. Litter pickers and gloves provided, suitable for all ages. Lasts approx. 2hrs. 42

Tue 25th October Cycle Skills MEET CONTACT DETAILS

2pm–3pm, Dunvant Rugby Club, Dunvant BikeAbility Wales, 07584044284 or 07968 109145 Cycling games, competitions, basic cycle maintenance and cycling skills training. For new riders, lots of fun and games to be had. £5 per child. Booking essential.

Wed 26th October Volunteer Day at St. Madoc MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–4pm, St. Madoc Centre, Llanmadoc, Gower St. Madoc Centre, 01792 386291 or info@stmadoc.co.uk Help us with a variety of jobs at the beautiful site. Please book. Free with tea/coffee provided.

Wed 26th October Bat Box Making Workshop MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–12noon and 1–4pm, WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, Llwynhendy, Llanelli, SA14 9SH WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, 01554 741087 Receive expert tuition to create your own professional quality bat box. All tools and materials provided. £7 per box. Normal admission applies.

Wed 26th October Cycle Training: Level 1 MEET CONTACT DETAILS

1pm–3pm, Dunvant Rugby Club, Dunvant BikeAbility Wales, 07584 044284 or 07968 109145 National Standards Road Safety Level 1 for children and adults. Learn to control your bike in a traffic free environment before moving on to Level 2 on the following day. Trainees must be able to ride a bike. Booking essential.

Thu 27th October Cycle Training: Level 2 MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–3pm, Dunvant Rugby Club, Dunvant Mike Cherry, BikeAbility Wales, 07968 109145 National Standards Road Safety Level 2 for children and adults. Train on quieter residential roads and learn to deal with traffic for short journeys such as cycling to school or work. Trainees must have passed Level 1. Booking essential.

Fri 28th October Frightful Fun in the Forest MEET CONTACT DETAILS

12noon–3pm, NT Lodge Bunkhouse, Cwm Ivy, Gower National Trust, 01792 390636 Come along in your Halloween fancy dress for an afternoon of spooky arts, crafts and activities at Cwm Ivy. Free and booking not required.

Fri 28th and Sat 29th October Spooky Nature Night MEET CONTACT DETAILS

5pm–7pm, WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, Llwynhendy, Llanelli, SA14 9SH WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, 01554 741087 Including bat detecting, wetland magic, crafts, hot chocolates and treats. Advance bookings only. £10 per child with an accompanying adult.



Shelter Building

Green Fayre

Tue 1st November Otters and their Ecology on Gower MEET CONTACT DETAILS

7pm, 1st Floor, Dunvant Social Centre, Dunvant, SA2 7TA Enid Owen, Clyne Valley Community Project, 07968 269114 Join members of Clyne Valley Community Project to hear Swansea University Ecologist Dr Dan Forman talk about the life of these secretive mammals in and around Clyne Valley.

Fri 4th November Emotional Literacy & Well-being in the Outdoors MEET CONTACT DETAILS

9.30am Bishops Wood Countryside Centre, Gower Forest School, SNPT 01792 367118 Explore how the outdoors can support us in understanding emotions and contribute to well-being. Training aimed at anyone working with children and young people. Costs £80, booking essential.

Sun 6th November Rosehill Quarry Task Day Repeat event. See details for Sun 2nd October.

Sun 6th November Birdwatching at Blackpill Repeat event. See details for Sun 23rd October.

Sat 12th November Wildlife Art MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am, Welfare Hall, Craig Cefn Parc Vicky Rees, Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers, 01792 846443 Learn how to create wildlife art with a local artist. Open to members of Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers RSPB Group, for children ages 8–18years. Non-members welcome but please call first.

Sat 12th and Sun 13th November Natural Art Trail at Llys Nini MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–3.15pm, Llys Nini Animal Centre, Penllergaer, Swansea Elanor Alun, Conservation Manager, 07432 548074 See works of natural art in the woods, using willow, coloured leaves, brushwood and more. Many pieces are made by local schoolchildren.


Sun 13th November Primitive Principles MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–12noon, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell Karen Jones, 01792 361703 Build a shelter, make rope from bramble and cook on an open fire. £1 per person.

Fri 18th November Literacy and Numeracy in the Outdoors MEET CONTACT DETAILS

9.30am, Bishops Wood Countryside Centre, Gower Forest School, SNPT 01792 367118 Develop an awareness of how outdoor learning and play can support the development and understanding of numeracy and literacy by providing authentic and engaging tasks. Costs £80, booking essential.

Fri 18th November RSPB AGM and Birds of Ghana Talk MEET CONTACT DETAILS

7.30pm–9.30pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea Russell Evans, RSPB, 07977 258158 RSPB West Glamorgan group AGM followed by a talk by Martin Jones.

Sat 19th and Sun 20th November Green Fayre 10am–4pm, National Waterfront Museum, Swansea A unique shopping experience with the environment and ethics at its heart. Discover fresh tasty local produce and talented craftspeople offering green festive gifts. Be inspired by local volunteer projects and campaign groups alongside top tips on how to live more sustainably. With FREE ENTRY and kids activities, it’s a great day out for all the family. For more details contact Hannah at the Environment Centre on 01792 480200.

Sat 19th November Christmas Crafts MEET CONTACT DETAILS

2pm–4pm, Penmaen Village Hall, Gower SA3 2HJ Dawn Thomas, Gower Society Youth, 01792 392919 Get in the festive mood with Gower Society Youth and a Christmas craft session. Suitable for families.

Sun 20th November Birdwatching at Blackpill MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–1pm, Blackpill Wildlife Centre, Blackpill, Swansea Maggie Cornelius, RSPB, 01792 229244 Join members of RSPB West Glamorgan group birdwatching across Swansea Bay SSSI. Open to members and public.

Sun 20th November Kilvey Hill Task Day MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–1pm, location to be confirmed Marian, Kilvey Community Woodland Volunteers, 07988 721613 Lend a hand with practical work in the community woodland. Please bring own refreshments, dress for the weather and wear strong footwear. All welcome but children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.



Christmas Crafts

Kilvey Hill Xmas Trees

Sat 3rd December Christmas at Rhossili MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–3pm, NT Rhossili Shop & Visitor Centre, Rhossili, Gower National Trust, 01792 390636 Festive Fun and refreshments at Rhossili. Booking not required. Nominal charge for refreshments and parking fees may apply.

Sat 3rd and Sun 4th December Natural Christmas Decorations MEET CONTACT DETAILS

1pm–4pm, WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, Llwynhendy, Llanelli, SA14 9SH WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, 01554 741087 Create natural decorations using seasonal foliage collected from our grounds. Choose from wreaths, centrepieces, garlands and Christmas tree ornaments. £10 per person. Advance bookings only.

Sun 4th December Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–12noon, Rosehill Quarry, Terrace Road, Mount Pleasant, Swansea Bob Cotterill, Rosehill Quarry Group, bobcot60@btinternet.com Help maintain this beautiful open space and wildlife area with spectacular views over Swansea Bay.

Sat 10th December Xmas Party and Willow Crafts MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am, Welfare Hall, Craig Cefn Parc Vicky Rees, Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers, 01792 846443 Enjoy a Christmas party and willow craft. Open to members of Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers RSPB Group, for children ages 8–18years. Non-members welcome but please call first.

Sat 10th December Christmas Crafts Day MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–3pm, Swansea Community Farm, 2 Pontarddulais Road, Fforestfach Alyson Williams, 01792 578384 Get crafty and learn how to make age-old Christmas decorations. Fee is £2 per person. Bring the kids to meet Santa, £7 per child (Santa also at the Farm on 3rd December). 46

Sun 11th December Christmas Decorations Workshop MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–12noon, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell Karen Jones, 01792 361703 Create your own Christmas decorations out of natural materials. Coffee, tea and mince pies will be available. £3 adults, £2 children.

Sun 11th December Birdwatching at Blackpill Repeat event. See details for Sun 20th November.

Sun 11th December Kilvey Hill Xmas Tree Task Day MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–1pm, Goblin’s Garden, Kilvey Hill, Pentrechwyth Marian, Kilvey Community Woodland Volunteers, 07988 721613 Help to thin out unwanted conifers and take home a Xmas tree. 15min walk up hill from White Rock Arch. Please bring own refreshments, dress for the weather and wear strong footwear. All welcome but children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Sun 11th and Sun 18th December Robin Nest Box Making MEET CONTACT DETAILS

12noon–1pm and 1pm–4pm, WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, Llwynhendy, Llanelli, SA14 9SH WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, 01554 741087 Receive expert tuition to create your own professional quality bird box. All tools and materials provided. £7 per box. Normal admission applies.

Wed 14th December Mari Lwyd Lantern Parade MEET CONTACT DETAILS

6.30pm, Park Road Playing Fields, Pennard, Gower National Trust, 01792 390636 Reviving this old midwinter tradition, join us in lighting up the streets of Pennard with our lantern parade. Free and booking not required.

Wed 14th December Bring and Share Christmas Meal MEET CONTACT DETAILS

7pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea Jayne Vickrage, Swansea Organic Gardening Group, 01792 869098 Join the Swansea Organic Gardening Group for a seasonal feast. Everyone welcome.

Sun 18th December Birdwatching at Blackpill Repeat event. See details for Sun 20th November.

Tue 27th to Sat 31st December Christmas Trail at Llys Nini MEET CONTACT DETAILS

11am–3.15pm, Llys Nini Animal Centre, Penllergaer, Swansea Elanor Alun, Conservation Manager, 07432 548074 Come to Llys Nini to see snapshots of Christmas traditions in Wales from times gone by, including Calennig, Wren Day and the enigmatic Mari Lwyd.



Coeden Fach Community Tree Nursery

CITY AND COUNTY OF SWANSEA Nature Conservation Team Deb Hill, 01792 635777 Protecting and enhancing areas of ecological and landscape importance in Swansea for the benefit of people and wildlife.

Bishop’s Wood Local Nature Reserve and Countryside Centre Karen Jones, 01792 361703 www.swansea.gov.uk/bishopswood Popular Local Nature Reserve and countryside centre in Caswell.

Countryside Access Team Chris Dale, 01792 635750 www.swansea.gov.uk/countrysideaccess Protecting, improving and promoting the footpath and bridleway network throughout the County of Swansea, providing information and dealing with problems.

Gower AONB Team Chris Lindley, 01792 635094 www.swansea.gov.uk/aonb Supporting the conservation and enhancement of the Gower AONB.

Sustainable Development Unit Tanya Nash, 01792 635198 www.swansea.gov.uk/sustainabledevelopment Promoting sustainable development in the Council’s activities and strategies.

OTHER ORGANISATIONS AND GROUPS BikeAbility Wales Mike Cherry, 07968 109145 or Cez Matthews, 07584 04428 www.bikeabilitywales.org.uk Enabling people of all abilities to enjoy the pleasures and health benefits of cycling.

Blackpill Wildlife Centre Maggie Cornelius, 01792 229244 www.rspb.org.uk/groups/westglamorgan Based in the lifeguard hut at Blackpill Lido on two Sundays each month from October to Easter.

Clyne Valley Community Project Enid Owen, 07968 269114 www.clynevalleycommunityproject.co.uk Improving access and organising activities to encourage the community to use and enjoy Clyne Valley.

Coeden Fach Community Tree Nursery Kate Davies, 07831 923244 / 01792 446103 www.coedenfach.wetpaint.com A project based in Bishopston offering training and practical experience of sustainable land management and providing native trees.

Cwm Clydach Kites and Dippers RSPB Group Vicky Rees, 01792 846443 www.kitesanddippers.org.uk A local group for children aged 8 to 18 years enthusiastic about wildlife.


Cwm Tawe Cycling and Walking Group Richie Saunders, 07891 508688 Organising a variety of activities, based at Clydach Heritage Centre, Coed Gwilym Park, Clydach.

Cyclists’ Touring Club Ian Davies, 07813 856969 www.swanseacycling.webs.com The local CTC group organises rides every week as well as social events and holidays.

Down to Earth Mark McKenna, 01792 232439 www.downtoearthproject.org.uk Doing good things together – sustainable construction, adventure activities and personal development.

Environment Centre Sarah Kersey, 01792 480200 www.environmentcentre.org.uk A focus for environmental information, education and activity in south-west Wales.

Forest School Swansea Neath Port Talbot Chris Dow, 01792 367118 www.forestschoolsnpt.org.uk Raising awareness and appreciation of local woodlands and green spaces through recreational, educational and training activities.

Glamorgan–Gwent Archaeological Trust Dr. Edith Evans or Paul Huckfield, 01792 655208 www.ggat.org.uk Working to protect, record and interpret our archaeological and historical inheritance.

Gower Heritage Centre Roy Church, 01792 371206 www.gowerheritagecentre.co.uk Visitor attraction with historic exhibits, craft workshops and a programme of events.

Gower Landscape Partnership Bryan Harries, 01792 635742 Organisations working together to inspire and help local people look after Gower’s special and distinctive landscape and heritage features.

Gower Ornithological Society Jeremy Douglas-Jones, 01792 551331 www.glamorganbirds.org.uk A society with a programme of talks and field trips for those interested in birds.

Kilvey Community Woodland Volunteers Marian Francis, 07988 721613 An active group that organises task days and events to both look after and enjoy the local woodland and hill.

Llys Nini Animal Centre Sally Hyman, 01792 229435 www.rspca-llysnini.org.uk A local charity working for animals, people and the environment.

Mumbles Development Trust Robin Bonham, 01792 405169 www.mumblesdevelopmenttrust.org Working for the regeneration of Mumbles and supporting community self-help projects.

National Trust Kim Boland, 01792 390636 www.nationaltrust.org.uk/gower Keeping Gower special for ever for everyone.

Nature Days Dawn Thomas, 01792 392919 www.naturedays.co.uk Educational field trips and outdoor activity days including Gower Society Youth events.

Oakley Intertidal Judith Oakley, 07879 837817 Dedicated to raising awareness of our amazing marine and coastal environment through unique outdoor educational activities.


Sculpture by the Sea Penllergare Trust Lee Turner, 01792 344224 www.penllergare.org Working to restore the historic Penllergare estate as a recreational green space.

Rosehill Quarry Group Bob Cotterill bobcot60@btinternet.com Volunteer group maintaining a wildlife area and recreational space for those living in and around Mount Pleasant and Townhill.

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) Maggie Cornelius, 01792 229244 www.rspb.org.uk/groups/westglamorgan The local RSPB Members Group holds walks and talks open to all members of the public.

Sculpture by the Sea Sara Holden, 01792 367571 www.sculpturebythesea.co.uk An environmental arts group based in Swansea which enables children and adults to engage with nature in a creative way.

St. Madoc Centre Alison Holland, 01792 386291 www.stmadoc.co.uk Residential centre for groups in a stunning location offering outdoor activities and wildlife events.

Sustainable Swansea Delyth Higgins or Dai Power, 01792 480200 www.sustainableswansea.net Helping Swansea become a more sustainable place to live, work and visit.

Swansea Built Heritage Group Philip McDonnell, 01792 898423 swanseabuiltheritagegroup.weebly.com A partnership of local organisations, community groups and individuals seeking to protect and promote historic buildings and heritage sites across Swansea.

Swansea Canal Society 0844 209 4548 (Answerphone) www.swanseacanalsociety.com Promoting the regeneration, renewal and restoration of Swansea Canal through recreation, education, culture and weekly clean-ups.

Swansea Civic Society John Steevens, 01792 643791 www.swanseacivicsociety.org.uk Encouraging a quality and sustainable built environment for Swansea.

Swansea Community Farm Phil Budd, 01792 578384 www.swanseacommunityfarm.org.uk A small working farm helping to reconnect people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities with their food, their environment and each other.

Swansea Environmental Education Forum (SEEF) Anita Houten, 01792 469817 www.seeforum.org.uk A network of organisations and individuals providing education for sustainable development and global citizenship to all sectors in Swansea.


Swansea Environmental Forum (SEF) Sarah Kersey, 01792 480200 www.swanseaenvironmentalforum.net Promoting and facilitating environmental sustainability in Swansea through projects, events and partnerships.

Swansea Fair Trade Forum 01792 480200 www.fairtradeswansea.org.uk A partnership of local organisations seeking to promote fair trade in Swansea.

Swansea Organic Gardening Group Jayne Vickrage, 01792 869098 The group has regular meetings to promote and support organic gardening.

Swansea Outdoor Group Gary Bowen, 07974 574181 or Lisa Skyrme, 07951 496942 www.swanseaoutdoorgroup.org.uk A friendly group for walking, cycling and other outdoor activities. YHA affiliated.

Swansea Ramblers John France, 01792 547439 www.swansearamblers.org.uk Friendly local walking group with a full weekly programme of short, medium and long walks throughout the year with social events and an emphasis on fun.

Tawe Trekkers David Horton, 07414 590217 www.tawetrekkers.org.uk Local younger persons Ramblers group with a programme of walks, weekend trips and other social events throughout the year.

Welsh Historic Gardens Trust (West Glamorgan Branch) Ann Gardner, 01792 290014 www.whgt.org.uk A conservation and heritage organisation set up to protect and conserve historic garden and park landscapes of Wales.

Wheelrights David Naylor, 01792 233755 www.wheelrights.org.uk Swansea Bay cycle campaign group helping to get people on bikes.

Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales (Swansea Group) 01656 724100 www.welshwildlife.org Wildlife events, activities and volunteering. Part of the UK’s largest voluntary organisation dedicated to conserving the full range of the UK’s habitats and species.

WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre Eleanor Keatley, 01554 741087 www.wwt.org.uk/visit-us/llanelli Spectacular birdlife and a variety of indoor and outdoor activities all year round.

Self-guided Walk Leaflets The City and County of Swansea’s Countryside Access Team has produced a selection of selfguided walks leaflets, which have been designed to help walkers make the most of the beautiful countryside to be found around Swansea. The leaflets are available from the Tourist Information Centre, Civic Centre and other locations or can be downloaded at www.swansea.gov.uk/countrysidewalks. For more information on public rights of way and access to the countryside, please contact the Countryside Access Team at countrysideaccess@swansea.gov.uk


A PDF of the English and Welsh language versions will be available from: www.swansea.gov.uk/environmentalevents Published February 2016.

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