Family Information Service This issue:
Swansea childcare providers network event 2016.
Families First quality award.
Wales preschool providers association.
Snowflake award.
The Eatwell guide.
Gold standard healthy snack award for early years.
FIS training programme.
Swansea parent/carer forum.
Dates for your diary.
Progress for success.
September 2016
Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA) Swansea will soon be undertaking the next Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA). Through this assessment we will measure the nature and extent of the need for, and supply of, childcare in the area. Through this analysis we will be able to identify any gaps in childcare provision where parents’ needs are not being fully met which will in turn allow us to plan how to support the market to address the gaps identified. This year the local authority will be supported by Coda Consultants Ltd. During the latter part of September/early October, in order to obtain the best information possible Coda will be conducting telephone interviews with existing registered providers on behalf of the Family Information Service (FIS). Their focus will be to ascertain information on considered/ predicted ongoing sustainability of provision, observed trends related to demand, forms of (workforce) support and training providers would welcome and so forth. We fully appreciate how busy each and every childcare provider is therefore telephone interviews will be kept as brief as possible, we would however ask for your co-operation in this matter as the information provided by you is key to producing a quality Sufficiency Assessment. Several other key stakeholders including parents/carers and employers will also have the opportunity to have their say on how childcare affects them/their workforce by completing online surveys or attending focus groups, as appropriate. These will appear on the FIS website in due course Initially a CSA summary report will be drafted and consulted upon, where once again you will have the opportunity to express your views. Following this consultation period, the full assessment will be submitted to Welsh Government by 31 March 2017. We would like to thank you in advance for your continued support and valuable input.
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September 2016
Swansea Childcare Providers Network Event 2016 We would like to invite you to join us for the eighth annual networking event at the Gorseinon Centre, Millers Drive, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 4QN. The event will celebrate improving young children’s development. Thursday 8 September 2016 at 6.00pm until 9.00pm
Supporting children’s readiness for schools. Supporting the assessment of children’s learning and development. Engaging children to build on enhancing their attachment bond with parents and care givers.
Programme: 18:00—18:30 - Arrival and buffet 18:30—18:50 - Presentation Swansea Strategy (Gary Mahoney) 19:00—20:00 - Workshops 20:00—21:00 - What now, questions and evaluations 21:15—Close Workshop 1 - Building on the attachment theory Theraplay sessions create an active emotional connection between the child and or parent or caregiver. Theraplay is based on natural patterns of playful, healthy interactions that are personal, physical and fun. Workshop 2 - Profile Assessment for all The Foundation Phase profile is a key part of the Welsh Government Early Years Development assessment framework. The profile supports the assessment of children’s learning and development. The profile form produces a snapshot of a child’s development and it allows practitioners to produce a single outcome for each area of learning in the profile. Workshop 3 - Physical Literacy in the Early Years This workshop will look at the importance of planning and developing fun games through stories and creative activities that will encourage children to become confident and more likely to enjoy physical activities. To book your place please contact Swansea Family Information Service via email to: or telephone 01792 517222.
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September 2016
Families First Quality Award
The FIS Team collected their Families First Quality Award
Swansea Family Information Service (FIS) has recently been awarded the Families First Quality Award for helping local families get the information they need to make the most of their lives. The Families First Quality Award is a national quality assurance process and quality improvement tool designed to help keep families at the heart of our practice and help FIS to provide gold standard information. The award was developed by the National Association of Family Information Services (NAFIS) in conjunction with Department for Education (DfE) and Suffolk County Council as a tool to measure the effectiveness of a local authority Family Information Service (FIS) and demonstrates how it meets statutory obligations in the Childcare Act 2006 (Information Duty Section 27) and the SEND Code of Practice 2014. The Welsh Government also acknowledged the importance of the information duty as part of its own Childcare Act and has supported NAFIS as it works with the 22 FIS in Wales to ensure that the standards facilitate a dual assessment role against the requirements of section 27 (the information duty) of the Childcare Act for Wales.
Pictured: The FIS Team Claire Bevan; Sian Fennell; Hannah Vyse; Allison Williams; Gary Mahoney and Christopher Jones (and Finley the Bear) receiving their certificate from Cllr Christine Richards. Also pictured are Jane Whitmore Interim Head of Service Poverty and Prevention; Cllr Jan Curtice and the City and County of Swansea’s Director of People Chris Sivers.
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September 2016
Wales Pre School Providers Association
With so many developments and changes in the childcare sector over the past few months, Wales Pre-School Providers Association has been working hard to ensure that their Members’ voices are heard and that they are kept up to date with the changes that will affect them. At the most recent forum meeting providers were given information outlining funding for play work training opportunities.
In particular, guest speakers at WPPA’s informative regional forums have discussed the auto enrolment process for pensions, the requirements for registration with the Information Commissions Office (ICO) to ensure data kept by settings is secure and most recently a presentation about Wales PPA’s Welsh Government approved quality assurance scheme, Quality for All (QFA). Also at the most recent forum meeting providers were given information outlining funding for playwork training opportunities. This will enable staff within their settings to achieve the level of qualification required to meet the recent CSSIW changes regarding the registration of care for children up to the age of 12. The regional forums are well received by WPPA members. The next event is in October and the guest speaker will be a representative from the CSSIW to talk about the recent changes to childcare law and the new inspection framework. Invitations will be distributed closer to the time. For more information please email: Donna Thomas, our Development Worker has recently completed the Community Food and Nutrition Early Years course and is using her newly acquired knowledge to support settings in Swansea to achieve the Healthy and Sustainable Pre-School Scheme award. Donna is also encouraging Wales PPA members within Swansea to achieve the Gold Snack Award that can be achieved without an obligation to commit to completing the Healthy Pre-School award. If you require information on either of these schemes then please contact Donna at You can contact the office on 01792 781108 and the Swansea Development Worker, Donna, on 07557 439065.
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September 2016
Snowflake Award
With Christmas fast approaching what better way to embrace the festive spirit than by entering our Snowflake Award. The Swansea Family Information Service Team would like to invite entries for the Snowflake 2016 Award from all registered childcare providers. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to win Love to Shop vouchers to purchase additional resources for your setting. Win ‘Love to Shop’ vouchers to purchase additional resources for your setting.
Criteria: To ensure that the process is fair, Registered Childminders will be expected to create a Christmas tree scene, and Registered full day care, sessional care and out of school care will be expected to create a Christmas display board/scene.
Evidence of children being involved in the decision making process around the theme eg. Decorations and materials used including evidence of their own work (A3 mood board). Creativity. Resources used should be of low cost or no cost.
Further information will be made available closer to the time. However should you like to discuss with a member of the FIS team then please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01792 517222.
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September 2016
The Eatwell Guide A summary for Early Years settings and practitioners In March 2016, Public Health England launched a new and revised Eatwell Guide in association with the Welsh Government Food Standards Scotland and the Food Standards Agency in Northern Ireland. Eating well and having a healthy lifestyle can help us all feel our best and make a big difference to our long term health. Health professionals, community organisations, teachers, the food industry and local authorities are being encouraged to use the Eatwell Guide to help the nation improve their diet and choose more sustainable foods. The Eatwell Guide applies to most people regardless of their weight, dietary restrictions, preferences or ethnic origin. The Eatwell Guide does not fully apply to children under 2 as they have specific nutritional needs. Between the ages of 2-5 years, children can gradually move to eating the same foods as the rest of the family in the proportions shown in the guide.
The Eatwell Guide and children under 5 years Eating well and active play are essential for young children to enjoy good health and wellbeing. Early years practitioners are in an ideal position to help shape eating habits for life and to help young children be a healthy weight by the time they start school. Eating a variety of foods from the five food groups of the Eatwell Guide is important in the early years, including a range of fruits and veg. However, it is important to note that there are key differences in the recommendations for adults and the nutrition guidelines for pre-school children. An Eatwell Guide booklet with further information can be found at: Change4Life Wales To receive a full version of this article please contact the Family Information Service on 01792 517222 or email us on
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September 2016
Gold Standard Health Snack Award for Early Years And Childcare Settings Do you already provide a healthy, nutritious snack to the children attending your setting and like to be recognised for it? The Gold Standard Healthy Snack Award has been designed to raise awareness of healthy eating practices and demonstrate what can be achieved by providing nutritious snacks for children in childcare settings. It is aimed at playgroups, nurseries, childminders, parent and toddler groups and out of school childcare clubs across Swansea. Early years and childcare practitioners can make a positive difference to the health and wellbeing of children in their care and can provide children from an early age with opportunities to experience new nutritious foods. Introducing healthy snacks at a young age can promote a positive attitude towards food and childcare workers can be positive role models to support this. Childcare settings will obtain the award following a series of three visits, by meeting the following criteria:
The provision of healthy snacks and drinks Appropriate hygiene standards Provision of a suitable eating environment Dental health standards
A certificate will be awarded if successful. If you are a childcare setting and would like more information about the Healthy Snack awards then please contact Gary Mahoney at the Family Information Service on 01792 517222. Any out of school childcare clubs interested in completing the Gold Standard Health Snack Award please contact: Sian Jewell, Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs, Tel: 01269 831010 or 07966 792416.
Swansea Family Information Service Training Programme The new training programme outlining courses available between October 2016 and March 2017 is now accessible online. The training courses available include disability confidence, Makaton, managing challenging behaviour and many more. To access the training programme please follow the link: Hard copies are also available on request.
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September 2016
Swansea Parent/Carer Forum If you are a parent/carer, family member, or work with children and young people with disabilities and their families and have any questions and wish to find out more about the forum please do get in touch. Swansea Parent/Carer Forum holds a drop in, term time on the third Tuesday of the month at 10:00am in the Discovery Room, Central Library. This provides an opportunity for any parent/ carer to drop in and meet other parent/carers and find out more about the work of the Forum. Swansea Parent/Carer Forum offers the opportunity to share information and a point of reference for partnership and local authority consultations on plans offering practical and constructive suggestions for improving services. The forum provides an opportunity to: Be better informed; influence services; participate in decision making in order to achieve better services for children and families; exchange ideas and to raise awareness of the needs of children and their families; meet other parent/carers living in Swansea.
Did you know Swansea has a dedicated website providing a range of useful information in one place for parent/carers and professionals?
For further information contact Sandra Spratt, Children and Young People Disability and Family Development Officer, Swansea Council for Voluntary Service, 7 Walter Road, Swansea. Telephone 01792 544019 or Email
Swansea Family Information Service
Dates for your diary Family Information Service Day Nursery Meeting Early Years Development Team 5th Floor Oldway Centre 36 Orchard Street Swansea SA1 5LD Phone: 01792 635400 01792 517222 Email:
Held at Swansea Children’s Centre, Eppynt Road, Penlan SA5 7A2 on 10 October 2016 at 9.30am—11.00am, for staff and managers in day nurseries and fully day care settings.
Progress for Success Looking after children is more than just a job, it’s a really important career. That’s why the Welsh Government in partnership with the European Social Fund has launched Progress for Success. Progress for Success is a work based training programme, which will fund professionals in the early years, childcare and play sector to gain higher-level nationally recognised qualifications including Children’s Care Learning and Development (CCLD) levels 2, 3 and 5. This could enhance your career, or enhance your business if you’re an employer. Progress for Success funds training through Welsh or bilingually. Link: Programme to upskill early years and childcare workers If you or your employees wish to enrol on to this free programme, please call ITEC on 02920 713668 or email: