Autumn - Winter Hydref - Gaeaf | 2018 01792 475715
Mellin Theatre Arts
Thank You for the Music
Live and Let Dance
The Ultimate Tribute to ABBA
Mon 3 Sept | Llun 3 Medi | 6.30pm Mellin Theatre Arts is a local dance school based at Swansea Grand Theatre. Come and support the students as they showcase a spectacular assortment of styles, including ballet, hip hop and tap dance.
Child | Plant £10.00 Adult | Oedolion £13.00
Ysgol ddawns leol a gynhelir yn Theatr y Grand Abertawe yw Celfyddydau Theatr Mellin. Dewch i gefnogi’r myfyrwyr wrth iddynt arddangos amrywiaeth trawiadol o ddulliau, gan gynnwys bale, hip hop a dawns dapio.
Thurs 6 Sept | Iau 6 Medi | 7.30pm This international smash-hit show brings all of ABBA’s number one hits to the stage. Combining the unmistakable harmonies, colourful costumes, and dazzling performances that will have you thanking ABBA for the music again and again!
Mae’r sioe deyrnged boblogaidd ryngwladol hon yn dod â holl ganeuon ABBA a gyrhaeddodd rif un yn y siartiau i’r llwyfan. Gan gyfuno harmonïau adnabyddus, gwisgoedd lliwgar a pherfformiadau disglair a fydd yn gwneud i chi ‘ddiolch i ABBA am y gerddoriaeth’ dro ar ôl tro!
Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
John Edward
The Simon and Garfunkel Story
Tues 4 Sept | Maw 4 Medi | 7.30pm
Fri 7 Sept | Gwe 7 Sept | 7.30pm
As a psychic medium, he has helped thousands with his uncanny ability to predict future events and communicate with those who have crossed over to the other side.
Fel cyfryngwr seicig, mae wedi helpu miloedd o bobl gyda’i allu annaearol i ddarogan digwyddiadau’r dyfodol a chyfathrebu â’r rhai sydd wedi croesi i’r ochr arall.
Purpose of entertainment
At ddiben adloniant
£27.00 - £52.00 VIP tickets £75.00
£27.00 - £52.00 Tocynnau VIP £75.00
VIP ticket includes: Closest seats to the stage, a 1 year membership of Evolve, plus exclusive after show Q&A with John, meet & greet and photo opportunity.
Mae tocyn VIP yn cynnwys: Y seddau agosaf at y llwyfan, aelodaeth blwyddyn o Evolve ynghyd â sesiwn holi ac ateb gyda John ar ôl y sioe, cyfle i gwrdd a chyfarch a thynnu llun.
Direct from a sold-out worldwide tour, this 50th Anniversary Celebration features a full live band performing all the hits, including Mrs Robinson, Cecilia, Bridge Over Troubled Water, plus stunning original film footage.
Yn dilyn taith fyd-eang lle gwerthwyd pob tocyn, mae’r Dathliad 50 Mlynedd hwn yn cynnwys band byw llawn yn perfformio’r holl ffefrynnau, gan gynnwys Mrs Robinson, Cecilia, Bridge Over Troubled Water, yn ogystal â darnau o ffilm wreiddiol.
£22.50 Δ Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
New Amen Corner’s Bringing on Back The 60s
The Nick Ross Orchestra
Wed 5 Sept | Mer 5 Medi | 7.30pm
Sat 8 Sept | Sad 8 Medi | 7.30pm
A magical mystery tour through the most prolific decade in musical history, starring New Amen Corner and special guests, including the incredible Chris Farlowe and multi award-winning Nancy Ann Lee.
Dyma daith ddirgel llawn hud drwy’r degawd mwyaf toreithiog yn hanes cerddoriaeth, gan gynnwys New Amen Corner a gwesteion arbennig, megis y perfformiwr anhygoel, Chris Farlowe, a Nancy Ann Lee arobryn.
Sounds of the Glenn Miller Era Faithfully recreating the Big Band sound of the 1940s, with a magical line-up of saxophones, trumpets, trombones, a rhythm section and singers and hits from Glenn Miller, Count Basie, Frank Sinatra and many more.
Gan ail-greu sain band mawr y 1940au gyda chyfeiliant o sacsoffonau, trympedi, trombonau, adran rhythm a chantorion, dewch i fwynhau caneuon gwych gan Glenn Miller, Count Basie, Frank Sinatra a llawer mwy.
£23.00 & £25.00
Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
01792 475715 |
Δ Includes a 50p Restoration Fund contribution
Δ Mae’n cynnwys cyfraniad gwerth 50c at y Gronfa Adfer | 01792 475715
Ross Noble El Hablador | 15+ Tues 18 Sept | Maw 18 Medi | 8.00pm Ross Noble returns to dance around the stage spinning out all the nonsense in his head into a hilarious stand up show. At some point, he may wander into a shadowy part of the stage and look a bit shadowy.
Mae Ross Noble yn dychwelyd i ddawnsio o gwmpas y llwyfan, gan greu sioe gomedi ddoniol o’r holl lol yn ei ben. Ar ryw bwynt, efallai y bydd yn crwydro i fan cysgodol ar y llwyfan ac yn ymddwyn yn rhyfedd.
£25.50 Δ
An Audience with Simon Reeve Wed 19 Sept | Mer 19 Sept | 7.30pm Simon’s first ever theatre tour will see the world-famous journalist recount inspirational, shocking, and hilarious tales from over 15 years of travelling to the most remote corners of the planet.
Bydd taith theatr gyntaf erioed Simon Reeve yn cynnwys y newyddiadurwr byd-enwog yn adrodd hanesion ysbrydolus, ysgytwol a doniol o fwy na 15 mlynedd o deithio i gyrion mwyaf anghysbell y blaned.
£25.50 Δ Family ticket (4) £77.00
£25.50* Δ Tocyn teulu (4) £77.00
Selected concessions available
Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Celtic Country Thurs 20 Sept | Iau 20 Sept | 7.30pm Tue 11 - Sat 15 Sept | 7.30pm Thu & Sat mats | 2.30pm
Maw 11 - Sad 15 Medi | 7.30pm Sioe brynhawn Iau a Sad | 2.30pm
A spectacular celebration of the music of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. Featuring an award-winning cast of singers, dancers, and on stage band, this vibrant production includes all of the greatest hits: Sherry, Rag Doll, Big Girls Don’t Cry and many more.
Dathliad ysblennydd o gerddoriaeth Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Yn cynnwys cast arobryn o gantorion, dawnswyr, a band byw ar y llwyfan, mae’r cynhyrchiad hwn yn cynnwys yr holl ganeuon mwyaf poblogaidd: Sherry, Rag Doll, Big Girls Don’t Cry a llawer mwy.
£19.50 - £32.00
£19.50 - £32.00
Opening night offer 2 for 1 (terms & conditions apply) Group offers available
Cynnig y noson agoriadol: 2 am 1 (mae amodau a thelerau’n berthnasol)
Selected concessions available on selected performances
Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael ar gyfer perfformiadau dethol
A must-see show for all Celtic country fans, starring Ireland’s international recording star Dominic Kirwan with son Barry Kirwan, original lead singer of The New Seekers, Eve Graham, and star of BBC’s The Voice, Colin Chisholm.
Mae’n rhaid i bawb sy’n mwynhau canu gwlad Celtaidd weld y sioe hon, sy’n cynnwys seren recordio ryngwladol Iwerddon, Dominic Kirwan, a’i fab, Barry Kirwan, prif gantores wreiddiol The New Seekers, Eve Graham, a seren The Voice y BBC, Colin Chisholm.
Cynigion grŵp ar gael Δ Mae’n cynnwys cyfraniad gwerth 50c at y Gronfa Adfer | 01792 475715
Sat 22 & Sun 23 Sept | Sad 22 a Sul 23 Medi Sat 1.00pm & 4.00pm | Sad 1.00pm a 4.00pm Sun 10.00am & 1.00pm | Sul 10.00am a 1.00pm Peppa Pig and friends are back in a brand new live show! Peppa’s getting ready to go on an exciting camping trip. With lunch-boxes packed and Daddy Pig driving the bus, Peppa and friends are excited about their outdoor adventure, full of games, laughter and live music!
Child £10.50 - £17.00 | Adult £12.50 - £19.00 | Family ticket (4) £68.00
Mae Peppa Pig a’i ffrindiau yn ôl mewn sioe fyw newydd sbon! Mae Peppa’n paratoi i fynd ar daith wersylla gyffrous. Gyda’r blychau bwyd yn barod, a Daddy Pig yn gyrru’r bws, mae Peppa a’i ffrindiau’n gyffrous am eu hantur awyr agored, a fydd yn llawn gemau, chwerthin a cherddoriaeth fyw!
Plant £10.50 - £17.00 | Oedolion £12.50 - £19.00 | Tocyn teulu (4) £68.00
Tues 25 - Sat 29 Sep | 7.30pm Wed, Thurs & Sat mats | 2.30pm
Maw 25 - Sad 29 Medi | 7.30pm Sioe brynhawn Mer, Iau a Sad | 2.30pm
Few musicals have received quite such acclaim as the multi-award winning Blood Brothers. Bill Kenwright’s production surpassed 10,000 performances in London’s West End, one in only three musicals to ever achieve that milestone. It has affectionately been christened the ‘Standing Ovation Musical’.
Dim ond ychydig o sioeau cerdd sydd wedi derbyn yr un ganmoliaeth a chynifer o wobrau â Blood Brothers. Mae cynhyrchiad Bill Kenwright wedi’i lwyfannu fwy na 10,000 o weithiau yn y West End yn Llundain, un o’r tair sioe gerdd i gyrraedd y garreg filltir honno erioed. Fe’i hadwaenir gyda hoffter fel y ‘sioe gerdd cymeradwyaeth sefyll’.
*Previous cast photos
*Lluniau o’r cast blaenorol
£17.00 - £40.50 | Schools £16.00
£17.00 - £40.50 | Ysgolion £16.00
Selected concessions available on selected performances
Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael ar gyfer perfformiadau dethol
Rob Brydon
Tabby McTat
I Am Standing Up | 16+
Mon 8 Oct | Llun 8 Hyd | 2.00pm & 4.30pm
Wed 3 & Thurs 4 Oct | Mer 3 a Iau 4 Hyd | 8.00pm
Interwoven with original songs, Tabby McTat is the heartwarming tale of friendship and loyalty from the team behind Stick Man Live and Tiddler and Other Terrific Tales. From the book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, presented by Freckle Productions.
I Am Standing Up is Rob Brydon’s first stand up tour since his sell out national tour and West End run of 2009.
I Am Standing Upyw taith comedi lwyfan gyntaf Rob Brydon ers ei daith genedlaethol hynod boblogaidd a’i gyfnod yn perfformio yn y West End yn 2009.
Stori dwymgalon am gyfeillgarwch a theyrngarwch yw Tabby McTat sy’n cynnwys caneuon gwreiddiol ac fe’i cyflwynir gan y tîm a greodd Stick Man Live a Tiddler and Other Terrific Tales. Wedi’i addasu o’r llyfr gan Julia Donaldson ac Axel Scheffler a’i gyflwyno gan Freckle Productions.
£14.00 £32.00
Group offers available | Cynigion grŵp ar gael
Miloš - The Voice of the Guitar with Ensemble 7
One Man Stranger Things: A Parody
Fri 5 Oct | Gwe 5 Hyd | 7.30pm
Talented Canadian actor Charles Ross singlehandedly recreates season one of the Netflix sensation: all the characters, dialogue, special effects, music and eggos in one superb, upsidedown show.
Heralded by BBC Music Magazine as ‘classical music’s guitar hero’. Don’t miss this enthralling evening of music ranging from JS Bach, Granados and Rodrigo to Lennon and McCartney.
Tues 9 Oct | Maw 9 Hyd | 7.30pm
Cyfeiriwyd ato yng ngylchgrawn BBC Music fel ‘arwr gitâr cerddoriaeth glasurol’. Peidiwch â cholli’r noson wefreiddiol hon o gerddoriaeth, yn amrywio o JS Bach, Granados a Rodrigo i Lennon a McCartney.
£22.00 - £37.00
Sun Records: The Concert Sat 6 Oct | Sad 6 Hyd | 7.30pm Return to the birthplace of rock ’n’ roll with the official Sun Records concert show. The label that brought you Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash, Roy Orbison, Carl Perkins and Rufus Thomas comes to life, live on stage!
Dychwelwch i fan geni roc a rôl gyda sioe gyngerdd swyddogol Sun Records. Bydd y label a gyflwynodd Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash, Roy Orbison, Carl Perkins a Rufus Thomas i chi’n dod yn fyw ar y llwyfan!
£20.00 & £24.50 Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
01792 475715 |
Mae’r actor dawnus o Ganada, Charles Ross, yn ail-greu cyfres gyntaf rhaglen gyffrous Netflix ar ei ben ei hun: yr holl gymeriadau, y ddeialog, yr effeithiau arbennig, y gerddoriaeth a’r eggos i gyd mewn un sioe wych ben i waered.
Δ Includes a 50p Restoration Fund contribution
Jimeoin Result! | 16+ Sat 13 Oct | Sad 13 Hyd | 7.30pm Don’t miss your chance to enjoy an evening of brilliantly observed, ever-evolving world-class comedy from the internationally acclaimed Irishman from Australia.
Peidiwch â cholli’ch cyfle i fwynhau noson o ddigrifiwch o safon ryngwladol wrth i’r Gwyddel o Awstralia gyflwyno’i gomedi graff, fythol-newidiol a hynod ddoniol.
Δ Mae’n cynnwys cyfraniad gwerth 50c at y Gronfa Adfer | 01792 475715
Dara O Briain Voice of Reason | 14+ Mon 15 & Tue 16 Oct | Llun 15 a Maw 16 Hyd | 8.00pm Dara is one of the most recognisable faces on British TV, as host of the hugely successful Mock The Week, Star Gazing Live, Robotwars and Go8Bit. Catch one of the most intelligent, fast-talking and downright funny live performers in this brand new show for 2018.
£25.00 12+
Mae Dara yn un o’r wynebau mwyaf adnabyddus ar deledu Prydain, fel cyflwynydd rhaglenni llwyddiannus megis Mock The Week, Star Gazing Live, Robotwars a Go8Bit. Dewch i weld un o berfformwyr byw mwyaf carismatig, deallus, ffraeth a doniol yr oes yn y sioe newydd sbon hon ar gyfer 2018.
An Evening with Neil Oliver The Story of the British Isles in 100 Places | 12+ Wed 17 Oct | Mer 17 Hyd | 7.30pm Archaeologist, historian, author and broadcaster Neil Oliver has travelled all over Britain and has his own, unique story to tell about the history of a land shaped by ice, weather and us; a million years of human lives.
Mae’r archaeolegydd, yr hanesydd, yr awdur a’r darlledydd, Neil Oliver, wedi teithio ar hyd ac ar led Prydain ac mae ganddo’i stori unigryw ei hun i’w hadrodd wrthym am hanes tir a luniwyd gan iâ, y tywydd a ni; miliwn o flynyddoedd o fywydau dynol.
£24.50 Family ticket (4) £68.00
£24.50 Tocyn teulu (4) £68.00
Russian State Opera
Russian State Opera
La Traviata
Wed 10 Oct | Mer 10 Hyd | 7.30pm
Thurs 11 Oct | Iau 11 Hyd | 7.30pm
Group offers available
Cynigion grŵp ar gael
Love, treachery, passion and betrayal, Bizet’s most popular opera has it all. Feel the thrill of fiery passion, jealousy and violence of 19th century Seville, accompanied by a live orchestra.
Verdi’s haunting masterpiece, overflowing with emotion and beautiful arias and accompanied by a live orchestra. La Traviata brings the grandeur of mid-19th century Paris to the stage.
Selected concessions available
Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Sung in French with English surtitles. Surtitles not always visible from certain seats. Please check with Box Office when booking. Performed to a live orchestra.
Sung in Italian with English surtitles. Surtitles not always visible from certain seats. Please check with Box Office when booking. Performed to a live orchestra.
Cariad, brad, nwyd a bradychiad, mae opera fwyaf poblogaidd Bizet yn cynnwys y cyfan. Teimlwch wefr nwyd tanllyd, eiddigedd a thrais Seville yn y 19eg ganrif, i gyfeiliant cherddoriaeth fyw.
Campwaith swynol Verdi, sy’n llawn emosiwn ac ariâu prydferth, gyda chyfeiliant cerddorfa fyw. Daw La Traviata â rhwysg Paris yng nghanol y 19eg ganrif i’r llwyfan.
Starring CJ and his incredible band and dancers, Jackson - Live in Concert brings together superb musicians, fabulous costumes, and of course all the signature dance moves associated so fondly with the undisputed King of Pop.
Cenir yn Ffrangeg gydag uwchdeitlau Saesneg. Nid yw’r uwchdeitlau bob amser yn weladwy o rai seddau. Gwiriwch gyda’r Swyddfa Docynnau wrth archebu tocynnau.
Cenir yn Eidalaidd gydag uwchdeitlau Saesneg. Nid yw’r uwchdeitlau bob amser yn weladwy o rai seddau. Gwiriwch gyda’r Swyddfa Docynnau wrth archebu tocynnau.
Jackson - Live in Concert Thurs 18 Oct | Iau 18 Hyd | 7.30pm Gyda CJ a’i fand a’i ddawnswyr anhygoel, mae Jackson Live in Concert yn cyfuno cerddorion a dawnswyr penigamp, gwisgoedd gwych ac, wrth reswm, yr holl symudiadau dawns nodweddiadol sy’n gysylltiedig â brenin diamheuol y byd pop.
£17.50 & £21.50 Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
£28.00 - £35.00
£28.00 - £35.00
Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Δ Mae’n cynnwys cyfraniad gwerth 50c at y Gronfa Adfer | 01792 475715
Go Now! The Music of The Moody Blues Fri 19 Oct | Gwe 19 Hyd | 7.30pm Prepare for an unforgettable evening of sensational musicianship and iconic songs that define a generation. A thrilling celebration of all the classic hits, including Nights in White Satin, Tuesday Afternoon and Go Now.
Paratowch ar gyfer noswaith fythgofiadwy o ddawn gerddorol a cherddoriaeth eiconig sy’n diffinio cenhedlaeth. Dathliad cyffrous o’r holl glasuron poblogaidd gan gynnwys Nights in White Satin, Tuesday Afternoon a Go Now.
£24.50 Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
This is the Greatest Show Sat 20 Oct | Sad 20 Hyd | 4.00pm & 7.30pm Inspired by the whimsical imagination of PT Barnum, join our cast of West End singers and live band on an inspirational journey through the best loved songs from The Greatest Showman, Moulin Rouge, Barnum and other treasured films.
Wedi’i hysbrydoli gan ddychymyg hynod PT Barnum, ymunwch â’n cast o gantorion y West End a band byw ar daith llawn ysbrydoliaeth drwy ganeuon mwyaf poblogaidd The Greatest Showman, Moulin Rouge, Barnum a ffilmiau poblogaidd eraill.
£21.00 & £23.00 Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
John Hartson: Footballers’ Lives Mon 29 Oct | Llun 29 Hyd | 7.30pm A unique insight into a true footballing legend, following his journey from tabloid fodder to terrace hero, and the story of a man who, despite a gambling addiction and battle with cancer, was determined to make the most of his talents.
Cipolwg unigryw ar fywyd un o enwogion mwyaf y byd pêl-droed, gan ddilyn ei daith o gael ei erlid gan y papurau tabloid i fod yn arwr y terasau, dyn a oedd yn benderfynol o wneud yn fawr o’i ddoniau, er gwaethaf ei broblemau gamblo a’i frwydr â chanser.
£30.00 | Early bird £25.00 (Limited availability) VIP Meet & Greet £65.00
£30.00 | Tocyn cynnar £25.00 (Ychydig o leoedd ar gael) Cyfarfod a Chyfarch £65.00
01792 475715 |
Δ Includes a 50p Restoration Fund contribution
Wed 24 - Sat 27 Oct | 7.15pm Sat mat | 2.15pm
Mer 24 - Sad 27 Hyd | 7.15pm Sioe prynhawn Sad | 2.15pm
Take a magical journey with Abbey Players as they bring this fantastic, fun, family musical to life, celebrating the 50th anniversary year of the classic movie. Including the unforgettable songs Hushabye Mountain, Toot Sweets and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, this is one spectacle of a show you won’t want to miss!
Dewch ar daith hudol gydag Abbey Players wrth iddynt ddod â’r sioe gerdd ddifyr fendigedig hon i’r teulu’n fyw 50 o flynyddoedd ar ôl creu’r ffilm glasurol. Bydd y sioe ysblennydd hon sy’n cynnwys y caneuon bythgofiadwy Hushabye Mountain, Toot Sweets a Chitty Chitty Bang Bang hon yn un na fyddwch am ei cholli!
By arrangement with Music Theatre International (Europe)
Drwy drefniant â Music Theatre International (Ewrop).
£15.50 - £19.50
£15.50 - £19.50
Selected concessions available - Wed 24 Oct only
Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael - Mer 24 Hyd
Δ Mae’n cynnwys cyfraniad gwerth 50c at y Gronfa Adfer | 01792 475715
The Arts Wing | Adain y Celfyddydau
Milkshake! Live The Magic Story Book Tues 30 Oct | Maw 30 Hyd | 12.00pm & 3.30pm
Starring Milkshake! favourites Bob the Builder, Little Princess, Noddy, Fireman Sam and two Milkshake! presenters. Don’t miss this all singing, all dancing musical masterpiece.
Gyda ffefrynnau’r rhaglen Milkshake! Bob the Builder, Little Princess, Noddy, Fireman Sam a dau o gyflwynwyr Milkshake! Peidiwch â cholli’r campwaith cerddorol hwn sy’n llawn caneuon a dawnsio.
Child £15.50 Adult £17.00 Family ticket (4) £61.00
Plant £15.50 Oedolion £17.00 Tocyn teulu (4) £68.00
Sue Perkins | 14+
The Sir Harry Secombe Trust
Les Misérables School Edition Tues 18 - Sat 22 Sept | Maw 18 - Sad 22 Medi | 7.00pm Sat mat | Sioe brynhawn Sad | 2.30pm Harry’s Youth Theatre are delighted to present the iconic musical Les Misérables, schools edition. This classic production contains all the songs we know and love.
Mae Theatr Ieuenctid Harry’s yn falch o gyflwyno fersiwn ysgolion o’r sioe gerdd eiconig, Les Misérables. Mae’r cynhyrchiad hwn sy’n glasur yn cynnwys yr holl ganeuon cyfarwydd rydym yn dwlu arnynt.
Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Fluellen Theatre Company
Romeo and Juliet by | gan William Shakespeare
Wed 31 Oct | Mer 31 Hyd | 7.30pm A rare chance to enjoy an evening with Sue Perkins, packed full of crackling wit and dubious puns, plus Sue’s legendary Q&A sessions where she will answer all of your burning questions.*
Dyma gyfle prin i fwynhau noson yng nghwmni Sue Perkins, gyda ffraethineb miniog a mwyseiriau amheus, ynghyd â sesiynau cwestiynau cyffredin enwog Sue, lle bydd hi’n ymateb i’ch holl gwestiynau am bynciau llosg.*
Tickets will include a hardback copy of Sue’s new book (RRP £20.00) to be collected on the night. Sue will be signing copies after the show. *She will also answer questions unrelated to burning
Bydd tocynnau’n cynnwys copi clawr caled o lyfr newydd Sue (RRP £20.00) i’w gasglu ar y noson. Bydd Sue yn llofnodi copïau ar ôl y sioe. *Bydd hi hefyd yn ymateb i gwestiynau nad ydynt yn ymwneud â llosgi
The ELO Experience Greatest Hits and More Tour Thurs 1 Nov | Iau 1 Tach | 7.30pm Join us on a magical musical journey with the world’s foremost tribute to The Electric Light Orchestra. With a sensational string section, spectacular lighting and large screen projection, this incredible show recreates the songs and sounds of one of the most influential bands of all time.
Ymunwch â ni ar daith gerddorol hudol gyda’r grŵp teyrnged mwyaf blaenllaw yn y byd i’r Electric Light Orchestra. Gydag adran linynnol syfrdanol, goleuadau trawiadol a sgrîn daflunio fawr, mae’r sioe anhygoel hon yn ail-greu caneuon a sain un o’r bandiau mwyaf dylanwadol erioed.
Tues 2 - Thurs 4 Oct | Maw 2 - Iau 4 Hyd | 7.15pm Wed & Thurs mats | Sioe brynhawn Mer a Iau | 1.00pm The world’s greatest love story.
Stori serch orau’r byd.
£10.50 (1.00pm) | £12.50 (7.15pm) Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Mercury Theatre Wales
35 Times | 15+ | by | gan Bethan Morgan Fri 5 Oct | Gwe 5 Hyd | 2.00pm | Sat 6 Oct | Sad 6 Hyd | 7.15pm Jules’ Coffee Mornings are a place to get creative and speak out. Inspired by real stories of brave women, join six who are finding their voices.
Mae boreau coffi Jules yn gyfle i fod yn greadigol a siarad yn agored. Dyma stori sydd wedi’i hysbrydoli gan brofiadau go iawn nifer o fenywod dewr. Ymunwch â’r chwech yma sydd wrthi’n dod o hyd i’w lleisiau.
Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Felicity Ward is Busting a Nut | 16+ Thurs 11 Oct | Iau 11 Hyd | 8.00pm Multi-award winning comedian and regular co-host of The Guilty Feminist Podcast, Felicity Ward embarks on her second nationwide tour with a brand new show.
Mae’r ddigrifwraig aml-arobryn a chyd-gyflwynydd rheolaidd The Guilty Feminist Podcast, Felicity Ward, yn dechrau ar ei hail daith genedlaethol gyda sioe newydd sbon.
Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
01792 475715 |
Δ Includes a 50p Restoration Fund contribution
Δ Mae’n cynnwys cyfraniad gwerth 50c at y Gronfa Adfer | 01792 475715
The Arts Wing | Adain y Celfyddydau
The Arts Wing | Adain y Celfyddydau
Chinese Orchestra
Luna Rossa
Tues 16 Oct | Maw 16 Hyd | 6.00pm
Fri 23 Nov | Gwe 23 Tach | 7.45pm
Enchanting sounds of Chinese music from the internationally acclaimed orchestra of Shandong University’s Fine Arts School.
Luna Rossa is one of the most exciting bands on the international acoustic scene today. This performance will debut breath-taking new material, as well as hits from the last two critically-acclaimed albums.
Seiniau hudolus cerddoriaeth Tsieineaidd gan gerddorfa Ysgol Celfyddydau Cain Prifysgol Shandong sydd wedi cael clod ym mhedwar ban byd.
Friends of China in Wales £5.00 Cyfeillion Tsieina yng Nghymru £5.00 Child £3.00 | Adult £10.00 Plant £3.00 | Oedolion £10.00
An Afternoon with Kev Johns and Guests Fri 19 Oct | Gwe 19 Hyd | 2.00pm Join Kev for another musical afternoon with members of the Sir Harry Secombe Youth Theatre Trust and special guest, ITV’s The Voice contestant, Zak Arthur.
Ymunwch â Kev am brynhawn cerddorol arall gydag aelodau Ymddiriedolaeth Theatr Ieuenctid Syr Harry Secombe a gwestai arbennig, cystadleuydd rhaglen The Voice ITV, Zak Arthur.
Luna Rossa yw un o’r bandiau mwyaf cyffrous ar y sîn acwstig rhyngwladol heddiw. Bydd y perfformiad hwn yn cynnwys caneuon newydd syfrdanol yn ogystal â’r rhai mwyaf poblogaidd o’r ddwy albwm ddiwethaf a gafodd ganmoliaeth gan y beirniaid.
Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Exhibitions | Addangosfeydd As well as nurturing emerging theatre and fringe performance in our Arts Wing theatre, we host regular community exhibitions which are free and open to visitors all day. So pop in next time you’re passing, grab a cuppa in our café bar and see what’s on. Yn ogystal â datblygu theatr newydd a pherfformiadau ymylol yn Adain y Celfyddydau, rydym yn cynnal arddangosfeydd cymunedol rheolaidd sydd am ddim ac ar agor i ymwelwyr drwy’r dydd. Felly galwch heibio’r tro nesaf rydych yn y cyffiniau, mwynhewch baned yn ein bar-gaffi a gweld yr hyn sydd ymlaen.
Trenchfoot Sat 10 Nov | Sad 10 Tach | 8.00pm Trenchfoot was founded to tell the poignant and remarkable stories of WW1 and after an unforgettable 4 years this will be their final concert.
Sefydlwyd Trenchfoot i adrodd straeon ingol a nodedig y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf ac ar ôl 4 blynedd fythgofiadwy, dyma fydd cyngerdd olaf y grŵp.
£10.00 Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Fluellen Theatre Company
Heroes without a Parachute by | gan Derek Webb Thurs 15 Nov | Iau 15 Tach | 1.00pm & 7.15pm The premiere of a gripping new play following the fortunes of three young men who join the Royal Flying Corps at the beginning of WW1.
Dyma berfformiad cyntaf drama newydd afaelgar sy’n dilyn hynt a helynt tri dyn ifanc sy’n ymuno â’r Corfflu Hedfan Brenhinol ar ddechrau’r Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf.
£9.50 (1.00pm) | £11.50 (7.15pm)
For full details please visit I gael manylion llawn, ewch i
Theatre Vouchers
Talebau Theatr
Stuck for that unique gift? Well, look no further.
Ydych chi’n chwilio am anrheg unigryw? Does dim angen chwilio ymhellach.
Treat your loved ones to an evening of first-class entertainment at one of Wales’ premier venues Swansea Grand Theatre.
Rhowch gyfle i’ch anwyliaid fwynhau noson o adloniant o’r radd flaenaf yn un o leoliadau gorau Cymru Theatr y Grand Abertawe.
Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
01792 475715 |
Δ Includes a 50p Restoration Fund contribution
Δ Mae’n cynnwys cyfraniad gwerth 50c at y Gronfa Adfer | 01792 475715
Regular Events | Digwyddiadau Rheolaidd
Comedy Club | Clwb Comedi | 16+ Wed: 26 Sept, 31 Oct & 28 Nov | Mer: 26 Medi, 31 Hyd a 28 Tach | 8.00pm Our acclaimed monthly comedy night, brought to you by the creators of Machynlleth Comedy Festival. If easily offended this might not be for you! Ein noson gomedi fisol boblogaidd, a gyflwynir gan y bobl a greodd Ŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth. Os yw’n hawdd eich digio, efallai y dylech gadw draw!
Lunchtime Theatre | Theatr Amser Cinio Do something different on a Saturday lunchtime. Here’s an opportunity to check out new writing from emerging and established playwrights. Gwnewch rywbeth gwahanol ar brynhawn dydd Sadwrn. Dyma gyfle i gael cip ar waith ysgrifennu newydd gan ddramodwyr sy’n dod i’r amlwg a rhai sefydledig.
Just Say It by | gan Susan Monkton Sat 29 Sept | Sad 29 Medit | 12.30pm
Regular Events | Digwyddiadau Rheolaidd
Theatre in Focus | Ffocws ar y Theatr Delve deeper into the lives and works of your favourite plays and playwrights with the director of Fluellen Theatre, Peter Richards. An eye-opening talk followed by a script-in-hand performance.
Circle Bar | Bar Seddau’r Cylch | 12.30pm
Ymchwiliwch yn ddyfnach i fywydau a dramâu eich hoff ddramodwyr gyda chyfarwyddwr Theatr Ffluellen, Peter Richards. Bydd sgwrs a fydd yn agoriad llygad wedi’i dilyn gan berfformiad sgript mewn llaw.
Brian Friel
Phantom by | gan Mark Rees
Joe Orton Sat 1 Sept | Sad 1 Medi
Susan Glaspell Sat 6 Oct | Sad 6 Hyd Sat 3 Nov | Sad 3 Tach
George S.Kaufman Sat 1 Dec | Sad 1 Rhag £6.50 Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Sat 27 Oct | Sad 27 Hyd | 12.30pm
The Crash Landing of Oscar Romeo by | gan Ron Meldon Sat 24 Nov | Sad 24 Tach | 12.30pm
£6.50 Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Burlesque and Cabaret | Bwrlésg a Chabare | 18+ Sat 13 Oct & Sat 15 Dec | Sad 13 Hyd a Sad 15 Rhag | 8.00pm Swansea’s glittering high-end burlesque and cabaret spectacular showcases award-winning performers this season. Gin-drinking international dark cabaret darling, Joe Black, returns to headline October’s show, while Miss Leggy Pee will be bringing her fuzzy friends for some festive action in December. Hosted by DeeDee De La Rouge. Bydd sioe bwrlésg a chabaret ddisglair o safon yn cynnwys perfformwyr arobryn y tymor hwn yn Abertawe. Bydd y ffefryn cabaret tywyll rhyngwladol sy’n dwlu ar yfed jin, Joe Black, yn dychwelyd i arwain sioe mis Hydref a bydd Miss Leggy Pee yn dod â’i ffrindiau pengrych ar gyfer hwyl Nadoligaidd ym mis Rhagfyr. Bydd DeeDee De La Rouge yn cyflwyno’r sioe.
Behind The Scenes Tours | Teithiau y Tu Ôl i’r Llenni Ever fancied seeing what goes on behind the theatre curtain? Join us for a backstage adventure in our iconic theatre and learn how the shows you love come to life on the night. Erioed wedi bod ag awydd gweld beth sy’n digwydd y tu ôl i lenni’r theatr? Ymunwch â ni am antur y tu ôl i’r llwyfan yn ein theatr eiconig a dysgu sut mae’r sioeau rydych yn dwlu arnynt yn dod yn fyw ar y noson.
Blood Brothers Sat 29 Sept | Sad 29 Medi 10.00am
Cilla, The Musical Sat 10 Nov | Sad 10 Tach 10.00am
Cinderella Sat 12 Jan 2019 | Sad 12 Ion 2019 10.00am
£5.50 & £3.00 | Booking is essential | Mae’n hanfodol cadw lle
01792 475715 |
Δ Includes a 50p Restoration Fund contribution
Δ Mae’n cynnwys cyfraniad gwerth 50c at y Gronfa Adfer | 01792 475715
Lou Lou’s Vintage Fair Ffair Dillad Ddoe Lou Lou Sat 8 Sept | Sad 8 Medi | 11.00am £2.50, under 12s free | Dan 12 oed am ddim
Welsh National Wedding Fayre Ffair Briodas Genedlaethol Cymru Sun 9 Sept | Sul 9 Medi | 11.00am
Swansea Life Awards 2018 Gwobrau Swansea Life 2018 Fri 14 Sept | Gwe 14 Medi | 7.30pm
Speakeasy - A Prohibition Drinks Festival Fri 26 Oct | Gwe 26 Hyd | 6.30pm - 11.00pm Sat 27 Oct | Sad 27 Hyd | 12.30pm - 5.00pm & 6.30pm - 11.00pm From | O £12.50
Worth the Weight Vintage Kilo Sale Lunchtime Organ Music with... Cerddoriaeth Organ Amser Cinio gyda...
Stephen Power Tues 2 Oct | Maw 2 Hyd 12.45pm | Free | Am ddim
Ian Rutt Thurs 1 Nov | Iau 1 Tach 12.45pm | Free | Am ddim
Sat 3 Nov | Sad 3 Tach | 11.00am - 5.00pm £3.00 11.00am - 12.00pm early bird hour | Cynnig cynnar am awr, £1.50 12.00pm - 5.00pm Under 12s free | Dan 12 oed am ddim
Festival of Remembrance | Gŵyl y Cofio
Tues 25 – Sat 29 Sept | 6.30pm
Maw 25 - Sad 29 Medi | 6.30pm
Sat 10 Nov | Sad 10 Tach | 7.00pm Free | Am ddim
A powerful memorial of conflict, protest, prose and performance.
Digwyddiad coffáu yn cynnwys gwrthdaro, protestio, perfformiad a llên
Marking the First World War centenary, an immersive theatrical experience journeying through three interweaving narratives of war; from the beautiful beach at Swansea Bay, to discovering artistic treasures in the city’s iconic Brangwyn Hall.
Yn coffau’r rhyfel byd cyntaf, profiad theatrig i ymgolli ynddo a hwnnw’n tywys y gynulleidfa ar daith hynod drwy dair stori ryfel sy’n cydblethu, o hanes y Celtiaid, i’r Rhyfel Mawr, i’r gwrthdaro yn ein byd cyfoes. Profiad promenâd fydd hwn, yn dechrau ar draeth Abertawe ac yn terfynu yn Neuadd Brangwyn.
Huw Tregelles Williams
Beaujolais at the Brangwyn Beaujolais yn y Brangwyn
Mon 3 Dec | Llun 3 Rhag 12.45pm | Free | Am ddim
Thurs 15 Nov | Iau 15 Tach | 12.00pm - 9.00pm £43.00, £400.00 Table of 10 | Bwrdd o 10
Prosecco Festival | Gŵyl Prosecco
Fri 21 & Sat 22 Dec | Gwe 21 a Sad 22 Rhag £9.50
Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
01792 475715 |
Audio Described Performance | Perfformiad â disgrifiad sain | Fri 28 Sept | Gwe 28 Medi | 6.30pm
Sign Language Interpreted Performance | Perfformiad â dehongliad iaith arwyddion | Sat 29 Sept | Sad 29 Medi | 6.30pm | 01792 475715
BBC NOW: Karl Jenkins
G4 Christmas by Candlelight
Sat 6 Oct | Sad 6 Hyd | 7.30pm
Wed 12 Dec | Mer 12 Rhag | 7.30pm
• •
For the 2018 festive season, G4 embark on their biggest ever Christmas tour. Expect to hear timeless classics, such as When A Child is Born, Silent Night and many more.
For the Fallen Lament for Syria (World Premiere) (perfformiad cyntaf y byd) The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace
Sir Karl Jenkins – Conductor | Arweinydd Kathryn Rudge – Mezzo Abel Salaocoe – Cello | Sielo
£18.50 - £27.50 VIP £67.50 (Including a pre-show Meet & Greet) (gyda chyfle i gwrdd â’r grŵp cyn y sioe)
£18.00 - £30.00 Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Brendan Cole: All Night Long Wed 7 Nov | Mer 7 Tach | 7.30pm For his 10th Anniversary tour, Brendan is joined by his sensational cast of dancers, captivating leading lady and superbly talented 12-piece band and singers in an extravagant mix of Latin fever and ballroom magic.
I ddathlu 10 mlynedd o deithio, bydd cast gwych o ddawnswyr, prif ddawnswraig ddeniadol a 12 o gerddorion a chantorion hynod dalentog yn ymuno â Brendan i gyflwyno cymysgedd bendigedig o ddawnsiau Lladin a neuadd.
£32.00 & £40.00
Handel’s Messiah with the Chamber Orchestra of Wales | Meseia Handel gyda Cherddorfa Siambr Cymru Sun 16 Dec | Sul 16 Rhag | 3.00pm £18.00 This year’s performance is led by the Chamber Orchestra of Wales Chorale, conducted by Alwyn Humphreys. They are joined by soloists Ros Evans, Sian Menna, Richard Allen and Martin Lloyd.
Arweinir perfformiad eleni gan Gôr y Gerddorfa Siambr Gymreig dan arweiniad Alwyn Humphreys. Bydd yr unawdwyr Ros Evans, Siân Menna, Richard Allen a Martin Lloyd yn ymuno â nhw.
A Candlelit Christmas | Nadolig yng Ngolau Cannwyll
Pontarddulais Male Choir Annual Concert | Cyngerdd Blynyddol Côr Meibion Pontarddulais
Sun 23 Dec | Sul 23 Rhag | 7.30pm £16.50 Under 14s go free | Dan 14 oed am ddim
Sat 24 Nov | Sad 24 Tach | 7.00pm This year’s annual concert by Pontarddulais Male Choir will be held at the Brangwyn Hall and will feature the magnificent voices of Elin Manahan Thomas, (mezzo) and Trystan Llyr Griffiths (tenor).
Cynhelir cyngerdd flynyddol Côr Meibion Pontarddulais eleni yn Neuadd Brangwyn a bydd yn cynnwys lleisiau arbennig Elin Manahan Thomas (mezzo) a Trystan Llŷr Griffiths (tenor).
Tickets on sale from 15 Sept
Tocynnau ar werth 15 Medi
01792 475715 |
Ar gyfer tymor y Nadolig 2018, bydd G4 yn cychwyn ar eu taith Nadolig fwyaf erioed. Gallwch ddisgwyl clywed clasuron bythol fel When a Child is Born, Silent Night a llawer mwy.
Full of festive favourites, the Brangwyn’s Christmas candlelit concert is the perfect way to start your yuletide celebrations with the family. Festive mince pies and warming mulled wine will be available at Frank’s Bar. Please refer to the website for staging information.
Yn llawn ffefrynnau’r ŵyl, Cyngerdd yng Ngolau Cannwyll Neuadd Brangwyn yw’r ffordd berffaith o ddechrau’ch dathliadau Nadolig gyda’r teulu. Bydd mins-peis a gwin cynnes y gaeaf ar gael ym Mar Frank’s. Cyfeiriwch at y wefan am wybodaeth lwyfannu. | 01792 475715
The Whitney Houston Show Fri 2 Nov | Fri 2 Tach | 7.30pm Featuring the breathtaking vocals of Belinda Davids, this is a glittering celebration of the talent, music and memory of Whitney Houston, including the hits I Wanna Dance With Somebody, I’m Every Woman, and I Will Always Love You.
Mae’r sioe hon sy’n cynnwys llais syfrdanol Belinda Davids yn dathlu doniau, cerddoriaeth a bywyd Whitney Houston. Mae’n cynnwys y caneuon poblogaidd I Wanna Dance With Somebody, I’m Every Woman, ac I Will Always Love You.
£32.50 - £34.50 Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
The Barricade Boys Sat 3 Nov | Sad 3 Tach | 7.30pm The Barricade Boys, as seen on ITV’s This Morning and The Paul O’Grady Show, showcase some of the world’s finest male voices from the West End and Broadway productions, international tour and Hollywood movie of the world’s longest-running musical Les Misèrables.
Mae The Barricade Boys, fel y’i gwelwyd ar raglen This Morning ITV a The Paul O’Grady Show, yn dangos rhai o leisiau gwrywaidd gorau’r West End a chynyrchiadau Broadway, taith ryngwladol a ffilm Hollywood o sioe gerdd hwyaf y byd, Les Misèrables.
£18.00 - £23.00 Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
The Armistice Suite
Tue 6 – Sat 10 Nov | 7.30pm Wed, Thurs & Sat mats | 2.30pm
Maw 6 - Sad 10 Tach | 7.30pm Sioe brynhawn Mer, Iau a Sad | 2.30pm
The ultimate soundtrack to the 60s, featuring Cilla’s best loved hits. Don’t miss your chance to see BAFTA award winner Jeff Pope’s spectacular, heart-warming musical adaptation of the critically acclaimed ITV miniseries based on the early life of Cilla Black. Starring Kara Lily Hayworth and Andrew Lancel.
Y trac sain gorau posib i’r 60au gyda chaneuon mwyaf poblogaidd Cilla. Peidiwch â cholli’ch cyfle i weld addasiad cerddorol trawiadol a thwymgalon yr enillydd BAFTA, Jeff Pope, o gyfres fer ITV yn seiliedig ar fywyd cynnar Cilla Black. Gyda Kara Lily Hayworth ac Andrew Lancel.
£10.00 & £12.00
£18.00 - £42.00
£18.00 - £42.00
Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Selected concessions available on selected performances
Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael ar gyfer perfformiadau dethol
Mon 12 Nov | Llun 12 Tach | 7.30pm Commemorating the centenary of the end of the First World War, The Armistice Suite is a multi-media performance piece, written, edited and compiled by Gruffydd Harries with original music by Mark Thomas.
01792 475715 |
Mae The Armistice Suite, sy’n coffáu diwedd y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf, yn ddarn perfformiad amlgyfrwng wedi’i ysgrifennu, ei olygu a’i gydlynu gan Gruffydd Harries gyda cherddoriaeth wreiddiol gan Mark Thomas.
Δ Includes a 50p Restoration Fund contribution
Δ Mae’n cynnwys cyfraniad gwerth 50c at y Gronfa Adfer | 01792 475715
Quadrophenia - The Album, LIVE!
Illustrations © Tony Ross, 2014. Lettering of author’s name © Quentin Blake, 2010
Wed 21 Nov | Mer 21 Tach | 7.30pm
Wed 14 – Sat 17 Nov Wed & Thurs 1.30pm & 7.00pm | Fri 10.30am & 7.00pm | Sat 2.30pm & 7.00pm
Mer 14 – Sad 17 Tach Mer a Iau 1.30pm a 7.00pm | Gwe 10.30am a 7.00pm | Sad 2.30pm a 7.00pm
From the award-winning producers of Gangsta Granny comes the world premiere of David Walliams’ amazing tale of frights, fights and friendship, featuring a very large owl, a very small ghost and a very awful Auntie!
Gan gynhyrchwyr arobryn Gangsta Granny, daw perfformiad cyntaf y byd o sioe David Walliams sy’n llawn ofnau, ffraeo a chyfeillgarwch, gan gynnwys tylluan enfawr, ysbryd bach iawn a modryb ofnadwy!
£10.00 - £18.50*Δ Schools £8.50 plus 1 teacher free per 10 booked (Wed & Thurs 1.30pm, Fri 10.30am)
£10.00 - £18.50*Δ Ysgolion £8.50 ac 1 athro am ddim i bob 10 tocyn a archebir (dydd Mercher a dydd Iau 1.30pm, dydd Gwener 10.30am)
Selected concessions available on selected performances
Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael ar gyfer perfformiadau dethol
Sign Language Interpreted Performance | Perfformiad â dehongliad iaith arwyddion | Fri 16 Nov | Gwe 16 Tach | 7.30pm
Audio Described Performance | Perfformiad â disgrifiad sain | Sat 17 Nov | Sad 17 Tach | 2.30pm
A celebration of the sensational music of The Who, the biggest-selling and most powerful band in the world for decades. Worldclass seven-piece band, The Goldhawks, recreate the power and emotion of the music, capturing a phenomenal piece of Mod history.
Dathliad o gerddoriaeth drawiadol The Who, y band mwyaf pwerus sydd wedi gwerthu’r nifer mwyaf o albymau yn y byd am ddegawdau. Bydd The Goldhawks, band saith aelod o safon ryngwladol, yn ail-greu pŵer ac emosiwn y gerddoriaeth, gan gyfleu darn anhygoel o hanes y Modiaid.
£24.00 Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
BBC Radio Wales: Celebrating 40 Years of BBC Radio Wales Thurs 22 Nov | Iau 22 Tach | 7.30pm BBC Radio Wales is celebrating 40 years of broadcasting across the nation. Join us for an evening of music and memories with your favourite presenters, in support of Children in Need.
Mae BBC Radio Wales yn dathlu 40 mlynedd o ddarlledu ar draws y genedl. Ymunwch â ni am noson o gerddoriaeth ac atgofion gyda’ch hoff gyflwynwyr, i gefnogi Plant mewn Angen.
Tony Christie Pop Nonsense and All The Hits Fri 23 Nov | Gwe 23 Tach | 7.30pm Tony Christie has enjoyed an incredible career, which includes over 40 albums, 70 singles and countless live performances. A living legend and national treasure, his hits include (Is This the Way to) Amarillo, Pop Nonsense, I Did What I Did For Maria and many more.
£20.00 - £27.00
Δ Mae’n cynnwys cyfraniad gwerth 50c at y Gronfa Adfer
Mae Tony Christie wedi mwynhau gyrfa anhygoel, sy’n cynnwys dros 40 o albymau, 70 o senglau a pherfformiadau byw di-rif. Mae caneuon mwyaf poblogaidd y trysor cenedlaethol enwog hwn yn cynnwys (Is This the Way to) Amarillo, Pop Nonsense, I Did What I Did For Maria a llawer mwy. | 01792 475715
Maximum Rhythm and Blues: The Manfreds with Georgie Fame Sat 24 Nov | Sad 24 Tach | 7.30pm Join the legendary Manfreds and Georgie Fame for a fabulous evening of nostalgia featuring some of their greatest hits, including Do Wah Diddy, Pretty Flamingo, and Handbags and Gladrags. With an all-star line-up of original members including Paul Jones and Mike D’Abo.
Ymunwch â’r Manfreds a Georgie Fame am noson wych o gerddoriaeth y gorffennol a fydd yn cynnwys rhai o’u caneuon mwyaf poblogaidd fel Do Wah Diddy, Pretty Flamingo, a Handbags and Gladrags. Bydd aelodau gwreiddiol y grŵp, gan gynnwys Paul Jones a Mike D’Abo, yn perfformio.
£31.50 - £33.50 Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Rat Pack Live Thurs 29 Nov | Iau 29 Tach | 7.30pm Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jnr. were the definition of cool during their 50s and 60s Vegas heyday. Rat Pack Live invites you to be part of the gang and features all the patter and razzamatazz of their infamous live shows.
Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin a Sammy Davis Jnr. oedd y diffiniad o ‘cŵl’ yn ystod eu hoes aur yn Vegas y 50au a’r 60au. Mae Rat Pack Live yn eich gwahodd i fod yn rhan o’r criw ac mae’n cynnwys holl barabl a miri gorliwgar eu sioeau byw enwog.
£26.00 Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Gala Evening In aid of Zac’s Place and Shelter Cymru Fri 30 Nov | Gwe 30 Tach | 7.30pm Join Steve Balsamo and friends for a sensational evening of music in aid of Zac’s Place and Shelter Cymru. More star guests to be announced.
Ymunwch â Steve Balsamo a’i ffrindiau am noson drawiadol o gerddoriaeth ar gyfer elusennau Zac’s Place a Shelter Cymru. Mwy o westeion arbennig i’w cyhoeddi.
£12.00 - £20.00
01792 475715 |
Δ Includes a 50p Restoration Fund contribution
Russian State Ballet presents
Russian State Ballet presents
Swan Lake
The Nutcracker
Mon 26 Nov | Llun 26 Tach | 7.30pm
Tues 27 Nov | Maw 27 Tach | 7.30pm
The Russian State Ballet returns with this spellbinding classic, featuring Tchaikovsky’s enchanting score, performed by a live orchestra. This beloved tale of tragic romance will leave you with memories to cherish long after the curtain falls. Performed to a large live orchestra
This enchanting classic full of snowflakes and festive magic continues to capture the hearts and imaginations of all generations. Featuring the unforgettable Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy and Waltz of the Flowers, The Nutcracker is a lavish spectacular you won’t want to miss. Performed to a large live orchestra.
Mae’r Bale Gwladol Rwsia yn dychwelyd gyda’r clasur cyfareddol hwn sy’n cynnwys sgôr hudol Tchaikovsky wedi’i pherfformio gan gerddorfa fyw. Bydd y stori boblogaidd hon am ramant drasig yn eich gadael gydag atgofion i’w trysori am amser maith ar ôl i’r llenni gau. Perfformio i gerddorfa fyw fawr.
Mae’r clasur hudol hwn sy’n llawn plu eira a hud yr ŵyl yn parhau i swyno pob cenhedlaeth. Mae The Nutcracker, sy’n cynnwys dawns fythgofiadwy’r Dylwythen Deg Siwgr Plwm a Walts y Blodau, yn fale trawiadol ac ysblennydd na fyddwch byth am ei golli. Perfformio i gerddorfa fyw fawr.
£28.00 - £35.00
£28.00 - £35.00
Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Legend - The Music of Bob Marley Sat 1 Dec | Sad 1 Rhag | 7.30pm Join us for an unforgettable evening celebrating this musical icon, combining his superb, distinctive vocals with flawless musicianship. Including the timeless hits Buffalo Soldier, Jammin’, No Woman No Cry and many more reggae classics.
Ymunwch â ni am noson fythgofiadwy sy’n dathlu’r eicon cerddorol hwn, ac yn cyfuno’i lais gwych unigryw â dawn gerddorol berffaith. Yn cynnwys y ffefrynnau diamser, Buffalo Soldier, Jammin’, No Woman No Cry a llawer mwy o glasuron reggae.
Fast Love - A Tribute to George Michael Wed 5 Dec | Mer 5 Rhag | 7.30pm Get ready for an unforgettable evening celebrating the global superstar that is George Michael. You’ll be getting up (to get down) to all your bestloved songs from Wham and George’s solo career, including Wake Me Up, Careless Whisper, and Outside.
Byddwch yn barod am noson fythgofiadwy i ddathlu’r seren fyd-eang, George Michael. Byddwch ar eich traed ac yn dawnsio i bob un o’ch hoff ganeuon gan Wham a gyrfa unigol George gan gynnwys Wake Me Up, Careless Whisper, ac Outside.
Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Father Christmas Needs a Wee
The Songs That Won The War
Mon 3 Dec | Llun 3 Rhag | 10.30am & 1.30pm
Thurs 6 Dec | Iau 6 Rhag | 2.00pm
Father Christmas is back on his rounds... and he still needs a WEE! A magical journey for all ages using original songs, puppets and imaginative scenery, this is a fabulously funny and brilliantly bouncy musical adaptation of Nicholas Allan’s much loved book.
Mae Siôn Corn yn dychwelyd unwaith eto... ac mae angen y tŷ bach arno o hyd! Mae’r daith hudol hon ar gyfer pobl o bob oedran ac yn defnyddio caneuon, pypedau a golygfeydd dychmygol. Dyma addasiad cerddorol hynod ddoniol ac egnïol o lyfr poblogaidd Nicholas Allan.
Child £10.00 | Adult £12.00 Family ticket (4) £40.00 Schools £9.00, Teachers free
Plant £10.00 | Oedolion £12.00 | Tocyn teulu (4) £40.00 | Ysgolion £9.00, Am ddim i athrawon
Enjoy a trip down memory lane as the delightful D-Day Darlings take you on a musical journey back to the heart of the 1940s, featuring songs by The Andrews Sisters, Vera Lynn, Gracie Fields and many more.
Dewch i ail-fyw dyddiau o’r oes a fu ym Mhrydain adeg y rhyfel wrth i’r D-Day Darlings fynd â chi ar daith gerddorol yn ôl i galon y 1940au gan gynnwys caneuon gan The Andrews Sisters, Vera Lynn, Gracie Fields a llawer mwy.
£15.00 & £17.00
An Evening of Eric and Ern at Christmas
You Win Again
Tues 4 Dec | Maw 4 Rhag | 7.30pm
Thurs 6 Dec | Iau 6 Rhag | 7.30pm
From Jonty Stephens and Ian Ashpitel, the Olivier-nominated duo behind the critically acclaimed West End hit, Eric and Little Ern, a dazzling tribute full of Morecambe and Wise’s best loved routines, songs and sketches, and of course, a musical guest!
Join us on a breath-taking musical journey through all your favourite songs, including Night Fever, You Should Be Dancing, and Tragedy. This authentic production ensures that the Gibb brothers’ incredible legacy of classic hit songs is well and truly stayin’ alive.
Gan Jonty Stephens ac Ian Ashpitel, sef y ddeuawd a gafodd ei henwebu am wobr Olivier ac a gynhyrchodd y sioe West End glodwiw, Eric and Little Ern. Dyma sioe deyrnged drawiadol sy’n llawn perfformiadau comedi a chaneuon mwyaf poblogaidd Morecambe and Wise ac, wrth gwrs, westai cerddorol arbennig!
Ymunwch â ni ar daith gerddorol hudol drwy eich hoff ganeuon i gyd, gan gynnwys Night Fever, You Should Be Dancing, a Tragedy. Mae’r cynhyrchiad arbennig hwn yn sicrhau bod etifeddiaeth anhygoel y brodyr Gibb o glasuron poblogaidd yn parhau.
£24.50 Δ
01792 475715 |
Celebrating the Music of the Bee Gees
Δ Includes a 50p Restoration Fund contribution
Δ Mae’n cynnwys cyfraniad gwerth 50c at y Gronfa Adfer | 01792 475715
Don’t miss out! | Peidiwch â cholli’r cyfl
Killer Queen Fri 7 Dec | Gwe 7 Rhag | 7.30pm Thrilling sell-out audiences across the globe, Killer Queen re-creates the high energy, powerful phenomenon that was Queen, live. Fronted by Patrick Myers as Freddie Mercury - widely regarded as Queen tribute royalty, this is an electrifying evening not to be missed!
Gan wefreiddio cynulleidfaoedd llawn ar draws y byd, mae Killer Queen yn ail-greu ffenomen egnïol a grymus perfformiad byw Queen. Patrick Myers yw’r prif ganwr sy’n cymryd rôl Freddie Mercury - a ystyrir yn gyffredinol fel seren deyrnged Queen – bydd hon yn noson wefreiddiol na ddylid ei cholli!
Sing-a-Long-a Grease Sat 8 Dec | Sad 8 Rhag | 7.30pm The sing along screening of the classic film starring John Travolta and Olivia NewtonJohn is brought to you by the producers of Sing-a-Long-a Sound of Music.
Mae cynhyrchwyr Singa-Long-a Sound of Music yn dod â fersiwn o’r ffilm glasurol gyda John Travolta ac Olivia Newton-John i chi a gallwch ymuno yn y canu.
Fancy dress is strongly encouraged!
Anogir gwisg ffansi!
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Byddwch y cyntaf i glywed am sioeau, digwyddiadau a chynigion arbennig yn Theatr y Grand Abertawe a Neuadd Brangwyn drwy ymuno â’n rhestr e-bostio. Ewch i i gofrestru.
Selected performances for under 16s, over 65s, students, schools, group bookers, Theatre Club members and Swansea Passport to Leisure holders. Visit for more information and full terms and conditions
Perfformiadau dethol i blant dan 16 oed, pobl dros 65 oed, myfyrwyr, ysgolion, grwpiau, aelodau’r Clwb Theatr a deiliaid Pasbort i Hamdden. Ewch i am fwy o wybodaeth ac am amodau a thelerau llawn.
Visit or for accessibility information. Parking information for each venue (including Grand Theatre discount) can be found on the websites.
Ewch i neu i gael gwybodaeth am hygyrchedd. Mae gwybodaeth am barcio ar gyfer y ddau leoliad (gan gynnwys gostyngiad ar gyfer Theatr y Grand) i’w chael ar y gwefannau.
This brochure is available in large-print or braille by request. To find out more, arrange a touch tour or discuss individual access requirements, please get in touch, phone 01792 475715 email swansea. or minicom 01792 654456.
Mae’r llyfryn hwn ar gael ar ffurf print bras neu braille ar gais. I ddarganfod mwy, i drefnu taith gyffwrdd neu i drafod gofynion mynediad unigol, cysylltwch â ni trwy ffonio 01792 475715, e-bostio, minicom 01792 654456.
Have you considered using Swansea Grand Theatre
Swansea Grand Theatre, Singleton Street, Swansea, SA1 3QJ
Theatr y Grand Abertawe, Stryd Singleton, Abertawe, SA1 3QJ
for your next event? Call 01792 475242 or
01792 475715 |
01792 475715 |
Brangwyn Hall, Guildhall Road South, Swansea, SA1 4PE
Neuadd Brangwyn, Heol Neuadd y Ddinas - De, Abertawe, SA1 4PE
01792 475715 |
01792 475715 |
£17.00 Selected concessions available | Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael
Meetings & Conferences e-mail
Cyfarfodydd a Chynadleddau Ydych chi wedi ystyried defnyddio Theatr y Grand Abertawe ar gyfer eich digwyddiad nesaf? Ffoniwch 01792 475242 neu e-bostiwch
Follow us on | Dilynwch ni ar
01792 475715 |
Δ Includes a 50p Restoration Fund contribution | |
Fri 14 Dec 18 - Sun 13 Jan 19
Gwe 14 Rhag 18 - Sul 13 Ion 19
Full performance schedule available online
Ceir rhaglen lawn y perfformiadau ar-lein
Enjoy the magic of family pantomime and see Cinders transform from rags to riches, outwit her very Ugly Sisters and win the hand of her true love, in Swansea Grand’s spectacular Christmas production, Cinderella.
Dewch i fwynhau hud pantomeim teuluol a gweld Cinders wrth iddi fynd o garpiau i gyfoeth, trechu ei chwiorydd hyll a chipio calon ei gwir gariad yng nghynhyrchiad trawiadol Theatr y Grand Abertawe dros y Nadolig, Cinderella.
Steps star Ian ‘H’ Watkins leads the cast as Dandini, with Swansea panto legend Kev Johns, and the faaaaaaaabulous Ceri Dupree as the Ugly Sisters, joined by comedy ventriloquist, Paul Burling and Swansea’s own signing sensation Jalisa Andrews.
Bydd seren Steps, Ian ‘H’ Watkins, yn arwain y cast fel Dandini, gyda seren y byd pantomeimau, Kev Johns, a’r perfformiwr penigamp Ceri Dupree fel y chwiorydd hyll, ar y cyd â’r tafleisiwr comedi Paul Burling a Jalisa Andrews, y gantores fendigedig o Abertawe.
Packed with all the traditional pantomime ingredients audiences expect, Cinderella features laugh-out-loud comedy, stunning scenery, beautiful costumes and plenty of boos and hisses!
Gan gynnwys yr holl elfennau pantomeim traddodiadol y byddai cynulleidfaoedd yn eu disgwyl, mae Cinderella yn cynnwys comedi hynod ddoniol, golygfeydd gwych, gwisgoedd hardd a llawer o hwtian!
You shall go to the ball this Christmas – book today!
Cewch fynd i’r ddawns y Nadolig hwn – cadwch eich lle heddiw!
£14.00 - £27.50*
£14.00 - £27.50*
Opening weekend offer: All tickets £20.50* (terms & conditions apply)
Cynnig y Penwythnos Agoriadol: Pob tocyn yn £20.50* (mae amodau a thelerau’n berthnasol)
Selected concessions available on selected performances
Mae consesiynau dethol ar gael ar gyfer perfformiadau dethol
Audio Described Performance Thurs 3 Jan 2.00pm
Perfformiad â disgrifiad sain Iau 3 Ion 2.00pm
Sign Language Interpreted Performances Tues 8 Jan 7.00pm & Wed 9 Jan 2.00pm
Perfformiad â dehongliad Iaith Arwyddion Maw 8 Ion 7.00pm & Mer 9 Ion 2.00pm
Relaxed Performance Wed 9 Jan 7.00pm
Perfformiad hamddenol Mer 9 Ion 7.00pm
29.01.19 - 02.02.19
Dan Snow
06.02.19 & 07.02.19
Max Boyce
18.02.19 - 23.02.19
01.03.19 & 02.03.19
01.04.19 - 06.04.19 16+
14.05.19 - 18.05.19
28.05.19 01.06.19
19.06.19 & 20.06.19 | |