Healthy Preschool Booklet

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Swansea Healthy and Sustainable Preschool Scheme

Actively Promoting Health And Well-Being Within The Preschool Setting

What is the Healthy Preschool Scheme? (HPS)


Swansea HPS structure


How to become a healthy preschool setting


What are the phases?


Certificate of Commitment Action Plan

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Contact Details Catrin Jones Healthy Preschool Scheme practitioner 01792 607375


The Swansea Healthy Preschool scheme (HPS) is an extension to the Healthy School scheme and is being introduced into preschool settings across Swansea. The Healthy Schools Scheme is an exciting and long term Welsh Government Initiative, which aims to actively promote and protect health. This includes all aspects of health: physical, emotional, and mental and social, and the wellbeing of the whole school community. In Swansea 85 primary and 13 secondary schools are active members of the Healthy Schools Scheme. The scheme is designed to build upon the good work that is already being done within preschool provisions across Swansea. The scheme is made up of 3 phases (which are explained on page 8) which will take a minimum of one year to complete.

Any person who works within a preschool provision can express an interest in the scheme including: Full Day Care Nurseries Sessional Childcare Childminders Playgroups Flying Start child care settings

The Healthy & Sustainable preschool scheme is currently being introduced across Swansea and will continue to develop for a minimum of 3 years. 3

Initial Meeting An introduction to Swansea Healthy Preschool scheme Signing of the certificate of commitment

Preliminary Phase

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Review of existing provision

Review of existing provision

Review of existing provision

Develop action plan to achieve phase 1:

Develop action plan to achieve phase 2:

Develop action plan to achieve phase 3:

Nutrition/Oral health

Safety & Hygiene

Physical Activity/ Active Play Hygiene—Minimum Standards Management

Mental and emotional Health, Wellbeing and Relationships

Environment Workplace Health and Wellbeing

Management & Maintenance

Management & Maintenance

Support Visits and Training Pre-Accreditation Visit Accreditation Visit Certificates


Step 1:

Initial Meeting

Step 2:

Preliminary Phase

Step 3: Implementation of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Action Plans Step 4:

Pre-Accreditation Accreditation

An initial meeting will be arranged and should involve the Healthy Pre-School Practitioner (HPP) and the manager of the setting. This is the first formal stage that enables the setting to enter into the process of working towards achieving accreditation. The suggested agenda items for discussion include: Background to the scheme Benefits to the setting Criteria Process Support structure Accreditation Signing the certificate of commitment

The preliminary phase allows all settings to start on a level playing field and ensures that minimum standards of health promotion are being met. The preliminary phase includes: Having the commitment of the manager Having a designated scheme coordinator The provision of welcome packs There are a total of 9 requirements within the preliminary phase.


Step 3 will begin with recognising the good work the setting is currently undertaking and identifying the key areas for development. The scheme has 3 phases and within each phase there will always be a managerial aspect and a number of action areas identified. All actions need to be planned with clear achievement criteria identified. The HPP will support settings with their action planning. An action is a planned piece of work that will move the setting forward as a health promoting setting.

Implementation and evaluation The implementation of activities should happen over an agreed and realistic timeframe. All actions will need to be monitored and evaluated to highlight the impact of the work implemented and demonstrate how each criterion has been met.

Monitoring The HPP will continuously monitor each setting through pre-arranged visits, network meeting or review meeting. These are intended to support settings so that they successfully achieve their healthy pre school status.

Evidence At the end of each phase of the scheme, all settings will be asked to present a portfolio of evidence showing how each action area was successfully completed. The HPP will provide settings with support in doing this and advises that settings continually collect evidence of all types of activity being undertaken throughout the phase. Ideas for evidence include: Policies Newsletters Reports Minutes of meetings Consultation events Letters Flyers Photographs Press cuttings Lesson Plans


Pre-Accreditation At the end of each phase of the scheme settings will be recommended for the accreditation by the healthy pre school practitioner providing there is sufficient evidence to show that each of the action areas have been achieved.

Accreditation The setting will receive a pre arranged visit from the HPP along with another assessor. At this meeting the evidence portfolio will be made available and an opportunity will be given for discussion of the action areas. Following the accreditation visit, the HPP will write a report to highlight good practice and consider new aims and objectives for the subsequent phase.


Nutrition and Oral Health Settings will be able to provide evidence of a whole setting approach in the promotion of healthy eating and good oral health. Physical Activity and Active Play Settings will support and promote the development and access of play & activity opportunities and experiences for the children. Hygiene—Minimum Standards The minimum standards of hygiene are to be completed within phase one. These include: access to clean toilets, hand soap, toilet paper etc. Management Ensure that changes made influence staff, policies and procedures, and that all previous new activities continue.

Safety Settings will support and promote the development of safety Mental and Emotional Health, Wellbeing and Relationships Settings will support and promote the Mental and Emotional Health of the whole setting, as well as developing the Wellbeing and Relationships within the setting. Hygiene Settings will support and promote the development of hygiene

Workplace Health and Wellbeing The setting should be a health promoting workplace with a commitment to the health and wellbeing of all staff

Management & Maintenance Ensure that changes made influence staff, policies and procedures, and that all previous new activities continue.

Environment Setting swill encourage the whole setting to engage with environmental and sustainable development issues Management & Maintenance Ensure that changes made influence staff, policies and procedures, and that all previous new activities continue.


Swansea Healthy & Sustainable Preschool Scheme

Name of Setting: Name of Manager: Address:

Telephone Number: No. of Children enrolled: No. of staff employed:

Nominated In House H&SPS Coordinator:

Settings wishing to take part in the H&SPS are required to: Have the full support of the manager of the setting Nominate an in house coordinator Be committed to staff training and development Be committed to monitoring and evaluating the scheme Be committed to attending review meeting with the Healthy Pre-

Signed: Manager

Signed: In House H&SPSS Coordinator


Date: 9

Time Scale

H&SPSS Coordinator:

Action Points Please list what you intend doing

Name of Setting:


Staff Involvement

Estimate of cost

Manger :

Date Submitted:

Expected Outcome Please list the health benefits you expect to achieve


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