Junior Park Rangers Winter newsletter

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23289-09 JPRangers News E:Layout 9 04/12/2009 09:22 Page 1

Garden bird feeding advice

Hello JPRs! Welcome to the new look JPR Newsletter, we hope you all had a great autumn and enjoyed the brilliant colours on display in the parks in Swansea. Did you see the trees change colour and drop their leaves? These are exciting times, the temperatures are starting to drop and everyone is getting ready for Christmas. We may even see some winter snow. In this newsletter we have a couple of new features, including ‘Jeff’s Corner’ and Draig the Dragon’s health and fitness tips.


On Saturday 14 November, 12 Junior Park Rangers came to our event and made some brilliant birdfeeders to help the birds who visit their gardens throughout winter. There isn’t much natural food for birds to eat around at this time of year so why not follow some of the tips below to attract them and to help them out this winter?

What to feed? Sunflower seeds are one of the most popular choices and attract many different types of birds. You can also buy special seed mix to attract different birds. Just scatter your chosen mix on a bird table, put some in a hanging feeder or add some mix with lard and put it in the feeder described below.

How to feed? Birds are either ground feeders, which ‘peck’ food from the ground and bird tables such as robins and doves, or hanging feeders, such as tits and finches. So in order to attract a wide variety of birds you should preferably have both hanging feeders and flat surfaces. With all feeders remember to keep them topped up because your birds will come to rely on them in the cold weather. Remember to keep your feeders away from animals such as cats!

Welcome JPRs ......................................1

How to make a simple lard feeder?

Nature News .........................................1

: Firstly, find a log.

Draig’s Sports Ideas...............................2

: Then ask an adult to drill large holes into the wood.

Events ...................................................2

: Stuff the log full of bird seed mixed together with lard.

Jeff’s Corner .........................................3

: Drill another small hole through the top of the piece of wood and thread string through it.

Fun & Games ..................................3&4

: Tie the feeder to a well protected tree or other area where you can see it!

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