Established 1860
Slade Road Newton Swansea SA3 4UE
Headteacher : Miss Helena Rees Age Range of Pupils:
Telephone: 01792 369826 Fax: 01792 369826 Number on Roll: 231
3 - 11
Name of Chair of Governors:
Mr. George Butterfield
Welcome to Newton Primary School Croeso i Ysgol Gynradd Newton Dear Parents, On behalf of the staff, Governors, Parents and Pupils, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to our school, to you and your child! I have been Headteacher at Newton Primary School since July 2007 when I was delighted to be appointed. I was struck by the warmth and the friendly atmosphere here as soon as I came to the school. The staff, are all 100% committed to the welfare of the children and the pupils here are delightful. Our aim is to create a happy, vibrant and stimulating place for children to learn and enjoy learning, so that their potential is fully developed. I expect a lot of the pupils in this school. I expect appropriate attitude and behaviour, and for all children to be proud to be here, ready to learn. The children have clear and simple boundaries. They are taught to make choices in their attitude and behaviour and recognise the consequences of those choices. However, I also give a lot in return. I believe that frequent (merited) praise and encouragement is vital for all of us, especially children. Close communication with parents is also necessary to ensure that everyone feels informed and their opinions valued, because I do value your contributions. In order for your child to get the best from their education, we need to work together and positive partnerships with parents are high on my list of priorities. We hold regular coffee/tea afternoons, and you will always be welcome in school. As far as my diary permits, I aim to operate an ‘open door’ policy. The purpose of this Prospectus is to provide you with outline information which will answer some of your questions about the school. It is important that wherever you decide to send your child, the school ‘feels’ right to you both. So I would urge you to take the opportunity to come and visit us; I am always very happy to show you around, and talk with you about our plans. Simply make an appointment at the school office. We look forward to meeting you in the near future. Helena Rees Headteacher
AN INTRODUCTION TO THE SCHOOL There has been a school at Newton since 1860; we recently celebrated our 150th Birthday with a day of celebrations and memories. The building, which until recently housed the school, was in the heart of the village of Newton, and was a designated Church School. The old school comprised a cottage frontage, which had originally been the residence of the Headteacher, and an extension divided into two areas by a wooden screen. This, with the addition of a demountable classroom, housed the school population until 1968. The present building occupies an incline with a southerly aspect overlooking the Bristol Channel. The new school which was officially opened on October 30th 1968 stood in splendid isolation surrounded by space stretching into a green distance. However, the extensive building which has taken place since this time has led to the disappearance of the green vistas of the sixties. The school has gradually become surrounded by housing. The boundary of the school itself is now marked on all sides by houses. However, we are lucky enough to enjoy extensive grounds which include a field used for Sport, three yards, a quiet area, herb garden, and a pond area. We are very proud of the beautiful setting and it is used as much as possible by the pupils as an outdoor classroom, as well as at breaktimes.
OUR SCHOOL AIMS AND OBJECTIVES For everyone, parents, staff, children and Governors to work together for the good of the child through; • Creating an atmosphere conducive to excellent learning, where everyone is inspired to do their best at all times. • Delivering a broad and balanced curriculum based on the principles of equality for all, and the belief that all pupils have the ability to achieve. • Promoting lifelong spiritual, cultural, personal, social, mental and physical development of pupils. • Developing an understanding of our identity and culture in Wales, and a respect for all other cultures, beliefs and ways of life. • Encouraging independence, responsibility, sensitivity, and the ability to apply knowledge and skills effectively. • Developing an understanding of and a respect for the world and the environment in which we live. • Learning how to make positive choices in all areas of work, play and relationships.
School Motto ‘Knowledge is the pathway to success.’ 3
WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP At Newton Primary we aim to work together to ensure that all pupils are provided with a high quality education in an environment which is caring, secure and happy. We aim to involve staff, pupils, governors in a commitment to high standards and our aims are communicated to all through our 'Home School Agreement'. A copy of this agreement is issued to all new parents and pupils when they enter our school. In order to achieve this we run a thriving School Council, which holds regular meetings throughout the school. We also have informal Parents’ Teas every half term. This is an opportunity for parents to come and chat about issues to do with school, so that lines of communication are open. You are all very welcome to come and join us whenever you wish to.
PROVIDING A SAFE ENVIRONMENT The school has a single point of access (main door) and all visitors are requested to report to the main entrance on arrival. All external doors are kept locked during the day. Visitors and helpers are requested to sign in at the main door. The school gates (top and bottom) are locked during school hours to avoid unwelcome visitors. The school has a written policy for Health and Safety and for School Visits. Copies are available from the school office upon request. In the interest of Health and Safety we ask parents not to park in the school car park or at the top of the drive at anytime. Please note also that children and parents must not walk across the car park area.
Members of Staff 2009/10 Headteacher: Miss Helena Rees
Deputy Headteacher Mrs Paula Ketcher-Murrell
Class Organisation 2010/2011 No. of Pupils Mrs. A. Grace Jones Mrs. L.A Jones Mrs J. Crawford Mrs P. Ketcher-Murrell Mrs J. Fender Mrs S. Stewart/Miss L. Rees Mr S Parvin Mr. L Howells
Nursery Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Mrs V Myers
PPA Cover teacher and SENCo
Office Staff
Mrs. P. Stallard Mrs K. Morgans
Nursery Nurses/LSA
Mrs. C. Chapple 0.5 Reception Mrs W. Bull 0.5 Nursery Mrs K. Morgan Mrs A. Hurley Mrs P. Humphrey Miss J Greenslade (Y1) Mrs D McCusker (Y2)
Learning Support Assistants
Mr P. Evans KS2 Mrs. C. Dowrick (1:1) Miss Z. Orr (1:1)
29 26 30 28 30 30 30 18
School Caretaker
Mr. S.Davies
School Cook
Mrs. L. Rose
Supervisory Assistants
Mrs. P. Rees Miss Z. Orr Mrs. J. Partington Mrs. W. Wright Mrs A. Hurley /Mrs T. Humphrey Miss J. Greenslade/Mrs D McCusker
Cleaning Staff
Mrs. T. Hannigan
School Crossing Patrol
Mr S. Davies
Governors The 1988 Education Act has placed major responsibilities on the members of the Governing Body. They play a vital role in the decision making process and are fully accountable to parents. The Governors help decide:• • • •
How the budget is spent Staff appointments Code of behaviour School ethos
They have legal duties and powers but can only act together not individually. School Governors are parents, teachers at the school, Local Council representatives and community representatives. Parent Governors:
Mrs. A. Slee Mr. G Burkhardt Mr G Hyde 6
Mr A. Marner Teacher Governor:
Mrs L Jones
Non-teaching Governor:
Mrs. A. Hurley
Local Authority appointed Governors: County Councillor Mr G Butterfield Mr M. Thomas Mr S. Arthur Community Governors: County Councillor Mr. A. Colburn Dr T Watkins Vacancy x 2 Headteacher:
Clerk to the Governors:
Miss H. Rees
Mrs P. Stallard
The minutes of the Governing Body meetings are held at the school office and you are welcome to see them at any time. If you are interested in becoming a parent governor please ask the Headteacher for details of the next elections. PROSPECTIVE PARENTS Prospective Parents are invited to contact the school to arrange a visit during school hours. Prospective Parents will be given the opportunity to see the school in its normal working routine and see samples of pupils work. ADMISSIONS FOR PUPILS WITH DISABILITIES Pupils with disabilities will be subject to the normal admission procedures. Wherever possible, adaptations will be made to the school site in order to accommodate pupils with physical disabilities.
ADMISSIONS FOR PUPILS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Parents of pupils with special needs, including those in receipt of a statement for Special 7
Needs, are invited to discuss their child's needs prior to entry. The Special Needs Coordinator and the class teacher will ensure appropriate levels of support are available for pupils with special needs upon entry to our school. ADMISSION ARRANGEMENTS NURSERY CLASS ADMISSION Nursery education in Newton School is on a part-time basis. There is only one session, which is in the morning of each day. Children are accepted for entry in the September of the academic year, (Sept. - Aug.) in which they attain the age of 4. During the Spring Term, parents of children whose names are registered at School as falling within the defined entry dates, will be offered a place in our Nursery Class for the coming September. If they accept placement or are still in the process of considering our offer of placement, they are invited to a meeting during the Summer Term. At this meeting the day-to-day activities of the Nursery will be outlined by the Headteacher and the Nursery Class Teacher. Relevant documentation will be distributed, including the School booklet, "Starting School - It's a Special Event." This meeting is followed by a shared parent/child visit. Parents and children visit School in small groups spending time in the Nursery Area and meeting the Nursery Staff. In September, if placement is accepted, children commence school in small groups over, a few days. The children all come together as a complete class during the following week.
RECEPTION CLASS ADMISSION. INITIAL PLACEMENT AND PARENTAL PREFERENCE. The Local Education Authority, the LEA is the admitting authority for all county schools in the City and County of Swansea. Each child about to commence full-time education will be offered a place by the LEA according to strict guidelines. The school does not make these offers. Parents can either accept this initial offer or express a 8
preference for a placement at an alternative school. Children attending our Nursery Class who live outside the defined catchment area will not have an automatic right of admission to our Reception Class. Parents will need to request a place under the preferred placement scheme. Parents will be informed by the LEA, in writing, as to whether their application has been successful. Where an application is refused, parents have the right of appeal. If parents exercise this right of appeal, the appeal must be forwarded to the Director of Education, County Hall, Swansea. The appeal will be considered by an Appeals Committee consisting of three Lay members, a member of the County Council and a Head Teacher. THE CURRICULUM Newton Primary School provides a broad, balanced, relevant, challenging and exciting curriculum for all its pupils. The school provides a consistently high quality education and is mindful of the needs of the individual child. As well as meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum the school aims to provide its pupils with the necessary skills and experiences to become caring members of the community in which they choose to live. Learning experiences are organised in ways which are appropriate to the child's stage of development and are differentiated to cater for the range of abilities within each class. Staff adopt a range of teaching styles from whole class to group and make use of a range of resources, including local environment.
Early Years. [Nursery and Reception] 9
During Early Years the learning environment is informal, providing the pupils with appropriate experiences within the following areas of learning: • Language and Literacy • Personal and Social Development • Mathematic Development • Knowledge and Understanding of the World • Creative Development • Physical Development • Bilingualism The learning experiences are structured and sequenced to ensure continuity and progression towards the National Curriculum. Key Stage 1 [Years 1 and 2] - Key Stage 2 [Year 3 to 6] At Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils follow a 2 Year Long Term Plan which has been structured to ensure coverage of all National Curriculum subjects. The development of the Key Skills of Communication, Literacy and Numeracy, ICT form part of this plan. We adopt a thematic, cross curricular approach wherever possible and appropriate to ensure that pupils are learning to transfer the Key Skills they are acquiring across all their learning. USE OF WELSH LANGUAGE The medium of instruction at this school is English. Welsh is taught as a subject throughout the School from Nursery to Year 6. The teaching of Welsh encompasses not just language, but the culture and folk-lore of the country in which we live. All pupils have an entitlement to access Welsh as a second language as part of the National Curriculum unless this aspect of the curriculum is disapplied through a Statement of Special Educational Needs. TEACHING HOURS The hours spent on teaching during the normal school week, including Religious Education, but excluding the statutory daily act of worship, registration and breaks (including lunch) – 23h 10m . K.S.1. - 24 h 25m. K.S.2.
INSPECTION OF DOCUMENTS In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2005 the school’s governing body lists in its Freedom of Information publications scheme all available documents. These may be inspected and copied if required through arrangement with the Headteacher. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES We try our best to ensure that all children at the School are given equal opportunities, regardless of their sex, race, background or ability. The school has a policy for Equal Opportunities which has been adopted by the Governing Body. The school will not tolerate any racist acts and is required to record and report such incidents. The school has an Equal Opportunities Race Equality Policy. HOMEWORK POLICY Homework is not compulsory but is given as a general extension and consolidation of school work. The Homework Policy is available for perusal. SEX EDUCATION Sex education is an integral part of the learning process for all children. Appropriate sex education takes place in an informal setting following the West Glamorgan Policy Statement on Sex Education, with the exception of that area dealing with human sexual behaviour. This aspect is undertaken by external input of which parents will be informed. Parents retain the right to withdraw their children from all or part of the sex education provided. THE NATIONAL CURRICULUM The National Curriculum is the entitlement of all children of compulsory school age, although the 1988 Education Reform Act allows for part or all of the National Curriculum to be modified or disapplied for individual children in exceptional circumstances. The National Curriculum comprises five core subjects and seven foundation subjects. The core subjects are: Maths - Science – English- Welsh-ICT The foundation subjects are: History - Geography - Design and Technology - Music - Art - P.E. -PSE Although R.E. is not part of the National Curriculum it is taught as part of the basic curriculum. The National Curriculum has been planned in stages which are divided as follows: 11
Foundation Phase: 3-7 years Key Stage 2: 7 - 11 years. At the end of each year from Reception, children undergo NfER assessments, the results of which are reported to parents along with the Teachers’ Assessment based on accumulated evidence from the year. Documents giving details of the National Curriculum requirements and our organisation of the National Curriculum are available for perusal at the school. Standards To achieve the "Core Subject Indicator", pupils must obtain at least level 2 in Mathematics, Science and English at K.S.1 and at K.S.2, at least level 4 in Mathematics, Science and English. Percentage of pupils achieving the "Core Subject Indicator" in teacher assessment at K.S.1 in 2010 in Newton School -- 93.1 Percentage of pupils achieving the "Core Subject Indicator" in teacher assessment at K.S.1 in 2010 in Wales -Percentage of pupils achieving the "Core Subject Indicator" in teacher assessment at K.S.2 in 2010 in Newton School -- 91.7 Percentage of pupils achieving the "Core Subject Indicator" in teacher assessment at K.S.2 in 2010 in Wales – Realistic and ambitious targets for individual pupils have been set by the class teachers and are based on teacher assessment. These targets have been agreed by the governing body and approved by the LEA. Target setting relating to each curricular area appears within the context of our School Development Plan. Targets identified in our Post Inspection Action Plan are subsumed into our Development Plan. Sporting Aims At Newton, sport occupies a high profile in the curriculum and we see it as an effective contribution to our pupils’ physical fitness, personal and social development. By the end of Key Stage 2 our pupils will have experienced, and developed skills in games, gymnastics, dance, swimming, athletics and outdoor activities, in accordance with National Curriculum requirements. There exists a high degree of parental involvement and support with teachers, parents, friends and sports persons from the wider community providing wide experiences for our children, both school based and as extra-curricular activities. These presently include Netball, Rugby, 12
Soccer, Swimming, Cross Country, Cricket, Athletics, Gymnastics, Dance and Short Tennis. We participate in many sporting events and matches throughout the year and are proud of our children's attitude and successes when playing as team members or as individuals representing School, Swansea and Wales. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Religious education is taught in accordance with the Authority's Agreed Syllabus. It forms part of the curriculum's concern with personal and social values and can help children to understand the religious and cultural diversity of contemporary society. Parents who wish to withdraw their children will need to seek the permission of the Governors. COLLECTIVE WORSHIP All pupils normally take part in a daily act of worship which usually takes place as two groupings, one for Infants and one for Juniors. Three times a week the whole school is drawn together for collective worship which is mainly Christian in character. On Wednesdays (KS2, 8.55am) and Thursdays (KS1, 8.55am) there are class assemblies which parents are welcome to attend. On Fridays, the school has a Celebration Assembly at which children are awarded stickers, certificates and the ‘Class of the Week’ trophy to recognise their achievements. Parents are welcome to attend. Parents who wish to withdraw their children will need to seek the permission of the Governors. CURRICULUM ARRANGEMENTS FOR ADDITIONAL LEARNING NEEDS Pupils with specific needs are withdrawn regularly in small groups to receive tuition from a specialist teacher. The term "Additional Learning Needs" (ALN) is used to identify a variety of needs within our school. The spectrum of support will therefore range from supporting pupils who may be severely physically or mentally disabled to those pupils needing just occasional support. Within the term "ALN" we also identify those children with exceptional abilities or talents. At some time in our lives, we all need support and help and it is this particular function of support teaching that is often overlooked. Support is not only for those children who are in receipt of a Statement. It must be available as a right to all those children who, at some time in their school career, need help and support for some particular aspect which may be causing concern. Thus, if a child is having a problem coming to terms with a 13
new concept, or is not progressing satisfactorily or just needs a little boost in confidence that one-to-one teaching can bring, then we try to ensure that support is normally available within our school within the usual budgetary restrictions. Throughout our school there exists a high awareness of the importance of each child as an individual with individual and unique needs. Inherent in our school philosophy is the acknowledgement of the work undertaken by class teachers when working alongside the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) adapting the curriculum to support children with special needs. In the same way, the input of parents whose contribution within the classroom provides support for the teacher should not be overlooked. By the same token, teachers can also provide support for parents who may be concerned about their child's progress. The Special Needs Policy is available at school for parental perusal. TRANSITION FROM KEY STAGE 1 TO KEY STAGE 2 At Newton we recognise the importance of preparing our pupils for the transition from Foundation Phase (Infants) to Key Stage 2 (Juniors). During the Summer Term information is communicated both formally and informally between the class teachers responsible. Time is spent preparing the children for the transition by familiarising them with the routines of the older pupils. The children join Key Stage 2 pupils for assemblies and break times. They also spend some time becoming familiar with their new surroundings. Many parents feel that this is a bigger step for their children than starting school. It is therefore of paramount importance that we make it as smooth as possible for our children.
TRANSITION FROM PRIMARY TO COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL After completing the Primary phase at Newton it is usual for our children to proceed to Bishopston Comprehensive School. Both Bishopston and Newton recognise the importance of 14
liaison between the phases and are committed to further developing the strong links that already exist. Liaison takes many forms, but listed below are a few examples:1.
Regular meetings between Mr I Thompson, Head of Bishopston Comprehensive and Heads of all feeder schools.
Meetings between Year 6 and Year 7 Form Tutors.
Use of specialist facilities.
Reciprocal support for school events and functions.
6. Annual visit of Year 6 pupils to Bishopston Comprehensive. On this day our pupils are put in their new class groups, meet their Form Tutor, Year Tutor and Senior Staff, follow a timetable for the day and become familiar with the layout of Bishopston Comprehensive. It is an enjoyable day for our pupils, which plays an important role in ensuring their smooth transfer from Newton to Bishopston Comprehensive. DAILY ORGANISATION BRINGING/COLLECTING CHILDREN Children should not be on the premises before 8.40.a.m. and, in bad weather, as late as 8.45.a.m. We must point out that staff supervision does not commence until 8.40.a.m. Similarly at the end of the School day, staff supervision of children ends at 3.30.p.m. except of course for children who are involved in extra-curricular activities. In the morning, the whistle is blown at 8.45am by the teacher on duty, and the children line up, then walk to their classes. It is important that children are in school on time as the early morning is a crucial stage of the day. If your child is late (after 9am) or is being collected early for some reason, he/she MUST be signed in/out at the Main School Office.
BREAKFAST CLUB It is appreciated that where both parents are working and are unable to make suitable arrangements for early morning supervision then School is obviously the place where children will be left. In the light of this, a breakfast club is offered by the School.
Breakfast Club Breakfast Club is free, but if you would like your child to attend, you will need to complete a form from the school office. We are only able to supervise children who are here to have breakfast, not children who are just too early for school. PASTORAL CARE ARRANGEMENTS Pastoral care of the pupils is the concern of all members of staff, both teaching and ancillary, with the Headteacher having overall responsibility. If a child is taken ill, the parent is contacted, or failing this, an emergency phone number is used in order to ensure that the child is placed with a relation or neighbour as nominated by the parent. It is essential that we have upto-date contact information. In the case of a major accident, the procedure deemed necessary at the time would be implemented. This could be either transporting a child to hospital or calling for medical assistance - doctor or ambulance. After emergency calls had been made, parents would immediately be informed. From time to time, the school nurse, dentist and hearing specialist will visit school to carry out routine health inspections, dental inspections and hearing tests. If any problems are encountered, parents will be notified and advised to seek further help from either the School Health Service or their family doctor. The children are supervised during break and dinner times. Firedrill is carried out each term. The P.E. equipment is checked regularly. DISCIPLINE At
Newton we aim to promote a calm, courteous atmosphere where mutual respect exists between staff and pupils. Our Behaviour Education Policy exists to ensure that children in our care move about the school safely and in an orderly manner. We endeavour at all times to promote self discipline through teaching children about choices and their consequences. We expect our pupils to show respect for all members of staff, each other, for property and the environment. Bullying and 16
similar anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated at Newton, and we work closely with parents to deal with any serious incidents. The children are made aware of our Behaviour Education Policy and our Code of Conduct. Our Behaviour Education Policy is available for your perusal at the school. SCHOOL COUNCIL Our School Council is run by the Deputy Headteacher, Mrs Ketcher –Murrell. It consists of ten Key Stage 2 children and 2 FP children elected by their peers who meet with Mrs Ketcher-Murrell on a regular basis. Their role is to discuss school improvement and make informed decisions on school matters. The children and members of staff talk to the council about issues which concern them. Suggestions for changes which are aimed at improving the school environment are debated and communicated to the rest of the school through school assemblies and class meetings. ECO COMMITTEE The school also has an ECO Committee which aims to help promote sustainability and global citizenship amongst our pupils, parents and governors. We are very proud to have achieved Eco-School status through the leadership of Mrs Stewart, and everyone’s hard work. HEALTHY SCHOOL COUNCIL We have recently embarked upon the Healthy Schools’ programme, and we have a council made up of pupils from across the school. This Council is run by Mr Howells. Parental Responsibility As parents, you too have a significant role to play in the day to day organisation of our school. We would be grateful if you could observe the following in order to maintain the smooth running of Newton Primary:1. All children must be formally admitted to School. On the first day, details relating to child/children should be given to the Headteacher and a Birth Certificate produced so that the information can be entered in the Admission Register. 2. Children should arrive at School punctually as disruption of lessons/assembly by latecomers causes unnecessary interruptions at a most important time in the School day. Pupils will be marked as late if they are not present for registration. Habitual lateness will be discussed with parents and, should it then continue, will lead to a referral to the Educational Welfare Officer. 3. No child or adult should walk across the car parking area to the rear of the School. We must also point out that if children and parents are approaching the 17
School from the rear entrance, the pathway should be used. Further pathways should not be trodden through existing grassed areas. At present, in order to ensure greater school security, the top and bottom access gates are locked between the hours of 9.a.m. and, apart from the time needed for access by Nursery parents. 4. Parents are requested not to use the car park except in an emergency e.g. picking up a child who is unwell, or delivering or collecting a child with a plaster cast. This rule is necessary to enable easy access for delivery lorries and emergency services. 5. To the front of the School, parents and pupils are requested to use the paths provided, particularly when the yard is occupied by children at play or during games lessons. Adherence to this rule will ensure that play balls do not cause injury, particularly to children in pushchairs. 6. Parents are requested not to reverse from Slade Road into the School drive as there is always the possibility of an injury to a child. 7. Requests for children to be withdrawn from School for visits to doctors, dentist, etc. must be in writing. No child will be allowed off the premises without such a written request. 8. If a child is too ill to attend School, we need a phone call on the first morning of absence and a letter when the child returns to school. 9. Requests for children (Infant) to walk home unaccompanied must be in writing. 10. No jewellery is to be worn to School. This is for health and safety reasons. 11. No makeup or nail varnish is to be worn in school, and any hair ties/clips should only be in red/black/white. No fluffy/sparkly/decorative hair accessories please! 12. Requests for children to stay in at playtimes are normally refused in the case of minor ailments. We feel that if a child is well enough to be at School they need the benefit of a fresh-air break. If parents request that children with fractured limbs attend School, we are happy to accede to such a request with the proviso that such children should not partake in normal playbreaks as it would be too difficult to ensure their safety. 13. Similarly, unless there are compelling reasons, all children are expected to participate fully in school activities, including PE which is as much a part of the curriculum as English or Maths. If you wish your child to be withdrawn from PE, but still attend school, we will need a letter from your GP to explain why this is necessary. 14. In addition to the School holidays, parents may only request a further two weeks absence from School for holidays. Only the Headteacher can 18
authorise absence. 15. Please refrain from using the Main Hall as a thoroughfare during school time, or when extra-curricular activities are taking place. 16. It is most important that School should be informed of changes of address; telephone numbers; emergency arrangements etc. Equally important; if children are to be collected from School by someone other than parents or grandparents, please notify us. We would question any unknown person collecting a child and this could cause embarrassment. 17. Finally, neither money nor toys are welcome at School as both can be lost or in the case of toys "exchanged" causing many problems when they have to be retrieved. KEEPING YOU INFORMED Good relationships will only occur and be maintained if there is effective communication. This is a two-way process and your views are appreciated. If you would like an appointment with the Headteacher to discuss an issue, a letter or telephone call will secure a date and time. Every effort will always be made to see parents arriving unexpectedly but there may be occasions when this is not possible. Your understanding would be greatly appreciated on this matter. You are welcome to see your child's class teacher briefly at the end of the day. If, however, there is a problem, a further appointment may be necessary to allow more time for discussion. We would ask that you do not expect to be able to see your child’s class teacher at the beginning of the day which is an extremely busy time when the teacher’s attention needs to be on the children arriving at school. Formal parental consultations are held in the Autumn and Spring terms and you will receive a written report on your child's progress at the end of the Summer term. A third appointment will not normally be necessary. However, should a problem arise at any time throughout any term please do not hesitate to contact the school as soon as possible in order to discuss your concerns. Every week (Thursdays) you will receive written information from the school in the form of newsletters outlining forthcoming events and letters regarding trips and activities. These newsletters are given only to the eldest child in each family, and are also available on the school website: . Please ask your children regularly if they have any communication from the school as 19
letters are frequently lost in the depths of school bags leaving the parents unaware of future events! We also hold regular Parents’ Teas (roughly once each half term) as an informal forum for discussion...or just to have a cup of tea! School procedures and schemes of work are well documented and should you require any information regarding the curriculum/pastoral policies please feel welcome to contact the school office. SCHOOL PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION We have a thriving PTA which meets regularly at the school. The PTA holds a wide range of fund-raising events throughout the school year, the money from which is used to enhance the learning and experience of the children. This voluntary help from parents is enormously appreciated by staff and pupils. The PA is always looking for volunteers to help, so if you can, please contact Mrs J Fender/Mrs M James (Joint Chair) through the school to get involved. Even an hour’s help is appreciated! COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE If you are unhappy with any aspect of your child's education, please contact the class teacher. If the problem remains unresolved, see the Headteacher. If you are still dissatisfied, inform the Governing Body. Still not satisfied? Then contact the LEA via The Pupil and Governor Manager, Pupil and Governor Unit, Education Department, County Hall, Swansea, SA1 3SN. The school has an agreed ‘Complaints Procedure Policy’. FOR YOUR INFORMATION MEDICINE AT SCHOOL The only medicine kept and administered at School is that required for spin-halers for the treatment of asthma. These are normally kept with the child. Should it be necessary for other prescribed medication to be taken during the school day, parents are welcome to attend School to administer the necessary dosage. The school has a policy on the administration of medicines. This is available from the school office. SCHOOL UNIFORM We aim to have all children in school uniform to create a sense of community and belonging. Details of the school uniform appear below:
WINTER Black /grey skirt/pinafore dress Black/grey school trousers (no jogging trousers, jeans or cargo pants) Black school shoes or boots (no trainers please– these will be used for games) White or red polo shirts Red sweatshirt/cardigan with logo Red fleece with logo SUMMER Black/grey shorts/cropped trousers White/red polo shirts Red sweatshirt/cardigan with logo Red and white check dresses Red and white check/red/white/black cropped trousers Flat, secure sandals (no flip flops or mules) All items of school clothing must be clearly marked with the child's name as a great deal of time can be wasted tracing the owner of a particular piece of clothing. Our "lost property" container bears witness to the fact that many unmarked items have yet to be returned to or claimed by their owners. Silk-type sports shorts with side splits are not suitable clothing for the general school day. Please note – no clothing with logos (other than that of the school) will be allowed. In the interests of safety, parents should ensure that their children wear sensible and secure shoes/sandals/boots to school. P.E. KIT Gym shoes and shoe bags, clearly named should be provided from the earliest stages as then not only does a child have suitable footwear for physical activities, but there is always a change of footwear available in the event of accident or bad weather. At infant level, slip-on gym shoes provide far fewer problems. All children are expected to change into suitable clothing for physical activities. Footwear is not considered suitable for indoor P.E. OUTDOOR GAMES School T-Shirt Rugby Shirt (boys and girls games) Skirt/Shorts for netball/hockey/athletics (red,black,white) Track suit in winter White socks or red rugby socks 21
Trainers with good tread Woollen hat and gloves - useful in winter Cap - useful in hot weather Old trainers - Cross country/Hockey/Football/Rugby Rugby boots/football boots (optional) INDOOR GAMES School T-shirt Red/Black/White shorts On P.E. days, it would be helpful if Infant children could come to school in clothes that are easily changed, e.g. track suits. P.E. clothing is to be used only for P.E. and should not be worn throughout the day. All clothing should be labelled clearly with the child's name. We would like to point out that high-ankled boots/trainers are not advisable for running for they can often be the cause of ankle injuries. Pumps are not considered suitable for outside activities as the school yard can be slippery and therefore potentially dangerous. Watches must be removed for P.E./Games. Recently pierced ears must be taped over for Health and Safety reasons. AVAILABILITY OF SCHOOL UNIFORM, P.E. KIT AND GAMES KIT Items of school uniform, P.E. kit and Games kit are available from Nash Sport, Sketty, Swansea, and J. & S. Leisure Wear, 74 Tycoch Road, Sketty, Swansea. SWIMMING Swimming is available as part of the curriculum in KS2. Children are escorted to the swimming baths in school time. You will, of course, be informed when it is your child's turn to participate. Foot inspection for cleanliness and verrucas will be carried out regularly by teaching staff involved. Any child with an open wound, sores (e.g. impetigo), etc. will be excluded from the water. It is the County Policy that the presence of a verruca will no longer result in the automatic exclusion of a child from swimming. The teacher/swimming instructor should be informed by the parent if the Chiropodist/General Practitioner treating the verruca does not wish the child to swim. Those children who do have a verruca must wear a verruca sock or a plaster as a preventative measure when swimming. Crash courses in swimming will be undertaken in school time during the Summer Term and will involve Year 2 pupils and any other pupil we feel would benefit from extra tuition. 22
PLEASE NOTE Whenever children are to participate in any kind of after school activity, you will always be informed. These activities could include: Rugby Netball Athletics Cross Country Dance Football Tennis Education Off Site We endeavour to provide all pupils with a rich and varied curriculum, and to this end we arrange visits off site as much as is practicable. As the school is unable to bear the cost of these visits it is necessary to ask parents for a voluntary contribution in order for them to go ahead. If insufficient contributions are made, it may be necessary to cancel the trip. In Y6 the children visit Treginnis for a week’s residential trip. Although this trip is not compulsory, it is very rare for any child not to opt in. On such visits, behaviour is of paramount importance and the privilege of participating in such a visit may be withdrawn if the required standard of acceptable behaviour is not met during the school year. When your child is in Y6, you will receive full information about this visit. MUSIC Newton
School has both a choir and an orchestra. We also have weekly recorder lessons in Y2 and Y3; parents need to provide recorders. The following are the instruments currently available at School: Violin, Clarinet, Cello
We have the benefit of one peripatetic music teacher. Children who express an interest will be tested as to their suitability to play an instrument. A child once chosen to play will be expected to persevere and practise regularly. A small charge, payable Termly, is made for tuition. Throughout the School year, a variety of activities occur (e.g. concerts) of which you will be informed. We hope you will be able to join in as many as possible so that you can be involved in this most important stage of your child's life LIBRARY 23
We are currently developing our school library with the welcome help of parents and the PTA. In addition to this, reading material is available in all classes.
CHARGES AND REMISSIONS In compliance with the Education Reform Act and the Local Education Authority's Policy, the Governors of Newton School have adopted the Authority's policy on charging and remissions. This means that the School may from time to time invite voluntary contributions from parents to enable a particular activity to take place. SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS A professional photographer visits the school at various points during the year. A proof of photographs taken will be sent home for parents’ perusal.
SCHOOL DINNERS Dinner money for the following week is normally paid on Thursday when the Dinner Clerk, Mrs. P. Rees is in attendance. Dinner money must be placed in an envelope on which has been written the child's name and class. If a child forgets to bring dinner money, no facility exists for payments later than 11.30.a.m. on that day, and other arrangements must be made for the following week. School dinners are cooked on the 24
premises and are nutritious and attractively presented. At present, dinner money is £9.50 per week. If a child is absent in any week, on the following Friday please deduct £1.90 for every day's absence. If a child is absent for a whole week following payment, please send a note or envelope indicating that a full week's credit is due. It would be of great assistance if, where practical, parents paid Dinner Money by cheque. In such cases cheques should be made payable to "City and County of Swansea". SANDWICHES Children may also bring a packed lunch to eat. Sweets are not allowed at School, so please do not place any in your child's lunch-box. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE IN WALES EMERGENCY AID IN SCHOOLS We take extremely seriously our responsibilities to our children. We therefore have a continuing programme of training relating to Emergency Aid in our school. The following staff have undergone First Aid Training: FIRST AID AT WORK CERTIFICATE Mrs Pauline Stallard Basic First Aid Mrs Trish Humphrey Mrs Angelique Hurley All lunchtime supervisors HEALTH AND SAFETY FOR PUPILS As part of our Personal, Social and Health Education Scheme of Work our pupils are provided with learning opportunities and experiences which enable them to develop a sense of personal safety. These experiences include taking part in the school's Water and Fire Safety Talks, Basic First Aid Training and Road Safety initiatives. ASSEMBLY TIMES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
YR-Y6 Assembly 9am Y1-Y6 Hymn Practice 9a.m. Key Stage 2 Assembly 9am Key Stage 1 Assembly 9am Whole School Assembly 9a.m. 25
Useful Numbers School City and County of Swansea Education Directorate Access to Learning (Learning Support) Bishopston Comprehensive Educational Welfare: Gabriella Gatica Catering and Cleaning Facilities Child Health Department
01792 369826 01792 636000 01792 636162 01792 234121 01792 533066 01792 773473 01792 651501
School E-mail: Headteacher: Website: