Parkland Primary School is situated in Sketty Park, which is in the west of Swansea. The school is pleasantly sited and has extensive grounds with ample playing and sports facilities. The remnants of the old park surrounding the original Sketty Hall have been developed into an environmental study area. The accommodation is spacious with the Infant classes having access to small sheltered courtyards. In recent years significant improvements to the safety and security of the premises have been made. We now operate a single point of entry into the building; except at the beginning and end of the school day. Parkland Primary School aims to provide a happy, hard-working and well-ordered environment in which each child is able to work and develop academically and socially to the very best of his/her ability. At all times we strive to provide a welcoming, caring atmosphere throughout the school. In all that we do we endeavour to provide rich experiences for our children. We believe in fostering, not only a love of knowledge and learning, but also a regard for truth, fairness and compassion. The school caters for children from 4 to 11 years and also provides part-time Nursery education for pupils who have attained their third birthday. (Admission to Nursery is usually in the September after the child’s third birthday). Children are admitted to fulltime Reception class in the September after their fourth birthday. Arrangements are made for parents to visit the school before their children are admitted to Nursery and Reception. The same criteria for admission are used for Nursery and Reception. Full details of the LEA’s admission arrangements, which the school follows, can be found in Appendix C.
We support a policy of inclusion whereby children with special educational needs are placed in mainstream classes. These children receive help from a support teacher. There is a small Specialist Teaching Facility, which caters for up to 9 children with moderate to severe learning difficulties. We seek to admit all children from within our catchment area whatever their disability. Children who carry statements of Special Educational Needs are admitted after discussion with the Local Education Authority’s Special Education Needs department which decides whether our school is the most appropriate placement. All pupils whatever their particular needs or disabilities are treated with equal care and consideration. After School Club We operate an After School Club from 3.30 pm until 5.30 pm every school day. Please see Appendix D. Breakfast Club Morning Child Care runs from 7.45 am until 8.00 am and the cost is £2. This precedes Free Breakfast Club as funded by the Welsh Assembly Government, from 8.00 am – 8.45 am. This includes a breakfast of non-sugared cereal, toast, fruit and a drink. Further details are available from the School Office. Nursery Lunch Time Wraparound This facility is available for our Nursery Children. Sessions are from 11.30 am – 12.45 pm at a cost of £3.00. Please contact the School Office to reserve this facility. Oaktree Playgroup We have a playgroup catering for children aged between 2 years and 4 years 11 months. Mrs Cathy Holland, the Playgroup Manager, organises this care at a cost of £6.50 per child per session. The sessions are available from: Morning: - 8.50 am – 11.45 am Afternoon: - 12.45 pm – 3.15 pm For further information please contact the school office or Mrs Holland in Oaktree on 01792 205462. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT We are committed to working in partnership with our parents and have a thriving Parents’ Association whose aim is to actively support the School. Please make every effort to come to the meetings organised by the Committee, who will appreciate your help and co-operation in all the ventures undertaken during the year.
We also encourage parents to take an active part in the daily life of the school. Please let us know of your talents and we will put them to good use! Parents are involved in classroom activities and help with out-of-school visits. We are always on the look out for more volunteers. Close liaison is maintained with the neighbourhood primary schools, and also with Olchfa and Bishop Gore comprehensive schools to which our children transfer at 11+.
Every Classroom is equipped with Interactive Whiteboards
PARKLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL CODE OF CONDUCT Parkland should be a safe and happy place where children can learn and play without being afraid or worried. If everybody follows these rules (“The Golden Rules”) no one will be upset and teachers and parents won’t have to nag! The children and teachers at Parkland think these are good rules. THE GOLDEN RULES WE WORK HARD We do not waste our own or other people’s time WE ARE KIND AND HELPFUL We not hurt the feelings of others WE LOOK AFTER PROPERTY We do not waste or damage things WE ARE HONEST We do not cover up the truth WE LISTEN TO PEOPLE We do not interrupt WE ARE GENTLE We do not hurt anybody.
Members of Staff 2010 Headteacher: Mrs A Lloyd B.Ed, NPQH
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs M Lewis Cert.Ed.NPQH
Assistant Headteachers:
Mrs R White & Mr T Dadds
Class Organisation 2010/2011 Foundation Phase Nursery Mrs White Reception Miss Parry Reception Mrs Meade Year 1 Mrs R Leahy Year 1 Mrs L Sansom-Garnell Year 2 Mrs A Hughes Year 2 Miss H Brayley Specialist Teaching Facility (STF)
Key Stage 2 Year 3 Mr T Dadds Year 3 Mrs B Lewis/Mrs R Lewis Year 4 Mrs G Morris Year 4 Miss J Phillips Year 5 Mr H Davies Year 5 Mr D Jones Year 6 Mrs M Lewis Year 6 Miss F Poole Mr P Williamson
EAL Support
Mrs C Parton & Mr R Leigh
Planning, Preparation & Assessment
Mrs R Haste, Mrs S Blackaby Mr R Stanford
Nursery Nurses
Mrs A Angove Mrs S Davies Mrs L Smith
Mrs F Thomas Mrs S Packer Mrs A Francis
Mr J Brayley
Teaching Assistants Mrs M Triggs Mrs J Hutchings Mrs L Fender Mrs S Beynon Mrs J Kamil Mrs S Biffin Mrs H Cole Mrs J Jones Mrs M Fenton Miss W Hopkins Mrs G Covelli-Griffiths Mrs S Oakley Miss D Hughes
Mrs S Maloney Miss S Aldous Mrs C Ditton Mrs J Jones Mrs F Wyatt Miss A Rees Mrs S Williams
Lunchtime Supervisors Mrs C Tancock Mrs P Cole Ms P Branford Mrs S Shopna
Breakfast Club Mrs S Beynon Miss D Hughes Mrs S Packer Mrs D O’Connor
After School Club Mrs S Beynon Mrs D O’Connor Miss H Morris
Oaktree Playgroup Mrs C Holland Mrs H Dunne Mrs S Shopna Miss B Davies Ms C Thomas Mrs A Wilson Mrs S Williams Mr R Stanford Mrs S Soe Mrs S Davies Mr R Lewis
Mrs J Hamilton Mrs S Williams
Cook: Mrs N Snelling
Parkland Primary School Governing Body 2010 Headteacher Mr M Christopher
Clerk Mrs A Phillips
Term of office ending
Dr P Ali
Cllr Cheryl Philpott
Mrs S Wilks
Cllr J Stanton
Parent Governors (5) Mr A Glaznieks
Mr G Hawkins
Mrs A Jones
Oct 2014
Mr M Griffiths (Chair of Governors)
Mrs V Evans
Community Governors (4) Mr E March
Mrs V Pearce
Ms S Gilby
Mr B Farr
Teacher Governors (2) Mrs L Leahy
Mrs G Morris
Oct 2014
Staff Governor (non-Teaching) (1) Mrs A Angove
SCHOOL AIMS “Everyone unique: caring, sharing, learning together.” At Parkland, we are committed to every child achieving success in a happy, safe and stimulating environment. We endeavour to provide rich experiences for our children, encourage high standards of achievement and attainment in all aspects of school life, promote professional expertise among our staff and, not least, provide a welcoming and caring atmosphere throughout the school. We believe that children should learn to care about others as well as themselves. Therefore, we try to foster not only a love of learning and knowledge, but also a regard for truth, fairness and compassion. We believe that the success of our school depends on the contribution of each and every member of our school community. We are always looking to improve and develop through a continuous cycle of self-evaluation. We are committed to our aims, values and beliefs which are reflected in our school’s ethos and atmosphere. We share a common purpose and a conscious desire to fulfil our aims for the benefit of our community. SCHOOL AIMS We aim to make our school a place where – every individual is valued and respected; everyone is important; all relationships are based on trust, respect and personal regard for others; we care for each other; each child finds learning enjoyable and challenging and develops a real desire to learn; learning is fun; each child develops a positive self-image, is self-disciplined and achieves their full potential; we all try to do the best that we can; a sound curriculum is provided which displays breadth, balance and relevance and is differentiated to reflect individual needs and talents; we work in different ways because we are all good at different things; there is a commitment to inspiring and empowering staff in order to develop the leadership of all; all the staff are ready and able to help; we are continually developing a self-evaluating and forward-thinking ethos, fully involving and consulting staff, pupils, parents and governors; we listen to everyone’s points of view; staff and governors actively seek to raise standards; the staff and governors keep working to help us improve; we seek to contribute to, and enhance the life of, the wider community. we learn about, and help, people in our community and around the world.
THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM ORGANISATION The school is organised into mixed ability classes according to the age of the pupil. In general, pupils receive the greater part of their tuition from their own class teacher. We provide continuity and progression throughout the school and although each teacher has his/her own style, the content of the curriculum is carefully structured. We aim to provide work that is balanced, varied and appropriate to the child’s needs, aptitude and stage of development. Children will therefore be taught as a class, or in a group, or on an individual basis to meet the particular needs of the occasion. Clear records are kept to assist smooth transition between classes and the next school. In keeping with Local Authority and National Curriculum Guidelines, a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum is followed at Parkland, offering a wide range of experiences to meet the diverse needs of pupils. The School Curriculum in Wales has been planned as follows: Nursery – Year 2
(The Foundation Phase which is being introduced from Sept 2008)
Key Stage 2
7 – 11 (Years 3,4,5 and 6)
EARLY YEARS Children of non-statutory school age are educated in our Nursery and Reception classes, where we encourage the development of happy, confident, independent and caring children. At present Early Years Curriculum is planned around 6 areas of learning and experience. These include Language, Literacy and Communication Skills, Mathematical Development, Personal and Social Development, Knowledge and Understanding of the World, Physical Development and Creative Development. YEARS 1 TO 6 From Years 1 to Year 6 children currently follow the National Curriculum, while preparing for the introduction of the Foundation Phase in Year 1 & Year 2. A new skills based National Curriculum was introduced into Key Stage 2 in September 2008. For all year groups a new Skills Framework has been introduced which outlines the development of the skills of Communication, Number, ICT and Thinking. The National Curriculum consists of: Core Subjects: Foundation Subjects:
Maths, English, Science Information and Communication Technology, (ICT), Welsh, History, Geography, Art, Music and Physical Education.
In addition to the National Curriculum, children are taught Religious Education according to the locally agreed syllabus.
Parkland Picture Gallery
Yr 5 Residential Trip to Llangrannog
Year 2 recording for “The Wave”
Learning through outdoor plav
Enjoying Indoor PE
Yr 1 Mock Christening
Exercising in our School grounds
Mathematics The emphasis of our Maths teaching is placed on the learning of basic skills, which can be applied in investigational work and in the practical application of Mathematics. Maths teaching throughout the school has been influenced by the National Numeracy Strategy (which is not compulsory in Wales), with a heavy emphasis on oral work and mental maths strategies. English Although English is taught as a discreet subject, we take every opportunity to use a crosscurricular approach. The National Literacy strategy, although not compulsory in Wales, has influenced our teaching. The school places great importance on the reading and enjoyment of all books. We use a variety of reading schemes. There is a heavy emphasis on phonic work in the early stages and we follow the Jolly Phonics scheme. Parents are encouraged to involve themselves in the “CAPER” scheme (Children and Parents Enjoy Reading).
Technology: A visit from XL Wales Welsh Welsh is taught as a second language and the school follows the programme of work provided by the LEA’s ‘Athrawon Bro’ (peripatetic advisory teachers) team. This is in line with the requirements of the National Curriculum policy for Welsh. In addition, the language has an increasing presence in the social and cultural life of the school. Design and Technology Technology involves the process of designing and making and has a very practical basis. We give children opportunities to explore design, to solve problems and to evaluate what they make. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) ICT is used for communicating and handling information, control technology and simulations. We also use the classroom computers to support other curricular areas, demonstrating practical applications of ICT e.g. in Mathematics, English and Science. We have an ICT Suite with 18 computers, all with Internet access. All classrooms have at least 2 computers and all have Internet access. The IT Suite is also used for adult learning and After School Clubs. In each classroom there is an Interactive White Board to support and enhance the learning and teaching. We have also recently purchased a mobile computer suite with 16 laptop computers.
Science Science is planned from a wide range of sources, taking account of National Curriculum, requirements. Emphasis is placed on first-hand experience, and the skills involved in the process of scientific enquiry are developed.
Please check out our website at:
History/Geography For the teaching of History and Geography extensive use is made of the local environment and the school grounds. Educational visits are a regular feature of school life and advantage is taken of the many facilities offered both inside and outside the Swansea area.
Special Educational Needs Workingainpolicy our Garden The school supports of inclusion whereby children with special educational needs are placed in ordinary classes. There is a small Specialist Teaching Facility, which caters for children with moderate to severe learning difficulties. Full details of special education provision are described in the LEA brochure and in our school’s Special Needs Policy documents. Both are available for inspection at the school. Children who have been identified as having Special Educational Needs receive extra help from a “Support Teacher”.
Religious Education The Basic Curriculum includes provision for Religious Education for all registered pupils at the school. We follow the LEA’s Agreed Syllabus which reflects the fact that the religious traditions of Great Britain are in the main Christian, but takes into account the teaching and practices of the other major religions.
Music The school follows LEA policy for music education, and is assisted by peripatetic teachers for string, brass and woodwind instruments. There is a large, very successful school orchestra and choirs for Key Stage 1 and 2. All children in Years 2 to 6 learn to play the recorder.
Non-denominational assemblies are held daily, giving the opportunity to emphasise high moral standards and respect for one another. Parents have the right to withdraw children from assemblies and Religious Education if they wish to do so, in which case class teachers will organise alternative activities for the children.
P.S.E. Personal and social education (PSE) and citizenship enables children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. At Parkland, we encourage our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the wider community. In so doing we aim to develop their sense of self worth.
Art We develop enjoyment of art and craft using a variety of media. The children particularly enjoy firing clay in our own kiln. It is advantageous for the children to wear protective clothing of some kind for “messy” lessons. (An old shirt with the sleeves shortened to wrist length is ideal!). This should be named and may be kept in a gym bag with PE clothing.
At Parkland, there is an established School Council which aims to enhance the experience of the process of democracy; where all children have the opportunity through Circle Time to discover and learn about rights and responsibilities as well as begin to appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a diverse multicultural society. We have achieved an ECO Schools Gold Award and Phase 2 of the Healthy Schools Scheme.
PE We aim to encourage enjoyment of physical activities using a range of skills in games and movement. PE is an important part of the curriculum and every child is expected to participate unless there is a medical reason for exemption. Children must dress appropriately for the activity being undertaken. For gymnastics and dance a T-shirt (rather than expensive football shirts), PE / sports shorts (rather than leisure shorts) and bare feet are recommended. For outdoor games it is important for children to change into appropriate clothing such as tracksuits or suitable warm tops and shorts. Trainers or similar footwear should be worn. (Football boots are ideal for playing football on the field but are not essential). No jewellery should be worn during PE or games. Newly pierced ears should be covered with a plaster.
Sex Education Sex Education is set within a moral framework, and is taught in such a manner as to promote a healthy life-style for all. Teachers use their professional expertise and the support of colleagues, both inside and outside of teaching, to implement the objectives as set out in the LEA and Governing Body Policy Statements. The latter is a detailed document, produced after full consultation and refers to parents’ right to withdraw their children from all or part of the sex education offered. Sporting Aims At Parkland we aim to contribute to the overall education of our pupils by helping them to lead full and valuable lives through engaging in purposeful activity. Every child, from their entry into school will experience a wide range of suitable and appropriate physical education relevant to their age, ability and physical development. We aim for all activities to be enjoyable and for the children to see the need for fair play, honesty and respect for others. We are also involved in the development of sporting links with Olchfa Comprehensive School, its feeder schools and local sporting organisations.
Homework Policy Our approach to homework varies as children progress through the school. However, one aspect remains constant: the need for your support as parents. A copy of our homework policy stating the levels of homework in each year group is available from the school. The policy is due for revision in Summer 2009.
ASSESSMENT At the end of each Key Stage, Y2 and Y6 children are assessed against a set of nationally agreed criteria in the core subjects of English, Maths and Science, Y6 children are also assessed for Welsh as a second language (Summer 2010). These decisions are made through ongoing Formative and Summative Teacher Assessments and standardised tests such as N.F.E.R. (National Foundation for Educational Research). At the end of Key Stage One an average child is expected to attain National Curriculum Level 2. A child who does not reach the national norm may be working towards Level 1 or at Level 1. A child who attains above the average would be at Level 3 or above. At the end of Key Stage Two an average child is expected to attain Level 4; Level 5 reflects above average attainment. The most recent aggregated results for our school and a summary of the National Results (2008-2009-) can be found in Appendix A. The results include children with statements of Special Educational Needs and children with English as an Additional Language. Parents are reminded that any test results reflect a snapshot of children’s attainments. CHALLENGE SETTING Challenge setting in our school involves all children and staff in the identification and creation of achievable, challenging and measurable targets, based on previous achievements, aiming to raise self-esteem and fulfil learning potential. At Parkland Primary, the aim in setting pupil’s challenges is to: • increase motivation and independence • enable children to be involved in their learning • accelerate progress • enable children to celebrate achievements, success • improve children’s self-esteem Our principle is to work from each child’s actual achievement and to identify areas requiring consolidation and/or improvement. Realistic and ambitious targets have been set for end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6) National Curriculum Assessments for the next 4 years. These targets recognise that there can be a considerable difference in ability between one year group and the next. The targets are based on evidence of individual pupils’ achievements gained from ongoing teacher assessments and standardised tests. The targets have been agreed with Governors and the Local Authority.
EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES A wide range of musical, cultural and sporting activities are offered to pupils as extracurricular opportunities. There is a large, very successful school orchestra. We enter inter-school competitions in rugby, football, netball, hockey, cross-country, cricket and swimming. Children are encouraged to participate in competitions and events organised by the Welsh youth movement known as “The Urdd� and the Infant and Junior choir regularly entertain in the local community. We arrange for private organisations to lead French, Spanish, Gymnastics and Art Classes. There is a charge for these activities.
Yr 6 Residential Visit to Treginnis Farm
Yr 5 Residential visit to Llangrannog
ADMINISTRATION PASTORAL CARE In all that we do at Parkland, we aim to further an atmosphere of mutual trust and understanding, in which meaningful and worthwhile learning can take place. Children are helped to understand the sense of community we wish to encourage in our school. The most important place for this to happen is in the classroom environment. Children need a calm and purposeful classroom atmosphere where there is a positive relationship between teacher and pupil, based on mutual respect. Teaching, we believe, is not just about the transmission of knowledge; it is about establishing good relationships with pupils with the emphasis upon encouragement. Our discipline policy is based on good manners, common sense and a few rules. We seek to develop self-discipline and moral qualities such as honesty and fairness. We expect children to show respect for staff and each other, for property and the environment. We make clear to children that bullying and similar behaviour is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We have a well established a School Council which consists of representatives from each class. There is regular feedback to all children during “Circle Time” – an allocated time in the school week used for sharing ideas with the rest of the class. The School Council has gathered information on possible ways of improving our school playgrounds and has suggested ideas on how best to deal with bullying. It has also been instrumental in making significant changes in our organisation of lunch-times and outdoor playtimes. In line with the LEA policies, Parkland Primary School is committed to the promotion of equality of opportunity, multi-cultural education and anti-racism. These principles are an integral part of the values and ethos of the school, and are embodied in its curricular practices, including its policy of maximum integration of pupils with special needs and its “English as an Additional Language” provision. These closely related policies aim to ensure that: • •
all children, regardless of ability, gender, colour, race, nationality, or ethnic origin, have full access to all the benefits, facilities and services offered by the school. no child is discriminated against, directly or indirectly, because of innate differences, gender, or cultural/racial characteristics. Any manifestation of racial antipathy or harassment, whether by a pupil or a teacher, will be treated seriously and may lead to appropriate disciplinary action the school senior management and teaching staff will take positive action to prepare pupils to live and work harmoniously in an equal opportunity-multicultural society.
THE SCHOOL DAY Morning Session: 8.50am – 11.50am Nursery Morning: 8.50am – 11.30am
Afternoon Session 12.50pm – 3.20pm Nursery Afternoon: 12.45pm – 3.10pm
TUITION TIME (excluding registration, breaks and assembly) INFANTS 22.5 hours
JUNIORS 23.5 hours
In the morning children should not be on the school premises before 8.40 am. Similarly, those who go home to lunch should not return before 12.45pm. This is especially important throughout the winter and on wet days, when supervision becomes particularly difficult. In order that we start the day efficiently please ensure that your child is punctual. SCHOOL TERM AND HOLIDAY DATES 2010 - 2011 TERM Summer 2010 Autumn 2010 Spring 2011 Summer 2011
TERM FROM th Monday 19 April st Wednesday 1 September rd Monday 3 January rd Tuesday 3 May
Inset days : -
MID TERM HOLIDAYS FROM TO st th Monday 31 Friday 4 June May th th Monday 25 Friday 29 October October st th Monday 21 Friday 25 February February th rd Monday 30 Friday 3 June May
TERM ENDS Wednesday st 21 July th Friday 17 December th Friday 15 April st Thursday 21 July
Wednesday 1 September 2010 nd Friday 22 October 2010 th Tuesday 4 January 2011
A letter or telephone call will normally secure an early appointment with the Headteacher. Whilst every effort will be made to see parents arriving unexpectedly, there will be occasions when this is not possible.
An appointment can usually be made to see your child’s class teacher at the beginning or end of the school day.
Information letters are sent regularly to parents. We also use a TEXT messaging service to remind parents of school events or when there is a change of circumstance such as after school clubs having to be cancelled.
Minutes of Governors’ meetings, school and LEA policies, National Curriculum documents and other circulars are available to parents. Please make an appointment with the Headteacher.
If you have a complaint relating to Curriculum, Religious Education or Religious Worship or any other matter the LEA has prepared a formal Complaints procedures copies of which are available from the school, the Education Department or the Public Library. In the event of any complaint you should first try to resolve the matter by making an appointment to discuss it with the Headteacher. Further advice may be obtained from the Education Department, Parent and Governor Unit, County Hall. (Telephone: 01792 636000).
SECURITY Once the children are inside the buildings at the start of the school day access is only possible through the main front door. The advice of the Fire Safety Officer has been sought to ensure that the building can be evacuated effectively in the event of a fire. All visitors are asked to report and sign out at the School Office where a security pass is issued for anyone who needs to visit areas where the children are working. ABSENCES Please let us know by telephone on the first day of your child’s absence. We have a dedicated voicemail for this, please call 01792 205462. After any absence, we would appreciate a letter of explanation being sent to your child’s class teacher. When parents wish to withdraw their children during the school day in order to keep an appointment with a Doctor, Dentist etc, a written request in advance would be appreciated. Children will not be allowed to leave school unaccompanied during the school day. It is hoped that children will not be absent during term time. However, where family holidays cannot be fitted into the school vacation, requests can be made for leave of absence for children to accompany their parents on holiday for up to ten school days. Forms are available from the School Office for this purpose. ILLNESS OR ACCIDENT a.
There are limited facilities for caring for sick children. First Aid treatment is available in the event of injury. During the lunchtime break, illness or accidents are dealt with by lunchtime supervisors, who refer to the Headteacher, Deputy Head or our qualified First Aiders when necessary.
Should it be considered necessary for a child to go home, or in the case of emergency, to hospital, parents will be contacted by telephone immediately.
Medicines are not normally administered at school, but in special cases of need (e.g. asthma) arrangements can be made with the Headteacher. In such cases, a request form needs to be completed and is available from the school office. The medicine must be in the original container clearly marked by the Dispensing Chemist. We also request that all medication is dropped off by an adult at the start of the school day and collected from the office by an adult at the end of the school day. No medicines are kept in classrooms other than asthma inhalers.
SUPPORT SERVICES Selective medical / hearing / vision inspections, organised by the School Health Service, are held during the year. Parents are always requested to be present at a medical examination. There are also regular visits by the School Dentist. UNIFORM We think of Parkland Primary School as a “united family” and we would like school uniform to be worn at all times. This gives a sense of belonging and identity and helps to alleviate pressure put on parents by children who wish to be dressed in the latest fashion. The recommended uniform is as follows: Bottle green sweatshirt with Parkland logo White blouse/shirt OR white polo shirt with Parkland logo. Grey trousers / grey skirt. Green and white cotton dress in Summer. We would recommend J & S The School Uniform Shop at 74 Tycoch Road, Sketty, Swansea. J & S operate a reward scheme with us and have recently provided P.E. equipment for our school (see Appendix F). Please ensure that all clothes are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated LUNCH AT SCHOOL Our menus take into account up to date nutritional advice and place emphasis on providing a balanced tasty meal. A vegetarian dish is made available each day (to order) and other dietary needs are catered for. We ask that payment for school meals is made in advance on the first morning of the week (usually Mondays). Please place the correct money in a sealed envelope on which is written your child’s name, class and amount enclosed. Cheques should be made payable to “City and County of Swansea” and require a cheque guarantee card number to be written on the back. Children who bring packed lunches, are looked after in the dining halls by lunch – time supervisors. REFRESHMENTS AT PLAYTIMES We discourage the children from bringing sweets, chocolates, biscuits or crisps to school. We have a Tuck Shop in Key Stage 2 where the children can purchase fresh fruit and milk. The cost is 20p per item, per day. In Early Years and Key Stage 1 there are different arrangements for ‘Healthy Snacks’ depending on the class. Your class teacher will inform you of these arrangements. Free milk is available at morning play for all children in Early Years and Key Stage 1.
1988 EDUCATION REFORM ACT – CHARGING POLICY The 1988 Education Reform Act makes it unlawful to charge for any activity (other than instrumental music provision) which takes part wholly or largely during school hours. The legislation permits voluntary contributions but makes it unlawful for Governors to discriminate between pupils on the basis of the voluntary contribution, or lack of it. Our Charging and Remissions contains further details on what is and is not allowed under the regulations. This document is available at the school. The Governing Body has decided that parents be invited to make voluntary contributions towards the benefit of the pupils or to support particular activities, for example educational visits, in order to offset transport costs and entrance fees. The Governors have agreed to the setting up of a “Parkland School Fund” account, which helps to subsidise events planned by the school. This is intended as a back-up on activities held during the year. The Parents’ Association contributes significantly to this fund. LINKS WITH SECONDARY SCHOOLS The transfer from primary to secondary school is a critical point in a pupil’s education. In our links with our partner secondary schools we endeavour to ease the transition socially and academically through regular contact and visits for our children. Our main partnership school is Olchfa Comprehensive School. Olchfa, Parkland and feeder schools have developed a very detailed Transition Plan ensuring seamless continuity for our pupils. Our Transition arrangements have been recognised with a national award. The information contained in this prospectus is correct and up-to-date at the time of printing. Some adjustment/re-arrangements of provision may be necessary for the school year 2009/2010.
APPENDIX A Parkland Primary School Key Stage 1 School 2010 & Wales 2009 Results All figures are percentages of pupils in Year 2 NATIONAL CURRICULUM LEVELS W 1 2 3 2+
School 2010
Wales 2009
School 2010
Wales 2009
School 2010
Wales 2009
Core Subject Indicator
Key: D W N
Pupils who have been disapplied under Sections 364 and 365 of the Education Act 1996 Represents working towards Level 1 Not awarded a level for reasons other that disapplication
Represents Levels 2 and above
Parkland Primary School Key Stage 2 School 2010 & Wales 2009 Results All figures are percentages of pupils in Year 6
School 2010 Wales 2009 School 2010 Wales 2009 School 2010 Wales 2009
N 0 0 0 -
D 0 0 0 0 0 0
NO1 0 1 0 1 0 1
NO2 0 1 0 1 0 1
Core Subject
NO3 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 2 1 2 1 2 0
Indicator *
NATIONAL CURRICULUM LEVELS 2 3 4 5 6+ 4+ 83 2 12 57 26 0 81 3 16 53 28 0 90 9 12 53 36 0 83 14 15 53 29 0 83 16 7 60 22 0 86 11 11 56 31 0
Key: D N NO1,2,3 *
Pupils who have been disapplied under Sections 364 and 365 of the Education Act 1996 Pupils who have failed to register a level for reasons other than absence National Curriculum Outcome 1,2 & 3 Represents % of pupils achieving Level 4 or above in English, Mathematics and Science in combination
Not exactly zero
The table given below shows percentage attendance for each year group:
92.3 91.8 93.2
90.5 90.6 90.5
94.8 93.7 93.3
92.9 92.9 94.4
94.9 95.0 93.7
91.8 93.2 91.4
Y6 93.7 92.4 92.3
The number of unauthorised absences expressed as a percentage of the total number of possible attendances in that term
0 0 0.2
0 0 0
Y2 0 0.2 0
Y3 0.1 0.1 0.3
Y4 0.4 0.1 0.1
Y5 0.1 0.2 0.1
Y6 0 0.2 0
If more applications have been received for any school than there are places available, the following order of priority will apply: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Children who are in the care of the Local Authority (LAC). Children who live within the school’s defined catchment area. Children who have a brother or sister attending the school at the date of their admission.* For entry to a community junior school, children attending a designated partner infant school but who live outside the catchment area of that school. Other children for whom a place has been requested for whom criteria 1 to 4 above do not apply.
*A brother or sister will be defined as a natural or legally adopted child of either parent living at the same address. In any circumstances in which there is one place available and the next eligible children are twins/triplets then the LEA will admit both/all children. In any one of 2 – 5 above, where admission requests exceed the places available priority will be given on the basis of walking distance between home and school as measured by the nearest available walking route, (measured by a computer programme) children living closest to the school having the highest priority. The measurements will be taken from outside the entrance to the property (house or flat) to the nearest official school entrance. *Note that schools have a duty to admit children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs who have been placed in a school by the LEA and these pupils are counted towards the number admitted up to the Admission Number unless they are placed in a Special Teaching facility with planned places.
Parkland After School Club _________________________________________________________________________
Headteacher: Mr M Christopher Parkland Primary School Tel: 01792 205462
Playleader: Mrs S Beynon
POLICIES AND PROCEDURES AIMS AND OBJECTIVES In line with the school's philosophy the aims and objectives of the club are as follows: +
provide and develop a reliable, affordable and quality child care facility, both before and after school;
offer parents a facility which will enable them to enhance their opportunity to participate more fully in the labour market;
provide a service that meets the varying needs of the community;
reduce the dangers that children may face without adequate care;
provide a relaxed, secure and happy environment rich in a variety of rewarding and carefully planned experiences, so that children learn, play, achieve and have fun;
The Club will be open every school day from 3.30 pm to 5.30 pm. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children will be collected from their classrooms and the older children will meet in the Hall. The children can be collected at any time from the club (Infant Room 1) up until 5.30 pm but it must be by a recognised adult. STAFF All staff will be appropriately qualified and police vetted. There will be at least one member of staff to every eight children. Children with special needs may necessitate a higher staff/child ratio. FEES The fees are ÂŁ4.00 per child per session, ÂŁ3.00 for any further children from the same family. Fees are usually paid in advance each half term. We are however prepared to be flexible about this, so if you prefer to pay for each session or week, this can be arranged. If you have paid for a session and are unable to use it, provided we are advised by 9.00am of the relevant day a credit will be given.
PREMISES There will be adequate space and areas for a variety of activities, indoors and outdoors. The premises will be childproof, safe, warm and light, with at least one toilet per ten children with separate staff facilities. FIRE PROCEDURES A fire drill will be carried out at the start of each term. All new staff and children will be advised of the procedure immediately. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES POLICIES The club is committed to offering this service to all members of the community on an equal basis, irrespective of ethnic origin, religion or ability. Girls and boys will be encouraged to take part in all activities. Children's preferences, not gender should be the deciding factor in what they do. ADMISSIONS POLICY Provided a place is available all children have an equal opportunity to apply for it. However, if the club is full a waiting list will be kept, on a first come, first served basis. The only exception to this is a child requiring a full time place will be given priority over a child requiring a part time place. HEALTH AND SAFETY The equipment will be checked regularly for safety and cleanliness. Children are not allowed in the kitchen area. Children will be required to wash their hands before eating. A nutritious snack will be provided. Special dietary needs will be taken into consideration and the food will be prepared in a clean and hygienic way. INSURANCE POLICIES There is an up to date comprehensive insurance. RECORDS AND REGISTRATION Detailed records of children will be kept confidentially. All emergency numbers and details of special needs will be available to the staff. A register will be kept of daily attendances. DISCIPLINE The staff will encourage positive behaviour and close team work. Any persistent disruptive behaviour will be reported to the playleader, who will consider what action would be necessary. Any suggestions or ideas from parents regarding the club will be welcome. Parents wishing to see for themselves how the club operates are welcome to call in at any time.