School Prospectus
Pennard Primary School Pennard Primary School Pennard Road Pennard Swansea SA3 2AD Headteacher: Mrs. Sharon Freeguard Tel: 01792 233343 Fax: 01792 234839 E-mail: Website: Age Range of Pupils: 3 – 11
A supportive community with a focus on life long learning
Pennard Primary School
Ysgol Gynradd Pennard
Headteacher\Pennaeth: Mrs. S. Freeguard, B.A. (Ed.) Hons.
Pennard Road Pennard Tel\Ffôn: (01792) 233343 Swansea Fax\Ffaxs: (01792) 23483 SA3 2AD E-mail: Web Site:
Dear Parents, Welcome to Pennard Primary School. The aim of this brochure is to introduce you to our school and to give you some information regarding its organisation. Pennard Primary School prides itself as being a supportive community with a focus on Life Long Learning. As such, all members of our school community – pupils, staff, parents and governors are committed to the maintenance of this principle. At Pennard we value good home school links. We place a high priority on establishing and maintaining positive relationships between staff, pupils and parents. We value your support and involvement in your child’s education during his or her stay at the school. We believe that this partnership is critical to providing the best opportunities for your child. The school provides a friendly environment for learning where each pupil is valued as an individual and is given every opportunity to achieve his or her potential. It has classes with relatively small numbers, is very well resourced – it is one of a very few primary schools with its own swimming pool and consistently attains above average results in National Curriculum assessments. The school offers a varied programme of extracurricular activities and offers a Breakfast Club (free of charge) which starts at 7.50am and an after school club (at a small charge) from 3.25pm until 5.20pm. I hope your child settles well in Pennard Primary School and that he or she has a happy and rewarding experience with us. I would be to discuss any points further if you have any queries. I look forward to meeting you. Yours sincerely, Mrs. Sharon Freeguard Headteacher
Pennard Primary School Ysgol Gynradd Pennard
Aims, Values and Principles Statement Our Mission Statement A supportive community where the focus is on life long learning Our Values
Relationships Courtesy Friendliness Mutual respect Tolerance Trust
Positive Confidence Fairness Mutual Support Partnership Self Esteem
Challenges Self-reflection Enjoyable Experiential Stimulating Independent Learning Lifelong Learning Our Aims
1. To provide a safe, stimulating and challenging learning environment. 2. To inspire good moral conduct and a sense of responsibility. 3. To nurture everyone’s health and well-being. 4. To create independent and autonomous learners. 5. To make school a happy place to learn and play.
DESCRIPTION OF PENNARD PRIMARY SCHOOL AND THE LOCAL AREA Pennard Primary is a well resourced school with approximately 207 pupils in the Nursery through to Year 6 classes. There is a morning and afternoon nursery session at present. The school has eight full-time teachers and one part-time teacher. A part-time support teacher assists children with statements and other pupils who have special needs. In addition there are ten learning support assistants. Each teacher has responsibility for co-ordinating specific curriculum subjects and/or various aspects of school life. The single storey school building, which is approximately 50 years old and in very good condition, offers flexible accommodation. In addition, to the main classrooms, we have a well stocked school library and an integral swimming pool. The large grounds of over two acres include playing fields, a playground, a nature reserve and meadow area. The school has extensively developed the grounds to provide healthy and stimulating learning opportunities for the children and the community. There is a varied programme of extracurricular activities. School teams have competed successfully in hockey, netball, skiing, athletics, rugby and swimming. The community offer activities such as pilates and yoga for adults. These activities are held in the main hall. Lunchtime activities include, gardening, drama and a choral group. Educational visits to nearby sites of environmental interest play an important role in enhancing the experience of our children. Pupils participate in residential programmes at Borfa House, Gower and Llangrannog, West Wales; and the locality is replete with historic and environmental possibilities for study. Pennard Primary maintains strong links with the local comprehensive school which most of our pupils choose to attend. Bishopston Comprehensive School is an excellent school which is one of the top schools in Wales. The two schools have over the years, developed a sound programme for ensuring the successful transition for our children from primary to secondary stage. The school enjoys a good relationship with parents, and an active P.T.A. provides excellent parental support for fund-raising and other school activities. Pennard Primary is located on the Gower Peninsula – the first area in Britain to be designated as a National Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The school serves villages with a combined population of 3,500. The rural village is eight miles from Swansea, and many amenities are available within a mile or so of the school. There are local shops including a chemist and a post office. A community library which is regularly used by Pennard Primary classes, a surgery, and the community hall are adjacent to the school. A golf club, playing fields and churches are nearby. Beautiful beaches, National Trust cliffs, and Pennard Castle are all within a mile of the school. The village is an active community with many organisations and clubs for all age groups. The facilities of the school are heavily used after school hours i.e. swimming courses and other activities.
School Information
School Organisation The school is organised into eight mixed ability single aged classes. The school also has a nursery. Attendance is on a part-time basis, currently consisting of a morning and an afternoon session. Children are admitted to the nursery after the child’s third birthday providing places exist. Children are admitted to full-time education in the September following their 4th birthday. We have a statutory requirement to observe the maximum number of children allowed in each year group (36). School doors are opened at 8.45am, and all children are expected to be in their classroom by 8.50am. Through careful organisation, we try to work as a family, where members have a sense of purpose, a sense of belonging and a feeling of being responsible to the school and to the community. We aim to provide work each day that is balanced, varied and suitable to the child’s ability and development. These experiences will help each child to learn to become useful members of the community. If you are unable to collect your child you must inform the school of the delay or provide information as to who will be collecting your child in your place. In this instance the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher will remain with your child until you arrive. The school day ends at 3.20 p.m. If a child is not collected on time then the school will follow then the agreed arrangements between the education and social services departments in respect of children who are not collected at the end of the school day.
TEACHING STAFF:- As from September, 2010 Mrs. Sharon Freeguard (Headteacher) Mr. Stuart Davies (Year 6 and Deputy Headteacher) Mr. Andrew Williams (Year 5) Miss Catherine Mabbett (Year 4) Mrs. Yvonne O’Driscoll (Year 3) Miss Hayley Dowding(Year 2) Mrs. Victoria Thomas (Year 1) Miss Clare Brown (Reception) Miss Victoria Walters (Nursery) Miss Gemma Grant (PPA and Support Teacher) SUPPORT STAFF:Mrs. Karen Head (Office Manager) Mrs. Tracy Davies (NNEB and HLTA) Mrs. Jackie Griffiths (LSA) Mrs. Karen Hocking (LSA) Mrs. Amanda Smyth (LSA) Miss Katie Morgan (LSA) Mrs. Julie Capewell (LSA) Miss Elizabeth Eynon (LSA) Miss Rebecca Thompson (LSA) Mr. Anthony Jones (LSA) Mrs. Connie Thomas (LSA) Mrs. Ruth Rees (LSA)
CARETAKER: Mr. Hugh Blackwood
COOK: Mrs. Jackie Thomas
LUNCHTIME SUPERVISORS: Mrs. Judith Gregory (Senior Supervisor) Mrs. Caroline Williams Mrs. Connie Thomas Mrs. Julie Capewell
CLEANERS: Mrs. Eileen Lewis Mrs. Judy Butler
SCHOOL HOURS MORNING SESSION (Key Stage 2 Department) (Foundation Phase)
8.50 a.m. – 11.50 a.m. 8.50 a.m. – 11.40 a.m.
12.50 a.m. - 3.20 p.m.
Nursery: - Morning Session:
8.50 a.m. - 11.20 a.m.
Afternoon Session:
12.50 p.m. - 3.20 p.m.
SCHOOL TERMS AND HOLIDAY DATES 2010 / 2011 ACADEMIC YEAR * This information has been taken from the City and County of Swansea website.
PASTORAL CARE, CHILD PROTECTION AND HEALTH AND SAFETY ARRANGEMENTS IN SCHOOL Pastoral care is the concern of all teachers with the Headteacher having overall responsibility. To ensure security, all visitors are asked to report to the school office which is located at the main entrance of the school. All exterior doors to the school are locked during school hours except to allow access to the playground at designated break times. If a pupil is taken ill during the day and it is felt the child needs to go home, then the parent or designated adult will be contacted by the Headteacher, Class Teacher or Learning Support Officer accordingly. Minor accidents are dealt with in school by the appropriate staff. Should further medical attention be required then again, parents will be contacted. In the event of a major accident, parents will be informed and the appropriate emergency services involved. Given suitable weather conditions all pupils are expected to go out to play at break times. If a child is well enough to attend school but not well enough to go outside, then a written request is required from parents for their child to stay in. Adequate supervisory arrangements are made during break and dinner times. •
Children are never allowed to leave the school grounds during the school day without written permission from a parent/guardian.
When collected, it must be by an adult known to the child. Hand over to parent/carer for infant children.
The school should be informed who will be collecting the child.
Junior children may not be hand to hand but all parties aware of arrangements at home time.
As soon as it is known that a child has left the premises without permission, it will be reported to the Headteacher.
The parent/guardian will be notified, the incident recorded and the police informed (if necessary).
Prescribed medication to be administered by the school - A copy of the form is available from the school office on request. Fire drills are held regularly. P.E. equipment is available in school and is used under supervision. The equipment is checked and repaired/replaced regularly. We liaise with other caring agencies where necessary and with other schools at times of transfer.
Child Protection Matters concerning Child Protection must be reported immediately to: Mrs. Sharon Freeguard Tel. 233343 Cllr. Jim Kelleher Tel. 518889 Mr. Stuart Davies Tel. 233343
Education Welfare Officers are employed by the City and County of Swansea. They work closely with the school to improve the attendance of pupils and provide a link with the social services in matters related to child welfare. Our Educational Welfare Officer is Mrs. Gabriella Gatica. The school may contact her if it is felt there are problems with regard to attendance or pastoral care.
Inclusion will be our aim at all times, for all our children, regardless of their ability – mental or physical. It is recognised that most children with SEN will be educated in mainstream classes alongside their peers and have a right to the full range of curriculum opportunities, including extra-curricular, as well as National Curriculum and Foundation Phase activities. To this end every effort will be made to provide work appropriate to the child, whether they are in need of learning support or display gifted qualities (refer to more able and talented Policy). •
The school is accessible to children in wheelchairs from the main entrance and the playground.
There are toilets which can be accessed by wheel chairs situated at the swimming pool. Showers are also available here.
There is a medical room where treatment could be undertaken.
ADMISSIONS POLICY We admit children from the age of three into the Early Years Unit. The maximum number of pupils admitted to each year group can be 36. This is a statutory requirement. When an application for a placement would result in this figure being exceeded, the application will be refused. However, the applicant may appeal against this decision by contacting the City and County of Swansea, Civic Centre, Oystermouth Road, Swansea, SA1 3SN.
HOME SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT: This is a written agreement which all parents are invited to sign. It states commitments by each party – governors, teachers, parents and children – which aim to foster the relationship between each group within the school community.
SCHOOL UNIFORM The school uniform is available for purchase from the school office. Whilst this not compulsory it is actively encouraged by the school. As articles of clothing often get mislaid, it would be appreciated if all your child’s clothing could be marked or labelled with his/her name.
SCHOOL COUNCIL Pennard School Council was set up in 2000 with the help of a millennium grant. It is made up of children from years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6. Since its start it has been instrumental in the refurbishment of school toilets, the installation of water dispensers in every classroom and the development of a healthy fruit tuck shop which offers fresh fruit every day. It is open to suggestions for future projects.
ATTENDANCE Full and punctual attendance is positively encouraged. If you child is absent a telephone call to explain the reason would be helpful. Also, when your child returns to school we request that you send a written explanation for the absence. You are required to apply in writing for permission to withdraw your child from school for holiday purposes. The 1991 Attendance Regulations allows a maximum of ten school days absence during a school year for this purpose. Any time over that is designated as an unauthorised absence. The school cannot condone the practice of children missing school to be taken on holiday. If, however, you wish to apply, you must do so using the application form which is available in the school office. The school is proud of its high figures of attendance.
Your child’s progress in school will be affected if you do not make sure that he or she attends school regularly. Regular attendance is vital for ensuring the best learning opportunities for your child.
WHAT PARENTS CAN DO 1. If you feel there is a problem speak with the Headteacher. 2. If your child is absent from school, contact the school on the first day. 3. Take an interest in your child’s education and be encouraging. 4. Support the school in any way you can. Get involved.
GENERAL SCHOOL CURRICULUM We are committed to equal opportunities within the structure of the school and equal access to learning for all our pupils, regardless of gender, race or any disability. Appropriate provisions will be made to ensure that children with disabilities are able to participate in the work and experience success. In keeping with Local Authority and National Curriculum and Foundation phase Guidelines, a broad, balanced and varied curriculum is followed, offering a wide range of experiences to meet the diverse needs of pupils. We identify children who are experiencing learning difficulties as early as we can, so that we can provide appropriate support whenever possible. This entails additional small group/individual help either in the classroom or in a designated area outside the classroom. This is provided for by our Support Teacher. In certain cases a pupil may be referred to the Local education authority for further advice and support. Parents are informed if a pupil’s progress is giving cause for concern, and they are invited to discuss the matter with either the Headteacher, the Special Needs Co-ordinator and/or support teacher. Key Stage 2 Subjects English, Mathematics, Science, Welsh, Design Technology, Information Communication Technology, History, Geography, Art and Design, Music, Physical Education, Personal and Social Education and Religious Education. Foundation Phase Areas of Learning Personal and Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity Language, Literacy and Communication Skills Mathematical Development Welsh Language Development Knowledge and Understanding of the World Physical Development Creative Development We strive to maintain high standards by preserving the best from traditional teaching methods while taking account of modern development in education practice and experiential learning. Much of the curriculum is covered through integrated themes or topics when it is believed knowledge skills, concepts and attitudes are more effectively learned in this way. Our school has extensive grounds with grass and hard play areas. We have cricket, football, rugby, netball pitches and an indoor swimming pool. There is a wide range of sporting activities undertaken during the year when children represent the school. These include swimming, rugby, hockey, cricket, netball, short tennis, athletics, gymnastics and cross-country. Swimming lessons are given to all pupils as part of the physical education curriculum. Any child taking part represents the school and this is regarded as a privilege equal to academic and artistic achievement. It also fosters spirit and the development of skills. We aim to give children of all abilities the opportunity to exercise regularly and to participate in competitive events. Two peripatetic music teachers visit the school to teach string, woodwind and brass instruments to Key Stage 2 children.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Religious Education is a compulsory element within the curriculum and is taught in accordance with the Authority’s agreed syllabus. Acts of collective worship are conducted daily incorporating Biblical / moral readings, hymns, spiritual reflection and prayers. Children are encouraged to participate in the services. Parents can, however, withdraw pupils from R.E. and assemblies, and appropriate supervisory arrangements will be made.
SEX EDUCATION The school considers that sex education should be taught as an integral part of a broad and balanced curriculum. It is taught as an on-going scheme throughout the school, through topics from the Science and Personal and Social Education elements of the curriculum.
Section 241 of the Education Act 1993 requires that parents (or persons with parental responsibility) of pupils at all maintained schools will have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of the sex education offered, except that which forms part of the National Curriculum. Whilst the Governing Body needs to be sensitive to such requests, especially to those made on religious grounds, consideration will be given in the light of whether it is possible to remove children from a subject in which elements of sex education will occur spontaneously as well as in a planned lesion. When a child is withdrawn from any part of the sex education programme, alternative pastoral arrangements will be made for the child by the class teacher.
POLICY DOCUMENTS The school has many policies, e.g. Teaching and Learning, subject areas, sex education, assessment, recording and reporting, behaviour, health and safety. Parents who are interested in reading any are welcome to view them at any time.
LIST OF POLICIES Curriculum Policies
Management/Admin Policies
Art Anti-Bullying Assessment, Recording and Reporting Behaviour Curriculum Curriculum Cymreig Design and Technology Disability Equality Scheme English as Additional Language Food Foundation Phase Geography History Homework ICT (inc safe use of images) Language Learning and Teaching Mathematics More able pupils Music Nature Reserve Handbook Philosophy Physical Education PSE RE School Prospectus Self Evaluation Science SEN Sex Education Staff Handbook Subject Leader File Swimming Pool Procedures Welsh
Attendance Charges and Remissions Policy Child Protection Complaints Procedure Continuing Professional Development Disciplinary Procedures Equal Opportunities Financial Management Procedures Health and Safety Home school partnership Induction Management of Leave of Absence Mentoring of Trainee Teachers Neglect Performance Management Racially motivated incidents Race Equality Rarely Cover Safeguarding Children Staff Handbook Teacher pay policy guidance Travel behaviour code Whistle blowing
EARLY YEARS UNIT The School Day Morning nursery begins 8.50 a.m. and ends 11.20 a.m. Reception starts at 8.50 a.m. and finishes at 3.20 p.m. (With a lunch break 11.40 a.m. – 12.50 p.m.) We aim to provide the children with a secure, caring and happy environment in which they can develop their social and physical skills, communicate confidently and create a positive self-image. Children learn most effectively through first hand experiences and we provide the opportunities for them to explore their world by stimulating their imagination, curiosity and aesthetic awareness. We recognise the importance of play which provides the foundation on which all learning is built. Structured play enables the children to gain the maximum learning and development in an enjoyable way.
Activities Swimming All children have the opportunity to go swimming. They will need bathers, towel and hat. Parental help at these sessions is always welcome.
P.E. For these lessons they will need a T-shirt and shorts in a named bag.
Helping to prepare your child for school Try to develop their independence by encouraging them to:
• Dress and undress • Tidy up • Use the toilet unaided • Hold and use a knife and fork correctly • Accept short periods of supervision an adult other then immediate family
Activities to share with your child: •
Talking and listening
Reciting nursery rhymes, singing songs and reading books
Dressing-up and role play
Laying the table and matching cups and saucers
Sorting objects
Tracing over patterns with finger
Making patterns in sand or shaving foam
Exploring a range of writing/painting materials to make marks on paper
The school considers good home school links essential and views education as a partnership between home and school. Regular newsletters are sent home informing parents of events and activities that take place in school. Parents and pupils are invited to visit the school prior to their admission. Also, meetings are arranged for parents in June or July for pupils entering Nursery and Reception years in September when they are given the opportunity to meet the Early Years staff, Headteacher and Chair of Governors.
Parental interviews are held three times a year as follows:a) Early in the school year (September or October) to give parents a chance to meet the new class teacher and to see how their child has settled in to the new class. It also gives parents an opportunity to give the class teacher any information about their child (Medical, social, etc.) that they think would be useful. b) Around the half-term of the spring term, parents are invited to take up appointments with the class teacher to discuss the progress and look at the standards of work. c) Detailed reports are issued towards the end of the summer term based on the class teacher’s assessment of the child’s attainments and achievements throughout the year. After receiving the report parents are given an opportunity to discuss the report with the class teacher. Also, meetings for parents are held from time to time to discuss educational issues. Parents at parents evening are asked to take part in a survey to assist in the school’s self-evaluation process, all of which help raise standards in the school and make Pennard primary a better place to be. Parents are welcome into school at any time at the end of the day to see the teacher. However, if a longer time is required for a detailed meeting then it would be mutually beneficial to arrange an agreed meeting time. This would ensure that the matter could be given full consideration. The headteacher is always happy to meet with parents.
What to do if you have a complaint
Please Note : This is not the full version of the school’s Complaints Policy. The full version is available in the Documents section of the School’s website, at In most instances concerns are resolved promptly by either the class teacher or Headteacher, both of whom make every effort to see the parent as soon as possible. However, we have agreed that it is appropriate to set out a procedure outlining the way in which we propose to handle the various approaches which parents may make to the school. The procedure for dealing with such general complaints is as a series of stages. These stages are designed to ensure that every effort is made to deal with complaints informally in partnership with the complainant.
Stage 1 •
Approach the class teacher or whoever may be concerned who will either deal with the matter immediately or ask you to return at a more convenient time.
Stage 2 •
If the matter has not been addressed by the next day, you may wish to approach the Headteacher.
On the day of receipt of the letter the Headteacher will either:•
Reply fully
Telephone you and invite you to come in and talk over the matter
Acknowledge the receipt of your letter if additional time is needed to investigate the matter, stating a timescale in which she expects to be in a position to make a full response.
Stage 3 • If there is no satisfactory conclusion within an agreed time, the matter may be referred to the Chair of Governors. We appreciate the concerns if you have a complaint which you cannot resolve with the Headteacher, the LEA has prepared a formal complaints procedure, a copy of which is available from the school, or the Education Department, City and County of Swansea, County Hall, Oystermouth Road, Swansea, SA1 3S, Telephone Number 01792 636000.
Charges School Meals are cooked and served on the premises. They cost £1.90 per day - £9.50 per week. They must be paid for in advance, every Monday. We ask you to send the amount owed in a named envelope and to place it in a marked container in your child’s class. Cheques are the preferred method of payment and should be made payable to “City and County of Swansea”. Parents will be asked to make voluntary contributions for the benefit of the school or to support particular activities, for example, educational visits in order to offset transport cost and entrance fees.
PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION The School has the excellent support of an active Parent Teacher Association. All parents and staff are automatically members of the PTA. It organises a number of educational, social and fund raising events throughout the year. The PTA holds regular meetings and it is always keen for parents to help in organising and supporting its events. . Parents and friends in the community are welcomed into the school to help staff and pupils in a variety of ways. Anyone who would be interested in helping in school should contact the Headteacher or a member of staff.
List of Governors by Type Governor
Type of Governor
Cllr. Jim Kelleher Tel. 518889
LEA - Chair of Governors
Sharon Freeguard
Julia Llewelyn
Community Council
Chris Hughes
Pam Hopkins
Geoff David
Co-opted – Vice Chair
Cllr. Margaret Smith
Cllr. Rene Kinzett
Karen Hocking
Anthony Barker
Karen Ward-Manning
Tracy Brady
Julie Capewell
Support Staff
Victoria Walters
Teacher Representative
Clerk to Governors
Mrs Karen Head Pennard Primary School Pennard Road Pennard Swansea SA3 2AD