School Mission Statement
To happily learn together in a fair and caring school community, achieving our best at all times.
The start of educational life at Pontybrenin Primary School
The school was last inspected during Autumn Term 2003. The staff and Governing Body are very pleased with the inspection report, which praises many aspects of the school. A copy of this inspection report is available from the school office.
Glyn Rhosyn Belgrave Road Gorseinon SA4 6HX
Tel: (01792) 891151 Fax: (01792) 891053 E-mail: Web Site: GOVERNING BODY:
Mr D Huxtable Mr J Lewis
LEA Representatives Mr J Lewis Mr D Huxtable Mrs D Jones Vacancy
Teacher Governors Mrs H Jones Miss J Davies
Parent Governors Mr C Thomas Mr M Ridgeway Mrs A Cutliffe Mrs S John Ms K Jones
Community Governors Mr T Shevlin Mr R Keenan Mrs V U Jeffreys Mr D Lloyd-Jones
Associate Staff Governor Mrs B James
Additional Community Governor Cllr W Evans
Mrs P Collins
Mr P S Williams
Miss S Price
Miss E Davies Mrs H Rowe Mrs J Rees Mrs A Davies Miss K Anthony Mrs H Jones Mrs Y Bolt
Mr R Jones Mrs G John Miss J Davies Mrs T Matthews Miss S Dennis Miss L Alexander
Mrs N Rees Mrs A L Jones Mrs B James Mrs P Collins Mrs K Pugh Mrs C Dolecki Mrs J Crook Mrs S Davies
N.N.E.B. N.N.E.B. Office Office L.S.A. L.S.A. L.S.A. L.S.A.
Chairman Vice-Chairman
Miss H Jones L.S.A. Mrs D Crocker L.S.A. Mrs L Bainbridge L.S.A. Miss R Masters L.S.A. Mr G Peters L.S.A. Mr R Gubb Mrs M Watts Cook-in-Charge Mrs A Davies Kitchen Assistant Mrs S Rees Kitchen Assistant
Mrs M Shanks Mrs M Berisford, Mrs P Evans, Mrs S Davies, Mrs N Thomas, Mrs D Donaldson, Mrs S Watts Mrs D Crocker, Mrs P Woodhams Mrs J Thomas Mrs S Rees, Mrs V Mathias, Miss R Lewis
County Primary - Mixed
3 - 11 years 254 Full Time, 38 Part Time
LOCATION OF SCHOOL The school, which was opened in 1977, is situated off Glyn Rhosyn, not far from the main Llanelli to Swansea road. The main building is of a single storey construction. There are also two newer classrooms, a self contained Nursery and an all-purpose hall. There are substantial hard and grass play areas. The school serves a reasonably compact area of mainly private housing. It has, at present, besides the headteacher, 9 full time teachers and 4 part-time teachers, of which one is a Support Teacher, one who provides PPA (Planning, Preparation and Assessment) for teaching staff and two who have a class on a job share basis.
SCHOOL TIMES Morning session Nursery (A.M.) Afternoon Session Nursery (P.M.)
8.50 a.m. - 12.00 noon 8.50 a.m. - 11.20 a.m. 12.55 p.m. - 3.20 p.m. 12.50 p.m. - 3.20 p.m.
Every effort should be made to ensure that pupils are punctual in the morning, and are met on time at the end of the school day. The school has an excellent safety record. In this regard, parents are earnestly requested:NOT TO BRING/SEND THEIR CHILDREN TO SCHOOL BEFORE 8.40 a.m. NOT TO BRING CARS/VANS ONTO THE SCHOOL PREMISES. Parking restrictions apply on the road leading into the school, so PLEASE, IN THE INTERESTS OF SAFETY, DO NOT PARK ON THIS ROAD.
ADMISSIONS We are always pleased to welcome a visit from parents who are considering a place for their child at this school. At the present all children living within a school's defined area will be accommodated at the school following the parents' written request for a catchment place. Preferred Placement requests will be granted where there are places available. The Headteacher is delegated the responsibility of admitting pupils (in any year group) up to the planned admission limit which is 42. If there are more admission placement requests than places available, the following LEA arrangements will apply: Admission Criteria – Community Schools 1. Children who are in the care of the Local Authority (LAC). 2. Children who live within the school’s defined catchment area. 3. Children who have a brother or sister attending the school at the date of their admission.* 4. For entry to a community junior school, children attending a designated infant feeder school but who live outside the catchment area. 5. Other children for whom a place has been requested for whom criteria 1 to 4 above do not apply. *A brother or sister will be defined as a natural or legally adopted child of either parent living at the same address. In ant circumstances in which there is one place available and the next eligible children are twins/triplets then the LEA will admit both/all children.
In any of 2 - 5 above, where admission requests exceed the places available priority will be given on the basis of walking distance between home and school as measured by the nearest available walking route, (measured by a computer programme) children living closest to the school having the highest priority. The measurements will be taken from outside the entrance to the property (house or flat) to the nearest official school entrance. *Note that school have a duty to admit children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs who have been placed in a school by the LEA and these pupils are counted towards the number admitted up to the Admission Number unless they are placed in a Special Teaching facility with planned places.
Requests for children to transfer between schools at periods other than the normal transfer age will be determined by applying the above admission criteria. The L.E.A. will not provide transport or make any contribution towards transport costs for children admitted from outside the school’s defined catchment area. However, if the catchment area school is full in the year group, transport will be provided to the next nearest school with room if that school is more than 2 miles from home. Admission Procedures – Community Schools Parents will be asked to apply in writing, for a place for their child at the catchment school or to state a preference for an alternative placement using the Admissions form. 4
Parents who wish to express a preference for an alternative placement should apply to the preferred school using the admissions application form. Requests for admission will be granted provided there are places available. Where admission requests exceed the number of places available, as determined by the published Admission number, applications will be allocated by applying the LEA’a admission criteria. Children attending the nursery class who live outside the defined catchment area will not have an automatic right of admission to full time education at the same school. Parents will need to request a place along with other applicants. Although the LEA permits pupils to start Reception full time at the start of the year in which they become five, the law does not require a child to start school until the start of term following the child’s fifth birthday. Therefore, if a parent of a reception child wishes to defer entry until later in the school year a place must be allocated to this child and this place is not available to be offered to another child. Entry cannot however be deferred beyond the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday nor beyond the academic year for which the original application was accepted. Similarly, children transferring from primary to secondary education do not have an automatic right of admission to any school other than the catchment area school. There is a statutory limit of 30 for all Infant classes.
SCHOOL AIMS The Headteacher and staff combine: to create a happy and safe school environment which will promote the intellectual, emotional, physical, social, moral and spiritual development of each child to the maximum of his or her potential. to foster in every child a desire for learning and to encourage that learning through the acquisition of skills, concepts and knowledge which are within the National Curriculum. to educate every child to become a responsible member of society, especially the community in which he or she lives.
SCHOOL ORGANISATION Classes are presently organised in single and mixed age groups as follows:Nursery (am) Junior Year Three Nursery (pm) Junior Year Four/Three Reception Junior Year Four Infants Year One Junior Year Five/Four Infants Year Two/One Junior Year Six Infants Year Two Split year groups are classified chronologically.
GENERAL SCHOOL CURRICULUM The main curriculum areas are:♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
The development of language in all its forms including speaking, listening, reading and writing, and an appreciation of literature. The development of numerical skills and mathematical knowledge through calculating, measuring, estimating and recording. The development of natural and physical science using the skills of observation, evaluation and recording through a method of enquiry. To enable children to discover more about themselves and their relationships with others through religious and moral education, history and geography.
IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NATIONAL CURRICULUM The National Curriculum is delivered in accordance with Section 4 of the Education Reform Act 1988 and in accordance with the Authority's Policy Statement for the Curriculum. The National Curriculum consists of: Core Subjects Foundation Subjects
English, Mathematics and Science Welsh as a Second Language, Geography, History, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education, Design Technology, Information Communication Technology, Art.
The curriculum changed in 2008 to incorporate more skills. Skills based planning now incorporates thinking, communication, Mathematical and ICT skills. Other areas of the curriculum such as Personal and Social Education and Cwricwlwm Cymreig are integrated into the whole curriculum.
CURRICULAR AIMS It is our aim to provide pupils with the National Curriculum by teaching through a 'cross-curricular' thematic approach. This teaching will be: BROAD
by introducing the children to a wide range of knowledge, concepts, attitudes and skills.
each aspect will be given sufficient time.
the subjects will be taught so as to bring out their applications to the pupil's experiences.
what is taught will be matched to pupils abilities and aptitudes.
the National Curriculum will provide this continuity.
To encourage creative and imaginative development through music, art, craft, drama and physical education. 6
WELSH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Welsh is taught as a second language as part of the National Curriculum, with emphasis on conversational fluency in preparation for further development in the secondary school. It is vital that pupils learning Welsh as a second language hear and see Welsh as a natural part of their environment and are given opportunities to develop at their own pace.
SCHOOL DISCIPLINE AND RULES The school aims to create a community, which is friendly and caring, with high expectations of good behaviour based on self-discipline and respect for others. Everyone within the school is expected to behave in a reasonable and co-operative way at all times. The children are provided with school and class rules that help to achieve these objectives. The ‘Golden Rules’ for the school are: Do be gentle
Do not hurt anybody
Do be kind and helpful
Do not hurt people’s feelings
Do work hard Do look after property
Do not waste your or other people’s time Do not waste or damage things
Do listen to people
Do not interrupt
Do be honest
Do not cover up the truth
The school aims to reward positive behaviour and discourage negative behaviour. Any form of bullying is not tolerated. The school possesses an Anti-Bullying Policy. Punishments may involve loss of privilege. If persistent misbehaviour occurs parents are contacted. The school expects the home to work with the school in overcoming behavioural problems that might arise.
HOME – SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT Further pupil expectations, including those of the school and home, are contained in the home/school partnership agreement. This is issued annually to those pupils joining the school on a full-time basis. A copy of this agreement can be obtained from the school office.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION It is a statutory requirement that Religious Education be provided for all registered pupils. R.E. is taught following the County Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. The school policy based on this syllabus and is available for inspection at the school. Pupils visit places of worship in connection with themes being studied in their classroom. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from R.E. lessons on conscience grounds. If a parent wishes to exercise this right they must notify the school so that different arrangements may be made for their child. 7
COLLECTIVE WORSHIP It is a statutory requirement that there is a daily act of collective worship. This takes place during Monday morning assembly. Whole school collective worship takes place on a Friday. The Infant and Junior Departments have separate morning worship. A recognition assembly where pupil achievement is recognised takes place on a Friday. All staff are involved in taking collective worship. The school has established good working relationships with local churches and chapels and it is a privilege to welcome clergy and lay representatives into the school to take morning worship. The conscience clause mentioned above also applies to collective worship.
SEX EDUCATION The Sex Education Policy Document for this School, approved by the Governing Body, is available for inspection at any time. Parents also have the opportunity to see teaching materials particularly when new items are introduced. Any questions by the pupils are dealt with in a factual and sensitive manner. Certain aspects are also covered as part of the Science syllabus. Children's questions about sex which arise naturally from such study are answered plainly and truthfully. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of the Sex Education programme. The principles on which the policy is based are that the whole person should be developed within a framework of moral values, that the learner's education is a process shared with the family and that central to the learner's development is the growth of self knowledge, self-esteem and confidence. At Pontybrenin Primary School we aim to:
help children become self-reliant, self-respecting and responsible adults; develop a personal moral code sensitive to the needs of others promote equality of opportunity and respect for all people irrespective of race, gender, disability and creed
RECORDING OF PUPIL'S PROGRESS Assessment is an ongoing process and teacher assessment will provide the essential information for parents and other schools when required. National Curriculum Assessment consists of two elements:Teacher Assessments at the end of KS1 and KS2 These are internal assessments that are used during a child’s time at the school so that teachers can track the progress of their pupils. NFER (National Foundation for Educational Research) are also undertaken from Y1 – Y6 on an annual basis.
SPECIAL NEEDS PROVISION The staff are committed to ensuring every child receives their entitlement to a broad, balanced curriculum. Staff involve parents at a very early stage when learning difficulties are identified and work in partnership with them. Class teachers work closely with the Special Needs Co-ordinator within the school, to identify difficulties, plan strategies, establish targets and review progress on a regular basis. All children who are identified having special educational needs have an Individual Educational Programme (I.E.P.) that are working plans for the way forward. In line with County procedures the school operates a graduated response process for children identified with special educational needs. Children are designated at School Action or School Action Plus. At the School Action Stage the school identifies specific educational needs and provision is planned in response to internal assessments. At the School Action Plus Stage the school will consult with outside agencies. Formal assessment for a Statement of Education Needs occurs at this School Action Plus Stage. The school psychologist provides a consultative role during this process. Also if learning difficulties are of a more complex nature, the Support Services are called upon to visit the school and offer guidance to staff, parents and the children concerned so that the needs of the child may be best met. Further explanation of special educational needs provision can be found in the school’s policy statement that is available from the school office.
EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES People should recognise the importance of religious beliefs and moral values as the main integrating force within individuals and society. Pupils are encouraged to respect the dignity of the individual and to understand his or her needs, irrespective of religion, race, nationality, colour or sex. We believe that an awareness of equal opportunities leads to good educational practice, including the review of teaching methods and materials. We aim: • • •
To promote equality of opportunity and respect for all men and women irrespective of race and sex. To develop respect for and tolerance of people of different gender, race, religion and way of life. The Governors and staff welcome staff, parents and pupils with disabilities into the school.
CATERING FOR THOSE WITH DISABILITIES The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a disabled person as one who has “a physical or mental impairment, which has substantial and long term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities”. The Governing Body recognises that as far as possible, pupils with special needs should join in with everyday activities with other pupils (subject to certain conditions set out in Section 161(4) of the Education Act 1993). The school building is on one level and the school office and headteacher’s room can be found near the main entrance. At present the school does present difficulties for wheelchair users. There are no ramps or disabled toilets. Some of the doorways are also too narrow to accommodate wheelchairs. However, wheelchair users are most welcome to visit the school and should contact the headteacher to receive advice and help to enter the building. While the school operates a ‘no dog’ policy disabled people accompanied by a guide dog are most welcome. Parents or visitors who have difficulties understanding, or presenting oral or written communication can arrange for the provision of alternative methods (e.g. large print copies, meetings, etc.). The person concerned, or their appointed representative, should contact the headteacher to discuss arrangements.
PASTORAL CARE ARRANGEMENTS Supervision During classroom lessons teaching staff exercise standard care and supervision. In some instances Teaching Assistants help in this area of supervision. During the morning and afternoon breaks the teaching staff also supervises children. Supervisory Assistants supervise the children during the lunch break. The headteacher, and in his absence, the Deputy Headteacher, also involve themselves in supervising the children at lunchtime and when the children arrive and leave the school premises. Absences It is advisable that parents should send explanatory notes to the school when a child has been absent. Requests for leave of absence i.e. holiday, may only be considered when a request, on the appropriate form (available from the school office) has been made. If a child has to leave school before the end of the day, the time and arrangements for collecting the child should be clearly stated. It is important that when a child moves to another school, the Headteacher should be informed so that the relevant records can be forwarded. Accidents Any child suffering a minor accident in school will receive first aid in school by trained First Aiders. Comprehensive first aid boxes are kept at the school, although the use 10
of drugs and creams is not permitted. A child who sustains a serious accident will be taken to the Casualty Department at Morriston Hospital and the parents informed immediately. Parents will also be contacted if the child feels unwell and wishes to go home. Medication Policy Any request for the administration of medicine must be on a specific form, obtainable from the school office. No medication will be administered without the completion of this form. Please ensure that all medicines sent to school are as dispensed by the pharmacist i.e. in the original bottle/box with the original label. Health Services The School Medical and Dental Officers visit the school. Parents will be informed of these visits and of any follow-up arrangements. The School Nurse and Audio Nurse also visit the School to conduct eye and hearing tests. EATING ARRANGEMENTS The Welsh Assembly Government made a commitment to provide for all children of primary school age registered in maintained primary schools in Wales to have a free, healthy breakfast at school each day. This scheme is intended to improve the health and concentration of children to assist in the raising of standards of learning and attainment, and will seek to involve parents/guardians. It is not intended to replace breakfast already provided by parents/guardians, but to allow those children, who for whatever reason have not had breakfast at home, to have one in school. We have introduced this initiative in Pontybrenin Primary and it runs every morning from 8.00 – 8.50 am. School dinners are provided and cooked on the premises. Dinner money is payable on Monday for the week ahead. Please ensure that dinner money is placed in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, class, and amount written on the front. Weekly dinner menus can be obtained from the school office. Children who bring a packed lunch are accommodated in the school hall. For safety reasons please do not give your child any drinks in glass containers to bring to school. Children having sandwiches are encouraged to take home their ‘left overs’ so that parents have some indication of what has been consumed. To encourage healthy eating the school does not allow snacks to be consumed during playtimes. The school has a fruit tuck shop that sells fruit during morning break. Pupils may bring their own fruit to eat at that time if they so wish.
SCHOOL UNIFORM We have a school uniform. The skirt and trousers are grey, a white polo shirt, and sweatshirts are maroon in colour. Year six pupils wear a black hooded top.
As indicated in the Sport section children are expected to change into suitable clothing for P.E. and Games. Infants
All nursery and infant pupils must change to pants and vest or shorts and T-shirts for P.E. lessons.
Shorts and T-shirts for P.E.
Track suits may help easy dressing on these days. Matching maroon jogging bottoms may be worn as an alternative to the grey skirt and grey trousers. The school is looking at ways to improve the range of garments and offer choices in the way they are purchased. Please contact the school office with regard to ordering school uniform. Governors have made uniform policy for school life. Pupils are expected to be dressed appropriately when representing the school at special ceremonies and public performances. As with all personal property it is strongly advised that all articles of clothing should be clearly marked or labelled with the name of the owner, as the school cannot accept responsibility for the loss of such items. For safety reasons jewellery is best left at home. If jewellery does constitute a risk pupils will be asked to remove it especially during P.E. or Games lessons. Watches are worn at the child’s own risk. If a child has pieced ears then they should wear small studs to minimize the risk of ear lobes being torn as they move around the school or play in the yard.
EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Concerts All children have the opportunity to participate in special concerts during the year, e.g. Christmas, St. David's Day, Harvest, etc. The limitations for space in the school hall means that some of these concerts take place at outside venues. Sporting Aims and Activities Sport at Pontybrenin Primary School is viewed as contributing to a happy and motivating school environment. It provides the opportunity not only to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles but also to develop positive attitudes embraced in the school philosophy. To this extent the following aims have been identified: • • • •
To provide a range of physical activities that have short-term and sustained levels of exercise. To make pupils aware of the effects of exercise on the body such as the development of health, muscular strength, and the need for personal hygiene. To develop the sense of belonging and participation in team activities. To promote positive conventions such as fair play, honest competition and good sporting behaviour as individual participants team members and spectators. 12
To ensure safe practices in physical activities by establishing a safety ethos that emphasises the importance of; listening to instructions, following rules, wearing appropriate clothing and footwear, removing jewellery that is a safety risk to oneself and others, how to lift, transport, use and store equipment safely, warm up and recovery from exercise activities.
Physical Education lessons take place in the school hall. It possesses a good range of equipment, some of which has been bought by the P.T.A. Games also are played in the school hall, and on the school yard. Weather permitting the grassed area is also used. In the summer term Sports Days are held for infant and junior pupils. The school has played competitively against local Primary schools in the following sports: soccer, cricket, rugby, netball, rounders, hockey and cross-country. In the main these matches take place after school and are organised on a friendly basis and not part of any league structure. The school teams are well supported by parents who help in transportation arrangements for away games. Most staff have gained appropriate coaching qualifications, and some have also represented their respective sports at a local and national level. Junior pupils attend swimming lesson at Penyrheol Leisure Centre. It is part of the school philosophy that all children be given the opportunity to access these activities, at the appropriate level, irrespective of race and sex. Educational Visits Each class makes a number of local visits during the school year, which are linked with their class projects. Charging Policy For School Activities The school is only permitted to ask parents for voluntary contributions towards the cost of visits during school hours. The visits are of an educational nature linked to class projects, but unfortunately cannot take place if not supported by all parents. Charges may be made for board and lodging on any residential courses. Any parents in receipt of certain benefits may be eligible to claim exemption. Inidvidual Pupil Targets The class teacher sets pupils individual targets and parents are asked to support these. Parental Involvement Parents are welcome to visit the school at any time to discuss their child's progress or welfare. Formal parental meetings are arranged twice during the course of the year, during the Autumn and Spring terms. Parents will be notified of these meetings by pupil post and notices. An annual printed report is given for all children during the Summer Term. There is a Parent Teacher Association that has provided additional equipment and 13
facilities for the school. Every parent is automatically a member of the PTA. The PTA committee welcomes all parents to attend their meetings that are advertised at the school. The school has established a "Helping Hands" scheme that involves parents coming in to school every week to work within the classroom. They take part in various class activities ranging from listening to children read, artwork, science investigations, school trips and school concerts. The staff is enormously indebted to these parents who freely give their time to support the school in this way. We look forward to welcoming any parents/grandparents who have a little time to spare, on a regular basis, to come and join us. Information relating to parental involvement can be found on the notice board under the rear-covered area at the back of the school. Individual posters for information also appear at the front of the school. All parents/grandparents will be subject to a CRB check if they come into school on a regular basis. General Guidance Would you please send dinner money/trip money etc. in separate sealed envelopes showing the child's name, class and amount on the front. Please do not distract children by tapping on the windows while lessons are in progress. Parents are asked not to enter classrooms without an appointment.
SECURITY AND SAFETY MEASURES (in addition to those mentioned elsewhere) Nursery and Infant children must be brought to school and collected at the end of the school day by responsible adults. The class teacher must be informed about the arrangements for collecting children. The school operates a single entry system and all visitors to the school should report to the school office. Visitors arriving at the school by car are requested to exercise great care for the safety of parents and pupils walking to and from school. Car owners parking near the school are also urged to be considerate to local residents using the roads around the school. No dogs are allowed on the school premises (except guide dogs). Smoking is also prohibited on school property. All the children and staff take part in regular emergency evacuation of the building i.e. fire drill. Please note that the school cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage of personal belongings. Parents are strongly advised to label their children’s clothes and other personal property. Pupils are not allowed to bring mobile phones to school.
SCHOOL LIBRARY To engender a love of books, all children are encouraged to use the library as fully as possible and they are able to select and take home a book each week. A home reading support scheme is organised by staff for pupils at infant stages. The PTA has given money to build up both Infant and Junior sections. Used books, in good condition, will be most acceptable. Bookfairs are also held periodically throughout the 14
year. The school has good links with Gorseinon Library and certain classes visit every three weeks to borrow books.
HOMEWORK POLICY The school has a Homework Policy. At Junior Level (Key Stage 2) homework relevant to classwork e.g. spelling, handwriting, language activities, research work, tables and mathematics is given to reinforce work carried out in school. Homework will be set regularly once a week at Key Stage 2. In addition to the homework, extra activities may be carried out at home, at the discretion of the class teacher and request of pupils and parents. Homework will be given once a week at the Infant Stage (Key Stage 1). In addition there will be some activities for parents to do with their children e.g. using story sacks.
INFORMATION ABOUT HOW TO MAKE A COMPLAINT If you have a complaint under Section 23 of the Education Reform Act (relating to the Curriculum, Religious Worship) the L.E.A. has prepared a formal Complaints Procedure, a copy of which is available from the School, the Education Department or the Public Library. In the event of any complaint you should first try to resolve the matter by making an appointment to discuss the matter with the Headteacher. The Headteacher will investigate the complaint and report the findings to the parent. In the unlikely event of continued dissatisfaction the complaint has to be dealt with through the school’s Complaints Policy, which is available from the school office. Further advice may be obtained from the City and County of Swansea, Education Department, School & Governor Unit Tel. 636000
INSPECTION OF DOCUMENTS The following documents are available for inspection by arrangement with the Headteacher: ♦
any statutory instruments and circulars sent to schools by the Welsh Office about the powers and duties of Governing Bodies under Chapter 1 of Part 1 of the Education Reform Act( the curriculum, including the National Curriculum)
any published OHMCI reports on the school
any school policies or schemes of work
ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY The Department of Education and Employment leaflet School Attendance: Information For Parents includes the following advice: •
Make sure that your child goes to school regularly, arrives on time Start these good habits at an early age, while your child is at primary school.
If your child is ill, contact the school on the first day of your child’s illness. Staff will be concerned if they do not hear anything.
Wherever possible, you should take your holidays during school holidays.
Avoid taking your child on holiday at times when he or she should be taking exams.
You should not expect your child’s school to agree to a family holiday during term time. The school will carefully consider your request and they may take your child’s attendance record into account.
Schools will not agree to your child missing more than a total of ten school days for family holidays in any one school year, unless there is a very good reason.
Below you will find the termly unauthorised absence statistics for the school for 2008/2009 for each of the year groups. An unauthorised absence is when the school has not received an oral or written explanation for a pupil’s non-attendance, or when an explanation is unacceptable. The school makes a reminder for an absence explanation by the standard letter or telephone call. Letters are also sent home concerning lateness. If no satisfactory explanation can be obtained for frequent absences or lateness the school Educational Welfare Officer can asked to call at the home in question.
SUMMER TERM 2008 Rec 0.0
Y1 0.4
Y2 0.2
Y3 0.6
Y4 1.0
Y5 0.0
Y6 0.0
Y2 0.0
Y3 0.0
Y4 0.0
Y5 0.0
Y6 0.1
Y2 0.0
Y3 0.0
Y4 0.0
Y5 0.1
Y6 0.0
AUTUMN TERM 2008 Rec 0.0
Y1 0.0
SPRING TERM 2009 Rec 0.0
Y1 0.0
The school has no significant unauthorised absences. Parents co-operate fully in informing the school of all absences.
School Terms and Holiday Dates for Academic Year 2009/2010
TERM Autumn 2009 Spring 2010 Summer 2010
TERM BEGINS Tuesday 1st Sept. Monday 4th Jan. Monday 19th April
MID TERM HOLIDAYS BEGINS ENDS Monday 26th Oct. Monday 15th Feb. Monday 31st May
Friday 30th Oct. Friday 19th Feb. Friday 4th June
Bank Holidays
TERM ENDS DAYS Friday 18th Dec. Thursday 1st April Wednesday 21st July TOTAL
74 59 62 195
Good Friday – 2nd April 2010 Easter Monday – 5th April 2010 May Day - 3rd May 2010 Spring Bank Holiday – 31st May 2010
1-2 Sept 09 23rd Oct 09 Nov 2nd 09 Jan 4th 2010 12th Feb 2010 June 7th 2010
School Terms and Holiday Dates for Academic Year 2010/2011
TERM BEGINS Autumn Wednesday 2010 1st Sept. Spring Tuesday 2011 4th Jan Summer Tuesday 2011 3rd May
MID TERM HOLIDAYS BEGINS ENDS Monday 25th Oct. Monday 21st Feb. Monday 30th May
Friday 29th Oct. Friday 25th Feb. Friday 3rd June
Good Friday – 22nd April 2011 Easter Monday – 25th April 2011 May Day - 2nd May 2011 Spring Bank Holiday – 30th May 2011
TERM ENDS DAYS Friday 17th Dec. Friday 15th April Thursday 21st July TOTAL
73 69 53 195
SUMMARY OF NATIONAL CURRICULUM RESULTS ASSESSMENT KEY STAGE 1 RESULTS: School 2009/Nationally 2009 Percentage of pupils at each level
English Oracy Reading Writing Mathematics Using and Applying Mathematics
Number and Algebra Shape, Space and Measures Science Scientific Enquiry Life Processes & Living Things Materials and their Properties Physical Processes
School Wales School Wales School Wales School Wales School Wales School Wales School Wales School Wales School Wales School Wales School Wales School Wales School Wales
N (%) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -
D (%) 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3
W (%) 0.0 3.5 0.0 2.5 0.0 3.9 0.0 4.8 0.0 2.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 2.1 0.0 2.0 0.0 1.7 0.0 2.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 1.6 0.0 1.7
Key Stage 1 Core Subject Indicator * School 87.5% Wales
1 (%) 10.0 13.4 5.0 10.1 12.5 14.7 17.5 16.2 7.5 10.7 5.0 15.7 12.5 11.5 7.5 10.3 5.0 8.1 5.0 11.9 5.0 6.6 5.0 7.5 5.0 9.1
2 (%) 40.0 62.6 30.0 63.0 35.0 54.5 42.5 66.6 40.0 64.9 52.5 64.3 37.5 64.8 27.5 66.4 42.5 65.4 50.0 64.8 42.5 63.6 42.5 66.8 42.5 66.3
3 (%) 50.0 20.2 65.0 24.1 52.5 26.6 40.0 12.1 52.5 22.1 42.5 17.1 50.0 21.2 65.0 21.1 52.5 24.5 45.0 20.9 52.5 28.0 52.5 23.9 52.5 22.6
4+ (%) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
N: Not awarded a level for reasons other than disapplication D: Disapplied under the Section 364-367 of the Education Act 1996 W: Working towards level 1 -: Not exactly zero, or estimated as zero or less than half the final digit shown EL: % achieving the expected level (L2+) Missing definition: en_GB, Reports/National Comparative Data 2009 *Number of pupils achieving level 2 or above in English or Welsh (first language), Mathematics and Science in combination. 18
EL (%) 90.0 82.8 95.0 87.1 87.5 81.1 82.5 78.7 92.5 87.0 95.0 81.4 87.5 86.1 92.5 87.5 95.0 90.0 95.0 85.8 95.0 91.6 95.0 90.6 95.0 88.9
ASSESSMENT KEY STAGE 2 RESULTS: School 2009/Nationally 2009 Percentage of pupils at each level English
School Wales Oracy School Wales Reading School Wales Writing School Wales Mathematics School Wales Using & Applying School Mathematics Wales Number and School Algebra Wales Shape, Space School & Measures Wales Handling School Data Wales Science School Wales Scientific School Enquiry Wales Life Processes School & Living Things Wales Materials & School their Properties Wales Physical School Processes Wales
N (%) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -
D (%) 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2
W (%) 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5
1 (%) 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.4
2 (%) 0.0 3.0 0.0 2.8 0.0 3.1 0.0 4.2 0.0 2.6 0.0 3.7 0.0 2.7 0.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 0.0 1.8 0.0 2.4 0.0 1.6 0.0 1.8 0.0 1.8
3 (%) 10.9 14.5 10.9 14.0 18.2 14.7 18.2 20.1 10.9 13.6 16.4 21.2 16.4 14.1 10.9 13.7 10.9 14.8 0.0 10.6 3.6 15.7 1.8 10.2 1.8 11.5 5.5 12.1
4 (%) 41.8 53.0 45.5 52.5 38.2 48.8 29.1 52.2 47.3 53.1 43.6 49.9 43.6 51.2 47.3 52.8 56.4 52.8 69.1 55.7 58.2 52.8 70.9 54.2 69.1 56.1 67.3 55.6
5 (%) 47.3 27.8 43.6 29.2 43.6 31.8 52.7 21.9 41.8 29.2 40.0 23.6 40.0 30.6 41.8 29.7 32.7 28.5 30.9 30.7 38.2 27.7 27.3 32.8 29.1 29.5 27.3 29.4
6+ (%) 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -
Key Stage 2 Core Subject Indicator.* School:
Wales 77%
N: Not awarded a level for reasons other than disapplication D: Disapplied under the Section 364-367 of the Education Act 1996 W: Working towards level 1 -: Not exactly zero, or estimated as zero or less than half the final digit shown EL: % achieving the expected level (L4+) Missing definition: en_GB, Reports/National Comparative Data 2009 *Number of pupils achieving level 4 or above in English or Welsh (first language), Mathematics and Science in combination.
EL (%) 89.1 81.0 89.1 81.8 81.8 80.8 81.8 74.2 89.1 82.5 83.6 73.6 83.6 82.0 89.1 82.6 89.1 81.4 100.0 86.4 96.4 80.6 98.2 87.1 98.2 85.6 94.6 85.0
No. 1.
Year 5/4
No. 2.
Year 4/3
No. 3.
Year 3
No. 4.
Year 2
No. 5.
Year 2
No. 6.
Year 5
No. 7
Year 6
No 8/9
Year 2/1
No 10
Year 1
No 11
No 12
PUBLISHED AUTUMN 2009 This information has been compiled in accordance with The Education (School Information) (Wales) Regulations 1999 & The Education (School Information) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2001. This information is correct and up-to-date at the time of printing – AUTUMN TERM 2009. Some adjustment/re-arrangement of provision may be necessary for the school year 2010/2011. 21