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Swansea Prom
Prom Abertawe
Take a stroll along the Promenade between Swansea Maritime Quarter and Mumbles Lighthouse and enjoy all the intriguing sites and attractions our bay has to offer.
Ewch am dro ar hyd y Promenâd rhwng Ardal Forol Abertawe a Goleudy’r Mwmbwls, a mwynhewch yr holl safleoedd ac atyniadau diddorol sydd gan ein bae i’w cynnig.
Explore by foot or by bike, or hop on and off the bus. You will find there is something for everyone all year round, come rain or shine.
Archwiliwch ar droed neu ar feic, neu ewch ar y bws. Cewch weld fod rhywbeth at ddant pawb drwy gydol y flwyddyn, boed glaw neu hindda.
For further details including opening times, prices, additional attractions, water/beach activities and discounts along the Prom please visit or call Swansea Tourist Information Centre on 01792 468321.
Am fwy o fanylion gan gynnwys amserau agor, prisiau, atyniadau ychwanegol, gweithgareddau dŵr/traeth a disgowntiau ar hyd y Prom ewch i neu ffoniwch Ganolfan Croeso Abertawe ar 01792 468321.
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Stop 1
Maritime Quarter The spectacular 5 mile Prom certainly begins in style in an area packed with superb attractions. Wander around the Maritime Quarter and take in some of Swansea’s proud heritage. Start by familiarising yourself with the life and works of the city’s most famous son…Dylan Thomas. The Dylan Thomas Centre 1 houses the permanent 'Man and Myth' exhibition based on the largest collection of Dylan Thomas memorabilia in the world. Walk a few yards around the corner and you will find two of Swansea’s most intriguing museums.
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Swansea Museum 22 , the oldest museum in Wales, is a real treasure trove containing all kinds of historical artefacts from Swansea, Wales and all over the world ranging from an Egyptian mummy to a traditional Welsh kitchen. The National Waterfront Museum 3 tells the story of industry and innovation in Wales and Swansea over the last 300 years through interactive exhibits and more traditional displays. If you fancy some fun and adventure then head to the LC 4 . The LC leisure complex boasts an indoor water park with a variety of pools and slides, a 30ft climbing wall and an indoor children’s play area.
Man Aros 1
Ardal Forol Mae'r Prom trawiadol 5 milltir o hyd yn bendant yn dechrau mewn steil, mewn ardal sy'n llawn atyniadau gwych. Ewch am dro o gwmpas yr Ardal Forol a gwerthfawrogi peth o dreftadaeth falch Abertawe. Dechreuwch drwy ymgyfarwyddo â bywyd a gwaith un o feibion enwocaf Abertawe...Dylan Thomas. Yng Nghanolfan Dylan Thomas 1 ceir yr arddangosfa barhaol, 'Man and Myth', sy'n seiliedig ar y casgliad mwyaf o bethau cofiadwy sy'n ymwneud â Dylan Thomas o'i fath, yn y byd.
Mae Amgueddfa Genedlaethol y Glannau 3 yn adrodd stori diwydiant a blaengaredd yng Nghymru ac Abertawe dros y 300 mlynedd ddiwethaf drwy arddangosfeydd rhyngweithiol a rhai mwy traddodiadol. Os hoffech gael hwyl ac antur, ewch i'r LC 4 . Mae canolfan hamdden LC yn cynnwys parc dŵr dan do gydag amrywiaeth o byllau a sleidiau, wal ddringo 30 troedfedd ac ardal chwarae dan do i blant.
Cerddwch ychydig lathenni o gwmpas y gornel a chewch hyd i ddau o amgueddfeydd mwyaf diddorol Abertawe. Amgueddfa Abertawe 2 yw'r amgueddfa hynaf yng Nghymru. Mae'n drysorfa sy'n cynnwys pob math o arteffactau hanesyddol o Abertawe, Cymru a'r byd, yn amrywio o fymi Eifftaidd i gegin Gymreig draddodiadol.
Make your way through the Marina towards the sea and you will come onto the Promenade as it starts snaking its way to Mumbles. Head west and you will come to the Civic Centre 5 . Here you will find the state-of-the-art Library 5 with thousands of books for you to discover as well as a host of regular events. You can even delve into your family tree in the Family History Centre or explore the maritime and industrial history of the city at the West Glamorgan Archive Service 5 . As you leave the Maritime Quarter and head towards Mumbles you will pass Victoria Park 6 , a beautiful urban park renowned for its striking bedding flowers and herbaceous borders. The park also has bowling greens, tennis courts, a skate ramp, and a children’s play area. 6
Also in the vicinity... • Mission Gallery 7 and Attic Gallery 7 - get a taste of Swansea’s contemporary art scene. • Dylan Thomas Theatre 7 take a look at the unique illustrated panels and discover more about Dylan Thomas's time as an actor with the Swansea Little Theatre. • Swansea Marina 8 - a flotilla of boats, quirky cafes and great restaurants. • Floating Exhibits 8 - Lightship 91, known as 'Helwick', a tug boat called 'Canning' and the 'Olga', a Bristol Channel Pilot Cutter. • Tram Shed 8 - containing memorabilia from the street trams of Swansea and the world famous Mumbles tram. • Swansea Bay 9 - enjoy a walk or fly a kite on this fabulous stretch of beach.
Teithiwich drwy’r Marina tua’r môr, a byddwch yn cyrraedd y Promenâd wrth iddo ddechrau troi tuag at y Mwmbwls. Ewch tua'r gorllewin, ac fe ddewch o hyd i'r Ganolfan Ddinesig 5 . Yma mae'r Llyfrgell 5 newydd, fodern gyda miloedd o lyfrau i chi eu darganfod, yn ogystal â llu o ddigwyddiadau rheolaidd. Gallwch hyd yn oed ymchwilio i'ch coeden deulu yn y Ganolfan Hanes Teulu neu archwilio hanes diwydiannol ac arforol y ddinas yng Ngwasanaeth Archifau Gorllewin Morgannwg 5 . Wrth i chi adael yr ardal forol a cherdded tuag at y Mwmbwls, byddwch yn mynd heibio Parc Victoria 6 , parc trefol hardd sy'n enwog am ei flodau gwely trawiadol a'i forderi llysieuol. Mae'r parc hefyd yn cynnwys lawnt fowlio, cyrtiau tenis, ramp sglefrio ac ardal chwarae i blant.
Hefyd yn y cyffiniau... • Oriel Mission 7 ac Oriel Attic 7 - cyfle i gael blas ar fyd y celfyddydau cyfoes yn Abertawe. • Canolfan Dylan Thomas 7 cymerwch gipolwg ar y paneli darluniadol unigryw a darganfyddwch mwy am gyfnod Dylan Thomas fel actor gyda'r Swansea Little Theatre. • Marina Abertawe 8 - llynges fach o gychod, caffis hynod a bwytai gwych. • Arddangosion ar y Dŵr 8 Goleulong 91, yr 'Helwick', tynfad o'r enw'r 'Canning' a'r 'Olga', Cytar Llywio Môr Hafren. • Sied Tramiau 8 - yn cynnwys pethau cofiadwy o dramiau stryd Abertawe a thram byd enwog y Mwmbwls. • Bae Abertawe 9 - mwynhewch fynd am dro neu hedfan barcud ar y traeth godidog hwn.
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Stop 2
Singleton Park As you take in the glorious sweep of Swansea Bay you will pass the Cenotaph and arrive at the next major stop en-route. Here you will be able to explore two more of Swansea’s best loved parks as well as a number of unique attractions. Singleton Park 1 , the largest park in the city, has acres of simple, unadorned green space. The walled Botanical Gardens 2 at the top of the park contain fine specimens of rare and exotic plants from around the world. 8
Nearby, Brynmill Park 3 , Swansea’s first formal park, is home to a large lake and a visitor centre which provides a focal point for exploring the diverse wildlife inhabiting the park. There is also a children's play area and bowling green. For those interested in arts and music, the Taliesin Arts Centre 4 , based in the grounds of Swansea University, hosts a wide variety of visiting exhibitions and musical performances. If you fancy something a bit different then pop in to the Egypt Centre 4 , a museum of Egyptian antiquities. Here you can try your hand at mummification or handle genuine Egyptian objects.
Man Aros 2
Parc Singleton Wrth i chi werthfawrogi ehangder bendigedig Bae Abertawe, byddwch yn mynd heibio'r Senotaff a chyrraedd y prif fan aros nesaf ar y daith. Yma, byddwch yn gallu archwilio dau o barciau mwyaf poblogaidd Abertawe yn ogystal â sawl atyniad unigryw. Mae gan Barc Singleton 1 , y parc mwyaf yn y ddinas, erwau o fannau gwyrdd diaddurn. Mae'r Gerddi Botaneg 2 a wal o'u cwmpas ar ben uchaf y parc yn cynnwys sbesimenau gwych o blanhigion egsotig a phrin o bedwar ban byd.
Mae Parc Brynmill 3 sydd gerllaw, parc ffurfiol cyntaf Abertawe, yn gartref i lyn mawr a chanolfan ymwelwyr sy'n ganolbwynt ar gyfer archwilio'r bywyd gwyllt amrywiol sy'n byw yn y parc. Mae ardal chwarae i blant yno hefyd, a lawnt fowlio. I'r rhai â diddordeb yn y celfyddydau a cherddoriaeth, mae Canolfan Celfyddydau Taliesin 4 , yn nhiroedd Prifysgol Abertawe, yn cynnal amrywiaeth eang o arddangosfeydd ymweliadol a pherfformiadau cerddorol. Os oes awydd rhywbeth ychydig yn wahanol arnoch, galwch heibio Canolfan yr Aifft 4 , amgueddfa hynafiaethau Eifftaidd. Lle gallwch roi cynnig ar fymïo neu drafod gwrthrychau Eifftaidd go iawn.
Next to the University is Singleton Boating Lake 5 where you can take a ride on the pedalos or try your hand at crazy golf. If you prefer, just sit back, relax and enjoy the scenery whilst the children run wild in the fantastic play area. If you want to swim and it is too cold to go in the sea then head up to Wales National Pool 6 with its 25m and 50m swimming pools (check for public swim times). As you return along the Prom you will notice Ashleigh Road Pitch and Putt 7 , a 10 hole familyfriendly golf course. Equipment can be hired so just turn up, pay and play.
Don’t miss... • Trim Trail 8 - enjoy a short, gentle workout with the aid of each exercise station. • Fishing 5 - when the pedalos aren’t operating the boating lake is also a great spot for anglers. • Swansea Bay 9 - paddle in the sea or sit and relax on the sand.
Ger y Brifysgol mae Llyn Cychod Singleton 5 lle gallwch fynd ar y pedalos neu roi cynnig ar golff gwallgof. Os yw'n well gennych, eisteddwch, ymlaciwch a mwynhewch yr olygfa tra bod y plant yn rhedeg yn wyllt yn yr ardal chwarae wych. Os hoffech nofio, ac mae'n rhy oer i fynd yn y môr ewch i Bwll Cenedlaethol Cymru 6 gyda'i byllau nofio 25m a 50m (gwirio amserau nofio cyhoeddus). Wrth i chi ddychwelyd ar hyd y prom fe welwch Gwrs Golff Pitsio a Phytio Heol Ashleigh 7 , cwrs golff 10 twll sy'n addas i'r teulu cyfan. Gellir hurio cyfarpar felly'r unig beth y mae'n rhaid i chi ei wneud yw cyrraedd, talu a chwarae.
Peidiwch â cholli... • Trywydd Cadw’n Heini 8 - mwynhewch ymarfer corff byr ac ysgafn gyda chymorth pob man ymarfer corff. • Pysgota 5 - pan na fydd y pedalos yn gweithredu, mae'r llyn cychod yn lle gwych i bysgotwyr. • Bae Abertawe 9 padlwch yn y môr neu eisteddwch ac ymlaciwch ar y tywod.
Crown Copyright (2009) Visit Wales
3 Blackpill
Derwen Fawr Rd
Mu mb les Rd
A40 67
Mill Ln
Mayals Rd
Between May and September, the Swansea Bay Rider runs back and forth along Swansea Promenade following the route of the world’s first passenger railway. So take a break from walking, sit back and enjoy the spectacle which is our beautiful bay. Blackpill Wildlife Centre, open Sunday mornings between October and April, allows visitors to learn about, and see first hand, the migratory winter birds that visit the Bay.
Llwynderw Dr
Lilliput Ln
Stop 3
Blackpill Continue along the Prom and you will arrive at Blackpill Lido 1 , Swansea’s very own outdoor shallow waterpark. The Lido is a must when the weather is good with its superb paddling pool, children’s play area, climbing rock and picnic facilities. Here you will also find the Swansea Bay Rider 1 land train and Blackpill Wildlife Centre 1 .
Across the road from the Lido is the award winning Clyne Gardens 2 , another of Swansea’s renowned botanical gardens. The gardens are open all year round and are internationally famous for their superb collections of Rhododendrons, Pieris and Enkianthus, as well as interesting features including a bluebell wood, and Italian and Japanese bridges.
Along the route... • BMX Trail 3 - if you have your bike and your helmet, give it a go. • Clyne Valley Cycle Path 4 running through the Clyne Valley Country Park. • West Cross Skate Ramp 5 a ramp for BMX bikers, rollerbladers and skateboarders. • Swansea Bay 6 - plenty of space to run around or build sandcastles.
Man Aros 3
Blackpill Parhewch ar hyd y Prom a byddwch yn cyrraedd Lido Blackpill 1 , parc dŵr bas awyr agored Abertawe ei hun. Mae'n rhaid ymweld â'r lido pan fydd y tywydd yn braf, gyda'i bwll padlo, ardal chwarae i blant, wal ddringo a chyfleusterau picnic. Yma hefyd cewch hyd i Drên Bach Bae Abertawe 1 a Chanolfan Bywyd Gwyllt Blackpill 1 . Rhwng mis Mai a mis Medi, mae'r Trên Bach Bae Abertawe yn rhedeg yn ôl ac ymlaen ar hyd Prom Abertawe, gan ddilyn llwybr y rheilffordd gyntaf yn y byd i gludo teithwyr. Felly, beth am gymryd hoe o'r cerdded, ac eistedd a mwynhau'r olygfa o'ch blaen, sef ein bae prydferth.
Ar draws y ffordd o'r lido mae'r gerddi arobryn, Gerddi Clun 2 , un arall o erddi botaneg clodfawr Abertawe. Mae'r gerddi ar agor drwy'r flwyddyn ac maent yn enwog yn rhyngwladol am eu casgliad gwych o Rhododendronau, Pieris ac Enkianthus, ac ymhlith y nodweddion diddorol mae coedwig o glychau'r gog, a phontydd Eidalaidd a Japaneaidd.
Ar hyd y llwybr... • Llwybr BMX 3 - os oes gennych feic a helmed, rhowch gynnig arno. • Llwybr Beicio Cwm Clun 4 yn rhedeg drwy Barc Gwledig Cwm Clun. • Ramp Sglefrio West Cross 5 ramp ar gyfer beicwyr BMX, sglefrolwyr a sglefyrddwyr. • Bae Abertawe 6 - digon o le i redeg o gwmpas neu adeiladu cestyll tywod.
Mae'r Ganolfan Bywyd Gwyllt Blackpill, sydd ar agor bob bore dydd Sul rhwng mis Hydref a mis Ebrill, yn galluogi ymwelwyr i ddysgu am adar mudol y gaeaf sy'n ymweld â'r Bae, a'u gweld yn uniongyrchol.
plays host to a children's playground, crazy golf course, boules area and picnic tables. The Bay Rider also stops and starts here.
Stop 4
Mumbles The last stop along the Prom is Mumbles, a picuresque Victorian seaside resort now bustling with shops, cafes, and ice cream parlours.
If you have the energy and don’t mind a short walk, follow the path up the hill where you will discover the delights of the Mumbles Hill Nature Reserve 3 . As well as a diverse range of habitats and plant life, you will find some of the best views in Swansea.
Overlooking the village is Oystermouth Castle 1 , a must-see 12th century castle steeped in local history and legend. The grounds are open all year round.
Heading towards the Pier don’t forget to pop into Mumbles Lifeboat Museum 4 which contains historical records of the Mumbles lifeboat and actual equipment used by past crews.
Next to the Prom you will find one of Mumbles’ most colourful parks, Southend Gardens 2 . The park has colourful bedding plants and
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Man Aros 4
Y Mwmbwls Pen y daith ar hyd y Prom yw’r Mwmbwls, cyrchfan glan môr Fictoraidd sydd bellach yn llawn siopau, bwytai a pharlyrau hufen iâ prysur. Yn edrych dros y pentref mae Castell Ystumllwynarth 1 , castell o'r 12fed ganrif y mae'n rhaid ei weld, sy'n llawn hanes a chwedlau lleol. Mae tiroedd y castell ar agor drwy gydol y flwyddyn. Wrth ymyl y Prom mae un o barciau mwyaf lliwgar y Mwmbwls, Gerddi Southend 2 . Yn y parc ceir gwelyau blodau lliwgar ac ardal
chwarae i blant, cwrs golff gwallgof, ardal chwarae boules a byrddau picnic. Mae'r trên bach hefyd yn dechrau a gorffen ei daith yma. Os oes digon o egni gennych i gymryd tro byr, dilynwch y llwybr i fyny'r bryn lle cewch hyd i bleserau Gwarchodfa Natur Bryn y Mwmbwls 3 . Yn ogystal â'r amrywiaeth o gynefinoedd a phlanhigion, cewch hyd i rai o'r golygfeydd gorau yn Abertawe yma. Wrth fynd tuag at y Pier, peidiwch ag anghofio galw heibio Amgueddfa Bad Achub y Mwmbwls 4 sy'n cynnwys cofnodion hanesyddol am fad achub y Mwmbwls a'r cyfarpar go iawn a ddefnyddiwyd gan griwiau'r gorffennol.
Mumbles Pier 5 may mark the end of the Prom, but it is by no means the end of the fun. Take a stroll along the famous Pier and enjoy an ice cream whilst taking in the stunning panoramic views of the Bay. The traditional amusement arcade is also a must.
Other points of interest…
Courtesy of Geoff Hill
• The Lovespoon Gallery 6 view a selection of hand-carved Welsh Lovespoons. • Mumbles Tennis Courts 7 play a few games of tennis…for free. • Mumbles Pottery 8 - watch how hand-made pottery is thrown and decorated. • Mumbles Lighthouse 9 - an icon of Swansea Bay (not open to the public).
Efallai bod Pier y Mwmbwls 5 yn nodi diwedd y Prom, ond nid dyma ddiwedd yr hwyl o bell ffordd. Ewch am dro ar hyd y Pier enwog a mwynhau hufen iâ wrth werthfawrogi golygfeydd trawiadol a phanoramig o'r Bae. Rhaid ymweld â'r arcêd ddifyrion draddodiadol hefyd.
Mannau diddorol eraill... • The Lovespoon Gallery 6 cyfle i weld detholiad o Lwyau Caru Cymreig wedi'u cerfio â llaw. • Cyrtiau Tenis y Mwmbwls 7 - cyfle i chwarae tenis. . . am ddim. • Crochenwaith y Mwmbwls 8 - gallwch weld sut mae crochenwaith o waith llaw yn cael ei daflu a'i addurno. • Goleudy'r Mwmbwls 9 un o eiconau Bae Abertawe (nid yw ar agor i’r cyhoedd).
Events along the Prom
Digwyddiadau ar y Prom
There’s a host of events taking place along Swansea Prom from May through to September including:
Cynhelir llu o ddigwyddiadau eraill ar hyd Prom Abertawe o fis Mai tan fis Medi gan gynnwys:
• SeaSwansea • World Party Weekend • Admiral Swansea Bay 10K • Mumbles Raft Race • Bae Fest • Mumbles Navy Days
• SeaSwansea • Penwythnos Parti’r Byd • 10k Bae Abertawe Admiral • Ras Rafftiau’r Mwmbwls • Bae Fest • Diwrnodau Llynges y Mwmbwls
For further information and a full list of events visit:
Am fwy o wybodaeth a rhestr lawn o ddigwyddiadau ewch i:
re y a for fr ee..... m dd i m ......
Swansea Central Library Llyfrgell Ganolog Abertawe
mo w r Discove d m o Darganf
( 01792 636464 6 01792 636235 * Swansea Central Library, Civic Centre, Oystermouth Road ,Swansea, SA1 3SN
To receive information about events and activities in Swansea please subscribe at
I dderbyn gwybodaeth am ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau yn Abertawe, tanysgrifiwch yn
If you require this brochure in a different format please contact Marketing Services on 01792 635478.
Os hoffech gael y daflen hon mewn fformat arall, ffoniwch y Gwasanaethau Marchnata ar 01792 635478.
All maps copyright City and County of Swansea. Licence Number 100023509.
Pob map dan hawlfraint Dinas a Sir Abertawe. Rhif Trwydded 100023509.
Please check with venues and attractions for opening times and availability before travel. All details correct at time of going to print. 50%
Printed on recycled paper.
Cadarnhewch amserau agor ac argaeledd â’r lleoliadau a’r atyniadau cyn teithio. Mae'r holl fanylion yn gywir wrth fynd i'r wasg. 50%
Argraffwyd ar bapur wedi’i ailgylchu.