A Message from the Headteacher Neges gan y Pennaeth Choosing the right school for your child is very important. All parents want a good education for their children but they also want them to be happy and to feel safe and secure. At Sea View we believe we can offer all these things and more.
Mrs. S. Ralph Headteacher
Welcome to Sea View Community Primary School Croeso i Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Golwg-y-Môr
We pride ourselves on the broad balanced and full education we provide In the Foundation Phase, Key Stages One and Two. The high standards of teaching and learning are a credit to the hard work of both staff and pupils. We aim to provide a happy, caring, secure and purposeful environment where all children feel valued and respected, where all children will enjoy quality experiences, learning, and make lots of new friends. Equally, we are also proud of the atmosphere of friendliness, co-operation and teamwork, which is always evident. We pride ourselves on developing a welcoming, well cared for school, with an attractive, safe school environment that celebrates our children’s learning. From the first moment children arrive at Sea View Community Primary School we have the highest expectations of them both educationally and socially. We are all convinced that high standards of behaviour and high self-esteem provide the most secure basis for future learning. As a school, we place a lot of importance on developing respect for all members of our school community. The Last School Inspection Report stated that:‘‘Behaviours and attitudes are good throughout the school and have a positive impact on pupils’ progress and the standards they achieve.’’
Mr. C. Williams Deputy Head
Mrs. Cotton Senior Teacher
As Governors and staff at Sea View we hope you find this short booklet helpful and that it answers some questions you may have regarding the school and its organisation. We strive to work closely with parents and you will be provided with plenty of information to support your child’s education. We value our pupils and we believe that their time in school should be rewarding and fulfilling. Should you choose to send your child to Sea View, I am fully confident that you will have made the right decision. I look forward to meeting you soon and if you have any queries or concerns please contact me at school at any time. Mrs Susie Ralph (Headteacher)
Mission Statement Datganiad o Genhadaeth
Mr. Collins Senior Teacher (SENCO)
Laying the foundations for successful futures together. Opening the window of opportunity for all. Mae Addysg yn Bwysig – Education Matters 1
School Aims/ Nodau’r Ysgol The education at this school is based upon the school vision. All stakeholders, children, staff, parents and Governors worked together to devise our new school aims which define everything we do at Sea View.
School Vision/ Gweledigaeth yr Ysgol
Equal Opportunities for Pupils Cyfle Cyfartal i Ddisgyblion The Governing Body and school promote equal opportunities and good relations between persons of different racial groups and between males and females. The school records any reported racist incidents and how they are resolved. All pupils are entitled to attend our school. The school adheres to the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. The school has facilities for disabled pupils.
Work hard, aim high, share and care. Cherish learning. Understand that all learning is important and fun. Believe in ourselves and reach for the stars. Celebrate our success Respect ourselves and others. Develop the joy and skills of independent learning. Show excellent behaviour and good manners and be a person admired by others.
Aim to produce independent and reliable young people. Strive to fully develop their potential academically, personally and socially by providing high quality teaching and learning. Through continual self-evaluation, provide excellent teaching for learning opportunities and have the highest expectations. Believe that a positive partnership between parents, carers and staff is a key element in raising standards.
Teachers and Parents work together in partnership. Athrawon a Rhieni’n gweithio gyda’i gilydd mewn partneriaeth We believe that a positive partnership between parents and teachers is a key element in raising standards. We regard parents as their child’s first teacher. We have a home school reading scheme, which begins in the Nursery. Meetings are held to introduce parents to their class teacher and to discuss pupils’ individual progress and to give information to parents. Parents are encouraged to work alongside their children both within school and at home. Any issues or concerns parents have regarding their children’s education should be discussed with the class teacher or with the Headteacher.
Headteacher/Pennaeth Mrs. S. Ralph Deputy Head/Dirprwy Bennaeth
Mr. C. Williams
Teaching Staff; Mrs. H. Cotton, Mr C. Williams, Mrs. E. Catto, Miss. S. Davies, Mr. K. Collins, Mrs. S. Jones, Miss. E. Brown, Mrs. A. Tovey
Chair of Governors Cadeirydd y Llywodraethwyr Cllr. D. Hopkins
Non Teaching Staff; Mrs. R. Smale, Miss. L. Thomas, Miss. D. Hill, Mrs. E. James, Miss. L. Steel, Miss. C. Stilwell, Mrs. M. Gear, Miss. J. Copp, Miss D. Jones, Miss. S. Pearson,, Mr. J. Beale, Mrs L. May, Mrs. S. Driscoll
School Details Manylion yr Ysgol Vice-Chair Is-gadeirydd
Sea View Community Primary School Creidiol Rd Mayhill Swansea School telephone Number Nursery Telephone Number County/voluntary/Welsh Co-Educational/Girl/Boys Age range of pupils Number on roll
Mrs. C. Brown
Clerk/Clerc 01792 650703 01792 650274 County Co-educational 3-11 Years 147
School terms and holiday dates-Academic Year 2009/2010 Term
Term Begins
Term Ends
Term Begins
Term Ends
Autumn 2008
Tuesday 1st Friday 23rd September October
Monday 26th October
Friday 30th Monday 2nd October November
Spring 2009
Tuesday 4th Friday 12th January February
Monday 15th February
Friday 19th February
Monday 22nd February
Friday 1st April
Friday 4th June
Monday 7th June
Wednesday 21st July
Summer Monday 19th Friday 28th Monday April May 31st May 2009 Bank Holidays 2nd April 2009 th 5 April 2009 th 4 May 2009 31st May 2009
Friday 18th December
Inset Days
Good Friday Easter Monday May Day Holiday Spring Bank Holiday
1st September 09 17th September 09
4th January 10 th
29 February 09 th 20 April 09 th 26 June 09
Mr. H. Patrick Mrs. S. Ralph Mrs. S. Lloyd Mr. K. Jones Mr. D. Lockett Miss. S. Davies Mrs. J. Philippart Mrs. J. Lindenburn Mrs. B. Hughes Mrs. C. Harding Mrs. I. Begley Mrs. E. James
School Meals Prydau Ysgol Our meals are prepared and served on site. The school has its own kitchen facilities that prepares and serves meals for the whole school in the school hall. Hot meals and cold snacks are provided daily. Any child whose parent is in receipt of income support is entitled to free school meals. Please see the school Secretary who will be happy to offer advice. The current price of a school meal is £1.90 per day.
Breakfast Club Clwb Brecwast We run a daily Breakfast Club from 8.00-9.00 a.m. for all pupils in reception – Year 6. This club is free and is run by Mrs James. All parents must complete a registration form, for their child to attend. Activities, games and a varied timetable are available for all children. If you wish to use this facility please contact the school for a form. Children attending Breakfast club must arrive before 8.30 a.m.
Sex Education Addysg Rhyw The school’s programme of sex education, as agreed by the Governing Body, is linked with areas of the National Curriculum/New Orders Curriculum and also a broad based social education. The main emphasis is on relationships and will reflect the needs of the pupils as they develop over the key stages. Parents may view the policy and discuss the teaching materials used. Parents have the right to withdraw the children, should they so wish, from sex education. The Governing Body has agreed to allow parents the opportunity to view any materials or resources used by the school.
Admission of Children/ Derbyn Plant Nursery/ Meithrin We accept children at the age of 3. We run a flexible entry system to try and maximise a positive start to their learning career. Welcome meetings are available to support parents and children to their new school life. We keep a waiting list of children and we encourage parents to place their child’s name on this list after their second birthday, as this helps with forward planning. Please ask for a copy of our nursery booklet.
Reception/Derbyn The LEA is the admitting authority for all children in the City and County of Swansea. Each child about to commence full time education will be offered a place in a school maintained by the LEA. Children in our Nursery Class who live in the local catchment will automatically be offered a place in our Reception Class. All children living in our catchment area are guaranteed a place at our school if they express a preference for Sea View by the agreed date. Admission to older classes can be arranged at any time and parents are asked to consult the Headteacher. Children outside our catchment will need to fill in a ‘preferred placement form’. A place will be allocated provided there is room in the class. These forms can be collected from the Mrs Smale the school secretary. The School Admission Policy and Accessibility Plan (required under the Disability Discrimination Act 2005) provides further information for parents on the guidance and legislation covering admissions and future plans for increasing access to the school by pupils with disabilities. The school Disability Equality Plan provides further information as to how the school is active in ensuring equality of education access and provision for all. At Sea View, we are able to make the main school accessible for wheelchair users: The main entrance, pupil toilet areas, Foundation Phase classrooms (with outdoor play area) and main hall are accessible via the main entrances which are ramped for wheelchair users. A disabled toilet is located in the junior corridor.
Visual signs are displayed to support pupils with English as an Additional Language or literacy difficulties. A high staff:pupil ratio ensures the health & safety and access to the full curriculum for all our pupils.
Health & Safety Iechyd a Diogelwch
Punctuality & Attendance Prydlondeb a Phresenoldeb
As a school we are committed to ensuring the Health and Safety of all pupils and staff.
The school day is: Key Stage Foundation Phase Nursery KS1 Reception Year 1/ Year 2 KS2 Years 3,4,5,6
9.00 – 11.30
1.00 – 3.30
9.00 – 12.00
1.00 – 3.30
9.00 – 12.00
12.45 – 3.30
We ask parents to bring children to school punctually. If children are absent from school parents are requested to inform the school via message or telephone. The school maintains an absence register. Parents are reminded that permission to take holidays during the academic school year needs to be obtained from the Headteacher. We work closely with the school’s Education Welfare Officer, Mrs. Diane Coates, who will assist parents who are having difficulty with their children’s attendance. We are very keen to support any parents who are having difficulty collecting or bringing their child to school. The school runs a first day absence call system, which aims to support parents and maintain communication between home and school. Please contact the Headteacher who will be happy to offer advice and support. Parents collect the children from designated areas at the end of each day.
School Discipline/ Disgyblaeth yn yr Ysgol Sea View Community Primary School is a happy, caring and friendly school, which provides a ‘secure’ environment within which all our children are given every opportunity to show how capable they can be. Our School Vision defines appropriate behaviour and applies to all those who teach, learn and work at Sea View Community Primary School. It has been drawn up by the children, teachers and Governors. Punctuality and good behaviour are stressed and encouraged. Occasionally, children forget our agreed behaviour code of conduct and need to be reminded of it. In these circumstances there are agreed procedures, which everyone follows. (Details of this can be found in our Discipline and Behaviour Policy). A Home School Agreement is sent out every year, which reminds pupils of our expected code of conduct. When necessary the Headteacher will meet with parents to discuss any issues regarding behaviour. If needed, the headteacher will consult with the parents concerned at the first opportunity.
All entrances are locked and to gain access there is video and key code entry systems. Any visitor who accesses the building is met by a key member of staff and escorted to the appropriate place. The school holds a visitors’ log to keep a record of all visits to the school. The school has a designated first aid officer. If an accident occurs in school, the school sends accident slips home to parents, advising them if medical attention is required. An accident log is maintained. The school complies with all LEA procedures regarding reporting incidents on school premises.
Pastoral Care
Religious Education/ Addysg Grefyddol
Gofal Bugeiliol
RE is a compulsory element within the curriculum and is taught in accordance with the local authorities/schools agreed syllabus. Parents are entitled to withdraw children wholly or in part from Religious Education and collective worship.
One of the aims of the school is to provide a secure, caring and happy environment. Pastoral care of the pupils is the concern of everyone with the Headteacher having overall responsibility. In the event of a pupil being taken ill, or sustaining minor injury, the parent or guardian will be informed and appropriate arrangements made. Emergency services are summoned in the case of major accidents and the parents informed. Medical and dental services attend school at regular intervals when requested. The Education Welfare Service and the School Psychological Service work closely with the school to support all pupils. Medicines are administered by the school’s first aider. Parents must inform the school regarding any medical information regarding their child. Adequate supervisory arrangements are made during break times and dinner times.
Homework/Gwaith Cartref As a school we welcome a close working partnership with parents. At the start of each term each class has a newsletter, which includes the learning objectives for the term. A homework schedule is included and every child is given a copy to share with parents. We see homework practices to be an integral part of teaching and learning. Our school policy is designed to develop effective homework patterns and aims to promote and extend learning from school. Reading is an important element of homework. We encourage children to read nightly with the support and guidance of parents. Home School diaries are available to record progress and reading bags are available at ÂŁ3.50. Continuity and progression are at the heart of all we offer our children. Information and Communication Technology is delivered through all areas of the curriculum. In accordance with National Assembly and Basic Skills Agency recommendations we implement our homework policy as follows
Year Group
Suggested time
Years 1 and 2
1 hour per week
Years 3 and 4
1.5 Hour per week
Years 5 and 6
30 minutes daily
Family Homework
Whole school every Monday
A Fire drill is carried out regularly. The PE equipment is regularly checked and lessons supervised responsibly. Valuables are brought to school at the child’s own risk and the wearing of jewellery is discouraged for health and safety reasons.
Bilingualism Dwyieithrwydd We aim to promote and foster positive attitudes towards bilingualism in our school. We strive to produce learners who are confident and effective bilingualists, providing children with opportunities to communicate bilingually with purpose and enjoyment.
The Foundation Phase / Y Cyfnod Sylfaen The ethos of the Foundation Phase is firmly embedded within Sea View Primary School practice. The following learning areas, as prescribed by the Framework for Children’s Learning for 3-7 Year Olds in Wales, underpin all teaching and learning experiences for children who fall within this age group. 1. Language Literacy and Communication Skills. 2. Mathematical development 3. Knowledge and Understanding of the World 4. Creative Development 5. Welsh Language Development 6. Physical development 7. Personal and social Development, Well Being and Cultural Diversity Further to this, we strive to promote a rich, warm, caring learning environment, where children explore, learn and become independent thinkers. This is achieved by facilitating learning through structured, well planned play activities, both inside and outdoors. The timetable for implementing the Foundation Phase can be viewed below st st st st 1 August 2008 1 August 2009 1 August2010 1 August 2011 3-4 yr olds 4-5 yr olds 5-6 yr olds 6-7 yr olds
The National Curriculum 2000 / Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol 2000 The requirements for teaching, as prescribed by the National Curriculum for Wales are carefully planned for, implemented, monitored and evaluated within our School. Despite the subject based structure of the National Curriculum for Wales, learning is approached from a cross-curricular thematic perspective, with the emphasis placed firmly on the development of the appropriate skills that facilitate effective, independent learning.
Revised National Curriculum 2008 / Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol Newydd 2008 The timetable for implementing the Revised National curriculum can be viewed below: National Curriculum Year Date for Implementation st 3, 4, 5 1 August 2008 st 6 1 August 2009 One of the most significant overall aims of the revised curriculum is a reduction in prescription and giving control and responsibility back to school and learners themselves. Schools are now free to organise and deliver the curriculum in a way that best suits their circumstances and needs. There are no longer any restraints relating to time allocation of subjects.
Key Skills / Sgiliau Allweddol Within our school great emphasis is placed upon the following key skills, which are viewed as being cross competencies and implemented as such. • Thinking • Communication • ICT • Number • Personal and social Education • Curriculum Cymreig Pupils are actively encouraged to reflect on the skills being employed during the course of their learning experiences, following pupil-teacher interaction at the beginning of each learning activity.
Welsh Cymraeg Children will follow a curriculum to develop spoken and written Welsh. Curriculum Cymreig is one of the key skills that is introduced to children throughout the school.
School Visits Ymweliadau Ysgol Children enjoy visiting places and learn much from first hand experiences. We have an extensive programme of educational visits linked to different areas of the curriculum. We are not allowed to charge but may request a voluntary contribution. Parents experiencing difficulty in meeting costs are always welcome to approach the Headteacher to discuss payment systems. We organise residential visits throughout the year in Dan-ycoed and Margam Park when available. These are excellent opportunities for studies, field work, environmental and social education. Our new curriculum places emphasis on ‘The World of Work’ in all children’s learning continuum. At Sea View we are pleased to offer a range of training in Building, plastering, to Hairdressing! If you are in receipt of income support you may be entitled to financial assistance. Please see Mrs Smale who will be happy to advise you.
Special Educational Needs /Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig The school takes account of the SEN provision of the Special Educational Needs and Discipline Act 2001 and regulations covered in Education (Special Education needs Wales) registered Code of Practice for Wales 2002. We believe strongly in the right of all children with additional needs to be educated with their peers in a mainstream school, and actively work to remove/reduce any barriers to their access of educational opportunities, in line with our Accessibility Plan, Disability Equality Policy and Admission Policy.
School Uniform/ Gwisg Ysgol We have an extensive range of school uniform and all children are encouraged to wear uniform. Staff also wear school uniform with pride. School uniform is available from the school office and is comprised of: -
At Sea View Community Primary School we believe in focusing on the positive strengths of the children and recognise parents play a key role in enabling all children to achieve their potential. We have regular meetings to enable the school to work in partnership with parents. All pupils on the stage referral system regularly review their targets and discuss the next step with their teachers and parents. As a school we believe in multi-agency support for children and their families and often host multi-agency meetings for children. As a school we work with all agencies to ensure that any child’s additional learning needs are identified early. All teaching and non-teaching staff are involved in the development and review of individual education plans for the children. The funding for children is allocated through the annual LEA’s Special Educational Needs audit and the Governing Body with the Headteacher and S.E.N.C.O. manage the general policy and approach to the provision for children with special needs. The special needs Governors are Mrs James, Ms Phillipart and Mrs Lloyd. Interventions for each child are reviewed regularly to impact on the child’s progress. Staff attend regular training to develop their understanding of children’s individual needs.
School bag
Charging & Remissions Policy Polisi Codi Tâl a Hepgor Taliadau
Sports Activities Gweithgareddau Chwaraeon
The Sea View Primary School policy on charging and remissions is in line with legal requirements as recommended by the Local Education Authority.
There is a wide range of sports activities undertaken during the year where children represent the school. These include swimming, rugby, football, cricket, netball, short tennis, rounders, lacrosse and chess. Any child taking part represents the school and this is recognised as a privilege equal to academic and artistic achievement. It also fosters team spirit and the development of skills. We aim to give children of all abilities the opportunity to participate in competitive events. In Physical Education children are expected to wear shorts, T-shirt and gym shoes if possible. Swimming lessons are generally given to Y4 Y5 & Y6 pupils and they will need a swimming costume and towel. Caps must be worn and are available from school at a cost of ÂŁ2.00.
Any activity which forms an essential part of the Curriculum (New Orders / Foundation Phase) or takes place within the school day will incur no charge to pupils or parents. Parents may be asked to make voluntary contributions towards the cost of these activities if they enhance the curriculum. No pupil will be prevented from taking part in such a visit, but if voluntary support is not forthcoming, the visit itself may be cancelled. Events which are organised outside school hours and are not essential to the curriculum may incur a charge to parents. It is the school policy at Sea View that if a pupil is responsible for deliberate damage to any equipment, material or property of the school, a payment to cover the cost of that damage will be required from the pupil.
Residential Visits/ Ymweliadau Preswyl Pupils from year 3, 4, 5 and 6 are encouraged to attend our residential trips at Dan Y Coed, Margam and Borfa House. These visits range from 1 overnight stay to 4 nights. These visits are invaluable in fostering social skills and life skills. Parents are invited to school to learn more about such visits
Complaints Procedures Gweithdrefn Gwyno
School Vision and Rules Gweledigaeth a Rheolau’r Ysgol • Work hard, aim high, share and care. • Cherish learning understand that all learning is important and fun. • Believe in ourselves and reach for the start. • Celebrate our success. • Respect ourselves and others. • Develop the joy and skills of independent learning. • Show excellent behaviour and good manners and be a person admired by others.
If you have a complaint under Section 23 of the Education Reform Act, relating to the curriculum, religious education or religious worship, the Local Authority has prepared a Formal Complaints Procedure, a copy of which is available from the school, the Education Department or a Public Library.
In the event of any complaint you should first try to resolve the matter by making an appointment to discuss the issue with the Headteacher. Further advice may be obtained from the Education Department, County Hall, Swansea. Telephone number 01792 636000.
Contact Details: Manylion Cyswllt
01792 650703 (School) 01792 650274 (Nursery) Fax: 01792 650703