Information for Parents 2012-2013

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Dear Parent Swansea has historically provided two booklets to assist parents in applying for a place at school for their child/ren. This year the information provided is combined into one booklet. This booklet will assist parents who seek a place at Primary school and also for parents who have children transferring from Primary to Secondary schools. For the first time in Swansea it will be possible to submit an application on-line for those parents whose children are transferring from Primary school to Secondary school in September 2012. If you wish to access a place at a Nursery or Reception Class or your child is transferring from an Infant school to a Junior School, staff at the school will be able to assist you. It will not be possible to submit an on-line application form for admission to primary schools until the admission process begins for September 2013. This booklet contains information about schools in the Swansea area and explains how the admission process works and also contains information about some of the services that the Education Department provides. For information about a particular school, contact the Headteacher of that school who will be able to provide a copy of the school prospectus. A list of Primary sector schools can be found on page 37 and Secondary schools on page 49 and includes school name, address, telephone number and e-mail address and also the name of the headteacher. The booklet also contains further information about: • • • • • • •

List of secondary schools with their feeder primaries – Appendix A Admission arrangements for primary schools – Appendix B Admission arrangements for secondary schools – Appendix C Admission arrangements for Voluntary Aided schools – Appendix D Special Teaching facilities – Appendix E List of schools – Appendix F Contact details for Gower College Swansea – Appendix G

On-line application form for admission to Secondary school in September 2012 can be found on the Local Authority website at If you require help in accessing or completing this form, the school secretary at your child’s Primary school will be able to help you or alternatively you can call at the Civic Centre Contact Centre where staff will be able to assist you in completing and submitting an application form. Staff at your local library will also be able to assist you. If you do experience any difficulty in accessing, completing or submitting an application form further help and advice is available by contacting the Governor Support Unit on 01792-636550 or alternatively via e-mail to: A& Schools recognise the important role parents play in the education of their children. There are many ways in which a parent can make a valuable contribution to the life of a school such as supporting school activities or by becoming a parent governor on the school governing body. The school will be able to provide further information about support or about becoming a governor. Home School Agreements provide an opportunity for parents and the school to agree, in partnership, ways to support children to do well in school and achieve their potential. It is the aspiration of everybody concerned with education in Swansea that every child should enjoy their time in school and take every opportunity to fully engage with school life and achieve to the best of their ability. May I wish your child every success in the important years ahead.

Richard Parry Director of Education

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Contents Letter to Parent Contents

Page 2 Page 3-4

Education in the City and County of Swansea include Gower College

Page 5

Important dates to remember for Primary Education

Page 6

When can my child start school?

Page 7

Choosing a Reception place for September 2012

Page 8

How school places are allocated

Page 9

How does the LA decide which children can go to their preferred Primary school?

Page 9

Voluntary Aided Schools (i.e. Denominational schools)

Page 10

How will I know if my admission request has been successful?

Page 10

Important dates to remember for Secondary education

Page 11

When will my child start Secondary school?

Page 12

Where will my child go to Secondary school at the start of Year 7?

Page 12

What if I move house or move into the area during the school year?

Page 13

May I choose a different school for my child?

Page 13

How does the LA decide which children can go to their preferred Secondary school?

Page 14

How will I know if my admission request has been successful?

Page 15

How do I appeal?

Page 15

What do I do if I want my child to be educated in Welsh?

Page 16

What if my child has Special Educational Needs?

Page 16

Is there specialist support available?

Page 17

Is there any extra help for my child whose home language is not English or Welsh?

Page 17

How will my child get to school?

Page 18

If I live in the City and County of Swansea, can my child go to school outside this County?

Page 18

If I live outside the City and County of Swansea, can my child go to a school in Swansea?

Page 19

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Admission to Independent schools in Swansea?

Page 19

What is the Education Welfare Service?

Page 19

Young people working while of school age

Page 19

What if my child wants to be involved in entertainment productions?

Page 20

Will school meals be available for my child?

Page 20

Breakfast clubs

Page 20

What is the LA’s Policy per charging per school visits?

Page 21

School Uniform

Page 21

What examinations will my child take?

Page 21

School Governors

Page 22

Careers Information and Guidance

Page 22

What education is available when my child is over 16?

Page 22

Can my child get financial assistance if he/she goes into Further or Higher Education?

Page 23

What can I do if I have a complaint or if I am not satisfied with my child’s education?

Page 23

What can I do if the information I want is not in this booklet?

Page 23

Appendices Appendix A List of Secondary schools with their feeder Primary schools

Appendix B Admission Arrangements 2012/13 (Primary)

Appendix C Admission Arrangements 2012/13 (Secondary)

Appendix D Voluntary Aided Schools

Appendix E Specialist Teaching Facilities

Appendix F The City and County of Swansea list of schools

Appendix G Contact details for Gower College, Swansea

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Page 31-38

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Page 40-49

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Education in the City and County of Swansea The City and County of Swansea is committed to sustain and improve the quality of education for all children in the County. It seeks to promote equal opportunities for all children and parents through its key policies. Approximately 97% of all children in the County receive part-time nursery education. The best start for a child’s learning comes in the caring and secure environment of a nursery class where children can take part in a wide variety of stimulating activities. 82 infant, junior and primary schools in Swansea provide a broad education designed to meet individual needs and to teach all the National Curriculum subjects. The County provides Welsh medium schools, Roman Catholic schools and one Church in Wales primary school. There are 14 secondary schools, some with sixth forms, including two Welsh medium schools and one Roman Catholic comprehensive school. All schools seek to set high standards in examinations, sport, cultural activities and personal and social education. Pupils in all schools follow the National Curriculum. A broad curriculum gives all pupils wide choice and opportunities for learning. There are 2 Special schools — one provides for secondary pupils with severe learning difficulties and has a specialist unit for Autistic children. The other is equipped to meet the needs of pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties. One Tertiary College offers a wide range of continuing and further education courses for pupils over 16 years of age. The college is independent of the Education Department. If you require information about the college please contact: Gower College Swansea Tycoch Road Tycoch Swansea SA2 9EB

Gower College Swansea Belgrave Road Gorseinon Swansea SA4 6RD

Tel: 01792 284000

Tel: 01792 890700

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Important dates to remember for Primary Education This timetable is for parents who are applying for a place in a Reception class for Infant and Primary schools and for Year 3 in Junior schools for September 2012. Parents who move into the area or who want to transfer their child to another school during the school year can apply at any time.

11th January 2012

Primary schools invite parents who are living in the school’s catchment area and who have made contact with the school to apply for a place in the catchment school.

7th March 2012

Deadline for parents to reply, complete the application form and return it to the catchment school or make a preferred placement application to a different school. You should complete one form only with your first and second choice schools clearly stated. There is no guarantee of a catchment place but if you miss the deadline you may lose the catchment place.

Policy on late applications

Note: Late forms will be considered after the applications received on time have been allocated places. This may mean that you are not allocated a place at the school of your choice even if you live in the school’s catchment area or move into the catchment area after 7th March.

27th April 2012

Parents will be notified about whether or not they have been allocated a place at the school of their choice and if not, of where there is a place available.

27th April – 25th May 2012

Parents can appeal against an unsuccessful application by writing to the School and Governor Unit of the Education Department. Note: Church schools decide their own admission arrangements so this timetable may differ for parents who want a place for their child at a church primary school (refer to Appendix D). For full details of Swansea’s Local Authority’s Admission Policies refer to Appendices B (primary schools) and C (secondary schools). If you move into the area or want to transfer your child to another school during the school year, this timetable does not apply to you.

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When can my child start school? Nursery Most parents want their child to attend a Nursery class and in Swansea, all Infant and Primary schools provide part-time nursery education. The policy of the Council is the provision of part-time Nursery education only. If there is a place available at the school of your choice, your child can attend part-time after their third birthday. If there is not a place immediately available, you may have to put your child’s name on a waiting list or ask for advice about where there is another school with room. A Nursery place will be available for your child in the term following the third birthday. This may not be in the school nearest to your home address. The names, addresses and relevant telephone numbers of all schools are in Appendix F of this book. You can ring the Civic Centre on 01792 636549 for advice. It is important to note that children attending the nursery class of a school will not have an automatic right of admission to full time education in reception at the same school. Parents will need to apply for a place along with other applicants.

Reception All children by law must start school no later than the first day of the term after their fifth birthday. In the City and County of Swansea, all children can start full-time school early at the beginning of the school year in which they become five. However, if you wish to wait until your child is 5, you should still make contact with the headteacher of the school of your choice so that your child’s name can be considered for a place using the same procedures as those for pupils starting in September. In some areas of Swansea, primary education is provided in separate Infant and Junior Schools. Every child who is seven by August 31 transfers from Infant School to a new school when term starts in the following September. Parents will be asked to apply for a place in Year 3 (the first Junior age year group) at the school of their choice. However, please note that whether or not you live in the catchment area if there are more applications than places, there is no guarantee of a place at the partner Junior school.

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Choosing a Reception Place for September 2012 Most children attend their catchment area school (note that this school is usually, but not always the school nearest to your home). If you are not sure which school is your catchment school, contact the School and Governor Unit at the Civic Centre on 636549. You can if you wish apply to another school of your choice. You may wish to visit different schools before you decide on the school you want your child to attend. To do this, please make an appointment with the Headteacher first. You can also obtain the school prospectus, free of charge, from the school and this will give you a variety of information about the school for example, pupil welfare, school uniform, after school clubs. To apply to any school you need to ask the Headteacher for an application form. Only one application form should be completed but you should put a first and a second choice school on the form. Please remember that attending the Nursery at any school does not guarantee you a place in the reception class if there are more applications than places and this applies whether or not you live in the school’s catchment area. You will need to complete the admissions application form and submit by the deadline of 7th March 2012. All completed forms will be considered at the same time. There is no advantage to a parent who submits a form early. If you do not meet the deadline, your application will be considered later but by then all the places may have been allocated. There may be extenuating circumstances which need to be referred to the Local Authority (LA) for decision. For children of split families living between 2 addresses because the parents are permanently living apart the address at which the child spends the greater part of the school week will be taken as the child’s main address when an admission application is considered. The child needs to be living at the address given on the admission to school application form. Using the address of grandparents, other relatives or family friends will be viewed as fraudulent or misleading information. This could lead to the place at your preferred school being withdrawn. Only the one main address will be used to allocate places. The catchment area school will write in January 2012 to invite the parents of all those children known to be living in the catchment area. To apply for a place at the school, you should complete the admissions application form by 7th March 2012. If you do not want your child to attend the catchment school you must say on the form which school you would prefer and return the form to your first choice school. You need to do this by 7th March 2012. If your child does not attend a Nursery class in one of the LA’s schools, you must contact the headteacher of the school of your choice in early January 2012. Please refer to the timetable on page 6. All schools, English and Welsh medium and denominational (Roman Catholic or Church in (Wales) are listed in Appendix F and details of how denominational schools admit their pupils are in Appendix D.

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How school places are allocated Parental preferences (your choice of school for your child) will be met if at all possible and most children receive a place in the school of their parents’ choice. However, this will depend on whether or not the school has room because the LA cannot normally admit over the school’s Admission Number. Also in Reception, year 1 and year 2 infant classes there is a legal upper limit of 30 pupils. In Junior classes, the Welsh Government has instructed LA’s to limit Key Stage 2 (i.e. Junior) classes to 30 and this is the policy of the LA. A place at the school of your choice cannot be guaranteed, whether or not you live in the catchment area of the school, as some schools receive more applications than there are places. For example for Reception places in 2011, there were appeals for places in the following schools: Brynhyfryd Infant, Glyncollen Primary, Penllergaer Primary, YGG Lonlas and YGG Y Login Fach. Through the school year there were appeals for places in the following primary schools: Newton, Oystermouth, Parkland, and Sketty.

How does the LA decide which children can go to their preferred primary school? If more parents want their children to go to a particular school than the school has room, the places that are available will be allocated in the order shown below. The number of places available is determined by the school’s Admission Number. There will be no tests or interviews by the school. • Children who are in the care of the Local Authority (LAC). • Children living in the catchment area whose parents have expressed a preference for the school. If there are more applications than places, the places will be allocated in distance order with those living nearest to the school receiving priority. • If there are places remaining, those children who have a brother or sister already going to the school will be allocated a place. A brother or sister will be defined as a natural or legally adopted child of either parent living at the same address. The brother or sister must still be attending the school when the younger child starts. If there are more applications in this category than there are places available, then the places will be allocated according to distance, with those living nearest to the school receiving priority. • If there are still places remaining, children who already attend a designated feeder infant school (one which is linked to the junior school) but who live outside the catchment area are allocated places. If the number of applications in this category exceed the number of places available then the places will be allocated on distance with those living nearest to the school receiving priority. • If there are still places available, these are allocated to those who live closest to the school. All distances are measured by computer, taking the distance from home to school by the shortest available walking route. Please note that schools have a duty to admit children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs who have been placed in a school by the LA. In any circumstances in which there is one place available and the next eligible children are twins/triplets then the LA will admit both/all children.

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Voluntary Aided Schools (i.e. Denominational Schools) If you wish for your child to attend a voluntary aided (Roman Catholic/Church in Wales) school, places will be allocated using criteria which the school’s Governing Body has agreed. In summary these schools give priority to the children of parents who are practising Catholics/Anglicans living inside the catchment area of the school. If there are places remaining, the next priority are Catholics/Anglicans living outside the catchment area. Other children may also be admitted if there are still places available. For further details of the admission arrangements for these schools, refer to Appendix C or contact the school (see Appendix F for contact details).

How will I know if my admission request has been successful? You will receive a letter to tell you whether your child has been given a place at the chosen school. You will also be asked to return a form stating that you accept the place. If the application has been refused because the school has allocated up to the Admission Number, you have a right to appeal. Details of how to do this will be sent with the letter. If you wish to appeal against a decision for an admission for September 2012, you must write to the School & Governor Unit by 25th May 2012. Any appeals received after that date will be dealt with as soon as possible. The appeal will be heard by an Independent Panel. For appeals for admission at other times during the school year, there is no deadline for making an appeal. Schools will keep a waiting list of children wanting places. If any places become available, these will be offered using the same admission criteria order shown on page 8. Parents who appeal do not have priority over parents on the waiting list. Schools will keep the waiting list only until the Friday before half-term in October. Parents wishing to be considered for a place for their child after this time will need to make a new application. The Headteacher of the school which you would like your child to attend or the Education Department in the Civic Centre (01792 635381) will be happy to help you by explaining the admissions process in more detail.

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Important dates to remember for Secondary Education This timetable is for parents applying for a place in Year 7 in secondary school for September 2012. Parents who move into the area or want to transfer their child to another school during the school year can apply at any time. Please note there are significant changes in this timetable from previous years.

30th September 2011

Secondary schools invite parents who are living in the school’s catchment area to apply for a place in the catchment school. A letter and form will come via your child’s primary school.

30th November 2011

Deadline for parents to complete the application form and return it to your child’s primary school. There is no guarantee of a catchment place but if you miss this deadline you may lose the catchment place.

Policy on late applications

Note: Late forms will be considered after the applications received on time have been allocated places. This may mean that you are not allocated a place at the school of your choice even if you live in the school’s catchment area or move into the catchment area after 30th November.

8th February 2012

Parents will be notified about whether or not they have been allocated a place at the school of their choice and if not, of where there is a place available.

10th February – 23rd March 2012

Parents can appeal against an unsuccessful application by writing to the School and Governor Unit in the Education Department. Note: Church schools decide their own admission arrangements so this timetable may differ for parents who want a place for their child at Bishop Vaughan Roman Catholic Comprehensive School (refer to Appendix D). Parents who have children who attend Roman Catholic primary schools and who want their children to attend a non-church secondary school must complete an application form and return it to the school of their choice. Ask your primary school to help you to obtain the correct application form. For full details of Swansea Local Authority’s Admission Policy refer to Appendix C.

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When will my child start secondary school? Children usually transfer to secondary school when they are 11. Children who are 11 by 31st August start at secondary school in the following September. Appendix A shows the partner primary schools that are associated with each secondary school. A list of all the secondary schools in Swansea is provided in Appendix F of this booklet. Appendix E shows the schools which have specialist teaching facilities for children who have Special Educational Needs and Appendix F includes a list of Special Schools. Tertiary Colleges in the County are listed in Appendix G. Detailed information about each school and the tertiary college is available from the individual school or the college.

Where will my child go to secondary school at the start of year 7? Most pupils attend their local catchment area secondary school. If you are not sure which school is your catchment area school, please telephone the Education Department at the Civic Centre on 01792 636549. A full list of secondary schools is in Appendix F of this booklet. For children of split families living between 2 addresses because the parents are permanently living apart, the address at which the child spends the greater part of the school week will be taken as the child’s main address when an admission application is considered. (The child needs to be living at the address given on the admission to school application form. Using the address of grandparents, other relatives or family friends will be viewed as fraudulent or misleading information. This could lead to the place at your preferred school being withdrawn). For children transferring to secondary school in September 2012, the LA will write to you at the end of September 2011 inviting you to apply on-line for a place for your child at a secondary school. In order to complete the application the letter will include your child’s Unique Identification (UID) which will allow you to access the application form which has been set up specifically for your child. You can apply using your UID anywhere where you have internet access including your home PC. Support will also be offered with the application process at your local library, the Contact Centre in the Civic Centre or your child’s primary school. Requests for admission for places in year 7 that are received in writing by the deadline of 30th November 2011 will be considered at the same time. Requests will be granted provided there are places available. If the catchment school has filled up to its limit (called the Admission Number) catchment pupils who then want a place will be refused. There is no guarantee of a catchment place.

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What if I move house or move into the area during the school year? If you move into the area during the school year or you want to transfer your child to another school during the school year, the deadline of 30th November 2011 for the receipt of your application does not apply to you. Please make contact with the secondary school you would like your child to attend. The school will ask you to complete a form. If they have room in the appropriate year group, your child will be given a place. If the year group is full, i.e. they have admitted up to their Admission Number (AN) you will be contacted in writing and told that the school are unable to give your child a place. You will be given right to appeal. Details of how to do this will be sent with the letter. You must write to the Director of Education. Your appeal will be dealt with as soon as possible. The appeal will be dealt with by an independent appeal panel. Each school will keep a waiting list of any pupils wishing to attend that school. If any places become available at a later date, they will be offered to children using the admission criteria listed in the section headed “How does the LA decide which children can go to their preferred school?”

May I choose a different school for my child? Yes, you may express a preference for a school other than the local catchment area school. You may also move your child from one school to another although it is recommended that this is only in exceptional circumstances because moving to another school during the academic year can disadvantage pupils by disrupting their education. You may wish your child to go to a Welsh medium school. There are two Welsh medium secondary schools in the City and County of Swansea, namely Y.G. Gwyr ˆ and Y.G. Bryn Tawe. If you want information about either of these schools, please contact the appropriate school (see Appendix F). There is one denominational secondary school. Responsibility for admissions at Bishop Vaughan Roman Catholic Comprehensive lies with the school’s governing body. Details of how Bishop Vaughan admit their pupils are shown in Appendix D. For admissions for other year groups and at any time of the year, there is a standard white admissions form on which you can apply for the school of your choice. If you are applying for a Year 7 place for September 2012 you need to apply and submit your completed form by Wednesday 30th November 2011. All applications received by that date will be considered together. Any applications which are received after the closing date will be dealt with as soon as possible after they are received – delay in applying for a place could result in you losing a place at the school of your choice. Pupils who wish to go to a school other than the catchment area secondary school should not be asked to produce school reports, be given tests, interviews or other exercises to determine ability or aptitude by the school of your choice. Parental preferences (your choice of school for your child) will be met if at all possible.

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However, this depends first of all upon whether the school has room for your child. All schools must admit up to their Admission Number in the year of entry and must not exceed this number. A place at the school of your choice cannot be guaranteed, but in practice, most children are able to go to the school which they and their parents choose. Some schools are oversubscribed (for example, for year 7 places for September 2011 appeals were heard from parents who had been refused places for their children at Bishopston, Olchfa & Pontarddulais). Through the school year there have been appeals for these schools for places at Bishopston, Dylan Thomas, Gowerton, Olchfa and Pontarddulais for other year groups. Please remember that if you choose a school other than your catchment area secondary school, you must pay the cost of your child’s transport to that school.

How does the LA decide which children can go to their preferred secondary school? If more parents want their children to go to a school than the school has room for, the places that are available will be allocated in the order shown below. The number of places available is determined by the school’s Admissions Number. • Children who are in the care of the Local Authority (LAC). • Children living in the catchment area whose parents have requested a place by the deadline of 30th November 2011 (for parents applying for Year 7 places for September 2012 only). If there are more applications than places, the places will be allocated in distance order with those living nearest to the school receiving priority. • If there are still places remaining children who have a brother or sister who already goes to that school will be given a place. A brother or a sister will be defined as a natural or adopted child of either parent living at the same address. The brother or sister must be attending the school when the younger child starts. If there are more applications in this category than there are places available, then the places will be allocated according to distance, with those living nearest to the school receiving priority. • If there are still places remaining then children who already attend a designated primary feeder school (one which is linked to that secondary school - see Appendix A) but who live outside the catchment area are given places. If the number of applications in this category exceed the number of places available the places will be allocated on distance with those living nearest to the school receiving priority. • If there are still places available, these are allocated to those who live closest to the school. All distances are measured by computer, taking the distance from home to school by the shortest available walking route. Please note that schools have a duty to admit children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs who have been placed in a school by the LA. In any circumstances in which there is one place available and the next eligible children for that place are twins/triplets, the LA will admit both/all children. If you wish your child to attend Bishop Vaughan Voluntary Aided (Roman Catholic) Secondary School, requests will be decided using criteria which the school’s Governing Body has agreed. Please refer to Appendix D and contact Bishop Vaughan for details.

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How will I know if my admission request has been successful? You will receive a letter to tell you whether your child has been given a place at the chosen school and you will need to complete a form stating that you accept the place. If the application has been refused because the school has allocated up to the Admission Number, you have the right to appeal. Details of how to do that will be sent with the letter. If you wish to appeal against a decision for a Year 7 admission for September 2012, you must write to the School and Governor Unit by Friday 23rd March 2012. Any appeals received after that date will be dealt with as soon as possible but failure to meet the deadline of 23rd March could result in you failing to obtain a place at the school of your choice. The appeal will be heard by an Independent Appeals Panel. For appeals for admissions to any year group at other times during the school year, there is no deadline for the receipt of appeals. Each school will keep a waiting list of any pupils wishing to attend that school. If any places become available at a later date they will be offered to children using the same admission criteria order as listed on page 9. Parents who appeal do not have priority over parents on the waiting list. Schools will keep the waiting list only until the Friday before half-term in October. Parents wishing to be considered for a place for their child after this time will need to make a new application. The Headteacher of the school which you would like your child to attend or the Education Department in the Civic Centre (01792 635381) will be happy to help you by explaining the admission process in more detail.

How do I appeal? If you wish to appeal against a decision to refuse your child a place at the school of your choice, you must: • Write a letter of appeal to the Education Department, addressed to the School and Governor Unit, Education Department, Civic Centre, Swansea. • In the letter you should give your reasons for wanting a place at the school of your choice. • The Legal Department will set up an appeal hearing. An independent panel of 3 or 5 members will hear the case. • At the appeal an officer of the Education Department will explain why admitting more children to the year group will affect the education of pupils at the school. • You will then put your case and your reasons for wanting the school place. • The panel will then make its decision, which is final; there is no further right of appeal regarding this decision. If your appeal is unsuccessful, you will not be able to appeal for a place at the same school during the same academic year unless there has been a significant change in circumstances. These circumstances would need to be discussed with the LA. However, parents are entitled to a new appeal in respect of a different school year e.g. if an appeal is lost for a place in Reception, parents can appeal the following year if their child is refused a place for Year 1. Similarly if an appeal is lost for a place in Year 7, parents can appeal the following year if their child is refused a place for Year 8. There are very few circumstances in which an Independent Panel can admit a pupil to an Infant class if it has reached 30. The appeal can be upheld only if the appeal panel is satisfied that the decision was not one which a reasonable admission authority would make in the circumstances of the case, or that the child would have been offered a place if the admission arrangements had been properly implemented. This is because of the statutory class size limit of 30 in infant classes.

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What do I do if I want my child to be educated in Welsh? There are nine Welsh medium Primary schools in the City and County of Swansea. All the Welsh medium primary schools have Nursery provision. You should request a place at the Welsh medium primary school in writing by the deadline of 7th March 2012 if you are applying for a Reception place for the following September. Although most children are able to attend their catchment Welsh medium school there is no guarantee of a catchment place. Attending the Nursery class at a Welsh medium school does not mean that a child will automatically gain a place in the school’s reception class. In the main the pupils come from wide catchment areas. If you are not sure of your catchment area please check by phoning 01792 636549. Teaching in these schools is through the medium of Welsh in Key Stage One (Infants) and Key Stage Two (Junior). English is introduced in Year 3. Welsh is taught as part of the National Curriculum second language programme of study to all pupils in the English medium primary schools in the City and County of Swansea. The Education Department provides an intensive language centre for children of primary age whose parents have moved into the City and County of Swansea and want them to access Welsh medium education. For more information please contact St. Helens Welsh Language Centre on 01792 649138.

What if my child has Special Education Needs? If you think your child may have special educational needs, please tell your child’s Headteacher. If your child is not yet in school, phone (01792 636162) or write to Access to Learning in the Education Department in the Civic Centre. Wherever possible pupils with special educational needs are taught in their local mainstream (catchment area, not special) school. If your child holds a statement, in year 5 there will be an initial discussion with you about where your child will attend secondary school. Extra money is included in each school’s budget to help meet the needs of children with special education needs. Each school has a Special Education Needs Co-ordinator to provide extra help. Educational psychologists and specialist teachers (who work in several schools) are also available to help the school. A number of mainstream schools have resources, facilities and specially trained staff to cater for the needs of children with particular learning difficulties (see Appendix E for details). A few children have long-term, complex needs which are best met in a special school where additional specialist teaching, expertise and equipment are available. There are two Special Schools in the City and County of Swansea. These are Ysgol Crug Glas and Ysgol Penybryn (see Appendix F for contact details). Pupils can only attend these schools if they are placed there by the Local Authority. The preferred Placement Scheme does not apply to pupils for whom the Education Department has a Statement of Special Educational Needs. The Education Department will consult with parents and schools to decide which school can best meet the needs of the child.

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The Education Department reserves the right to name a school which is not the catchment area school. If your child has a statement and you wish to change your child’s school for some reason, you need to put this request in writing to the Access to Learning Team in the Civic Centre asking them to amend the name of the school on your child’s statement. If you would like further information about provision for children with special education needs, a booklet called “Special Educational Needs in the City and County of Swansea: a Guide for Parents and Carers” is available from Access to Learning in the Civic Centre. The booklet explains the policy, procedures and provision available as well as describing the rights of parents and responsibilities of the Education Department. The booklet has been produced in partnership with Special Needs Advisory Project (SNAP). SNAP is an independent project which provides support and guidance for parent of children with special needs. You can contact SNAP by telephone on 01792-457305.

Is there specialist support available? In general, young people with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties are supported and managed within school by their mainstream teachers. In a small number of cases specialist input is needed. Schools can then call on the support of the Educational Psychologist or Behaviour Support Teacher who will work with staff in the school to help resolve any difficulties. If, despite the additional support, the young person continues to behave in a particularly challenging way then the school can make a request for a place in a Pupil Referral Unit (PRU). Before being placed in a PRU, pupils will generally have had support from the Educational Psychologist and/or Behaviour Support Teacher whilst in school. Pupils placed in the PRU are expected to return to their mainstream school and their length of stay in the PRU varies. Referrals for PRU are made by the school to the Education Other Than At School (EOTAS) Panel or the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Panel if the young person concerned is in receipt of a Statement of Special Educational Needs.

Is there any extra help for my child whose home language is not English or Welsh? Yes there is a central team of specialist teachers and speakers of 17 other languages (e.g. Sylheti, Bengali, Arabic, Cantonese, Urdu, Czech, Punjabi, Polish, Turkish) called the Ethnic Minority Language and Achievement Service (EMLAS) who work in schools to help children who are learning English. Your child’s school can contact EMLAS and ask for this specialist help. EMLAS will assess how much and what kind of help your child needs with learning English. EMLAS can help with learning English by working with your child in his/her lessons and offering advice to your child’s teachers. EMLAS may also give help to your child through his/her home language. In some schools there may be many children who are learning English. In these schools more help is provided by EMLAS. If you think your child might need help with learning English, ask the school to contact EMLAS by phoning 01792 465406.

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How will my child get to school? Free transport is provided for pupils who live two miles or more from their catchment area primary school or three miles or more from their catchment area secondary school. The distance is measured by the shortest available walking route over a reasonable surface. Free transport is provided from the beginning of the school year in which pupils reach the age of five. (Transport is not normally available for younger/nursery children.) A pupil who is in Year 10 or 11 and who moves out of the catchment area after the October half term of year 10 to another part of the City and County of Swansea but wishes to remain at the same school to finish their exam course will be given help with bus fares to that school if it is more than 3 miles away. If you think you qualify for free transport, please contact your child’s Headteacher. Pupils who live less than two miles from their catchment primary school or 3 miles from their catchment secondary school may be able to buy a bus pass to ride on the school bus if there are spare seats on that bus. There is no guarantee that spare seats will always be available for parents to purchase. You should also bear in mind that the route and timings of school bus services can vary from time to time. For children with statements of Special Educational Needs, the general transport policy described above applies. The Education Department will provide free transport for SEN children where they are placed by the Education Department at a mainstream school other than their local catchment school, at a Specialist Teaching Facility other than at their local school, or in a special school, as long as they live 2 miles or more away in the case of primary pupils and 3 miles or more in the case of secondary school pupils. However the LA does have discretion to provide free home to school transport according to the nature of the special needs of the child. If the Education Department feels that a child’s needs can be met at their local mainstream school, but the parent chooses an alternative mainstream school, the parent is responsible for any transport arrangements and costs. You can get more information about school transport by ringing the Council’s Transport Team on 01792 636347. Copies of the City and County of Swansea Home to School Transport policy are also available from this number or downloaded on for the English version and on for the Welsh version.

If I live in the City and County of Swansea, can my child go to school outside this County? If you wish to send your child to a school outside the City and County of Swansea, you should get in touch with the Education Department concerned. The City and County of Swansea will not usually provide transport or make any contribution towards transport costs for pupils who go to a school outside the County. The Education Department will not contribute towards transport costs for pupils to attend specialist schools e.g. Schools for Drama and Dance.

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If I live outside the City and County of Swansea, can my child go to a school in Swansea? Children of parents who live outside the City and County of Swansea will be able to have full time education in schools in the County if places are available. Parents should contact the school direct. If there are no places available, parents have the same right of appeal as children of parents living in Swansea (see Page 14).

Admission to Independent schools The Education Department does not offer any free or assisted places at any independent school unless there are exceptional circumstances.

What is the Education Welfare Service? Regular attendance at school is very important if children are to benefit as much as possible from education. Education Welfare Officers (EWO’s) work with children, parents, carers and schools to make sure that pupils attend school regularly and on time. There is an Education Welfare Officer for each school. The EWO’s offer help and advice to families when there is a problem which may be preventing pupils from getting the full benefit from school. Contact can be made with an EWO in confidence via the school. The Principal Education Welfare Officer can be contacted via: Danycoed House, Huntington Close, West Cross, Swansea, SA3 5AL. Tel: 01792 405689

Young people working while of school age If your child wants to have any part-time work while still at school there are a number of rules that apply. These legal requirements ensure that young people are registered and licensed with the Local Authority’s Child Employment Officer and that they do not undertake work that could damage their health, place them in physical danger, or have an adverse effect on their education. The official date for leaving school is the last Friday in June in the school year in which the pupil is 16 yrs old. Before this date young people over the age of 13 may apply for a work permit for parttime work. An application form must be completed and signed by the parents and the employer. If the type of work is suitable and the hours to be worked are within the stipulated limits, a work permit will be issued. For further information and an application form, please contact: Mr John Austin, Child Employment Officer, Danycoed House, Huntington Close, West Cross, Swansea, SA3 5AL, Tel: 01792 405689. For further information and an application form relating to child employment visit: Additional information can be found on the National Network for Child Employment and Entertainment (NNCEE) on

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What if my child wants to be involved in entertainment productions? Some children have the opportunity to take part in the world of entertainment such as on stage or in films and television. A licence is needed for this and, as with part-time employment, there are conditions to follow. The person arranging the production is responsible for applying for a performance licence and this needs to be done at least 21 days before the first day of the performance. There is a section of the application form for the parent to complete and if your child is involved in an entertainment production you will need to make sure that a licence has been issued. Licence application forms are available from the School & Governor Unit (tel: 01792 637276).

Will school meals be available for my child? In primary schools pupils have a choice of freshly cooked 2 course meal with a drink which is provided at every school. These meals meet the nutritional guidelines as required by Appetite for Life and it is our aim to make these attractive and appetising to children. Special dietary requirements e.g. coeliac and diabetic children can be catered for, please contact the school secretary. The 3 weekly menu is circulated via schools to all children in winter and spring. School meals can play a very important part in teaching children social skills and introducing them to different eating experiences. If you prefer, your child may take a packed lunch to eat at school. All schools offer free milk to children who are of Nursery and Infant age (seven and under). Free milk provided as a drink in primary schools is partly subsidised by the European Union and partly paid for by the Department of Health or the Welsh Government. Some primary schools offer “playtime” milk to 8 to 11 year olds which is subsidised by the European Union. Parents have to make a contribution to the cost. Secondary schools have cafeterias which provide a choice of meals and snacks to pupils available at both morning break and at lunch time. Any child can opt to have the Meal of the day and either a pudding or bottled water which has been nutritionally balanced and represents value for money. Pupils pay in cash for the food they choose. Some schools have a cashless system where money is loaded to the card or fob in advance – parents can pay by cheque. If preferred, pupils may take a packed lunch to eat at school. Milk is also provided for pupils who attend special schools.

Breakfast Clubs Free Breakfast is served from 8am - 8.30am in 95% of our Primary schools. Children are offered a choice of unsweetened cereal, glass of fruit juice or milk and toast with fruit spread. After eating children can play games, read, colour, watch television etc.

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What is the LA’s Policy for charging for school visits? A charge is made for accommodation and food for children who take part in activities where they stay overnight. Schools also often request voluntary contributions for activities and day trips which the children make. No charge is made for any agreed residential course or camp for pupils whose parents receive Income Support, income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance, Child Tax Credit (with a taxable income of up to £16,190 p.a. and as long as you are not receiving Working Tax Credit), the guarantee element of State Pension Credit or income related employment and support allowance. If a pupil travels from home to an activity encouraged but not provided by the Education Department or school (for example work experience) you will be asked to pay the bus fares unless the activity is more than three miles from home. You can find out what is provided free and when you will be expected to pay by getting details of these policies from the school, or the Education Department (Tel: 01792 636551).

School Uniform There is no uniform grant available for children attending primary schools in the City and County of Swansea. However for children who are transferring to secondary school a grant is available, funded by the Welsh Government, for families on low income. Secondary school pupils in the City and County of Swansea wear school uniforms. Contact the school for details of the uniform. If you are on low income and your child is about to enter Year 7 of the secondary school, you may be able to get help with the cost of school uniform. The Welsh Government funds a grant for eligible Year 7 pupils. If your child is eligible for free school meals you will be eligible for help. If you contact the school, they will give you the form you need to complete. Application forms are available from the school.

What examinations will my child take? All secondary schools will give you details of their public examination results (GCSE, Applied GCSE, BTEC, NVQ and other vocational qualifications, Welsh Baccalaureate, Key Skills, AS & A levels and AVCE) if you ask for them. All students have the entitlement to sit examinations, at the appropriate level, in subjects they study. The school will pay the examination fee when the pupil is sitting the exam for the first time. If a pupil misses an exam without a valid medical reason, then the parents of that pupil may be asked to pay the fee. If the pupil has been prepared for the exam somewhere else or chooses to take an exam which the school has not offered or recommended, then the parents of that pupil will be asked to pay the fee. You can obtain further information about the examination policy from the school.

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School Governors Every school has a governing body which plays an important part in the life of the school. Governors have a responsibility for school improvement, school policies and the conduct of the school. They look after important matters such as the school’s finances and the appointment of staff. Governing Bodies are made up of local people who are ready to give their time on a voluntary basis because of their interest in the school. They will include parents, people appointed by the Council, teachers, the headteacher, business people and other members of the local community. Governing Bodies must produce a report for parents which describes the activities of the Governors. A meeting with parents is organised by the Governors where parents can discuss the report and ask questions about the running of the school. If you are interested in finding out how to become a school governor, you should contact the School and Governor Unit in the Civic Centre, Tel: 01792 636848.

Careers Information and Guidance Careers Wales West can help pupils to find out about recent developments – like the Welsh Baccalaureate or Apprenticeships – so that you are right up to date. As pupils enter the crucial years for career decisions – Years 9, 11, 12 Careers Wales West will be available to help parents as well as pupils. They can also arrange for parents to attend a careers interview, either with your child or separately. Careers Advisers also attend parents’ evenings and careers events at school or college, and parents are welcome to visit them at one of their careers centres. While at school or college they will offer pupils/students group talks on career related topics and individual interviews to discuss their options and career ideas. Careers Advisers will also help them prepare for the world of work by organising activities such as work experience, enterprise days and small business projects. Further information and advice is available from; Swansea Careers Centre, Grove House, Grove Place, Swansea, SA1 5DF, Tel: 01792 644444 or contact the Head Office on 01269 846000 / for the details of other Careers Offices.

What education is available when my child is over 16? A wide range of suitable courses are available for students who wish to stay on in full-time education after their 16th birthday. Students may choose to continue their studies in a secondary school with a sixth form or the tertiary college. Schools with sixth forms are Bishop Gore, Bishop Vaughan, Gowerton, Morriston and Olchfa. Both Ysgol Gyfun Bryn Tawe and Ysgol Gyfun Gwyr offer sixth form provision through the medium of Welsh. The tertiary college, Gower College, is independent of the Local Authority.

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Can my child get financial assistance if he/she goes into Further or Higher Education? Education Maintenance Allowance An Education Maintenance Allowance funded by the Welsh Government is available for students on full-time post-16 courses in sixth forms or Gower College Swansea. Families on low income are able to apply for the grant and a maximum of up to £30 per week, payable fortnightly, can be paid to eligible students. General information about the scheme and necessary application packs should available in school or college. Alternatively you can contact the Student Finance Wales contact centre direct on 0845 602 8845 or via by selecting the school/college option.

Assembly Learning Grant The Welsh Government has extended funding for both full and part time courses in sixth form and tertiary colleges for students aged 19+ with the continuation of the Assembly Learning Grant. An annual, income based grant of up to £1500 can be payable to eligible students. General information about the scheme and necessary application packs should also be available from school or college. Alternatively you can contact the Student Finance Wales contact centre direct on 0845 602 8845 or via by selecting the school/college option.

Student Finance Wales You can obtain specific information about student finance for students aged 18+ who are going on to study in Higher Education (e.g. HND, BA, BSc, etc.) by contacting the Student Finance Section of the Education Department at the Civic Centre (Tel: 01792 637383 or e-mail General information and guidance, including an on-line funding calculator, on-line application form and advice on what, how and when to apply for higher education student finance is also available via or by contacting the Student Finance Wales contact centre on 0845 602 8845.

What can I do if I have a complaint or if I am not satisfied with my child’s education? Every attempt is made by schools to discuss and resolve difficulties and complaints made by parents. First, make an appointment and go to talk to your child’s Headteacher about the problem. Most concerns can be resolved by doing this. However, if your complaint has not been resolved you can ask for a copy of the school complaints policy. All schools have a written complaints policy which will explain how to pursue any unresolved complaint. If you have any query about the procedure to be followed contact the School & Governor Unit on 01792 636551.

What can I do if the information I want is not in this booklet? If you want any further information or advice, speak to the Headteacher of the School or contact the Education Department at the Civic Centre on 01792 636551. Page 23

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Appendix A* List of secondary schools with their feeder primary schools Comprehensive School

Partner Primary Schools


Birchgrove, Clydach, Craig Cefn Parc, Craigfelen, Glais


Brynmill, Grange, Oystermouth, Parkland**, Sketty**, Whitestone


Bishopston, Crwys, Knelston, Mayals, Newton, Pennard


Cwm Glas, Danygraig, Pentrechwyth, St. Thomas, Talycopa, Trallwn


Blaenymaes, Cadle, Clase, Clwyd, Gwyrosydd, Portmead


Christchurch, Seaview, St. Helen’s, Terrace Road, Gendros, Gors, Townhill


Llanrhidian, Penclawdd, Pen y Fro, Tregwyr, Gowerton, Waunarlwydd


Cwmrhydyceirw, Glyncollen, Graig***, Morriston, Pentrepoeth***, Ynystawe


Cila, Dunvant, Hendrefoilan, Parkland**, Sketty**


Brynhyfryd, Cwmbwrla, Hafod, Manselton, Plasmarl, Waun Wen


Casllwchwr, Gorseinon, Penyrheol, Pontybrenin, Tre Uchaf


Llangyfelach, Pengelli, Penllergaer, Pontarddulais, Pontlliw


YGG Bryniago, YGG Brynymor, YGG Pontybrenin, YGG Y Login Fach, YGG Llwynderw


YGG Lonlas, YGG Tirdeunaw, YGG Gellionen, YGG Felindre


St. David’s, St. Illtyd’s, St. Joseph’s (Swansea), St. Joseph’s (Clydach)

* This information may be subject to change, please contact 01792 635681 for further details. ** According to address - Bishop Gore or Olchfa. *** Statutory procedures are under way which may bring significant changes. Page 24

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Appendix B Admission Arrangements 2012/2013 (Infant, Junior, Primary) Initial Placement, Parental Preference and Transfer Requests The Local Authority, the LA, is the admitting authority for all community schools in the area.

Admission to Infant, Junior and Primary Community Schools Each child about to commence full time education or transfer between an infant and junior school will be invited to apply for a place at the catchment school maintained by the LA. Parents can either apply on line or in writing for a place at the catchment school or express a preference for a placement at an alternative school. Requests for a preferred placement will be granted unless to do so would: • prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources, and • for voluntary aided schools, be incompatible with the admission arrangement agreed between the Governing Body and the LA. Those parents who express a preference on line or in writing for a place at any school will be given priority over those who have not.

(a) Admission Limits – Community Schools All schools must admit up to their Admission Number in the year of entry (ie. Reception in Infant and Primary schools and Year 3 in the following Junior schools – Brynhyfryd; Clydach and Gorseinon). In the year of entry a child will be refused a place once the Admission Number has been reached. Parents who are refused a place at the school must be given right of appeal. The Admission Number applies to all year groups.

(b) Admission Criteria – Community Schools If more applications have been received for any school than there are places available, the following order of priority will apply: 1. Children who are in the care of the Local Authority (LAC). 2. Children who live within the school’s defined catchment area. If there are more applications than places, the places will be allocated in distance order with those living nearest (shortest available walking route) receiving priority*. 3. Children who have a brother or sister attending the school at the date of their admission**. If there are more applications than places, the places will be allocated in distance order with those living nearest (shortest available walking route) receiving priority*. 4. For entry to a community junior school, children attending a designated partner infant school but who live outside the catchment area of that school. If there are more applications than places, the places will be allocated in distance order with those living nearest (shortest available walking route) receiving priority*. 5. Other children for whom a place has been requested for whom criteria 1 to 4 above do not apply. If there are more applications than places, the places will be allocated in distance order with those living nearest (shortest available walking route) receiving priority*.

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* The measurements will be taken from outside the entrance to the property (house or flat) to the nearest official school entrance. A computer programme is used when undertaking the measurement. ** A brother or sister will be defined as a natural or legally adopted child of either parent living at the same address. In any circumstances in which there is one place available and the next eligible children are twins/triplets then the LA will admit both/all children. * Note that schools have a duty to admit children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs who have been placed in a school by the LA and these pupils are counted towards the number admitted up to the Admission Number unless they are placed in a Special Teaching Facility with planned places. Requests for admission to voluntary aided schools will be determined by reference to admission criteria set by the Governing Body. (The Governing Bodies of Voluntary Aided Schools are responsible for determining their own admission arrangements). Requests for children to transfer between schools at periods other than the normal transfer age will be determined by applying the above admission criteria. The LA will not provide transport or make any contribution towards transport costs for children admitted from outside the school’s defined catchment area. However, if the catchment area school is full in the year group, transport will be provided to the next nearest school with room if that school is more than 2 miles from home.

(c) Admission Procedures – Community Schools Parents will be asked to apply on line or in writing, for a place for their child at the catchment school or to state a preference for an alternative placement using the Admissions form. Parents who wish to express a preference for an alternative placement should apply electronically or post it to the School and Governor Unit in the Civic Centre using the admissions application form. Parents should complete one form only. Requests for admission will be granted provided there are places available. Where admission requests exceed the number of places available, as determined by the published Admission Number, applications will be allocated by applying the LA’s admission criteria. Children attending the nursery class of a school and living outside the defined catchment area will not have an automatic right of admission to full time education at the same school. Parents will need to apply for a place along with other applicants. Although the LA permits pupils to start Reception full time at the start of the year in which they become five, the law does not require a child to start school until the start of term following the child’s fifth birthday. Therefore, if the parent of a Reception child wishes to defer entry until later in the school year a place must be allocated to this child and this place is not available to be offered to another child. Entry cannot however be deferred beyond the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday nor beyond the academic year for which the original application was accepted. Requests for admission to the relevant age group (i.e. the age group at which children are normally admitted to the school) submitted on or before the administrative closing date, Wednesday 7th March 2012 will be processed collectively and places allocated according to the above admission criteria. In this respect, no advantage shall be gained from the early submission of an admission request. Requests submitted after the closing date will be processed upon receipt. Admissions will not be determined on the basis of selection criteria involving the sitting of tests, viewing of school reports, or interviewing pupils with or without parents for the purpose of assessing ability or aptitude.

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Right of Appeal Parents will be informed, in writing, as to whether their application has been successful. Where their application has been refused parents will be informed in writing that they have right of appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel. If they exercise that right, the appeal must be forwarded to the School and Governor Unit at the Civic Centre by Friday 25th May 2012. The appeal will be considered by an Independent Appeal Panel of 3 or 5 people comprising lay members, and persons with experience in education.

Please note Because of the statutory class size maximum of 30, there are very restricted circumstances in which an appeal for a place in an Infant class (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) can be successful.

Waiting Lists The LA will keep a waiting list of unsuccessful applicants ranked in order of priority according to the LA’s admission criteria. As places become available, these will be offered to parents who have requested that their child’s name be kept on such a list. The waiting list will only be kept until the Friday before the October half term. Parents wishing to be considered for a place for their child after this time will need to make a new application. For admissions during the year, outside the admission round, names will be kept on a waiting list for 4 months. Parents wishing to be considered for a place for their child after this time will need to make a new application. The LA will be under no duty to comply with preference expressed otherwise than in accordance with its arrangements. NB. The admissions criteria do not apply to pupils for whom the LA holds a Statement of Special Educational Needs although the rights of parents to be involved in the placement of their child are protected in law. The LA in consultation with parents and schools will determine the school at which education is to be provided. The LA reserves the right to name a school which is not the catchment area school.

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Appendix C Admission Arrangements 2012/2013 (Secondary) Initial Placement, Parental Preference and Transfer Requests The Local Authority, the LA, is the admitting authority for all community schools in the area. Each child about to transfer from primary to secondary education will be invited to apply for a place at the catchment school maintained by the LA. Parents can either apply on line or in writing for the catchment place or express a preference for a placement at an alternative school. Requests for a preferred placement will be granted unless to do so would: • prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources, and • for voluntary aided schools, be incompatible with the admission arrangement agreed between the Governing Body and the LA. Those parents who express a preference on line or in writing for a place at any school will be given priority over those who have not.

(a) Admission Limits – Community Schools Availability of places is determined by reference to the school’s Admission Number. Schools must admit up to the Admission Number in the year of entry and must not exceed this number. The Admission Number applies to all year groups.

(b) Admission Criteria – Community Schools If more applications have been received for any school than there are places available, the following order of priority will apply: 1. Children who are in the care of the Local Authority (LAC). 2. Children who live within the school’s defined catchment area. If there are more applications than places, places will be allocated in distance order with those living nearest (shortest available walking route) receiving priority*. 3. Children who have a brother or sister attending the school at the date of their admission**. If there are more applications than places, places will be allocated in distance order with those living nearest (shortest available walking route) receiving priority*. 4. Children attending a designated partner primary school but who live outside the catchment area of that school. If there are more applications than places, places will be allocated in distance order with those living nearest (shortest available walking route) receiving priority*. 5. Other children for whom criteria 1 to 4 above do not apply. If there are more applications than places, places will be allocated in distance order with those living nearest (shortest available walking route) receiving priority*. * The measurement will be taken from outside the entrance to the property (house or flat) to the nearest official school entrance. A computer programme is used when undertaking the measurement. ** A brother or a sister will be defined as a natural or legally adopted child of either parent living at the same address. In any circumstances in which there is one place available and the next eligible children for that place are twins/triplets, the LA will admit both/all children. * Note that schools have a duty to admit children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs who have been placed in a school by the LA and these pupils are counted towards the number admitted up to the Admission Number unless they are placed in a Special Teaching Facility with planned places.

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Requests for admission to voluntary aided schools will be determined by reference to admission criteria set by the Governing Body. Requests for children to transfer between schools at periods other than the normal transfer age will be determined by applying the above admission criteria. The LA will not provide transport or make any contribution towards transport costs for children admitted from outside the school’s defined catchment area. However, if the catchment area is full in the year group, transport will be provided to the next nearest school with room if that school is more than 3 miles walking distance from home.

(f) Admission Procedures – Community Schools Parents will be asked to apply on line or in writing, for a place for their child at the catchment school or to state a preference for an alternative placement using the Admissions form. For year 7 transfers parents who wish to express a preference for an alternative placement should apply using the preferred placement section of the application form, and send it electronically or by post to the School and Governor Unit in the Civic Centre. For transfers at other times during the school year an admissions application form must be completed and returned either electronically or by post to the school and Governor Unit in the Civic Centre. Requests for admission will be granted provided there are places available as determined by the published Admission Number. Where admission requests exceed the number of places available, places will be allocated by applying the LA’s admission criteria. Applications for admission to the relevant age group (i.e. the age group at which children are normally admitted to the school) submitted on or before the administrative closing date, 30 November 2011 will be processed collectively. In this respect, no advantage shall be gained from the early submission of an admission request. Requests submitted after the closing date will be processed upon receipt. Admissions will not be determined on the basis of selection criteria involving the sitting of tests, viewing of school reports, or interviewing pupils with or without parents for the purpose of assessing ability or aptitude. The LA will be under no duty to comply with preference expressed otherwise than in accordance with its arrangements.

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Right of Appeal Parents will be informed, in writing, as to whether their application has been successful. Where their application has been refused parents will be informed in writing that they have right of appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel. If they exercise that right, the appeal must be forwarded to the School and Governor Unit at Civic Centre by 23 March 2012. The appeal will be considered by an Independent Appeal Panel of 3 or 5 people comprising lay members, and persons with experience in education.

Waiting Lists The LA will keep a waiting list of unsuccessful applicants ranked in order of priority according to the LA’s admission criteria. As places become available, these will be offered to parents who have requested that their child’s name be kept on such a list. The waiting list will be kept open until the Friday before the October half term. Parents wishing to be considered after this time will need to make a new application. NB. The admissions criteria do not apply to pupils for whom the LA holds a Statement of Special Educational Needs although the rights of parents to be involved in the placement of their child are protected in law. The LA in consultation with parents and schools will determine the school at which education is to be provided. The LA reserves the right to name a school which is not the catchment area school.

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Appendix D Christchurch (Church in Wales V.A.) Primary School Policy for Admission of Pupils 20012-2013 The Governors, are responsible for admissions to this Church in Wales Voluntary Aided Primary School. The Admission Number is 13 pupils for the year of statutory admission. These arrangements and the oversubscription criteria (below) are reviewed annually. Where places available exceed or equal the numbers applying, all applicants will be admitted. The Christian character of the school plays a key part in the education of the pupils, and every child is encouraged to play a full part in the religious activities that are central to the life, work and witness of the school. The Governing Body will give priority to applications for admission for Looked After Children in the care of the Local Authority, or provided with accommodation by them where the school is named as the most appropriate educational setting. Priority will also be given to children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs where the school is named as the most appropriate educational setting. When there are more applications than there are places available the Governors will admit pupils according to the following criteria which are listed in order of priority. 1. Children whose parent/s are active practising communicant member of the Anglican church. a. Christ Church, Swansea. b. of churches/parishes in the Archdeaconry of Gower. 2. Children who have a sibling who is a pupil registered at the school on the date when the applicant child is due to commence school. (see footnote for definition of ‘sibling’) 3. Children whose parents attend a church of another Christian denomination. 4. Children of parents living within the parish (map available). When deciding between applicants who, ostensibly, have equal entitlement under the above criteria, the Governors will have regard to the proximity of the applicants homes to the school and priority will be given to applicants who live closest to the school (measured in a straight line from the front door of the family home to the school gate). Parents not offered a place are entitled to appeal to an independent appeals panel established by the governing body in accordance with current legislation and the Welsh Assembly Government’s Code of Practice for School Admission Appeals. Parents should do so in writing to the clerk to the appeals panel via the school within 14 days of notification not to admit. Parents do not have the right of appeal against non admittance of a child into nursery class. Children admitted to the nursery do not have an automatic right of admission to full time education at our school. Parents considering sending their children to the school are invited to visit the school by appointment with the head teacher. The Governing Body follows the county timetable for admissions to reception classes as shown on page 4. For further information please contact the head teacher on 01792 510900.

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Notes Definition of Sibling For the sibling criteria to be applicable one of the following conditions must exist: • a brother and / or sister is to be permanently resident at the same address. • a stepbrother and / or stepsister (including half brother / sisters) is to be permanently resident at the same address.

Distance from School Distance to school will be measured in a straight line from the main entrance of the family home to the main gate of the school.

Place of Residence The child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be a residential property at which the person or persons with parental responsibility for the child resides at the closing date for receiving applications for admission to the school. Where parental responsibility is held by more than one person and those persons reside in separate properties, the child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be that property at which the child resides for the greater part of the week, including weekends.

St. Joseph’s Cathedral Infant School Admission Arrangements Criteria for Admission 1. All Catholic children. 2. Siblings of children already attending the school. 3. Christian children of other denominations whose parents are in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the school. 4. Children of other faiths whose parents are in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the school. In all of the above categories Looked After Children (LAC) will be given priority. It is expected that all pupils will fully participate in the spiritual and prayer life of the school. All parents to apply to the school for appropriate forms. For further information, please contact the headteacher on 01792 653609.

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St. Joseph’s Cathedral Junior School Admission Arrangements Criteria for Admission 1. All Catholic children. 2. Siblings of children already attending the school. 3. Christian children of other denominations whose parents are in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the school. 4. Children of other faiths whose parents are in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the school. In all of the above categories Looked After Children (LAC) will be given priority. It is expected that all pupils will fully participate in the spiritual and prayer life of the school. All parents to apply to the school for appropriate forms. For further information, please contact the headteacher on 01792 653609.

St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Clydach Admission Arrangements 2012 - 2013 The Governing Body of St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School will consider all requests for entry into full-time education by reference to this Admission Policy.

Nursery Provision Parents expect their child in the Nursery to proceed to full-time education, and in most cases this is so. However, parents need to be aware that prior to entry into full-time education (Reception) the policy below will be followed each year. The reason for this is that Nursery education is non-statutory, and may not be used as criteria for prioritising children for entry into full-time education (Reception).

Admission to Full-Time Education The Governing Body of St. Joseph’s Catholic School will act in accordance with all relevant provisions of the statutory codes of practice (the WAG School Admission Code and the School Admission Appeals Code of Practice 2009) as they apply at any given time to maintained schools and with the law on admissions as it applies to maintained schools. Reference in the codes to “admission authorities” shall be deemed to be references to the Voluntary Aided Governing Body of St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School. References to the “Local Authority” shall be deemed to be references to the City and County of Swansea. In particular, St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School will have regard to advice given by the Diocese of Menevia and will participate in the coordinated admission arrangements operated by the Local Authority. (dates/timescales etc.) In line with the City and County of Swansea school admission policies application for admission to St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School will be made in line with parental preference. The Admission Number is 30 and the capacity of the school is 210 pupil places. St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School will accordingly admit up to 30 children in the relevant age group each year if sufficient applications are received. All first preferences will be met except where the number of applications exceeds the number of places available and then places will be allocated on the basis of the oversubscription criteria.

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Oversubscription Criteria 1. Baptised Catholic children whose families reside in St. Benedict’s (Clydach) Parish and Sacred Heart (Ystradgynlais) Parish. 2. Baptised Catholic children with a brother or sister currently at the school. 3. Baptised Catholic children whose families reside in a parish other than those listed above. 4. Children other than baptised Catholics with a brother or sister currently at the school. 5. Children from families where there is a medical or social need. A letter will be required from a doctor or health professional providing supporting evidence to accompany the application. 6. Children from other Christian denominations. Priority will not be given to applications in this category unless an accompanying letter is provided confirming baptism. 7. Children from other faiths. 8. Applications from parents desirous of a Christian education for their child/children. All schools have a duty to admit children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs where the school is named in the statement. In all of the above categories Looked After Children (LAC) will be given priority. Where non-Catholic children are welcomed into the school, they are expected to enter fully into the spiritual and prayer life of the school. In the event of a tie-breaker being required the governors will admit those applicants who live nearest to the school. The distance will be measured from the front door of the reception entrance (in the main building) to the front door of the house or flat of the applicant, via the safest shortest available walking route, measured by the LA’s computer mapping system. In the case of a child whose parents have joint shared responsibility, the parent who has the greater responsibility during the school week and whose residence is nearer the school will be the determining factor. A letter from the parents will have to be provided to confirm that fact. Details of the procedure to be followed if an appeal against any decision of the Governors on admission is contemplated may be obtained from the Admission Appeal Committee c/o Clerk to the Governing Body at the school.

Notes 1. Catholic Baptism will be verified by Baptismal Certificate or clergy letter. 2. Membership of Christian Denominations will be verified by clergy letter. 3. Membership of Other Faiths will be verified by clergy letter. 4. For admission purposes a sibling is a child who is the brother/sister, half brother/sister (children who share one common parent), step brother/sister (where two children are related by marriage). This definition also includes adopted or fostered children living at the same address. Siblings must be current school pupils at the closing date for admission. This accepts that they may have left the school in the July before the applicant child attends.

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St. David’s Roman Catholic Primary School Admission Arrangements 2012/2013 General The Governing Body of St. David’s will admit children into full-time education by reference to this Admissions Policy.

Nursery Provision: Very Important Parents of children attending the Nursery expect their child to proceed to full-time education, and in most cases this is so. However, parents need to be aware that prior to starting full-time school (Reception) the policy below will be followed each year. The reason for this is that Nursery education is non-statutory, and may not be used as a way of prioritising children for entry into full-time school.

Admissions to Full-Time Education The governing body will admit any child whose parents request the Catholic education we provide at St. David’s, up to the admission number for that year. Where non-Catholic children are welcomed into the school, they are expected to enter fully into the spiritual and prayer life of the school. Oversubscription Criteria: Our method for allocating places when we have too many requests. When we have more requests than the admission number, the following priorities will be applied: Group 1: Any looked after child who is a baptised Catholic Group 2: All baptised Catholic children living in the school’s catchment area Group 3: Any Catholic child with a statement of educational need Group 4: Siblings of current pupils who are baptised Catholics Group 5: Looked after children other than those in Group 1 Group 6: Siblings of current pupils who are not Catholics Group 7: Catholic pupils from outside the catchment area Group 8: Children from other Christian denominations Group 9: Children whose parents desire a Catholic education And if necessary: proximity to the school main gate via the safest walking route measured by the LA’s computer mapping system from the child’s front gate.

Timetable The Governing Body will use the LA’s admissions timetable in any given year. Notes for Parents: These are for explanation only. Admission Number: This is the maximum number of pupils that may be admitted to the school in any given year. The number is set by the Governors in consultation with the Local Authority. Our AN is 30.

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Catholic: The term refers to the Roman Catholics; and those in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. Siblings: may be brothers, sisters, half brothers, half sisters, step brothers or step sisters living at the applicant child’s address. Siblings must be current school pupils at the closing date for admission. This recognises that they may have left school in the July before the applicant child attends. Priority, if necessary, will be by reference to the youngest sibling in the school, the youngest commanding the highest degree of priority. Christian Denomination: Those churches having membership of ‘Cytun’ and the Church of England. Membership: of Christian Denominations will be verified by clergy letter, or the child will be deemed to be in the group, ‘desirous of a Catholic education’. Looked After Children: The definition of a Looked After Child is a child who is looked after by the Local Authority in accordance with Section 22 of the Children Act 1989 and any subsequent legislation. Catchment Area: The school serves the Catholic population of west Swansea, and the parishes of St. Benedict’s, St David’s, Our Lady Star of the Sea and St. Joachim and Anne. In the centre of Swansea, the catchment area is marked on a map available at school. Address: This refers to the applicants child’s domicile address. Where parents (or those with parental responsibility under current legislation) share custody of the child, then this policy will be applied to the address where the child spends the greater portion of the school week. All schools have a duty to admit children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs where the school is named in the statement.

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St. Illtyd’s Roman Catholic Primary School Admission Arrangements 2012/2013 Criteria for Admission 1. All practising Catholic children resident in catchment areas of the school. 2. Catholic children resident in catchment area of school. (i.e. Parishes of St. Illtyd's and Sacred Heart) 3. Catholic pupils who are resident outside the catchment area of the school. 4. Practising Christian Pupils are welcome to apply when the Governors are satisfied that the religious and moral atmosphere and teaching of the school is the first consideration. A supporting letter by a religious leader would be requested. 5. Non Catholic pupils when the Governors are satisfied that the religious and moral atmosphere and teaching of the school is the first consideration. In order to retain the true identity of the school, admission of 5 above will be such that it does not undermine the Catholic ethos of the school. Each application will be considered on its own merit. The applicant is given time to appeal. All parents to apply to the Parish Priests of:St. Illtyd's or Sacred Heart for appropriate forms. 6. Appeals will be held at the end of every term. The School’s Appeal Committee will be made up of 3 to 5 people comprising of 2 Governors from the School and 3 people not associated with St. Illtyd’s. The 3 members would be made up of a mix of Lay personnel, clergy and or persons experienced in education. The school would contact local catholic schools to help provide these independent members of the appeal committee. The committee would be chaired by a member who has no affiliation to St. Illtyd’s School. The Schools Admission procedures will follow the timetable of the Local Authority.

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Bishop Vaughan Roman Catholic School Admissions Procedure 2012/13 Applications should be made before the end of the Christmas Term directly to Bishop Vaughan School. Bishop Vaughan School will notify parents of their decision by the end of the Spring Term. In the event of the number of applications exceeding the number of places available the following oversubscription criteria will apply: 1. Looked After Children. 2. Catholic children will be given priority over others. Catholic children and children who already attend a Catholic primary school are normally accepted. 3. Children of parents who request a Catholic education may be offered places, provided that governors are satisfied that the religious and moral atmosphere and teaching of the school is of prime importance to those making the application. Appeals against any decision of the Governors not to admit a child to the school should be addressed to the Clerk to the Governors at Bishop Vaughan Catholic School.

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Appendix E Specialist Teaching Facilities Learning Difficulties

Hearing Impaired

Nursery/Infant (Ages 3-7)

Grange Primary (Ages 3-11)

Crwys Primary

Olchfa School (Ages 11-18)

Junior (Ages 7-11)

Speech and Language Difficulties

Cadle Primary

Bishopston Primary (Ages 3-11)

Cwmglas Primary

Cwmbwrla Primary (Ages 3-11)

Parkland Primary

Pentrehafod School (Ages 11-16)

Primary (Ages 3-11)

Ysgol Gyfun Bryn Tawe (Ages 11-16)

Clase Primary


Clwyd Primary

Clase Primary (Ages 3-11)

Danygraig Primary Morriston Primary Townhill Community Primary Tre Uchaf Primary Whitestone Primary Secondary (Ages 11-16) Birchgrove Comprehensive

Moderate Autistic Spectrum Clwyd Primary (Ages 3-11) Dylan Thomas Comprehensive (Ages 11-16)

High Function Autistic/ Asperger’s Syndrome Gowerton Comprehensive School (Ages 11-16)

Bishop Gore School Cefn Hengoed Comprehensive Morriston Comprehensive Dylan Thomas Community School Penyrheol Comprehensive

Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties Penllergaer Primary (Ages 3-11) Pontarddulais Comprehensive (Ages 11-16)

Ysgol Gyfyn Gwˆyr

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Appendix F The City and County of Swansea list of schools • Schools are classified as follows: – Infant Schools............................................................................................................................................................3-7 years – Junior Schools........................................................................................................................................................7-11 years – Primary Schools ....................................................................................................................................................3-11 years – Welsh Medium Primary Schools ................................................................................................................3-11 years – Voluntary Aided Schools .................................................................................................................................3-11 years – Secondary Schools ........................................................................................................................................11-16* years – Welsh Medium Secondary Schools ......................................................................................................11-18 years – Voluntary Aided Secondary Schools ....................................................................................................11-18 years • All Primary Schools are co-educational • Voluntary Aided Schools have specific affiliations with particular religious denominations • Abbreviations – EM: ....................................................................................................................................................................English-Medium – WM: .....................................................................................................................................................................Welsh-Medium – FTE:..........................................................................................................................................................Full Time Equivalent – AN: ..............................................................................................................................................................Admission Number All schools must admit up to their Admission Number in the year of entry (i.e. Reception in Infant and Primary schools and Year 3 in Junior schools) if sufficient applications are received. Please note statutory procedures are under way which may bring significant changes to some schools shown in Appendix F. * A number of secondary schools have an age range of 11-18 where the school accommodates years 12 and 13.

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3-7 3-7

Clydach Sybil Street, Clydach, Swansea, SA6 5EU. (01792) 843356 E.mail:

Gorseinon High Street, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 4BN. (01792) 892739 E.mail:

7-11 EM 7-11 EM 7-11 EM

Clydach Twyn-y-Bedw Road, Clydach, Swansea, SA6 5ET. (01792) 843231 E.mail:

Gorseinon Pontarddulais Road, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 4FE. (01792) 892408 E.mail:



Brynhyfryd Llangyfelach Road, Brynhyfryd, Swansea, SA5 9LN. (01792) 650192 E.mail:



Brynhyfryd Llangyfelach Road, Brynhyfryd, Swansea, SA5 9LN. (01792) 650129 E.mail: EM


Ystod oedran

Enw, cyfeiriad a rhif ffôn y sefydliad



Age range

Name, address and telephone number of establishment







Amcangyfrif o’r nifer ar y gofrestr ym mis Ionawr 2011 C.A.Ll.

Estimated number on roll Jan 2011 F.T.E.

Sept 11 reception/Y3 Applications received












Ceisiadau a NS ar gyfer Derbyn/Bl 3 dderbyniwyd ar gyfer y Derbyn/ Blwyddyn 3 ym mis Medi 11

AN for Rec/Yr 3

Mr. L. Burnell

Mrs. R.M. Thomas

Mrs. S. Stanton

Mrs. G. Gibbon

Mrs. G. Lloyd

Miss K.Richards

Enw’r Pennaeth

Name of Headteacher

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Page 41

Page 42 Ystod oedran

Enw, cyfeiriad a rhif ffôn y sefydliad

3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM

Bishopston Bishopston Road, Bishopston, Swansea, SA3 3EN. (01792) 232754 E.mail:

Blaenymaes Broughton Avenue, Blaenymaes, Swansea, SA5 5LW. (01792) 583366 E.mail:

Brynmill Trafalgar Place, Brynmill, Swansea, SA2 0BU. (01792) 463019 E.mail:

Cadle Middle Road, Fforestfach, Swansea, SA5 5DU. (01792) 584498 E.mail:

Casllwchwr Castle Street, Loughor, Swansea, SA4 6TU. (01792) 892420 E.mail:

Cila 577 Gower Road, Upper Killay, Swansea, SA2 7DR. (01792) 202775 E.mail:

Clase Rheidol Avenue, Clase, Swansea, SA6 7JX. (01792) 781747 E.mail:

Clwyd Eppynt Road, Penlan, Swansea, SA5 7AZ. (01792) 588673 E.mail:

Craig Cefn Parc Craig Cefn Parc, Clydach, Swansea, SA6 5TE. (01792) 843225 E.mail:

Craigfelen Woodside Crescent, Clydach, Swansea SA6 5DP. (01792) 843278 E.mail:

Crwys Chapel Road, Three Crosses, Swansea, SA4 3PU. (01792) 872473 E.mail:

Cwmbwrla Stepney Street, Cwmbwrla, Swansea, SA5 8BD. (01792) 652350 E.mail:



Birchgrove Birchgrove, Swansea, SA5 7AH. (01792) 814814 E.mail:


Age range

Name, address and telephone number of establishment














Amcangyfrif o’r nifer ar y gofrestr ym mis Ionawr 2011 C.A.Ll.

Estimated number on roll Jan 2011 F.T.E.

Sept 11 reception/Y3 Applications received



























Ceisiadau a NS ar gyfer Derbyn/Bl 3 dderbyniwyd ar gyfer y Derbyn/ Blwyddyn 3 ym mis Medi 11

AN for Rec/Yr 3

Mrs. A. Bastian

Mr. P. Withey

Mrs. A. Williams

Mrs. S. Phelps

Mrs. P.A. Morgan

Mrs. S. Hope

Mr. R. Squires

Mr. S. Pridham

Mr. J. Richards

Miss J. Simons

Mrs. B. Phillips

Mr. G. Widlake

Mrs. E. Treen

Enw’r Pennaeth

Name of Headteacher

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Ystod oedran

Enw, cyfeiriad a rhif ffôn y sefydliad

3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM

Cwm Glas Colwyn Avenue, Winch Wen, Swansea, SA1 7EN. (01792) 771693 E.mail:

Danygraig Ysgol Street, Port Tennant, Swansea, SA1 8LE. (01792) 650946 E.mail:

Dunvant Dunvant Road, Dunvant, Swansea, SA2 7SN. (01792) 207336/207196 E.mail:

Gendros Armine Road, Fforestfach, Swansea, SA5 8DB. (01792) 586570 E.mail:

Glais School Road, Glais, Swansea, SA7 9EY. (01792) 842627 E.mail:

Glyncollen Heol Dolfain, Parc Gwernfadog, Morriston, Swansea, SA6 6QF. (01792) 791727 E.mail:

Gors Gors Avenue, Cockett, Swansea, SA1 6SF. (01792) 522202 E.mail:

Gowerton Primary Mount Street, Gowerton, Swansea, SA4 3EL. (01792) 872439 E.mail:

Grange West Cross Avenue, West Cross, Swansea, SA3 5TS. (01792) 404766 E.mail:

Gwyrosydd Parkhill Terrace, Treboeth, Swansea, SA5 7DJ. (01792) 797117 E.mail:

Hafod Odo Street, Hafod, Swansea, SA1 2LT. (01792) 461356 E.mail:

Hendrefoilan Dunvant Road, Dunvant, Swansea, SA2 7LF. (01792) 290223 E.mail:



Cwmrhydyceirw Maesygwernen Road, Morriston, Swansea, SA6 6LL. (01792) 771524 E.mail:


Age range

Name, address and telephone number of establishment














Amcangyfrif o’r nifer ar y gofrestr ym mis Ionawr 2011 C.A.Ll.

Estimated number on roll Jan 2011 F.T.E. Sept 11 reception/Y3 Applications received



























Ceisiadau a NS ar gyfer Derbyn/Bl 3 dderbyniwyd ar gyfer y Derbyn/ Blwyddyn 3 ym mis Medi 11

AN for Rec/Yr 3

Mr. G. Thomas

Ms. R. Webb

Mr. J. Atter

Mrs. N. Martell

Mrs. S. Ralph

Mr. K. Atkins

Mrs. A. Lloydd

Mrs. A Long

Mr. D. Phillips

Miss. R. Griffiths

Mr. N.P. Morgan

Mr. P.M. Osborne

Mr. D. Tasker

Enw’r Pennaeth

Name of Headteacher

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Page 43

Page 44 Ystod oedran

Enw, cyfeiriad a rhif ffôn y sefydliad

3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM

Llangyfelach Pengors Road, Llangyfelach, Swansea, SA5 7JE. (01792) 771497 E.mail:

Llanrhidian Llanrhidian, Gower, Swansea, SA3 1EH. (01792) 390181 E.mail:

Manselton Manor Road, Manselton, Swansea, SA5 9PA. (01792) 652977 E.mail:

Mayals Fairwood Road, West Cross, Swansea, SA3 5JP. (01792) 402755 E.mail:

Morriston Neath Road, Morriston, Swansea, SA6 8EP. (01792) 781811 E.mail:

Newton Slade Road, Newton, Swansea, SA3 4UE. (01792) 369826 E.mail:

Oystermouth Newton Road, Mumbles, Swansea, SA3 4BE. (01792) 369233 E.mail:

Parkland Sketty Park Drive, Sketty, Swansea, SA2 8NG. (01792) 205462 E.mail:

Penclawdd Park Road, Penclawdd, Swansea, SA4 3FH. (01792) 850239 E.mail:

Pengelli Station Road, Grovesend, Swansea, SA4 4GY. (01792) 892736 E.mail:

Penllergaer Pontardulais Road, Penllergaer, Swansea, SA4 9DB (01792) 892354 E.mail:

Pennard Pennard Road, Pennard, Swansea, SA3 2AD. (01792) 233343 E.mail:



Knelston Knelston, Reynoldston, Gower, Swansea, SA3 1AR. (01792) 390071


Age range

Name, address and telephone number of establishment














Amcangyfrif o’r nifer ar y gofrestr ym mis Ionawr 2011 C.A.Ll.

Estimated number on roll Jan 2011 F.T.E.

Sept 11 reception/Y3 Applications received



























Ceisiadau a NS ar gyfer Derbyn/Bl 3 dderbyniwyd ar gyfer y Derbyn/ Blwyddyn 3 ym mis Medi 11

AN for Rec/Yr 3

Mrs. S. Freeguard

Mrs. J. Woolcock

Mrs. S. Loydon

Mrs. E. Jackson

Mrs. A. Lloyd

Mr. E. Wynne

Mrs. H. Rees

Mrs. A. Owen

Mr. D. Beech.

Mr. J. Jones

Ms. D. Caswell

Mr. M.T.G. Flynn

Mrs. S. Howell

Enw’r Pennaeth

Name of Headteacher

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Ystod oedran

Enw, cyfeiriad a rhif ffôn y sefydliad

3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM

Pentrechwyth Bonymaen Road, Pentrechwyth, Swansea, SA1 7AP. (01792) 653186 E.mail:

Pen y Fro Priors Crescent, Dunvant, Swansea, SA2 7UF. (01792) 203728 E.mail:

Penyrheol Frampton Road, Penyrheol, Swansea, SA4 4LY. (01792) 892337 E.mail:

Plasmarl Britannia Road, Plasmarl, Swansea, SA6 8LH. (01792) 798210 E.mail:

Pontarddulais Upper James St., Pontarddulais, Swansea, SA4 8JD. (01792) 882383 E.mail:

Pontlliw Clordir Road, Pontlliw, Swansea, SA4 9FA. (01792) 882553 E.mail:

Pontybrenin Glyn Rhosyn, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 6HX. (01792) 891151 E.mail:

Portmead Cheriton Crescent, Portmead, Swansea, SA5 5LA. (01792) 583549 E.mail:

Sea View Creidiol Road, Mayhill, Swansea SA1 6TX. (01792) 650703 E.mail:

Sketty Llwyn Mawr Road, Sketty, Swansea, SA2 9HJ. (01792) 206655 E.mail:

St Helen’s Vincent Street, Swansea, SA1 3TY. (01792) 655763 E.mail:

St Thomas Grenfell Park Road, St. Thomas, Swansea, SA1 8DN. (01792) 650052 E.mail:



Pentre’r Graig School Road, Morriston, Swansea, SA6 6HZ. (01792) 771831 E.mail:


Age range

Name, address and telephone number of establishment













Amcangyfrif o’r nifer ar y gofrestr ym mis Ionawr 2011 C.A.Ll.

Estimated number on roll Jan 2011 F.T.E. Sept 11 reception/Y3 Applications received



























Ceisiadau a NS ar gyfer Derbyn/Bl 3 dderbyniwyd ar gyfer y Derbyn/ Blwyddyn 3 ym mis Medi 11

AN for Rec/Yr 3

Mr. D. Tyler

Mr. M. Thompson

Mr. R.S. Rees

Mrs. D. Phillips

Mr. K. Williams

Mr. P. S. Williams

Mr. W.O. Harris

Mr. J. Mead

Miss L.E. Saunders

Mrs. A. Williams

Mrs. R. Lewis

Mr. D.I. Bowen

Mrs. J. Tucker

Enw’r Pennaeth

Name of Headteacher

27929-11 Info Parents Book E_Layout 1 23/09/2011 15:04 Page 45

Page 45

Page 46 Ystod oedran

Enw, cyfeiriad a rhif ffôn y sefydliad

3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM

Terrace Road Terrace Road, Mount Pleasant, Swansea, SA1 6JD. (01792) 654257 E.mail:

Townhill Townhill Road, Townhill, Swansea, SA1 6PT. (01792) 516370 E.mail:

Trallwn Glan-y-Wern Road, Trallwn, Swansea, SA7 9UJ. (01792) 792478 E.mail:

Tre Uchaf Heol Cae-Tˆy-Newydd, Loughor, Swansea, SA4 6QB. (01792) 893682 E.mail:

Waun Wen Lion Street, Waun Wen, Swansea, SA1 2BZ. (01792) 651010 E.mail:

Waunarlwydd Brithwen Road, Waunarlwydd, Swansea, SA5 4QS. (01792) 872431 E.mail:

Whitestone Rushwind Close, West Cross, Swansea, SA3 5RF. (01792) 404113 E.mail:

Ynystawe Clydach Road, Ynystawe, Swansea, SA6 5AY. (01792) 842628 E.mail:



Talycopa Heol Hafdy, Llansamlet, Swansea, SA7 9RZ. (01792) 793660 E.mail:


Age range

Name, address and telephone number of establishment










Amcangyfrif o’r nifer ar y gofrestr ym mis Ionawr 2011 C.A.Ll.

Estimated number on roll Jan 2011 F.T.E.

Sept 11 reception/Y3 Applications received



















Ceisiadau a NS ar gyfer Derbyn/Bl 3 dderbyniwyd ar gyfer y Derbyn/ Blwyddyn 3 ym mis Medi 11

AN for Rec/Yr 3

Mrs. C.G. Davies

Mrs. B. Peterson

Mrs. L. R. Davies

Mrs. P.T. Williams

Mrs. C.M. Sanderson

Mrs. A. J. Taylor

Mr. J. Brown

Ms. A. Evans


Enw’r Pennaeth

Name of Headteacher

27929-11 Info Parents Book E_Layout 1 23/09/2011 15:04 Page 46

Ystod oedran

Enw, cyfeiriad a rhif ffôn y sefydliad

3-11 WM 3-11 WM 3-11 WM

Y.G.G. Lonlas Heol Walters, Llansamlet, Abertawe, SA7 9RW. (01792) 771160 E.mail:

Y.G.G. Pontybrenin Loughor Road, Kingsbridge, Gorseinon, Abertawe, SA4 6AU. (01792) 894210. E.mail:

Y.G.G. Tirdeunaw Heol Ddu, Tirdeunaw, Swansea, SA5 7HP. (01792) 774612 E.mail:

Y.G.G. Y Login Fach Roseland Road, Waunarlwydd, Swansea, SA5 4ST. (01792) 874399 3-11 WM E.mail: WM

3-11 WM

Y.G.G. Llwynderw West Cross Lane, West Cross, Abertawe, SA3 5LS. (01792) 407130 E.mail:



3-11 WM

Y.G.G. Gellionnen Gellionnen Road, Clydach, Abertawe SA6 5HE. (01792) 845489 E.mail:

Y.G.G. Tan-y-lan Tan-y-lan Terrace, Morriston, Swansea, SA6 7DU. (01792) 772800 E.mail:


3-11 WM

Y.G.G. Felindre Heol Myddfai, Felindre, Abertawe, SA5 7ND. (01792) 771182 E.mail:







3-11 WM

Y.G.G. Brynymor Heol St. Alban, Brynmill, Abertawe, SA2 0BP. (01792) 466354 E.mail:

Amcangyfrif o’r nifer ar y gofrestr ym mis Ionawr 2011 C.A.Ll.

Estimated number on roll Jan 2011 F.T.E.




Y.G.G. Bryniago Lower James Street, Pontarddulais, Abertawe, SA4 1HY. (01792) 882012 3-11 WM E.mail:


Age range

Name, address and telephone number of establishment

Sept 11 reception/Y3 Applications received



















Ceisiadau a NS ar gyfer Derbyn/Bl 3 dderbyniwyd ar gyfer y Derbyn/ Blwyddyn 3 ym mis Medi 11

AN for Rec/Yr 3

Ms. C. Pugh-Jones

Ms. U. Evans

Mrs. S. Davies

Mr. E. Jones

Mr. D. W. Ellis

Mr. F. A. Jones

Mrs. D. Mainwaring


Mrs. A. Bowen-Price

Miss. N. Jones

Enw’r Pennaeth

Name of Headteacher

27929-11 Info Parents Book E_Layout 1 23/09/2011 15:04 Page 47

Page 47

Page 48 Math

Ystod oedran

Enw, cyfeiriad a rhif ffôn y sefydliad

3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM 3-11 EM

St. David’s RC Primary West Cross Avenue, Swansea, SA3 5TS. (01792) 512212 E.mail:

St. Illtyd’s RC Primary Jersey Road, Bonymaen, Swansea, SA1 7DG. (01792) 462104 E.mail:

St. Joseph’s RC Primary Cathedral Caepistyll Street, Greenhill, Swansea, SA1 2BE. (01792) 653609. E.mail:

St. Joseph’s RC Primary (Clydach) Pontardawe Road, Clydach, Swansea, SA6 5NX. (01792) 842494. E.mail:

3-19 EM

4-19 EM

Ysgol Crug Glas Croft Street, Swansea, SA1 1QA. (01792) 652388 E.mail:

Ysgol Penybryn Glasbury Road, Morriston, Swansea, SA6 7PA. (01792) 799064 E.mail: Including Maytree Autistic Unit (Residential) (01792) 771760 / 793653


3-11 EM

Christchurch Church in Wales Primary Rodney Street, Swansea, SA1 3UA. (01792) 510900.E.mail:



Age range

Name, address and telephone number of establishment








Amcangyfrif o’r nifer ar y gofrestr ym mis Ionawr 2011 C.A.Ll.

Estimated number on roll Jan 2011 F.T.E.

Sept 11 reception/Y3 Applications received











NS ar gyfer Ceisiadau a Derbyn/Bl 3 dderbyniwyd ar gyfer y Derbyn/ Blwyddyn 3 ym mis Medi 11

AN for Rec/Yr 3

Mrs. A. Williams-Brunt

Mr. P. Martin

Mr. M. Way

Mr. M. O’Brien

Mr. D.F. Lewis

Mr. C. A. Greenwood

Mrs. J. Allen

Enw’r Pennaeth

Name of Headteacher

27929-11 Info Parents Book E_Layout 1 23/09/2011 15:04 Page 48


Ystod oedran

Enw, cyfeiriad a rhif ffôn y sefydliad

11-16 11-18 11-16 11-16 11-16 11-18 11-18 11-18 11-16

Birchgrove Birchgrove Road, Birchgrove, Swansea, SA7 9NB. (01792) 535400 E.mail:

Bishop Gore De-la-Beche Road, Sketty, Swansea, SA2 9AP. (01792) 411400/610400 E.mail:

Bishopston The Glebe, Bishopston, Swansea, SA3 3JP. (01792) 234121/234197 E.mail:

Cefn Hengoed Caldicot Road, Winch Wen, Swansea, SA1 7HX. (01792) 773464/775034 E.mail:

Dylan Thomas John Street, Cockett, Swansea, SA2 0FR. (01792) 610300 E.mail:

Gowerton Cecil Road, Gowerton, Swansea, SA4 3DL. (01792) 873461 E.mail:

Morriston Heol Maes Eglwys, Morriston, Swansea, SA6 6NH. (01792) 797745 E.mail:

Olchfa Gower Road, Sketty, Swansea, SA2 7AB. (01792) 534300 E.mail:

Pentrehafod Pentremawr Road, Hafod, Swansea, SA1 2NN. (01792) 410400 E.mail:


Age range

Name, address and telephone number of establishment

A.N. - Admission Number

All Secondary schools are comprehensive and cater for girls and boys.










Amcangyfrif o’r nifer ar y gofrestr ym mis Ionawr 2011

Estimated number on roll Jan 2011

The City and County of Swansea Secondary Schools











Lleoedd Blwyddyn 7 ar gyfer 2012/2013 (h.y. ND)

Year 7 places for 2012/2013 (i.e. AN)










Ceisiadau a dderbyniwyd ar gyfer Blwyddyn 7 ym mis Medi 2011

Sept 10 Yr 7 Applications Received

Mr. N. Jones

Mr. H. Davies

Mr. W. Newton

Mr. P. Harrison

Mr. R. Phillips

Mrs. S. Hollister

Mr. I. Thompson

Mr. R. Davies

Mrs. K. Holland

Enw’r Pennaeth

Name of Headteacher

27929-11 Info Parents Book E_Layout 1 23/09/2011 15:04 Page 49

Page 49

Page 50 11-16

Pontarddulais Caecerrig Road, Pontarddulais, Swansea SA4 1PD. (01792) 884556 E.mail:

Tycoch Campus Tycoch Road, Sketty, Swansea, SA2 9EB. (01792) 284000

Post 16

Gorseinon Campus 52/58 Belgrave Road, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 6RD. (01792) 890700 Post 16

Gower College Swansea


Contact details for Gower College Swansea

Appendix G

Bishop Vaughan (Catholic) Mynyddgarnlwyd Road, Morriston, Swansea, SA6 7QG. (01792) 772006/771589. E.mail: 11-18


Ysgol Gyfun Gw ˆ yr Stryd Talbot, Tre-gwˆyr, SA4 3DB. (01792) 872403 E.mail:



Ysgol Gyfun Bryn Tawe Heol Gwyrosydd, Penlan, Swansea SA5 7BU. (01792) 560600 E.mail:



Penyrheol Pontarddulais Road, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 4FG. (01792) 533066 E.mail:












Mr. J. Blackburn

Mrs. K. J. Davies

Mr. G. Daniels

Mrs. J. Waldron

Mr. A. Toothill

Mr. J. Gunningham

Mr. N. Bennett






27929-11 Info Parents Book E_Layout 1 23/09/2011 15:04 Page 50

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