Thinking of starting your own childcare business?

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Thinking of starting your own childcare business? The

ABC of success...

Thinking of starting your own childcare business?

Contents Introduction


CSSIW and Development Workers from Partner Organisations


Types of Childcare Becoming a Registered Childminder


Sessional Care – Playgroups and Wraparound


Sessional Care – Welsh Medium


Full Day Care – Day Nurseries


Out of School Clubs


Holiday Childcare Playschemes


Who to contact and why

12 – 13

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)


Childcare Training


Qualifications and Training


Available Grants

17 – 18

Additional Information and Partner Organisations

19 – 24


City and County of Swansea

The ABC of success...

Introduction The information in this booklet is intended for people who are thinking of starting a childcare business. It aims to define the types of childcare available and also includes a brief description of what's involved in starting your childcare business. The booklet also has a list of useful contact numbers for further information. Included in this booklet is information about: l Becoming a registered Childminder l Setting up - Sessional Care (Playgroup/Wraparound) - Full Day Care (Day Nursery) - Out of School Childcare Club (Breakfast and/or After School Club) - Holiday Childcare Club l Who to contact and why.

Market Research Prior to starting your business you should consider the type of childcare already operating in the area you have chosen. You should also investigate the demand for the type of childcare you want to provide. Assessing parental demand may help you to determine if your business will be sustainable now and in the future. The Family Information Service can provide you with a copy of the Childcare Sufficiency Audit (CSA). The audit has consulted with parents/carers and childcare providers in Swansea to identify the gaps in childcare provision. The CSA could be a useful tool when carrying out your market research as it may enable you to identify a specific demand.

City and County of Swansea


Thinking of starting your own childcare business?

The Role of Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) The CSSIW regulate and inspect day care services for children under 8 years, these include: l l l l l l

Childminders Full day care Sessional day care Out of school childcare Crèches Open access play.

All childcare settings looking after children under the age of 8 and operating for more than 1hour and 59 minutes must be registered with the CSSIW. The main aims of registration is to promote quality and to protect children, ensuring that they are cared for in safe and suitable surroundings. A childcare setting must meet the CSSIW National Minimum Standards before registration can be granted. If your business is going to care for children under the age of 8 for more than the time specified and you are not registered with the CSSIW you will be breaking the law. The CSSIW will continue to inspect the setting(s) to ensure the registered person is continuing to meet the National Minimum Standards and Regulations when operating. The National Minimum Standards are published on the National Assembly for Wales website You can also obtain a hard copy by contacting your regional CSSIW office.

Development Officers – Partner Organisations The City and County of Swansea support a number of Development Officers who are employed by partner organisations. These Development Officers can provide support and guidance to prospective and existing childcare settings; this includes starting or developing a childcare business. Please be aware the information you receive from a Development Officer is ONLY a guide, the CSSIW reserve the right to enforce changes where they feel the childcare setting is not meeting the standards.


City and County of Swansea

The ABC of success...

Becoming a Registered Childminder Childminders work in their own home and are registered to care for no more than six children under 8 (including their own children). Due to the nature of the job childminders can sometimes offer flexible hours such as evening, weekends or in some cases overnight care. Childminders are registered with the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW). Please be aware that any person working in their own home and rewarded (financially or payment in kind) for looking after children under 8 years for more than 1 hour 59 minutes a day must be registered with the CSSIW. To become registered you must: l Be over 18 years of age. l Attend a briefing session provided by PACEY Cymru. (To book a place on the briefing session contact The Family Information Service Team on 01792 517222). l Successfully pass the CACHE Understand how to set up a home based childcare service (CYPOP5) the CYPOP 5 is a 14 hour course which is split into sessions. Completion of the course is mandatory and is regardless of any other childcare qualification you hold. l Submit parts one and two of your application to CSSIW. (PACEY Cymru offer mentoring sessions which are designed to help and guide you through the application process). Please be aware that you and all members of your household over the age of 16 must undergo a Disclosure and Baring Service (DBS) enhanced disclosure. Childminders are self employed and negotiate a contract for their service for which they charge a fee. A Childminder is responsible for paying their own tax and national insurance contributions. Most registered childminders are members of the Professional Association for Childcare & Early Years (PACEY Cymru) for more information please contact the PACEY Cymru Development Officer on Tel: 01792 572073.

City and County of Swansea


Thinking of starting your own childcare business?

Community Childminding Scheme A Community Childminder must be registered with the CSSIW. You will offer an additional service to that of a childminder. It involves being part of the Community Childminding scheme funded by Swansea Social Services for children under 8 years. Community Child Care is part of the wider Family Support services offered by Social Services Department which work to support families experiencing serious stress and/or potential breakdown. A Community Childminder is able to care for the most vulnerable children including children with disabilities, behavioural difficulties and children on the child protection register. The service also supports families of those children at risk of being accommodated due to family breakdown, disability or illness. Childminders may be expected to offer support, advice and guidance to parents to encourage the development of their parenting skills. For more information on Community Childminding please call the Family Support Team on Tel: 01792 633888.

Childminding Qualification Understand how to set up a home based childcare service (CYPOP 5). The unit Understand how to set a home based childcare service (CYPOP 5) forms one of the optional units from the QCF Level 3 Children’s Care Learning and Development qualification. The course has been specifically written for childminders and nannies. To become a qualified childminder you must successfully complete the unit. There are further units which you will be able to complete if you wish to progress to the level 3 Children’s Care Learning and Development (qualification). For more details please contact the Family Information Service on Tel: 01792 517222.


City and County of Swansea

The ABC of success...

Sessional Care (Playgroup and/or Wraparound Care) Playgroups usually operate from Community Centres, Schools or Church buildings and offer sessional care for children aged between 2 and 5 years. Playgroups operate for 2 to 3 hours in the morning and/or afternoon mainly during term time. Wrap Around Care operates in schools and offers sessional care for children aged between 3 and 4 years. Wrap Around clubs allow children attending the school nursery to stay on the school premises all day. For example children attending morning nursery will be able to use the wrap Around club after their school session to stay in school until 3.20pm. Children attending afternoon nursery school will use a wrap Around in the morning. Please be aware that where two sessions are offered in any one day, children must not attend more than five sessions per week and there must be a break between sessions with no children in the care of the provider.

Managing the Playgroup/Wraparound Care The person in charge must: l Have at least 2 years experience of working in a day care setting and have a recognised level 3 childcare qualification from the Care Council of Wales National Qualifications Framework (NNEB, CACHE Diploma in Childcare, NVQ/QCF Level 3 or equivalent). The staff: l At least 50% of the staff should hold a recognised level 2 childcare qualification from the National Qualifications Framework. Where this cannot be achieved immediately, the registered person will set out an action plan detailing how they intend to meet the criteria and agree a timescale by which it will be achieved. The CSSIW will consider the plan and offer their approval or indicate aspects that need improvement. l All staff must undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). The majority of groups are members of who the Wales Pre School Providers Association (Wales PPA) for more information please contact the WPPA Development Officer on Tel: 01792 781108.

City and County of Swansea


Thinking of starting your own childcare business?

Sessional Care (Cylch Meithrin – Welsh Medium Playgroups) You will work in a setting where children are offered play and learning experiences through the medium of Welsh, whilst also providing valuable help and support to families from non Welsh speaking backgrounds who have the desire to learn Welsh. Cylchoedd Meithrin usually operates from Community Centres, Schools or Church buildings and offer sessional care for children aged between 2 and 5 years. Cylchoedd Meithrin operate for 2 to 4 hours in the morning and/or afternoon mainly during term time. Please be aware that where two sessions are offered in any one day, children must not attend more than five sessions per week and there must be a break between sessions with no children in the care of the provider. A Cylch Meithrin is run by a voluntary management group which all parents will be invited to attend.

Managing the Cylch Meithrin – Welsh Medium Playgroup The person in charge (arweinydd/leader) must: l Have at least 2 years experience of working in a day care setting and have a recognised level 3 childcare qualification from the Care Council for Wales National Qualifications Framework (NNEB, CACHE Diploma in Childcare, NVQ/QCF Level 3 or equivalent). The staff: All of the staff must be Welsh Speaking. l At least 50% of the staff should hold a level 2 childcare qualification from the National Qualifications Framework. Where this cannot be achieved immediately, the responsible person will set out an action plan detailing how they intend to meet the criteria and agree a timescale by which it will be achieved. The CSSIW will consider the plan and offer their approval or indicate aspects that need improvement. l All staff must undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service Check (DBS). l

All groups are members of the Mudiad Meithrin (MM) who can offer help, support & guidance as well as the opportunity for unqualified staff to access MM’s National Training Scheme Cam-wrth-Gam in order to gain Level 3 QCF Children’s Care Learning and Development. For more information please contact the MM Development Officer on Tel: 07800 540 221.


City and County of Swansea

The ABC of success...

Full Day Care (Day Nursery) Day nurseries offer full and part time care for children aged 3 months – 5 years, they operate throughout the year and usually open Monday to Friday from 8am – 6pm (some are extended to include Saturdays). Some nurseries also offer out of school and holiday childcare. The nursery premises must be appropriate for use by young children and be a home from home environment with an outside play area, a quiet/sleep area, kitchen and changing/toileting facilities. Sufficient car parking to enable safe drop off and collection for parents must also be taken into consideration.

Managing the Day Nursery The person in charge of running the nursery and managing the staff must: l Have at least 2 years experience of working in a day care setting and have a recognised level 3 childcare qualification from the National Qualifications Framework (NNEB, CACHE Diploma in Childcare, NVQ/QCF Level 3 or equivalent). l The nursery must have a named deputy who is able to take charge in the absence of the manager. The Staff: l At least 80% of the non-supervisory staff must hold a level 2 childcare qualification from the National Qualifications Framework & at least half of these have a qualification at level 3. Where this cannot be achieved immediately, the registered person will set out an action plan detailing how they intend to meet the criteria and agree a timescale by which it will be achieved. The CSSIW will consider the plan and offer their approval or indicate aspects that need improvement. l All staff must undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service check (DBS). For more information please contact the Family Information Service on Tel: 01792 517222.

City and County of Swansea


Thinking of starting your own childcare business?

Out of School Childcare Club (Breakfast and/or After School Club) Out of school childcare clubs provide care for children aged 4 – 14 years. Clubs operate directly before and/or after the school day. Children aged 3 years may be able to attend however this is dependent on the type of registration and insurance the club has obtained. Clubs provide fun, safe, stimulating places for children to play so that their parents/carers can work or train. Children may be provided with breakfast in the morning or a snack in the afternoon, children must have access to regular drinks. Out of school childcare clubs are usually based in Schools or community buildings and can be run by a school, a voluntary management committee or by individuals as a private business.

Managing the Out of School Childcare Club l

The person in charge of a club requires at least 2 years experience of working in a day care setting and have a recognised level 3 qualification from the Care Council for Wales National Qualifications Framework (e.g. early years education or playwork appropriate to the post and age of the children.

The Staff: l 50% of the remaining staff should hold a level 2 childcare qualification from the National Qualifications Framework. Where this cannot be achieved immediately, the registered person will set out an action plan detailing how they intend to meet the criteria and agree a timescale by which it will be achieved. The CSSIW will consider the plan and offer their approval or indicate aspects that need improvement l All staff must undergo a Disclousre and Barring Service check (DBS). Out of school childcare clubs are usually members of Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs for more information please contact the Development Officer on Tel: 01269 831010.


City and County of Swansea

The ABC of success...

Holiday Childcare Club/Playscheme Holiday clubs/playscheme's provide care for children aged 4 – 14 years, they operate during school holidays and sometimes during school inset days. Children aged 3 years may be able to attend however this is dependent on the type of registration and insurance the club/playscheme has obtained. Children will have the opportunity to participate in various activities and the children will be provided with regular drinks and snacks throughout the day. A packed lunch is usually provided by the parents which must be stored appropriately and safely. Holiday clubs/playscheme's are usually based in Schools or community buildings and can be run by a school, a voluntary management committee or by individuals as a private business.

Managing the Holiday Club/Playscheme l

The person in charge of a club requires at least 2 years experience of working in a day care setting and have a recognised level 3 qualification from the Care Council for Wales National Qualifications Framework (e.g. early years education or playwork appropriate to the post and age of the children.

The staff: l 50% of the remaining playworkers must have a level 2 qualification in childcare or Playwork related fields. Playworkers who do not have previous experience must receive training on play and how the different types of play are important in children's development. Where this cannot be achieved immediately, the registered person will set out an action plan detailing how they intend to meet the criteria and agree a timescale by which it will be achieved. The CSSIW will consider the plan and offer their approval or indicate aspects that need improvement. l All staff must undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service Check (DBS). Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs and the Children’s Play Team offer help to set up, establish and support playschemes, play clubs and other similar play provision. For more information please contact Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs Development Officer on Tel: 01269 831010 or the Children’s Play Team on Tel: 01792 635480.

City and County of Swansea


Thinking of starting your own childcare business?

Who to Contact Swansea Family Information Service (FIS) Tel: 01792 517222

Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years Wales PACEY Cymru. PACEY - Development Officer Tel: 01792 572073 Community Minding Scheme, Family Support Team Family Support Team Tel: 01792 633888 Wales Pre School Providers Association (WPPA) WPPA Development Officer Tel: 01792 781108 National Day Nursery Association Cymru Tel: 01824 707 823 Business Wales Tel: 01792 572800 Email: Mudiad Meithrin (MM) Development Officer Tel: 07800 540 221 Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids' Clubs Development Officer Tel: 01269 831010 Children's Play Team Tel: 01792 635480 The Care & Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) Tel: 0300 790 0126 Website: 12

City and County of Swansea

The ABC of success...

For information on registration, general issues and to establish if there are other childcare settings in the area. The FIS can help market your business. Information about your organisation will be included on our database and will be sent to parents/carers when they require childcare. FIS also offers support, advice and guidance on any new or updated legislation. To find out more about training opportunities, workforce grants or to apply for your free childminder start up grant & PACEY Cymru quality start up pack call the FIS. Information about becoming a registered childminder. Support & guidance through the registration process. Access to continuous, advice & support once registered.

You may feel you could offer help & support to families in need in your area by becoming a Community Minder. For more information please call the child & family disability team. Help, support & guidance with regard to setting up your business including help with policies and addressing the National Minimum Standards.

Help, support & guidance with regard to setting up your business including help with policies, procedures and addressing the National Minimum Standards. The Welsh Government’s new Business Wales service will help support the sustainable growth of small and medium enterprises. Business Wales is a dedicated service that provides access to information, guidance and business support directly and from the private, public and third sector. Help, support & guidance with regard to setting up your business including help with policies, procedures and addressing the CSSIW regulations and the National Minimum Standards. Help, support & guidance with regard to setting up your business including help with policies, procedures and addressing the CSSIW regulations and the National Minimum Standards. If you would like more information about the Play Team, or would be interested in setting up a play club or playscheme and don't know where to start contact the Play Team. By accessing the Care Social Services Inspectorate for Wales website you will be able to download a copy of the national minimum standards.

City and County of Swansea


Thinking of starting your own childcare business?

Disclosure and Barring Services (DBS) An executive agency of the Home Office is set up to help organisations make safer recruitment decisions. By providing wider access to criminal record information, the DBS helps employers in the public, private and voluntary sectors identify candidates who may be unsuitable for certain work, especially that involving contact with children or other vulnerable members of society. People wishing to work with children or other vulnerable members of society will be required to undertake an enhanced disclosure.

What is a DBS Check? Disclosure and Barring Service Checks are carried out on employees to ensure they are legally allowed to carry out their job role. They search the applicants’ criminal record history in order for the employer to make a sound recruitment decision based on the information found on the DBS Check. The DBS Code of Practice and the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act states that employers are not allowed to discriminate against employees with criminal background and must treat applicants fairly. Employers should make a recruitment decision based on whether any criminal information presented to them is relevant to the job the applicant will be carrying out. - See more at:


City and County of Swansea

The ABC of success...

Qualifications and Career options Care Council Wales provides information on the National Qualifications Framework. A detailed list of relevant Early Years and Childcare qualifications is available from their website: There are many different ways of gaining a childcare or play work qualification including training whilst employed, by attending College or Lifelong Learning Centres. You may wish to complete the course on a full or part time basis depending on your circumstances. Full time courses may offer students the opportunity to go out into the work place thus enabling them to put their underpinning knowledge in to practice. It also allows students to gain practical experience of working alongside qualified staff and children of differing age ranges relevant to the course. Part time courses offer students the flexibility to continue or start employment whilst completing a childcare qualification. Students may be required to attend college for a few hours a week, usually in the evening. For more information and advice on the best course for you, please contact your local College, Careers Wales or the Family Information Service Team.

For further information on courses and to discuss your particular requirements please contact the college directly.

Tel: 01792 284000/890700

Careers Wales offers Free, bilingual, impartial careers information, advice and guidance for all ages – linking education and business. If you would like some more information about Careers Wales services, please contact Careers Wales directly on Tel: 0800 028 4844.

City and County of Swansea


Thinking of starting your own childcare business?

Swansea Family Information Service (FIS) Swansea Family Information Service (FIS) offers many free courses, including: l First Aid for Childcarers l Enriching Children’s Play l First Aid at Work l Manual Handling l Child Development l Child Protection l Managing & Valuing Diversity l The Business Side of Childcare l Basic Food Hygiene l Welsh l Foundation Phase l Equal Opportunities l Interactive Displays There are also a number of organisations within the City and County of Swansea who offer training opportunities these include:

Wales Pre-school Providers Association Mudiad Meithrin Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids' Clubs PACEY Cymru For more information please contact Swansea Family Information Service on Tel: 01792 517222.


City and County of Swansea

The ABC of success...

Grants Available Under the National Childcare Strategy Workforce Development Grants Up to a maximum of £200 is available to students completing a qualification in childcare e.g QCF Level 2, 3 & 5 in Children's Care Learning & Development. All grants are subject to certain criteria: l Over the age of 16 and living within the City & County of Swansea. l Must have exhausted all other routes of grant funding e.g. individual learning account or relavant start up grants. l Must not have already started the training course as retrospective funding cannot be made. For more information or to obtain an application form please contact the Family Information Service on Tel: 01792 517222.

Available Grants for Childminders Childminder Start up Grants The grant is available to all new childminders that have attended a PACEY Briefing Session and completed the unit ‘’Understand how to set up a home based childcare service (CYPOP 5)’’. Childminders must have submitted Parts 1 & 2 of the National Minimum Standards to the Care & Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) and have been allocated a CSSIW Inspector. The grant covers essential training, 1 year's free insurance, 1years free PACEY Cymru membership, cash books, attendance registers etc.

Childminder Support Grants Up to a maximum value of £200 is available to all childminders that have completed the unit ‘Understand how to set up a home based childcare service (CYPOP 5)’ and are currently undergoing CSSIW registration. Applications must be based on essential safety items specified by your CSSIW Inspector during their visit and the eligibility expenditure list.

Support Grant for Existing Childminders Up to a maximum of £200 is available for childminders who have been operating for more than a year. The grant is a one off payment which will attempt to address temporary sustainability issues which may have occurred for a specific reason. The grant hopes to support existing CSSIW registered childminders at a time when childcare places might be vacant. The grant can be used for publicity, insurance and essential Health & Safety items and other items on the eligibility expenditure list.

City and County of Swansea


Thinking of starting your own childcare business?

Grants for Group Settings Childcare Strategy Grant Up to a maximum of ÂŁ5,000 specifically for: l Setting up or expanding provision i.e. the creation of new childcare places. l Sustainability of existing good quality childcare provision. Whether funding is provided for new places or as a sustainability grant, it should be limited to the minimum necessary for viability and applicants must demonstrate that they have paid due regard to the recommendations outlined in the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA). Sustainability grants may be allocated where settings meet a community need and are at severe risk of closure. Evidence of a future sustainability strategy will be sought.

Who can apply? l l l

Group childcare settings offering Sessional Care, Full Day Care and/or Out of School Childcare / Holiday Care. Group childcare settings who have already achieved registration with the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW). Or those aspiring to run group childcare settings that have already submitted their application for registration and been allocated a CSSIW Inspector.

All grants are subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed (certain criteria applies to each grant). For more information please contact the Family Information Service on Tel: 01792 517222.


City and County of Swansea

The ABC of success...

Partner Organisations and Additional Information The Prevention and Early Intervention Team (PEI) Part of the function of the Prevention and Early Intervention Team is to co-ordinate a number of strategic and operational partnerships which includes bringing together the public, private and voluntary sector to plan and develop childcare in Swansea (previously the responsibilities of the Early Years Development Team – EYDT). The Team is made up of several projects: l Flying Start l Families First l Family Facilitation Team l Swansea Family Information Service and l Childcare Development, and collectively strive to further develop, enhance and address childcare, family support and family related themes holistically across the City & County of Swansea. The Childcare Development element focuses specifically on duties outlined in both Children Act 2004 and Childcare Act 2006 including the provision of information, advice and assistance on a range of childcare, children's, family support and family related issues, career opportunities and training, assessing gaps in childcare provision and ensuring sufficient childcare for working parents. Please call for further information Tel: 01792 635400.

The Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) It is an offence to look after another person's child for more than 2 hours per day without being registered with the CSSIW. CSSIW ensures that care services meet the standard that the public expects through a regime of inspection (see National Minimum Standards). CSSIW is responsible for regulating day care services for children including Day Nurseries, Childminders, Playgroups, CrĂŠches, Out of School Childcare Clubs, Holiday Care and Holiday Clubs. For further information Tel: 0300 790 0126.

City and County of Swansea


Thinking of starting your own childcare business?

Family Information Service (FIS) The Family Information Service offers free impartial information and advice to childcare providers, employers, organisations and parents/carers of children aged 0 – 19. FIS can provide information on: l Finding suitable childcare l Starting your own childcare business l Leisure opportunities and fun days out l Holiday Playschemes and Activities l Access to training for child care providers

l l l l l

Money matters – paying for childcare Baby & Toddler Groups Becoming a childminder Career options/working in childcare Family Support.

Available grants and funding for existing and potential childcare practitioners. Special needs, including support groups for parents of children with special needs/disabilities; And much, much, more... If the FIS is unable to answer your query directly, they are able to signpost you to the relevant local or national organisations. So please don't hesitate to contact us about anything relating to your family's needs. Please call for further information 01792 517222 or visit our webpage:

Professional Association of Childcare and Early Years Wales (PACEY Cymru) PACEY promotes quality registered childminding in England and Wales so that children, families and communities can benefit from the best in childcare and education. Working in partnership with the government, local authorities and other childcare organisations they aim to ensure that every registered childminder has access to services, training, information and support to enable them to do a professional job. A registered Charity. A company limited by guarantee. For further information Tel: 01792 572073 or E-mail: or Visit:


City and County of Swansea

The ABC of success... NDNA Cymru National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) is a charity, which aims to enhance the development and education of children in their early years, through the provision of supports services to members. They have a thriving membership of nursery providers across the private, voluntary and maintained sectors. NDNA seeks to develop, encourage and maintain high standards in education and care for the benefit of the children, their families and their local communities. They are recognised as the voice of the sector. For further details please contact NDNA Cymru on Tel: 01824 707823 or Visit:

Wales Pre-School Providers Association (Wales PPA) A registered charity which exists to enhance the development, care and education of children in Wales by encouraging parents to understand and provide for their needs through high quality pre-school groups. To give adults confidence to make the best use of their knowledge and resources for the benefit of themselves and pre school children. For further information Tel: 01792 781108.

Mudiad Meithrin (MM) – The leading Welsh early years specialists A registered charity. A company limited by guarantee. Aims to give every pre-school child in Wales the opportunity to benefit from early years experiences through the medium of Welsh and is the main provider of Welsh medium early years care and education in the voluntary sector. MM Development Officers work at a local level to offer guidance and practical advice to staff volunteers and parents. Regional Office Tel: 07800 540 221.

Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs A registered charity. A company limited by guarantee. The organisation exists to help communities in Wales by promoting, developing and supporting quality, affordable, accessible out of school childcare clubs. For further information Tel: 01269 831010.

City and County of Swansea


Thinking of starting your own childcare business? The Children’s Play Team The Children's Play Team work throughout Swansea promoting the importance of Play. They strive to ensure all children and young people have play opportunities available in their local community. They work with local community groups helping set up, establish and support playschemes, staffed play provision, local play spaces, they work with families to learn more about how play can support them to develop as a family unit. The Play Team also provide high quality training in all matters relating to providing play for children and young people, plus funding advice. Part of the Children's Play Team is Swansea's Single deck Mobile Play Bus, which allows children, aged 0 – 14 years to play right in the heart of their community, primarily within Community First and Regeneration areas and where there is limited or lack of play provision/spaces. For further information Tel: 01792 635480.

Business Wales The Welsh Government’s new Business Wales service will help support the sustainable growth of small and medium enterprises. Business Wales is a dedicated service that provides access to information, guidance and business support directly and from the private, public and third sector. Tel: 01792 572800 Email:

HMRC digital services Starting and running a business is challenging so HMRC provide a wide range of help and support to help you run your business including videos, emails, e-learning, record keeping apps and online presentations (webinars). Webinars (online Presentations) These can either be pre recorded or “live “format and provide the opportunity for your members to attend a seminar via the internet l l

Live webinars are interactive and questions can be asked. They last approximately an hour. recorded webinars give lots of bite size tax information on HMRC’s You Tube pages. Recorded webinars are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week


City and County of Swansea

The ABC of success... Learn at your own pace with HMRC e-learning Started working for yourself? Designed to help you learn at your own pace and whenever is practical for you, HMRC e-learning product includes sections on: l

how and when to tell HMRC you have started self-employment l how keeping accurate business records will help you claim expenses and tax allowances l how and when you pay Income Tax and National Insurance contributions to HMRC It also features practical case studies on growing your business, including VAT and taking on staff

ACAS Aimed to help with your employment relations through providing information, advice, guidance, training and working with you – possibly through their problem solving services. Talk to them about contracts of employment and written statements, new employment legislation, managing discipline, grievance, absence at work and similar issues. For further information Tel: 08457 47 47 47.

Swansea Council for Voluntary Service (SCVS) The umbrella organisation for voluntary activity throughout the City & County of Swansea, supporting, developing and representing voluntary organisations, volunteers and communities. If you are thinking of starting a new group and need help on how to begin, would like to volunteer or recruit volunteers, draw up a constitution, funding information and advice, or want to know how the latest changes in Charity Law will affect your organisation and much more... SCVS can help. For further information Tel: 01792 544000 or Visit:

City and County of Swansea


Thinking of starting your own childcare business?

The ABC of success...

Job Centre Plus Have introduced Childcare Partnership Managers to help support the growth of local childcare provision. They work alongside childcare partners and employers to meet the childcare needs of unemployed parents. They also have New Deal for Lone Parent Programme offering individual in work benefit advice (Tax Credits). For further information Tel: 01792 494104/494056.

Family Information Service Oldway Centre, Orchard Street, Swansea, SA1 5LD. Tel: 01792 517222 Website: E-mail: Twitter: @SwanseaFIS


City and County of Swansea

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