Swansea Festival of Music and the Arts 2011

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6th – 22nd October 2011


Festival of Music and the Arts

6ed –22ain Hydref 2011

Gwyl ˆ Gerdd a Chelfyddydau Abertawe








Pleser yw cyflwyno Dyddiadur Gwyl ˆ Gerdd a Chelfyddydau Abertawe am 2011 ichi; gobeithio y cewch flas ar lawer o ddigwyddiadau yn yr arlwy artistig. Mae ymwelwyr rhyngwladol, ein cwmniau cenedlaethol ac artistiaid Cymreig blaenllaw, perfformiol a chreadigol, yn ymddangos mewn rhaglen sy'n cwmpasu sawl ffurf gelf, gwaith newydd a sefydledig. Mae darlithoedd a sgyrsiau yn rhoi digwyddiadau'r Wyl ˆ yn eu cyd-destunau artistig neu hanesyddol, ac mae gwaith maes yn cynnig profiadau newydd i'r ifanc, yr oedrannus a'r difreintiedig yn ein cymuned.

Fflur Wyn St Mary’s Church 9th October

'Rydym yn cydnabod yn ddiolchgar gymorth Dinas a Sir Abertawe, Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, Ffrindiau'r Wyl ˆ ac noddwyr corfforaethol ac unigol sy'n rhannu'r weledigaeth, hyd yn oed mewn cyfnodau cyfyng, fod gan gerddoriaeth a'r celfyddydau bwer unigryw i ysbrydoli unigolion, cymunedau a balchder sifig. Mae'r prisiau tocynnau wedi'u gosod drwy gymharu prisio digwyddiadau celfyddydol mewn nifer o ddinasoedd a threfi ar draws y DU sy'n debyg i Abertawe yn nhermau eu poblogaeth a'u safle economaidd. 'Rydym yn ffyddiog eu bod yn cynnig gwerth da ac yn gobeithio y cawn eich cefnogaeth yn ystod yr Wyl; ˆ heb eich presenoldeb chi, mae'n cynlluniau ni yn ofer!


Thomas Dausgaard Brangwyn Hall 8th October

Mae fersiwn Gymraeg o’r Dyddiadur ar gael ar ein gwefan: www.swanseafestival.org Nikita Boriso-Glebsky Brangwyn Hall 15th October

Locws International Projects 7th–30th October

BBC National Orchestra of Wales Brangwyn Hall 13th October








I'm delighted to present the Swansea Festival of Music and the Arts Diary for 2011 to you; I hope you will find many events in its artistic mix to your taste. International visitors, our national companies and leading Welsh performing and creative artists are featured in a programme which encompasses many artforms, work new and established. Lectures and talks place Festival events in their artistic or historical contexts, and outreach work offers new expeiences to the young, the elderly and the disadvantaged in our community. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the City and County of Swansea, the Arts Council of Wales, the Friends of the Festival and corporate and individual sponsors who share the vision, even in straitened times, that music and the arts have a unique power to inspire individuals, communities and a sense of civic pride.

Dame Gillian Weir Brangwyn Hall 10th October

Our ticket-prices have been determined by comparing the pricing of arts events at a number of towns and cities across the UK of similar population and economic base to Swansea. We believe they represent good value and we look forward to your support during the Festival; without your presence our plans are in vain! Llˆyr Williams Brangwyn Hall 11th October


A Welsh version of the Diary is available on our website: www.swanseafestival.org

Florilegium Brangwyn Hall 18th October

Claire Martin & Richard Rodney Bennett Taliesin Arts Centre 16th October

The Nutcracker Grand Theatre 12th October


Mappa Mundi: Shakespeare's

Thurs 6th-Sat 8th October

Taliesin Arts Centre


War is over and the thoughts of homecoming soldiers turn to love.

However, as conflict on the home front ends, Britain’s women are rolling up their sleeves to face a fresh battle – the assertion of their new role in a previously male dominated society. One woman in particular is about to embark on her own merry war… Shakespeare’s popular comedy tells of two pairs of lovers. Headstrong Beatrice and proud Benedick live in staunch denial of their true feelings for each other, whilst lovesick Claudio and sweet, naive Hero are head over heels with devotion. But the path of true love never runs smooth, and with foul play and mischief afoot at the hands of devious villain Don John, this classic play promises plenty of scope for Mappa Mundi’s unmistakable style.

‘I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow than a man swear he loves me.’

Over the past two decades cult Welsh theatre company Mappa Mundi have built a reputation for gloriously irreverent, populist and accessible adaptations of classic theatrical and literary works. With a well deserved reputation for quality, originality and an engaging irreverence that continues to charm audiences and win fans UK wide, this is the company’s first Shakespeare production since 2005.

BEATRICE Supported by the Welsh Assembly Government and the Arts Council of Wales through the National Performing Arts Touring scheme. Image Courtesy of The Advertising Archives.

Fri 7th October Guildhall Lord Mayor's Reception Room

7.30pm Although the event is free, tickets must be obtained from the Grand Theatre Box Office. A glass of wine is included.


© Paul Gaffney

Ticket prices £12, £10 concessions, £7 schools SPONSORED BY The

Friends of the Festival


Professor David Wyn Jones, Head of the School of Music, Cardiff University: Beethoven the Revolutionary.

To what extent has this aspect of the composer's character, evident in a number of major works including the incidental music to Egmont, been exaggerated by posterity? This illustrated talk will argue that the ‘revolutionary’ is but one element in a much more complex musical personality.


Booking opens Mon 25th July


The Friends of the Festival

Sat 8th October Brangwyn Hall

Philharmonic Orchestra Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

Thomas Dausgaard conductor Tasmin Little violin

© Robert Taylor

© Paul Mitchell


Tasmin Little

Thomas Dausgaard

Beethoven Overture: Egmont Bruch Violin Concerto No.1 in G Brahms Symphony No.4 in E minor

Following Festival appearances in the 1950s under Sir Thomas Beecham, the Royal Philharmonic returns after a seven-year absence to give the first orchestral concert of 2011. The restless, ultimately triumphant notes of Beethoven's overture give way to the lyricism of Bruch's concerto, as firm a favourite with audiences as British violinist Tasmin Little. Brahms' final symphony is a crowning achievement; the notable writer and musical analyst Donald Tovey described it as ‘the greatest orchestral work since Beethoven’ In terms of its vast emotional range alone, it is difficult to disagree!

The Violin Specialist CHRISTIAN SAVAGE M.I.T.L.C.F Distin. Maker of very fine concert violins Violins Violas Cellos Basses Repair Restoration Bow Re-hairs Valuations Bows for sale Also cases, strings, accessories

Ticket prices £25 Rows E-R £18 Rows S-CC £15 Rows A-D, DD-LL A limited number of seats in the £15 category available at £10 to the unwaged on evidence of status.

Danyrhelyg Isaf, Newcastle Emlyn, Carmarthenshire SA38 9RG www.savageviolins.com

01239 710036 2011 Swansea Festival




E D D E R S H A W.comS Phoenix Way, Lakeside, Swansea 01792 774400 Hadfield Road, Cardiff 02920 229070


Sun 9th October St Mary’s Church


Two of Wales' finest young artists join Cordydd, a leading young Cardiff choir, winners of BBC Radio's Choir of the Year and many other awards, in a programme which brings together the two contemporary composers featured in this year's Royal wedding ceremony. John Rutter's Requiem, with its prominent role for solo cello, also includes his luminous setting of Psalm 23 to underline a Fflur Wyn central message of consolation. Anglesey-born Paul Mealor has established himself as one of the most distinctive and accessible choral composers of his generation; the programme includes the first performance of Salvator mundi: Greater love hath no man than this, texts in Latin Welsh and English, commissioned for the concert by the Friends of the Festival.

Steffan Morris

Sioned James Director of Cordydd Steffan Morris Cello

Other choral pieces and Bach works for solo cello complete an ideal programme for Sunday afternoon listening.

Fflur Wyn Soprano

Ticket prices

Festival Ensemble

£15, £10 all seats unreserved



Mon 10th October Council Chamber, Civic Centre


Looking ahead to the concert on October 13, Chris Weeks, Adult Education lecturer in Music at Swansea University, talks about the fairy-tale ballet which achieved immediate and lasting success for Stravinsky following its Paris première in 1910.

In association with

Admission free 2011 Swansea Festival


Sponsored by the family of the late Rita Williams in celebration of her life and her lifelong love of organ music

Mon 10th October Brangwyn Hall


Organ Recital

Mon 10th October Committee Room 3

6.30pm Huw Tregelles Williams talks to Dame Gillian Weir about the many highlights of her international career, the world-famous instruments which she has played and the filming of the series King of Instruments.

Admission free

Dame Gillian Weir

Dame Gillian Weir is one of the most significant artists of our time, bringing to her chosen instrument a rare blend of consummate musicianship, scholarship and dazzling technique. Her prestigious international career was recognised as early as 1987 when BBC Two screened the six-part King of Instruments, recently reissued on DVD to rave reviews. Dame Gillian's long-held belief that ‘a recital programme should be as balanced as a well-planned dinner party’ is exemplified by a programme of substance, colour and virtuosity. © Jill McCulley


Ticket prices £10 unreserved


Summer Group Exhibition 9th July to 17th September New work from all the Gallery’s artists View exhibition at www.atticgallery.co.uk Attic Gallery

Early Summer, Broughton by Gareth Thomas

37 Pocketts Wharf, Maritime Quarter, Swansea SA1 3XL T: 01792 653387 E: attic@atticgallery.co.uk Open: Tuesday to Saturday

Booking opens Mon 25th July

Piano Recital Llˆyr Williams Beethoven

Sonata No. 23 in F minor Opus 57 (Appassionata)

Geraint Lewis

Anatiomaros (first performance, commissioned by Friends of the Festival)


Années de Pèlerinage: Vallée d'Obermann Les jeux d'eau à la Villa d'Este Tarantella (Venezia e Napoli)

Wagner, transc. Liszt Isolde's Liebestod Following his performance of the complete Beethoven sonatas at this year's Edinburgh International Festival, Welsh pianist Llyr ˆ Williams combines the fiery Appassionata with another major project celebrating the bicentenary of Franz Liszt. Fabulously travelled as a young virtuoso, Liszt brings memorable places and even operatic highlights to life with a revolutionary approach to pianistic colour. Geraint Lewis' new work is a piano sonata in memory of Alun Hoddinott inspired by T. Gwynn Jones' poem Anatiomaros, which portrays the final journey of the Great Soul to its transformation as sunset meets sea.

Tues 11th October Brangwyn Hall


Tues 11th October Guildhall Committee Room 3

6.30pm Huw Tregelles Williams talks to Geraint Lewis about his new piano sonata, the poem which inspired its composition and the contribution of Alun Hoddinott to music in Wales as creative artist, university teacher and enterprising festival director.

Admission free Llˆ yr Williams

© John Ferro Sims

SPONSORS Western Power Distribution

Ticket prices £15 unreserved

2011 Swansea Festival


Schools Outreach Project in association with Tyˆ Cerdd

Sea Dogs– a pirate's tail !

Wed 12th October Brangwyn Hall

am & pm Text and narration by Francesca Kay, music by Gareth Wood

Pirate tales never fail to capture young people's imagination, but Welsh legends?

Craig-y-Nos School On his seafaring adventures the bold Cap'n Exmark finds the ghost of Black Bart, Barti Ddu the notorious Welsh pirate, on his tail... Following creative classwork in primary schools throughout the City, the project culminates in the first two performances of the new work by the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama Symphonic Brass and Percussion Ensemble directed by Kevin Price. Admission is for pupils only and will be arranged by their schools.

Clyne Common, Bishopston, Swansea An independent primary school for boys and girls aged 2-11 years. Playgroup, Nursery, Infant and Junior Departments.

Visit our website on: www.craigynos.com or telephone 01792 234288 for prospectus. 2011 Swansea Festival


State Ballet Academy of Minsk performs Tchaikovsky’s

The Nutcracker The young artists from The State Ballet Academy of Minsk perform The Nutcracker which has been one of the most popular and famous ballets of the international repertoire since its première in 1892. For many generations Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker has been an integral part of the pre-Christmas season. The story, based on Hoffmann’s The Nutcracker and the Mouse King tells of Marie, a rather sad little girl, whose godfather Drosselmeier gives her a nutcracker as a present on Christmas Eve. This turns into a prince who invites her on a journey into the Sugar Plum Fairy's realm of sweets. Marie celebrates a sumptuous party together with her godfather and the nutcracker prince...

SPONSORS Britannia Robbins

Wed 12th October Grand Theatre


Ticket prices £18.50, £17.50 with selected concessions.

Thurs 13th October

National Orchestra of Wales Brangwyn Hall

Thierry Fischer conductor Steven Osborne piano


The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian; symphonic fragments


Piano Concerto in G

© Chris Stock


Mussorgsky Night on a Bare Mountain Stravinsky

Suite: The Firebird (1919 version) Thierry Fischer

Debussy wrote incidental music for a mystery play on the subject of the martyr St Sebastian: these symphonic fragments capture the highlights of the drama with vivid effect. Ravel, master-orchestrator and concert-pianist, wrote the glittering G major Concerto as a showpiece for his pianistic talents. The theme of musical narrative continues with Mussorgsky's depiction of a witches' sabbath in Rimsky-Korsakov's revised orchestration and a fairy-tale ballet of good and evil which was an immediate and lasting success for Stravinsky.

Ticket prices £20 Rows D-R (Rows A-C removed), £15 Rows S-CC, £12 Rows DD-LL 2011 Swansea Festival

Steven Osborne



STEM Dance Company (Bangalore)

Thurs 13th Oct Taliesin Arts Centre

7.30pm Created and performed by

(Diamonds and Lightning) Concept by Umesh Ganjam

Madhu Nataraj, Janardhan Raj Urs, Ponnamma Devaiah, Ramya Nagaraj and Keerthi Kumar

Ticket prices £12, £10 under 25s, £7 schools

Va n i a J e s m o n d Designer Clothes & Accessories We have slightly changed direction to more transitional collections. Also our price structure has moved with the times. As well as Ralph Lauren, Mark Cain and Dom & Ruby, we have well priced items from Karen Cole, Oska, Not Your Daughter’s Jeans, Save the Queen and our wonderful raincoats. 89 Brynymor Road, Swansea SA1 4JE Tel: 01792 461165

rth well wo. .. it is av

Celebrating 30 years


Vajra is a multimedia dance production created and performed by six dancers from STEM Dance Company in Bangalore. Set to an original music score with new photography and stage design, Vajra uses a blend of Kathakali dance and martial arts to create a poetic work of theatre. STEM strives to create a dance vocabulary which explores the limitless possibilities of the human form. Motifs of Indian movement disciplines, original music, experiments with rhythm and interactive design come together to form the company’s signature style.

Booking opens Mon 25th July

Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra SPONSORS Gr wp ˆ Gwalia, with additional

assistance from IMG

Yuri Simonov conductor Nikita Boriso-Glebsky violin

Rimsky-Korsakov Capriccio Espagnol

Sat 15th October Brangwyn Hall


Nikita Boriso-Glebsky

Ticket prices

Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto in D

£25 Rows E-R £18 Rows S-CC £15 Rows A-D,DD-LL

Dvorak Symphony No.9 in E minor (from the New World)

A limited number of seats in the £15 category available at £10 to the unwaged on evidence of status.

Sat 15th October Lord Mayor’s Reception Room

Yuri Simonov

approx 9.30pm

A welcome return visit by a virtuoso orchestra and its dynamic conductor. Rimsky-Korsakov described the evocative orchestration and fiesta atmosphere of his Capriccio as ‘the essence of the piece, not its trimmings’. Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto is one of his sunniest works, filled with melodies which might have overflowed from his ballet-scores. Melodies, both American and Czech, are also to the fore in a symphony written, in Dvorak's words, as ‘impressions and greetings from the New World’.



Post-concert reception and finger buffet with wine to celebrate a successful festival and welcome members of the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra.

Ticket prices £10 in advance only from 01792 206912 2011 Swansea Festival


Visual Arts

Aberavon study by Alex Duncan

at the Swansea Festival

Sun 16th October

Mission Gallery 10th Sept – 30th Oct

Meet outside Guildhall

Alex Duncan exhibition – new work

Coach leaves 10.30am

Through a variety of materials Swansea based artist Alex Duncan will create a site specific work in Mission Gallery’s space. Alex Duncan’s inspiration comes from the fragility and power of the natural world. He spends as much time in the landscape as in his studio, choosing a poetic gesture of humour or focusing on detail to address a concern and connection between the world and the environment, creating a feeling that nature has re-claimed the space.

National Waterfront Museum 24th Sept – 30th Oct Wales breaks its silence… from Memories to Memorial The tragic story of the fated SS Arandora Star, which was sunk during the Second World War while carrying foreign internees to Canada. Many of those who were lost were from Welsh Italian families. This exhibition was created by the Arandora Star Memorial Fund in Wales, who have worked to commemorate this forgotten story and the 805 lives lost.

Art & Pasta a tour of Festival visual arts at Taliesin Arts Centre, National Waterfront Museum, Mission Gallery and off-site installations by Locws International.

Taliesin Arts Centre 7th Oct – 5th Nov

Ticket prices

Returning Journeys

£12.50 including lunch and a glass of wine.

An Exhibition of Drawings, Paintings and Poetry by Andrew Vessey On his retirement in 2010 as an Anglican priest, most recently in ministry at the heart of Swansea’s City Centre and St Mary’s, Andrew Vessey returned to his Suffolk roots in order to follow up his initial training as an artist. His exhibition includes drawings and pastels, done on location, and studio work using different painting media. Andrew has also written some poems that, like several of the major paintings, explore encounters and travels in well-known biblical stories but set into the context of contemporary landscapes of Suffolk and Gower.

Tickets (limited to 50) from Grand Theatre Box Office must be booked by 22nd September.

LOCWS International 7th – 30th Oct Art across the City

Brangwyn Foyer


LOCWS International invites a new group of international and Welsh visual artists to create more contemporary artworks for public sites across Swansea, each reflecting their response to the culture and heritage of the city. For more information call 01792 468979 or visit www.artacrossthecity.com With support from Arts Council of Wales, City & County of Swansea, National Museum Wales and Welsh Assembly Government.


SAMUEL JOSEPH presents Claire Martin and Richard Rodney Bennett


Sun 16th October Taliesin Arts Centre


The long-running partnership of one of the foremost jazz singers of her generation and the legendary classical and screen composer has played to packed houses and rave reviews in New York, London and elsewhere since 2000. Claire and Richard both share a great love of the American composer and lyricist Irving Berlin, widely considered to be one of the greatest songwriters of all time. Berlin wrote hundreds of songs, many becoming major hits, which made him a legend before he turned thirty.

‘style does not go out of style’ THE DAILY TELEGRAPH

This brand new show, with classy arrangements by Richard, will include such classics as Let’s face the Music and Dance, How deep is the Ocean, What’ll I do?, Cheek to Cheek and Let yourself go, all delivered with the style and panache that you would expect from these two great friends and world-class artists.

Ticket prices £17, £15 under 25s

THE BAY VIEW BAR & THAI DINING 400 Oystermouth Rd, Swansea SA1 3UL

01792 652610 www.bayviewbar.co.uk

Authentic Thai Cuisine Served 7 Days a week Monday – Saturday 12 noon-3pm & 6-10pm Sunday – 12-9pm Special Lunchtime Menu available 20% off take-away orders Sunday Buffet – All you can eat only £9.95 Live Jazz & Blues every Friday 9pm Book your Special Occasion at The Bay View... Reserve a table, an area or the whole place! No hire charge, buffet & set menus available

2011 Swansea Festival


The Patti Legend

Mon 17th October National Waterfront Museum

© Brian Tarr


Opening the second week of the Festival, with its Italian threadmarks, Simon Rees, Dramaturg at Welsh National Opera, explores the career and recordings of Adelina Patti, her connections with Swansea and fascinating links with the ill-fated ship Arandora Star which features in the exhibition Wales Breaks its Silence... From Memories to Memorial on show at the National Waterfront September 26th – October 30th.

Admission free Italian wine on sale.

Tue 18th October

Young Artist 'sRecital

St Mary’s Church

1pm Widor Marche Pontificale

James Gough organ

Franck Choral No.2 in B minor Vivaldi/Bach Concerto in A minor Vierne Toccata, Clair de lune (from Pièces de Fantaisie) William Mathias Recessional

Neath-born James has recently graduated with a Master's degree in Organ Performance from the Royal Academy of Music, studying mainly with Nicolas Kynaston but also taking part in masterclasses with internationally-renowned recitalists. During the past year James has given recitals at St. Paul's and Westminster Cathedrals, at Coventry Cathedral and Bath Abbey. As a leading student he was chosen to give first performances of works by composers David Bednall and Diana Burrell, and to play for Sir Elton John's visit to announce his sponsorship of a new organ for the Academy. In association with Swansea Organ Association, in memory of Miner Crocker, Association Secretary 1964-2009.

Admission free

Live Music Now Inspiring musicians. Inspiring communities.


This year again Live Music Now musicians will be taking the Festival to schools, hospitals, residential homes, centres for people with learning difficulties and other community venues. For further information on LMN please visit www.livemusicnow.org Email wales@livemusicnow.org or telephone 02920 554040

Tue 18th October Brangwyn Hall

7.30pm Elin Manahan Thomas (soprano) with Florilegium


A tribute to

Concerto Madrigalesco in D minor Motet: Salve Regina Concerto Il Gran Mogul (soloist Ashley Solomon, flute) Motet: Nulla in mundo Concerto Il Grosso Mogul (soloist Bojan Cicic, violin) Motet: Laudate Pueri Dominum

Much of Vivaldi's huge output remained unknown until the latter half of the twentieth-century, when the combined talents of musicologists, informed performers and record-producers brought his music to classical chart-topping prominence. Research into the Vivaldi catalogue continues; this programme features several works to be issued shortly on CD, including the recentlydiscovered Concerto Il Gran Mogul. Swansea-born Elin Manahan Thomas has received plaudits at iconic venues throughout the world for her vocal clarity and stylistic flair. She is partnered in three solo motets by Florilegium, whose numerous recording awards alone confirm their status as one of Britain's most outstanding period-instrument ensembles. Elin Manahan Thomas


Ticket prices ÂŁ15 unreserved.


Welsh National Opera

Wed 19th – Sat 22nd October Grand Theatre


Wed Oct 19th

Mozart Don Giovanni (new production) Thurs Oct 20th

Rossini The Barber of Seville Fri Oct 21st

Mozart Don Giovanni (new production) Sat Oct 22nd

Rossini The Barber of Seville

Ticket prices £5 – £37.50

Friends of the

Swansea Festival of Music and the Arts

Registered Charity No. 512 106

The Friends of the Swansea Festival have supported the Swansea Festival of Music and the Arts for over 35 years. Our aim is to provide financial support to Festival concerts, the Festival Lecture, to the commissioning of new works and to assist by any other means that benefit the Festival. We are intent on playing our role in preserving the long and distinguished tradition of the Festival given that Arts Council funding and commercial sponsorship are under extreme pressure from the current economic climate. If our funds permit we support smaller musical events in Swansea throughout the year and make small grants to promising post graduate students.

So far we have made over £150,000 available to the Festival. But we need more music lovers and concert goers to join the Friends to help us maintain the level of support. Would you like to join us for a modest annual subscription? We are looking forward to welcoming you. As a member of the Friends • You receive the Festival Diary of Events and priority booking rights before the general public. • You receive an invitation to the Launch of the Festival. • You receive a small discount on the cost of the Festival programme.

• You have the opportunity of meeting the musicians, soloists and conductors of visiting orchestras at our post-concert receptions. • You receive a regular Newsletter keeping you informed of the Friends' activities and musical events in Swansea during the year. • You can join the Friends at any time during the Festival or throughout the year. For further details please contact the Membership Secretary: Michael Locke 78 Harlech Crescent, Sketty Swansea SA2 9LJ tel: 01792 202762 email: mwlocke@googlemail.com

2011 Swansea Festival





Booking opens Mon 25th July




Booking tickets

Brangwyn Hall Grand Theatre St Mary’s Church

Taliesin Arts Centre Discounts (Brangwyn Hall and St Mary’s Church events only)


Tickets for events at these venues may be booked at the Box Office, Grand Theatre, Singleton Street, Swansea, SA1 3QJ, Monday to Saturday, 9.30am to 8.00pm (6pm when there is no performance). Tel: 01792 475715. There is a 2% charge for credit card bookings. Taliesin Arts Centre, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PZ. Box Office Tel: 01792 602060 (concessions available). Students in full-time education – half price on evidence of status Three Orchestral Concerts booked at the same time – (ie 8th, 13th & 15th) 10% discount (booked by 12th Sept) Organ and Piano Recitals booked at same time – (ie 10th & 11th) 10% discount (booked by 12th Sept) Cordydd and Florilegium Concerts booked at same time – (ie 9th & 18th) 10% discount (booked by 12th Sept) Groups of 8 or more people – 10% discount Only one discount to apply at any one time. Public booking opens on Monday 25th July 2011.

Benefits of Sponsorship Corporate Sponsorship

Individual Sponsorship

of Swansea Festival of Music and the Arts

of Swansea Festival of Music and the Arts

• Build your profile in Swansea. • Associate your company with activities of quality and distinction. • Entertain your clients at a Festival event. • Help develop Wales’ finest talent and bring artists of international repute to Swansea.

Become a

Any company interested in supporting the Festival should contact Sonia Gittoes, Sponsorship Secretary, for details of packages on offer. Telephone 01792 470296 or email admin@swanseafestival.com


or a

Silver Sponsor at £125 per annum Gold Sponsor at £250 per annum.

Benefits include: • Priority booking for discounted tickets to a concert of your choice. • An invitation to the Individual Sponsors' Reception which precedes the Opening Concert. • A free copy of the Souvenir Programme sent to you in advance which will include your name as a sponsor. • An invitation to the Festival Launch followed by the John Fussell Award for Young Musicians Competition. For more information, please contact John Sims, Festival Honorary Secretary. Telephone 01792 636006 or email sims37@ntlworld.com





General Information


If you have any general enquiries, not relating to bookings, please contact: Festival Administrator, Tel: 01792 411570, email admin@swanseafestival.org or visit the Festival website: www.swanseafestival.org

Brangwyn Hall: In the evening there is plenty of free, well lit street parking on all sides of the Guildhall complex and on adjacent streets. CCTV car-parking is available at Guildhall Green. Grand Theatre: There is a supervised car park for Theatre patrons in Singleton Street (charge of £1 for the evening). The Quadrant multi-storey car park is available for our patrons up until 11.30pm every night. First hour free on validation of QMSCP ticket at the Theatre. Taliesin Arts Centre: Free parking for patrons is available on campus, with reserved parking for disabled patrons. St Mary’s Church: Parking is available on adjacent streets or multi-storey car park in York Street.

Box Office staff when you or a member of your party require one of these positions. Taliesin Arts Centre: Level access and lift to all public areas; disabled toilets on first floor; spaces for wheelchair users in the theatre. See venue website for details. St Mary’s Church: There is a flat floor access to the building, wheelchair access across the main body of the church and a ramp to the disabled toilets. A loop system supports the public address throughout the whole building. Staff at these venues are always willing to help; should you need any assistance please do not hesitate to ask. LL KK JJ HH GG FF EE DD CC BB AA


Disabled Concert Goers Brangwyn Hall: Wheelchair spaces are available within the Hall and there is a direct entry lift to the Hall from pavement level for anyone who finds stairs difficult. The lift entry is immediately to the right of the main steps. Toilet facilities are also available. Please advise the Box Office when booking. Grand Theatre: Level access for wheelchairs into the stalls and Footlights Bar; disabled toilets; five wheelchair positions in the stalls. Please advise the




Brangwyn Hall: The bar is open before concerts and during the interval. It will also be open after the orchestral concerts on the 8th, 13th and 15th Oct. Grand Theatre: Footlights Cafe Bar and Restaurant. Pre-show suppers, lunches and drinks are all on offer on show days. Full bar service is available pre-show, interval and post-performance (30 mins following 'curtain down'). For reservations please call Footlights on 01792 478586. Taliesin Arts Centre: Snacks and meals available until 7pm as well as speciality coffees and pastries, you’re sure to find something to suit your appetite. The bar also stocks a good choice of wines and a full range of quality bottled beers and ciders, plus soft drinks.





30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21

20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Brangwyn Hall Seating Plan 23






Booking opens Mon 25th July


2011 Diary of Events www.swanseafestival.org

Patron Huw Edwards

Thur 6–Sat 8 Oct Mappa Mundi: Shakespeare's Much ado about nothing

President The Right Worshipful The Lord Mayor of Swansea

Fri 7 Oct

Chairman Huw Tregelles Williams OBE DL Vice Chairman Susan Croall Honorary Secretary John Sims Honorary Treasurer Paul Carr Administrator Susan Croall

Taliesin Arts Centre


Festival Lecture: Professor David Wyn Jones Lord Mayor’s Reception Room, Guildhall

Sat 8 Oct

Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

Sun 9 Oct


Mon 10 Oct

Lecture: Chris Weeks discusses Stravinsky’s Firebird

Brangwyn Hall


St. Mary's Church


Council Chamber, Civic Centre


Mon 10 Oct

In conversation: Dame Gillian Weir

Mon 10 Oct

Organ Recital – Dame Gillian Weir

Tues 11 Oct

In conversation: Geraint Lewis

Guildhall, Committee Room 3


Brangwyn Hall


Guildhall, Committee Room 3


Tues 11 Oct

Piano Recital – Llyˆ r Williams

Wed 12 Oct

Schools Outreach Project

Wed 12 Oct

State Ballet Academy of Minsk

Brangwyn Hall


Brangwyn Hall

am & pm

Grand Theatre


Thur 13

BBC National Orchestra of Wales

Thur 13

Vajra – Contemporary Dance from India

Sat 15 Oct

Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra

Sat 15 Oct

Festival Party

Sun 16 Oct Sun 16 Oct

Art & Pasta Festival Jazz

Brangwyn Hall (Live Radio 3 relay) Taliesin Arts Centre


Lord Mayor’s Reception Room

9.30pm depart Guildhall 10.30am

Taliesin Arts Centre

Mon 17 Oct

All information was correct when this brochure went to press. No responsibility can be taken for subsequent changes.



Young Artist's Organ Recital St. Mary's Church

Tue 18 Oct


Lecture: The Patti Legend National Waterfront Museum

Tue 18 Oct

7.30pm 7.30pm

Brangwyn Hall

Design Ridler Webster Limited 01792 582100



A Tribute to Vivaldi Brangwyn Hall


Wed 19–Sat 22 Welsh National Opera Grand Theatre


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