Tre Uchaf Primary School

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OUR SCHOOL Tre Uchaf Primary School Heol Cae Ty Newydd, Loughor, Swansea SA4 6QB

Telephone No: 01792 893682 Fax No: 01792 229398







Mrs C M Sanderson

Deputy Headteacher:

Mrs A Brindley

Chair of Governors:

Mr R Thomas

WELCOME Dear Parents Choosing the right School for your child is vitally important. Parents want a good education for their children, but they also want them to be happy and feel secure and safe. At Tre Uchaf, we believe that we can offer all of these things. We are delighted to offer a rich, balanced curriculum which supports and extends pupils’ learning at all stages, from Nursery to Year 6. At Tre Uchaf, we believe that it is by working closely together with staff, parents and the Governing Body that the best learning takes place. It is a credit to the School that many visitors comment on the friendly atmosphere within the School and the politeness of the pupils. We work hard at Tre Uchaf to offer our pupils a sense of belonging and pride in themselves as growing individuals who develop in confidence and independence. For those considering sending their child to Tre Uchaf, this booklet may well answer some of the questions and concerns you have about your child’s education and about this School. Parents with children already attending the School will find the booklet contains new and up to date information for the present school year. I look forward to meeting you soon and if you have any queries or concerns, please contact me at the School at any time. Yours sincerely Mrs C M Sanderson Headteacher


THE AIMS OF TRE UCHAF PRIMARY SCHOOL Our Vision and the Aims for the children of Tre Uchaf School Governors, staff and children are currently working together to revisit our vision and aims. We are trying to express what we feel is important for our pupils in a way which can be easily understood by all, including the children. We would like parents to comment on the draft vision and aims below which we will put on the website. Let us know what you think!

Our Vision for Tre Uchaf Tre Uchaf is a happy, inclusive, listening school. Everyone is encouraged to be the best that they can and to make a contribution. The school provides practical, stimulating and new experiences for the children which help them to build confidence, knowledge and a love of learning.

Aims We aim to help our pupils to ..... Respect themselves, each other, adults and the environment Be confident in the basic skills of speaking, reading, writing and mathematics Know how to find the information they need Gain practical skills which will help them in their lives Get along well with each other Be honest and kind Know about and contribute to their local community Be safe, fit, happy and healthy Understand their own feelings and be confident in saying how they feel Enjoy new tasks, new people and new places


External Achievements The School has been awarded the ‘Green Flag’ for Eco Initiatives, including recycling materials, food composting, improving the environment and walking to school invitations The whole School Community support this ethos and approach.

Tre Uchaf is a ‘Healthy School’ The second stage of this Award was achieved in 2009. Tre Uchaf supports and believes in developing a healthy lifestyle for all our pupils.

The Basic Skills ‘Quality Mark’ has been achieved and maintained over the last nine years, in recognition of achievements in basic skills.

Tre Uchaf Primary School’s last Inspection Report can be viewed on the Estyn Website. Alternatively a copy can be requested from the School.


The School Day

Morning Session:

8.50 am - 12.00 noon (Infant Dept) 8.50 am - 12. 20 pm (Junior Dept)

Afternoon Session:

12.40 pm - 3.00 pm (Infant Dept) 1.00 pm - 3.00 pm (Junior Dept)

Nursery Sessions:

8.50 am - 11.20 am 12.40 pm - 3.00 pm

Please do not send children to School before 8.40 am. A teacher is on duty in each yard from 8.40 pm, but not before that. On wet days, children will be supervised by staff in the Hall until the bell rings at 8.50 am.


Visits to the School The School operates an ‘open door’ policy and offers many informal and more formal opportunities for parents to meet their child’s teacher. Prospective parents are welcome to visit the School during school hours to meet with the Headteacher and view prospective classrooms

Admission Policy Nursery: Children aged 3+ are offered between 3 and 5 terms of part-time education in our Nursery. Children are taken into School in small groups over the first few weeks to aid a comfortable introduction to their first experience of School. Reception: Tre Uchaf operates the agreed County admissions arrangements. Children already in the Nursery within the catchment will be offered an automatic place. This place will be offered formally in the Spring Term before their full-time education begins. Children outside the catchment area will be required to complete a preferred placement form. Preferred Placement: If there are places available, preferred placement will be granted. Where admission requests exceed the number of places available, the LEA admissions criteria will be applied.

If an application is unsuccessful, parents have the right of appeal. The appeal should be forwarded to the Director of Education, Civic Centre, Swansea, SA1 3SN, to be considered by the Appeals Committee


The National Curriculum Throughout the School children are taught the skills of Communication - Numeracy - Thinking - ICT

Early Years and Key Stage One: The Foundation Phase The Curriculum for Nursery and Infant children reflects seven areas of learning:

Language, Literacy and Communication Skills (English, including reading, writing and speaking and listening)

Mathematical Development (Maths)

Knowledge and Understanding of the World (Science, Geography, History and RE)

Physical Development (PE, Outdoor Activities, Design Technology skills)

Creative Development (Music, Art, Creative writing, Design Technology)


Welsh Language Development

Personal and Social Development, Well-being and Cultural Diversity

The Early Years staff offer parents and children a comprehensive package of support prior to their children beginning full time School, including a Welcome Pack for each child and parents prior to start the term.

When children first enter our Reception Classes, they first stay through lunch time then go home for the afternoon. They receive a high level of support to ensure their first experience of full time education is a positive one. Once they have had a week to settle they stay in School for the whole day.

The Key Stage Two Curriculum: Our Junior children continue to develop the skills of Communication, Numeracy, Thinking and ICT and the Curriculum is, where possible, planned thematically.

The following National subjects are taught:

English, Maths and Science (these are Core Subjects)

Welsh, History, Geography, Design Technology, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Art, Music and PE

RE is taught in line with the Local Authority’s agreed syllabus

As the children move through Key Stage Two there is an increasing emphasis on children taking responsibility for their own learning.

Children are taught individually, in groups and as a whole class. The groupings are either mixed ability or by ability, depending on the activity.


Assessment and Recording The progress and performance of all children will be regularly assessed throughout their school career. The National Curriculum requires that children be assessed by teachers at certain stages of their schooling (ie, seven and eleven years in primary schools) but the majority of assessment will occur on a continuous basis from the day a child starts school. At Year 2, Teacher Assessment results are reported to parents. At Year 6 Teacher Assessments of National Curriculum Levels are reported to parents, the LEA and the Welsh Assembly. The main aims of assessing and recording children’s work are as follows: •

To have an accurate picture of what each child can do; ie skills and concepts achieved and understood

This knowledge enables the teacher to carefully plan ahead and ensure all children are given appropriate and challenging work, which will continually move them forward. •

To identify gaps in the children’s knowledge and understanding

Accurate assessment can highlight areas of uncertainty and weakness thereby allowing the teacher to ensure that a child can be helped through his difficulties •

To ensure there is progression and continuity in learning as children pass through the School

When children change classes their new teacher can be accurately informed of their levels of understanding so that each child will continue from the point at which their previous teacher left them. •

To be able to accurately inform parents of their child’s progress

There will be the opportunity for parents to meet their child’s teacher early in the Autumn Term and another after they have settled into their class around half term. In the Spring Term there will be a more formal opportunity for parents to meet their child’s teacher, individually, and again following receipt of written Reports in the Summer Term. •

To inform secondary schools of the levels of achievement of the children they are to receive

Both formal and informal methods of assessment are undertaken at Tre Uchaf School. Informal assessment occurs on a daily basis when the teachers are working closely with the children. Often the teacher will keep personal notes about each child as an aidememoir but such notes will not form part of our official record keeping system. Formal assessment involves testing and teacher assessment, the results of which are recorded and held centrally. There is an individual file for each child in the School. Teacher assessment occurs throughout all areas of the curriculum but with an emphasis on the National Curriculum Core Subjects, namely Mathematics, English and Science. Updating of the records is an on-going process so that they reflect the progress being made and provide us with the information we require. 9

Children’s Records The children’s records contain a variety of information, mostly relating to their progress at School and are held centrally in individual files. Some information is also stored on computer, but this consists of information supplied by parents on the pupil record form. The records consist of: •

General information such as address, emergency telephone numbers, medical information as supplied by parents

A pupil tracking sheet summarising results and targets

Termly and yearly attendance records

Reading record booklets

Special Needs information and Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) if applicable

Annual reports

Any additional information as decided by individual teachers which may include such things as informal notes on the children’s progress

Children’s exercise books will form an on-going record of work for all areas of the curriculum. Exercise books will continue to be used even when children change classes, so that we have a long-term record of their progress and achievements.

Specialist Teaching Facility Classes Tre Uchaf has two Specialist Teaching Facility classes (STF’s) which cater for children with moderate learning difficulties. The children work in small group situations as appropriate to their needs. We provide a wide range of activities to suit their individual needs and appropriate access to the National Curriculum. Our STF children are included in activities with their mainstream peers wherever possible and appropriate. We have a strong commitment to inclusion at Tre Uchaf.


Special Needs Children The individual needs of all children will normally be catered for within the classroom situation by the class teacher. On occasions, however, some children may have a learning difficulty that requires extra support. This may be a learning difficulty in general or in one area of the curriculum, for example, Maths. When such a situation arises, the teacher responsible for Special Needs throughout the School will advise and support the class teacher in providing a thorough programme of work, which will lead that child through his difficulties. Sometimes this may be a short-term measure and other times throughout the child’s school career. If we feel unable to adequately provide for a special needs child from within the School we can readily call upon the services of the City and County of Swansea, Access to Learning. For children with more complex learning difficulties, there are clear Review and Statement procedures which enable the support services to assist with such things as extra staffing, resources, the preparation of specific work programmes, additional funding etc. Review meetings include a range of people concerned and involved with the development and education of a child with special educational needs. The meetings do, of course, include the parents/guardians. Such meetings will identify the needs of a child and recommendations will be made as to how best to provide for those needs. Throughout your child’s education at Tre Uchaf School judgements will be made as to which approach will best meet his/her needs. We will regularly keep you informed of progress and will consult you from time to time if and when various types of extra support are being considered, such as the provision of speech therapy. Usually the teachers will identify when a child needs extra support, but sometimes the parents may be the first to notice it or perhaps a child starting school for the first time is already receiving support. If you have any concerns, questions or information relating to your child and the need for additional support, it is vital for the child’s sake that there are good communications between home and school.

Pastoral Support Children are not always able to be wholly consistent in their performance at School. Just like adults they have their ‘off days’. The occasional ‘off day’ can be the result of a late night, the excitement of their birthday, feeling unwell etc. and is perfectly understandable. Cause for concern occurs when the ‘off days’ become regular features and can be an indicator that something more serious is troubling the child. If a situation arises that may cause a deterioration of your child’s performance such as the arrival of a new baby, the illness of a grandparent or separation of parents it is important that, at least to some degree, we are made aware of the problem. Any information given will be confidential and only those who need to know will be informed. Often the teachers can make some adjustments in the provision for a child, which will at least partially help support them during a period of personal difficulty. 11

Sporting Activities Our facilities are comprehensive. There is a gymnasium with changing rooms and a playing field. We are building up a good range of PE and Games equipment. During the year there are a wide range of activities available to the children, some in a competitive way. These include, football, rugby, cross country, basketball, hockey, rounders, netball and swimming. The School makes good use of sporting initiatives and events. Close links are in place between the PE Department in Gorseinon College and ourselves which benefit the children. We attempt to give the children a wide range of experiences at different levels. Children are expected to wear a T-shirt, shorts and gym shoes for PE lessons.

School Visits School visits are used to enrich the children’s experiences. Each class will plan their visits to enhance the termly theme. These visits give the children an opportunity to have first hand experiences which support understanding and stimulate an interest. Parents will be asked to give consent, without which a child cannot participate in School visits. Residential visits are organised for Years 5 + 6. These involve using one of the Local Education Authority’s Residential Centres, or other suitable centres as appropriate, If you are in receipt of Income Support, you may be entitled to financial help when attending a Field Study Centre run by the LEA.

Religious Education Religious Education helps to support children’s spiritual, moral and cultural development. Christianity is studied at all stages at Tre Uchaf. Other principal religions are studied and we aim to foster values and attitudes which will enable all learners to participate in our multi-ethnic society in Wales. In accordance with the 1996 Education Act, we hold a daily act of Collective Worship which is of a broadly Christian character. Parents and carers have a right to withdraw their children from Religious Education or Collective Worship.


Music Music has a strong place in the life of the School. Children have regular music lessons from Nursery onwards. Opportunities to make music and appreciate music are built into the class activities. There are regular opportunities to perform arrive via singing lessons, class assemblies and special events shared with the local Community. From Year 2 onwards the children are taught to play the descant recorder. There is also the opportunity to play the violin, cello or double bass. The City and County of Swansea provides peripatetic music lessons. There is also a choir who regularly sing in the Community. Venues have included, St Catherine’s Church, Gorseinon, Gorseinon College, RSPCA Centre, Penllergaer, Tesco Xtra, local Chapels and Churches, Welfare Hall.

Dance-Drama There are many opportunities to improvise creatively as well as to follow a more formal script in PE lessons, class assemblies, concerts and whole school productions.

Welsh Language Welsh is taught as a second language at Tre Uchaf. We receive support from the Welsh Advisory Service and Peripatetic Teacher. We aim to bring a rich Welsh culture to the pupils through the every day use of the Welsh Language. The staff receive Welsh training via courses on a regular basis.

Sex Education The School’s approach to Sex Education has been agreed with the Governing Body and the Policy and Scheme of Work may be viewed by parents. The content will reflect the developmental stage of the pupils through the Key Stages. Parents have a right to withdraw their children from Sex Education if they wish to. A clear Scheme of Work for Sex Education is in place.

Homework Homework will reflect the age and Key Stage the child is in. Children and parents are encouraged to read at home together, which will develop as the child matures. Reading diaries support the link between Home and School. At the beginning of the Academic Year and during parental evenings, parents are given an overview of expectations of work to be completed at home. Older children receive regular homework based on projects, spelling, numeracy and extensions to work completed in the classroom. Parents are encouraged to contact the School if they have a concern or wish to discuss the range of homework given.


Punctuality The School day begins at 8.50 am. It is important that good habits are encouraged from an early age. Please make every effort to ensure your child arrives in School on time in the morning. Late arrival in School means a disturbed start to the day and a loss of teaching time. The School takes legal responsibility for the children from 8.40 am. It is important not to arrive too early. Should you be delayed in picking your child up at the end of the day, please contact the School and ring the main entrance bell to collect your child.

Health, Safety and Well-being The health, safety and well-being of all the children in our care is of the utmost importance. To this end we have in place a range of policies, systems and procedures which all members of the teaching and non-teaching staff follow. They cover such things as lunchtime supervision, evacuation in the event of an emergency, medical care, out of school activities, the use of safety equipment and so on. We also have in place for the children a clearly defined set of rules that we expect to be followed at all times. These are given below and we ask that you support us by reinforcing with your children the values and attitudes expressed within it. All teachers will, from time to time, discuss the code of conduct with their classes and remind them of the type of ethos we aim to provide at Tre Uchaf School. The set of rules is also contained within our Behaviour Policy, a copy of which is available upon request.

Our Golden Rules: We are Gentle We are kind and helpful We work hard We look after property We listen to people We are honest 14

Pupils with Disabilities All pupils at Tre Uchaf School are treated equally as stated in the School’s Equal Opportunities Policy. On admission to Tre Uchaf, the individual disability will be assessed in order to provide appropriate arrangements for the child to access a full range of experiences. The facilities within the School include: • • • • •

Two disabled toilets A ramp to the upper part of the School Disabled changing/showering facilities Ramped access to the Key Stage 2 building Double doors to all community areas

Staff are observant to all situations of fair treatment for all pupils, including those with disabilities. An Admissions Meeting is held for all children placed in our STF Classes. At these meetings, parents and staff have an opportunity to discuss all necessary arrangements to support the child’s needs and to aid a positive introduction to School.

Absence from School Please notify the School on the first morning of your child’s absence by phoning the School or sending a note with another child. It is important that you do not wait to send a note when the child returns as the School will need to make enquiries as to the reason for the absence to avoid any possible truancy situation. It is a legal requirement for schools to publish attendance figures. Should you wish to take a vacation during term time, please inform the School in advance. The maximum annual holiday during term time should not exceed ten school days. The LEA has appointed an Education Welfare Officer to each school whose remit is to help and support the School and parents when difficulties occur concerning punctuality or absence.

Security For reasons of security we have only one point of entry for visitors to the School. A ‘buzzer’ system is in operation. All visitors are asked to sign a visitors book. The gate at St David’s Close is kept locked other than at times when parents need to bring or collect children. Late arrivals should use the main entrance.


Change of Home Address Please keep us informed of any change in phone numbers or address. This is important as we regularly update our records. It is also important to let us know if the emergency numbers change or your place of work.

Collecting Your Child From School If anyone other than the usual person is collecting your child, please phone the School before hand. It is important to write a note if you intend to collect your child during the school day. Older children will not be allowed to leave the School without a written note from a parent or a discussion beforehand with a parent. Should you collect your child from the playground, please inform your child’s teacher.

School Dinners All our dinners are cooked in the School. They are very popular with the children and staff and provide a balanced meal. If you are in receipt of Income Support or Job Seekers Allowance, you may be able to claim for free school dinners. Please see the Secretary for the necessary forms. Children who wish to have a packed lunch may do so (please place in an unbreakable container with the child’s name on it). Drinks should be provided in a non-glass container. Dinner Supervisors are available to support and supervise the children in the dining room and yards. There are additional staff on duty to support children with Special Educational Needs.

School Uniform Information concerning School Uniform can be obtained from the Secretary who holds an up to date price list. Orders usually take about 2/3 weeks to arrive. There are two choices of colour – red and grey. Sweatshirts and polo shirts are very popular and convenient. School uniform is encouraged as it supports a sense of community and discourages the use of inappropriate fashion clothing. Shorts and t-shirt with gym shoes or trainers are required for PE lessons.


General Information Our aim at Tre Uchaf is that children should feel happy, secure and content while in School. The ethos of the School encourages a good, positive approach to learning. Day to day care and well being of the children rests with the class teacher. When a concern occurs the Headteacher is informed and parents will be contacted if this happens. The children’s happiness is very important to us. Please inform the School if any difficulties occur at home which might upset your child while in School. These will be dealt with in a sensitive way. The discipline is firm with a fair approach. We encourage high standards of behaviour with mutual respect for each other. A lot of emphasis is placed on reinforcing positive behaviour by praising and encouragement. Rewarding good behaviour is regularly undertaken in many informal and formal ways. Our hope is that gradually children will develop increasing levels of self discipline to equip them for their future lives. In keeping with the National and LEA guidelines, we have a written policy statement on behaviour and bullying which are available for parents on our website or from the School office.

Charging Policy The Governors of Tre Uchaf Primary School have adopted the LEA’s Policy on charging in compliance with the Education Reform Act. This means the School will, on occasions, invite voluntary contributions from parents to enable an activity to take place. Parents are informed in advance of the activity outlining the details of the visit and the costing contribution.

Medicine at School The School will only give prescribed medicines to pupils. Medication should be clearly marked with the child’s name and correct dosage. Medication must not be kept or taken by the child without adult supervision. Parents should ask for a form from the Secretary so that we are quite sure we are following the correct dosage instructions. Medicines will only be administered at mid-day. Please make sure that we are informed as to the correct procedures if your child requires regular medication for conditions such as asthma.


Giving Parents Information Curriculum


At the beginning of each Academic Year, meetings take place to ‘set the scene’ for the coming year. This includes explaining projects, homework, visiting the classroom, viewing resources and meeting the class teacher

A formal opportunity to view your child’s work and meet with the class teacher to review progress is offered in the Autumn Term

At the end of the end of the Summer Term a report will be sent home with a response sheet which we value receiving from you – you will be offered an opportunity to discuss the Report with the class teacher

An opportunity to observe your child in the classroom environment is offered during the year

Parents of children with IEP’s have an opportunity through the year to review their progress

Children in the STF Units have yearly reviews. You will be invited to that meeting where all the people who have been involved with your child will be given an opportunity to attend and submit educational advice. This allows future targets to be decided upon

When a child with a Statement reaches their final year, that Statement is reviewed in the Autumn Term of that Academic Year. The recommendations will be sent to the LEA to be considered. Confirmation of a place for the next phase of education should be given by the end of the Spring Term

If you have any concerns or would like to discuss progress, parents are welcome to make an appointment to discuss these at any time or to attend one of the regular meetings held for parents

Newsletters are sent out each half term with events taking place or updates in the life of the School

The PTA send out newsletters of forthcoming events and competitions etc

The Governing Body produces an Annual Report of all the developments in School over the year. This is a point of discussion at the Annual General Meeting

The PTA also produce an overview of their activities in their Annual Report to Parents

Home-School Agreement. Each new parent is given a Home/School agreement which they are asked to sign. This is an agreement between home and school so that we are all clear about the ways in which we intend to support each child in a collective sense between home and school

Equal Opportunities All children receive equal access to all areas of School life irrespective of their race, sex, class or disability. If there is any area of equal opportunities which you would like to discuss, please contact the School. There is a clear Policy for Equal Opportunities which parents are able to view by request.

Informal Complaint It is usual that most complaints can be resolved by discussions with the Headteacher and other members of staff and parents working together to resolve any difficulties. It is here that a complaint should be made in the first instance.

Complaints Procedure There is a procedure for making a complaint. In the first instance, a complaint should be received by the Headteacher. If this cannot be resolved, a complaint can be formally made, in writing, to the Governing Body. Should this not be resolved, a formal complaint to the Local Education Authority can be made.

Formal Complaint to the Governing Body If a complaint cannot be resolved, the Headteacher will supply the complainant with the necessary documentation which explains the arrangements for considering complaints. The complaint should be in writing and addressed to the Clerk to the Governing Body. The address will be available at the School, or the Chief Education Office. The School has an agreed Complaints Policy which is available to parents by making a request for a copy (in writing)

Working Together Several of our parents offer their time and skills on a regular basis to come into School and support children’s learning. We welcome this added dimension which parents can bring and would ask any interested parents to come forward should they wish to support School in this way.


Community Links The School is in the heart of the Loughor Community. Strong links have been established with the Parish Church and Chapels. Sporting links with partner Primary Schools, Penyrheol Comprehensive School and Elba Playing Fields in Gowerton are established. Music links with the Senior Citizens have been established. The School sings and plays at several venues within the Community, on occasions joining with other schools and colleges within the Community. The School has received support from the Local Authority to extend work to the Nature areas. Grants from other Agencies such as Welsh Arts Council and Loughor Town Council, The Prince’s Trust and the Early Years Initiative have supported the development of resources in and around the School. The School has established a successful link with 3M’s, Gorseinon, resulting in a Sensory Garden for the children. The children experience work place visits to local businesses. Some of the staff have experienced a placement via Careers Wales.

After School Clubs At various times during the school year the School runs after school clubs. These include football, rugby, athletics, choir and art. During the week there are also opportunities for children to participate in interest groups such as gardening, computers, crafts, drama and photography.

Tre Uchaf Kids Club We are proud of the added facility of quality after school care. The Club is based on organised play and the hours are: •

After School Club

3.00 pm to 6.00 pm

It is registered to provide activities for a maximum of 30 children. It is available for any parent of a child at the School who wishes to have child care. Children can join from Reception onwards. Kids Club run a Holiday Club during the Summer Holidays. For prices and availability of places please contact Mrs S Murison at the School.


The Parent-Teacher Association Over each year the Parent-Teacher Association organise a wide variety of events to raise funds and bring children and adults together. These have included discos, fetes, social events for adults such as shopping trips, dances, quizzes, car boot sales and competitions for children. Meetings are kept informal and regular newsletters go to parents informing them of future events. The PTA are very keen to welcome new parents to the School each year. Gifts to the children include an Easter gift, leavers’ presents and competition prizes. Information about PTA meetings and events can be found on the Notice Boards in the Infant and Junior Yards

Transfer to Comprehensive School When the Primary phase is completed, the children from Tre Uchaf usually move on to the catchment Comprehensive School, Penyrheol. During the children’s time at Tre Uchaf there are regular visits from teachers and students at Penyrheol. These include Drama Workshops, Science ‘hands on’ sessions, Musical Events, English and French lessons. During the fifth and sixth years the children have planned visits to the Comprehensive School, spending a day to familiarise themselves with the new staff and building. Staff from Penyrheol visit the School to discuss the pupils to gather academic and general information. Occasionally children will transfer to other Comprehensive Schools such as Gowerton.





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