Swansea Ceremonies Guide / Arweiniad i Seremoniau Abertawe

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ceremonies in Swansea S e r e m o n 誰 a u y n A b e r ta w e

Arweiniad i Seremon誰auQ


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Contents Page 4 The Celebration Suite Page 5 Ceremonies at other venues in Swansea Page 6 Arranging your Ceremony Page 8 Religious Ceremonies Page 8 Ceremonies Abroad Page 9 Civil Partnerships Page 10 Frequently asked questions Page 12 Celebratory Ceremonies Page 13 Citizenship Ceremonies

Cynnwys Tudalen 14 Yr Ystafell Ddathlu Tudalen 15 Seremonïau mewn lleoliadau eraill yn Abertawe Tudalen 16 Trefnu eich seremoni Tudalen 18 Priodasau Crefyddol Tudalen 19 Partneriaethau Sifil Tudalen 20 Cwestiynau Cyffredin Tudalen 22 Seremonïau Dathlu Tudalen 23 Seremonïau Dinasyddiaeth

A Swansea Celebration We are delighted that you are considering holding your ceremony in Swansea and want to help make it a very special and memorable day for you. Whether you want a less formal, intimate affair or a splendid traditional occasion, our experienced and friendly staff will be delighted to advise you on all aspects of the ceremony. The Celebration Suite at the Civic Centre is ideally located on the seafront and has a choice of lovely rooms. Swansea venues also have a lot to offer: beautiful hotels with spectacular coastal views, staged drama at a Victorian theatre, pitch side terraces at a Premiership football stadium or cultural elegance at a Civic Hall. Whatever type of ceremony and venue you choose, we hope your big day is one you will remember with much happiness.

Dathlu yn Abertawe Rydym yn bles iawn eich bod yn ystyried cynnal eich seremoni yn Abertawe, ac fe hoffwn ni eich helpu i’w wneud yn ddiwrnod arbennig a chofiadwy i chi. P’un ai os ydych eisiau achlysur bach syml ac agos atoch neu un fawr wych, bydd ein staff cyfeillgar a phrofiadwy yn digon barod i’ch cynghori ar bob agwedd o’r seremoni. Mae’r Ystafell Ddathlu wedi ei leoli’n ddelfrydol ar lan y môr, gyda dewis o ystafelloedd hyfryd. Mae gan leoliadau Abertawe llawer i’w gynnig: gwestai prydferth gyda golygfeydd anhygoel o’r arfordir, drama mewn theatr Fictoraidd, terasau ochr y cae mewn stadiwm clwb pêl-droed uwch gynghrair neu gwychder diwylliannol mewn Neuadd Ddinesig. Pa bynnag fath o seremoni a lleoliad rydych yn dewis, rydym yn gobeithio bydd eich diwrnod mawr yn un fyddwch yn cofio gyda llawer o hapusrwydd.


Ceremonies in Swansea The Celebration Suite Located on the sea front promenade, the Civic Centre has stunning views over the spectacular Swansea Bay; with the award-winning Marina within easy walking distance and the outstanding beauty of the Gower Peninsula just a short drive away, it is the ideal choice. With a superb location and a choice of charming rooms, the Celebration Suite has a lot to offer. It is located at ground level, has free car parking and is in close proximity to road and rail systems. There is a lovely garden with courtyard and weddingarbour and our patio is set on wide lawns overlooking the beach with Mumbles Point as a striking backdrop. Simply, the start of a very special day and an album full of magical memories.

The Waiting Room Comfortably furnished, the waiting room is a relaxing and welcoming place for your party to gather. With background music playing, this room sets the mood for your ceremony.

The Kilvey Room This room has a contemporary feel and is often preferred by smaller parties. The Kilvey Room can seat 36 guests comfortably. The room has a CD music system allowing you to set the mood for your ceremony and a webcam to enable you to share your day with someone who is unable to be with you.

The Cefn Bryn Room This attractive room is furnished in a traditional style with wide windows which look out on to the lovely garden and courtyard. The elegant wood panelling and cream floral arrangements make it a delightful setting. With seating for 70 guests, this room is also equipped with a webcam so that live on-line viewing is possible for family and friends who are unable to attend your ceremony in person. The room also has a CD music system enabling you to personalise your ceremony with your own choice of music. Ceremonies at the Kilvey and Cefn Bryn Rooms are available from Monday to Friday and on Saturday mornings.

The Register Office Swansea’s designated Register Office is a small room designed for ceremonies where the couple are accompanied only by two witnesses. The ceremony is short and straightforward for those who want to complete the legal elements of a marriage or Civil Partnership ceremony. This room is available from Monday to Thursday. City & County of Swansea


Ceremonies at other venues in Swansea A Civil Marriage or Partnership can take place in any Register Office or Local Authority licensed venue in England or Wales, such as hotels, restaurants, museums, theatres and even football stadiums. Many provide a range of accommodation, and a complete package is often available, from ceremony, to reception, to wedding night. At present the following venues are licensed: Cefn Bryn Room County Hall, Swansea Tel: (01792) 636188

The Gower Golf Club Cefn Golau Farm, Three Crosses Tel: (01792) 872480

Kilvey Room Civic Centre, Swansea Tel: (01792) 636188

Eddy’s Bistro Hillend Caravan Park, Llangennith, Gower Tel: (01792) 386606

National Waterfront Museum Maritime Quarter, Swansea Tel: (01792) 638974 Swansea Marriott Hotel Victoria Quay Maritime Quarter, Tel: (01792) 642020

Liberty Stadium Morfa Retail Park, Brunnel Way Tel: (01792) 616400 The Dragon Hotel Kingsway Circle, Swansea Tel: (01792) 657100

Oxwich Bay Hotel Oxwich Bay, Gower Tel: (01792) 390329

Village Hotel and Leisure Complex Swansea Waterfront, Fabian Way Tel: (01792) 479930

Sketty Hall Sketty Lane, Sketty Tel: (01792) 284011

Llanrhidian Holiday Park Llanrhidian, Gower, Swansea Tel: (01792) 391289

Manor Park Country House Ynyspenllwch Road, Clydach Tel: (01792) 846999

Norton House Hotel Norton Road, Mumbles, Swansea Tel: (01792) 404891

The Guildhall Swansea Tel: (01792) 635432

Fairyhill Hotel Reynoldston, Gower (Tel: 01792 390139)

The Mercure Hotel Phoenix Way, Swansea Tel: (01792) 310330

Oldwalls Leisure Oldwalls, Gower Tel: (01792) 391468

Swansea Grand Theatre Singleton Street, Swansea Tel: (01792) 475242

The Gower Hotel 11, Church Lane, Bishopston, Swansea Tel. (01792) 232074

Morgan’s Hotel Somerset Place, Swansea Tel: (01792) 484848 Worms Head Hotel Rhossili, Gower Tel: (01792) 390512 The King Arthur Hotel Higher Green, Reynoldston, Gower Tel: (01792) 390775

Patrick’s with Rooms 638 Mumbles Road, Mumbles Tel: (01792) 360199 Ocean View Windmill Farm, Gower Tel: 01792 390052

Ceremonies Guide


Ceremonies in Swansea Arranging your Ceremony Firstly, choose the venue in which you wish to hold your ceremony and set the date, but, before you confirm your booking with the venue, you must contact the Register Office to check that registrars are available to attend at the date and time requested. From 1st October 2013 a provisional booking can be made, by telephone, up to two years in advance of your ceremony. If you book a ceremony more than one year in advance, a nonrefundable fee will be payable to secure the date and time. Ceremony details will be confirmed in writing when you have completed the legal notices.

The legal requirements It is a legal requirement that you give notice of your intention to marry or register a Civil Partnership to the Superintendent Registrar in the district where you live. You must have lived in the district for at least 7 clear days before you can give notice. Both parties to the marriage or partnership must attend in person. You do not necessarily have to attend on the same day but the minimum waiting period is calculated from the date of the second notice. When both notices have been given, the documents must be displayed at the Register Office for 15 clear days before the marriage authorities or civil partnership schedule can be issued and the ceremony can take place. The notices are valid for one year from the date that they are given but are only valid for the venue stated on them. A fee is payable for each notice.

City & County of Swansea


Any person who is subject to immigration control and wishes to marry or register a Civil Partnership in England or Wales must give notice in a Register Office which has been designated for the purpose. Swansea is one of the 75 ‘Designated Register Offices’ in England and Wales. Where a couple are required to give notice at a designated office, they must attend together.

Documents When you give your notice you will need to provide proof of your name, age, nationality and marital status. We will require two forms of identification for each person. A current full passport is the preferred document for proving your identity and nationality. The second form of identification could be a birth certificate, driving licence or NHS medical card. If you do not hold a current passport, please contact us for further advice regarding the documents that would be acceptable. Each person will also need to provide proof of their current address. This could be a recently dated utility bill or bank statement for example. If either of you has been divorced you will need to show proof that you are now free to marry or register a civil partnership. If the divorce was granted in England or Wales, you will need to show a court-stamped copy of the decree absolute.

If either of you has been in a Civil Partnership which has been dissolved, you will need to show the dissolution document. If a divorce was granted in a foreign country, we will need to see the original, final document along with a translation. If you are a widow or widower, we will need to see the death certificate of your former spouse. It may also be necessary to provide your previous marriage certificate. If either of you is under 18, we will need written consent from a parent or guardian. A form is available from the Register Office for this purpose. If your parents are divorced, you may also need to provide the court order that gives custody to one of them. It is important to note that we must see original documents and are not able to accept photocopies. Notices of marriage or civil partnership are taken by appointment only. Please telephone us or call in to the office to make an appointment. When the appointment is made we will advise you further on the documents that are required for your specific circumstances.

Ceremonies Guide


Ceremonies in Swansea

Religious Ceremonies Church of England and Church in Wales Weddings If you are planning a Church of England or Church in Wales wedding, you must see the vicar of the parish where you live. If they are able to marry you, they will arrange for banns to be called. The marriage will be registered by the vicar and there is usually no need to involve the local register office.

Weddings of any other religious denomination If your wedding is to be held in a building of any other Christian denomination or in the building of another religious order, you must give notice in the same way as for marriage in a Register Office. Usually you must live in the district where you plan to marry. A registrar from the district in which the building is situated must attend your ceremony unless the building has its own registrar (Authorised Person). If a registrar is required to attend, you should contact us and confirm the availability of a registrar before you set a date. There is a fee for the registrar to attend at a marriage.

Ceremonies Abroad The rules governing marriages in other countries are complex and vary from country to country. We recommend that you firstly contact the authorities for the country in which you intend to marry to ensure that you are fulfilling all of their

City & County of Swansea


requirements for a legal marriage. Sometimes, it is necessary for you to complete procedures with your local register office which are very much the same as giving notice. Please allow enough time for this but if you would like to discuss further please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

Civil Partnerships Same sex couples wishing to formalise their relationship may do so by registering as Civil Partners. Couples are able to sign an official document at a register office or licensed venue in the presence of a registrar and two witnesses without the need for a ceremony. Alternatively, you may choose to have a larger celebration including a ceremony and the signing of the official schedule document The procedures for arranging a civil partnership ceremony are the same as arranging a marriage ceremony. The legal preliminaries of giving notice are also the same. This information is correct at the time of printing. However, if there is any change in the law, please contact us for further information.

Registration of Civil Partnerships in religious buildings Since December 2012 it is possible to register a Civil Partnership in a religious building which has been authorised for the purpose by the Local Authority. Please contact us for more information regarding this.

Ceremonies Guide


Ceremonies in Swansea Frequently asked questions Can one of us be ‘fashionably late’? Unfortunately not. You must be ready to start your ceremony on time as we will most likely be conducting other ceremonies after yours. We cannot risk being late for another couple’s booking. If you are late for your ceremony you risk it being shortened or even postponed which would be upsetting. Please allow enough time to get ready and arrive at the venue calmly and promptly.

Should we make special arrangements for children at our ceremony? We understand that formal ceremonies may be boring for young children. If any of the children at the ceremony are yours, you may wish to nominate a trusted friend or family member to ensure that they are kept happy and entertained during the proceedings. That way, you can both enjoy the ceremony without worrying whether your little one is okay. Guests should not feel uncomfortable about standing at the back of the room if their children become distressed during the ceremony.

Is there anything I need to avoid when writing my own vows or choosing music and readings? The law states that any music, vows or readings used at a civil ceremony must be non-religious. You would not be able to include any hymns or religious music. This includes instrumental pieces. Similarly, you would not be able to include any readings from the Bible or any verse that has

City & County of Swansea


religious connotations. Please also take care with any extra vows. We cannot include phrases that would be used in a religious ceremony e.g. to have and to hold, from this day forward.. etc. Any additions to a ceremony must be discussed with the registrar prior to the day of your ceremony.

Who should we choose as witnesses? You must have two witnesses but they could be family members or friends. We would usually ask that they be over the age of 18 but they must have understood the vows and the nature and purpose of the ceremony that they have witnessed.

Can people take photos or videos of the ceremony? Please consider the impact of too many people taking photographs during your ceremony. An official photographer may take photos of the bride making her entrance and your exchange of rings for example. However, we would ask him or her not to take any disruptive photographs whilst you say your legal vows so as not to detract from the moment. Your photographer and guests will be given an opportunity to take photos of you before you sign the official register and as you exit. You are welcome to set up a video camera to record your special day.

What do we do if we need to cancel? If your ceremony is no longer going ahead you may telephone the Register Office to advise us but we cannot cancel a ceremony without written

confirmation. If your ceremony is at one of the licensed venues you must notify the venue and the registration service separately. Please notify us of any cancellations as soon as possible so that we may make any necessary adjustments to our diary.

Can we have a ceremony on the beach or in our garden? The law states that a marriage or civil partnership ceremony must take place within a building that has been approved for that purpose. It is therefore not possible at present to have a ceremony on the beach or in a marquee for example. A list of the licensed buildings in Swansea can be found in this brochure.

Can I change my name on my passport before my ceremony? You can apply to change your name on your passport up to three months prior to the date of your ceremony by applying to the IPS and completing the necessary form. A section of the form must also be signed by the registrar. Please ensure that the name on any of your flight/travel bookings and the name on your passport are going to be the same if you are travelling overseas after your ceremony.

Ceremonies Guide


Ceremonies in Swansea Celebratory Ceremonies Renewal of Vows

The Naming Day Ceremony

This is a ceremony for married couples wishing to renew the vows made to each other on their wedding day, as a celebration of a special anniversary or to reaffirm their commitment to each other. It is often chosen by couples who were married abroad, as a chance to share the marriage celebration with family and friends.

The Naming Day is a celebration of the birth of a new baby or a special way of welcoming a child or children into a new family. It is an opportunity for parents to make a public promise of love and commitment to the child.

The ceremony can be tailor-made to create the perfect celebration by selecting words, poems, readings and music that hold special meaning for you. New rings can be exchanged or old rings rededicated and gifts can be given as a “Thank You� to each other or to the special people in your lives. You will be presented with a certificate to mark the occasion and as a keepsake of your very special day.

You may choose to invite Supporting Adults who will have a special role to play in the child’s life and the Grandparents can also be given the opportunity to make a pledge of support to the parents and child. You can create a unique celebration with words, readings and music and you will be given a commemorative certificate. A renewal of vows or naming day ceremony may be held at the Civic Centre or at one of the Approved Venues in Swansea. Please contact us for any further information or for the fees involved. Please note that these ceremonies are purely celebratory. Any certificates presented are commemorative and have no legal standing.

City & County of Swansea


Citizenship Ceremonies Under the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002, all applicants aged 18 years or over, who are accepted for naturalisation as British Citizens are required to take part in a Citizenship Ceremony. During the ceremony you will be required to take an oath or affirmation and pledge your allegiance to the Sovereign. When you receive your invitation letter from the Home Office you should contact the register office as soon as possible to make arrangements to attend a ceremony. On the day of the ceremony you must bring a form of identification, such as a passport or driving licence, along with your invitation letter. Citizenship Ceremonies are held in the Cefn Bryn Room at the Civic Centre and are usually held once a month. The ceremony will be led by the Superintendent Registrar and the Lord Mayor, a Deputy Lieutenant of West Glamorgan and the High Sheriff of West Glamorgan are usually in attendance to welcome you as a new citizen. You will be presented with your certificate and small gift to commemorate the occasion. You will have the opportunity to have your photograph taken with the dignitaries by a professional photographer. Following the ceremony you will be able to have refreshments and meet other new citizens. Private ceremonies are also offered for an additional fee.

Ceremonies Guide


Seremonïau yn Abertawe’ Yr Ystafell Ddathlu Wedi’i lleoli ar y promenâd ar lan y môr, mae gan y Ganolfan Ddinesig olygfeydd gwych dros Fae ysblennydd Abertawe; mae’r marina arobryn o fewn cyrraedd hawdd ar droed, a dim ond taith fer mewn car yw hi i Benrhyn hardd Gŵyr, felly mae’n ddewis perffaith. Gyda lleoliad mor wych a dewis o ystafelloedd priodas hyfryd, mae gan yr Ystafelloedd Dathlu lawer i’w gynnig. Lleolir yr holl ystafelloedd ar lawr daear, mae lleoedd parcio di-dâl ac mae’r ffyrdd a’r rheilffordd gerllaw. Mae gardd hyfryd gyda deildy priodas ac mae ein patio wedi’i osod ar lawntiau eang sy’n edrych dros y traeth, gyda Phen y Mwmbwls yn creu cefndir hardd.

Yr Ystafell Aros Wedi’i dodrefnu’n gyfforddus, mae’r ystafell aros yn lle cysurus a chroesawgar i’ch gwesteion ymgynnull. Gyda cherddoriaeth gefndir, mae’r ystafell hon yn gosod y naws cyn eich seremoni.

Yr Ystafell Cilfái Mae gan yr ystafell hon naws gyfoes ac yn aml wedi ei ffafrio gan bartïau llai. Mae seddau cysurus i 36 o westeion yn yr Ystafell Cilfái. Mae gan yr ystafell system gerddoriaeth CD sy’n caniatáu i chi osod naws eich seremoni a gwe-gamera i’ch galluogi i rannu eich diwrnod gyda rhywun sy’n methu â bod yno gyda chi.

Yr Ystafell Cefn Bryn Mae’r ystafell hardd hon wedi’i dodrefnu’n draddodiadol, gyda ffenestri llydan yn edrych allan ar yr ardd a’r cwrt hardd. Mae’r paneli pren cain a’r trefniadau blodau niferus yn golygu bod hwn yn lleoliad hyfryd. Mae seddau i 70 o westeion, ac mae’r ystafell hon hefyd yn cynnwys gwe-gamera fel bod ffrindiau neu deulu sy’n methu bod yn bresennol yn gallu gwylio’ch seremoni’n fyw dros y rhyngrwyd. Mae hefyd system gerddoriaeth sy’n eich galluogi i bersonoli eich priodas drwy ddewis eich cerddoriaeth. Mae seremonïau yn yr ystafelloedd Gilfái Cefn Bryn ar gael ar Ddydd Llun i Ddydd Gwener ac ar fore Dydd Sadwrn.

Y Swyddfa Gofrestri Mae Swyddfa Gofrestri ddynodedig Abertawe yn ystafell wedi ei ddylunio ar gyfer seremonïau lle mae’r pâr yn cyd-fynd gyda dau dyst yn unig. Mae’r seremoni yn fer ac yn syml i’r rheiny sy am gwblhau yr elfennau gyfreithlon o seremoni priodas neu Partneriaeth Sifil. Mae’r ystafell hon ar gael o Ddydd Llun i Ddydd Iau. Dinas a Sir Abertawe


Seremonïau yn lleoliadau eraill Abertawe Gall Priodas neu Bartneriaeth Sifil gael ei chynnal mewn unrhyw Swyddfa Gofrestru neu leoliad Trwyddedig gan yr Awdurdod Lleol yng Nghymru neu Loegr, fel gwestai, bwytai, amgueddfeydd, theatrau a hyd yn oed stadia pêl-droed. Mae llawer ohonynt yn darparu amrywiaeth o lety, ac mae pecyn gyflawn yn aml ar gael sy’n cynnwys y seremoni, y brecwast a’r noson briodas. Ar hyn o bryd mae gan y lleoliadau yma drwydded: Ystafel Cefn Bryn Canolfan Ddinesig, Abertawe Ffôn: (01792 636188)

Clwb Golff Gŵyr Fferm Cefn Golau, Y Crwys Ffôn: (01792) 872480

Ystafel Kilvey Canolfan Ddinesig, Abertawe Ffôn: (01792 636188)

Eddy’s Bistro Parc Carafannau Hillend Llangynydd, Gŵyr Ffôn: (01792) 386606

Amgueddfa Genedlaethol y Glannau Yr Ardal Forol, Ffôn: (01792) 638974 Gwesty’r Marriott Abertawe Cei Victoria Yr Ardal Forol Ffôn: (01792) 642020 Gwesty Bae Oxwich Bae Oxwich, Gŵyr Ffôn: (01792) 390329 Plas Sgeti Lôn Sgeti, Sgeti Ffôn: (01792) 284011 Plasty Manor Park Heol Ynyspenllwch, Clydach Ffôn: (01792) 846999

Stadiwm Liberty Parc Adwerthu Morfa Ffordd Brunel Ffôn: (01792) 616400 Gwesty Dragon Cylch Ffordd Y Brenin, Abertawe Ffôn: (01792) 299848 Gwesty Y Village Glannau Abertawe, Ffordd Fabian Ffôn: (01792) 479930 Parc Gwyliau Llanrhidian Llanrhidian, Gŵyr, Swansea Ffôn: (01792) 391289 Gwesty Tŷ Norton Heol Norton, Y Mwmbwls, Abertawe Ffôn: (01792) 404891

Neuadd y Ddinas Abertawe Ffôn: (01792) 635432

Gwesty Fairyhill Reynoldston, Gŵyr Ffôn: (01792 390139)

Gwesty Mercure Ffordd y Ffenics, Abertawe Ffôn: (01792) 310330

Oldwalls Leisure Oldwalls, Gŵyr Ffôn: (01792) 391468

Theatr y Grand Abertawe Stryd Singleton, Abertawe Ffôn: (01792) 475242

Gwesty Y Gŵyr 11 Lon yr Eglwys, Llandeilo Ferwallt Ffôn: (01792) 232074

Gwesty Morgan’s Somerset Place, Abertawe Ffôn: (01792) 484848

Patrick’s Gyda Ystafelloedd 638 Heol Mwmbwls, Mwmbwls Ffôn: (01792) 360199

Gwesty Worms Head Rhosili, Gŵyr SA3 1PP Ffôn: (01792) 390512

Ocean View Fferm Windmill Gŵyr Ffôn: (01792) 390052

Gwesty’r Brenin Arthur Higher Green, Reynoldston, Gŵyr Ffôn: (01792) 390775


Seremonïau yn Abertawe’ Trefnu eich Seremoni Yn gyntaf, dewiswch y lleoliad lle hoffech gynnal eich seremoni a chadarnhau ei fod ar gael. Ond, cyn cadanhau’r dyddiad gyda’r lleoliad, mae’n bwysig iawn eich bod yn cysylltu â’r Swyddfa Gofrestru i sicrhau bod y cofrestryddion ar gael i fynychu ar y dyddiad ac amser yr hoffech gael. O’r 1af Hydref 2013, gellir trefnu dyddiad dros dro, dros y ffôn, hyd at dwy flynedd cyn eich seremoni. Os byddwch yn trefnu dyddiad mwy na flwyddyn cyn y seremoni, bydd ffi ad-dalu yn daladwy i sicrhau y dyddiad a’r amser. Bydd manylion y seremoni yn cael eu cadarnhau pan fyddwch wedi rhoi eich hysbysebion gyfreithlon.

Y Gofynion Cyfreithiol Mae’n ofyniad gyfreithiol i chi i roi eich bwriad i briodi neu i gofrestru Partneriaeth Sifil i’r Cofrestrydd Arolygu yn yr ardal lle rydych yn byw. Dylech fod wedi bod yn byw yn yr ardal am o leiaf 7 diwrnod cyfan cyn eich bod yn medru hysbysu. Bydd rhaid i’r ddau barti i’r priodas neu partneriaeth fynychu mewn person. Nid oes rhaid i chi fynd ar yr un diwrnod ond mae’r amser aros lleiaf yn cael ei gyfri o ddyddiad yr ail hysbyseb. Pan fydd y ddau hysbyseb wedi eu gwneud, bydd y dogfennau’n cael eu arddangos yn y Swyddfa Gofrestru am 15 ddiwrnod clir cyn y gall yr awdurdodau priodas neu’r cofrestr partneriaeth sifil gael eu dosbarthu a’r seremoni gymryd lle. Mae’r hysbysebion yn dilys am un blynedd o’r dyddiad y maent yn cael eu rhoi a dim ond yn ddilys am y lleoliad sydd wedi ei enwi arnynt. Mae tâl am bob hysbyseb.

Dinas a Sir Abertawe


Mae’n rhaid i unrhyw berson sy’n destun i rheolaeth fewnfudo ac sy’n dymuno priodi neu cofrestru partneriaeth sifil yng Nghymru a Lloegr rhoi hysbysiad i briodi mewn Swyddfa Gofrestru a ddynodwyd at y diben. Mae Abertawe yn un o’r 75 “Swyddfa Gofrestru Ddynodedig” yng Nghymru a Lloegr. Pan fydd cwpl yn gorfod rhoi hysbysiad mewn Swyddfa Gofrestru Ddynodedig, dylid fynychu gyda’i gilydd.

Dogfennau Wrth roi hysbysiad, bydd angen i chi ddarparu tystiolaeth o’ch enw, oed, cenedligrwydd a statws priodasol. Byddwn yn gofyn am dau ffurf o adanbyddiaeth ar gyfer pob person. Pasbort cyfredol llawn yw’r ddogfen a ffafrir ar gyfer profi pwy ydych a’ch cenedligrwydd. Gall yr ail ffurf o adnabyddiaeth fod yn tystysgrif geni, trwydded gyrru neu cerdyn meddygol y GIG. Os nad ydych yn dal pasbort cyfredol, cysylltwch â ni am gyngor pellach ynghylch y dogfennau a fyddai’n dderbyniol. Bydd rhaid i bob person hefyd ddarparu tystiolaeth o’i cyfeiriad presennol. Gall hyn fod yn bil cyfleustodau dyddiedig ddiweddar neu gyfriflen banc, er enghraifft. Os yw’r naill neu’r llall ohonoch wedi cael ysgariad, bydd angen i chi ddangos prawf eich bod nawr yn rhydd i briodi neu gofrestru partneriaeth sifil. Os rhoddwyd caniatâd am yr ysgariad yng Nghymru neu Loegr, bydd angen i chi ddangos copi o’r archddyfarniad absoliwt â stamp y llys arno.

Os yw’r naill neu’r llall ohonoch wedi bod mewn Partneriaeth Sifil sydd wedi cael ei diddymu, bydd rhaid i chi ddangos y ddogfen diddymu. Os rhoddwyd caniatâd am yr ysgariad mewn gwlad dramor, bydd angen i ni weld y ddogfen wreiddiol ynghyd â chyfieithiad Saesneg. Os ydych yn wraig weddw neu’n ŵr gweddw, bydd angen i chi ddangos copi o’r dystysgrif marwolaeth eich cyn briod. Efallai bydd angen i chi ddangos eich tystysgrif priodas blaenorol. Os yw’r naill neu’r llall ohonoch dan 18 oed, bydd angen i ni gael caniatâd ysgrifenedig gan riant neu warcheidwad. Mae ffurflen ar gael gan y Swyddfa Gofrestru at y diben hwn. Os yw eich rhieni wedi ysgaru, efallai bydd angen i chi hefyd ddarparu’r gorchymyn llys sy’n rhoi gwarchodaeth i un ohonynt. Mae’n bwysig nodi bod rhaid i ni gweld dogfennau gwreiddiol ac nad ydym yn medru derbyn ffotocopïau. Mae hysbysiad priodas neu partneriaeth sifil yn cael eu cymryd trwy apwyntiad yn unig. Galwch mewn i’r swyddfa neu rhowch alwad dros y ffôn i wneud apwyntiad. Pan fydd yr apwyntiad yn cael ei wneud, byddwn yn rhoi cyngor pellach ar y dogfennau sydd ei angen am eich amgylchiadau penodol chi.


Seremonïau yn Abertawe’ Seremonïau Grefyddol Priodasau yn yr Eglwys yng Nhymru ac Eglwys Loegr Os ydych yn cynllunio priodas yn Eglwys yng Nghymru neu Eglwys Loegr, rhaid i chi weld ficer y plwyf lle rydych yn byw. Os yw ef/hi yn gallu’ch priodi, bydd yn trefnu i gyhoeddi’r gostegion. Bydd y briodas yn cael ei chofrestru gan y ficer, ac fel arfer ni fydd anfen cysylltu â’r swyddfa gofrestru leol.

Priodasau unrhyw Enwad Crefyddol arall Os yw eich priodas i’w chynnal mewn adeilad sy’n perthyn i enwad Cristnogol arall neu urdd grefyddol arall, rhaid i chi hysbysu yn yr un modd ag wrth briodi mewn Swyddfa Gofrestru. Fel arfer mae’n rhaid i chi fyw yn yr ardal lle rydych yn bwriadu priodi. Rhaid i gofrestrydd o’r ardal y lleolir yr adeilad ynddi fynychu’ch seremoni oni bai bod gan yr adeilad ei gofrestrydd ei hun (person Awdurdodedig). Os oes angen i gofrestrydd fynychu, dylech gysylltu â ni i gadarnhau argaeledd y cofrestrydd cyn gosod y dyddiad. Mae tâl am gael y cofrestrydd i fynychu.

Seremonïau Tramor Mae’r rheolau sy’n llywodraethu priodasau mewn gwledydd eraill yn gymhleth ac yn amrywio o wlad i wlad. Rydym yn argymhell eich bod yn cysylltu’r awdurdodau ar gyfer y wlad rydych yn bwriadu priodi ynddi yn gyntaf i sicrhau eich bod yn

Dinas a Sir Abertawe


cyflawni eu gofynion ar gyfer priodas gyfreithlon. Weithiau, mae’n anghenrheidiol i chi gwblhau cyfarwyddiadau gyda’ch swyddfa gofrestru lleol sy’n debyg iawn i rhoi hysbysiad. Rhowch digon o amser i wneud hyn, ond os hoffech drafod ymhellach cysylltwch â ni ac fe fyddwn yn hapus i’ch cynorthwyo.

Partneriaethau Sifil Gall parau o’r un rhyw sy’n dymuno ffurfioli eu perthynas wneud hyn trwy gofrestri fel Partneriaid Sifil. Mae parau yn medru llofnodi’r ddogfen gyfreithiol mewn swyddfa gofrestru neu lleoliad trwyddedig ger bron cofrestrydd a dau dyst heb yr angen am seremoni. Ar yn ail, gallwch ddewis gael dathliad fwy yn cynnwys seremoni a llofnodi’r ddogfen gofrestru swyddogol. Mae’r trefnau ar gyfer seremoni partneriaeth sifil yr un peth a trefnu ar gyfer seremoni priodas. Mae’r gofynion cyfreithiol hefyd yr un peth. Mae’r gwybodaeth hyn yn gywir wrth fynd i’r wasg. Fodd bynnag, os oes unrhyw newid yn y gyfraith, cysylltwch â ni am fanylion pellach.

Cofrestru Partneriaeth Sifil mewn adeiladau cyfreddol Ers Rhagfyr 2012 mae’n bosib i gofrestru Partneriaeth Sifil mewn adeilad crefyddol sydd wedi ei awdurdodi ar gyfer y diben gan yr Awdurdod Lleol. Cysylltwch â ni am fwy o wybodaeth am hyn.


Seremonïau yn Abertawe’ Cwestiynau Cyffredin Gall un ohonom fod yn ‘ffasiynol o hwyr’? Yn anffodus, na. Dylech fod yn barod i gychwyn eich seremoni ar amser oherwydd, mwy na thebyg fe fyddwn yn arwain seremonïau eraill ar ôl eich un chi. Ni allwn risgio fod yn hwyr am briodas cwpl arall. Os ydych yn hwyr am eich seremoni rydych yn risgio’i gael wedi byrhau neu hyd yn oed gohirio, sy’n drist. Os gwelwch yn dda gadewch digon o amser i baratoi ac i gyrraedd y lleoliad yn dawel ac yn brydlon.

Dylwn ni gwneud trefniadau arbennig ar gyfer y plant yn ein seremoni? Rydym yn deall bod seremonïau ffurfiol yn gallu fod yn ddiflas i blant ifanc. Os mai eich plant chi yn y seremoni, efallai hoffech chi ddewis ffrind dibynadwy neu aelod o’r teulu i sicrhau eu bod yn cael eu difyrru ac yn hapus trwy gydol gweithrediadau y seremoni. Y ffordd hynny gall y ddau ohonoch fwynhau’r seremoni heb boeni os yw eich un bach yn iawn. Ni ddylai gwestai teimlo’n anghyfforddus os oes angen aros at gefn yr ystafell os yw eu plant yn dod yn ofidus yn ystod y seremoni.

Os unrhyw beth dylwn i osgoi pan yn ysgrifennu fy addewidion fy hun, neu’n dewis fy cerddoriaeth a darlleniadau? Mae’r gyfraith yn datgan ni ddylai fod unrhyw cerddoriaeth, addunedau neu darlleniadau sy’n cael ei derfnyddio mewn seremoni sifil gyda chynnwys grefyddol ynddynt. Ni fyddwch yn medru cynnwys emynau neu cherddoriaeth

Dinas a Sir Abertawe


crefyddol. Mae hwn yn cynnwys darnau offerynnol. Yn yr un modd, ni fyddwch yn medru cynnwys darlleniadau o’r Beibl neu unrhyw pennill sydd ag arwyddocâd grefyddol. Os gwelwch yn dda, cymerwch ofal hefyd gydag addunedau ychwanegol Ni allwn gynnwys ymadroddion a fyddai’n cael eu defnyddio mewn seremoni grefyddol; e.e i gael a chynnal, o’r dydd hwn ymlaen... etc. Dylwch drafod unrhyw ychwanegion at eich seremoni gyda’r cofrestrydd cyn diwrnod eich seremoni

Pwy dylwn ddewis fel tystion? Mae’n rhaid i chi gael dau dyst, ond gallant fod yn aelodau o’r teulu neu yn ffrindiau. Fel arfer rydym yn gofyn eu bod dros 18 oed, ond dylent fod wedi deall yr addunedau a natur a phwrpas y seremoni maent wedi tystio.

Gall bobl gymryd lluniau neu fideo o’r seremoni? Ystyriwch yr effaith bydd gormod o bobl yn cymryd lluniau yn ystod y seremoni yn ei gael ar eich seremoni chi. Gall ffotograffydd swyddogol gymryd lluniau o’r priod-ferch yn gwneud ei mynediad ac o’r cyfnewid modrwyau er enghraifft. Fodd bynnag, byddem yn gofyn iddo ef neu hi i beidio â chymryd unrhyw luniau aflonyddgar tra eich bod yn gwneud eich addunedau gyfreithlon fel nad yw’r ennyd yn cael ei amharu arni. Bydd cyfle i’wch ffotograffydd a gwesteion i gymryd lluniau cyn i chi arwyddo’r gofrestr swyddogol ac wrth eich bod yn gadael. Mae croeso i chi gosod camera fideo i recordio eich dirwnod arbennig

Beth ydym yn gwneud os oes angen i ni ganslo? Os nad yw’r seremoni’n mynd ymlaen bellach, gallwch ffonio’r Swyddfa Gofrestru i roi wybod i ni, ond fe gwnewn ni ddim ganslo heb cadarnhâd ysgrifenedig. Os yw eich seremoni yn un o’r lleoliadau trywddedig dylech roi wybod i’r lleoliad a’r gwasanaeth gofrestru ar wahân. Os gwelwch yn dda rhowch wybod i ni cyn gynted ag sy’n bosib o unrhyw ganslad, fel y gallem ni wneud unrhyw newidiadau anghenrheidiol i’r dyddiadur.

Allwn ni gael seremoni ar y traeth neu yn ein gardd? Mae’r gyfraith yn datgan bod rhaid i seremoni briodas neu bartneriaeth sifil gymryd lle tu fewn i adeilad sydd wedi ei awdurdodi ar gyfer y pwrpas hynny. Felly nid yw’n bosib ar hyn o bryd i gael seremoni ar y traeth neu mewn pabell fawr er enghraifft. Ceir rhestr o’r adeiladau trwyddedig yn Abertawe yn y llyfryn yma.

Galla’i newid fy enw ar fy mhasbort cyn y seremoni? Gallwch gwneud cais i newid eich enw ar eich pasbort i fyny at 3 mis cyn dyddiad eich seremoni drwy wneud cais i’r Gwasanaeth Hunaniaeth a Phasbortau a chwblhau’r ffurflen priodol. Rhaid bod rhan o’r ffurflen yn cael ei arwyddo gan y cofrestrydd. Sicrhewch taw yr un enw fydd ar eich archebion taith/teithio os ydych yn teithio tramor ar ôl eich seremoni.


Seremonïau yn Abertawe’ Seremonïau Dathlu Adnewyddu Addunedau

Seremoni Diwrnod Enwi

Mae’r seremoni hon ar gyfer parau priod sydd am adnewyddu’r addunedau y gwnaethant i’w gilydd ar ddiwrnod eu priodas, i ddathlu penblwydd priodas arbennig neu i ailddatgan eu hymrwymiad i’w gilydd. Fe’i dewisir yn aml gan barau a briododd dramor, fel cyfle i rannu dathliad y briodas gyda theulu a ffrindiau. Gall y seremoni gael ei deilwra i greu’r dathliad perffaith drwy ddewis geiriau, cerddi, darlleniadau a cherddoriaeth sy’n arbennig o ystyrlon i chi. Gellir cyfnewid modrwyau newydd neu ailgyflwyno hen fodrwyau, a gellir rhoi anrhegion fel “Diolch” i’ch gilydd neu i’r bobl bwysig yn eich bywydau. Cyflwynir tystysgrif i chi i nodi’r achlysur i gofio’ch diwrnod arbennig iawn.

Cynhelir Diwrnod Enwi i ddathlu genediagaeth baban newydd neu fel ffordd arbennig o groesawu plentyn neu blant i deulu newydd. Mae’n gyfle i rieni wneud addewid cyhoeddus o gariad ac ymrwymiad i’r plentyn. Gallech ddewis gwahodd Oedolion Cefnogol y bydd ganddynt rôl arbennig ym mywyd y plentyn, a gellir rhoi cyfle i’r rhieni-cu addo i gefnogi’r rhieni a’r plentyn hefyd. Gallwch greu dathliad unigryw gyda geiriau, cerddi, darlleniadau a cherddoriaeth a byddwch yn cael tystysgrif i’w chadw i gofio’r achlysur. Gellir cynnal seremoni adnewyddu addunedau neu diwrnod enwi yn y Ganolfan Ddinesig neu mewn un o Lleoliadau Awdurdodedig Abertawe. Cysylltwch â ni am manylion pellach neu ar gyfer y ffioedd sy’n gysylltiedig. Dyler nodi bod y seremonïau yma’n dathlu yn unig. Mae unrhyw dystysgrifau sy’n cael eu cyflwyno yn rhai dathliadol a does ganddynt ddim statws gyfreithlon.

Dinas a Sir Abertawe


Seremonïau Dinasyddiaeth O dan y Ddeddf Cenedligrwydd, Mewnfudo a Lloches 2002, mae rhaid bod pob ymgeisydd dros 18 blwydd oed, sy’n cael eu derbyn i frodori fel Dinasyddion Prydeinig, cymryd rhan mewn Seremoni Dinasyddiaeth. Yn ystod y seremoni bydd gofyn i chi gymryd llw neu gadarnhad ac addo eich teyrngarwch i’r Frenhines. Pan fyddwch yn derbyn eich llythyr oddi wrth y Swyddfa Gartref dylech gysylltu â’r swyddfa gofrestru mor gynted ag sy’n bosib i wneud trefniadau er mwyn i chi cael mynychu seremoni. Ar ddiwrnod y seremoni bydd rhaid i chi ddod a ffurf o hunaniaeth, megis pasbort neu trwydded yrru, ynghyd a’r llythyr gwahoddiad. Fel arfer mae’r Seremonïau Dinasyddiaeth yn cael eu cynnal unwaith y mis yn yr Ystafell Cefn Bryn yn y Ganolfan Ddinesig. Bydd y seremoni yn cael ei arwain gan y Gofrestrydd Arolygol ac mae’r Arglwydd Faer, Dirprwy Raglaw Gorllewin Morgannwg ac Uchel Siryf Gorllewin Morgannwg fel arfer yn bresennol i’wch croesawi fel dinasydd newydd. Byddwch yn cael eich cyflwyno gydag eich tystysgrif ac anrheg fach i gofio’r achlysur. Bydd cyfle i chi gael eich llun ei thynnu gyda’r pwysigion gan ffotograffydd proffesiynol. Yn dilyn y seremoni bydd arlwyaeth ysgafn a chyfle i gwrdd â’r dinasyddion newydd eraill. Mae seremonïau preifat hefyd yn cael eu cynnig am ffi ychwanegol.


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