May 10th: Pension strikes are on (but not for us)
No vote for Nazis in the Local Elections
Know your rights for your workplace safety
City and County of Swansea
Review Unison condemns budget and low pay “This budget is not a road to recovery but a Road to Nowhere – No jobs, No growth, No idea.” This was the damning verdict of UNISON chief Dave Prentis on George Osborne’s budget today im March. The union accused the Chancellor of sucking demand out of the economy and reverting to the same old tactics, of promising tax cuts just before the next election.
now the Government are proposing local pay which mean £1.7bn would be lost from the economy. Taking money out of the pockets of hard working people will starve local shops, cafes and businesses out of much needed revenue sending the economy further downwards.
“The Chancellor’s budget gives with one hand and takes with the other. The increase in the personal Dave Prentis, General Secretary of allowance will help those who are UNISON, the UK’s largest union, said: working – but offers no relief for the “The Chancellor’s budget has given a unemployed. And we know that the helping hand-out to his rich friends in Government has already announced the City and delivered a slap in the cuts to tax credits which hits hundreds face to the unemployed and low paid of thousands of working families with families. children. “Osborne should be delivering policies to get the 2.67m unemployed people back into work and economically active. Instead, the Government’s cuts agenda is making the situation worse by adding to those numbers month by month. Since the coalition came to power, we have seen 625 public sector workers joining the dole queues every single day, bringing misery to hundreds of thousands of families. “Far from encouraging economic growth, the Chancellors’ policies are sucking demand out of the economy. Public sector workers are being hit with a pay freeze again this year and
Public Service Not Private Profit
“Osborne’s budget flies the Tories true blue colours, but is a missed opportunity to restore desperately needed jobs and growth to the economy" Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of low paid local government workers including home carers, residential care workers, school dinner ladies, cleaners and teaching assistants have been fooled out of a pay rise again this year.
Wakefield, UNISON Head of Local Government, said: “Living on poverty wages is no joke. It is a disgrace that George Osborne has tried to fool local government workers and the public into believing he cared enough about the hardship of low pay to announce he would cushion the impact of the Government pay freeze. “Hundreds of thousands of low paid, mainly women workers - who every day care for people in our local communities – the carers, cleaners, cooks, teaching assistants and many more have been fooled out of the £250 promised by George Osborne. “Try feeding your family or paying your bills when you have not had a pay rise for 3 years. £250 isn’t much to the likes of George Osborne but every little helps when you are on minimum wages. “Instead of dragging local government workers into dispute, councils should do the right thing and pay the £250 now.”
April 1 marks the third consecutive annual pay freeze. It means that council workers will have suffered a When staff look at their pay slips for 15% pay cut in three years and now April, the £250 increase promised by earn a shocking 10% less in real George Osborne to public sector workers earning under £21,000 will be terms than in 1996..” missing for another year. Heather April 2012
Picture: Teachers on the London strike on March 28th
p to half a million wor U over pensions on 10 Ma
will bring together me Unite, PCS, UCU, Nip unions. It will hit hospitals centres, transport and ot services. A magnificen strike on 30 November around 2.6 million worke together. But since then leaders have either re more action or have dith next steps.
Whose striking for pensions on May 10th? 100,000 Unite union members in the health service 290,000 PCS civil service workers 60,000 UCU union lecturers in the TPS pension scheme 21,000 Nipsa union civil service workers in Northern Ireland 1,300 RMT union transport workers The government still wants to drive down the living standards of millions of public sector workers and wants public sector workers to pay more for their pensions, work longer and get less when they retire. They have already imposed increases on pension contributions and plan to impose more. For some workers this will mean paying 50 percent more every month within two years. We are already suffering pay cuts and freezes as the cost of living goes up, and increased pension contributions could even force some to leave their pension scheme altogether. The GMB union has estimated that around 39% of workers earning less than
£21,000 could leave schemes because of the changes. The Tories have also changed the inflation measure that pensions are linked to. They are using the CPI measure to calculate pension rises instead of the usually higher RPI one. This means that pensions will rise more slowly over time and lump sum payments will be slashed. Lawyers acting for unions that challenged this switch say it will cut the value of pensions by an average of 15 percent. Finally the Tories want workers to work years longer to get substantially worse pensions. On 10 May workers in five unions—Unite, PCS, UCU, Nipsa and RMT—will strike. and other unions may join them.
Unison Branch Officers 2012 - 13 Unison Post Health & Safety Officer Secretary Asst Secretary Convenor Sports & Social Treasurer Asst Treasurer Chairperson Vice Chairperson International Officer Equalities Officer Publicity Officer Lifelong Learning Coordinator Benefits Officer Membership Officer Welfare Officer Education Officer Minutes Officer Youth Officer
First Name Chris Cooze (via ballot) Mike Davies (via ballot) Ian Alexander Nicky Symons Stuart Page / Andrea Thomas Jonathan Thyer Rob Thomas Bill Williams Sallyanne Taylor Normunds Mednis Lisa Ioele Matthew Shephard Beth Leakey Gareth Parry Alice Greenlees Carol Frimston Scott Berry Doreen Evans Alan Pope
Branch Officers 2012 -2013
The NUT and UCU un strike in London on 28 was very successful, isolated to the capital. A PCS, UCU and NUT back national strikes despite their members voting for in consultations. This tim numbers are involve hopefully building for fu June.
As far as Unison goes, involved in the dispute. A the January and M Review, some unions some accepted an outl basis for negotiation. Th is called the 'Heads of most of those unions tha outline deal are those strike on May 10th 28th Unison nationally accept of Agreement as a ba However many branches including the City an Swansea branch.
This was for good reaso government was happy indicated it was no good Alexander, chief secr Treasury, said that the p
Harassment is not 'en "Lap dancing clubs increase harassment and assault of women in the surrounding area" London Borough of Tower Hamlets 2008
On April 25th the council was due to decide a Sex 'Entertainment' Venue in the city cent with a cynical eye on the election and a fear o club would be in York Street - close to family Waterfront Museum and the Swansea Muse
Swansea Feminist Network and supporters City and County of Swansea’s licensing com damage done by allowing these clubs to oper how rates of sexual harassment and sexual around these venues. As an area of 'city cent as they go to and from their homes. Swanse but hypocritically may endorse a venue tha sexualisation of women and girls. It should fo councils like Portsmouth who do not grant lic campaign email swanseafeministnetwork@ follow them on Twitter at @SwanFemNetwo
Also see the Object website - www.
rkers will strike ay. The action embers of the psa and RMT s, colleges, job ther key public nt coordinated last year saw ers take action n many union efused to call hered over the
nions called a 8 March which but obviously At this time the ked down from e a majority of r further action me much wider ed and are rther action in
did not mean any additional money has been made available. Secondly, the ‘agreement’ only delays the increase in employee contributions that was due to be imposed between 2012 and 2015 to pay the Treasury’s £900 million pensions tax. Finally, the Heads of Agreement has no detail in it The government say we can negotiate on all the complex elements of the pension schemes elements - but only within the same “cost envelope” so that any improvement in one element has to be paid by worsening another - for example for lower contributions we would have to accept working even longer than proposed or getting even worse pensions when we retire.
Since negotiations started, and despite a positive gloss being put on them by union leaders who should be fighting rather than engaging in fruitless talks, very little seems to have emerged from negotiations. In other words the reason we came out on action - that the attacks mean we will pay more, work longer we will not be and get less - remains the same. Any As reported in final offer will however be put to a ballot March Unison of all members. rejected and line deal as a Meanwhile the Tories’ policies will his outline deal Agreement' - pave the way for more harsh attacks on at rejected this ordinary people’s living standards. The which are on government plans to raise the state . Disgracefully retirement age for men and women to ted the Heads 66 by 2020. One study found that four asis for talks. in 10 firms expect that by 2020 workers s rejected this, will retire at 67 or later. And one in six nd County of companies expects the typical retirement age to be between 68 and 70. ons Firstly, the y with it which d for us. Danny All members are urged to do what they retary to the can to support the action by our fellow proposed deal public sector workers on May 10th.
whether to grant a license for an application for tre. This decision has been postponed, possibly of losing votes should the license be granted. The y entertainment venues such as the Vue cinema, eum.
have been lobbying support for objections to the mmittee, SFN has been raising awareness of the rate and submitted research which demonstrates l crimes against women tend to rise in the areas re living' this also means women will be harassed ea Council supposedly values its female citizens at contributes to a culture of objectification and llow the lead of boroughs like Tower Hamlets and censes to these venues. To stay in touch with the, search for them on Facebook, or ork. - supported by Unison
Local Elections - May 3rd
Swansea Unison does not tell members how to vote in elections - although we may give some hints. In these days of sustained attacks on local government workers it is our practical resistance that makes the difference, whoever is in office. However who is in can have an impact on the confidence of the government and councils to impose cuts, and on our confidence to resist. Unison leader Dave Prentis has called for members to vote for "the party that cares about public services". With these thoughts in mind members are urged to use their votes wisely and consider the searching questions below when choosing who to vote for:.
➥ ➥ ➥
Does the candidate oppose all cuts to council jobs, services, pay and conditions and reject the claim that 'some cuts' are necessary to our services.
When faced with government cuts to council funding, will the candidate refuse to implement the cuts? Will the candidate support campaigns that are necessary to defeat the cuts and fight to set a budget that meets the needs of the local community and demand that the government makes up the shortfall?
Does the candidate reject increases in council tax, rent and service charges to compensate for government cuts. Is the candidate against the privatisation of council jobs and services, or the transfer of council services to 'social enterprises' or 'arms-length' management organisations, which are first steps to privatisation? Would they bring all privatised services back 'in-house'?
Keep Swansea and Wales Nazi-free A generation ago the 'boot boys' of the Nazi National Front (NF) swopped their bovver boots for suits in a bid to enter the respectable political mainstream via the BNP. They failed; riven by failure at the polls, financial scandal and internal infighting the BNP has no councillors left in the UK. Now a few of the more desperate fascists are going back to the NF. The NF were proud being the 'hardliners' of the fascist movement with a belief in 'white power' racism. They have not changed. Their policy document still says they want Britain to be ‘a white country’ and they are prepared to introduce forced ‘repatriation’ to remove millions of British-born citizens just because of the colour their skin. It is the most crude form of racism. Typical of their leading members is Richard Edmonds who published Holocaust News which claimed that the Holocaust was an 'evil hoax'. So it is not a surprise that just last month their Aberdeen branch was refused permission to hold a march on April 20th – Hitler’s birthday. When we call these people Nazis we are not kidding. On May 3rd there is one ex-BNP standing in Swansea for the NF - Sion Owens.
USE YOUR VOTE KEEP THE NAZIS OUT The NF candidate (right) being escorted into Magistrates Court last year having being accused of being filmed burning a copy of the Koran
Unison workplace safety reps This year the branches health and safety aim is to increase our membership participation, to do this we want to recruit work place safety reps that will be able to ensure you have a save working environment. As a health and safety representative you have the right to training and to raise issues which affect the health and safety of members,you are also entitled to attend your departments H&S committees. UNISON aims to have at least one health and safety representative in every workplace where we have members. In some cases, the safety representative and steward are the same person but they
have two separate roles. Safety workplace areas at least every three representatives have specific duties and months, investigates complaints, possible responsibilities and also have important hazards and dangerous incidents. legal rights. I will be working closely with our branch The Safety Representatives and Safety stewards to ensure they are all fully trained Committee Regulations of 1977 spell out in in H&S and are performing work place detail the rights and functions of safety inspections on a regular basis. Its worth representatives. remembering that you can be a safety rep or a point of contact and not be a shop steward. These include making representations to the employer on behalf of members on any If you would like to be a Health and Safety health, safety and welfare matter. A health rep, have a safety issue or you would like me and safety rep can represent members in to visit your workplace just contact the consultation with Health and Safety UNISON branch office. Executive inspectors or other enforcing authorities. Chris Cooze You have the right to inspect designated Branch H&S officer
Exclusive insurance rates for members UNISON members and their families get the best of both worlds with UIA. Solid principles together with insurance premiums that will really suit your pocket.
• Home insurance • Travel insurance For immediate cover, further information or your no-obligation quotation call FREE now on the number below quoting reference UBDM
0800 66 88 55 or save up to 15% on-line at
Lines are open Mon-Fri 8.30am - 8.00pm and Sat 9.00am - 1.00pm
Contact us:
Unison Office The Guildhall Swansea SA1 4PE 01792 635271
Joint Branch Secretaries: Nicky Symons & Mike Davies Unison has over 100 trained union reps throughout the council, schools and FE colleges. We will advise, support and represent you collectively and individually on issues from sickness, discipliners to legal matters inside and outside the workplace. If you need advice or representation please contact the Senior Steward(s) for your department below or go to your workplace steward. Alternatively please contact the branch office.
Environment Ian Alexander - 07584 505793 Tony Dearden - 07971 121533 Pat Lopez - 07584 505792 Social Services Alison Bell - 07941 757853 Bill Williams - 07557 560092 Resources Gareth Parry - 07584 341240
Sports & Social website:
Education Chris Bell - 07967 551025 Karen Verallo - 07771 922985 Regeneration/Housing John Llewellyn - 07557 560093 Roger Owen - 07941819229 Gower College Ron Job - 07963 454041
This newsletter is produced by the City and County of Swansea Unison Branch. Any letters, comments or suggestions for articles should be posted to the branch address or emailed to Correspondence is not guaranteed to be published and contents may not necessarily reflect Unison policy.