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10 mins with Cocoa & Paper

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Garden retreat

Garden retreat


Elisa from Cocoa & Paper

What did you study at University and has what you learned helped you with your business? Funnily enough, I studied Business at university what seems like many years ago, but honestly no I don’t feel it helped me get to where I am today! I felt like you step into a world of business and it’s completely different to what you learn in education. And I had to learn everything from scratch!

Where does your inspiration come from for your designs? For my chocolate bars, I always look at what I would like first then turn to my customers for market research to see what other people would like to see and it goes from there! I also try and source unusual moulds. I’m also looking into custom made ones so mine will be different than others out there too.

Do you like making chocolate or making personalised cards best? That is a really tough question. The cards don’t take long to make, but the chocolate side of my business takes up most of my time, but I would have to say the chocolate! There is so much more involved and it makes me feel proud when I can show off what I have made.

What is your best-selling chocolate gift, and do you have a favourite one that you like to make? My hot chocolate spoons are definitely my bestsellers especially through the winter months and seasonally with all the different toppers that are available. My favourite chocolate to make is the bars with all the different toppings plus the new personalised bars, which I’ve just launched which are fantastic and add a personal touch.

How has the pandemic affected your business and what’s next for Cocoa & Paper? The pandemic affected my business in such a great way, which I still can’t believe, but it has enabled me to move out of my home kitchen and into a unit to expand, so I hope it continues now to just keep growing.

And finally, tell us three random things about yourself? I have a junior black belt in Tai-Jitsu! I don’t dye my hair, and I’m a natural red head (I used to hate it!). And aside from this business, I also run my own card and gift shop.

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