Conocer y saber

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English-Spanish Helpful Handouts – For English Speakers Who Want To Learn Spanish

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Conocer y saber

Es un placer conocerlo.

Yo conozco a Sara.

Betty conoce Madrid.

Conocer is used when you meet someone for the first time.

Conocer is used to say that you know or are acquainted with someone.

Conocer is used with a location.

Yo conozco París. No conozco París.

Alejandro conoce las cámaras digitales.

Anita conoce los cuadros de Diego Velázquez.

Conocer is used to say that you have or have not visited a place.

Conocer is used to talk about being familiar, or acquainted, with something.

Conocer is used to say that you recognize something.

Conocer means to know, to be familiar with, to be acquainted with, or to recognize persons, places, or things. Write the Spanish translation of these sentences. 1. It’s a pleasure to meet you. ______________________________________________________________ 2. I know Sara. __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Betty knows Madrid. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. I’ve been to Paris. _____________________________________________________________________ 5. Alejandro is familiar with digital cameras. __________________________________________________ 6. Anita recognizes the paintings of Diego Velázquez. __________________________________________ Free Handout – Photos: (Creative commons License) My Tudut, Michael Sarver, Nney, Unlisrted Sightings, aleonmail, AJamison, Paulo J.S. Ferraz, jamesjustin, deflam, austinhk, Guide Gunnar-Artic Norway, bamalibrarylady, Zellaby, Laura4Smith, Steve Appleton Official, Lon&Queta, Jason Pier in DC, LatinaPower2009, CharlesFred

English-Spanish Helpful Handouts – For English Speakers Who Want To Learn Spanish

Sé la respuesta.

Sé tu dirección.

Saber is used to talk about what you have learned.

Saber is used to talk about facts and information.

Lisa y Gabriela saben español. Saber is used to talk about knowing a language.

Sabemos esquiar.

Sabemos que él es doctor. Saber is used before a clause beginning with que.

Saber + infinitive is used to talk about knowing how to do something.

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Fernando sabe la matemática. Saber means to have knowledge.

Los estudiantes saben el poema de memoria. Saber is used to say that you know something by heart.

¿Sabes si van a venir a la fiesta? Saber is used before a clause beginning with si.

Bartolomé sabe los cuadros de Velázquez. (He knows facts and information about the paintings.)

Saber means to know facts and information. It means to have knowledge. Write the Spanish translation of these sentences. 1. I know the answer. ___________________________

7. I know you address. ____________________

2. Fernando knows mathematics. _________________

8. We know how to ski. ____________________

3. Lisa and Gabriela know Spanish. ________________

9. We know that he is a doctor. _____________

4. The students know the poem by heart. ____________________________________________________ 5. Do you know if they are coming to the party? _______________________________________________ 6. Bartolomé knows the paintings of Velázquez. _______________________________________________ Free Handout – Photos: (Creative commons License) My Tudut, Michael Sarver, Nney, Unlisrted Sightings, aleonmail, AJamison, Paulo J.S. Ferraz, jamesjustin, deflam, austinhk, Guide Gunnar-Artic Norway, bamalibrarylady, Zellaby, Laura4Smith, Steve Appleton Official, Lon&Queta, Jason Pier in DC, LatinaPower2009, CharlesFred

English-Spanish Helpful Handouts – For English Speakers Who Want To Learn Spanish

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Here is the present tense conjugation of conocer and saber.


yo conozco tú conoces él/ella/usted conoce nosotros/nosotras conocemos vosotros/vosotras conocéis ellos/ellas/ustedes conocen


yo sé tú sabes él/ella/usted sabe nosotros/nosotras sabemos vosotros/vosotras sabéis ellos/ellas/ustedes saben

Free Handout – Photos: (Creative commons License) My Tudut, Michael Sarver, Nney, Unlisrted Sightings, aleonmail, AJamison, Paulo J.S. Ferraz, jamesjustin, deflam, austinhk, Guide Gunnar-Artic Norway, bamalibrarylady, Zellaby, Laura4Smith, Steve Appleton Official, Lon&Queta, Jason Pier in DC, LatinaPower2009, CharlesFred

English-Spanish Helpful Handouts – For English Speakers Who Want To Learn Spanish

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Practice 1 Read the Spanish sentences and their translations.

Mucho gusto en conocerlo.

¿Tú sabes qué hora es?

¿Sabe tocar el piano?

(It's a pleasure to meet you.)

(Do you know what time it is?)

(Do youknow how to play the piano?)

No conozco a tu madre.

Yo sé que ella enseña en esta escuela.

Ruby no conoce Bogotá.

(I don't know your mother.)

(I know that she teaches at this school.)

(Ruby hasn't been to Bogotá.)

Match the sentence with the correct verb. Example:

__b__ Mucho gusto en _____.

a. saberlo b. conocerlo

1. _____ Mucho gusto en _____.

a. conoce

2. _____ ¿Tú _____ qué hora es?

b. conozco

3. _____ ¿_____ tocar el piano?

c. conocerlo

4. _____ No _____ a tu madre.

d. sabes

5. _____ Yo _____ que ella enseña en esta escuela.

e. sabe

6. _____ Ruby no _____ Bogotá.

f. sé

Free Handout – Photos: (Creative commons License) My Tudut, Michael Sarver, Nney, Unlisrted Sightings, aleonmail, AJamison, Paulo J.S. Ferraz, jamesjustin, deflam, austinhk, Guide Gunnar-Artic Norway, bamalibrarylady, Zellaby, Laura4Smith, Steve Appleton Official, Lon&Queta, Jason Pier in DC, LatinaPower2009, CharlesFred

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Pracitice 2

Pedro conoce un restaurante itlaiano estupendo. (Pedro knows an excellent Italian restauant.) Paula sabe el Himno Nacional Mexicano de memoria . (Paula knows the Mexican National Anthem by heart.) Jorge no sabe conducir. (Jorge doesn't know how to drive.)

Elena no conoce París, pero sabe que hay buena comida en Francia. (Elena dosen't know Paris, but she does know that there is good food in France.) Sam conoce Portugál, pero no sabe portugués. (Sam knows Portugal, but he doesn't know Portuguese.) Stella no conoce el museo, pero sabe dónde está. (Stella doesn't know the museum, but she knows where it is.)







Free Handout – Photos: (Creative commons License) My Tudut, Michael Sarver, Nney, Unlisrted Sightings, aleonmail, AJamison, Paulo J.S. Ferraz, jamesjustin, deflam, austinhk, Guide Gunnar-Artic Norway, bamalibrarylady, Zellaby, Laura4Smith, Steve Appleton Official, Lon&Queta, Jason Pier in DC, LatinaPower2009, CharlesFred

English-Spanish Helpful Handouts – For English Speakers Who Want To Learn Spanish

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Fill in the blank with the correct form of conocer or saber. 1. Pedro _______________ un restaurante italiano estupendo. 2. Paula _______________ el Himno Nacional Mexicano de memoria. 3. Jorge no _______________ conducir. 4. Elena no _______________ París, pero _______________ que en Francia hay buena comida. 5. Sam _______________ Portugal, pero no _______________ portugués. 6. Stella no _______________ el museo, pero _______________ dónde está.

Answer these questions based on the information given in the sentences above. Write a complete sentence. 1.¿Quién conoce un restaurante italiano estupendo? ___________________________________________ 2. ¿Quién sabe el Himno Nacional Mexicano de memoria?________________________________________ 3. ¿Quién conoce Portugal? ________________________________________________________________ 4. ¿Quién no conoce París? ________________________________________________________________ 5. ¿Quién sabe dónde está el museo? ________________________________________________________ 6. ¿Quién no sabe conducir? _______________________________________________________________ 7. ¿Quién no sabe portugués? ______________________________________________________________ 8. ¿Quién no conoce el museo? _____________________________________________________________ Answer these questions about yourself. 1. ¿Conoces tú un restaurante italiano estupendo? _____________________________________________ 2. ¿Sabes tú el Himno Nacional Mexicano de memoria? __________________________________________ 3. ¿Conoces tú Portugal? __________________________________________________________________ 4. ¿Sabes tú conducir? ___________________________________________________________________ 5. ¿Conoces tú París? _____________________________________________________________________ 6. ¿Sabes tú dónde está un museo? ______________________________________________________ 7. ¿Sabes tú portugués? __________________________________________________________________ 8. ¿Conoces tú un museo? _________________________________________________________________ Free Handout – Photos: (Creative commons License) My Tudut, Michael Sarver, Nney, Unlisrted Sightings, aleonmail, AJamison, Paulo J.S. Ferraz, jamesjustin, deflam, austinhk, Guide Gunnar-Artic Norway, bamalibrarylady, Zellaby, Laura4Smith, Steve Appleton Official, Lon&Queta, Jason Pier in DC, LatinaPower2009, CharlesFred

English-Spanish Helpful Handouts – For English Speakers Who Want To Learn Spanish

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Practice 3

Yo conozco a Pedro pero, no conozco a su familia.

¿Tú sabes dónde vive la abuela de Miguel?

(I know Pedro, but I don't know his family)

(Do you know where Miguel's grandmother lives?)

Ella sabe divirtirse.

¿Usted conoce usted este libro?

(She knows how to enjoy herself.)

Nosotras no sabemos dónde queda la parada de metro. (We don't know where the metro stop is.) Ellos saben el poema “The Raven” de memoria. (They know the poem "The Raven" by heart.)

(Are you familiar with this book?)

Él sabe el número de teléfono de Consuelo.

(He knows Consuelo's telephone number.)

Nosotros conocemos a Juliana. (We know Juliana.)

Vosotros sabéis dónde está el restaurante.

¿Vosotras concéis historia antigua?

(All of you know where the restaurant is.)

(Are all of you familiar with ancient history?)

Ellas saben bailar salsa.

¿Ustedes conocen a Javier?

(They know how to salsa dance.)

(Do all of you know Javier?)

The sentences above have been split into 2 pieces. Match the pieces. Example: _b_ ¿Tú a. sabe divirtirse _a_ Ella b. sabes dónde vive la abuela de Miguel? 1. _____ Yo

a. sabéis dónde está el restaurante.

2. _____ Él

b. saben bailar salsa.

3. _____ ¿Usted

c. conocen a Javier?

4. _____ Nosotros

d. conocéis historia antigua?

5. ______ Nosotras

e. saben el poema “The Raven” de memoria.

6. ______ Vosotros

f. conozco a Pedro pero no conozco a su familia.

7. _____ ¿Vosotras

g. conocemos a Juliana.

8. _____ Ellos

h. no sabemos dónde queda la parada de metro.

9. _____ Ellas

i. conoce este libro?

10. _____ ¿Ustedes

j. sabe el número de teléfono de Consuelo.

Free Handout – Photos: (Creative commons License) My Tudut, Michael Sarver, Nney, Unlisrted Sightings, aleonmail, AJamison, Paulo J.S. Ferraz, jamesjustin, deflam, austinhk, Guide Gunnar-Artic Norway, bamalibrarylady, Zellaby, Laura4Smith, Steve Appleton Official, Lon&Queta, Jason Pier in DC, LatinaPower2009, CharlesFred

English-Spanish Helpful Handouts – For English Speakers Who Want To Learn Spanish

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¿Practice 4 Read these Spanish and English sentences. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of either conocer or saber. You might find some of these sentences a little bit tricky. The answers are on page 9. 1. Agustín _______________ a la abuela de Miguel. (Agustín knows Miguel’s grandmother.) 2. Aldonza y Carmelita _______________ las novelas de Cervantes. (Aldonza and Carmelita are familiar with the novels of Cervantes.) 3. ¿Usted _______________ cuántas personas van a venir a la fiesta? (Do you know how many people are coming to the party?) 4. Yo lo _______________ de vista. (I know him by sight.) 5. El taxista _______________ bien las calles de Guadalajara. (The taxi driver knows the streets of Guadalajara well.) 6. Yo no ________________ llegar a la carretera. (I don’t know how to get to the highway.) 7. Yo _______________ que Rubén Darío es poeta nicaragüense. (I know that Ruben Dario is a Nicaraguan poet.) 8. ¿_______________ tú jugar al ajedrez? (Do you know how to play chess?) 9. ¿_______________ usted cuántas habitantes tiene Madrid? (Do you know what the population of Madrid is?) 10. Eldora _______________ hacer una paella deliciosa. (Eldora knows how to make delicious paella.)

Free Handout – Photos: (Creative commons License) My Tudut, Michael Sarver, Nney, Unlisrted Sightings, aleonmail, AJamison, Paulo J.S. Ferraz, jamesjustin, deflam, austinhk, Guide Gunnar-Artic Norway, bamalibrarylady, Zellaby, Laura4Smith, Steve Appleton Official, Lon&Queta, Jason Pier in DC, LatinaPower2009, CharlesFred

English-Spanish Helpful Handouts – For English Speakers Who Want To Learn Spanish

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Answers to page 8 1. Agustín conoce a la abuela de Miguel. (Agustín knows Miguel’s grandmother.) 2. Aldonza y Carmelita conocen las novelas de Cervantes. (Aldonza and Carmelita are familiar with the novels of Cervantes.) 3. ¿Usted sabe cuántas personas vienen a la fiesta? (Do you know how many people are coming to the party?) 4. Yo lo conozco de vista. (I know him by sight.) 5. El taxista conoce bien las calles de Guadalajara. (The taxi driver knows the streets of Guadalajara well.) 6. Yo no sé llegar a la carretera. (I don’t know how to get to the highway.) 7. Yo sé que Rubén Darío es poeta nicaragüense. (I know that Ruben Dario is a Nicaraguan poet.) 8. ¿Sabes tú jugar al ajedrez? (Do you know how to play chess?) 9. ¿Sabe usted cuántas habitantes tiene Madrid? (Do you know what the population of Madrid is?) 10. Eldora sabe hacer una paella deliciosa. (Eldora knows how to make delicious paella.)

English-Spanish Helpful Handouts provides free bilingual printable handouts for Spanish students. These handouts are designed especially for English speakers who want to learn Spanish. Get more free handouts at our website.

Free Handout – Photos: (Creative commons License) My Tudut, Michael Sarver, Nney, Unlisrted Sightings, aleonmail, AJamison, Paulo J.S. Ferraz, jamesjustin, deflam, austinhk, Guide Gunnar-Artic Norway, bamalibrarylady, Zellaby, Laura4Smith, Steve Appleton Official, Lon&Queta, Jason Pier in DC, LatinaPower2009, CharlesFred

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