ESL Helpful Handouts
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Mystery, Thriller, Horror Science Fiction Fiction Magazines
Display Window
First Aisle
Middle Aisle
Cash Register
Medicine Fitness Mathematics
Health Sports
Front Door
Right Aisle
Display Window
First Aisle
Right Aisle
Left Aisle
Right Aisle
Middle Aisle
Second Aisle
Middle Aisle
First Aisle Information Desk
Coffee Shop
Second Aisle
First Aisle
Left Aisle
Left Aisle
Second Aisle
Right Aisle
Business And Money Management
Middle Aisle
Foreign Language
Right Aisle
Psychology And Self Help
Middle Aisle
Second Aisle
Display Window
Right Aisle
Movie DVDs
Left Aisle
Music CDs
Left Aisle
Middle Aisle
Games And Manga
Left Aisle
The Book And Music Store Prepositions of Location This is the floor plan of a book and music store.
Display Window
Do the vocabulary exercises on pages 2, 3, and 4. Then, use the book and music store floor plan above to practice using the prepositions of location on page 5. This free handout is available at Written by S. Watson.
ESL Helpful Handouts
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Vocabulary Architecture
Brad wants to read a book about the design of buildings. He goes to the architecture section.
Hilary wants to read a book about the paintings of Pablo Picasso. She goes to the art section.
Doug wants to read a book about buying and selling. He goes to the business section.
Mike wants to read a book that tells a story with pictures. He goes to the comics section.
Melinda wants to read a story that is not true. She goes to the fiction section.
Brad wants to read a book about exercise. He goes to the fitness section.
Doug likes to do crossword puzzles. He goes to the games section.
Jen wants to read a book about preventing illness. She goes to the health section.
Mike wants to read a book about the seventeenth century. He goes to the history section.
Brad wants to read a frightening story. He goes to the horror section.
Melinda wants to read a funny book. She goes to the humor section.
Hilary wants to read A Room With A View by E.M. Forster. She goes to the literature section.
Doug wants to read a magazine called Time. He goes to the magazines section.
Jen wants to read a Japanese comic book. She goes to the manga section.
Mike needs an arithmetic book for school. He goes to the mathematics section.
Brad wants to read a book written by a doctor. He goes to the medicine section.
Money management Hilary wants to learn how to save money. She goes to the money management section. Mystery
Doug wants to read a book about a strange event. He goes to the mystery section.
Jen wants to read a true story. She goes to the nonfiction section.
Melinda wants to read a book about the science of government. She goes to the politics section.
Mike wants to read a book about human behavior. He goes to the psychology section.
Brad needs a new dictionary. He goes to the reference section.
Religion Romance
Hilary wants to read a book about Buddhism. She goes to the religion section. Jen wants to read a love story. She goes to the romance section.
Doug needs a chemistry book for school. He goes to the science section.
This free handout is available at Written by S. Watson.
ESL Helpful Handouts
Page 3 of 5
Vocabulary Science fiction
Mike wants to read an imaginary book about outer space. He goes to the science fiction section.
Self help
Melinda wants to stop worrying. She goes to the self help section.
Brad want to read about the game of soccer. He goes to the sports section.
Hilary wants to read an exciting story. She goes to the thriller section.
Doug wants to read a book about cowboys. He goes to the westerns section.
Practice. Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word. Example: Brad wants to read: a book about the design of buildings a book about exercise a frightening story a book written by a doctor a dictionary a book about soccer
1. Hilary wants to read: a book about paintings E.M. Forster’s A Room With A View a book about how to save money a book about Buddhism an exciting story
2. Doug wants to read: a book about buying and selling a crossword puzzle book a magazine called Time a book about a strange event a chemistry book a book about cowboys
Brad goes to these sections in the book and music store: _______architecture_______ _______fitness____________ _______horror____________ _______medicine__________ _______reference__________ _______sports_____________
Hilary goes to these sections in the book and music store: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
Doug goes to these sections of the book and music store: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
This free handout is available at Written by S. Watson.
ESL Helpful Handouts
Page 4 of 5
Practice. Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word. 3. Mike wants to read:
Mike goes to these sections of the book and music store:
a story with pictures a book about the seventeenth century an arithmetic book a book about human behavior an imaginary book about outer space
4. Jen wants to read:
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
Jen goes to these sections of the book and music store:
a book about preventing illness a Japanese comic book a true story a love story
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
5. Melinda wants to read:
Melinda goes to these sections of the book and music store:
a story that is not true a funny book a book about the science of government a book about how to stop worrying
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
Matching. Practice the vocabulary words with this matching exercise. 1. cowboys
2. chemistry
_____ manga
3. dictionary
_____ architecture
4. true
_____ mystery
5. funny
6. frightening
7. strange event
_____ nonfiction
8. Japanese comic book
_____ science
9. exercise
10. buildings
_____ reference
This free handout is available at Written by S. Watson.
ESL Helpful Handouts
Page 5 of 5
Prepositions Of Location
across from
between in front of
next to
Look at the book and music store floor plan on page 1. Review the prepositions in the box above. Read these sentences. The psychology and self help section is across from the westerns section. The health section is behind the medicine section. The games and manga section is between the music CDs section and the movie DVDs section. The reference section is in front of the foreign language section. The religion section is next to the art section. It is also next to the architecture section. The left aisle is between the architecture section and the comics section. The comics section and the humor section are next to the romance section.
Look at the floor plan of the book and music store on page 1. Fill in the blanks below with a preposition of location.
1. The romance section is ____across from___ the magazines section. 2. The sports section is _______________ the fitness section. 3. The business and money management section is _______________ the psychology and self help section. 4. The sports section is _______________the science section and the health section. 5. The middle aisle is _______________ the cash register and the information desk. 6. The nonfiction section is _______________ the literature section. 7. The science section is _______________ the mathematics section. 8. The politics section is _______________ the history section. 9. The coffee shop is _______________ the information desk 10. The westerns section is _______________ the science fiction section and the mystery, thriller, and horror section.
This free handout is available at Written by S. Watson.