AUGUST 2016 | ISSUE 4 www.swdkeyclub.org
Summer’s out and school’s in! Although part of me is devastated to give up hours of Netflix and naps, I’m excited for members like you to get back in the Key Club spirit! Towards the end of July, I traveled to Kiwanis International Headquarters in Indianapolis where the International Council planned for our upcoming year of service and the governors had one-onone sessions with our International Trustees. Our own Southwest District Board got together this past weekend to learn how to strengthen our divisions and our district as a whole. I hope you all have a wonderful school year and stay involved in your homes, schools, and communities. Thank you for all of your service, and please do not hesitate to reach out to any member of the District Board throughout this year!
In this Issue Welcome................................1 Trustee Message....................2 Dues/Spotlight....…….……….3 Key Leader/Fall Rally.............4 Kiwanis Family Corner............5 DCON......................................6 ICON/KFC/YOF.......................7 CMN........................................8 AIDSpirit USA...........................9 Insider......................………....10
Contact Me
-Alisa Nguyen
swdkeyclubgovernor @gmail.com
(520)-234-6663 WHERE IS ANTONIO?
(ft. DCON Chair Jen and North Mtn. LtG Olivia)
Albuquerque, NM at Summer Board B!
Happy Key Clubbing!
Hello Southwest! My name is Kino-Paul Hurylington and I have been given the privilege to serve your district along with Bahamas and Texas-Oklahoma districts this year as International Trustee. Serving as International Trustee, the duties are similar to that of a Lieutenant Governor's but on the International Level. While you work to connect the club to the district, I work to connect the districts internationally. I am from the Jamaica district, I am 17 years old. I “major” in the sciences at the Wolmer’s Boys’ School where this September I will be entering Grade 13, my final year of high school. I am very passionate when it comes on to giving back to children who aren’t as fortunate as I am.
Key Club has enabled me to build enduring friendships, which facilitated my understanding of what it means to truly care. This love all started back when I was in Builder's Club. Upon entering high school this love for friendship and service fueled me to seek out service clubs, where I encountered Key Club and learned all about the K Family. As a Key Clubber I was interested in the structure of our organization. Over the years I have seen how the club can be compared to an atom; it is the building block for the complete building.
I can’t wait to meet you all sometime this year I also look forward to working with you and helping you accomplish your goals! - Kino-Paul Hurylington | Intl. Trustee
Perks of being a Member 1. Become an official member of the Southwest District 2. You and your club receive leadership materials, membership pins and cards, and membership insurance! 3. The ability to participate in all of Key Club’s awesome events, like District Convention, the biggest district event of the year! 4. Dues are designed to pay back members! Key Club International offers so many free resources and materials thanks to your efforts of paying dues!
How to get theses Perks Your faculty advisor and club secretary will login to the Membership Update Center (MUC), which re-opens on September 6th, and input/update member information. Each member entered will result in $7.00 for international payments and $5.00 for district dues, totaling to $12.00 per member. This is a $0.50 increase from last year, so be sure to collect these additional fees! To receive Early Bird Recognition, be sure that your club dues are received by November 1st. The regular deadline is December 1st. If you do not submit dues by then, your club can be suspended or even inactive!
Questions? Ask your LtG and click here! Apollo High School starts up the Key Club spirit by welcoming & recruiting members with cookies! Way to go, Apollo!
Club Spotlight
APOLLO RECRUITING MEMBERS: -Ice Cream/Pizza/Food social -Have a table at lunch -Promote at freshman orientation
-Announcements -Social media -Posters/flyers -Word of mouth!
KEY LEADER Key Leader is a weekend leadership program sponsored by Kiwanis for anyone from the ages 14-18 with team-building activities and development of leadership and service skills. October 21-23, 2016 | Sky Y Camp in Prescott, AZ $75 per Key Clubber or $100 for non-Key Clubber Includes two nights lodging, five meals, program materials, and activities. Registration coming soon! Contact Donnie Habecker at: dhabeckerkiwanis@cox.net | (623)-337-1660 | key-leader.org |
Fall Rally is a fun-filled leadership weekend that is sponsored by Carefree Kiwanis for high school students that focuses on improving your clubs and service projects while guiding you into being a stronger individual. The theme for this year is: Navigate North: A Leader’s Voyage Within! November 11-13, 2016 Sky Y Camp in Prescott, AZ $135 per student Includes 6 meals, program materials, t-shirt, and lodging Registration coming soon! Contact Vanessa Richards at: vanessarichards12@gmail.com
Earlier this month, our Southwest District Board traveled to Albuquerque, NM to join Kiwanis at their District Convention. We enjoyed general sessions and lunches and connected with members of our Kiwanis Family!
What is Kiwanis? [ki-wah-nis] noun
1. a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world, one child and one community at a time. Kiwanis provides leadership and service opportunities for youth through its Service Leaders Partners, including Key Club. Their motto is “Serving the Children of the World.”
The largest event in the Southwest District! Join 400+ dedicated servant leaders in celebrating an amazing year of service. Attend informative workshops, listen to key-note speakers, meet amazing new people, and be recognized for your club’s many achievements!
El Paso, Texas
March 24 - 26, 2017 MAR
ICON 2016
Watch this video made by our District Bulletin Editor to see our journey in Atlanta, GA!
2017 International Convention will be in San Antonio, TX from July 5-9, 2017! Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to grow as a leader and connect with over 1,200 Key Clubbers all across the U.S., Canada, and the Caribbean!
“Each year at the YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly, nestled in the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains near Asheville, NC, over 250 members of the Kiwanis Family from almost every district meet for fellowship, leadership, bonding, and family spirit.”
YOF is grant from Key Club International to financially support your club’s service project. Grants range from US$100 to $2000. The committee typically funds clubs that are asking for a portion of the total cost of the project, and clubs that are working with other organizations to fund and complete the project. Applications must be received by October 15 at 11:59 PM EST. Guidelines for filling the application are also posted in the KCI Guidebook under Board Policies.
November 4-6, 2016 $175 per Key Clubber (travel to North Carolina is not included) Click here for more information! Registration coming soon
This year’s YOF application is online! Find more here.
Seasons of Service
“Every hour, 97 children undergo surgery at member Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals”
Kiwanis Family members participate with Children’s Miracle Network by sponsoring fundraising events and conducting service projects at their local children’s hospitals. Get involved by contacting your local CMN hospital and invite a representative to a club meeting to share ideas and create a partnership. Find your hospital at childrensmiraclenetwork.org.
MONTH OF MIRACLES Raise awareness for Children’s Miracle Network throughout the month of August through Month of Miracles! Host special events to collect funds allocated towards providing pediatric medical equipment and treatments, healthcare services, and charitable care.
MIRACLE BANDS By wearing the #MiracleBand, you’re helping spread the message that local children’s hospitals rely on your support to provide necessary care. Wearing your #MiracleBand helps Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals raise funds for member hospitals, millions of treatments, and life-saving equipment. Show your support and get your free #MiracleBand here!
•GOV PROJECT• AIDSPIRIT USA is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to providing education, life essentials, clean water, education, and medical clinics for orphaned children in Uganda. This year, our goal is $50,000 by DCON to go towards building a primary school for the children at the Tender Mercies orphanage. We’ll have divisional and club competitions throughout the year, so be on the lookout for more ways to contribute to our Governor’s Project and help fund the future!
Prezi presentation | www.aidspirit.org
• Car smash • Face painting • Pancake breakfast
• Talent show • Carnival • Picnic
• September Divisional Officer Training Conference • September 6 Membership Update Center Re-Opens • September 24 Nickelodeon’s World Wide Day of Play • October Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF • October 1 Start submitting dues • October 15 YOF Applications Due • October 21-23 Key Leader (Prescott) • October 22 Kiwanis One Day • November 1 Early Bird Dues • November 4-6 Kiwanis Family Conference (NC) • November 11-13 Fall Rally (Prescott) • December 1 Dues are DUE!
{INSIDER} KEY CLUB VISION PARTNER Nickelodeon’s The Big Help campaign puts kids into action to do something about issues communities face. Kiwanis clubs are encouraged to work with their SLPs on projects like Worldwide Day of Play - when the network goes black an kids are encouraged to help their community. Learn what you can do at nick.com/world-wide-day-of-play.
OFFICER CERTIFICATION FORMS Please fill out this form with 2016-17 club officer information and send it to your Lieutenant Governor. Your LtG will be hosting an Officer Training Conferences (OTC) during the fall to prepare your club officers for a successful year of service. Contact your LtG if you don't know when your OTC is scheduled, and click here if you don't know which division you’re in.
MONTHLY REPORT FORMS Secretary and Treasurer reports are due on the 5th of each month, and President Lieutenant Governor Evaluations on the 15th! Find them on our district website.
STAY CONNECTED Subscribe to district newsletters and updates by using the QR code or by clicking here!
Text @swdkci to 81010
Southwest District Key Club
www.swdkeyclub.org www.keyclub.org