Visions - Portfolio of Ruiyan

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佐治亚理工学院建筑学院  Assisted in the preparation of 6 RedesigningCities seminars; pre-lecture planning and on-site implementation  independently responsible for sorting out lecture texts, editing and editing special podcast programs online streaming media  Lecture WeChat subscription writer and editor RESEARCH ASSISTANT 研究员 @ SINO-US ECO URBAN LAB 佐治亚-同济中美生态城市设计实验室 Evaluate the design scenarios of Shanghai’s Lujiazui, with a focus on street view and SVF comparison between scenarios SHAGNHAI2020.5-PRESENT RESEARCH BY DESIGN 设计性研究 01 SVF QUALATIVE STUDY OF LUJIAZUI RENEWAL PROJECT 02 SMART COMMONS OMPTIMIZATION 03 ONE THOUSAND MUSEUM MODELING RESEARCH 04 CHRYSALIS AMPHITHEATER MODELING RESEARCH URBAN DESIGN 城市设计 05 WESTSIDE BRICKWORKS 06 CEMTENNIATIAL YARDS 07 BRIDGING - REDESIGN THE BANK 08 GREEN-TOD CONTENTS 目录

 Business development research: write monthly BD briefings; participate in project bidding plan calculations, and assist in completing business development reports

@ PERKINS & WILL 美国帕金斯威尔设计事务所



reports -Micro-renewal

 Enterprise project management: Management of leasing contracts for the world top 500 clients in the Asia-Pacific region

 Spatial index research: Centennial Yards complex project benchmarking case search and analysis

@ Market research and Expansion project management: project acquisition tracking and land acquisition of competitive enterprise business projects, assisting in the formulation of standardized documents for group project expansion

SCE GROUP 中骏置业有限公司集团总部  Land acquisition and investment research: responsible for land monitoring in the Yangtze River Delta region, project prelimi nary judgment, feasibility study, investment estimation at the stage of bidding 



meetings and

analysis: Responsible for land and real estate market surveys for projects in the Yangtze River Delta. 

 Design plan deepening: urban design project’s mid- and late-stage plan deepening, modeling, etc.


 REVIT modeling, using Dynamo to dynamically generate indicator reports; participating in the company’s rhino GH genera tion plug-in development and testing discussion

 initial project concept combing, GIS information import, sorting and location, hydrological analysis, etc

center) -Jinshan



 Architectural renovation project: project site survey and mapping, conceptual design, technical drawing deepening, render ing and post-production of analysis government project project (old factory building transformation community District Caojing Reservoir

段睿妍 RUIYAN “RYAN” DUAN +86,Master of Urban Design Master of Architecture, Tongji University Bachelor of Engineering, Architecture, Tongji University Tongji University Bioinformatics (two years of original undergraduate major, statistics, basic programming) 办公MICROSOFT OFFICE, VBA 多媒体ADOBE AI/PS/ID/PR/AU, PROCESSING 建模RHINOCEROS AND GH, SKETCHUP, REVIT, CAD 地理信息QGIS, ARCGIS 数据处理 PYTHON, RSTUDIO WORK SKILLSRESEARCHEXPERIENCEANDPRACTICESTAGS EDUCATION 技能标签相关实践工作经历 教育经历 SHANGHAI2019.9-2020.1ATLANTA2018.8-2019.5SHANGHAI2017.9-2018.6ATLANTA2019.6-2019.8SHANGHAI2019.12-2020.4 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT MT 投资管理管培生





R² = 0.2662706050403020 203040506070 ModelSVF SVF Streetview Capture SVF Comparison NA NA


The street views, openness and facades can potentially effect the social behaviors. For further study, by comparing the typical space SVF and its street scene ontology, 1 )public space can be clustered and apply appropirate landscape design stratgey; 2) some excessive segmented blocks should be reconsidered.

4 5

The average SVF of three lanes of the current situation is 62%, 54% and 44%, with changes to 54%, 43% and 27% in new proposal.

The SVF is the fraction of visible sky. The SVF is important to determine the surface radiation balance (Theeuwes et al., 2017; Zeng et al., 2018) . The SVF was calculated from a list of points along the selected route in Lujiazui region every 100 meters (Calculated in Rhino with GH).


Slow Lane 1337m

Middel A, Lukasczyk J, Maciejewski R, et al. Sky View Factor footprints for urban climate modeling[J]. Urban climate, 2018, 25: 120-134.


This study examines a design senario’s skyview factor(SVF) of Shanghai Lujiazui renovaiton propos als by 2017 Tongji underraduate final design program, which intended to revive Lujiazui livability by injecting small-scale blocks (cells). In general, SVF can be used as factors in multiple studies of the urban characterstics, such as people’s activites, emotions and behaviors. (This research is an intital-staged work)

To compare the SVF of the stauts quo and the proposal, three types of the lanes around 1.0 km are selected to do the test.

Fast Transit Lane 1356 m Loop Lane 3031m, 1015m (half)


Resulting from the PSPNet model using the fisheye street view generated from baidu street view photos, The real situation SVF is much smaller(10% less), for ignorance of vegetation, road sign, and pedestiran overpass infulence.

Ground/Roof Area: 1042 sqm

6 7 SMART COMMONS OMPTIMIZATION INDIVIDUAL WORK RESEARCH BY DESIGN Smart Commons Sustainable Features Application in Campus Design Case Study of Georgia Tech Smart Commons / Concept Design of Georgia Tech Shenzhen Campus Advisor: Perry Yang Individual Work Reference: Atrium & Light volumns Rooftop Garden Occupied Vegetated Roof Plantation Percentage: 56% Four Featured Space Ground Floor Common Space Entrance Hall Light Volumn 1 6m * 8m * 18 m Light Volumn 2 6m * 8m * 18 mdistance20m distance19m distance19m 11mAtrium21m21m Windows Envelope 518 sqmTech green 125 * 78 = 9750 sqm Porch style Porch StarbucksstyleOutdoor The four featured space also contributes to the buildings’ major sustainable deisgn features. Firsly, to evaluate the radiation dsitribution of the Clough Commons. Shenzhen and Altanta Firsly, to evaluate the radiation dsitribution of the Clough Commons. Shenzhen and Altanta SummerWinter

Floors: 3-5

Tech Green Area: 4045 sqm

Tech Green Area: 5078 sqm

Total Area: 15552 sqm

Ground/Roof Area: 1790 sqm

Tech Green Area: 4833 sqm

Floors: 6,7

Floors: 7, 8

SummerWinter SummerWinter SummerWinterwindwind wind wind wind wind Scenario A Scenario B Scenario C PROPOSAL REVISION - SHENZHEN CAMPUS PROPOSALS wind wind wind wind wind wind Tech Green: at east comfort zone > 50% Tech Green: at north comfort zone < 10% Tech Green: at east comfort zone > 50% Tech Green: at east comfort zone > 30% Tech Green: at north comfort zone < 30% Tech Green: at east comfort zone > 50%

Total Area: 11135 sqm

Total Area: 6822 sqm

Ground/Roof Area: 2700 sqm

under more accurate parameters setting for facade and materials Combination of the public space allocation and circulation of the bigger campus area ONE THOUSAND MUSEUM MODELING RESEARCH MIAMI, FLORIDA, USA RESEARCH BY DESIGN BASE GEOMETRY FIND 8 POINTS COMBINATION REPLICATIONINNER OCTAGON SquareINPUT: 2D LevelsSquarePLAN-Zones Balcony,EnvelopOthersWallsStructureSkeleton


masses optimization between the three proposals based on the analysis


features potential application on one of the proposals (sceneario B)

This case study aims to deconstruct the logic behind the wellknown Zaha Hadid skyscraper in Miami and regenerate the tower and play with its variations. This modeling is made by the Rhino and Grasshopper.


modeling to modify the masses based on the surrounding clusters to update the cluster formation

between the three proposals based on the analysis

8 9 0 300600900 m Groud Floor MasterPlan DiagramStormwater Stormwater SMART COMMONS OMPTIMIZATION INDIVIDUAL WORK RESEARCH BY DESIGN GroundFeatures:Floor CommonBigSpaceStaircase CommonTechHall Green Area: 3429 sqm Entrance Hall Modified Senario B Scenario B Rotate the Building Orientation Adjust the Volumn Adjust the FLoor Allocation Redesign the Tech Green Area Scenario C More appropriate Size Better Wind Condtions, Topog raphy, Enclosure Atrium 1 15m * 15m * 16m Atrium 2 15m * 15m * 16m Windows Envelope Tech green 3429 sqm sqm (Extended) Library Possible Extended Part Roof Garden Roof Garden direct access to the ground floor Functional Volumn 3F 4F Shared4FSpace/ Light Volumn SharedSpringAtriums Summer Autumn Winter 15:00Afternoon12:00Noon9:00Morningampmpm


modification of one of the proposal (sceneario B) based on the analysis



of this research:


strategy case study of Clough Commons of Gatech Basic eco-analysis of the current 3 proposals




of the the design areas and function masses diagrams

work could be done:









12 13 simulation result out curves + Mid curves linearcontoursconncetions center lines + anchors mesh peaks and valleys axonometric view vaiation 1: 6 ovals anchorboundariespointscenter lines axonometric view vaiation 3: shapeirregular anchorboundariespointscenter curves axonometric view vaiation 2: 6 circles boundaries with 3 anchor XY curves anchor pointscenter lines CHRYSALIS AMPHITHEATER MODELING RESEARCH INDIVIDUAL WORK RESEARCH BY DESIGN Iteration 01 + Context Iteration 02 + Context Perforation: Cells with a ShadeNetEffect below 300 are ShadeNetEffectperforated Perforation: Cells with a ShadeNetEffect below 40 are ShadeNetEffectperforated Iteration 03 + Context Perforation: Cells with a ShadeNetEffect below 300 are ShadeNetEffectperforated This pavilion design combines the Chrysalis Amphitheater structural logic and Ladybug sun shading simulation to determine the opening on the pavilion structural panels, adapting to the context and multiple public uses.

Size: 12 in * 12 in Materials: Concrete Mold: Needed Auxiliary materials: MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) Tools: 3D Wire Cutter, CNC Router Size: 12 in * 12 in Materials: Laminated wood Base wooden piece is assembled Mold: No Needed Tools: CNC Router Size: 12 in * 12 in Materials: Plastic Mold: Needed Auxiliary materials: MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) Tools: CNC Router, Thermoforming ma chine The focus of this project is to learn how to design and work on hands with various materials to realize an ideal pattern brick with diverse fabrication process. STEP2: MATERIAL PROCESSING & FABRICATING PLASTIC CNCMCDRouterMoldThermoforming Machine Pattern size: 4” * 4” Pattern amount: 9 Thermoforming CONCRETE Yellow glu eDrille r CNC Rou ter 3D hotline cu tter Gluing and coating the mold Riveting the mold Making mold boxes M aking EPS mold pieces Molds are inversive Pattern size: 12” * 12” Pattern amount: 1 Portable Mortar Mixer Concreting LAMINATEDWOOD Yellow glueJointer Table Saw GluingpiecestogetherMaking wooden bases Making wooden pieces CNC Router Pattern size: 6” * 6” Pattern amount: 4 3D Routing and sanding Column size: 3” * 3” * 42” PINE Table Saw Cutting along parallel to its fence Cutting material to its length Jointer Removing materials from the top of the board Chop SawPlaner Removing materials from bottom and one sides to perpendicular TableWeldingSaw Waterjet Bending Bending radius allowance should be considered Bending machine Cutting 12 bracket pieces All the pieces are the same Type: Thickness:16-gauge0.0598”Amount:6pieces MILD STEEL STEP2: MATERIAL PROCESSING & FABRICATING 14 15 FABRICATION: CURTAIN WALL TEXTILE INDIVIDUAL WORK RESEARCH BY DESIGN 3D RIPPLE TEXTURE Concrete | Wood | Plastic | Materials and Fabrications Advisor: Jake Tompkins Individual Work



16 17


WESTSIDE BRICKWORKS INTERN WORK CONCEPTUAL DESIGN Client Logo Here MARIETTAST. Brickworks District HOWELLMILLRD. 8TH ST. BRADYAVE. a Place to Park a Place to Work a Place to Live a Place to Stay 8TH ST. BRADYAVE. MARIETTAST. MARIETTAST. WEST MARIETTA ST. HOWELLMILLRD. Development Summary A GroundRetail 41,295SF Upper Office 278,530SF B GroundRetail 27,674SF UpperHotel 150Keys C --N/A D GroundRetail 14,960SF UpperResidential 198Units E N/ARetail 8,313SF F N/ARetail 3,328SF District Parking 989Spaces A N/ABasement Parking 183Spaces C N/APrecast Parking 498Spaces E N/APodium Parking 308Spaces A B C D E F 开发面积城市设计综合开发助完成汇报文本商业及公共空间指标研究,分析图绘制,协工作内容REALESTATEDEVELOPMENTURBANDESIGN40ACRE综合开发 REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT 城市设计 URBAN 分析图绘制,汇报文档制作场地及方案建模,方案设计,总平面及工作内容投标方案概念设计DESIGN

18 19 Stormwater Filtration Pavement Bioswale Stormwater Treatment 18 1 18 19 Original Bus Lines Southbank Shuttle Original Street Car Route Stop Proposed Bike Lane Proposed Street Car Stop19 Land 100-year floodplain Land 100-year floodway Contour Stormwaterline flow Main stormwater management area Original reen Space oposed Green space oposed Road Original edestrian path oposed Cultural path oposed Knowledge path oposed Neighborhood path Public Live-WorkInstitutional Residential Duplex Residential Multi-famliy Residential Limited Commercial Garage SPI Special Public Interest Neighborhood Commercial DevelopmentQOLCommercialMixedUseLot Transit System Pedestrian Circulation and Public SpaceWater Management Land Use LocalRegional CINCINNATI REDS CINCINNATI BENGALs CINCINNATI CYCLONES CONCERTS SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG LOCAL CINCINNATI REDS CINCINNATI BENGAL CINCINNATI CYCLONES CONCERTS REGIONAL OktoberfestZinzinnati ContestcarvingPumpkin TailGatingfansBengals competitionBrewery gamescyclonesCincinnati RinkSkatingIce ShowandBeer LunchCompany MovieOutdoor concertsatHourHappyFriday JunctionQueen ExperiencingAirbnblgameplayoffBengalFestivalFilmCindependent FestivalFilmSpring TreeChristmas CarolingLightingand ShowFireworkEveYearNew contestSnowcastle festivalflyingKite fairtastingBeer SeasonApplyingJob BrainstormingTeam walkparkRiverfront meetingfriendsParkDogbreakcoffeeAfternoon picnicbreakSpring UndergroundNational FreedomRailroad ExhibitionsSpecialCenter matchmakingInvestment partyseasonGraduationShowaandDinner Neighborhood gamesbasketballParadeMarketFindlay showNight searchingIncubator practicingBand FestavalMusicSummer ULI STUDENT COMPETITION 2019 - CINCINNATI, OHIO, USA TEAM LEADER, COLLABORATORS: SHUYI HUANG, YUHANG LI, MARCUS MCKINNEY, JONATHAN C. SHERMAN BRIDGING - REDESIGN THE BANK GROUP WORK URBAN DESIGN

lack of social/activity space inaccessible to public space

20 21

STRATEGY 2 - CONNECTING GREEN SPACES & CIVIC USES 3 - HUB AND CIRCULATORY ROUTE Mall, once a vital shopping mall, is now facing aging and underperforming conditions like many suburban commercial plazas in the US. This project aims to repair the fragmented street networks of the region and to design a next-generation transit hub integrated with autonomous vehicles and micro-mobility to renovate the neighborhood. A green space system overlay the connected networks to promote equitable access and ecological repair to the area.


reduce block sizes adding sidewalks to increase walkability add new alleys on steepest to add slow access

STUDIO PROJECTS 2019 @ GEROGIA TECH GREEN-TOD GROUP WORK URBAN DESIGN STRATEGY 1 - NEW STREET NETWORK Greenbriar Pkwy SW Headland Dr Panther Trail SW SWDrMaxwellDale Ln SW LangfordJr.Pkwy GreenbriarPkwySW BenHillRd CampbelltonRdSWMtGileadRdSW Greenbriar Mall 05001000 2000 LangfordStreet SidewalkTrialAlleyPedestrianRoad Greenbriar Pkwy SW Headland Dr Panther Trail SW Dale Ln SW LangfordJr.Pkwy GreenbriarPkwySW BenHillRd CampbelltonRdSWMtGileadRdSW Greenbriar Mall 05001000 2000 Design SidewalkBoundaryDesign SidewalkBoundary Greenbriar Pkwy SW Headland Dr Panther Trail SW Dale Ln SW LangfordJr.Pkwy GreenbriarPkwySW BenHillRd CampbelltonRdSWMtGileadRdSW Greenbriar Mall 05001000 2000 Existing StreetAddRoadNew Street Add New Alley+Pedestrian+Trial Remove Existing Street Existing StreetAddRoadNew Street Add New Alley+Pedestrian+Trial Remove Existing Street

Transit Hub a connective, walkable and green future ServiceTransportationplatfromFleetInfrastructure MAaS 1


keep the mature tree canopy and make it a natural park

redundant sidewalks bike


Connected Bicycle/ScooterTravellerSharing Micro-mobility Service Micro-mobility Service Ecouraging eco-friendly travel modesUpdating infrastructure for AV Parking Road User Charging Car Sharing / Person to Person Car rental disconnectivityfragmentaryfragmentary streettransitpublicnetworksspacesystem Smart Parking Smart Hub STRATEGIESNeighborhoodPublicSpace Cam & Lan Rd Greenbriar Mall PROBLEMS54321321 “According to the MaaS Alliance, “Mobility as Service (MaaS) puts users, both travelers and goods, at the core of transport services, offering them tailor-made mobility solutions based on their individual needs. This means that, for the first time, easy access to the most appropriate transport mode or service will be included in a bundle of flexible travel service options for end users.” 050010002000 Greenbriar Pkwy SW Headland Dr Panther Trail SW Dale Ln SW LangfordJr.Pkwy GreenbriarPkwySW BenHillRd CampbelltonRdSWGreenbriarMtGileadRdSW Mall CurrentTransitOrientedPedestrian/BikelaneHubSchool& Institution Original green space & power line Public ProposedParkgreen spaceTrailsLake MARTA BRT SLOWLANE Greenbriar Pkwy SW Headland Dr Panther Trail SW Dale Ln SW LangfordJr.Pkwy GreenbriarPkwySW BenHillRd CampbelltonRdSWGreenbriarMtGileadRd Mall 050010002000FutureNeighborhoodCirculationMartaBRTLinePedestrian/BikeOrientedlaneTransitHubCurrentSchool&InstitutionExistingBusRouteFuture Neighborhood Circulation Marta BRT Pedestrian/BikeLine Oriented lane Transit CurrentHubSchool & Institution Existing Bus RouteCurrentTrailsTransitOrientedPedestrian/BikelaneHubSchool& Institution Original green space & power line Public ProposedParkgreen space Lake

make the trails along powerline connected to the transit hub


low house hold income development dlisconnect street network


design a MaaS integrated & attractive transit hub design the neighborhood intersection for stops & pickup&drop-off space


capacity lack of

add new streets along parcel lines to increase connectivity

add small pocket parks along roads near transit stops design transit hub roundabout as the central gathering space design community sports park connected directly to the transit hub

dyingauto-orientedoutdated retail large impervious space large parking space lack of social/activity space

make the area a dense, walkable urbanism district make the area connected to green space and trails


MARTA BRT on Langford & local bus on Campbellton as slow lane add a neighborhood MaaS circulator route to serve make upper level of Langford to be walkable mixed-use streets

23 COLLABORATOR: XU JINGXIN LEGEND ㄀ Rain garden ㈀ Splash Pad 3 Sports Park 4 Cafe & Retail 㔀 Community activity pad 6 Auto-mobile Rental service 7 Walkway to Transit Hub 6 7 ㄀ 3 ㈀ 㔀 4 curb cut Underground Sand Filter Surface Sand Filter BioswaleRain Garden ECOLOGICAL STRATEGY - STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AUTOMOBILE AUTONOMOUS&MOBILE TRANSIT HUB REGIONAL & LOCAL TRANSIT SYSTEM MICROSERVICEMOBILITY LangfordJr.Pkwy NewlyaddedstreetCampbelltonRdSW Micro mobilityInfo-interface Transit Autonomous vehicles service Sports lane Transit Hub 1010 1010 10 944 77 55 99 141212100 14 LANGFORD JR. PKWY: BUS RAPID TRANSIT UPPER LEVEL: WALKABLE MIXED-USE STREETS CAMPBELLTON RD SW: COMMERCIAL SLOW LANE 8  ㄀㔀  Current Campbellton Rd SW & Langford Jr. Pkwy STUDIO PROJECTS 2019 @ GEROGIA TECH GREEN-TOD GROUP WORK INDIVIDUAL PART URBAN DESIGN

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