Swedish Film #3 2012 New Docs Edition

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Swedish Film NEW DOCS

Fall 2012 / Winter 2013

After You The Clip Colombianos Dare Remember Days of Maremma Everyone Is Older Than I Am Fanny, Alexander & I For You Naked Give Us the Money Le manque The Man Behind the Throne Martha & Niki No Burqas Behind Bars Palme The Sarnos She Male Snails She’s Staging It Sing, Sing Louder Storm In the Andes The Stripper TPB AFK Tzvetanka The Weather War The Wild Ones

Welcome to the world of Swedish docs! This year has been a real success, starting at the Sundance Film Festival where Big Boys Gone Bananas!* by Fredrik Gertten and S ­ earching for Sugar Man by Malik Bendjelloul competed and Sugar Man got both the Audience Award and the Jury Special Prize. These two titles are now up for the Oscar ­nomination run.   Domestically we’ve had the best year in the cinemas for Swedish docs since 1979. Titles like Palme by Kristina L ­ indström and Maud ­Nycander with an audience over 150.000, and still growing, Searching for Sugar Man, For You Naked by Sara Broos and She Male Snails by Ester Martin Bergsmark have all attracted large audiences. The film critics are also overwhelmed; of all Swedish films that premiered during 2012 so far, five docs are at the top!   And more is to come, you now hold in your hands the new issue of Swedish Film with 24 new feature documentaries, ready to hit ­international festivals and markets such as DOK Leipzig, CPH:DOX and IDFA. Please visit our website www.sfi.se for updated information on Swedish features, d ­ ocumentaries and shorts.

Swedish Film Institute International Department P.O. Box 27126 SE-102 52 Stockholm, Sweden Phone +46 8 665 11 00 Fax +46 8 661 18 20 www.sfi.se • www.twitter.com/swedishfilm

Festivals, documentaries Sara Rüster Phone +46 76 117 26 78 sara.ruster@sfi.se Contributing Editor Josefina Mothander Art Director Markus Edin Cover illustration: Shutterstock • Print Norra Skåne Offset, Hässleholm

P H OTO M a r i u s Dy bwad B r and r u d ( still ) , S kogen p r od u ktion ( di r ecto r )

After You My mother is spending all her time with her dying father. I’m spending all my time filming her. To understand her, I say. But how much can I actually grasp? And what exactly am I trying to understand? As the uncomprehensible is getting closer, my mother and I do the filming more and more together. It becomes our way of dealing with the time we have left.

Marius Dybwad Brandrud is born and raised in Bohuslän in the west part of Sweden. He is working as a director, producer, editor and cinematographer. Besides studies in philosophy, Marius has a BA in Photography (School of Photography, Gothenburg ­University), an MA in Fine Arts (Konstfack, Stockholm) and an MA in Film Directing (School of Film Directing, Gothenburg University). Original title Efter dig Director/Screenwriter Marius Dybwad Brandrud participants

Nina Dybwad, Jens Dybwad

Producer Tobias Janson Produced by Story, with support from the Swedish Film Institute/Cecilia Lidin Duration 74 min To be released Spring, 2013 Sales TBA

P hoto F r eetownfilms

The Clip When the local dancers Mario and Xavier get hired to perform at a wedding in Mozambique they have no idea that megastar Beyoncé would watch them on YouTube and ask them to be her teachers. She searched for four months and found them in a Mozambique suburb. Since then, Mario and Xavier’s idea of what life is and could be will never be the same.

Viktor Nordenskiöld has worked and filmed in more than 50 countries around the world. He has directed and produced several documentaries for pubcaster Swedish Television (SVT). Previous work includes I Was Worth 50 Sheep (assisant producer, 2011), One Like All – All Like One (director, 2008) and Swedish Soldiers Factory (director). The Clip Director Viktor Nordenskiöld Screenwriters Viktor Nordenskiöld, Andreas Magnell participants Beyoncé Knowles, Mario Buce, Xavier Campione Producer Andreas Magnell Produced by Freetownfilms in co-production with SVT, with support from the Swedish Film Institute/Linus Torell Duration 58 min To be released Summer, 2013 Sales TBA Original title


“I was immediately intrigued by this story; the amazing chain of coincidences and the drama it unfolds. Truly, this is a film about identification and dreams. What happens when, and after, your wildest dreams come true?” Viktor Nordenskiöld


DOK Leipzig



Fernando’s life in Stockholm seems to be going nowhere. He is struggling with substance Sundance abuse and his despairing mother, Olga, wants him to go and spend time with his older brother Pablo in Colombia. Pablo has a plan on how to get Fernando clean in six months – but is Fernando ready to make a change? The painful effects of codependency take their toll as the once-enthusiastic Pablo gradually loses faith in his mission.

Tora Mårtens shorts have been shown at several international film festivals. Tommy was competing for a Golden Bear at the Berlinale in 2008. Her first feature documentary Colombianos premiered in May 2012 at Hot Docs, received the Golden Starfish Award for Best Feature Documentary at Hamptons International Film Festival and will have its European premiere in competition at DOK Leipzig.

photo H yste r ia F ilm ( still ), N eo p u blishing ( di r ecto r )

Original title Colombianos Director Tora Mårtens Producer Antonio Russo Merenda Produced by Hysteria Film in co-production with Made Oy, SVT and YLE, in collaboration with Nordisk Film & TV Fond and Film Stockholm/Filmbasen, with support from the Swedish Film Institute/Tove Torbiörnsson, the Finnish Film Foundation/Miia Haavisto, the Swedish Arts Grants Committee and Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Duration 90 min Released March, 2012 Sales Hysteria Film

“Before I started to work as a filmmaker, I worked as a still photographer for many years. Stills and films are intertwined. They both have the capacity to tell stories that are difficult to express in words. Pictures talks in silence, and for me there are lots of similarities between hanging a photo exhibition and editing a film.” Tora Mårtens


Dare Remember 25 years have elapsed and there’s so little I remember. I don’t remember the police interview, neither do I remember the trial, nor have I ever talked to my parents about the rape; yet it is always present regardless. Dare Remember is a documentary about putting into words what has been kept silent, on being confronted with what you most of all would rather forget. A film about moving forward in life.

Ewa Cederstam graduated cinematographer at Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts (SADA), cinematographer for the award-winning documentary The Armwrestler from Solitude (2004), director of A Woman’s Place (2003), shown at 30 ­international festivals. Original title

Våga minnas Director/Screenwriter Ewa Cederstam Producer Stina Gardell in co-production with Sonja Lindén

Produced by Mantaray Film/Stina Gardell in co-production with Avanton Productions/Sonja Lindén and SVT, in collaboration with Nordisk

photo M anta r ay F ilm

Film & TV Fond and YLE, with support from MEDIA, the Swedish Film Institute/Tove Torbiörnsson, the Finnish Film Foundation, AVEK, the Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Film i Dalarna and Film Stockholm Duration 58/75 min Released March, 2012 Sales WMM/Debra Zimmerman (US)

“All my years as a filmmaker, I’ve told other people’s stories. But one day I realized that it wasn’t possible to circumvent my own story any longer. I had to put myself into the center of this search, dare to remember in order to somehow free myself and move on.” Ewa Cederstam


P hoto Jannik S plidsboel

Days of Maremma Danish film director Jannik Splidsboel travels to Maremma in Italy to make a film about the area and the people living there. During his stay he discovers that the local farmers are facing severe economic problems. Some try to avoid bankruptcy by selling their homes to city slickers, while keeping the land for themselves. But those same farmers have secretly agreed to rent out their fields to one of the world’s largest solar panel companies and by doing so are ruining the local area for those who bought the old farmhouses. Suddenly Jannik finds himself in the middle of a local war. But who’s actually to blame?

Jannik Splidsboel, born in 1964, Denmark. Studied art and film in Copenhagen and Rome. Assistant director and head of productions on a number of international projects. Has directed a variety of short films and ­documentaries among these Louise & Papaya (2003) and Homies (2005), both screened at international festivals including Nordisk Panorama and IDFA, The Monster (2005), and Together (2008). How Are You (2011) about artist duo Elmgreen & Dragset was invited to countless international festivals, starting with the Berlinale Panorama section. Original title Drömmen om Maremma Director/Screenwriter Jannik Splidsboel Producer Stina Gardell

Mantaray Film in co-production with Basmati Film, with support from the Swedish Film Institute/Cecilia Lidin and the West Denmark Film Fund Duration 80 min To be released December, 2012 Sales TBA

Produced by


photo W ide r be r g F ilm

Everyone Is Older Than I Am DOK Leipzig


A subjective and poetic documentary about the director’s father’s inability to finish his Sundance documentary about his father and, as a logic conclusion, the problems with fatherhood. Despite love and good intentions, it’s difficult to meet.

Martin Widerberg, born in Stockholm, lives in Malmö. He studied art and photography and has had many exhibitions around Europe. He has directed several experimental short films, among them Super Sensitive (2005), Human Performance and Limitations (2006). His films has been screened at several distinguished film festivals. Original title Alla är äldre än jag Director/Screenwriter Martin Widerberg participants Arvid Widerberg, Bo Widerberg, Martin Widerberg, Morris Widerberg Producer Christina Erman Widerberg Produced by Widerberg Film in co-production with SVT/Hjalmar Palmgren and Film i Skåne/Joakim Strand, with support from NRK, YLE, Nordisk Film & TV Fond/Karolina Lidin, the Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Nordvision and the Swedish Film Institute/Anne-Marie Sörman Fermelin, Tove Torbiörnsson and Cecilia Lidin Duration 75 min released November 2, 2012 Sales Widerberg Film



Fanny, Alexander & I In March 2012 Fanny & Alexander by Ingmar Bergman celebrated its 30th anniversary. In this documentary we get a full insight in how some of the finest actors in Scandinavia approach the almost mythical material and how they all assess and ponder upon their own relationship to what is considered to be the prolific director’s masterpiece.

Stig Björkman, filmmaker and filmcritic. Was editor-in-chief for Swedish film magazine Chaplin 1964– 72. Has ­ ollaborated in Swedish daily papers and in foreign film magazines like Cahiers du Cinéma and Sight & Sound as well as c published a series of books on film. Selected Books: Conversations avec Bergman (1990), Woody on Allen (1993), Trier on von Trier (1999). Selected feature films: The White Wall (1975), Behind the Shutters (1984), Tomorrow & Tomorrow & Tomorrow (1989). Selected documentaries: Ingmar Bergman (1971), Tranceformer (1997) and Images From the Playground (2009). Original title Fanny, Alexander & jag Director/Screenwriter Stig Björkman Producers Mattias Nohrborg, Fredrik Heinig,

Patrik Andersson Produced by B-Reel in co-production with SVT, with support from the Swedish Film Institute/Cecilia Lidin TBA Sales TBA

photo S ö r en V ilks ( still ), B - r eel ( di r ecto r )

Duration 58/95 min To be released


For You Naked DOK Leipzig



An intimate and untraditional love story between Lars Lerin, one of the most Sundance well-regarded Scandinavian painters, and a young Brazilian dancer who meet on the Internet. Two men with a tangled past for whom the cliché about “love moving mountains” takes on absolute validity. We closely follow their struggle for a life where someone loves you – regardless of how vastly difficult it can be to love oneself.

Sara Broos, born in 1977, has previously directed short films, video installations and documentaries. For You Naked is her acclaimed feature debut which received a Dragon Award for Best Swedish Documentary at the 2012 Göteborg International Film Festival. She has a Masters in Personal storytelling from the Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts (SADA) and a BA Honours in literature.

photo alma film ( still ), J ohan be r gma r k ( di r ecto r )

Original title För dig naken Director/Screenwriter/Producer Sara Broos Produced by Alma Film in co-production with SVT and Film i Värmland, with support from the Swedish Film Institute/Cecilia Lidin and the Swedish Arts Grants Committee Duration 74 min Released April 13, 2012 Sales Alma Film

“This is the story of the desperate search for love and whether you can decide to fall in love. Lars writes in his diary: ‘The past is choking me, the here and now is torture and I do not even dare to think about the future. Cyberspace is cold and empty, many tainted hopes, thousands of burnt souls are aimlessly wandering around, helpless and in eternal despair. Love thirsty lovers beaten with manipulation.’” Sara Broos


photo white ho u se ( still ), A nna - K a r in J ohansson ( di r ecto r )

Give Us the Money DOK Leipzig



Can glitz and celebrity save the world? Thirty years ago, rock stars Bob Sundance Geldof and Bono set out on a journey to fight poverty in Africa. They tried to convince some of the wiliest and mightiest politicians on earth to change the world. Give Us the Money tracks their journey through famines and palaces, and worldwide tv-audiences. But how successful have they really been? Did they manage to make the world a better place?

Bosse Lindquist, born in 1954, is a Swedish radio and TV producer. He has made a long series of award-winning documentaries, including WikiRebels (2010) about the WikiLeaks, The Genius and the Boys (2009) about Nobel laureate Carleton Gajdusek who discovered the Kuru disease among a cannibal tribe in New Guinea, and Give Us the Money (2012) for the Why Poverty project. Original title Give Us the Money Director/Screenwriter Bosse Lindquist participants Bono, Bob Geldof, Bill Gates,

Jamie Drummond, Gordon Brown, Dambisa Moyo Producer David Herdies Produced by Momento Film and Steps International in co-production with BBC/Kate Townsend, DR, ZDF/Arte/Martin Pieper, Arte G.E.I.E.NHK/Ken-ichi Imamura, NRK, SVT/Axel Arnö, VPRO/ Barbara Truyen, YLE, ITVS International/Claire Aguilar, the Danish Film Institute/Klara Grunning-Harris and the Swedish Film Institute/ Cecilia Lidin, in association with ABC, BNT, Canal Futura, CBC, Channel 22, CT, CYBC, Doordarshan, ERR, ERT, e.tv, HRT, Human, IBA, IKON, Knowledge Network, MBC, MTV, ORF, PTS, RAI, RTP, RTHK, RTVSLO, RUV, Tempo TV, TR3, TVE, TVO, Telivisio America Latina Duration 58 min released November, 2012 Sales DR Internaional Sales


“In my youth, I hitchhiked from Sweden to Kenya, and fell in love with the country and its people. I was kindly offered a teaching job and settled down in the countryside close by Lake Victoria. The four years I spent there widened my horizons enormously, enriching my life permanently. But, among my immediate neighbours, I was also for the first time confronted with the outrageous inequalities that plague the globe. And ever since, I’ve been thinking about the age-old questions on how to eradicate extreme poverty.” Bosse Lindquist

photo C h r istian D ema r e ( still ), S a r a mac ke y ( di r ecto r )

Le manque (Working title) A man from the past calls the filmmaker and tells her he spent many years in jail. She remembers the spring when they met in Paris, the riots, the vespa and the cat that he gave her. She also remembers that one day he disappeared… A film about time, memories and things that got lost on the way.

Mia Engberg is a producer and director who has made shorts and documentaries for 15 years. She is based in Stockholm where she also teaches film directing at the Film Academy. Her latest project Dirty Diaries (2009) – 12 shorts of feminist porn has recieved a lot of attention worldwide. Original title

Le manque Director/Screenwriter Mia Engberg participants Olivier Desautel, Mia Engberg

Producer Tobias Janson Produced by Story in co-production with SVT, with support from

the Swedish Film Institute/Suzanne Glansborg and Tove Torbiörnsson, MEDIA Programme of the European Union and the Swedish Arts Grants Committee Duration 75 min To be released Spring, 2013 Sales TBA


“Le manque is both a documentary and a fiction film. It tells stories based on real life, but also on imagination. I think it is a film about everyone, because we all lost someone at some point in our life. We all change with time but in our hearts we will always stay the same.” Mia Engberg

The Man Behind the Throne Vincent Paterson is the Hollywood choreographer who created defining moves for stars like Michael Jackson and Madonna. He challenges the myth of self-destructive fame as the road to success with his childlike joy of creation, his tough work ethics and his personal integrity. He is an artist unknown to most people, whose work is seen by millions.

Kersti Grunditz has directed a number of documentaries, which have been widely shown in the Nordic countries. Among them The Queen of Blackwater (2008), about Swedish novelist Kerstin Ekman. She is also a highly regarded film editor of several award-winning films. She started out as a dancer/choreographer. Original title The Man Behind the Throne Director/Screenwriter

Kersti Grunditz Producer Anita Oxburgh

Produced by Migma Film, with support from the Swedish Film Institute/Cecilia Lidin, Lars G. Lindström, Suzanne Glansborg and

“I met Vincent in 2001. I read his bio and realized I had seen everything he had done and yet had never heard of him. We became friends and eventually he trusted me to share him with the world. As I went about this intimate portrait of him, he allowed me fully into the warmth of his life in the Mecca of the celebrity cult.” Kersti Grunditz

photo © M J P M ichael Jackson P r od u ction ( still ), Tom B r ennan ( di r ecto r )

SVT/Emelie Persson Duration 58 min To be released Spring, 2013 Sales Films Transit International


Martha & Niki The film portrays the dancing duo Martha and Niki alongside the street culture that is growing stronger all over the world. Hip hop has always been dominated by men but finally women too are making it. Martha and Niki are the first females in history to win The World Championship of Hip hop. In the film we get to follow their struggle to gain recognition, to achive their goals and dreams.

Tora Mårtens shorts have been shown at several international film festivals. Tommy was competing for a Golden Bear at the Berlinale in 2008. Her first feature documentary Colombianos premiered in May 2012 at Hot Docs, received the Golden Starfish Award for Best Feature Documentary at Hamptons International Film Festival and will have its European premiere in competition at DOK Leipzig. Martha & Niki is her upcoming film. Tora Mårtens Participants Martha Nabwire, Niki Tsappos Producer Tora Mårtens Produced by Neo Publishing in co-production with SVT Kspecial and Stavro Film, with support from the Swedish Filminstitute/ Linus Torell Duration 78 min To be released Spring, 2013 Sales TBA

photo to r a m å r tens ( still ), neo p u blishing ( di r ecto r )

Original title Martha & Niki Director/Screenwriter

“In this film we get to follow two of the world’s best dancers – Martha and Niki. Through them we get to experience what it takes to make it. Not only on the dancefloor, but in an arena where there are very few women. What I find interesting is what strategies Martha and Niki use in an environment dominated by men. This may not be outspoken in the film but I think it is something that can be read in-between the lines. This is not a film about winning or losing, it is a film about doing what you believe in.” Tora Mårtens


photo N ima S a r vestani ( still ) M a ryam E b r ahimi ( di r ecto r )

No Burqas Behind Bars DOK Leipzig



A feature-length documentary that takes viewers inside one of the world’s Sundance most restricted environments: an Afghan women’s prison. Through the prisoners’ stories we explore how “moral crimes” are used to control women in post-Taliban Afghanistan.

Nima Sarvestani, born in 1958, started his career as a journalist in Iran and has been concentrating on documentary filmmaking since moving to Sweden in 1984. He funded NimaFilm in 1987. Focusing on social and political issues, he is inspired by those who fight passionately for their cause. No Burqas Behind Bars is his fourth film which has been shot in Afghanistan. Kvinnofängelse Director Nima Sarvestani Screenwriter Steven Seidenberg Producer Maryam Ebrahimi NimaFilm in co-production with SVT, DR, NHK and IKON, in collaboration with NRK, with support from the Swedish Film Institute/Cecilia Lidin, Nordisk Film & TV Fond, Asian Pacific Screen Award (MPA APSA FUND) and the Swedish Arts Grants Committee Duration 75 min released November, 2012 Sales Deckert Distribution

Original title Produced by


“Inside any women’s prison in Afghanistan one only comes across reckless women no matter what crime they’re accused of. The women we meet here are lawless. Within the Western purview, they are not criminals. Instead those who should be protected and praised. However, they don’t regret or feel ashamed for the “crimes” they’re locked up for. They’re fighting, with their lives under threat, to have their rights acclaimed and their voices heard by society. They’re fighting for all the women in the world, who throughout history have been degraded and humiliated by the male patriarchy.” Nima Sarvestani

photo hasse persson / S canpi x ( still ) , J ohan W iman ( directors )

Palme It’s 25 years since prime minister Olof Palme was shot dead on the streets of Stockholm, changing Sweden forever overnight. Palme is the film about his life and times, and about the Sweden he helped to create. A man who changed history.

Maud Nycander and Kristina Lindström have worked together on numerous of documentary projects. Kristina has created many of the visually innovative and award-winning programs which have been seen on pubcaster Swedish Television (SVT), and Maud has directed several award-winning documentaries. Palme is the most seen documentary in Swedish cinemas since 1979. Palme Directors/Screenwriters Maud Nycander, Kristina Lindström Producers Fredrik Heinig, Mattias Nohrborg Produced by B-Reel in co-production with SVT, Pan Vision, Film i Väst and Manden med Cameraet, in collaboration with Nordisk Film & TV Fond, with support from the Swedish Film Institute/Suzanne Glansborg, the Danish Film Institute/Klara Grunning-Harris and DR Duration 109/58 min (3-Part TV Series) Released September 14, 2012 (feature) Sales SVT Sales

Original title


The Sarnos – Their Life in Dirty Pictures The Sarnos is an intimate portrait of two radically unique characters: legendary sex film director Joe Sarno; “The Ingmar Bergman of 42nd Street”, and his wife and collaborator Peggy. The film follows Joe for what would be the last year of his life, as he is trying to get one last film project off the ground, a femalecentered soft-core film in the old Joe Sarno-style.

Wiktor Ericsson is a screenwriter and director, the co-creator and head writer of the critically acclaimed hit comedy series Starke Man (2010-2011), and is currently writing a new major series for pubcaster Swedish Television (SVT). He has also directed short films, In Sweden Everybody Can Swim (2002) and the upcoming KK (2013). This is his first documentary feature. Original title The Sarnos Director/Screenwriter Wiktor Ericsson Producers Erik Magnusson, Martin Persson (Co-Producer

P hoto anag r am ( still ) Liselotte E r icsson ( di r ecto r )

Ingunn H. Knudsen) Produced by Anagram Produktion in co-production with Skofteland Film and Film i Skåne, in co-operation with SVT, NRK and DR, in collaboration with Boost HBG, with support from the Swedish Film Institute/Cecilia Lidin, the Norwegian Film Institute, Nordisk Film & TV Fond and the Swedish Arts Grants Committee Duration 90 min To be released Spring, 2013 Sales TBA

“The film takes you inside the world of Joe and Peggy Sarno by combining observational filmmaking with interviews, private stills and clips from Joe’s films. It chronicles the sexual revolution in the cinema, how sexploitation evolved in to hardcore, and tells the story of a unique film director whose ambitions as a filmmaker often surpassed the needs of the genre he was working in. But ultimately the heart of the film is Joe and Peggy’s relationship – the love story.” Wiktor Ericsson


She Male Snails DOK Leipzig



She Male Snails is a magic, unique and sensitive hybrid film on the different Sundance aspects of a changing androgynous body. There are more aspects to a person than the eye can see. We spend our whole life trying to find a balance between sexual identities and a body that changes from childhood, to puberty, through adulthood. This is a film about the struggle finding that balance and maybe peace. A story about survival where harsh reality get mixed up in a fictive world.

In 2008 the director Ester Martin Bergsmark was awarded a Swedish Guldbagge Award for Maggie in Wonderland. In 2009 he contributed to the debated feminist porn suite Dirty Diaries with his short Fruitcake. He is currently in post­production with Something.Must.Break based on the novel You Are the Roots that Sleep Beneath My Feet and Hold the Earth in Place by Eli Levén. Original title

Pojktanten Director/Screenwriter Ester Martin Bergsmark Producer Anna-Maria Kantarius

Produced by Ester Martin Film, Robota and Upfront Films in co-production with SVT, with support from the Swedish Film

photo M inka Jake r son

Institute/Tove Torbiörnsson, the Danish Film Institute and Nordisk Film & TV Fond, in collaboration with YLE, Filmbasen and Film i Skåne Duration 75 min Released September 7, 2012 Sales Upfront Films

I wanted to make a visually beautiful film – a mix of national-romanticism, porn and commercials, where the birches give associations to shampoo ads while fetishizing Swedish national symbols. I like dichotomies, where stunning nature is juxtaposed with garbage and things falling apart, and we filmed most of the scenes in the suburbs south of Stockholm where I used to live. This film has been a struggle to make. But now that I’m starting to show it to people, I feel relieved. It’s been worth making such an honest an deeply personal work, especially since Swedish film directors only usually look at things from the outside. Ester Martin Bergsmark


photo M a r i u s Dy bwad B r and r u d ( still ) , skogen p r od u ktion ( di r ecto r )

She’s Staging It

DOK Leipzig



Three actresses meet in a theatre in upstate New York. Sundance During the course of a ten day workshop they will be working on August Strindberg’s famous play Miss Julie with the aim to save her from the prescribed suicide.

Fia-Stina Sandlund, born in 1973, artist and director based in Stockholm and New York, working at the intersection of journalism, social activism and “re-enaction” as a form of history writing. She’s currently working on a full length trilogy based on August Strindberg’s famous play Miss Julie. Original title She’s Staging It Director/Screenwriter Fia-Stina Sandlund participants

Alexandra Dahlström, Lea Robinson, Elisabeth Whitney Producer Marius Dybwad Brandrud Produced by Skogen Produktion, with support from SVT and the Swedish Film Institute/Cecilia Lidin Duration 98 min Released November, 2012 Sales Skogen Produktion


“My background is in Fine Art. I am attached to a feminist performance tradition, as well as a tradition of political activism and intervention. Over the years the documentation of my performances/ actions/interventions has become an integrated part of my work. And I’ve started to make films for cinema. Instead of handing the voice over to somebody else, such as a journalist for example, I am taking charge, to gain agency in the event of the storytelling.” Fia-Stina Sandlund

photo RealReel D oc

Sing, Sing Louder Protests of the latest presidential elections in Iran prompts Nahid Persson Sarvestani to search for her activist friends who were imprisoned and tortured soon after the revolution by the Islamic regime while she avoided persecution by going into hiding. Nahid embarks on a journey looking for unanswered questions that have haunted her for 30 years.

Born in Shiraz, Iran in 1960, Nahid Persson Sarvestani took political asylum in Sweden after the 1979 revolution in Iran. Nahid’s social-political films have won her over 30 awards. In 2006 Nahid was arrested in Iran for her critical depiction of women under the Islamic Republic regime. Her previous feature The Queen and I (2009) was the most seen documentary in Sweden in 2009. Original title Sing, Sing Louder Director/Producer Nahid Persson Sarvestani Produced by

RealReel Doc in collaboration with SVT, with support from NRK, MEDIA and the Swedish Film Institute/Suzanne Glansborg Duration 58/90 min To be released January, 2013 Sales TBA


Storm In the Andes Swedish Josefin (24) had an aunt – Augusta la Torre - who created the Peruvian terrorist movement Sendero Luminoso together with her husband Abimael Guzman. Josefin travels to Peru for the first time in her life to find out the truth about Augusta. The world of Josefin is turned upside down but she does not regret her acts.

Mikael Wiström has been producing and directing documentary films for cinema and television since 1982. His Peruvian trilogy The Other Shore (1992), Compadre (2004) and Familia (2010) have been awarded around the world. He is also lecturer on documentary film, still photographer and writer. Original title

Storm över Anderna Director/Screenwriter Mikael Wiström participants Josefin Ekermann, Flor Gonzales

Producer Mikael Wiström Produced by Månharen Film & TV and SVT, with support from the Swedish Film Institute/Lars G. Lindström,

“In 2010 I received a mail from a young Swedish woman. She told me that her Peruvian aunt had created the Peruvian terrorist movement Sendero Luminoso. And now she wanted to know the truth about her aunt. Little did she suspect that I had just started filming the story from the perspective of the peasant victims of the war. Our common journey into the strange and violent story of this war became my, so far, most extraordinary documentary experience.” Mikael Wiström

photo M Å N H A R E N F I LM & T V

YLE and NRK Duration 90/56 min To be released Autumn, 2013 Sales Månharen Film & TV


The Stripper Calista is dreaming of a life as a dancer. When she is 16 years old, she is admitted to a dance school in New York. But the journey and her dance career are ­interrupted. By chance she meets a girl who introduces her to the profession as a stripper. When director Stefan Berg meets Calista she leads a double life as a stripper and a mother of two small children.

Stefan Berg started directing music videos after law studies and seven years as a rock’n’roll artist. For the last 16 years he has worked full-time on documentary films. Stefan Berg is the director of a number of highly praised films, amongst these Ola Svensson Superstar (2010) and Rolling Like a Stone (2005), co-directed with Magnus Gertten. original title

Strippan Director/Screenwriter Stefan Berg Participants Calista, Belinda, Rebecka, Tor, Hasse, Bosse

Producer Malin Fors Produced by Berg Images in co-production with SVT, Film i Skåne and Minerva Film, with support from the Swedish

“My drive is to highlight the originality in people, ­preferably ‘outsiders’, by intimacy and emotional focus. This time, I wanted to tell a story about an exciting female protagonist. I was looking for contradictions and I found Calista – a mother and a stripper.” Stefan Berg

photo stefan be r g

Film Institute/Cecilia Lidin Duration 58/72 min Released October, 2012 Sales Berg Images


photo simon klose ( still ) , H en r ik M oltke ( di r ecto r )

TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard TPB AFK is a documentary about three computer addicts who redefined the world of media distribution with the file-sharing network The Pirate Bay. Just how did hacker Gottfrid Svartholm-Warg, Internet activist Peter Sunde and beer aficionado Fredrik Neij cause the White House to threaten the Swedish government with trade sanctions? TPB AFK tells the inside story of how a cluster of “hacktivists” built the Internet’s largest file-sharing site.

Simon Klose was born in Sweden in 1975. Klose holds a law degree from Stockholm University and has studied and lived extensively in Japan and South Africa. In 2006 Simon Klose released his first documentary Sweet Memories Garden Centre about car thieves in South Africa opening up a garden centre in a township. Klose has also produced and directed a number of music videos and the two music documentaries Spelberoende (2005) and Standard Bearer (2007) about the Swedish rappers Timbuktu and Promoe. Original title

TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard Director/Screenwriter Simon Klose Participants Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Fredrik Neij, Peter Sunde

Producers Martin Persson, Simon Klose, Signe Byrge Sørensen, Anne Köhncke Produced by Nonami in co-production with Final Cut For Real, SVT, Film i Skåne and 1737

crowdfunders, in collaboration with DR, NRK, BBC, ARTE and VPRO, with support from the Swedish Film Institute/Johan Bogaeus, DFI, NFI, NFTF and Fritt Ord Duration 81 min January/February, 2013 Sales TBA

To be released


P hoto A dam N ilsson


DOK DOK Leipzig Leipzig



Born in a wealthy family Tzvetanka dreamed of becoming an actress as a child, Sundance Sundance but life completely changed her destiny. Tzvetanka is the story of the director’s grandmother who outlived the three epochs in modern Bulgarian history: monarchy, communism and democracy. Her life represents and reflects the stories of many others, of the society and the country itself.

Visual artist Youlian Tabakov was born in 1975 in Bulgaria and moved to Sweden in 2002. He works as a set and costume designer and has created the design for a large number of different performances. Tzvetanka is his feature film debut. Original title

Tzvetanka Director/Screenwriter Youlian Tabakov Participant Tzvetanka Gosheva Producer Mårten Nilsson

Produced by Gnufilm in co-production with AgitProp, with support from the Swedish Film Institute/Tove Torbiörnsson, SVT, the Swedish

Arts Grants Committee and the National Film Center Bulgaria Duration 69 min Released November, 2012 Sales TBA


“I have been listening to my granny telling stories of her life, since I was a child. At one point I started to ­visualize some of them in my head and as the time passed, I also realized that she is one of the few of her generation that are still alive, a generation that witnessed the political events of modern Bulgaria. She was very much a storyteller and I wanted to document her testimony.” Youlian Tabakov

The Weather War DOK Leipzig



The Weather War is a documentary about man’ s attempts to control the weather and harness it for his own Sundance purposes. In a blend of land art performance and road movie, artist duo Bigert & Bergström travel to the US tornado belt with their special machine-sculpture, the Tornado Diverter. The goal: to stop a tornado. Along the way, we see historical examples of how the science of meteorology developed in symbiosis with military goals and how these visions evolved into modern ideas of geo-engineering. In a larger perspective, the film features the problems faced worldwide due to global climate change. How do we behave to meet those challenges? Do we adapt? Or do we wage war against increasingly aggressive weather that threatens to destroy us?

Bigert & Bergström is an artist duo living and working in Stockholm, Sweden. B&B started to collaborate in 1990, and have since then produced and created a broad range of art and film projects. Often with a c ­ onceptual edge, the core of their work is placed right in the junction between humanity, nature and technology. Original title Väderkriget Directors Bigert & Bergström Producer Antonio Russo Merenda Produced by

photo L a r s S iltbe r g

Ginestra Film in co-production with SVT/Emelie Persson, with the support from the Swedish Film Institute/Cecilia Lidin, Nordisk Film & TV Fond/Karolina Lidin and Nordvision, in association with DR and YLE, developed with the support of the MEDIA Programme of the European Union Duration 58 min released November, 2012 Sales Ginestra Film

“A call to arms and prelude to coming visionary geoengineering performances, our film, The Weather War tracks the history and contemporary struggle, between man and man-made climate, as we approach the tipping point.” Bigert & Bergström


The Wild Ones ”Freedom is just another word for nothing left to loose” / Kris Kristofferson The Wild Ones is a documentary about gay icon and pioneer Birgitta Stenberg who lived the wild life of the 60s already in the 50s. Now Birgitta Stenberg travels the world again, reuniting with friends and lovers from the past. A film about resistance, dreams and the circumstances of living on the edge.

Lisa Belfrage (left) is a director and producer. She has studied and worked within theater in Stockholm and New York. Marianne Gustavsson (right) is a journalist and has previously worked in web design, research and as a feature producer for television and film. Both have directed and produced several documentaries and TV Series as part of the production company Atmo. Original title Alla Vilda - med Birgitta Stenberg Directors/Screenwriters Lisa Belfrage, Marianne Gustavsson participant

photo C ha r lotta teng r oth ( still ), atmo ( di r ecto r s )

Birgitta Stenberg Producer Kristina Åberg Produced by Atmo in co-production with Film i Väst/Sofie Björklund, in co-operation with SVT, with support from the Swedish Film Institute/Cecilia Lidin, Film i Halland, Film Gävleborg, and Kulturfonden för Sverige och Finland Duration 59 min Released March 8, 2012 Sales TheYellow Affair

“The Wild Ones is a film that affects everyone who ever wondered about norms, life choices and why his or her life turned out the way it did.” Lisa Belfrage, Marianne Gustavsson

Swedish Film

26 Publisher Pia Lundberg pia.lundberg@sfi.se • ISSN 1654-0050 • www.sfi.se

COMPANIES Production Companies

Dasch Phone: +46 702 74 19 77 emma@dach.se

A Lexne AB Phone: +46 8 36 19 90 info@lexne.se www.lexne.se

Dagsljus AB Phone: +46 8 503 822 00 info@dagsljus.se www.dagsljus.se

Acne Drama AB Phone: +46 8 555 799 00 ks@acne.se www.acneproduction.com

Dansk Skalle AB info@danskskalle.se www.danskskalle.se

Alma Film Phone: +46 706 80 77 67 www.cargocollective.com/ almafilm sarabroos@gmail.com Anagram Produktion AB Phone: +46 46 15 97 50 info@anagramproduktion.se www.anagramproduktion.se Atmo Phone: +46 8 462 26 90 kristina@atmo.se www.atmo.se Auto Images AB Phone: +46 40 661 01 60 auto@autoimages.se www.autoimages.se B-Reel Feature Films Phone: +46 8 505 248 50 featurefilms@b-reel.com www.b-reel.com/featurefilms Berg Images Phone: +46 40 26 21 02 info@bergimages.se www.bergimages.se Biospheric Pictures AB Phone: +46 73 984 50 08 mi@bipic.se www.bipic.se Bob Film Sweden AB Phone: +46 8 556 930 90 bob@bobfilmsweden.com www.bobfilmsweden.com

Davaj Film AB Phone: +46 70 570 4262 www.pomorfilm.com Deep Sea Productions Phone: +46 8 732 94 35 malcolm@deepsea.se www.deepsea.se Dfm Fiktion Phone: +46 8 22 97 22 info@dfm.se www.dfm.se Dixit International AB Phone: +46 8 662 06 20 malcolm@dixit.se www.dixit.se Dolly Pictures Phone: +46 8 20 70 00 contact@dollypictures.se www.dollypictures.se Drakfilm Phone: +46 8 644 90 35 office@drakfilm.se www.drakfilm.se

Jonathan Lewald ­Produktion Phone: +46 739 292193 jonathanlewald@gmail.com

Nouvago Capital Phone: +46 8 701 09 11 info@nouvago.com www.nouvago.com

Speedfilm AB Phone: +46 8 666 37 33 francy@speedfilm.se www.speedfilm.se

Freetownfilms Phone: +46 737 58 26 65 andreas@freetownfilms.se www.freetownfilms.se

Kameraten AB Phone: +46 8 32 82 30 mail@kameraten.se www.kameraten.se

OmegaFilm AB Phone: +46 8 564 808 20 lennart@omegafilm.se www.omegafilm.se

Stellanova film Phone: +46 8 31 04 40 info@stellanovafilm.com www.stellanovafilm.com

Garagefilm ­International AB Phone: +46 8 545 133 60 info@garagefilm.se www.garagefilm.se

Kostr-Film Phone: +46 8 611 10 87 contact@kostrfilm.com www.kostrfilm.com

Stiftelsen Ingmar Bergman Phone +46 8 665 11 76 info@ingmarbergman.se www.ingmarbergman.se

Cat&Docs Phone: +33 1 44 59 63 53 cat@catndocs.com www.catndocs.com France

Gerdehag Films Phone: + 46 491 771 60 peter.gerdehag@glocalnet.net www.gerdehagfilms.com

Krejaren ­Dramaproduktion Phone: +46 70 751 70 82 fredrik.hiller @krejarendramaproduktion.se www.krejarendrama produktion.se

One Tired Brother ­Productions AB Phone: +46 418 700 22 info@onetiredbrother.se www.onetiredbrother.se

Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts (SADA) Phone: +46 8 120 531 00 info@stdh.se www.stdh.se

Scanbox Entertainment Sweden AB Phone: +46 8 545 787 80 kristinap@scanbox.com www.scanbox.com

Coproduction Office info@coproductionoffice.eu www.coproductionoffice.eu Denmark/France/Germany

AB Svensk Filmindustri Phone: +46 8 680 35 00 sffilm@sf.se www.sf.se

Stopp Stockholm Postproduction AB Phone: +46 8 50 70 35 00 pasi@stopp.se www.stopp.se

Deckert Distribution GmbH Phone: +49 341 215 66 38 info@deckert-distribution.com www.deckert-distribution.com Germany

TriArt Film Phone: +46 8 703 25 13 info@triart.se www.triart.se

Story AB Phone: +46 8 15 62 80 tobias@story.se www.story.se

DR International Sales Phone: +45 3520 3040 drsales@dr.dk www.dr.dk/Salg Denmark

GF Studios Phone: +46 8 446 09 31 info@gfstudios.se www.gfstudios.se Gilda Film AB Phone: +46 8 556 034 24 info@gildafilm.se www.gildafilm.se Ginestra Film antonio@ginestra.se Giraff Film AB Phone: +46 920 22 01 90 agneta@giraff-film.se Gnufilm marten@gnufilm.se www.gnufilm.se

Drama Svecia mikael@dramasvecia.se www.dramasvecia.se

Gothenburg Film Studios Phone: +46 31 48 14 00 info@gothenburgstudios.se www.gothenburgstudios.se

Efti Phone: +46 8 678 12 10 info@efti.se www.efti.se

GötaFilm AB Phone: +46 31 82 55 70 gotafilm@gotafilm.se www.gotafilm.se

Eight Millimeters AB Phone: +46 73 364 38 75 j.kellagher@telia.com

Harmonica Films Phone: +46 8 665 11 00 info@harmonicafilms.se www.harmonicafilms.se

Breidablick Film AB Phone: +46 8 564 118 90 breidablick@breidablick.com www.breidablick.com

Elfvik film Phone: +46 8 667 84 20 info@elfvikfilm.se www.elfvikfilm.se

Camera Center & Light Center Gothenburg Phone: +46 31 80 21 90 info@cameracenter.se www.cameracenter.se

Europa Sound ­Production AB Phone: +46 8 552 55 400 info@europasound.se www.europasound.se

Head and Tail Phone: +46 8 442 88 90 hq@head-tail.se www.head-tail.se Hepp Film Phone: +46 40 98 44 62 hepp@heppfilm.se www.heppfilm.se

Camp David Film AB Phone: +46 8 54 55 52 52 malin@campdavidfilm.com www.campdavidfilm.com

Eyefeed Phone: +46 8 21 15 00 bjerking@eyefeed.se www.eyefeed.se

Hobab Phone: +46 8 666 36 10 peter@hobab.se www.hobab.se

Chamdin & Stöhr Film Phone: +46 8 644 41 50 info@chamdinstohr.se www.chamdinstohr.se

Fasad Film Phone: +46 8 658 42 44 info@fasad.se www.fasad.se

Holding Hands ­Production AB Phone: +46 70 497 15 27 Hp.lundh@bredband.net

Charon Film AB Phone:+46 8 584 503 90 info@charon.se www.charon.se

Fido Film AB Phone: +46 8 556 990 00 info@fido.se www.fido.se

House of Radon Phone: +46 736 836 905 info@houseofradon.com www.houseofradon.com

The Chimney Pot Phone: +46 8 587 50 500 info@chimney.se www.thechimneypot.com

FilmAteljén Phone: +46 31 82 63 80 filmateljen@filmateljen.com www.filmateljen.com

Hysteria Film AB Phone: +46 8 31 54 35 hysteria@hysteriafilm.se www.hysteriafilm.se

Cimbria Film AB Phone: +46 70 594 45 55 richardhobert@cimbriafilm.se

Filmgate AB Phone: +46 31 701 02 00 info@filmgate.se www.filmgate.se

Idyll AB Phone: +46 8 615 21 00 www.fasad.se

Cinenic Film Phone: +46 31 12 65 21 annika@cinenicfilm.se www.cinenicfilm.se Cinepost Studios AB Phone: +46 8 55 60 61 00 info@cinepost.se www.cinepost.se CO.Film AB Phone: +46 8 658 44 46 christina@co-film.se www.co-film.se Conversation Film Phone: +46 735 26 90 52 kalle@conversationfilm.com www.conversationfilm.com

Filmgården HB Phone: +46 920 152 10 Filmkreatörerna AB Phone: +46 8 440 75 65 info@filmkreatorerna.com www.filmkreatorerna.com Filmlance International AB Phone: +46 8 459 73 80 filmlance@filmlance.se www.filmlance.se First Edition Pictures Phone: +46 735 266 493 emil@jonsvik.com www.jonsvik.com Fladenfilm Phone: +46 8 545 064 50 info@fladenfilm.se www.fladenfilm.se

Sales Companies

Flodellfilm Phone: +46 8 587 505 10 info@flodellfilm.se www.flodellfilm.se

Illusion Film AB Phone: +46 31 775 28 50 info@illusionfilm.se www.illusionfilm.se Independent Studios Phone: +46 8 556 615 00 janne@independentstudios.se www.independentstudios.se Inpost Phone: +46 733 96 88 11 info@inpost.se www.inpost.se Joclo mail@johannesnyholm.se

Pampas Produktion Phone: +46 8 615 55 30 info@pampasprodultion.se www.pampasproduktion.se

Lebox Produktion info@lebox.se www.lebox.se

Panfilm Phone: +46 8 765 03 70 g.setterberg@panfilm.se www.panfilm.se

Lisbet Gabrielsson Film AB Phone: +46 8 715 32 90 lisbet@minmail.net www.lisbetgabrielssonfilm.se

PennFilm Studios AB Phone: +46 40 46 67 84 studio@pennfilm.se www.pennfilm.se

Ljud & Bildmedia AB Phone: +46 8 540 279 26 info@ljus-bildmedia.se www.ljus-bildmedia.se

Peter Jonsvik Phone: +46 463 22 51 59 www.jonsvik.se peter@jonsvik.se

Ljudfadern AB mats@ljudfadern.com www.ljudfadern.com

Pinguinfilm AB Phone: +46 8 640 03 50 info@pinguin.se www.pinguin.se

Studio 24 Phone: +46 8 662 57 00 studio24@royandersson.com www.royandersson.com

Plattform Produktion Phone: +46 31 711 66 60 mail@plattformproduktion.se www.plattformproduktion.se

Studio Jens Assur Phone: +46 708 11 11 45 info@studiojensassur.com www.studiojensassur.se

Posthuset AB Phone: +46 8 650 77 90 info@posthuset.se www.posthuset.se

AB Svensk Filmindustri Phone: +46 8 680 35 00 borje.hansson@sf.se www.sf.se

RealReel Doc Phone: +46 708 32 87 49 nahid.persson@realreel.se www.realreel.se

Sveriges Television (SVT) Phone: +46 8 784 00 00 gunnar.carlsson@svt.se www.svt.se

Republiken Phone: +46 8 587 50 500 fredrik.zander@chimney.se www.thechimneypot.com

Sweetwater AB Phone: +46 8 662 14 70 info@sweetwater.se www.sweetwater.se

Ronja Film Phone: +46 707 309 306 ronja@ronjafilm.se www.ronjafilm.se

Tellemontage AB Phone: +46 73 934 67 55 www.tellemontage.se

Mantaray Film Phone: +46 8 640 43 45 stina@mantarayfilm.se www.mantarayfilm.se Mekaniken Phone: +46 8 459 73 50 info@mekaniken.se www.mekaniken.se Memfis Film AB Phone: +46 8 33 55 76 memfis@memfis.se www.memfis.se Migma Film AB Phone: +46 8 653 93 40 info@migmafilm.se www.migmafilm.se Momento Film david@momentofilm.se www.momentofilm.se Moviola Film & Television AB Phone: +46 8 601 32 00 ingemar@moviola.se www.moviola.se Månharen Film & TV Phone: +46 8 643 95 09 mikael@compadre.se www.compadre.se Naive AB Phone: +46 8 720 66 79 hello@naive.se www.naive.se Neo Publishing Phone: +46 8 640 04 68 tora.mar@gmail.com Nice Drama Phone: +46 8 598 598 00 info@nicedrama.se www.nicedrama.se Nimafilm Sweden Phone: +46 8 647 55 15 info@nimafilmsweden.com www.nimafilmsweden.com Nonami s@klo.se www.tpbafk.tv/blog Nordisk Film Production AB Phone: +46 8 601 32 00 contact@nordiskfilm.com www.nordiskfilm.com Nordisk Film ShortCut Stockholm Phone: +46 8 515 16 400 maria.andersson@nordiskfilm. com www.nordiskfilm-shortcut.com

Röde Orm Film Phone: +46 8 640 21 80 info@rodeormfilm.se www.rodeormfilm.se Samarbetets vänner Phone: +46 70 940 24 35 lisaostberg@mac.com Saperi Film Phone: +46 8 640 48 83 peter@schildt.se Scanbox Entertainment Sweden AB Phone: +46 8 545 787 80 annat@scanbox.com www.scanbox.com Scorpion Film Phone: +46 31 41 61 64 info@scorpionfilm.com www.scorpionfilm.com Sebastie Film och Media Phone: +46 708 87 5186 andre@sebastie.com www.sebastie.com Silverosa Film Phone: +46 709 66 72 86 anna@silverosafilm.se www.silverosafilm.se Skogen Produktion kontakt@ skogenproduktion.se www.skogenproduktion.se Sonet Film AB Phone: +46 8680 35 00 lotta@sonetfilm.se www.sonetfilm.se

Strix Television Phone: +46 8 552 595 00 www.strix.se

Tre Vänner Produktion Phone: +46 8 556 092 40 info@trevanner.se www.trevanner.se TV4 AB Phone: +46 8 4594000 www.tv4.se Way Creative Phone: +46 40 661 49 60 info@waycreative.se www.waycreative.se WG Film Phone: +46 40 23 20 98 film@wgfilm.com www.wgfilm.com Widerberg Film Phone: +46 709 855 370 christina@widerbergfilm.com www.widerbergfilm.com Yellow Bird Phone: +46 8 50 30 77 00 info@yellowbird.se www.yellowbird.se Zentropa Entertainment/ Trollhättan Film AB Phone: +46 520 50 55 20 madeleine.ekman@filmbyen.dk www.zentropasweden.com

Autlook Filmsales GmbH Phone: +43 720 34 69 34 welcome@autlookfilm.com www.autlookfilm.com Austria

Films Transit International Inc. Phone: +1 514 844 3358 office@filmstransit.com www.filmstransit.com Canada First Hand Films Phone: +41 44 312 20 60 esther.van.messel@firsthandfilms.com www.firsthandfilms.com Switzerland The Match Factory Phone: +49 221 539 7090 info@matchfactory.de www.the-match-factory.com Germany NonStop Sales AB Phone: +46 8 673 99 80 info@nonstopsales.net www.nonstopsales.net Sweden AB Svensk Filmindustri International Sales Phone: +46 8 680 35 00 international@sf.se www.sfinternational.se Sweden SVT Sales malin.gullbrand@svt.se paulette.olofson@svt.se maria.bergenman@svt.se www.svtsales.com Sweden TrustNordisk Phone: +45 36 86 87 88 info@trustnordisk.com www.trustnordisk.com Denmark The Yellow Affair Phone: +358 9 7740 300 miira@yellowaffair.com www. yellowaffair.com Finland

Distributors CCV Entertainment Phone: +46 70 578 44 19 info@ccv-entertainment.com www.ccv-entertainment.com Folkets Bio Phone: +46 8 545 275 20 info@folketsbio.se www.folketsbio.se Njutafilms Phone: +46 8 21 08 04 nicolas.debot@njutafilms.com www.njutafilms.com Noble Entertainment Phone: +46 8 450 48 90 info@nobleentertainment.com www.nobleentertainment.com NonStop Entertainment Phone: +46 8 673 99 85 info@nonstopentertainment.com www.nonstopentertainment.com

Nordisk Film AB Phone: +46 8 601 32 00 contact@nordiskfilm.com www.nordiskfilm.com

Film i Västerbotten Phone: +46 90 785 46 80, 90 info@filmivasterbotten.com www.filmivasterbotten.com

Novemberfilm Phone: +46 40 630 99 30 info@novemberfilm.com www.novemberfilm.com

Film Stockholm Stockholms läns landsting Phone: +46 8 690 51 00 info@filmstockholm.sll.se www.filmstockholm.sll.se

Twentieth Century Fox Sweden AB Phone: +46 8 566 261 00 www.foxfilm.se United International Pictures AB Phone: +46 8 556 065 78 louise_bodin@uip.se www.uip.se

Film ­Festivals BUFF – The International Children and Young People’s Film Festival Phone: +46 40 23 92 11 info@buff.se www.buff.se March 12-16, 2013 Göteborg International Film Festival (GIFF) Phone: +46 31 339 30 00 info@giff.se www.giff.se January 25-February 4, 2013 Lund International Fantastic Film Festival Phone: +46 46 13 21 35 info@fff.se www.fff.se September, 2013 Novemberfestivalen Phone: +46 520 49 66 10 info@novemberfestivalen.nu www.novemberfestivalen.nu November 23-24, 2012 Stockholm International Film Festival (SIFF) & Stockholm International Film Festival Junior (SIFFJ) Phone: +46 8 677 50 00 info@stockholmfilmfestival.se www.stockholmfilmfestival.se SIFF November 7-18, 2012 SIFFJ April 8-13, 2013 Tempo Documentary Festival Phone: +46 8 21 11 48 agneta.mogren@tempofestival.se www.tempofestival.se March 5-10, 2013 Uppsala International Short Film Festival Phone: +46 18 12 00 25 info@shortfilmfestival.com www.shortfilmfestival.com October 22-28, 2012

Organi­zations Film i Dalarna Phone: +46 23262 75 kontakt@filmidalarna.se www.filmidalarna.se Film i Halland Phone: +46 300 83 47 68 www.filmihalland.nu Film i Skåne Phone: +46 411 558 750 info@filmiskane.se www.filmiskane.se Film i Väst Phone: +46 520 49 09 00 info@filmivast.se www.filmivast.se

Filmpool Nord Phone: +46 920 43 40 79 www.filmpoolnord.se Filmregion StockholmMälardalen Phone: +46 8 27 14 40 www.frsm.se Gotlands filmfond Phone: +46 498 206207 info@filmpagotland.se www.filmpagotland.se Independent Film Producers’ Association Phone: +46 8 663 66 55 kansliet@off.se www.off.se Länskultur Gävleborg Landstinget Gävleborg www.lg.se/lanskulturgavleborg Media Desk Sweden Swedish Film Institute Phone: +46 8 665 11 00 mediadesk@sfi.se www.sfi.se/mediadesk Mid Nordic Film ­Commission Phone: +46 73 180 87 97 per@midnordicfilm.com www.midnordicfilm.com Nordisk Film & TV Fond Phone: +47 64 00 60 80 info@nordiskfilmogtvfond.com www.nordiskfilmogtvfond.com Scenkonstbolaget Film Phone: +46 60 17 56 68 info@scenkonstbolaget.se www.scenkonstbolaget.se Stockholm Film ­Commission Phone: +46 70 323 77 71 ingrid.rudefors@stofilm.com www.stofilm.com The Swedish Arts Grants Committee Phone: +46 8 506 550 00 info@konstnarsnamnden.se www.konstnarsnamnden.se Swedish Film & TV Producers Association Phone: +46 8 665 12 55 info@filmtvp.se www.filmtvp.se Swedish Film Institute Phone: +46 8 665 11 00 uof@sfi.se www.sfi.se The Swedish Institute Phone: +46 8 453 78 00 si@si.se www.si.se Swedish Lapland Film Commission Filmpool Nord AB Phone: +46 70 330 45 99 berit.tilly@slfc.com www.slfc.com Öresund Film ­Commission Phone: +46 70 716 32 02 svensson@oresundfilm.com www.oresundfilm.com

3 After You

4 The Clip

5 Colombianos

6 Dare Remember

7 Days of Maremma

8 Everyone Is Older Than I Am

9 Fanny, Alexander & I

10 For You Naked

11 Give Us the Money

12 Le manque

13 The Man Behind the Throne

14 Martha & Niki

15 No Burqas Behind Bars

16 Palme

17 The Sarnos

18 She Male Snails

19 She’s Staging It

20 Sing, Sing Louder

21 Storm In the Andes

22 The Stripper


24 Tzvetanka

25 The Weather War

26 The Wild Ones

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