14 minute read
An Insider’s Look at Swedish Culture
Är det ens möjligt att åka 50 Vasalopp i rad?
Av Svea Gossner
Som skåning är jag en stor beundrare av skidåkare som har klarat Vasaloppets 90 km mellan Sälen och Mora på längdskidor. Kanske beror det på att jag själv, som anses vara rätt vältränad, inte klarade mitt första Vasalopp förra året. Jag blev nämligen stoppad redan vid 48 km i en snöstorm. Funktionärerna trodde att skåningen skulle få en hjärtinfarkt och ville ta det säkra före det osäkra.
Vilken magisk och stor stund det var för mig att få träffa Lars Persson, en pigg herre på snart 80 år som har klarat 50 Vasalopp i rad! En liten tröst för mig i sammanhanget är att min nya idol tyckte att förra året (då jag deltog) var det tuffaste året av dem alla med tanke på snöstormen. Lars var i fjol i gott sällskap av sin son Roger Persson som har vunnit imponerande 32 vasaloppsmedaljer, och för första gången deltog även sonsonen. Att tre generationer kör hela Vasaloppet tillsammans är något helt unikt, och detta har även Sveriges Television uppmärksammat. Man skulle kunna tro att den här starka familjen bor i något nordligt landskap, men så ligger det inte till. Familjen bor precis på gränsen mellan Skåne och Småland i en liten by som heter Loshult (Skåne) några kilometer utanför Älmhult (Småland) där IKEA en gång grundades.
Med tanke på alla skidor, medaljer och diplom som Lars har fått genom åren så hade han inget annat val än att öppna ett vasaloppsmuseum i en av ladorna i Loshult, då de välbevarade minnena helt enkelt inte fick plats i huset. Det var i museet jag även fick upp ögonen för ett av diplomen. Det visade sig nämligen komma från Mora i Minnesota där man varje år genomför Vasaloppet i en något kortare version. Detta har man gjort sedan 1972 och flera olika lopp erbjuds för alla åldrar. Huvudloppet är 58 km (36 miles) långt. För 15 år sedan fick Lars Persson med fru äran att bli hedersgäster på Vasaloppet i Minnesota i samband med ett jubileum. Enligt Lars var det kanske hans allra bästa vasaloppsminne. Orten Mora i Minnesota är känt för sina svenska Dalahästar och klocktorn precis som Sveriges Mora.
Efter detta möte med min stora idol så anmälde jag mig direkt till ”Vasaåket” i Dalarna, emedan bara eliten i år får åka Vasaloppet p.g.a. COVID-19. Nu ser jag min chans att klara de 9 milen då jag slipper stå i kö i timmar (äntligen något bra med COVID-19). Vem vet, jag kanske blir en deltagare i Vasaloppet i Mora/Minnesota framöver, i synnerhet som detta lopp är kortare än det svenska ...

Summary in English: Author Svea Gossner meets 80-year-old skiing veteran Lars Persson who has participated in no fewer than 50 Vasalopp, the historic 90 km (56 miles) long cross-country ski race that takes place every year in the Swedish province of Dalarna. During the 2020 race, Persson was accompanied by his son and grandson. To accommodate his many trophies and memorabilia, he has opened a Vasalopp museum in his home village. While visiting the museum, the author discovered that Persson has also participated in another Swedish-inspired annual Vasalopp, this one in Minnesota. In addition to joining the 2021 race in Dalarna, the author is now setting her sights on Minnesota as well.
Footnote: Yvonne “Svea” Gossner är en f.d universitetsadjunkt och Swedish influencer, numera ägare av Learn Swedish Culture AB. www.learnswedishculture.com

The Corporate Hub of Swedish Canada
By Kajsa Norman
Historically, the majority of Swedish Canadians settled in Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver, but these days Toronto attracts the most Swedish newcomers to Canada. It is also where the largest number of Swedish businesses are found.

oronto is Canada’s biggest city and North the world became increasingly global, Swedish companies America’s fourth biggest, behind Mexico City, no longer deemed it necessary to have a Swede at the top. New York, and Los Angeles. It is also one of “Now, most executives of Swedish companies in Canada the most multicultural urban centres in the are Canadian, or part of the internal corporate rotation, world. regardless of nationality.
After World War II, in Mergers and acquisitions the 1950s and 1960s, an have also meant that there increasing number of are fewer companies overSwedish companies opened all,” says Henriksson. Canadian subsidiaries, often Today, Swedish comchoosing Toronto as their panies in Canada operate base. Swedish corporate in many market sectors, giants like Ericsson, Volvo, ranging from the mining, Tetra Pak, Alfa Laval, SKF, automotive, and Information Sandvik, IKEA, and Atlas Copco all established a A newly installed 3D TORONTO Sign at Nathan Phillips Square. © Destination Toronto The Toronto Stock Exchange building in the financial district. © Destination Toronto & Communications Technology (ICT) industries to presence. retail and consumer goods.
“When the Swedish-Canadian Chamber of Commerce The largest cluster of Swedish companies in Canada work was founded in Toronto in 1965 there were more Swedish with industrial goods, serving the ICT sector or with techsubsidiaries than today. All of them, even the smallest, nology equipment and engineering products. had a Swede as their CEO or Chief Financial Officer, or While there may be fewer Swedish executives, Swedish both,” says Lars Henriksson, Honorary Swedish Consul in companies still tend to emphasise their Swedish roots in Toronto. their branding. However, the attractiveness of the Swedish
The Swedish executives brought their families and brand has taken a slight dip lately. In a study conducted by staff, and soon a Swedish community flourished. A Swedish the Swedish-Canadian Chamber of Commerce (SCCC) Church was founded in 1953, followed by other organizations in 2018, as many as 86 percent of participating companies aiming to preserve Swedish heritage or provide a sense of believed their Swedish connection would have a positive community. SWEA Toronto was established in 1982 and the impact on business. In 2020, that number had fallen to following year the Swedish School was started. However, as 73 percent.

“One reason for a more moderate response could be the 2030, and under the leadership of President Joe Biden, the attention and sometimes negative publicity the Swedish US is back on board. government received from the handling of the COVID-19 “Canada, a country still dependent on fossil fuel, is pandemic in early 2020,” says Marie Larsson, Executive committed to its goal of net zero emissions by 2050. In its Director at SCCC. The pandemic has also adversely affected Throne Speech last September, the Canadian government how Swedish companies perceive the current business introduced many new initiatives focusing on economic climate in Canada. In 2018, 80 percent of companies were recovery with a clear mandate to increase efforts fighting satisfied or very satisfied with doing business in Canada. climate change,” says Keighren. In 2020, only 30 percent found the business climate to be In Sweden, there are also initiatives to make the good or very good. country the first fossil-free welfare nation in the world
That said, the pandemic has also created new oppor- by increasing the pace of the climate transition. “Sweden tunities where Sweden and Swedish companies are well has had a successful track record for the past 30 years of poised to lead the way. “Recurring lock-downs of societies decoupling growth from CO2 emissions with ambitious and businesses, significant decrease in international and targets for 2045,” says Keighren. domestic travel as well as prioritized health and wellbeing But the best thing about this race is that no matter what have allowed governments, companies and individuals to country reaches zero first, everybody wins. realize the opportunities for change that the COVID-19 “As we recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic has presented as the imminent threat of climate pandemic and get ready to seize new opportunities, we see change becomes more and more tangible,” says Christina significant Canadian resources focusing on innovation in Keighren, Country Manager areas such as renewable at Business Sweden – The energy and clean technology, Swedish Trade & Invest advanced manufacturing, Council based in Toronto. artificial intelligence, bio-
Around the world, many technology and life sciences. countries are taking this These ambitions align well opportunity to focus their with Swedish expertise financial post-COVID-19 and create opportunities recovery plans around green for companies to enter the initiatives. Several green Canadian market in many stimulus announcements in Europe and Asia seem to A family explores the tunnel at Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada. © Destination Toronto Epiroc’s new Batteries as a Service (BaaS) agreement. Photo courtesy of Epiroc different sectors,” says Keighren. signal that we are in for an One example of a increased shift to a sustainable, low-carbon economy. And Swedish corporation leading the energy transition is Epiroc. this is an area where Sweden is at the forefront. Sweden As mining companies continue to strive for sustainable consistently ranks high in global sustainable competitive- productivity and zero emissions, Batteries as a Service ness and sustainable development indexes. (BaaS) will become an increasingly critical component.
“Despite being a small country, Sweden is well posi- In the middle of the pandemic, Epiroc Canada and Vale tioned to generate a large impact globally when it comes to created history with the world’s first BaaS agreement sustainability and innovation,” says Keighren. Compared whereby Epiroc will provide Vale with ten battery electric to Sweden, North America and Canada lag in their efforts vehicles for two Canadian mine sites. Epiroc will also to stimulate a green recovery. That said, increased environ- replace and update the battery units as needed. mental consciousness is on the rise. Canada is committed “We value and look forward to continuing our successful to meeting the Paris Agreement goals by partnership with Vale as we move towards a zero emissions future in mining together,” says Jason Smith, General Manager of Epiroc Canada.

Photo: Roxana Gonzalez Leyva
New Toronto Minister to Serve All of North America
Interviewed by Kajsa Norman

All photos courtesy of Maria Thorsson
Meet Maria Thorsson, the newly appointed pastor for the Swedish Church in Toronto. Her mission is to serve Swedes across all of North America.
“To boldly go where no one has gone before” reads a tattoo on the left upper arm of Maria Thorsson, the new pastor for the Swedish Church in Toronto.
“People often assume it’s a Bible quote, but it’s actually from Star Trek,” she laughs. When asked why she identifies so strongly with the sci-fishow, she explains, “Their mission is to explore unexplored territory, not just in a geographical sense, but also spiritually.” That is an approach to life that Maria has taken to heart both personally as well as professionally.
Born in Skurup in southern Skåne, Maria has spent the better part of the past two decades working as a pastor around the world in places such as Sweden, the United Arab Emirates, Spain, the Netherlands, the UK, and Africa. She has also completed several deployments as military chaplain with the Swedish Armed Forces in Timbuktu, Mali. The mission in Mali, known as MINUSMA, has been dubbed the world’s most dangerous UN mission with more than 200 peacekeepers killed since its inception in 2013. Here, even pastors have to undergo combat training before deployment and be heavily armed whenever leaving the camp. For a minister to be constantly armed and ready for battle may seem incongruous, but Maria has given it a great deal of consideration.
“I believe the most important part is that you’ve really thought it through before deploying. I felt like I’m sure most soldiers feel; I don’t ever want to take somebody’s life, but if I end up in a situation where I have to pull the trigger in order to protect the group and myself, I will. There are missions in which the pastor isn’t armed, but instead they have bodyguards. For me it makes no difference if I take the shot or if someone else does it for me. The end result is the same.”
Sweden hasn’t suffered any casualties in Mali thus far, but it falls on the minister to make sure there is a refrigerated container and coffins ready if needed. Their presence act as a constant reminder of the risks involved. And for some, the proximity of death can become a gateway to faith. Several of the soldiers who had been raised as non-believers took an interest in existential questions in Mali. Some even found God with Maria shepherding them through religious studies to Christian confirmations in the camp. All told, the experience proved among the most rewarding of her life.
“Mali transformed me as a human being. It was incredibly humbling to witness how people who live in appalling conditions, and who have been subjected to so much suffering,


are still able to maintain faith in the future. I’ve reflected a great deal on that during the weeks I’ve spent in quarantine over the past few months. It has helped me to put things into perspective,” she says.
A strong believer in dialogue, Maria was also the first Swedish minister to reach out to religious leaders of different faiths and denominations in the ancient city of Timbuktu, once an important center for Muslim scholars.
“Sometimes we fail to see things because we are so stuck in our own ways of interpreting reality. I believe it’s important to have the courage to question one’s norms and framework every so often. That doesn’t always mean we’re wrong, but we have to be prepared to think outside the box and to change when necessary. Ours may not be the only truth or the only right way of doing things. As they say in Star Trek: ‘It’s life, but not as we know it’.”
In North America, Maria will pioneer a brand-new position as mobile pastor. The Church of Sweden has a permanent presence in Toronto, Florida, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, and Washington D.C., but there are many other cities and states with large groups of Swedes that completely lack representation. So, while Maria will be based in Toronto, she will travel the breadth and width of the continent doing her best to serve Swedes who lack a congregation of their own, providing services such as baptisms, confirmations, weddings and prison visits.
“Just like we have mobile pastors in mainland Europe, Asia, and Africa, it’s time to introduce a similar concept for North America,” she says. “I really enjoy working for SKUT (Church of Sweden Abroad) because it’s so open and one gets to do a bit of everything. Sometimes I wish all congregations in Sweden could be like that; a place where people gather to be together to talk about the mundane as well as the spiritual,” she says.
However, it’s not all about work for Maria. She also enjoys sports, such as skiing, sailing and soccer (Malmö FF). And she loves motorbikes. “I’ve had seven or eight bikes over the years, and they’ve all been named after characters or spaceships in Star Wars or Star Trek. My first bike was called Enterprise. Then there was Obi Wan Kenobi and Millennium Falcon, and I’ve also had a black sports bike called Darth Vader,” she laughs.
There is no doubt that Maria will be a welcome addition for the Swedish congregation in Toronto who has been forced to make do without a minister of its own since the outbreak of COVID-19. If you live in Toronto, visit the Facebook page of the church (https://www.facebook.com/ SvKyrkanToronto) for more information about upcoming services, and if you live elsewhere, you can always drop Maria a line at maria.thorsson@ svenskakyrkan.se to schedule a video call or perhaps even a visit. When spring is in the air and all the snow has melted, she’ll jump on her motorcycle and could very well show up in a town near you.