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Calendar & Events
A guide to fun and interesting Swedish events outside Sweden
CHICAGO Swedish American Museum
5211 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60640 Tel: 773-728 8111 | info@samac.org www.swedishamericanmuseum.org Starting from February 7 the Museum, Gallery and Store are open with special guidelines. The online events are still going ahead as planned. The Museum Store will continue to offer curbside pickup as well as online orders. Ongoing through July 2021 – Exhibition at the Main Gallery – Five local SwedishAmerican artists, Lois Baron, Sharon Bladholm, Jean Cate, Vivian Morrison and Eva Nye, have spent 2020, the “Year of the Woman” and of COVID-19, delving deeper into their art, resulting in this joint exhibition featuring themes of nature, ephemerality, identity, and more.
MINNEAPOLIS American Swedish Institute
2600 Park Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55407 Tel: 612-871 4907 | www.asimn.org Ongoing through July 11, 2021 – The exhibition Papier – Bea Szenfeld and Stina Wirsén unite Bea Szenfeld’s spectacular sculptural paper-fashions with Stina Wirsén’s evocative illustrations.
PHILADEPHIA American Swedish Historical Museum
1900 Pattison Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19145 | Tel: 215-389 1776 | info@americanswedish.org | www.americanswedish.org Reopened to visitors since January 8 with normal operating hours. Ongoing through Mar 14, 2021 – From Fairy Tale to Fantasy: The Art of Gustaf Tenggren – This exhibit charts Tenggren’s career in the United States from his early successes in New York to his time at Walt Disney Studios and eventual retirement in Maine. Ongoing through May 1, 2021 – Around the World: The Global Curiosities of Carl Otto Lindberg! This exhibition explores the life of a Swedish-American mining engineer. Mar 26 – Fri 12:15 pm: Virtual Field Trip Friday: Vesterheim National NorwegianAmerican Museum
PORTLAND Nordic Northwest
Nordia House, 8800 SW Oleson Rd., Portland, OR 97223 | Tel: 503-977 0275 www.nordicnorthwest.org Mar 13 – Sat 7 PM: Storytelling – Armchair Adventure Series: Nansen of the North featuring Lawrence Howard at Nordia House.
SEATTLE Swedish Cultural Center
1920 Dexter Ave. N. Seattle, WA 98109 Tel: 206-283 1090 | www.swedishclubnw.org info@swedishculturalcenter.org Mar 7 – Sun 9 am to 12 noon: Swedish Pancakes to Go. Visit swedishclubnw. org to order your breakfast and schedule pick-up. $11. Enjoy music during pick-up by our regular Swedish pancake breakfast musicians (Soelje Sisters and Bonnie Birch).
National Nordic Museum
2655 NW Market Street, Seattle, WA 98107 Tel: 206-789 5707 | nordic@nordicmuseum.org www.nordicmuseum.org Ongoing through April 18, 2021 – The Experimental Self: Edvard Munch's Photography. Internationally celebrated for his paintings, prints, and watercolors, Norwegian artist Edvard Munch (1863–1944) also took photographs. This exhibition of his photographs, prints, and films emphasizes the artist’s experimentalism, examining his exploration of the camera as an expressive medium.
WASHINGTON, DC Embassy of Sweden
2900 K Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20007 Tel: 202-467 2600 | www.swedenabroad.com ambassaden.washington@gov.se The Embassy will remain in a modified telework arrangement, offering limited consular services by appointment only. Phone hours are: Mon-Fri 9 am to 4 pm (closed for lunch 12 to 1 pm), 202-467 2600.
OTTAWA Embassy of Sweden Ottawa
377 Dalhousie Street, Suite 305, Ottawa ON K1N 9NB Tel: 613-241 2277 www.swedishembassy.ca To mitigate the effects of the spread of COVID-19 and reduce the outbreak, a temporary ban on entry to the EU via Sweden is in force. The Government has extended the ban of entry to the EU via Sweden until 15 April 2021.
TORONTO Swedish Lutheran Church
25 Old York Mills Rd, North York, ON M2P 1B5 toronto@svenskakyrkan.se Tel: 416 486-0466 Please visit https://www.svenskakyrkan. se/toronto for information about upcoming services.
VANCOUVER Scandinavian Community Centre
6540 Thomas Street, Burnaby, BC V5B 4P9 Tel: 604-294 2777 | info@scancentre.org www.scancentre.org Visit www.scancentre.org. for COVIDupdates. Mar 16 – Tues 7 pm: Sweden House’s annual meeting
WINNIPEG Swedish Cultural Assoc of Manitoba Scandinavian Cultural Centre
764 Erin St, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 2W4 Tel: 204-774 8047 | www.scandinaviancentre.ca/sweden | Registration by email at svenskclub17@gmail.com Mar 5 – Fri 7 pm: Swedish Movie Night –This month’s movie is Out Stealing Horses; based on the book written by Per Petterson. There will be a shared viewing through Zoom. Please register with Marilyn to receive your Zoom invite at old_soul_art@hotmail.com. Mar 18 – Tribute to Gunvor Larsson. As part of Manitoba 150 – marking 150 years since Manitoba entered the Confederation in 1870 – the Honour 150 program was formed to recognize 150 individual Manitobans for their outstanding contributions to the well-being of their communities. The Swedish Cultural Assoc is extremely pleased and honoured to announce that our cherished and long-standing member, Gunvor Larsson will be one of the recipients of this prestigious once-in-a-lifetime award! In honour of this occasion a virtual Tribute to Gunvor Larsson will be held on March 18.
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Swedish Press Classified
BC Organizations Scandinavian Business Club
Monthly meetings feature business speakers. Guests and new members welcome. Call SBC: 604-484-8238. Visit us at www.sbc-bc.ca
Scandinavian Community Centre
Scandinavian Community Centre Beautiful setting for weddings, parties, birthdays, meetings and seminars. 6540 Thomas Street, Burnaby, BC info@scancentre.org Tel: 604-294-2777 www. scancentre.org
Svenska Kulturföreningen
Ordförande Ellen Petersson 604-970 8708. Kassör är Linda Olofsson, 604-418 7703 www.swedishculturalsociety.ca. Email: swedishculturalsociety.ca @gmail.com
Swedish Canadian Village
Beautiful Assisted Living Residence & Senior Subsidized Apartment Buildings Located in Burnaby, BC. Tel: 604-420 1124 Fax# 604-420 1175 www.swedishcanadian.ca Swedish Heritage in BC 1812 Duthie Ave. Burnaby BC. Laila Axen Tel: 604-526 7464. Visit us at www. swedishheritageinbc.org. E-mail: swedishheritagebc@gmail.com
Sweden House Society
President: Rebecca Keckman Vice President: Dorothy Carlson Treasurer: Carole Walkinshaw, Email: swedenhousechair@gmail.com
Swedish Club of Victoria
Dinners, Events and Meetings, for information contact Annabelle Beresford @ 250-656 9586 or Swedish Club of Victoria Facebook.
Nordic Museum has moved to a beautiful, brand-new building! In Seattle, 2655 N.W. Market St., Ballard; 206-789 5707.
Swedish Club
1920 Dexter Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98109; Tel: 206-283 1090. Open Wednesday evenings for supper and games, Friday for lunch and dinner. Pancake breakfasts on
Washington Organizations
first Sundays of the month. Rental venue for meeting, parties, etc. www.swedishclubnw.org
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Sista ordet [ ] New Swedish Words Adopted in 2020
New Year: New Words
By Noelle Norman
Every year, Sweden’s Institutet för språk och folkminnen (Institute for Language and Folklore) composes a list of new words that have officially been added to the Swedish language. Many of the new words added at the end of 2020 are funny, informal, and hopefully temporary. Ranging from new COVID aphorisms to social media inspired slang, here are a few of the highlights from 2020’s list!
Literally translated it means “Corona greeting” and refers to the new types of greetings that have surfaced as people are required to maintain social distance during the pandemic. When Swedish television asked people in the streets of Stockholm how they interpreted the word, many associated it with an elbow bump, i.e an informal greeting where two people touch elbows.
Simp is really an English word commonly used by the younger generation to refer to somebody who is smitten with another person and uses compliments to try to win their romantic interest, particularly on social media. In Sweden, the noun has also been turned into a verb, thus the actions of a Simp is to simpa.
Stemming from the pandemic, this expression quite literally means to photobomb a Zoom call as an unwanted or uninvited guest. This term may well disappear again once virtual meetings become less common.
This is a newly adopted Swenglish word for cancel culture. Cancel culture is a form of activism whereby people with controversial views are ostracized by “cancelling”, taking away, or depriving them of their platforms, thus preventing them from expressing themselves publicly.
Boomer is another English expression that has found its way into the Swedish language. It is a derogatory term used by the younger generation to express frustration against a person for their outdated values and behaviour. The term can be interpreted as ageist because it is always used negatively against older people. It is similar to the slang term of calling somebody a “Karen”.
A “hobbyepidemiolog” is someone who lacks expertise or any real insight on a health-related topic but still preaches their opinion on the topic, presenting it as fact. The expression has surfaced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic as many self-assigned experts have issued recommendations without any real knowledge of medicine. Swedes who are unhappy with Sweden’s approach to the pandemic often refer to the country’s chief epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, as a “hobbyepidemiolog” as a joking way of accusing him of incompetence.
Literally translated as “Maybeman,” a kanskeman is a man who struggles to commit and does not want to get fully involved in a serious relationship or make any long-lasting promises regarding his romantic life.
Lesserwisser is a funny nickname for a person who is less knowledgeable but who nevertheless explains a phenomenon to someone who knows more about it. In some contexts it can be a synonym for ‘mansplaining’.
This word refers to the spread of possibly damaging false information, or, in more common terms, fake news. It is a fun play on words that combines information with the word epidemic.
Illustration: Tone Gellerstedt, Isof

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