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9Eat well without breaking the bank. The book “Billigare vardagsmat” – by Swedish author Monica Sundberg and recently released by publishing house Bokförlaget Semic – is filled with over 100 recipes, weekly menus, dishes in season and plenty of advice on how to take advantage of your leftovers and be climate smart in the kitchen. “Billigare vardagsmat” is a perfect book for anyone who wants to cook simple, good food from scratch using high quality ingredients. All it takes is a little planning. “Billigare vardagsmat” is great for your wallet and the environment!
Swedish flatbread tunnbröd is celebrated on May 9. Especially popular in the northern part of Sweden, flatbread was traditionally made from barley, salt and water. Today, Swedish flatbread can be enjoyed crisp or soft with fermented herring (surströmming), potatoes, sliced red or yellow onion, sour cream and black or white pepper. Other additions include whitefish roe, mackerel in tomato sauce and hard-boiled eggs.
According to a dissertation at SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala, whole grain rye lowers blood fats and can reduce mortality in people with type 2 diabetes. The explanation is believed to be the bioactive substances, lignans (lignaner in Swedish) found in rye. Look for whole grain bread or crackers at your local grocery store, or bake your own. Reach for some healthy cashews instead of chips the next time you crave a salty snack. “Exotic Snacks” recently launched roasted cashews spiced with classic chips flavors. Dill and chives are bound to become a favorite of many. Cashewflavored sour cream and onion, as well as parmesan, are also available in Swedish grocery stores. “Cashew Torrostade Sour Cream & Onion” contains 150 g of nuts and costs approximately 39.95 SEK. 150 Hiking is an energetic way to explore Sweden. Traveling guide “Allt om Resor” recently listed Sweden’s best and most beautiful hiking trails, which are ideal for beginners and professionals alike. Breathtaking views and magnificent nature experiences dominate many of the trails. 2 13 “Signature trails” named by the Swedish Tourist Association (Svenska Turistföreningen) are described in detail. These signature trails offer uniqueness and accessibility by public transportation. Sweden’s 13 best walking trails according to the travel site are Kebne kaise, Höga Kusten, Kungsleden, Tiveden, Sörmlandsleden, Roslagsleden, Östgötaleden, Mörbylångaleden, Edsåsdalen, Bohusleden, Funäsdalen, Upplandsleden and Jämtlandstriangeln. Hiking in the Ångermanland province of north eastern Sweden. Photo: Friluftsbyn Höga Kusten/imagebank.sweden.se

Swedes celebrate spring and brighter days on Walpurgis Night (Valborgsmässoafton). The tradition, which came to Sweden from Germany during the Middle Ages, includes bonfires (lit to “burn the old” and “make way for the new”), as well as supernatural beings believed to be flying about. The tradition’s origin is Catholic and is celebrated in memory of the German Saint St. Walpurgis (Valborg), an abbess who lived in the 8th century.
“Den stora hälsoresan – från soffpropp till superkropp” premiers on Swedish TV channel Kanal 5 and Dplay on May 6. In the reality series, celebrities Agneta Sjödin, Martina Haag, Anders Öfvergård, Martin Melin, Özz Nujen and Måns Möller take on an intense exercise program called ”16 weeks of hell”. The concept was founded by Tony Andersson and designed to get participants in excellent shape. Andersson, who has a background in soccer, ice hockey and strength training, will serve as a coach on the show.